# stmodelCI.R
# stepp model: CI #
cuminc.HR <- function(ftime, fstatus, group, strata, rho = 0, cencode = 0,
subset, na.action = na.omit) {
d <- data.frame(time = ftime, cause = fstatus,
group = as.factor(
if (missing(group)) rep(1, length(ftime)) else group),
strata = as.factor(if (missing(strata)) rep(1, length(ftime)) else strata))
if (!missing(subset)) d <- d[subset, ]
tmp <- nrow(d)
d <- na.action(d)
if (nrow(d) != tmp)
cat(format(tmp - nrow(d)), "cases omitted due to missing values\n")
no <- nrow(d)
cg <- " "
nst <- length(levels(d$strata))
d <- d[order(d$time), ]
ugg <- table(d$group)
d$group <- factor(d$group, names(ugg)[ugg > 0])
ugg <- levels(d$group)
censind <- ifelse(d$cause == cencode, 0, 1)
uc <- table(d$cause[censind == 1])
if (is.factor(d$cause)) {
uclab <- names(uc)[uc > 0]
} else {
uclab <- as.numeric(names(uc)[uc > 0])
nc <- length(uclab)
ng <- length(ugg)
if (ng > 1) {
ng1 <- ng - 1
ng2 <- ng * ng1/2
v <- matrix(0, nrow = ng1, ncol = ng1)
storage.mode(v) <- "double"
vt <- double(ng2)
s <- double(ng1)
pf <- vector("list", ng * nc)
stat <- double(nc)
l <- 0
for (ii in 1:nc) {
causeind <- ifelse(d$cause == uclab[ii], 1, 0)
for (jj in 1:length(ugg)) {
cg <- c(cg, paste(ugg[jj], uclab[ii]))
l <- l + 1
cgind <- d$group == ugg[jj]
ncg <- length(cgind[cgind])
n2 <- length(unique(d$time[cgind & causeind == 1]))
n2 <- 2 * n2 + 2
tmp <- double(n2)
z <- .Fortran("cinc", as.double(d$time[cgind]), as.integer(censind[cgind]),
as.integer(causeind[cgind]), as.integer(ncg),
x = tmp, f = tmp, v = tmp)
# x = tmp, f = tmp, v = tmp, PACKAGE = "cmprsk")
pf[[l]] <- list(time = z$x, est = z$f, var = z$v)
if (ng > 1) {
causeind <- 2 * censind - causeind
z2 <- .Fortran("crstm", as.double(d$time), as.integer(causeind),
as.integer(d$group), as.integer(d$strata), as.integer(no),
as.double(rho), as.integer(nst), as.integer(ng),
s, v, as.double(d$time), as.integer(causeind),
as.integer(d$group), vt, s, vt, double((4 + 3 *
ng) * ng), integer(4 * ng))
# ng) * ng), integer(4 * ng), PACKAGE = "cmprsk")
stat[ii] <- -1
a <- qr(z2[[10]])
if (a$rank == ncol(a$qr)) {
b <- diag(dim(a$qr)[1])
stat[ii] <- z2[[9]] %*% qr.coef(a, b) %*% z2[[9]]
if (ii == 1) {
ome <- (-1)*z2[[9]]
omevar <- z2[[10]]
names(pf) <- cg[2:length(cg)]
if (ng > 1) {
names(stat) <- uclab
stat <- list(Tests = cbind(stat = stat, pv = 1 -
pchisq(stat, ng - 1), df = rep(ng - 1, length(stat))))
pf <- c(pf, stat)
omeres <- list(ome = ome,omevar = omevar)
pf <- c(pf, omeres)
coltrt = "numeric", # treatment
coltime = "numeric", # time to event
coltype = "numeric", # competing risk type
trts = "numeric", # trt encoding
timePoint = "numeric" # evaluated time
setMethod("initialize", "stmodelCI",
function(.Object, coltrt, coltime, coltype, trts, timePoint, ...) {
if (missing(coltime)) {
coltime <- numeric()
if (missing(coltype)) {
coltype <- numeric()
if (missing(timePoint)) {
timePoint <- 1
if (missing(coltrt)) {
coltrt <- rep(1, length(coltime))
if (missing(trts)) {
trts <- 1
.Object@coltrt <- coltrt
.Object@coltime <- coltime
.Object@coltype <- coltype
.Object@trts <- trts
.Object@timePoint <- timePoint
if (!validObject(.Object)) stop("")
callNextMethod(.Object, ...)
function(object) {
status <- TRUE
# add conditions to verify
signature = "stmodelCI",
definition = function(.Object, sp, ...) {
nsubpop <- sp@nsubpop
subpop <- sp@subpop
coltrt <- .Object@coltrt
survTime <- .Object@coltime
trts <- .Object@trts
timePoint <- .Object@timePoint
type <- .Object@coltype
ntrts <- length(trts)
# set up the return structure
Obs <- list(sObs = rep(0, nsubpop),
sSE = rep(0, nsubpop),
oObs = 0,
oSE = 0)
TrtEff <- array(list(Obs), ntrts)
HRs <- list(skmw = 0,
logHR = rep(0, nsubpop),
logHRSE = rep(0, nsubpop),
ologHR = 0,
ologHRSE = 0,
logHRw = 0)
Ratios <- array(list(HRs), ntrts - 1)
# estimate the abs and rel trt effects comparing trt 1 with trt j
if (ntrts > 1) {
for (j in 2:ntrts) {
txassign <- rep(-1, length(coltrt))
txassign[which(coltrt == trts[1])] <- 1
txassign[which(coltrt == trts[j])] <- 0
sel <- (txassign == 1 | txassign == 0)
# for each subgroup i
for (i in 1:nsubpop) {
result <- cuminc.HR(survTime[subpop[, i]==1 & !(txassign==-1)],
type[subpop[, i]==1 & !(txassign==-1)],
txassign[subpop[, i]==1 & !(txassign==-1)])
if (max(result$"1 1"$time) >= timePoint) {
index <- sum(result$"1 1"$time <= timePoint)
TrtEff[[1]]$sObs[i] <- result$"1 1"$est[index]
TrtEff[[1]]$sSE[i] <- sqrt(result$"1 1"$var[index])
if (max(result$"0 1"$time) >= timePoint) {
index <- sum(result$"0 1"$time <= timePoint)
TrtEff[[j]]$sObs[i] <- result$"0 1"$est[index]
TrtEff[[j]]$sSE[i] <- sqrt(result$"0 1"$var[index])
Ratios[[j - 1]]$logHR[i] <- result$ome/result$omevar
Ratios[[j - 1]]$logHRSE[i] <- sqrt(1/result$omevar)
Ratios[[j - 1]]$logHRw <- sum(Ratios[[j - 1]]$logHR/Ratios[[j - 1]]$logHRSE)
Ratios[[j - 1]]$skmw <- sum((TrtEff[[1]]$sObs-TrtEff[[j]]$sObs)/sqrt(TrtEff[[1]]$sSE^2 + TrtEff[[j]]$sSE^2))
# estimate the overall effect
result <- cuminc.HR(survTime[sel], type[sel], txassign[sel])
if (max(result$"1 1"$time) >= timePoint) {
index <- length(result$"1 1"$time[result$"1 1"$time <= timePoint])
TrtEff[[1]]$oObs <- result$"1 1"$est[index]
TrtEff[[1]]$oSE <- sqrt(result$"1 1"$var[index])
if (max(result$"0 1"$time) >= timePoint) {
index <- sum(result$"0 1"$time <= timePoint)
TrtEff[[j]]$oObs <- result$"0 1"$est[index]
TrtEff[[j]]$oSE <- sqrt(result$"0 1"$var[index])
Ratios[[j - 1]]$oLogHR <- result$ome/result$omevar
Ratios[[j - 1]]$oLogHRSE <- sqrt(1/result$omevar)
if (sum([[1]]$sObs)) != 0 | sum([[j]]$sObs)) != 0 |[[1]]$oObs) != FALSE |[[j]]$oObs) != FALSE) {
print(paste("Unable to estimate survival time at", timePoint,
"time-unit(s) because there are too few events within one or more subpopulation(s)."))
print(paste("The problem may be avoided by constructing larger subpopulations and/or by selecting a different timepoint for estimation."))
if (ntrts == 1) {
txassign <- rep(-1, length(coltrt))
txassign[which(coltrt == trts[1])] <- 1
sel <- (txassign == 1 | txassign == 0)
# for each subgroup i
for (i in 1:nsubpop) {
result <- cuminc.HR(survTime[subpop[, i]==1& !(txassign==-1)],
type[subpop[, i]==1& !(txassign==-1)],
txassign[subpop[, i]==1 & !(txassign==-1)])
if (max(result$"1 1"$time) >= timePoint) {
index <- sum(result$"1 1"$time <= timePoint)
TrtEff[[1]]$sObs[i] <- result$"1 1"$est[index]
TrtEff[[1]]$sSE[i] <- sqrt(result$"1 1"$var[index])
# estimate the overall effect
result <- cuminc.HR(survTime[sel],type[sel], txassign[sel])
if (max(result$"1 1"$time) >= timePoint) {
index <- length(result$"1 1"$time[result$"1 1"$time <= timePoint])
TrtEff[[1]]$oObs <- result$"1 1"$est[index]
TrtEff[[1]]$oSE <- sqrt(result$"1 1"$var[index])
if (sum([[1]]$sObs)) != 0 |[[1]]$oObs) != FALSE) {
print(paste("Unable to estimate survival time at", timePoint,
"time-unit(s) because there are too few events within one or more subpopulation(s)."))
print(paste("The problem may be avoided by constructing larger subpopulations and/or by selecting a different timepoint for estimation."))
# create the estimates (Cumulative Incidence) object - to be saved
estimate <- list(model = "CIe",
ntrts = ntrts,
TrtEff = TrtEff,
Ratios = Ratios)
signature = "stmodelCI",
definition = function(.Object, nperm, sp, effect, showstatus = TRUE, ...) {
test <- NULL
# return immediately if nperm is 0
if (nperm > 0 & length(.Object@trts) > 1) {
win <- sp@win
nsubpop <- sp@nsubpop
osubpop <- sp@subpop
coltrt <- .Object@coltrt
survTime <- .Object@coltime
trts <- .Object@trts
timePoint <- .Object@timePoint
type <- .Object@coltype
ntrts <- length(trts)
# set up return structure
tsigma <- matrix(rep(0, (nperm * nsubpop)), ncol = nsubpop)
PermTest <- list(sigma = tsigma,
HRsigma = tsigma,
pvalue = 0,
chi2pvalue = 0,
HRpvalue = 0)
Res <- array(list(PermTest), ntrts - 1)
for (j in 2:ntrts) {
# do the permutations
# compare trt1 with the rest
txassign <- rep(-1, length(coltrt))
txassign[which(coltrt == trts[1])] <- 1
txassign[which(coltrt == trts[j])] <- 0
# do the permutations
# set up the intial values
pvalue <- NA
differences <- matrix(rep(0, (nperm * nsubpop)), ncol = nsubpop)
#diffha <- matrix(rep(0, (nperm * nsubpop)), ncol = nsubpop)
logHRs <- matrix(rep(0, (nperm * nsubpop)), ncol = nsubpop)
#logHRha <- matrix(rep(0, (nperm * nsubpop)), ncol = nsubpop)
tPerm <- rep(0, nperm)
no <- 0
p <- 0
terminate <- 0
Ntemp <- nrow(osubpop)
IndexSet1 <- (1:Ntemp)[txassign == 1]
IndexSet2 <- (1:Ntemp)[txassign == 0]
if (showstatus) {
title <- paste("Computing the p-value with", nperm)
title <- paste(title, "number of permutations comparing trt", trts[j], "with trt", trts[1], "\n")
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nperm - 1, style = 3)
while (no < nperm) {
if (showstatus) setTxtProgressBar(pb, no)
sel <- (txassign == 1 | txassign == 0)
Subpop <- as.matrix(osubpop)
permuteSubpop <- matrix(0, nrow = Ntemp, ncol = nsubpop)
permuteSubpop[txassign == 1] <- Subpop[sample(IndexSet1),]
permuteSubpop[txassign == 0] <- Subpop[sample(IndexSet2),]
subpop <- permuteSubpop
sCI1 <- rep(NA,nsubpop)
sCI2 <- rep(NA,nsubpop)
sCISE1 <- rep(NA,nsubpop)
sCISE2 <- rep(NA,nsubpop)
overallsCI1 <- NA
overallsCI2 <- NA
slogHRs <- rep(0, nsubpop)
slogHRSE <- rep(0, nsubpop)
for (i in 1:nsubpop) {
result <- cuminc.HR(survTime[subpop[, i]==1 & !(txassign==-1)],
type[subpop[, i]==1 & !(txassign==-1)], txassign[subpop[, i]==1 & !(txassign==-1)])
if (max(result$"1 1"$time) >= timePoint) {
index <- sum(result$"1 1"$time <= timePoint)
sCI1[i] <- result$"1 1"$est[index]
sCISE1[i] <- sqrt(result$"1 1"$var[index])
if (max(result$"0 1"$time) >= timePoint) {
index <- sum(result$"0 1"$time <= timePoint)
sCI2[i] <- result$"0 1"$est[index]
sCISE2[i] <- sqrt(result$"0 1"$var[index])
slogHRs[i] <- result$ome/result$omevar
slogHRSE[i] <- sqrt(1/result$omevar)
slogHRw <- sum(slogHRs/slogHRSE)
#skmwha <- sum((sCI1 - sCI2)/sqrt(sCISE1^2 + sCISE2^2))
result <- cuminc.HR(survTime[sel], type[sel], txassign[sel])
if (max(result$"1 1"$time) >= timePoint) {
index <- length(result$"1 1"$time[result$"1 1"$time <= timePoint])
overallsCI1 <- result$"1 1"$est[index]
if (max(result$"0 1"$time) >= timePoint) {
index <- sum(result$"0 1"$time <= timePoint)
overallsCI2 <- result$"0 1"$est[index]
overallSlogHR <- result$ome/result$omevar
if (sum( == 0 & sum( == 0 & == FALSE & == FALSE) {
no <- no + 1
p <- p + 1
for (s in 1:nsubpop) {
differences[p, s] <- (sCI1[s] - sCI2[s]) - (overallsCI1 - overallsCI2)
# diffha[p, s] <- (sCI1[s] - sCI2[s]) - skmwha
logHRs[p, s] <- slogHRs[s] - overallSlogHR
# logHRha[p, s] <- slogHRs[s] - slogHRw
terminate <- terminate + 1
if (terminate >= nperm + 10000) {
print(paste("After permuting", nperm, "plus 10000, or",
nperm + 10000, "times, the program is unable to generate the permutation distribution based on",
nperm, "permutations of the data."))
print("Consider creating larger subpopulations or selecting a different timepoint for estimation.")
if (showstatus) close(pb)
# generating the sigmas and p-values
sObs <- effect$TrtEff[[1]]$sObs-effect$TrtEff[[j]]$sObs
oObs <- effect$TrtEff[[1]]$oObs-effect$TrtEff[[j]]$oObs
logHR <- effect$Ratios[[j - 1]]$logHR
ologHR <- effect$Ratios[[j - 1]]$ologHR
mname <- paste0("SP", seq(1, dim(differences)[2]), "-Overall")
if (win@type == "tail-oriented") {
# remove the trivial case of the full cohort
rm <- length(win@r1)+1
differences <- differences[,-rm]
mname <- mname[-rm]
sObs <- sObs[-rm]
oObs <- oObs[-rm]
logHRs <- logHRs[,-rm]
logHR <- logHR[-rm]
ologHR <- ologHR[-rm]
sigmas <- ssigma(differences)
rownames(sigmas$sigma) <- mname
colnames(sigmas$sigma) <- mname
Res[[j - 1]]$sigma <- sigmas$sigma
Res[[j - 1]]$chi2pvalue <- ppv (differences, sigmas$sigmainv, sObs, oObs, nperm)
Res[[j - 1]]$pvalue <- ppv2(differences, sObs, oObs, nperm)
sigmas <- ssigma(logHRs)
rownames(sigmas$sigma) <- mname
colnames(sigmas$sigma) <- mname
Res[[j - 1]]$HRsigma <- sigmas$sigma
Res[[j - 1]]$HRpvalue <- ppv2(logHRs, logHR, ologHR, nperm)
test = list(model = "CIt",
ntrts = ntrts,
Res = Res)
# printing support functions for cumulative incidence model
print.estimate.CI <- function(x, timePoint, trts) {
for (j in 1:x@effect$ntrts) {
# cat("\n")
if (x@effect$ntrts == 1) {
write(paste("Cumulative incidence estimates",
"at time point", timePoint), file="")
} else {
write(paste("Cumulative incidence estimates for treatment group", trts[j],
"at time point", timePoint), file="")
overall_lbl <- -1
if (x@subpop@win@type == "tail-oriented") {
if (length(x@subpop@win@r1) == 1) {
overall_lbl <- 1
} else if (length(x@subpop@win@r2) == 1) {
overall_lbl <- length(x@subpop@win@r1) + 1
temp <- matrix(c(1:x@subpop@nsubpop, round(x@effect$TrtEff[[j]]$sObs, digits=4),
round(x@effect$TrtEff[[j]]$sSE, digits=4)), ncol=3)
write(" Cumulative",file="")
write(" Subpopulation Incidence Std. Err.",file="")
for (i in 1:x@subpop@nsubpop) {
if (x@subpop@win@type == "tail-oriented" & i == overall_lbl) {
write(paste(format(temp[i,1], width=12), format(temp[i,2], width=19, nsmall=4),
format(temp[i,3], width=15, nsmall=4), "(entire cohort)"), file="")
} else {
write(paste(format(temp[i,1], width=12), format(temp[i,2], width=19, nsmall=4),
format(temp[i,3], width=15, nsmall=4)), file="")
if (x@subpop@win@type != "tail-oriented") {
write(paste(" Overall",
format(round(x@effect$TrtEff[[j]]$oObs, digits=4), nsmall=4, width=16),
format(round(x@effect$TrtEff[[j]]$oSE, digits=4), nsmall=4, width=15)),
if (x@effect$ntrts > 1) {
# cat("\n")
write(paste("Cumulative incidence differences at time point",timePoint), file="")
for (j in 2:x@effect$ntrts) {
write(paste("trt", trts[1], "vs. trt", trts[j]), file = "")
temp <- matrix(c(1:x@subpop@nsubpop,
round(x@effect$TrtEff[[1]]$sObs - x@effect$TrtEff[[j]]$sObs, digits = 4),
round(sqrt(x@effect$TrtEff[[1]]$sSE^2+x@effect$TrtEff[[j]]$sSE^2), digits = 4)), ncol = 3)
write(" Cumulative",file="")
write(" Incidence",file="")
write(" Subpopulation Difference Std. Err.",file="")
for (i in 1:x@subpop@nsubpop) {
if (x@subpop@win@type == "tail-oriented" & i == overall_lbl) {
format(temp[i,3],width=15,nsmall=4),"(entire cohort)"),file="")
} else {
if (x@subpop@win@type != "tail-oriented") {
write(paste(" Overall",
format(round(x@effect$TrtEff[[1]]$oObs-x@effect$TrtEff[[j]]$oObs, digits = 4), nsmall = 4, width = 16),
format(round(sqrt(x@effect$TrtEff[[1]]$oSE^2+x@effect$TrtEff[[j]]$oSE^2), digits = 4), nsmall = 4, width = 15)), file="")
write("Hazard ratio estimates",file="")
temp <- matrix(c(1:x@subpop@nsubpop,
round(x@effect$Ratios[[j - 1]]$logHR,digits=4),
round(x@effect$Ratios[[j - 1]]$logHRSE,digits=4),
round(exp(x@effect$Ratios[[j - 1]]$logHR),digits=2)),ncol=4)
write(" Subpopulation Log HR Std. Err. Hazard Ratio",file="")
for (i in 1:x@subpop@nsubpop) {
if (x@subpop@win@type == "tail-oriented" & i == overall_lbl) {
format(temp[i,3],width=15,nsmall=4),format(temp[i,4],width=15,nsmall=2),"(entire cohort)"),file="")
} else {
if (x@subpop@win@type != "tail-oriented") {
write(paste(" Overall",
format(round(x@effect$Ratios[[j - 1]]$oLogHR, digits=4), nsmall=4, width=16),
format(round(x@effect$Ratios[[j - 1]]$oLogHRSE, digits=4), nsmall=4, width=15),
format(round(exp(x@effect$Ratios[[j - 1]]$oLogHR), digits=2), nsmall=2, width=15)),
print.cov.CI <- function(stobj, timePoint, trts) {
if (!is.null(stobj@testresults)) {
for (j in 1:(stobj@testresults$ntrts - 1)) {
ns <- stobj@subpop@nsubpop
if (stobj@subpop@win@type == "tail-oriented") ns <- ns-1
# cat("\n")
write(paste("The covariance matrix of the cumulative incidence differences at",
timePoint, "time units for the", ns, "subpopulations is:"), file = "")
write(paste("trt ", trts[1], "vs. trt", trts[j + 1]), file = "")
write(paste("The covariance matrix of the log hazard ratios for the", ns, "subpopulations is:"), file = "")
print.stat.CI <- function(stobj, trts) {
if (!is.null(stobj@testresults)) {
for (j in 1:(stobj@testresults$ntrts - 1)) {
t <- stobj@testresults$Res[[j]]
# cat("\n")
write(paste("Supremum test results"), file = "")
write(paste("trt", trts[1], "vs. trt", trts[j + 1]), file = "")
write(paste("Interaction p-value based on cumulative incidence estimates:", t$pvalue), file = "")
write(paste("Interaction p-value based on hazard ratio estimates:", t$HRpvalue), file = "")
write(paste("Chi-square test results"), file = "")
write(paste("Interaction p-value based on cumulative incidence estimates:", t$chi2pvalue), file = "")
# cat("\n")
# write(paste("Homogeneous association test results"), file = "")
# write(paste("Interaction p-value based on cumulative incidence estimates:", hapvalue), file = "")
# write(paste("Interaction p-value based on hazard ratio estimates:", haHRpvalue), file = "")
signature = "stmodelCI",
definition = function(x, stobj, estimate = TRUE, cov = TRUE, test = TRUE, ...) {
ntrts <- length(x@trts)
# 1. estimates
if (estimate) {
print.estimate.CI(stobj, x@timePoint, x@trts)
# 2. covariance matrices
if (cov & ntrts > 1) {
print.cov.CI(stobj, x@timePoint, x@trts)
# 3. Supremum test and Chi-square test results
if (test & ntrts > 1) {
print.stat.CI(stobj, x@trts)
# constructor function for stmodelKM
stepp.CI <- function(coltrt, coltime, coltype, trts, timePoint) {
model <- new("stmodelCI", coltrt = coltrt, coltime = coltime, coltype = coltype,
trts = trts, timePoint = timePoint)
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