Defines functions HMc.tau .tau cumhaz RATE.surv RATE

Documented in RATE RATE.surv

##' Estimation of the Average Treatment Effect among Responders
##' @title Responder Average Treatment Effect
##' @param response Response formula (e.g, Y~D*A)
##' @param post.treatment Post treatment marker formula (e.g., D~W)
##' @param treatment Treatment formula (e.g, A~1)
##' @param data data.frame
##' @param family Exponential family for response (default gaussian)
##' @param M Number of folds in cross-fitting (M=1 is no cross-fitting)
##' @param pr.treatment (optional) Randomization probability of treatment.
##' @param treatment.level Treatment level in binary treatment (default 1)
##' @param SL.args.response Arguments to SuperLearner for the response model
##' @param SL.args.post.treatment Arguments to SuperLearner for the post treatment indicator
##' @param preprocess (optional) Data preprocessing function
##' @param efficient If TRUE, the estimate will be efficient. If FALSE, the estimate will be a simple plug-in estimate.
##' @param ... Additional arguments to lower level functions
##' @return estimate object
##' @author Andreas Nordland, Klaus K. Holst
##' @export
RATE <- function(response, post.treatment, treatment,
                 data, family = gaussian(), M = 5,
                 pr.treatment, treatment.level,
                 SL.args.response = list(family = gaussian(),
                                         SL.library = c("SL.mean", "SL.glm")),
                 SL.args.post.treatment = list(family = binomial(),
                                               SL.library = c("SL.mean", "SL.glm")),
                 preprocess = NULL, efficient = TRUE, ...) {
  dots <- list(...)
  cl <- match.call()

  A <- get_response(treatment, data)
  A.levels <- sort(unique(A))
  if (length(A.levels)!=2) stop("Expected binary treatment variable")
  if (missing(treatment.level)) {
    treatment.level <- A.levels[2]
  control.level <- setdiff(A.levels, treatment.level[1])
  if (missing(pr.treatment)) {
    pr.treatment <- mean(A == treatment.level[1])

  D.levels <- sort(unique(get_response(post.treatment, data)))
  if (all(D.levels != c(0,1))) stop("Expected binary post treatment variable (0,1).")

  fit.phis <- function(train_data, valid_data) {
    D.args <- c(list(formula = post.treatment), SL.args.post.treatment)
    D.fit <- do.call(SL, D.args)
    Y.args <- c(list(formula = response), SL.args.response)
    Y.fit <- do.call(SL, Y.args)
    if (!is.null(preprocess)) {
      train_data <- do.call(
        c(list(data = train_data, call = cl), dots)
    D.est <- D.fit(train_data)
    Y.est <- Y.fit(train_data)

    A <- as.numeric(get_response(treatment, valid_data) == treatment.level[1])
    D <- as.numeric(get_response(post.treatment, valid_data))
    Y <- get_response(response, valid_data)

    if (!is.null(preprocess)) {
      valid_data <- do.call(
        c(list(data = valid_data, call = cl), dots)
    valid_data[lava::getoutcome(treatment)] <- treatment.level[1]
    pr.Ya <- predict(Y.est, valid_data)
    pr.Da <- predict(D.est, valid_data)
    valid_data[lava::getoutcome(treatment)] <- control.level
    pr.Y0 <- predict(Y.est, valid_data)

    phi.a <- A / pr.treatment * (Y - pr.Ya) + pr.Ya
    phi.0 <- (1-A) / (1 - pr.treatment) * (Y - pr.Y0) + pr.Y0

    phi.d <- A / pr.treatment * (D - pr.Da) + pr.Da

    phis <- list(a1 = phi.a, a0 = phi.0, d = phi.d)

    phis <- do.call(cbind, phis)


  fit.phis.plugin <- function(){
    A <- get_response(treatment, data)
    D <- get_response(post.treatment, data)
    Y <- get_response(response, data)

    phi.1 <- A / pr.treatment * Y
    phi.0 <- (1-A) / (1 - pr.treatment) * Y
    phi.D <- A / pr.treatment * D
    phis <- list(a1 = phi.1, a0 = phi.0, d = phi.D)
    phis <- do.call(cbind, phis)

  n <- nrow(data)
  if(efficient == TRUE){
    if (M < 2) {
      phis <- fit.phis(data, data)
    } else {
      phis <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = 3)
      folds <- split(sample(1:n, n), rep(1:M, length.out = n))
      folds <- lapply(folds, sort)
      for (f in folds) {
        train_data <- data[-f, ]
        valid_data <- data[f, ]
        ph <- fit.phis(train_data = train_data, valid_data = valid_data)
        phis[f,] <- ph
        colnames(phis) <- colnames(ph)
  } else{
    phis <- fit.phis.plugin()

  estimates <- apply(phis, 2, mean)
  rate <- (estimates[["a1"]] - estimates[["a0"]]) / estimates[["d"]]

  IC <- apply(phis, 2, function(x) x - mean(x))
  rate.IC <- 1 / estimates[["d"]] * (IC[,"a1"] - IC[,"a0"] - rate * IC[,"d"])

  estimates <- c(estimates, rate = rate)
  IC <- cbind(IC, rate = rate.IC)

  return(lava::estimate(NULL, coef = estimates, IC = IC))

##' Estimation of the Average Treatment Effect among Responders for Survival Outcomes
##' Estimation of
##' \deqn{
##' \frac{P(T \leq \tau|A=1) - P(T \leq \tau|A=1)}{E[D|A=1]}
##' }
##' under right censoring based on plug-in estimates of \eqn{P(T \leq \tau|A=a)} and \eqn{E[D|A=1]}.
##' An efficient one-step estimator of \eqn{P(T \leq \tau|A=a)} is constructed using
##' the efficient influence function
##' \deqn{
##' \frac{I\{A=a\}}{P(A = a)} \Big(\frac{\Delta}{S^c_{0}(\tilde T|X)} I\{\tilde T \leq \tau\} + \int_0^\tau \frac{S_0(u|X)-S_0(\tau|X)}{S_0(u|X)S^c_0(u|X)} d M^c_0(u|X))\Big)\\
##' + \Big(1 - \frac{I\{A=a\}}{P(A = a)}\Big)F_0(\tau|A=a, W) - P(T \leq \tau|A=a).
##' }
##' An efficient one-step estimator of \eqn{E[D|A=1]} is constructed using the efficient influence function
##' \deqn{
##' \frac{A}{P(A = 1)}\left(D-E[D|A=1, W]\right) + E[D|A=1, W] -E[D|A=1].
##' }
##' @title Responder Average Treatment Effect
##' @param response Response formula (e.g., Surv(time, event) ~ D + W).
##' @param post.treatment Post treatment marker formula (e.g., D ~ W).
##' @param treatment Treatment formula (e.g., A ~ 1).
##' @param censoring Censoring formula (e.g., Surv(time, event == 0) ~ D + A + W)).
##' @param tau Time-point of interest, see Details.
##' @param data data.frame.
##' @param M Number of folds in cross-fitting (M=1 is no cross-fitting).
##' @param pr.treatment (optional) Randomization probability of treatment.
##' @param call.response Model call for the response model (e.g. "mets::phreg").
##' @param args.response Additional arguments to the response model.
##' @param SL.args.post.treatment Additional arguments to SuperLearner for the post treatment indicator model.
##' @param call.censoring Similar to call.response.
##' @param args.censoring Similar to args.response.
##' @param preprocess (optional) Data pre-processing function.
##' @param ... Additional arguments to lower level data pre-processing functions.
##' @return estimate object
##' @author Andreas Nordland, Klaus K. Holst
##' @export
RATE.surv <- function(response, post.treatment, treatment, censoring,
                      M = 5,
                      args.response = list(),
                      SL.args.post.treatment = list(family = binomial(),
                                                    SL.library = c("SL.mean", "SL.glm")),
                      args.censoring = list(),
                      preprocess = NULL,
                      ...) {
  dots <- list(...)
  cl <- match.call()

  surv.response <- get_response(formula = response, data)
  surv.censoring <- get_response(formula = censoring, data)

    attr(surv.response, "type") == "right", # only allows right censoring
    attr(surv.censoring, "type") == "right", # only allows right censoring
    all(surv.response[,1] == surv.censoring[ ,1]), # time must be equal
    all(order(surv.response[,1]) == (1:nrow(data))) # data must be ordered by time and have no missing values
  rm(surv.response, surv.censoring)

  A.levels <- sort(unique(get_response(treatment, data)))
  if (all(A.levels != c(0,1))) stop("Expected binary treatment variable (0,1).")
  if (missing(pr.treatment)) {
    pr.treatment <- NULL

  D.levels <- sort(unique(get_response(post.treatment, data)))
  if (all(D.levels != c(0,1))) stop("Expected binary post treatment variable (0,1).")

  fit.phis <- function(train_data, valid_data) {

    # pre-processing training data
    if (!is.null(preprocess)) {
      train_data <- do.call(
        c(list(data = train_data, call = cl), dots)

    # post treatment model
    D.args <- c(list(formula = post.treatment), SL.args.post.treatment)
    D.fit <- do.call(SL, D.args)
    D.est <- D.fit(train_data)

    # time-to-event outcome model
    T.args <- c(
      list(formula = response,
           data = train_data),
    T.est <- do.call(what = call.response, T.args)

    # censoring model
    C.args <- c(
      list(formula = censoring,
           data = train_data),
    C.est <- do.call(what = call.censoring, C.args)

    # pre-processing validation data
    if (!is.null(preprocess)) {
      valid_data <- do.call(
        c(list(data = valid_data, call = cl), dots)

    valid.time <- get_response(formula = response, valid_data)[,1]
    valid.event <- get_response(formula = response, valid_data)[,2]

    # constructing the one-step estimator
    f.0 <-  F.tau(
      T.est = T.est,
      D.est = D.est,
      data = valid_data,
      tau = tau,
      a = 0,
      treatment = treatment,
      post.treatment = post.treatment
    f.1 <-  F.tau(
      T.est = T.est,
      D.est = D.est,
      data = valid_data,
      tau = tau,
      a = 1,
      treatment = treatment,
      post.treatment = post.treatment
    hmc <- HMc.tau(
      T.est = T.est,
      C.est = C.est,
      data = valid_data,
      time = valid.time,
      event = valid.event,
      tau = tau
    sc <- diag(cumhaz(C.est, newdata = valid_data, times = valid.time)$surv)

    rm(T.est, C.est)

    A <- as.numeric(get_response(treatment, valid_data))
    if (is.null(pr.treatment)) {
      pr.treatment <- mean(A)

    phi.0 <- (1-A) / (1-pr.treatment) * (valid.event / sc * (valid.time <= tau) + hmc) + (1 - (1-A) / (1-pr.treatment)) * f.0
    phi.1 <- A / (pr.treatment) * (valid.event / sc * (valid.time <= tau) + hmc) + (1 - A / (pr.treatment)) * f.1

    D <- as.numeric(get_response(post.treatment, valid_data))
    valid_data[lava::getoutcome(treatment)] <- 1
    pr.d <- predict(D.est, valid_data, type = "response")
    phi.d <- A / pr.treatment * (D - pr.d) + pr.d

    phis <- list(a1 = phi.1, a0 = phi.0, d = phi.d)
    phis <- do.call(cbind, phis)


  folds <- NULL
  n <- nrow(data)
  if (M < 2) {
    phis <- fit.phis(data, data)
  } else {
    phis <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = 3)
    folds <- split(sample(1:n, n), rep(1:M, length.out = n))
    folds <- lapply(folds, sort)
    for (f in folds) {
      train_data <- data[-f, ]
      valid_data <- data[f, ]
      ph <- fit.phis(train_data = train_data, valid_data = valid_data)
      phis[f,] <- ph
      colnames(phis) <- colnames(ph)

  estimates <- apply(phis, 2, mean)
  rate <- (estimates[["a1"]] - estimates[["a0"]]) / estimates[["d"]]

  IC <- apply(phis, 2, function(x) x - mean(x))
  rate.IC <- 1 / estimates[["d"]] * (IC[,"a1"] - IC[,"a0"] - rate * IC[,"d"])

  estimates <- c(estimates, rate = rate)
  IC <- cbind(IC, rate = rate.IC)

  out <- lava::estimate(NULL, coef = estimates, IC = IC)
  attr(out, "folds") <- folds


cumhaz <- function(object, newdata, times=NULL, ...) {
  if (inherits(object, "phreg")) {
    if (is.null(times)) times <- object$times
    pp <- predict(object, newdata=newdata,
                  individual.times=FALSE, ...)
    chf <- t(pp$cumhaz)
    tt <- pp$times
  } else if (inherits(object, "rfsrc")) {
    pp <- predict(object, newdata=newdata, oob=TRUE, ...)
    chf <- t(rbind(pp$chf))
    tt <- pp$time.interest
    if (!is.null(times)) {
      idx <- mets::fast.approx(tt, times)
      chf <- chf[idx,,drop=FALSE]
      tt <- times
  } else if (inherits(object, "ranger")) {
    num.threads <- object$call$num.threads
    pp <- predict(object, type="response", data=newdata, num.threads = num.threads, ...)
    chf <- t(rbind(pp$chf))
    tt <- pp$unique.death.times
    if (!is.null(times)) {
      idx <- mets::fast.approx(tt, times)
      chf <- chf[idx,,drop=FALSE]
      tt <- times
  } else if (inherits(object, "coxph")) {
    pp <- survfit(object, newdata=newdata)
    pp <- summary(pp, time=times)
    chf <- rbind(pp$cumhaz)
    tt <- pp$time
  list(time=tt, chf=chf, surv=exp(-chf), dchf=diff(rbind(0,chf)))

F.tau <- function(T.est, D.est, data, tau, a, treatment, post.treatment){

  data[lava::getoutcome(treatment)] <- a
  pred.D <- predict(D.est, type = "response", data)

  data[lava::getoutcome(post.treatment)] <- 1
  surv.T.D1 <- cumhaz(T.est, newdata = data, times = tau)$surv[1,]

  data[lava::getoutcome(post.treatment)] <- 0
  surv.T.D0 <- cumhaz(T.est, newdata = data, times = tau)$surv[1,]

  surv <- pred.D * surv.T.D1 + (1 - pred.D) * surv.T.D0

  f.tau <- 1 - surv


# vector of dim 1:n with values \int_0^tau {S(u|X_i) - S(tau|X_i)} / {S(u|X_i) S^c(u|X_i)} d M_i^c
HMc.tau <- function(T.est, C.est, data, time, event, tau){
  n <- nrow(data)

  jump <- (time <= tau)

  data.C <- data[event == 0, ]
  time.C <- time[event == 0]

  S <- diag(cumhaz(T.est, newdata = data.C, times = time.C)$surv)
  S.tau <- cumhaz(T.est, newdata = data.C, times = tau)$surv[1,]
  Sc <- diag(cumhaz(C.est, newdata = data.C, times = time.C)$surv)
  stopifnot(all(S * Sc> 0))

  Nc <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = n)
  Nc[(event == 0)] <- (S - S.tau) / (S * Sc)
  Nc[time > tau] <- 0
  rm(S, S.tau, Sc)

  Lc <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = n)
  S <- cumhaz(T.est, newdata = data, times = time)$surv
  S.tau <- cumhaz(T.est, newdata = data, times = tau)$surv
  Sc <- cumhaz(C.est, newdata = data, times = time)
  for(i in 1:n){
    at.risk <- c(rep(1, i), rep(0, n-i))

    h <- (S[,i] - S.tau[,i]) / (S[,i] * Sc$surv[,i])

    lc <- sum((h * at.risk * Sc$dchf[,i])[jump])
    Lc[i] <- lc

  hmc <- Nc - Lc


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