survreg <- function(formula, data, weights, subset, na.action,
dist='weibull', init=NULL, scale=0, control, parms=NULL,
model=FALSE, x=FALSE, y=TRUE, robust=FALSE, cluster, score=FALSE, ...) {
Call <- # save a copy of the call
# Move any cluster() term out of the formula, and make it an argument
# instead. This makes everything easier. But, I can only do that with
# a local copy, doing otherwise messes up future use of update() on
# the model object for a user stuck in "+ cluster()" mode.
if (missing(formula)) stop("a formula argument is required")
ss <- c("cluster", "offset")
Terms <- if (missing(data)) terms(formula, specials=ss) else
terms(formula, specials=ss, data=data)
tcl <- attr(Terms, 'specials')$cluster
if (length(tcl) > 1) stop("a formula cannot have multiple cluster terms")
if (length(tcl) > 0) { # there is one
factors <- attr(Terms, 'factors')
if (any(factors[tcl,] >1)) stop("cluster() cannot be in an interaction")
if (attr(Terms, "response") ==0)
stop("formula must have a Surv response")
if (is.null(Call$cluster))
Call$cluster <- attr(Terms, "variables")[[1+tcl]][[2]]
else warning("cluster appears both in a formula and as an argument, formula term ignored")
# [.terms is broken at least through R 4.1; use our
# local drop.special() so as to not lose offsets.
Terms <- drop.special(Terms, tcl)
formula <- Call$formula <- formula(Terms)
indx <- match(c("formula", "data", "weights", "subset", "na.action",
names(Call), nomatch=0)
if (indx[1] ==0) stop("A formula argument is required")
temp <- Call[c(1,indx)] # only keep the arguments we wanted
temp[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame) # change the function called
special <- c("strata")
temp$formula <- if(missing(data)) terms(formula, special)
else terms(formula, special, data=data)
m <- eval(temp, parent.frame())
Terms <- attr(m, 'terms')
weights <- model.extract(m, 'weights')
Y <- model.extract(m, "response")
if (!inherits(Y, "Surv")) stop("Response must be a survival object")
type <- attr(Y, "type")
if (type== 'counting')
stop ("start-stop type Surv objects are not supported")
if (type=="mright" || type=="mcounting")
stop("multi-state survival is not supported")
cluster <- model.extract(m, "cluster")
if (length(cluster)) {
if (missing(robust)) robust <- TRUE
cluster <- as.numeric(as.factor(cluster))
else if (robust) cluster <- 1:nrow(Y)
strats <- attr(Terms, "specials")$strata
dropx <- NULL
if (length(strats)) {
temp <- untangle.specials(Terms, 'strata', 1)
dropx <- temp$terms
if (length(temp$vars)==1) strata.keep <- m[[temp$vars]]
else strata.keep <- strata(m[,temp$vars], shortlabel=TRUE)
strata <- as.numeric(strata.keep)
nstrata <- max(strata)
else {
nstrata <- 1
strata <- 0
if (length(dropx)) {
newTerms <- Terms[-dropx]
# R (version 2.7.1) adds intercept=T anytime you drop something
attr(newTerms, 'intercept') <- attr(Terms, 'intercept')
else newTerms <- Terms
X <- model.matrix(newTerms, m)
assign <- lapply(attrassign(X, newTerms)[-1], function(x) x-1)
xlevels <- .getXlevels(newTerms, m) <- attr(X, 'contrasts')
if (!all(is.finite(X)))
stop("data contains an infinite predictor")
n <- nrow(X)
nvar <- ncol(X)
offset<- model.offset(m) # R returns NULL if no offset, Splus a zero
if (length(offset)==0 || all(offset==0)) offset <- rep(0.,n)
# The user can either give a distribution name, in which the distribution
# is found in the object survreg.distributions, or include a list object
# of the same format as is found there.
if (is.character(dist)) {
# partial matching of names in [[ is on its way out in R, so
# first use match.arg, e.g. turn 'exp' into 'exponential'
dist <- match.arg(dist, names(survreg.distributions))
dlist <- survreg.distributions[[dist]]
if (is.null(dlist)) stop(paste(dist, ": distribution not found"))
else if (is.list(dist)) dlist <- dist
else stop("Invalid distribution object")
# Make sure it is legal
if (!survregDtest(dlist)) stop("Invalid distribution object")
# If the distribution is a transformation of another, perform
# said transform.
logcorrect <- 0 #correction to the loglik due to transformations
Ysave <- Y # for use in the y component
if (!is.null(dlist$trans)) {
tranfun <- dlist$trans
exactsurv <- Y[,ncol(Y)] ==1
if (any(exactsurv)) {
if (is.null(weights))
logcorrect <- sum(log(dlist$dtrans(Y[exactsurv, 1])))
else logcorrect <- sum(weights[exactsurv]*log(dlist$dtrans(Y[exactsurv, 1])))
if (type=='interval') {
if (any(Y[,3]==3))
Y <- cbind(tranfun(Y[,1:2]), Y[,3])
else Y <- cbind(tranfun(Y[,1]), Y[,3])
else if (type=='left')
Y <- cbind(tranfun(Y[,1]), 2-Y[,2])
else Y <- cbind(tranfun(Y[,1]), Y[,2])
if (!all(is.finite(Y)))
stop("Invalid survival times for this distribution")
else {
if (type=='left') Y[,2] <- 2- Y[,2]
else if (type=='interval' && all(Y[,3]<3)) Y <- Y[,c(1,3)]
if (!is.null(dlist$scale)) {
if (!missing(scale)) warning(paste(dlist$name,
"has a fixed scale, user specified value ignored"))
scale <- dlist$scale
if (!is.null(dlist$dist))
if (is.atomic(dlist$dist)) dlist <- survreg.distributions[[dlist$dist]]
else dlist <- dlist$dist
# check for parameters
ptemp <- dlist$parms
if (is.null(ptemp)) {
if (!is.null(parms)) stop(paste(dlist$name,
"distribution has no optional parameters"))
else {
if (!is.numeric(ptemp))
stop("Default parameters must be a numeric vector")
if (!missing(parms)) {
temp <- unlist(parms) # just in case they gave a list object
indx <- match(names(temp), names(ptemp))
if (any( stop("Invalid parameter names")
ptemp[names(ptemp)] <- temp
parms <- ptemp
# An idea originally from Brian R: if the user gave a list of
# control values, use it, but if they did not give an explicit control
# argument assume that they mistakenly wrote control parameters as a
# part of the "..." or other arguments
if (missing(control)) control <- survreg.control(...)
else control <-'survreg.control', control)
# The any() construction below is to catch a user that mistakenly
# thinks that 'scale' can be used in a model with multiple strata, and
# so provided a vector of scale values.
# (A 'perhaps should be be added someday' feature).
if (any(scale < 0)) stop("Invalid scale value")
if (any(scale >0) && nstrata >1)
stop("The scale argument is not valid with multiple strata")
# Check for penalized terms
pterms <- sapply(m, inherits, 'coxph.penalty')
if (any(pterms)) {
if (any(grepl("frailty", names(pterms))))
stop("survreg does not support frailty terms")
pattr <- lapply(m[pterms], attributes)
# the 'order' attribute has the same components as 'term.labels'
# pterms always has 1 more (response), sometimes 2 (offset)
# drop the extra parts from pterms
temp <- c(attr(Terms, 'response'), attr(Terms, 'offset'))
if (length(dropx)) temp <- c(temp, dropx+1)
pterms <- pterms[-temp]
temp <- match((names(pterms))[pterms], attr(Terms, 'term.labels'))
ord <- attr(Terms, 'order')[temp]
if (any(ord>1)) stop ('Penalty terms cannot be in an interaction')
assign <- attrassign(X, newTerms)
pcols <- assign[match(names(pterms[pterms]), names(assign))]
fit <-, Y, weights, offset, init=init,
controlvals = control,
dist= dlist, scale=scale,
strata=strata, nstrat=nstrata,
pcols, pattr, parms=parms, assign)
else fit <-, Y, weights, offset,
init=init, controlvals=control,
dist= dlist, scale=scale, nstrat=nstrata,
strata, parms=parms)
if (is.character(fit)) fit <- list(fail=fit) #error message
else {
if (scale==0) {
nvar <- length(fit$coefficients) - nstrata
fit$scale <- exp(fit$coefficients[-(1:nvar)])
if (nstrata==1) names(fit$scale) <- NULL
else names(fit$scale) <- levels(strata.keep)
fit$coefficients <- fit$coefficients[1:nvar]
fit$idf <- 1 + nstrata
else {
fit$scale <- scale
fit$idf <- 1
fit$loglik <- fit$loglik + logcorrect
if (!score) fit$score <- NULL #do not return the score vector
fit$df.residual <- n - sum(fit$df)
fit$terms <- Terms
fit$contrasts <-
if (length(xlevels)) fit$xlevels <- xlevels
fit$means <- apply(X,2, mean)
if (!is.null(weights)) fit$weights <- weights
fit$call <- Call
fit$dist <- dist
if (model) fit$model <- m
if (x) fit$x <- X
if (y) fit$y <- Ysave
if (length(parms)) fit$parms <- parms
# Do this before attaching the na.action, so that residuals() won't
# reinsert missing values under na.exclude
if (robust) {
fit$naive.var <- fit$var
if (!model) fit$model <- m #temporary addition, so resid doesn't
# have to reconstruct
if (length(cluster))
fit$var <- crossprod(rowsum(residuals.survreg(fit, 'dfbeta'),
else fit$var <- crossprod(residuals.survreg(fit, 'dfbeta'))
if (!model) fit$model <- NULL # take it back out
# set singular coefficients to NA
# this is purposely not done until the residuals, etc. are computed
singular <- (diag(fit$var)==0)[1:length(fit$coefficients)]
if (any(singular)) fit$coefficients[singular] <- NA
na.action <- attr(m, "na.action")
if (length(na.action)) fit$na.action <- na.action
if (any(pterms)) class(fit) <- c('survreg.penal', 'survreg')
else class(fit) <- 'survreg'
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