
Defines functions survmean2 print.survfitms

# The print and subscript methods for survfitms objects

# Printing for a survfitms object is different than for a survfit one.
# The big difference is that there is no sensible estimate of the median, or
# any other quantile for that matter.  Mean time in state makes sense, but
# I don't have a standard error for it at the moment.
# The other is that there is a mismatch in dimension: dim(x) will return some
#  subset of (strata, states, data), where the third corresponds to the newdata
#  argument which created a survfit.coxhms object. Most things follow this,
#  with the exception of cumhaz, std.cumhaz, and n.transition, which have the
#  number of transitons rather than the number of states.  The upshot is that
#  we just don't print those parts.
# I also don't yet have a plan for printing the integer versions of results when
#  there are case weights, i.e., when a count matrix is part of the result.

print.survfitms <- function(x, scale=1,
                            rmean = getOption("survfit.rmean"), ...) {
    if (!is.null(cl<- x$call)) {
        cat("Call: ")
    omit <- x$na.action
    if (length(omit)) cat("  ", naprint(omit), "\n")

    x <- survfit0(x, x$start.time)
    if (is.null(rmean)) rmean <- "common"
    if (is.numeric(rmean)) {
        if (is.null(x$start.time)) {
            if (rmean < min(x$time)) 
                stop("Truncation point for the mean is < smallest survival")
        else if (rmean < x$start.time)
            stop("Truncation point for the mean is < smallest survival")
    else {
        rmean <- match.arg(rmean, c('none', 'common', 'individual'))
        if (length(rmean)==0) stop("Invalid value for rmean option")

    temp <- survmean2(x, scale=scale, rmean)
    if (is.null(temp$end.time)) print(temp$matrix, ...)
    else {
        etime <- temp$end.time
        dd <- dimnames(temp$matrix)
        cname <- dd[[2]]
        cname[length(cname)] <- paste0(cname[length(cname)], '*')
        dd[[2]] <- cname
        dimnames(temp$matrix) <- dd
        print(temp$matrix, ...)
        if (length(etime) ==1)
             cat("   *restricted mean time in state (max time =", 
                 format(etime, ...), ")\n")
        else cat("   *restricted mean time in state (per curve cutoff)\n")

# Compute the summaries which go into the table
survmean2 <- function(x, scale=1, rmean) {
    nstate <- length(x$states)  #there will always be at least 1 state
    ngrp   <- max(1, length(x$strata))
    if (is.null(x$newdata)) ndata <- 0  else ndata <- nrow(x$newdata)
    if (ngrp >1)  {
        igrp <- rep(1:ngrp, x$strata)
        rname <- names(x$strata)
    else {
        igrp <- rep(1, length(x$time))
        rname <- NULL

    # The n.event matrix may not have nstate columms.  Its
    #  colnames are the first elements of states, however
    if (is.matrix(x$n.event)) {
        nc <- ncol(x$n.event)
        nevent <- tapply(x$n.event, list(rep(igrp, nc), col(x$n.event)), sum)
        dimnames(nevent) <- list(rname, x$states[1:nc])
    else {
        nevent <- tapply(x$n.event, igrp, sum)
        names(nevent) <- rname

    if (ndata< 2) {
        outmat <- matrix(0., nrow=nstate*ngrp , ncol=2)
        outmat[,1] <- rep(x$n, nstate)
        outmat[1:length(nevent), 2] <- c(nevent)
        if (ngrp >1) 
            rowname <- c(outer(rname, x$states, paste, sep=", "))
        else rowname <- x$states
    else {
        outmat <- matrix(0., nrow=nstate*ndata*ngrp, ncol=2)
        outmat[,1] <- rep(x$n, nstate*ndata)
        outmat[, 2] <- rep(c(nevent), each=ndata)
        temp <- outer(1:ndata, x$states, paste, sep=", ")
        if (ngrp >1) 
            rowname <- c(outer(rname, temp, paste, sep=", "))
        else rowname <- temp
        nstate <- nstate * ndata

    # Caculate the mean time in each state
    if (rmean != "none") {
        if (is.numeric(rmean)) maxtime <- rep(rmean, ngrp)
        else if (rmean=="common") maxtime <- rep(max(x$time), ngrp)
        else maxtime <- tapply(x$time, igrp, max)
        meantime <- matrix(0., ngrp, nstate)
        if (!is.null(x$influence) || !is.null(x$std.auc)) stdtime <- meantime
        for (i in 1:ngrp) {
            # a 2 dimensional matrix is an "array", but a 3-dim array is
            #  not a "matrix", so check for matrix first.
            if (is.matrix(x$pstate))
                temp <- x$pstate[igrp==i,, drop=FALSE]
            else if (is.array(x$pstate))
                temp <- matrix(x$pstate[igrp==i,,,drop=FALSE],
                               ncol= nstate)
            else temp <- matrix(x$pstate[igrp==i], ncol=1)

            tt <- x$time[igrp==i]
            # Now cut it off at maxtime
            delta <- diff(c(tt[tt<maxtime[i]], maxtime[i]))
            if (length(delta) > nrow(temp)) delta <- delta[1:nrow(temp)]
            if (length(delta) < nrow(temp))
                delta <- c(delta, rep(0, nrow(temp) - length(delta)))
            meantime[i,] <- colSums(delta*temp)

            if (!is.null(x$influence)) {
                # calculate the variance
                if (is.list(x$influence))
                    itemp <- apply(x$influence[[i]], 1,
                                   function(x) colSums(x*delta))
                else itemp <- apply(x$influence, 1,
                                    function(x) colSums(x*delta))
                stdtime[i,] <- sqrt(rowSums(itemp^2))
            } else if (!is.null(x$std.auc)) {
                if (is.matrix(x$std.auc)){
                    for (j in 1:nstate) 
                        stdtime[i,j] <- 
                          approx(tt, x$std.auc[igrp==i,j], maxtime[i], rule=2)$y
                } else stdtime[i] <- approx(tt, x$std.auc[igrp==i], maxtime[i],
        outmat <- cbind(outmat, c(meantime)/scale)
        cname <- c("n", "nevent", "rmean")
        if (!is.null(x$std.auc) || !is.null(x$influence)) {
            outmat <- cbind(outmat, c(stdtime)/scale)
            cname <- c(cname, "se(rmean)")
        # report back a single time, if there is only one
        if (all(maxtime == maxtime[1])) maxtime <- maxtime[1]
    else cname <- c("n", "nevent")
    dimnames(outmat) <- list(rowname, cname)

    if (rmean=='none') list(matrix=outmat)
    else list(matrix=outmat, end.time=maxtime/scale)

# Subscripts are the most subtle part of this file. A primary reason is that
#  survival curves are made to look like an array to the user, but they are not.
#  If there are strata, each of them will have a different set of time points, so
#  strata are "stacked" into the survfitms object: all the rows for strata 1, 
#  then all the rows for strata 2, etc.  The dim() for a survfitms object
#  can have (strata, states, data), or (strata, states), or (states, data), or
#  only strata. This means the code has multiple if/then/else branches for all
#  the possibilites.
# When the object is multi-dimensional, we follow R convention and let the user
#  refer to it using a single subscript, which adds another branch.
# Another factor is that this routine has been patched and updated umpteen times.

"[.survfitms" <- function(x, ..., drop=FALSE) {
    nmatch <- function(i, target) { 
        # This function lets R worry about character, negative, 
        # or logical subscripts
        #  It always returns a set of positive integer indices
        temp <- seq(along.with=target)
        names(temp) <- target
    #if (!is.null(x$influence.pstate) || !is.null(x$influence.cumhaz))
    #    x <- survfit0(x, x$start.time)  # make influence and pstate align
    ndots <- ...length()      # the simplest, but not avail in R 3.4
    # ndots <- length(list(...))# fails if any are missing, e.g. fit[,2]
    # ndots <- if (missing(drop)) nargs()-1 else nargs()-2  # a workaround
    dd <- dim(x)
    dmatch <- match(c("strata", "data", "states"), names(dd), nomatch=0)
    if (is.null(x$states)) stop("survfitms object has no states component")
    if (dmatch[3]==0) stop ("survfitms object has no states dimension")
    dtype <- match(names(dd), c("strata", "data", "states"))

    if (ndots==0) return(x)  # no subscript given
    if (ndots >0 && !missing(..1)) i <- ..1 else i <- NULL
    if (ndots> 1 && !missing(..2)) j <- ..2 else j <- NULL
    if (ndots> 2 && !missing(..3)) k <- ..3 else k <- NULL
    if (is.null(i) & is.null(j) & is.null(k)) return(x) # only one curve
    # Make a new object
    newx <- vector("list", length(x))
    names(newx) <- names(x)
    for (kk in c("logse", "version", "conf.int", "conf.type", "type", 
                 "start.time", "t0", "call"))
        if (!is.null(x[[kk]])) newx[[kk]] <- x[[kk]]
    newx$transitions <- NULL # may no longer be accurate, and not needed
    class(newx) <- class(x)

    # Like a matrix, let the user use a single subscript if they desire
    if (ndots==1 && length(dd) > 1) {
        # the 'treat it as a vector' case
        if (!is.numeric(i))
            stop("single subscript must be numeric")
        if (any(dmatch==2)) stop("single index subscripts are not supported for a survfit objet with both data and state dimesions")

        # when subscripting a mix, these don't endure
        newx$cumhaz <- newx$std.chaz <- newx$influence.chaz <- NULL
        newx$transitions <- newx$states <- newx$newdata <- NULL
        news$n.transition <- NULL
        # what strata and columns do I need?
        itemp <- matrix(1:prod(dd), nrow=dd[1])
        jj <- (col(itemp))[i]    # columns
        ii <- (row(itemp))[i]    # this is now the strata id
        if (dtype[1]!=1 || dd[1]==1) # no strata or only 1
            irow <- rep(seq(along.with= x$time), length(ii))
        else {
            itemp2 <- split(1:sum(x$strata), rep(1:length(x$strata), x$strata))
            irow <- unlist(itemp2[ii])  # rows of the pstate object
        inum <- x$strata[ii]        # number of rows in each ii
        indx <- cbind(irow, rep(jj,ii))      # matrix index for pstate
        # The n.risk, n.event, .. matrices dont have a newdata dimension.
        if (all(dtype!=2) || dd["data"]==1) kk <- jj
        else {  # both data and states
            itemp <- matrix(1:(dd["data"]*dd["states"]), nrow=dd[2])
            kk <- (col(itemp))[jj]    # the state of each selected one
            indx2 <- cbind(irow, rep(k, irow))  
        newx$n <- x$n[ii]
        newx$n.id <-x$n.id[ii]
        newx$time <- x$time[irow]
        for (z in c("n.risk", "n.event", "n.censor", "n.enter"))
            if (!is.null(x[[z]])) newx[[z]] <- (x[[z]])[indx2]
        for (z in c("pstate", "std.err", "upper", "lower", "std.auc"))
            if (!is.null(x[[z]])) newx[[z]] <- (x[[z]])[indx]
        newx$strata <- x$strata[ii]
        names(newx$strata) <- seq(along.with=ii)
    # not a single subscript, i.e., the usual case
    # Backwards compatability: If x$strata=NULL, it is a semantic argument
    #  of whether there is still "1 stratum".  I have used the second
    #  form at times, e.g.  x[1,,2] for an object with only data and state
    #  dimensions.
    # If there are no strata, 1 too many subscripts, and the first is 1,
    #  assume this case and toss the first
    if (ndots == (length(dd)+1)) {
        if (is.null(x$strata) && (is.null(i) || (length(i)==1 && i==1))) {
            i <-j; j <-k; k <- NULL
        } else stop("incorrect number of dimensions")
    } else if (ndots != length(dd)) stop("incorrect number of dimensions")

    # create irow, which selects for the time dimension of x
    if (dtype[1]!=1 || is.null(i)) {
        irow <- seq(along.with= x$time)
    else {
        i <- nmatch(i, names(x$strata))
        itemp <- split(1:sum(x$strata), rep(1:length(x$strata), x$strata))
        irow <- unlist(itemp[i])  # rows of the pstate object

    # Select the n, strata, and time components of the output.  Make j,k
    #  point to the subscripts other than strata (makes later code a touch
    #  simpler.)
    newx$time <- x$time[irow]    
    if (dtype[1] !=1) {  # there are no strata
        newx$n <- x$n; newx$n.id <- x$id
        k <- j; j <- i;
        dd <- c(0, dd)
        dtype <- c(1, dtype)
    else { # there are strata
        if (is.null(i)) i <-seq(along.with=x$strata)
        if ((drop && length(i)>1) || !drop) newx$strata <- x$strata[i]
        newx$n <- x$n[i]
        newx$n.id <- x$n.id

    # The n.censor and n.enter values do not repeat with multiple X values
    for (z in c("n.censor", "n.enter"))
        if (!is.null(x[[z]])) newx[[z]] <- (x[[z]])[irow,, drop=FALSE]
    # two cases: with newx or without newx  (pstate is always present)
    nstate <- length(x$states)
    if (dtype[2] !=2) {  # j indexes the states, there is no data dimension
        if (is.null(j)) j <- seq.int(nstate)
        else j <- nmatch(j, x$states)

        # keep these as start points for plotting, even though they won't make
        #  true sense if states are subset, since rows won't sum to 1
        if (!is.null(x$p0)) {
            if (is.matrix(x$p0)) newx$p0 <- x$p0[i,j, drop=FALSE] 
            else newx$p0 <- x$p0[j]
        if (!is.null(x$sp0)) {
            if (is.matrix(x$sp0)) newx$sp0 <- x$sp0[i,j, drop=FALSE] 
            else newx$sp0 <- x$sp0[j]
        # in the rare case of a single strata with 1 obs, don't drop dims
        if (length(irow)==1 && length(j) > 1) drop2 <- FALSE 
        else drop2 <- drop

        for (z in c("n.risk", "n.event"))
            if (!is.null(x[[z]])) newx[[z]] <- (x[[z]])[irow,j, drop=drop2]
        for (z in c("pstate", "std.err", "std.auc", "upper", "lower"))
            if (!is.null(x[[z]])) newx[[z]] <- (x[[z]])[irow,j, drop=drop2]
        if (!is.null(x$influence.pstate)) {
            if (is.list(x$influence.pstate)) {
                if (length(i)==1) newx$influence.pstate <- x$influence.pstate[[i]]
                else newx$influence.pstate <- lapply(x$influence.pstate[i],
                                     function(x) x[,,j, drop= drop])
            else newx$influence.pstate <- x$influence.pstate[,,j, drop=drop]

        if (length(j)== nstate && all(j == seq.int(nstate))) {
            # user kept all the states, in original order
            newx$states <- x$states
            for (z in c("cumhaz", "std.chaz", "n.transtion"))
                 if (!is.null(x[[z]])) newx[[z]] <- (x[[z]])[irow,, drop=drop2]
            if (!is.null(x$influence.chaz)) {
                if (is.list(x$influence.chaz)) {
                    newx$influence.chaz <- x$influence.chaz[i]
                    if (length(i)==1 && drop) 
                        newx$influence.chaz <- x$influence.chaz[[i]]
                else newx$influence.chaz <- x$influence.chaz
        else {
            # Some states were dropped, leaving no consistent way to 
            #  subscript cumhaz, or not one I have yet seen clearly
            # So remove it from the object
            newx$cumhaz <- newx$std.chaz <- newx$influence.chaz <- NULL
            newx$n.transition <- NULL
            newx$oldstate <- x$states
            if (length(j)==1 & drop) {
                newx$states <- NULL
                temp <- class(newx)
                class(newx) <- temp[temp!="survfitms"]
            else newx$states <- x$states[j]
    else {  # j points at newdata, k points at states
        if (is.null(j)) j <- seq.int(dd[2])
        else j <- nmatch(j, seq.int(dd[2]))

        if (is.null(k)) k <- seq.int(nstate)
        else k <- nmatch(k, x$states)

        # keep these as start points for plotting, even though they won't make
        #  true sense is states are subset, since rows won't sum to 1
        # (all data= sets have the same p0)
        if (!is.null(x$p0)) {
            if (is.matrix(x$p0)) newx$p0 <- x$p0[i,k] else newx$p0 <- x$p0[k]
        if (!is.null(x$sp0)) {
            if (is.matrix(x$sp0)) newx$sp0 <- x$p0[i,k] else newx$sp0 <- x$sp0[k]

         if (length(irow)==1) {
            if (length(j) > 1) drop2 <- FALSE else drop2<- drop
            if (length(k) > 1) drop3 <- FALSE else drop3 <- drop
        else drop2 <- drop3 <- drop

        for (z in c("n.risk", "n.event"))
            if (!is.null(x[[z]])) newx[[z]] <- (x[[z]])[irow, k, drop=drop3]
        for (z in c("pstate", "std.err", "std.auc", "upper", "lower"))
            if (!is.null(x[[z]])) newx[[z]] <- (x[[z]])[irow,j,k, drop=drop2]
        if (!is.null(x$influence.pstate)) {
            if (is.list(x$influence.pstate)) {
                if (length(i)==1) 
                    newx$influence.pstate <- (x$influence.pstate[[i]])[,,j,k, drop=drop]
                else newx$influence.pstate <- lapply(x$influence.pstate[i],
                                     function(x) x[,,j,k, drop= drop])
            else newx$influence.pstate <- x$influence.pstate[,,j,k, drop=drop]

        if (length(k)== nstate && all(k == seq.int(nstate))) {
            # user kept all the states
            newx$states <- x$states
            if (!is.null(x$n.transition)) 
                newx$n.transition <- x$n.transition[irow,drop=drop2]
            for (z in c("cumhaz", "std.chaz"))
                 if (!is.null(x[[z]])) 
                     newx[[z]] <- (x[[z]])[irow,j,, drop=drop2]

            if (!is.null(x$influence.chaz)) {
                if (is.list(x$influence.chaz)) {
                    newx$influence.chaz <- (x$influence.chaz[i])[,j,]
                    if (length(i)==1 && drop) 
                        newx$influence.chaz <- x$influence.chaz[[i]]
                else newx$influence.chaz <- x$influence.chaz[,j,]
        else {
            # never drop the states component.  Otherwise downstream code
            #  will start looking for x$surv instead of x$pstate
            newx$states <- x$states[k]
            newx$cumhaz <- newx$std.chaz <- newx$influence.chaz <- NULL
            newx$transition <- NULL
            newx$oldstate <- x$states
            x$transitions <- NULL

        if (length(j)==1 && drop) newx$newdata <- NULL
        else newx$newdata <- x$newdata[j,,drop=FALSE]  #newdata is a data frame

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survival documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:49 a.m.