# the p-spline function for a Cox model
pspline <- function(x, df=4, theta, nterm=2.5*df, degree=3, eps=0.1,
method, Boundary.knots=range(x),
intercept=FALSE, penalty=TRUE, combine, ...) {
if (!missing(theta)) {
method <- 'fixed'
if (theta <=0 || theta >=1) stop("Invalid value for theta")
else if (df ==0 || (!missing(method) && method=='aic')) {
method <- 'aic'
nterm <- 15 #will be ok for up to 6-8 df
if (missing(eps)) eps <- 1e-5
else {
method <- 'df'
if (df <=1) stop ('Too few degrees of freedom')
# The below used to say "df+1 > nterm", but we need some scope for
# the smoother parameter to avoid strange conditions
if (df > nterm) stop("`nterm' too small for df=",df)
xname <- deparse(substitute(x))
keepx <- !
if (!all(keepx)) x <- x[keepx] #this is done before any reference to
# Boundary.knots, so the default works
nterm <- round(nterm)
if (nterm < 3) stop("Too few basis functions")
if (!missing(Boundary.knots)) {
if (!is.numeric(Boundary.knots) || length(Boundary.knots) !=2 ||
Boundary.knots[1] >= Boundary.knots[2])
stop("Invalid values for Boundary.knots")
# Check for data values outside the knot range
outl <- (x < Boundary.knots[1])
outr<- (x > Boundary.knots[2])
outside <- outl | outr
else outside <- FALSE
# Set up the evenly spaced knots
dx <- (Boundary.knots[2] - Boundary.knots[1])/nterm
knots <- c(Boundary.knots[1] + dx*((-degree):(nterm-1)),
Boundary.knots[2]+ dx*(0:degree))
# Set up the basis. Inside the boundary knots we use spline.des.
# Outside of them we use f(edge) + (x-edge)* f'(edge)
if (any(outside)) {
newx <- matrix(0., length(x), nterm + degree)
if (any(outl)) {
tt <- spline.des(knots, Boundary.knots[c(1,1)], degree+1, 0:1)
newx[outl,] <- cbind(1, x[outl] - Boundary.knots[1]) %*% tt$design
if (any(outr)) {
tt <- spline.des(knots, Boundary.knots[c(2,2)], degree+1, 0:1)
newx[outr,] <- cbind(1, x[outr] - Boundary.knots[2]) %*% tt$design
if (any(inside <- !outside))
newx[inside,] <- spline.des(knots, x[inside], degree+1)$design
else newx <- spline.des(knots, x, degree+1, outer.ok=TRUE)$design
# put missings back in so that the number of rows is right
if (!all(keepx)) {
temp <- matrix(NA, length(keepx), ncol(newx))
temp[keepx,] <- newx
newx <- temp
# deal with the combine argument
if (!missing(combine)) {
if (any (combine != floor(combine) | combine < 0) ||
any(diff(combine) < 0))
stop("combine must be an increasing vector of positive integers")
if (!intercept) ctemp <- c(0, combine)
else ctemp <- combine
# the intercept is removed from newx later
if (length(ctemp) != ncol(newx))
stop("wrong length for combine")
uc <- sort(unique(ctemp))
tmat <- matrix(0., nrow=ncol(newx), ncol=length(uc))
for (i in 1:length(uc)) tmat[ctemp==uc[i], i] <- 1
newx <- newx %*% tmat
nvar <- ncol(newx) #should be nterm + degree
dmat <- diag(nvar)
dmat <- apply(dmat, 2, diff, 1, 2)
dmat <- t(dmat) %*% dmat
if (intercept) xnames <-paste('ps(', xname, ')', 1:nvar, sep='')
else {
newx <- newx[,-1, drop=FALSE]
dmat <- dmat[-1,-1, drop=FALSE] # rows corresponding to the 0 coef
xnames <-paste('ps(', xname, ')', 1+ 2:nvar, sep='')
if (!penalty) {
attributes(newx) <- c(attributes(newx), list(intercept=intercept,
nterm=nterm, degree= degree,
if (!missing(combine)) attr(newx, "combine") <- combine
class(newx) <- "pspline"
pfun <- function(coef, theta, n, dmat) {
if (theta >=1) list(penalty= 100*(1-theta), flag=TRUE)
else {
if (theta <= 0) lambda <- 0
else lambda <- theta / (1-theta)
list(penalty= c(coef %*% dmat %*% coef) * lambda/2,
first = c(dmat %*% coef) * lambda ,
second = c(dmat * lambda),
printfun <- function(coef, var, var2, df, history, cbase) {
test1 <- coxph.wtest(var, coef)$test
# cbase contains the centers of the basis functions
# do a weighted regression of these on the coefs to get a slope
xmat <- cbind(1, cbase)
xsig <- coxph.wtest(var, xmat)$solve # V X , where V = g-inverse(var)
# [X' V X]^{-1} X' V
cmat <- coxph.wtest(t(xmat)%*% xsig, t(xsig))$solve[2,]
linear <- sum(cmat * coef)
lvar1 <- c(cmat %*% var %*% cmat)
lvar2 <- c(cmat %*% var2%*% cmat)
test2 <- linear^2 / lvar1
# the "max(.5, df-1)" below stops silly (small) p-values for a
# chisq of 0 on 0 df, when using AIC gives theta near 1
cmat <- rbind(c(linear, sqrt(lvar1), sqrt(lvar2),
test2, 1, pchisq(test2, 1, lower.tail=FALSE)),
c(NA, NA, NA, test1-test2, df-1,
pchisq(test1-test2, max(.5,df-1), lower.tail=FALSE)))
dimnames(cmat) <- list(c("linear", "nonlin"), NULL)
nn <- nrow(history$thetas)
if (length(nn)) theta <- history$thetas[nn,1]
else theta <- history$theta
list(coef=cmat, history=paste("Theta=", format(theta)))
# The printfun needs to remember the spline's knots,
# but I don't need (or want) to carry around the entire upteen
# variables defined here as an environment
# So fill in defaults for the cbase argument, and
# force the function's environment to simplicity (amnesia)
temp <- formals(printfun)
temp$cbase <- knots[2:nvar] + (Boundary.knots[1] -knots[1])
formals(printfun) <- temp
environment(printfun) <- .GlobalEnv
if (method=='fixed') {
temp <- list(pfun=pfun,
diag =FALSE,
cfun = function(parms, iter, old)
list(theta=parms$theta, done=TRUE))
else if (method=='df') {
temp <- list(pfun=pfun,
diag =FALSE,
cparm=list(df=df, eps=eps, thetas=c(1,0),
dfs=c(1, nterm), guess=1 - df/nterm, ...),
pparm= dmat,
cfun = frailty.controldf)
else { # use AIC
temp <- list(pfun=pfun,
diag =FALSE,
cargs = c('neff', 'df', 'plik'),
cparm=list(eps=eps, init=c(.5, .95),
lower=0, upper=1, ...),
cfun = frailty.controlaic)
attributes(newx) <- c(attributes(newx), temp,
list(intercept=intercept, nterm=nterm,
degree= degree,
if (!missing(combine)) attr(newx, "combine") <- combine
class(newx) <- c("pspline", 'coxph.penalty')
makepredictcall.pspline <- function(var, call) {
if (call[[1]] !="pspline")) return(call) #wrong phone number
newcall <- call[1:2] #don't let the user override anything
indx <- match(c("nterm", "intercept", "Boundary.knots", "combine", "degree"),
names(attributes(var)), nomatch=0)
at <- attributes(var)[indx]
newcall[names(at)] <- at
predict.pspline <- function(object, newx, ...) {
if (missing(newx)) return(object)
indx <- match(c("nterm", "intercept", "Boundary.knots", "combine", "degree"),
names(attributes(object)), nomatch=0)
at <- c(list(x=newx, penalty=FALSE),
attributes(object)[indx])"pspline", at)
# Given a pspline basis, recover x
psplineinverse <- function(x) {
if (!inherits(x, "pspline"))
stop("Argment must be the result of a call to pspline")
intercept <- attr(x, "intercept")
knots <- attr(x, "knots")
nknot <- length(knots)
if (!intercept) {
indx <- 1:(ncol(x)+1) + (nknot- (ncol(x) +1))/2
as.vector(cbind(1-rowSums(x), x) %*% knots[indx])
else {
indx <- 1:ncol(x) + (nknot - ncol(x))/2
as.vector(x %*% knots)
as.matrix.pspline <- function(x, ...) {
temp <- attributes(x)
attributes(x) <- temp['dim']
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