#' Constant Model Fit
#' Function that fits a constant line \eqn{f(x) = 0} and returns generic
#' model outputs.
#' success = 1 for a successful fit, 0 if optimization failed, and NA if
#' nofit = TRUE. aic, rme, and er are set to NA in case of nofit or failure. pars
#' always equals "er".
#' @param conc Vector of concentration values NOT in log units.
#' @param resp Vector of corresponding responses.
#' @param nofit If nofit = TRUE, returns formatted output filled with missing values.
#' @param errfun Which error distribution to assume for each point, defaults to
#' "dt4". "dt4" is the original 4 degrees of freedom t-distribution. Another
#' supported distribution is "dnorm", the normal distribution.
#' @param ... Space for parameters so fitcnst can be called similar to other fitting functions (currently unused)
#' @return List of five elements: success, aic (Akaike Information Criteria),
#' rme (root mean square error), er (error parameter), pars (parameter names).
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom stats mad optim
#' @examples
#' fitcnst(c(.1,1,10,100), c(1,2,0,-1))
#' fitcnst(c(.1,1,10,100), c(1,2,0,-1), nofit = TRUE)
fitcnst = function(conc, resp, nofit = FALSE, errfun = "dt4", ...){
pars <- "er"
myparams = c("success", "aic", "rme","er")
#nofit generic output
out = as.list(rep(NA_real_, length(myparams)))
names(out) = myparams
out[["success"]] = NA_integer_
er_est <- if ((rmad <- mad(resp)) > 0) log(rmad) else log(1e-32)
###----------------------- Fit the Constant Model -----------------------###
fit <- optim(er_est,
fname = "cnst",
method = "Brent",
lower = er_est - 2,
upper = er_est + 2,
control = list(fnscale = -1,
reltol = 1e-4,
maxit = 500),
conc = conc,
resp = resp,
errfun = errfun)
if (!is(fit, "try-error")) {
success <- 1L
er <- fit$par
aic <- 2 - 2*fit$value
## Calculate the rmse for constant
rme <- sqrt(mean((0 - resp)^2, na.rm = TRUE))
} else {
success <- 0L
er <- NA_real_
aic <- NA_integer_
rme <- NA_real_
return(mget(c("success", "aic", "rme", "er", "pars")))
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