
Defines functions .formatCinput .formatResult .statChi2 statChi2 .statJostD statJostD .statFis statFis .statFst statFst .statFstPrime statFstPrime .statGst statGst .statGstPrime statGstPrime .statGstDblPrime statGstDblPrime .statPhist statPhist Hstats

Documented in Hstats statChi2 statFis statFst statFstPrime statGst statGstDblPrime statGstPrime statJostD statPhist

#' @title Population structure statistics
#' @description Population structure statistics
#' @param g a \linkS4class{gtypes} object.
#' @param nrep number specifying number of permutation replicates to use for 
#'   permutation test.
#' @param keep.null logical. Keep the null distribution from the 
#'   permutation test?
#' @param prime.type type of G'st to calculate. Can be "hedrick" or "nei".
#' @param model,gamma,pairwise.deletion parameters passed to 
#'   \code{\link[ape]{dist.dna}}. Note that defaults for these arguments 
#'   (in particular \code{model}) are the same as in \code{dist.dna}.
#' @param ... optional arguments passed to or from other functions.
#' @return A list with three elements: \describe{
#'   \item{stat.name}{the name of the statistic.}
#'   \item{result}{a vector of the statistic estimate and the p-value, 
#'     if replicates were conducted.}
#'   \item{null.dist}{a vector of the null distribution from the permutations.}
#' }
#' @note If \code{strata.mat} is provided, it must be a numeric matrix of 
#'   integers from \code{0} to \code{k - 1}, where \code{k} is the number of 
#'   strata. Each column is a separate permutation and the first column is 
#'   assumed to represent the original stratification. If not provided 
#'   (\code{strata.mat = NULL}), stratification is taken from \code{g}. 
#'   This argument is primarily used internally by \code{\link{popStructTest}}.
#' @references \describe{
#'   \item{Hstats, statFis}{Nei, M. and R.K. Chesser. 1983. Estimation of
#'     fixation indices and gene diversities. Ann. Hum. Genet. 47:253-259.}
#'   \item{statFst}{Weir, B. and Cockerham, C. 1984. Estimating F-Statistics 
#'     for the Analysis of Population Structure. Evolution 38(6):1358-1370. 
#'     doi:10.2307/2408641}
#'   \item{statGst, statGstPrime}{Nei, M. 1973. Analysis of gene diversity in 
#'     subdvidided populations. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 70(12):3321-3323.  
#'     Hedrick, P.W. 2005. A standardized genetic differentiation measure. 
#'     Evolution 59(8):1633-1638.}
#'   \item{statFstPrime, statGstDblPrime}{Miermans, P.G. and P.W. Hedrick. 2011. 
#'     Assessing population structure: FST and related measures. Molecular 
#'     Ecology Resources 11:5-18.}
#'   \item{statJostD}{Jost, L. 2008. GST and its relatives do not measure 
#'     differentiation. Molecular Ecology 17:4015-4026.}
#'   \item{statPHIst}{Excoffier, L., P.E. Smouse, and J.M. Quattro. 1992. 
#'     Analysis of molecular variance inferred from metric distances among 
#'     DNA haplotypes: Application to human mitochondrial DNA restriction data. 
#'     Genetics 131:479-491.}
#' }
#' @author Eric Archer \email{eric.archer@@noaa.gov}
#' @name popStructStat
#' @useDynLib strataG, .registration = TRUE

#----- Supporting Functions -----

#' @noRd
# create a list of formatted numeric loci and strata matrices for input to C
#   population structure functions
.formatCinput <- function(g, nrep, keep.null, hap.dist = FALSE, ...) {
  # remove unstratified samples
  g <- g[, , getStrataNames(g)]
  # delete loci with no genotypes in at least one stratum
  freqs <- alleleFreqs(g, TRUE)
  to.delete <- sapply(freqs, function(loc) {
    !all(apply(loc, 2, function(st) any(loc > 0)))
  if(sum(to.delete) > 0) {
      "The following ", sum(to.delete), 
      " loci will be removed because they have no genotypes in one or more strata: ",
      paste(names(freqs)[to.delete], collapse = ", ")
    if(sum(!to.delete) == 0) stop("no loci available for analysis.")
    g <- g[, names(freqs)[!to.delete], ]
  if(getNumStrata(g) < 2) stop("'g' must have more than one stratum defined.")
  # create matrix of numeric loci
  input <- list(
    loci =.stackedAlleles(g, alleles2integer = TRUE) %>% 
      dplyr::select(-.data$stratum, -.data$allele)
  # create matrix of permuted numeric strata
  st <- getStrata(g)
  if(any(is.na(st))) stop("cannot run with unstratified samples")
  strata.num <- cbind(as.numeric(factor(st)) - 1)
  rownames(strata.num) <- names(st)
  if(is.null(nrep)) nrep <- 0
  strata <- if(nrep < 1) {
  } else {
    cbind(strata.num, sapply(1:nrep, function(i) sample(strata.num)))
  input$strata <- strata[unique(input$loci$id), , drop = FALSE]
  input$ploidy <- getPloidy(g)
  input$keep.null = keep.null
  func.args <- lapply(
    envir = parent.frame()
  input$prime.type <- if(is.null(func.args$prime.type)) {
  } else {
      match.arg(func.args$prime.type, choices = c("nei", "hedrick")), 
      nei = 0, 
      hedrick = 1
  if(hap.dist) {
    if(is.null(func.args$model)) func.args$model <- "K80"
    if(is.null(func.args$gamma)) func.args$gamma <- FALSE
    if(is.null(func.args$pairwise.deletion)) func.args$pairwise.deletion <- TRUE
    alleles <- getAlleleNames(g)
    make.unit.dist <- is.null(getSequences(g))
    input$hap.dist <- sapply(colnames(input$loci)[-1], function(gene) {
      haps <- alleles[[gene]]
      if(make.unit.dist) {
        # format distances for Fst (all 1s, and 0s on the diagonal)
        hd <- matrix(1, nrow = length(haps), ncol = length(haps), 
                     dimnames = list(haps, haps))
        diag(hd) <- 0
      } else {
          model = func.args$model, 
          gamma = func.args$gamma, 
          pairwise.deletion = func.args$pairwise.deletion, 
          as.matrix = TRUE
        )[haps, haps]
    }, USE.NAMES = TRUE, simplify = FALSE)
  input$loci <- input$loci %>% 
    dplyr::select(-.data$id) %>% 

#' @noRd
# create returned list from result vector
.formatResult <- function(stat.name, result = NULL, keep.null = FALSE) {
  if(is.null(result)) {
      stat.name = stat.name,
      result = c(estimate = NA, p.val = NA),
      null.dist = NULL
  if(length(result) == 1) keep.null <- FALSE
  p.val <- if(length(result) == 1) NA else mean(result >= result[1], na.rm = TRUE) 
  if(is.nan(p.val)) p.val <- NA
    stat.name = stat.name, 
    result = c(estimate = result[1], p.val = p.val),
    null.dist = if(keep.null) result[-1] else NULL

#----- Population Structure Functions -----

#' @noRd
.statChi2 <- function(input) {
  if(is.null(input)) return(.formatResult("Chi2", NULL, input$keep.null))
  result <- statChi2_C(input$loci, input$strata)
  .formatResult("Chi2", result, input$keep.null)

#' @rdname popStructStat
#' @export
statChi2 <- function(g, nrep = NULL, keep.null = FALSE, ...) {
  .statChi2(.formatCinput(g, nrep, keep.null))


#' @noRd
.statJostD <- function(input) {
  if(is.null(input)) return(.formatResult("D", NULL, input$keep.null))
  if(input$ploidy == 1) return(.formatResult("D", NULL, input$keep.null))
  result <- statJostD_C(input$loci, input$strata)
  .formatResult("D", result, input$keep.null)

#' @rdname popStructStat
#' @export
statJostD <- function(g, nrep = NULL, keep.null = FALSE, ...) {
  .statJostD(.formatCinput(g, nrep, keep.null))


#' @noRd
.statFis <- function(input) {
  if(is.null(input)) return(.formatResult("Fis", NULL, input$keep.null))
  if(input$ploidy == 1) return(.formatResult("Fis", NULL, input$keep.null))
  result <- statFis_C(input$loci, input$strata)
  .formatResult("Fis", result, input$keep.null)

#' @rdname popStructStat
#' @export
statFis <- function(g, nrep = NULL, keep.null = FALSE, ...) {
  .statFis(.formatCinput(g, nrep, keep.null))


#' @noRd
.statFst <- function(input) {
  if(is.null(input)) return(.formatResult("Fst", NULL, input$keep.null))
  # for haploid data, run Phist with unity haplotype distance matrix
  result <- if(input$ploidy == 1) {
    input$hap.dist <- lapply(1:ncol(input$loci), function(i) {
      num.haps <- max(input$loci[, i], na.rm = TRUE) + 1
      hd <- matrix(1, nrow = num.haps, ncol = num.haps)
      diag(hd) <- 0
    result <- .statPhist(input)
    result$stat.name <- "Fst"
  result <- statFst_C(input$loci, input$strata)
  .formatResult("Fst", result, input$keep.null)

#' @rdname popStructStat
#' @export
statFst <- function(g, nrep = NULL, keep.null = FALSE, ...) {
  .statFst(.formatCinput(g, nrep, keep.null))


#' @noRd
.statFstPrime <- function(input) {
  if(is.null(input)) return(.formatResult("F'st", NULL, input$keep.null))
  if(input$ploidy == 1) return(.formatResult("F'st", NULL, input$keep.null))
  result <- statFstPrime_C(input$loci, input$strata)
  .formatResult("F'st", result, input$keep.null)

#' @rdname popStructStat
#' @export
statFstPrime <- function(g, nrep = NULL, keep.null = FALSE, ...) {  
  .statFstPrime(.formatCinput(g, nrep, keep.null))


#' @noRd
.statGst <- function(input) {
  if(is.null(input)) return(.formatResult("Gst", NULL, input$keep.null))
  if(input$ploidy == 1) return(.formatResult("Gst", NULL, input$keep.null))
  result <- statGst_C(input$loci, input$strata)
  .formatResult("Gst", result, input$keep.null)

#' @rdname popStructStat
#' @export
statGst <- function(g, nrep = NULL, keep.null = FALSE, ...) {  
  .statGst(.formatCinput(g, nrep, keep.null))


#' @noRd
.statGstPrime <- function(input) {
  if(is.null(input)) return(.formatResult("G'st", NULL, input$keep.null))
  if(input$ploidy == 1) return(.formatResult("G'st", NULL, input$keep.null))
  result <- statGstPrime_C(input$loci, input$strata, input$prime.type)
  .formatResult("G'st", result, input$keep.null)

#' @rdname popStructStat
#' @export
statGstPrime <- function(g, nrep = NULL, keep.null = FALSE,
                         prime.type = c("hedrick", "nei"), ...) { 
  .statGstPrime(.formatCinput(g, nrep, keep.null, ...))


#' @noRd
.statGstDblPrime <- function(input) {
  if(is.null(input)) return(.formatResult("G''st", NULL, input$keep.null))
  if(input$ploidy == 1) return(.formatResult("G''st", NULL, input$keep.null))
  result <- statGstDblPrime_C(input$loci, input$strata)
  .formatResult("G''st", result, input$keep.null)

#' @rdname popStructStat
#' @export
statGstDblPrime <- function(g, nrep = NULL, keep.null = FALSE, ...) {
  .statGstDblPrime(.formatCinput(g, nrep, keep.null))


#' @noRd
.statPhist <- function(input)  {
  if(is.null(input)) return(.formatResult("PHIst", NULL, input$keep.null))
  if(input$ploidy != 1) return(.formatResult("PHIst", NULL, input$keep.null))
  result <- statPhist_C(input$loci, input$strata, input$hap.dist)
  .formatResult("PHIst", result, input$keep.null)

#' @rdname popStructStat
#' @export
statPhist <- function(g, nrep = NULL, keep.null = FALSE,
                      model = "K80", gamma = FALSE, 
                      pairwise.deletion = TRUE, ...)  {
  .statPhist(.formatCinput(g, nrep, keep.null, hap.dist = TRUE, ...))


#' @rdname popStructStat
#' @export
Hstats <- function(g) {
  if(getPloidy(g) < 2) {
    result <- matrix(NA, nrow = 3, ncol = getNumLoci(g))
    rownames(result) <- c("Ho", "Hs", "Ht")
    colnames(result) <- getLociNames(g)
  input <- .formatCinput(g, NULL, NULL)
  result <- Hstats_C(input$loci, input$strata)
  rownames(result) <- c("Ho", "Hs", "Ht")
  colnames(result) <- getLociNames(g)

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strataG documentation built on Feb. 28, 2020, 9:07 a.m.