context("Testing suberbPlot")
test_that("PRELIMINARY TESTS (1/4)", {
old <- options()
options("" = 'none')
# files are exported for validation with Mathematica's MeanPlot
# write.table(ToothGrowth, file = "file0.dat", sep = "\t", col.names = FALSE)
plt <- superbPlot(ToothGrowth, BSFactor = c("dose","supp"), variables = "len",
statistic = "mean", plotStyle="bar" )
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(plt), TRUE)
# restores default information
options("" = c('design','warnings','summary'))
test_that("PRELIMINARY TESTS (2/4)", {
old <- options()
options("" = 'none')
g0 <- superbPlot(ToothGrowth, BSFactor = c("dose","supp"), variables = "len",
statistic = "mean",
adjustments = list(purpose = "difference"), plotStyle="bar"
g1 <- g0 + xlab("Dose") + ylab("Tooth Growth") + labs(title="adsf") +
theme_light(base_size=20) + annotation_custom(grid.text("allo",x=.5,y=.5,gp=gpar(fontsize=20, col="grey")))
g2 <- g1 + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size=30, colour="red") ) + coord_cartesian(ylim=c(5,45))
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(g2), TRUE)
# restores default information
options("" = c('design','warnings','summary'))
test_that("PRELIMINARY TESTS (3/4)", {
old <- options()
options("" = 'none')
res <- superbPlot(ToothGrowth, BSFactor = c("dose","supp"),
variables = "len", showPlot=FALSE )
expect_output( str(res), "data.frame")
# restores default information
options("" = c('design','warnings','summary'))
test_that("PRELIMINARY TESTS (4/4)", {
old <- options()
options("" = 'none')
p <- superbPlot(ToothGrowth, BSFactor = c("dose","supp"), variables = "len",
statistic = "mean", plotStyle="line" )
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(p), TRUE)
# restores default information
options("" = c('design','warnings','summary'))
test_that("test 1a: 3 groupes inpependants", {
old <- options()
options("" = 'none')
dta1a <- GRD( SubjectsPerGroup = 20, BSFactors = "Group(3)", Population = list( mean=10, stddev = 5) )
# write.table(dta1a, file = "test1a.dat", sep = "\t", col.names = FALSE)
p <- superbPlot(dta1a, BSFactor = "Group", variables = "DV",
statistic = "mean", errorbar = "SE", plotStyle="line")
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(p), TRUE)
# restores default information
options("" = c('design','warnings','summary'))
test_that("test 1b: factorielle a grps independants; 3 x 2", {
old <- options()
options("" = 'none')
dta1b <- GRD( SubjectsPerGroup = 20, BSFactors = "Group(3): Sex(2)", Population = list( mean=10, stddev = 5))
# write.table(dta1b, file = "test1b.dat", sep = "\t", col.names = FALSE)
p <- superbPlot(dta1b, BSFactor = c("Group","Sex"), variables = "DV",
statistic = "mean", errorbar = "SE" )
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(p), TRUE)
# restores default information
options("" = c('design','warnings','summary'))
test_that("test 2a: 1 facteur a 3 mesures repetees; (3)", {
old <- options()
options("" = 'warnings')
dta2a <- GRD( WSFactors = "Moment(3)", SubjectsPerGroup = 5, Population = list( mean=10, stddev = 5))
# write.table(dta2a, file = "test2a.dat", sep = "\t", col.names = FALSE)
expect_message( p <- superbPlot(dta2a, WSFactor = "moment(3)",
errorbar = "CI", plotStyle="line",
variables = c("DV.1","DV.2","DV.3")
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(p), TRUE)
# restores default information
options("" = c('design','warnings','summary'))
test_that("test 2b: 2 facteurs a mesures repetees; (3 x 2)", {
old <- options()
options("" = 'none')
dta2b <- GRD( WSFactors = "Moment(3): Dose(2)", SubjectsPerGroup = 5, Population = list( mean=10, stddev = 5, rho = .80))
# write.table(dta2b, file = "test2b.dat", sep = "\t", col.names = FALSE)
p <- superbPlot(dta2b, WSFactor = c("moment(3)","Dose(2)"),
variables = c("DV.1.1","DV.2.1","DV.3.1","DV.1.2","DV.2.2","DV.3.2"),
statistic="mean", errorbar = "CI", gamma = 0.90, plotStyle = "line",
adjustments = list(purpose="difference", decorrelation="CM"),
errorbarParams = list(position = position_dodge(width = .15)),
pointParams = list(position = position_dodge(width = .15)),
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(p), TRUE)
options("" = c("design","warnings") ) # restores to default
test_that("test 3: scheme mixte; 3 x (3)", {
old <- options()
options("" = 'warnings')
dta3 <- GRD( BSFactors = "Group(3)", WSFactors = "Moment(3)",
SubjectsPerGroup = 5, Population = list( mean=10, stddev = 5),
Effects = list("Moment" = slope(5))
# write.table(dta3, file = "test3.dat", sep = "\t", col.names = FALSE)
expect_message( p <- superbPlot(dta3, WSFactor = "Moment(3)", BSFactor = "Group",
variables = c("DV.1","DV.2","DV.3"),
statistic = "mean", errorbar = "SE", plotStyle="line",
adjustments = list(purpose="single", decorrelation="CM")
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(p), TRUE)
# restores default information
options("" = c('design','warnings','summary'))
test_that("test 4a: scheme a trois facteurs, 2 etant between 3 x 3 x (3)", {
old <- options()
options("" = 'none')
dta4a <- GRD( BSFactors = "Group(3) : Dose(3)", WSFactors = "Moment(3)",
SubjectsPerGroup = 4, Population = list( mean=10, stddev = 5),
Effects = list("Moment" = slope(5))
# write.table(dta4a, file = "test4a.dat", sep = "\t", col.names = FALSE)
p <- superbPlot(dta4a, BSFactor = c("Group","Dose"), WSFactor = "Moment(3)",
variables = c("DV.1","DV.2","DV.3"), plotStyle = "line",
statistic = "mean", errorbar = "SE",
adjustments = list(purpose="difference", decorrelation="none"),
factorOrder = c("Dose","Group","Moment"), showPlot = T)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(p), TRUE)
# restores default information
options("" = c('design','warnings','summary'))
test_that("test 5a: scheme a quatre facteurs; 5 x 4 (3 x 2)", {
old <- options()
options("" = 'none')
dta5a <- GRD( SubjectsPerGroup = 20, BSFactors = "Group(5) : Dose(4)", WSFactors = "Moment(3):Hand(2)",
Population = list( mean=10, stddev = 5, rho = .90),
Effects = list("Moment" = slope(5), "Hand" = slope(10)) )
# write.table(dta5a, file = "test5a.dat", sep = "\t", col.names = FALSE)
p <- superbPlot(dta5a, plotStyle="line",
WSFactor = c("Moment(3)","Hand(2)"),
BSFactor= c("Group","Dose"),
variables = c("DV.1.1","DV.2.1","DV.3.1","DV.1.2","DV.2.2","DV.3.2"),
statistic = "mean", errorbar = "CI", gamma = .9999,
adjustments = list(purpose="difference", decorrelation="CM")
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(p), TRUE)
options("" = c("design","warnings") ) # restores to default
test_that("test 6: Some data", {
old <- options()
options("" = 'none')
dta6 <- GRD( WSFactors = "Moment(3):Hand(2)",
Effects = list("Moment" = slope(5), "Hand" = slope(3)),
SubjectsPerGroup = 6,
Population = list (mean = 20, stddev = 5, rho = 0.8) )
expect_output( str(dta6), "data.frame")
# restores default information
options("" = c('design','warnings','summary'))
test_that("test 6a: factorOrder", {
old <- options()
options("" = 'none')
dta6 <- GRD( WSFactors = "Moment(3):Hand(2)",
Effects = list("Moment" = slope(5), "Hand" = slope(3)),
SubjectsPerGroup = 6,
Population = list (mean = 20, stddev = 5, rho = 0.8) )
# factorOrder
p1 <- superbPlot(dta6,
WSFactor = c("Moment(3)","Hand(2)"),
variables = c("DV.1.1","DV.2.1","DV.3.1","DV.1.2","DV.2.2","DV.3.2"),
statistic = "mean", errorbar = "SE", factorOrder = c("Moment", "Hand") )
p2 <- superbPlot(dta6,
WSFactor = c("Moment(3)","Hand(2)"),
variables = c("DV.1.1","DV.2.1","DV.3.1","DV.1.2","DV.2.2","DV.3.2"),
statistic = "mean", errorbar = "SE", factorOrder = c("Hand","Moment") )
p <- grid.arrange(p1,p2,ncol=2)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(p1), TRUE)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(p2), TRUE)
# restores default information
options("" = c('design','warnings','summary'))
test_that("test 6b: adjustments CA vs CM vs LM vs UA", {
old <- options()
options("" = 'none')
dta6 <- GRD( WSFactors = "Moment(3):Hand(2)",
Effects = list("Moment" = slope(5), "Hand" = slope(3)),
SubjectsPerGroup = 6,
Population = list (mean = 20, stddev = 5, rho = 0.8) )
# adjustments CA vs CM vs LM vs UA
p1 <- superbPlot(dta6,
WSFactor = c("Moment(3)","Hand(2)"),
variables = c("DV.1.1","DV.2.1","DV.3.1","DV.1.2","DV.2.2","DV.3.2"),
adjustments = list(purpose="difference", decorrelation="CA") )+
coord_cartesian( ylim = c(8,30) ) + labs(title="CA")
p2 <- superbPlot(dta6,
WSFactor = c("Moment(3)","Hand(2)"),
variables = c("DV.1.1","DV.2.1","DV.3.1","DV.1.2","DV.2.2","DV.3.2"),
adjustments = list(purpose="difference", decorrelation="CM") )+
coord_cartesian( ylim = c(8,30) ) + labs(title="CM")
p3 <- superbPlot(dta6,
WSFactor = c("Moment(3)","Hand(2)"),
variables = c("DV.1.1","DV.2.1","DV.3.1","DV.1.2","DV.2.2","DV.3.2"),
adjustments = list(purpose="difference", decorrelation="LM") )+
coord_cartesian( ylim = c(8,30) ) + labs(title="LM")
p4 <- superbPlot(dta6,
WSFactor = c("Moment(3)","Hand(2)"),
variables = c("DV.1.1","DV.2.1","DV.3.1","DV.1.2","DV.2.2","DV.3.2"),
adjustments = list(purpose="difference", decorrelation="UA") )+
coord_cartesian( ylim = c(8,30) ) + labs(title="UA")
p <- grid.arrange(p1,p2,p3,p4,ncol=4)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(p1), TRUE)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(p2), TRUE)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(p3), TRUE)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(p4), TRUE)
# restores default information
options("" = c('design','warnings','summary'))
test_that("test 6c: statistics of central tendency mean, median and gmean", {
old <- options()
options("" = 'none')
dta6 <- GRD( WSFactors = "Moment(3):Hand(2)",
Effects = list("Moment" = slope(5), "Hand" = slope(3)),
SubjectsPerGroup = 6,
Population = list (mean = 20, stddev = 1, rho = 0.8) )
p1 <- superbPlot(dta6,
WSFactor = c("Moment(3)","Hand(2)"),
variables = c("DV.1.1","DV.2.1","DV.3.1","DV.1.2","DV.2.2","DV.3.2"),
statistic = "mean", errorbar = "CI" ) +
coord_cartesian( ylim = c(8,30) ) + labs(title="mean")
p2 <- superbPlot(dta6,
WSFactor = c("Moment(3)","Hand(2)"),
variables = c("DV.1.1","DV.2.1","DV.3.1","DV.1.2","DV.2.2","DV.3.2"),
statistic = "median", errorbar = "CI" ) +
coord_cartesian( ylim = c(8,30) ) + labs(title="median")
p3 <- superbPlot(dta6,
WSFactor = c("Moment(3)","Hand(2)"),
variables = c("DV.1.1","DV.2.1","DV.3.1","DV.1.2","DV.2.2","DV.3.2"),
statistic = "gmean", errorbar = "CI" ) +
coord_cartesian( ylim = c(8,30) ) + labs(title="geometric mean")
p <- grid.arrange(p1,p2,p3,ncol=3)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(p1), TRUE)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(p2), TRUE)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(p3), TRUE)
# restores default information
options("" = c('design','warnings','summary'))
test_that("test 6d: statistics of dispersion sd and MAD", {
old <- options()
options("" = "none") # to supress design confirmation; unneeded in tests
dta6 <- GRD( WSFactors = "Moment(3):Hand(2)",
Effects = list("Moment" = slope(5), "Hand" = slope(3)),
SubjectsPerGroup = 6,
Population = list (mean = 20, stddev = 5, rho = 0.8) ) # functions; SD should be asymmetrical; fisherskew should be about 0
# fisherkurtosis is less stable; MAD should be about 2.5;
# gmean requires only positive data;
p1 <- superbPlot(dta6,
WSFactor = c("Moment(3)","Hand(2)"),
variables = c("DV.1.1","DV.2.1","DV.3.1","DV.1.2","DV.2.2","DV.3.2"),
statistic = "sd", errorbar = "CI" )
p2 <- superbPlot(dta6,
WSFactor = c("Moment(3)","Hand(2)"),
variables = c("DV.1.1","DV.2.1","DV.3.1","DV.1.2","DV.2.2","DV.3.2"),
statistic = "MAD", errorbar = "CI" )
p <- grid.arrange(p1,p2,ncol=2)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(p1), TRUE)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(p2), TRUE)
# restores default information
options("" = c('design','warnings','summary'))
test_that("test 6e: adding ggplot graphics directives", {
old <- options()
options("" = 'none')
# ggplot arguments
p1 <- superbPlot(ToothGrowth, BSFactor = c("dose","supp"), variables = "len",
statistic = "mean", errorbar = "CI", gamma = .999,
adjustments = list(purpose = "difference") )
p2 <- p1 +
# all these are added to the plot
xlab("Dose per day") + ylab("Tooth Growth after study") +
theme_light(base_size=14 )
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(p2), TRUE)
# restores default information
options("" = c('design','warnings','summary'))
test_that("test 6f: adding ggplot arguments to the error bars, to the points", {
old <- options()
options("" = 'none')
p <- superbPlot(ToothGrowth, BSFactor = c("dose","supp"), variables = "len",
statistic = "mean", errorbar = "CI", gamma = .999,
adjustments = list(purpose = "difference"),
# see geom_errorbar for the possible arguments
errorbarParams = list(width = .8, linewidth = 3, colour = "gray"),
# see geom_point or geom_bar for possible arguments
barParams = list(linetype = 3, colour = "black", linewidth = .5)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(p), TRUE)
# restores default information
options("" = c('design','warnings','summary'))
test_that("test 6g: adding ggplot arguments to the error bars, to the points (bis)", {
old <- options()
options("" = 'none')
p <- superbPlot(ToothGrowth, BSFactor = c("dose","supp"), variables = "len",
statistic = "mean", errorbar = "CI", gamma = .999,
adjustments = list(purpose = "difference"),
plotStyle = "line",
# see geom_errorbar for the possible arguments
errorbarParams = list(width = .02, linewidth = 0.1, colour = "gray"),
# see geom_point or geom_bar for possible arguments
pointParams = list(colour = "gray", size = 10.5)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(p), TRUE)
# restores default information
options("" = c('design','warnings','summary'))
test_that("Explorations for ICC", {
old <- options()
options("" = c('warnings'))
dta99 <- GRD( WSFactors = "Moment(3)", SubjectsPerGroup = 15,
Population = list( mean=20, stddev = 5),
Effects = list("Moment" = slope(3) ) )
# add cluster information at the end
dta99$myclus <- sort(rep(1:5, 3))
# create some intraclass correlation artificially
dta99$DV.1 <- dta99$DV.1 + 10 * dta99$myclus
dta99$DV.2 <- dta99$DV.2 + 10 * dta99$myclus
dta99$DV.3 <- dta99$DV.3 + 10 * dta99$myclus
# write.table(dta99, file = 'file9.dat', sep = "\t", col.names = FALSE)
expect_message( noncluster <- superbPlot(dta99, WSFactor = "moment(3)",
adjustments = list(decorrelation="CM"),
errorbar = "CI", showPlot=TRUE,
variables = c("DV.1","DV.2","DV.3")
)+ labs(title="Without cluster information") + coord_cartesian( ylim = c(40,60) ) )
expect_message( yescluster <- superbPlot(dta99, WSFactor = "moment(3)",
adjustments = list(decorrelation="CM", samplingDesign = "CRS"),
clusterColumn = "myclus",
errorbar = "CI", showPlot=TRUE,
variables = c("DV.1","DV.2","DV.3")
)+ labs(title="with cluster information") + coord_cartesian( ylim = c(40,60) ) )
p <- grid.arrange(noncluster, yescluster, ncol=2)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(noncluster), TRUE)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(yescluster), TRUE)
# restores default information
options("" = c('design','warnings','summary'))
# latest tests based on dta3 verifying CM and popSize #
test_that("Verifying CM and popSize ", {
old <- options()
options("" = c('warnings'))
dta3 <- GRD( BSFactors = "Group(2)", WSFactors = "Moment(3)",
SubjectsPerGroup = 5, Population = list (mean = 20, stddev = 5, rho = 0.8),
Effects = list("Moment" = slope(5)) )
# write.table(dta3, file = "file3.dat", sep = "\t", col.names = FALSE)
expect_message( p1 <- superbPlot(dta3, WSFactor = "Moment(3)", BSFactor = "Group",
variables = c("DV.1","DV.2","DV.3"),
statistic = "mean", errorbar = "SE",
adjustments = list(purpose="single", decorrelation="CM", popSize = Inf )
) + labs(title="Infinite populations") )
expect_message( p2 <- superbPlot(dta3, WSFactor = "Moment(3)", BSFactor = "Group",
variables = c("DV.1","DV.2","DV.3"),
statistic = "mean", errorbar = "SE",
adjustments = list(purpose="single", decorrelation="CM", popSize = c(Inf,6) )
) + labs(title="population of 6 in grp 2") )
p <- grid.arrange(p1,p2,ncol=2)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(p1), TRUE)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(p2), TRUE)
# restores default information
options("" = c('design','warnings','summary'))
# testing pre and post processing: OK!
test_that("Testing pre and post processing", {
old <- options()
options("" = c('warnings'))
dta9 <- GRD( WSFactors = "Moment(3)", SubjectsPerGroup = 5,
Population = list( mean=20, stddev = 5),
Effects = list("Moment" = slope(3) ) )
# write.table(dta9, file = "file9.dat", sep = "\t", col.names = FALSE)
truecm <- superbPlot(dta9, WSFactor = "moment(3)",
errorbar = "CI", showPlot=T,
variables = c("DV.1","DV.2","DV.3")
)+ labs(title="With decorrelation = CM")
altcm <- superbPlot(dta9, WSFactor = "moment(3)",
preprocessfct = "subjectCenteringTransform",
postprocessfct = c("biasCorrectionTransform"),
errorbar = "CI", showPlot=T,
variables = c("DV.1","DV.2","DV.3")
)+ labs(title="with pre and post processing")
pcm <- grid.arrange(truecm,altcm,ncol=2)
truelm <- superbPlot(dta9, WSFactor = "moment(3)",
errorbar = "CI", showPlot=T,
variables = c("DV.1","DV.2","DV.3")
)+ labs(title="with decorrelation = LM")
altlm <- superbPlot(dta9, WSFactor = "moment(3)",
preprocessfct = "subjectCenteringTransform",
postprocessfct = c("biasCorrectionTransform","poolSDTransform"),
errorbar = "CI", showPlot=T,
variables = c("DV.1","DV.2","DV.3")
)+ labs(title="with pre and post processing")
plm <- grid.arrange(truelm,altlm,ncol=2)
truecmvslm <- superbPlot(dta9, WSFactor = "moment(3)",
errorbar = "CI", showPlot=T,
variables = c("DV.1","DV.2","DV.3")
)+ labs(title="with decorrelation = LM")
expect_message( altcmvslm <- superbPlot(dta9, WSFactor = "moment(3)",
postprocessfct = c("poolSDTransform"),
errorbar = "CI", showPlot=T,
variables = c("DV.1","DV.2","DV.3")
)+ labs(title="with decorrelation = CM and pooling")
pcmvslm <- grid.arrange(truecmvslm,altcmvslm,ncol=2)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(truecm), TRUE)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(altcm), TRUE)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(truelm), TRUE)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(altlm), TRUE)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(truecmvslm), TRUE)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(altcmvslm), TRUE)
# restores default information
options("" = c('design','warnings','summary'))
# testing Violinplots a bit more!
test_that("Many tests with the extended violin format", {
old <- options()
options("" = c('none'))
dta9 <- GRD( WSFactors = "Moment(3)", SubjectsPerGroup = 500,
Population = list( mean=20, stddev = 5),
Effects = list("Moment" = slope(3) ) )
plt1 <- superbPlot(dta9,
WSFactor = "T(2)",
variables = c("DV.1","DV.2"),
adjustments = list(purpose="difference", decorrelation="CM"),
plotStyle = "pointjitterviolin",
violinParams = list(alpha =0.7, color="red")
plt2 <- superbPlot(dta9,
WSFactor = "T(2)",
variables = c("DV.1","DV.2"),
adjustments = list(purpose="difference", decorrelation="CM"),
plotStyle = "pointjitterviolin",
jitterParams = list(width = 0.1),
violinParams = list(alpha =0.7, color="red", direction=1, push=0.1)
plt3 <- superbPlot(dta9,
WSFactor = "T(2)",
variables = c("DV.1","DV.2"),
adjustments = list(purpose="difference", decorrelation="CM"),
plotStyle = "pointjitterviolin",
jitterParams = list(width = 0.1),
violinParams = list(alpha =0.7, color="red", direction=-1, push=0.1)
plt4 <- superbPlot(dta9,
WSFactor = "T(2)",
variables = c("DV.1","DV.2"),
adjustments = list(purpose="difference", decorrelation="CM"),
plotStyle = "raincloud",
violinParams = list(alpha =0.7, color="red", direction=-1)
plt5 <- superbPlot(dta9,
WSFactor = "T(2)",
variables = c("DV.1","DV.2"),
adjustments = list(purpose="difference", decorrelation="CM"),
plotStyle = "raincloud",
jitterParams = list(width = 0.1),
violinParams = list(alpha =0.7, color="red", direction=-1, push=0.1)
plt6 <- superbPlot(dta9,
WSFactor = "T(2)",
variables = c("DV.1","DV.2"),
adjustments = list(purpose="difference", decorrelation="CM"),
plotStyle = "raincloud",
jitterParams = list(width = 0.1),
violinParams = list(alpha =0.7, color="red", direction=+1, push=0.1)
expect_error( print(plt1), NA )
expect_error( print(plt2), NA )
expect_error( print(plt3), NA )
expect_error( print(plt4), NA )
expect_error( print(plt5), NA )
expect_error( print(plt6), NA )
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(plt1), TRUE)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(plt2), TRUE)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(plt3), TRUE)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(plt4), TRUE)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(plt5), TRUE)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(plt6), TRUE)
# restores default information
options("" = c('design','warnings','summary'))
# testing multiple formats!
test_that("Many tests with TMB1964r", {
old <- options()
options("" = c('none'))
mee = TMB1964r[TMB1964r$Language == "English"|TMB1964r$Language == "French",]
mp <- function(style, ...) {
WSFactor = "T(7)",
BSFactor = c("Condition","Sex"),
variables = c("T1","T2","T3","T4","T5","T6","T7"),
adjustments = list(purpose="difference", decorrelation="CM"),
plotStyle = style,
###### BASIC PLOTS ######
plt1 <- mp("bar",
errorbarParams = list(linewidth=0.75, position = position_dodge(.95) ),
barParams = list(linewidth=0.5)
) +
scale_colour_manual( name = "asdf",
labels = c("Context 0", "Context 2", "Context 4", "Context 8"),
values = c("blue", "black", "purple", "red")) +
scale_fill_manual( name = "asdf",
labels = c("Context 0", "Context 2", "Context 4", "Context 8"),
values = c("blue", "black", "purple", "red")) +
theme_bw(base_size = 16) +
labs(x = "Exposure duration (ms)", y = "Mean of correct responses" )+
scale_x_discrete(labels=c("1" = "16.67", "2" = "33.33",
"3"="50.00", "4" = "66.67", "5"="83.33", "6"="100.00", "7"="116.67"))
plt2 <- mp("line",
errorbarParams = list(linewidth=0.75, width = 0.2, position = position_dodge(.5) ),
pointParams = list(size=2.5, position = position_dodge(.5)),
lineParams = list(linewidth=0.25)
plt3 <- mp("point",
errorbarParams = list(position = position_dodge(.5) ),
pointParams = list(size=2.5, position = position_dodge(.5))
###### ADVANCED PLOTS ######
plt4 <- mp("pointjitter",
errorbarParams = list(position = position_dodge(.5) ),
pointParams = list(size=3.5, position = position_dodge(.5)),
jitterParams = list(size = 0.5)
plt5 <- mp("pointjitterviolin",
errorbarParams = list(position = position_dodge(.5) ),
pointParams = list(size=3.5, position = position_dodge(.5)),
jitterParams = list(size = 0.5),
violinParams = list(alpha =0.7)
dta <- superb::GRD( WSFactors = "timepoints (100) : condition(2)",
SubjectsPerGroup = 40,
RenameDV = "activation",
Effects = list("timepoints" = extent(5), "condition" = extent(3) ),
plt6 <- superbPlot(dta,
WSFactors = c("timepoints(100)", "condition(2)"),
variables = colnames(dta)[2:201], ## all the names of the dataframe except "id"
adjustments = list(
purpose = "single",
decorrelation = "CM" ## or none for no decorrelation
plotStyle="lineBand", # note the uppercase B
pointParams = list(size= 1)
expect_error( print(plt1), NA )
expect_error( print(plt2), NA )
expect_error( print(plt3), NA )
expect_error( print(plt4), NA )
expect_error( print(plt5), NA )
expect_error( print(plt6), NA )
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(plt1), TRUE)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(plt2), TRUE)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(plt3), TRUE)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(plt4), TRUE)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(plt5), TRUE)
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(plt6), TRUE)
# restores default information
options("" = c('design','warnings','summary'))
test_that("Heterogeneous variances", {
old <- options()
options("" = c('none'))
dta <- GRD(
BSFactors = "dif(3) : grp (2)",
SubjectsPerGroup = 3,
mean = 100,
scores = "rnorm(1, mean = GM, sd = 100 * (grp-1) +0.1)"
options("" = c('warnings'))
BSFactor = c("dif","grp"),
WSFactor = "day(2)",
variables = c("DV.1","DV.2"),
adjustment = list( purpose = "difference") )
options("" = c('none'))
plt <- superbPlot(dta,
BSFactor = c("dif","grp"),
WSFactor = "day(2)",
variables = c("DV.1","DV.2"),
adjustment = list( purpose = "tryon") )
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(plt), TRUE )
# restores default information
options("" = c('design','warnings','summary'))
test_that("Tryon vs. difference", {
old <- options()
options("" = c('warnings'))
#lets have data with massively heterogeneous variances
dta <-GRD( BSFactors="grp(3)",
RenameDV = "score",
mean = 100,
scores = "rnorm(1, mean = GM, sd = 10 * grp)"
SubjectsPerGroup = 50,
Effects = list("grp" = slope(15) )
# do the plot twice with transparant background
expect_message(plt1 <- superbPlot(dta,
BSFactor = "grp", plotStyle="line",
variables = "score",
errorbarParams = list(color="blue",position = position_nudge(-0.1) ),
adjustments = list( purpose = "difference") ) +
labs(title="(blue) Difference-adjusted 95% confidence intervals\n(red) Tryon 95% confidence intervals") +
coord_cartesian( ylim = c(65,135) ) +
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent"),
plot.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent", color = "white"))
expect_message(plt2 <- superbPlot(dta,
BSFactor = c("grp"), plotStyle="line",
variables = "score",
errorbarParams = list(color="red",position = position_nudge(+0.1) ),
adjustments = list( purpose = "tryon") ) +
labs(title="(blue) Difference-adjusted 95% confidence intervals\n(red) Tryon 95% confidence intervals") +
coord_cartesian( ylim = c(65,135) ) +
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent"),
plot.background = element_rect(fill = "transparent", color = "white")) )
# transform the plots in manipulable objets
plt1g <- ggplotGrob(plt1)
plt2g <- ggplotGrob(plt2)
# put the two grob onto an empty ggplot (as the positions are the same, they will be overlayed)
plt <- ggplot() +
annotation_custom(grob=plt1g) +
expect_equal( "ggplot" %in% class(plt), TRUE)
# restores default information
options("" = c('design','warnings','summary'))
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