#'Data simulation function
#'Adapted from the supplementary material from Law \emph{et al}.
#'@references Law, C. W., Chen, Y., Shi, W., & Smyth, G. K. (2014). voom: Precision
#'weights unlock linear model analysis tools for RNA-seq read counts. \emph{Genome
#'Biology}, 15(2), R29.
#'data_sims <- data_sim_voomlike(maxGSsize = 300)
#'data_sims <- data_sim_voomlike(maxGSsize = 300, beta = 1.8)
#'@keywords internal
#'@importFrom utils data
#'@importFrom stats cor rchisq rgamma rnorm rpois model.matrix runif
data_sim_voomlike <- function(seed = NULL, maxGSsize = 400, minGSsize = 30, beta = 0, do_gs = TRUE,
longitudinal = TRUE, mixed_hypothesis = FALSE,
n = 18, nindiv = 6, ntime = 3, propH1=0.1){
# Get distribution function of abundance proportions
# This distribution was generated from a real dataset
utils::data("qAbundanceDist", envir = environment())
qAbundanceDist <- get("qAbundanceDist")
# Generate baseline proportions for desired number of genes -----
ngenes <- 10000
baselineprop <- qAbundanceDist( (1:ngenes)/(ngenes+1) )
baselineprop <- baselineprop/sum(baselineprop)
# Design ----
#n <- 18#128
n1 <- n/2
n2 <- n1
#nindiv <- 6#32
ngroup <- 2
ntime <- 1
#ntime <- 3#4
group <- rep(0:1, each = n/ngroup)
indiv <- factor(rep(1:nindiv, each = n/nindiv))
if(ntime > 1 & longitudinal){
time <- rep(1:ntime, nindiv)
design <- stats::model.matrix(~ group + time)
design <- stats::model.matrix(~ group)
#design <- design[, 1, drop = FALSE]
nlibs <- n
# Library size ----
# Use equal or unequal library sizes
equal <- FALSE
expected.lib.size <- rep(11e6, nlibs)
} else {
expected.lib.size <- 20e6 * rep(c(1, 0.1), n1)
# Set seed ----
u <- stats::runif(100)
# Expected counts, group basis ----
i <- sample(1:ngenes, 200)
i1 <- i[1:100]
i2 <- i[101:200]
fc <- 1
baselineprop1 <- baselineprop
baselineprop2 <- baselineprop
baselineprop1[i1] <- baselineprop1[i1]*fc
baselineprop2[i2] <- baselineprop2[i2]*fc
mu0.1 <- matrix(baselineprop1, ngenes, 1) %*% matrix(expected.lib.size[1:n1], 1, n1)
mu0.2 <- matrix(baselineprop2, ngenes, 1) %*% matrix(expected.lib.size[(n1+1):(n1+n2)], 1, n2)
mu0 <- cbind(mu0.1, mu0.2)
# Biological variation ----
mu0_null <- mu0
mu0 <- exp(log(mu0) + matrix(beta*time, ncol = n, nrow = ngenes, byrow = TRUE))
mu0 <- exp(log(mu0) + matrix(beta*group, ncol = n, nrow = ngenes, byrow = TRUE))
BCV0 <- 0.2+1/sqrt(mu0)
BCV0_null <- 0.2+1/sqrt(mu0_null)
# Use inverse chi-square or log-normal dispersion
invChisq <- TRUE
df.BCV <- 40
BCV_null <- BCV0_null*sqrt(df.BCV/stats::rchisq(ngenes, df = df.BCV))
BCV <- BCV0*sqrt(df.BCV/stats::rchisq(ngenes, df = df.BCV))
} else {
BCV <- BCV0*exp(stats::rnorm(ngenes, mean = 0, sd = 0.25)/2)
if(NCOL(BCV) == 1){
BCV <- matrix(BCV, ngenes, nlibs)
shape_null <- 1/BCV_null^2
shape <- 1/BCV^2
scale_null <- mu0_null/shape_null
scale <- mu0/shape
mu_null <- matrix(stats::rgamma(ngenes*nlibs, shape = shape_null, scale = scale_null), ngenes, nlibs)
mu <- matrix(stats::rgamma(ngenes*nlibs, shape = shape, scale = scale), ngenes, nlibs)
mu[which(mu>10E8)] <- 10E8
# Technical variation
counts_null <- matrix(stats::rpois(ngenes*nlibs, lambda = mu_null), ngenes, nlibs)
counts <- matrix(stats::rpois(ngenes*nlibs, lambda = mu), ngenes, nlibs)
# Filter
keep <- rowSums(counts) >= 10
nkeep <- sum(keep)
counts2 <- counts[keep, ]
counts2_null <- counts_null[keep, ]
rownames(counts2_null) <- as.character(1:nkeep)
rownames(counts2) <- as.character(1:nkeep)
# Gene sets
S_temp <- stats::cor(t(counts2_null))
rownames(S_temp) <- as.character(1:nkeep)
colnames(S_temp) <- as.character(1:nkeep)
GS <- list()
for(i in 1:ncol(S_temp)){
GS[[i]] <- which(abs(S_temp[, 1])>0.8)
#if(inherits(GS[[i]], "try-error")){browser()}
S_temp <- S_temp[-GS[[i]], -GS[[i]]]
if(is.null(dim(S_temp)) || nrow(S_temp) == 0){
gs_keep <- lapply(GS[sapply(GS, length)<maxGSsize & sapply(GS, length)>minGSsize], names)
gs_keep <- NULL
# Adding 90% null hypotheses under H0 (beta = 0)
select_alt <- sample(x = 1:nrow(counts2), size = floor(ngenes*propH1))
countsfin <- rbind(counts2[select_alt, ], counts2_null[!(1:nrow(counts2_null) %in% select_alt), ])
H1_ind <- 1:length(select_alt)
select_alt <- NULL
countsfin <- counts2
H1_ind <- NULL
return(list("counts" = countsfin, "design" = design, "gs_keep" = gs_keep, "indiv" = indiv, "H1_index" = H1_ind))
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