
Defines functions bootstrapPI.sd bootstrapSE.sd bootstrapPI.var bootstrapSE.var bootstrapPI.gmean bootstrapSE.gmean bootstrapPI.hmean bootstrapSE.hmean bootstrapPI.median bootstrapSE.median bootstrapPI.mean bootstrapSE.mean CI.fisherkurtosis SE.fisherkurtosis CI.pearsonskew SE.pearsonskew CI.fisherskew SE.fisherskew CI.IQR SE.IQR CI.MAD SE.MAD CI.sd SE.sd CI.var SE.var CI.gmean SE.gmean CI.hmean SE.hmean CI.median SE.median CI.mean SE.mean CI.meanNArm SE.meanNArm meanNArm CIwithDF.mean fisherkurtosis pearsonskew fisherskew MAD gmean hmean

Documented in bootstrapPI.gmean bootstrapPI.hmean bootstrapPI.mean bootstrapPI.median bootstrapPI.sd bootstrapPI.var bootstrapSE.gmean bootstrapSE.hmean bootstrapSE.mean bootstrapSE.median bootstrapSE.sd bootstrapSE.var CI.fisherkurtosis CI.fisherskew CI.gmean CI.hmean CI.IQR CI.MAD CI.mean CI.meanNArm CI.median CI.pearsonskew CI.sd CI.var CIwithDF.mean fisherkurtosis fisherskew gmean hmean MAD meanNArm pearsonskew SE.fisherkurtosis SE.fisherskew SE.gmean SE.hmean SE.IQR SE.MAD SE.mean SE.meanNArm SE.median SE.pearsonskew SE.sd SE.var

#' @name summaryStatistics
#' @title Additional summary statistics
#' @aliases hmean gmean MAD fisherskew pearsonskew fisherkurtosis
#' @md
#' @description superb adds a few summary statistics that can
#' be used to characterize a dataset. All comes with ``SE.fct()`` and ``CI.fct()``.
#' See \insertCite{htc14,htc15}{superb} for more.
#' *superbPlot-compatible* summary statistics functions must have one parameter:
#' @usage hmean(x)
#' @usage gmean(x)
#' @usage MAD(x)
#' @usage fisherskew(x)
#' @usage pearsonskew(x)
#' @usage fisherkurtosis(x)
#' @param x a vector of numbers, the sample data (mandatory);
#' @return a summary statistic describing the sample.
#' @examples
#' # the confidence interval of the mean for default 95% and 90% confidence level
#' gmean( c(1,2,3) )  # the geometric mean; also available in psych::geometric.mean 	
#' hmean( c(1,2,3) )  # the harmonic mean;  also available in psych::harmonic.mean 	
#' MAD( c(1,2,3) )    # the median absolute deviation to the median (not the same as mad)
#' fisherskew( c(1,2,3) )     # the Fisher skew corrected for sample size
#' fisherkurtosis( c(1,2,3) ) # the Fisher kurtosis corrected for sample size
#' pearsonskew( c(1,2,3) )    # the Pearson skew
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @export hmean
#' @export gmean
#' @export MAD
#' @export fisherskew
#' @export pearsonskew
#' @export fisherkurtosis
hmean <- function(x) { 1 / mean(1/x) }
gmean <- function(x) { (prod(x))^(1/length(x)) }
MAD <- function(x) { median(abs(x-median(x))) }
fisherskew <- function(x) {
  vrx <- var(x)
  n   <- length(x)
  skbiased <- (1/n) * (sum((x - mean(x))^3)) / ((n-1)/n * vrx)^(3/2)
  sqrt(n * (n-1)) / (n-2) * skbiased
pearsonskew <- function(x) {
  sdx <- sd(x)
  (mean(x) - median(x)) / sdx
fisherkurtosis <- function(x) {
  vrx <- var(x)
  n   <- length(x)
  kubias <- (1/n) * (sum((x - mean(x))^4)) / ((n - 1)/n * vrx)^(4/2)
  (n+1) / ((n - 2) * (n - 3)) * ((n + 1) * (kubias - 3) + 6)

#' @name precisionMeasureWithCustomDF
#' @title Confidence intervals with custom degree of freedom
#' @aliases CIwithDF.mean 
#' @md
#' @description The following function accept an arbitrary defined degree  
#' of freedom (df). This df must be inserted in gamma after the confidence level.
#' @usage CIwithDF.mean(x, gamma = 0.95 )
#' @param x a vector of numbers, the sample data (mandatory);
#' @param gamma a vector containing first a confidence level for CI (default 0.95) and
#'   a custom degree of freedom (when unspecified, it uses ``n-1`` where ``n`` is the number of observations in x).
#' @return the confidence interval (CI) where the ``t`` value is based on the custom-set degree of freedom.
#' @examples
#' # this will issue a warning as no custom degree of freedom is provided
#' CIwithDF.mean( c(1,2,3), gamma = 0.90)          
#' # the confidence interval of the mean for 90% confidence level
#' CIwithDF.mean( c(1,2,3), gamma = c(0.90, 1.5) ) # uses 1.5 as df instead of 2.
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @export CIwithDF.mean
CIwithDF.mean <- function(x, gamma = 0.95) {
    # this function is useful to implement Welch' test by specifying a rectifed df
    # which overrides the defautl n-1
    se <- SE.mean(x)
    n  <- length(x)
    if (length(gamma) == 2) {
        wdf = gamma[2]
        g = gamma[1]
    } else {
        warning("superb::FYI: No degree of freedom provided in gamma[2]; revert to CI")
        wdf = n-1
        g = gamma[1]
    tc <- qt(c(1/2 - g/2, 1/2 + g/2), df = wdf)
    ci <- mean(x) + se * tc

#' @name measuresWithMissingData
#' @title Measures with missing data
#' @aliases meanNArm, SE.meanNArm CI.meanNArm 
#' @md
#' @description The following three functions can be used with missing data. 
#' They return the mean, the standard error of the mean and the confidence 
#' interval of the mean.Note that we hesitated to provide these functions: you 
#' should deal withmissing data prior to making your plot.
#' Also note that for repeated-measure design, only CA adjustment is available.
#' @usage meanNArm(x)
#' @usage SE.meanNArm(x)
#' @usage CI.meanNArm(x, gamma)
#' @param x a vector of numbers, the sample data (mandatory);
#' @param gamma a confidence level for CI (default 0.95).
#' @return the means, a measure of precision (SE) or an interval of precision 
#'   (CI) in the presence of missing data.
#' @examples
#' # the confidence interval of the mean for default 95% and 90% confidence level
#' meanNArm( c(1,2,3, NA) )
#' SE.meanNArm( c(1,2,3, NA) )
#' CI.meanNArm( c(1,2,3, NA) )
#' CI.meanNArm( c(1,2,3, NA), gamma = 0.90)
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @export meanNArm
#' @export SE.meanNArm
#' @export CI.meanNArm
# Removal of the missing data built-in the functions. Not recommended:
# you should deal with your missing data prior to making a plot
meanNArm <- function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
SE.meanNArm <- function(x){
  sdx <- sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  n   <- length(x[!is.na(x)])
  se  <- sdx / sqrt(n)
CI.meanNArm <- function(x, gamma = 0.95){
  se <- SE.meanNArm(x)
  n  <- length(x[!is.na(x)])
  tc <- qt(c(1/2 - gamma/2, 1/2 + gamma/2), n-1)
  ci <- mean(x, na.rm = TRUE) + se * tc

#' @name precisionMeasures
#' @title Precision measures
#' @aliases SE.mean CI.mean SE.median CI.median SE.hmean CI.hmean SE.gmean CI.gmean
#'      SE.var CI.var SE.sd CI.sd SE.MAD CI.MAD SE.IQR CI.IQR
#'      SE.fisherskew CI.fisherskew SE.pearsonskew CI.pearsonskew
#'      SE.fisherkurtosis CI.fisherkurtosis
#' @md
#' @description superb comes with a few built-in measures of 
#' precisions. All ``SE.fct()`` functions produces an interval width;
#' all ``CI.fct()`` produces the lower and upper limits of an interval.
#' See \insertCite{htc14,htc15}{superb} for more.
#' "superbPlot-compatible" precision measures must have these parameters:
#' @usage SE.mean(x)
#' @usage CI.mean(x, gamma)
#' @usage SE.median(x)
#' @usage CI.median(x, gamma)
#' @usage SE.hmean(x)
#' @usage CI.hmean(x, gamma)
#' @usage SE.gmean(x)
#' @usage CI.gmean(x, gamma)
#' @usage SE.var(x)
#' @usage CI.var(x, gamma)
#' @usage SE.sd(x)
#' @usage CI.sd(x, gamma)
#' @usage SE.MAD(x)
#' @usage CI.MAD(x, gamma)
#' @usage SE.IQR(x)
#' @usage CI.IQR(x, gamma)
#' @usage SE.fisherskew(x)
#' @usage CI.fisherskew(x, gamma)
#' @usage SE.pearsonskew(x)
#' @usage CI.pearsonskew(x, gamma)
#' @usage SE.fisherkurtosis(x)
#' @usage CI.fisherkurtosis(x, gamma)
#' @param x a vector of numbers, the sample data (mandatory);
#' @param gamma a confidence level for CI (default 0.95).
#' @return a measure of precision (SE) or an interval of precision (CI).
#' @examples
#' # the confidence interval of the mean for default 95% and 90% confidence level
#' CI.mean( c(1,2,3) )
#' CI.mean( c(1,2,3), gamma = 0.90)
#' # Standard errors for standard deviation, for MAD and for fisher skew
#' SE.sd( c(1,2,3) )
#' SE.MAD( c(1,2,3) )
#' SE.fisherskew( c(1,2,3) )
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @export SE.mean
#' @export CI.mean
#' @export SE.median
#' @export CI.median
#' @export SE.hmean
#' @export CI.hmean
#' @export SE.gmean
#' @export CI.gmean
#' @export SE.var
#' @export CI.var
#' @export SE.sd
#' @export CI.sd
#' @export SE.MAD
#' @export CI.MAD
#' @export SE.IQR
#' @export CI.IQR
#' @export SE.fisherskew
#' @export CI.fisherskew
#' @export SE.pearsonskew
#' @export CI.pearsonskew
#' @export SE.fisherkurtosis
#' @export CI.fisherkurtosis
SE.mean <- function(x){
  sdx <- sd(x)
  n   <- length(x)
  se  <- sdx / sqrt(n)
CI.mean <- function(x, gamma = 0.95){
  se <- SE.mean(x)
  n  <- length(x)
  tc <- qt(c(1/2 - gamma/2, 1/2 + gamma/2), n-1)
  ci <- mean(x) + se * tc

######################## MEDIAN ########################
SE.median <- function(x){
  sdx <- sd(x)
  n   <- length(x)
  se  <- sqrt(pi/2) * sdx / sqrt(n)
CI.median <- function(x, gamma = 0.95){
  se <- SE.median(x)
  n  <- length(x)
  tc <- qt(c(1/2 - gamma/2, 1/2 + gamma/2), n-1)
  ci <- median(x) + se * tc

#################### HARMONIC MEAN #####################
SE.hmean <- function(x){
  hm2  <- hmean(x)^2
  sd1x <- sd(1/x)
  n    <- length(x)
  se   <- hm2 * sd1x / sqrt(n-1)
CI.hmean <- function(x, gamma = 0.95){
  se <- SE.hmean(x)
  n  <- length(x)
  tc <- qt(c(1/2 - gamma/2, 1/2 + gamma/2), n-1)
  ci <- hmean(x) + se * tc

#################### GEOMETRIC MEAN ####################
SE.gmean <- function(x){
  gm   <- gmean(x)
  sdlx <- sd(log(x))
  n    <- length(x)
  se   <- gm * sdlx / sqrt(n-1)
CI.gmean <- function(x, gamma = 0.95) {
  se <- SE.gmean(x)
  n  <- length(x)
  tc <- qt(c(1/2 - gamma/2, 1/2 + gamma/2), n-1)
  ci <- gmean(x) + se * tc

################## SPREAD DESCRIPTION ##################

####################### VARIANCE #######################
SE.var <- function(x){
  varx <- var(x)
  n    <- length(x)
  se   <- varx * sqrt(2/(n-1))
CI.var <- function(x, gamma = 0.95){
  varx <- var(x)
  n    <- length(x)
  c2c  <- qchisq( c(1/2 + gamma/2, 1/2 - gamma/2), n-1)
  ci   <- varx * (n-1) / c2c

################## STANDARD DEVIATION ##################
SE.sd <- function(x){
  sdx <- sd(x)
  n   <- length(x)
  se  <- sdx / sqrt(2*(n-1))
CI.sd <- function(x, gamma = 0.95){
  sdx <- sd(x)
  n   <- length(x)
  c2c <- sqrt(qchisq(c(1/2+gamma/2, 1/2-gamma/2), n-1))
  ci  <- sdx * sqrt(n-1) / c2c

################### MEDIAN DEVIATION ###################
# note that mad (lowercase) is already part of R with a slightly different definition
SE.MAD <- function(x){
  sdx  <- sd(x)
  n    <- length(x)
  se   <- sqrt(2/pi) * sdx / sqrt(n)
CI.MAD <- function(x, gamma = 0.95){
  se <- SE.MAD(x)
  n  <- length(x)
  tc <- qt(c(1/2 - gamma/2, 1/2 + gamma/2), n-1)
  ci <- MAD(x) + se * tc

####################### QUANTILE #######################
# quantile function does not work...

################## INTERQUARTILE RANGE##################
SE.IQR <- function(x){
  sdx  <- sd(x)
  n    <- length(x)
  q    <- dnorm(qnorm(0.25))
  se   <- sdx / (2 * sqrt(n) * q)
CI.IQR <- function(x, gamma = 0.95){
  se <- SE.IQR(x)
  n  <- length(x)
  tc <- qt(c(1/2 - gamma/2, 1/2 + gamma/2), n-1)
  ci <- IQR(x) + se * tc

################### SHAPE DESCRIPTION ##################

####################### fisherskew ######################
# this is Fisher skew for small sample
SE.fisherskew <- function(x){
  n    <- length(x)
  se   <- sqrt( (6 * n * (n - 1)) / ((n - 2) * (n + 1)*(n + 3)) )
CI.fisherskew <- function(x, gamma = 0.95){
  se <- SE.fisherskew(x)
  zc <- qnorm(c(1/2 - gamma/2, 1/2 + gamma/2))
  ci <- fisherskew(x) + se * zc

###################### pearsonskew #####################
# this is pearson skew
SE.pearsonskew <- function(x){
  n    <- length(x)
  se   <- sqrt( (pi/2 - 1) / n )
CI.pearsonskew <- function(x, gamma = 0.95){
  se <- SE.pearsonskew(x)
  n  <- length(x)
  tc <- qt(c(1/2 - gamma/2, 1/2 + gamma/2), n-1)
  ci <- pearsonskew(x) + se * tc

####################### fisherkurtosis ######################
# this is fisher kurtosis for small sample
SE.fisherkurtosis <- function(x){
  n    <- length(x)
  se   <- 2 * SE.fisherskew(x) * sqrt( (n^2 - 1) / ((n - 3) * (n + 5)) )
CI.fisherkurtosis <- function(x, gamma = 0.95){
  n    <- length(x)
  minbx <- 2 * (n - 1) / (n - 3)
  se <- SE.fisherkurtosis(x)
  lnc <- qlnorm( c(1/2 - gamma/2, 1/2 + gamma/2) )
  ci <- fisherkurtosis(x) + 2 * lnc ^ (se / 2) - minbx

#' @name bootstrapPrecisionMeasures
#' @title Bootstrapped measures of precision 
#' @aliases bootstrapSE.mean bootstrapPI.mean bootstrapSE.median bootstrapPI.median 
#'      bootstrapSE.hmean bootstrapPI.hmean bootstrapSE.gmean bootstrapPI.gmean
#'      bootstrapSE.var bootstrapPI.var bootstrapSE.sd bootstrapPI.sd 
#' @md
#' @description superb also comes with a few built-in measures of 
#' precisions that uses bootstrap. More can be added based on users needs.
#' All ``bootstrapSE.fct()`` functions produces an interval width;
#' all ``bootstrapPI.fct()`` produces the lower and upper limits of an interval.
#' These estimates are based on 5,000 sub-samples by default. Change this 
#' default with``options("superb.bootstrapIter" = number )``.
#' See \insertCite{et94;textual}{superb} for a comprehensive introduction.
#' The bootstrap estimates are called PI which stands for Precision intervals.
#' This is to denote that they estimate the sampling distribution, not the 
#' predictive distribution on which all confidence intervals are based
#' \insertCite{rpw19,pl10,l99}{superb}.
#' @usage bootstrapSE.mean(x)
#' @usage bootstrapPI.mean(x, gamma)
#' @usage bootstrapSE.median(x)
#' @usage bootstrapPI.median(x, gamma)
#' @usage bootstrapSE.hmean(x)
#' @usage bootstrapPI.hmean(x, gamma)
#' @usage bootstrapSE.gmean(x)
#' @usage bootstrapPI.gmean(x, gamma)
#' @usage bootstrapSE.var(x)
#' @usage bootstrapPI.var(x, gamma)
#' @usage bootstrapSE.sd(x)
#' @usage bootstrapPI.sd(x, gamma)
#' @param x a vector of numbers, the sample data (mandatory);
#' @param gamma a confidence level for PI (default 0.95).
#' @return a measure of precision (SE) or an interval of precision (PI).
#' @examples
#' # the confidence interval of the mean for default 95% and 90% confidence level
#' bootstrapPI.mean( c(1,2,3) )
#' bootstrapPI.mean( c(1,2,3), gamma = 0.90)
#' # Standard errors for standard deviation or variance
#' bootstrapSE.sd( c(1,2,3) )
#' bootstrapSE.var( c(1,2,3) )
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @export bootstrapSE.mean
#' @export bootstrapPI.mean
#' @export bootstrapSE.median
#' @export bootstrapPI.median
#' @export bootstrapSE.hmean
#' @export bootstrapPI.hmean
#' @export bootstrapSE.gmean
#' @export bootstrapPI.gmean
#' @export bootstrapSE.var
#' @export bootstrapPI.var
#' @export bootstrapSE.sd
#' @export bootstrapPI.sd
bootstrapSE.mean <- function(x){
    res = c()
    for (i in 1:getOption("superb.bootstrapIter")) {
        res[i] <- mean(sample(x, length(x), replace = TRUE))
    se <- sd(res)
bootstrapPI.mean <- function(x, gamma = 0.95){
    res = c()
    for (i in 1:getOption("superb.bootstrapIter")) {
        res[i] <- mean(sample(x, length(x), replace = TRUE))
    ci <- stats::quantile(res, probs = c(1/2-gamma/2, 1/2+gamma/2) )

######################## MEDIAN ########################
bootstrapSE.median <- function(x){
    res = c()
    for (i in 1:getOption("superb.bootstrapIter")) {
        res[i] <- median(sample(x, length(x), replace = TRUE))
    se <- sd(res)
bootstrapPI.median <- function(x, gamma = 0.95){
    res = c()
    for (i in 1:getOption("superb.bootstrapIter")) {
        res[i] <- median(sample(x, length(x), replace = TRUE))
    ci <- stats::quantile(res, probs = c(1/2-gamma/2, 1/2+gamma/2) )

#################### HARMONIC MEAN #####################
bootstrapSE.hmean <- function(x){
    res = c()
    for (i in 1:getOption("superb.bootstrapIter")) {
        res[i] <- hmean(sample(x, length(x), replace = TRUE))
    se <- sd(res)
bootstrapPI.hmean <- function(x, gamma = 0.95){
    res = c()
    for (i in 1:getOption("superb.bootstrapIter")) {
        res[i] <- hmean(sample(x, length(x), replace = TRUE))
    ci <- stats::quantile(res, probs = c(1/2-gamma/2, 1/2+gamma/2) )

#################### GEOMETRIC MEAN ####################
bootstrapSE.gmean <- function(x){
    res = c()
    for (i in 1:getOption("superb.bootstrapIter")) {
        res[i] <- gmean(sample(x, length(x), replace = TRUE))
    se <- sd(res)
bootstrapPI.gmean <- function(x, gamma = 0.95) {
    res = c()
    for (i in 1:getOption("superb.bootstrapIter")) {
        res[i] <- gmean(sample(x, length(x), replace = TRUE))
    ci <- stats::quantile(res, probs = c(1/2-gamma/2, 1/2+gamma/2) )

################## SPREAD DESCRIPTION ##################

####################### VARIANCE #######################
bootstrapSE.var <- function(x){
    res = c()
    for (i in 1:getOption("superb.bootstrapIter")) {
        res[i] <- var(sample(x, length(x), replace = TRUE))
    se <- sd(res)
bootstrapPI.var <- function(x, gamma = 0.95){
    res = c()
    for (i in 1:getOption("superb.bootstrapIter")) {
        res[i] <- var(sample(x, length(x), replace = TRUE))
    ci <- stats::quantile(res, probs = c(1/2-gamma/2, 1/2+gamma/2) )

################## STANDARD DEVIATION ##################
bootstrapSE.sd <- function(x){
    res = c()
    for (i in 1:getOption("superb.bootstrapIter")) {
        res[i] <- sd(sample(x, length(x), replace = TRUE))
    se <- sd(res)
bootstrapPI.sd <- function(x, gamma = 0.95){
    res = c()
    for (i in 1:getOption("superb.bootstrapIter")) {
        res[i] <- sd(sample(x, length(x), replace = TRUE))
    ci <- stats::quantile(res, probs = c(1/2-gamma/2, 1/2+gamma/2) )

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