test_that("concRespCore works", {
row = list(conc=as.numeric(str_split(signatures[1,"conc"],"\\|")[[1]]),
out = concRespCore(row)
expect_equal(out$fit_method, "exp4")
expect_equal(out$hitcall, 0.99, tolerance = 1e-2)
expect_equal(out$tp, 0.749, tolerance = 1e-2)
expect_equal(out$ga, 9.59, tolerance = 1e-2)
test_that("HTPP global data internal check", {
# load necessary data
load(here::here("R", "sysdata.rda"))
## Confirmed with Derik, concentrations above 2.98 uM can be remove for C02
## because higher concentrations cause cytotoxicity above the standard threshold of 50%.
## (i.e. concentration that is below the fitted EC50 value for a chemical is removed.)
## dropping higher concentrations for C02
htpp_global_input = subset(htpp_global_input, htpp_global_input$trt != "C02" |
htpp_global_input$conc <= 2.98 )
## One can use the following code to verify that for curve fitting, C02 uses
## 5 unique concentrations, with the highest concentration being 2.98.
## htpp_global_subset[htpp_global_subset$trt == "C02",c("trt", "min_conc", "max_conc","n_conc", "conc")]
## unique(htpp_global_input[htpp_global_input$trt == "C02","conc"])
my_global <- NULL
for (this.chem in unique(htpp_global_subset$trt)){
## for each chemical, prepare data for concRespCore
temp <- htpp_global_input[htpp_global_input$trt == this.chem, ]
## prepare "row" list object per Description
row <- list(
pg_id = unique(temp$pg_id),
stype = unique(temp$stype),
trt = this.chem,
min_conc = min(temp$conc),
max_conc = max(temp$conc),
n_conc = length(unique(temp$conc)),
conc = temp$conc,
resp = temp$d,
approach = "global",
endpoint = "global"
## run concRespCore on the ‘row’ list object
newLine <- try(concRespCore(row, fitmodels = c("cnst", "hill", "poly1", "poly2", "pow", "exp2", "exp3","exp4", "exp5"), conthits = T, aicc = F, = FALSE, bidirectional = FALSE, AUC = FALSE))
if(is.null(newLine) | class(newLine)=="try-error"){
newLine <- try(concRespCore(row, conthits = F, aicc = FALSE, = FALSE, bidirectional = TRUE, fitmodels=c("cnst"), AUC = FALSE))
}else if(class(newLine) == "try-error"){
newLine <- row
rownames(newLine) <- ""
my_global <- rbind(my_global, newLine)
## Compare results
## Compare BMD, BMDU, BMDL, top_over_cutoff, hit-call, top, and AC50
## vector operation, order by trt to make sure we are comparing the appropriate output
my_global<- my_global[order(my_global$trt),]
htpp_global_subset<- htpp_global_subset[order(htpp_global_subset$trt),]
## Differences in decimals places are normal rounding errors
## check if the differences in the BMD estimates exceed a threshold value
## BMD could be NA, replace NA with -1 so it wouldn't cause trouble with all().
## The maximum difference between BMD's is 0.0048828.
my_global$bmd[$bmd)] <- (-1)
htpp_global_subset$bmd[$bmd)] <- (-1)
## Adjust the BMD values to 3 significant digits to be consistent with how they are being applied
my_global[, c("bmd", "bmdu", "bmdl")] <- signif(my_global[, c("bmd", "bmdu", "bmdl")], 3)
htpp_global_subset[, c("bmd", "bmdu", "bmdl")] <- signif(htpp_global_subset[, c("bmd", "bmdu", "bmdl")], 3)
bmd_check <- all(abs(my_global$bmd - htpp_global_subset$bmd) < 1e-5)
## Compare BMDU and BMDL with 3 significant digits
## BMDU and BMDL could be NA. Replacing NA with -1.
my_global$bmdu[$bmdu)] <- (-1)
htpp_global_subset$bmdu[$bmdu)] <- (-1)
bmdu_check <- all(abs(my_global$bmdu - htpp_global_subset$bmdu) < 1e-5)
my_global$bmdl[$bmdl)] <- (-1)
htpp_global_subset$bmdl[$bmdl)] <- (-1)
bmdl_check <- all(abs(my_global$bmdl - htpp_global_subset$bmdl) < 1e-5)
## check if the differences in hit-calls exceed a threshold value
hitcall_check <- all(abs(my_global$hitcall - htpp_global_subset$hitcall) < 1e-5)
## check if the differences in top_over_cutoff exceed a threshold value
## top_over_cutoff is NA when the model is none - replace NA with -1
my_global$top_over_cutoff[$top_over_cutoff)] <- (-1)
htpp_global_subset$top_over_cutoff[$top_over_cutoff)] <- (-1)
top_cutoff_check <- all(abs(my_global$top_over_cutoff - htpp_global_subset$top_over_cutoff) < 1e-5)
## check if the differences in top exceed a threshold value
my_global$top[$top)] <- (-1)
htpp_global_subset$top[$top)] <- (-1)
top_check <- all(abs(my_global$top - htpp_global_subset$top) < 1e-5)
## check if the differences in AC50 exceed a threshold value
my_global$ac50[$ac50)] <- (-1)
htpp_global_subset$ac50[$ac50)] <- (-1)
ac50_check <- all(abs(my_global$ac50 - htpp_global_subset$ac50) < 1e-5)
test_that("HTPP category data internal check", {
## load necessary data
## Code below is commented out, not needed when running all tests in the package at once (such as with testthat::test_local().)
## Do need to un-comment and run this code to load the data if one is running this test interactively in the console.
#load(here::here("R", "sysdata.rda"))
## Confirmed with Derik, concentrations above 2.98 uM can be remove for C02
## because higher concentrations cause cytotoxicity above the standard threshold of 50%.
## (i.e. concentration that is below the fitted EC50 value for a chemical is removed.)
## dropping higher concentrations for C02
htpp_cat_input = subset(htpp_cat_input, htpp_cat_input$trt != "C02" |
htpp_cat_input$conc <= 2.98 )
## One can use the following code to verify that for curve fitting, C02 uses
## 5 unique concentrations, with the highest concentration being 2.98.
## htpp_cat_subset[htpp_cat_subset$trt == "C02",c("trt", "min_conc", "max_conc","n_conc", "conc")]
## unique(htpp_cat_input[htpp_cat_input$trt == "C02","conc"])
my_category <- NULL
for (this.chem in unique(htpp_cat_subset$trt)){
temp <- htpp_cat_input[htpp_cat_input$trt == this.chem, ]
for ( in unique(temp$category_name_r)) {
this.sub <- temp[temp$category_name_r ==, ]
## prepare "row" list object per Description
Metadata <- CONTROL_CMAH[CONTROL_CMAH$category_name_r ==, ]
row <- list(
pg_id = unique(this.sub$pg_id),
stype = unique(this.sub$stype),
trt = this.chem,
min_conc = min(this.sub$conc),
max_conc = max(this.sub$conc),
n_conc = length(unique(this.sub$conc)),
ctr_mean = Metadata$BMED,
ctr_sd = Metadata$CUTOFF,
conc = this.sub$conc,
resp = this.sub$d,
bmed = Metadata$BMED,
cutoff = Metadata$CUTOFF,
onesd = Metadata$ONESD,
approach = "category",
endpoint =
## run concRespCore on the ‘row’ list object
newLine <- try(concRespCore(row, fitmodels = c("cnst", "hill", "poly1", "poly2", "pow", "exp2",
"exp3","exp4", "exp5"), conthits = T, aicc = F, = FALSE, bidirectional = FALSE, AUC = FALSE))
if(is.null(newLine) | class(newLine)=="try-error"){
newLine <- try(concRespCore(row, conthits = F, aicc = FALSE, = FALSE,
bidirectional = TRUE, fitmodels=c("cnst"), AUC = FALSE))
}else if(class(newLine) == "try-error"){
newLine <- row
rownames(newLine) <- ""
my_category <- rbind(my_category, newLine)
## Compare results
## Compare BMD, BMDU, BMDL, top_over_cutoff, hit-call, top, and AC50
## Compare by vector operation, order by trt to make sure we are comparing the appropriate output
my_category<- my_category[order(my_category$trt),]
htpp_cat_subset<- htpp_cat_subset[order(htpp_cat_subset$trt),]
## Differences in decimals places are normal rounding errors
## check if the differences in the BMD estimates exceed a threshold value
## BMD could be NA, replace NA with -1 so it wouldn't cause trouble with all()
my_category$bmd[$bmd)] <- (-1)
htpp_cat_subset$bmd[$bmd)] <- (-1)
## Adjust the BMD values to 3 significant digits to be consistent with how they are being applied
my_category[, c("bmd", "bmdu", "bmdl")] <- signif(my_category[, c("bmd", "bmdu", "bmdl")], 3)
htpp_cat_subset[, c("bmd", "bmdu", "bmdl")] <- signif(htpp_cat_subset[, c("bmd", "bmdu", "bmdl")], 3)
bmd_check <- all(abs(my_category$bmd - htpp_cat_subset$bmd) < 1e-5)
## Compare BMDU and BMDL with 3 significant digits
## BMDU and BMDL could be NA. Replacing NA with -1.
my_category$bmdu[$bmdu)] <- (-1)
htpp_cat_subset$bmdu[$bmdu)] <- (-1)
bmdu_check <- all(abs(my_category$bmdu - htpp_cat_subset$bmdu) < 1e-5)
my_category$bmdl[$bmdl)] <- (-1)
htpp_cat_subset$bmdl[$bmdl)] <- (-1)
bmdl_check <- all(abs(my_category$bmdl - htpp_cat_subset$bmdl) < 1e-5)
# check if the differences in hit-calls exceed a threshold value
hitcall_check <- all(abs(my_category$hitcall - htpp_cat_subset$hitcall) < 1e-5)
# check if the differences in top_over_cutoff exceed a threshold value
## top_over_cutoff is NA when the model is none - replace NA with -1
my_category$top_over_cutoff[$top_over_cutoff)] <- (-1)
htpp_cat_subset$top_over_cutoff[$top_over_cutoff)] <- (-1)
top_cutoff_check <- all(abs(my_category$top_over_cutoff - htpp_cat_subset$top_over_cutoff) < 1e-5)
## check if the differences in top exceed a threshold value
my_category$top[$top)] <- (-1)
htpp_cat_subset$top[$top)] <- (-1)
top_check <- all(abs(my_category$top - htpp_cat_subset$top) < 1e-5)
## check if the differences in AC50 exceed a threshold value
my_category$ac50[$ac50)] <- (-1)
htpp_cat_subset$ac50[$ac50)] <- (-1)
ac50_check <- all(abs(my_category$ac50 - htpp_cat_subset$ac50) < 1e-5)
test_that("HTPP feature data internal check", {
## load necessary data
## Code below is commented out, not needed when running all tests in the package at once (such as with testthat::test_local().)
## Do need to un-comment and run this code to load the data if one is running this test interactively in the console.
#load(here::here("R", "sysdata.rda"))
## Confirmed with Derik, concentrations above 2.98 uM can be remove for C02
## and concentrations above 10 uM can be removed for A05 because with these two samples
## higher concentrations cause cytotoxicity above the standard threshold of 50%.
## (i.e. concentration that is below the fitted EC50 value for a chemical is removed.)
chem1 <- subset(htpp_feature_input, htpp_feature_input$trt == "C02" &
htpp_feature_input$conc <= 2.98)
chem2 <- subset(htpp_feature_input, htpp_feature_input$trt == "A05" &
htpp_feature_input$conc <= 10)
htpp_feature_input = subset(htpp_feature_input, htpp_feature_input$trt != "C02" &
htpp_feature_input$trt != "A05" )
htpp_feature_input <- rbind(htpp_feature_input, chem1, chem2)
my_feature <- NULL
for (this.chem in unique(htpp_feature_subset$trt)){
temp <- htpp_feature_input[htpp_feature_input$trt == this.chem, ]
for (this.fname in unique(temp$Feature)) {
this.sub <- temp[temp$Feature == this.fname, ]
## prepare "row" list object per Description
Metadata <- CONTROL_FMAH[CONTROL_FMAH$fname == this.fname, ]
row <- list(
pg_id = unique(this.sub$pg_id),
stype = unique(this.sub$stype),
trt = this.chem,
min_conc = min(this.sub$conc),
max_conc = max(this.sub$conc),
n_conc = length(unique(this.sub$conc)),
ctr_mean = Metadata$BMED,
ctr_sd = Metadata$CUTOFF,
conc = this.sub$conc,
resp = this.sub$d,
bmed = Metadata$BMED,
cutoff = Metadata$CUTOFF,
onesd = Metadata$ONESD,
approach = "feature",
endpoint = this.fname
## run concRespCore on the ‘row’ list object
newLine <- try(concRespCore(row, fitmodels = c("cnst", "hill", "poly1", "poly2", "pow", "exp2",
"exp3","exp4", "exp5"), conthits = T, aicc = F, = FALSE, bidirectional = TRUE, AUC = FALSE))
if(is.null(newLine) | class(newLine)=="try-error"){
newLine <- try(concRespCore(row, conthits = F, aicc = FALSE, = FALSE,
bidirectional = TRUE, fitmodels=c("cnst"), AUC = FALSE))
}else if(class(newLine) == "try-error"){
newLine <- row
rownames(newLine) <- ""
my_feature <- rbind(my_feature, newLine)
## Compare results
## Compare BMD, BMDU, BMDL, top_over_cutoff, hit-call, top, and AC50
## Compare by vector operation, order by trt to make sure we are comparing the appropriate output
my_feature <- my_feature[order(my_feature$trt),]
htpp_feature_subset<- htpp_feature_subset[order(htpp_feature_subset$trt),]
## Differences in decimals places are normal rounding errors
## check if the differences in the BMD estimates exceed a threshold value
## BMD could be NA, replace NA with -1 so it wouldn't cause trouble with all()
my_feature$bmd[$bmd)] <- (-1)
htpp_feature_subset$bmd[$bmd)] <- (-1)
## Adjust the BMD values to 3 significant digits to be consistent with how they are being applied
my_feature[, c("bmd", "bmdu", "bmdl")] <- signif(my_feature[, c("bmd", "bmdu", "bmdl")], 3)
htpp_feature_subset[, c("bmd", "bmdu", "bmdl")] <- signif(htpp_feature_subset[, c("bmd", "bmdu", "bmdl")], 3)
bmd_check <- all(abs(my_feature$bmd - htpp_feature_subset$bmd) < 1e-5)
## Compare BMDU and BMDL with 3 significant digits
## BMDU and BMDL could be NA. Replacing NA with -1.
my_feature$bmdl[$bmdl)] <- (-1)
htpp_feature_subset$bmdl[$bmdl)] <- (-1)
bmdl_check <- all(abs(my_feature$bmdl - htpp_feature_subset$bmdl) < 1e-5)
my_feature$bmdu[$bmdu)] <- (-1)
htpp_feature_subset$bmdu[$bmdu)] <- (-1)
bmdu_check <- all(abs(my_feature$bmdu - htpp_feature_subset$bmdu) < 1e-5)
# check if the differences in hit-calls exceed a threshold value
hitcall_check <- all(abs(my_feature$hitcall - htpp_feature_subset$hitcall) < 1e-5)
# check if the differences in top_over_cutoff exceed a threshold value
my_feature$top_over_cutoff[$top_over_cutoff)] <- (-1)
htpp_feature_subset$top_over_cutoff[$top_over_cutoff)] <- -1
top_cutoff_check <- all(abs(my_feature$top_over_cutoff - htpp_feature_subset$top_over_cutoff) < 1e-5)
## check if the differences in top exceed a threshold value
my_feature$top[$top)] <- (-1)
htpp_feature_subset$top[$top)] <- (-1)
top_check <- all(abs(my_feature$top - htpp_feature_subset$top) < 1e-5)
## check if the differences in AC50 exceed a threshold value
my_feature$ac50[$ac50)] <- (-1)
htpp_feature_subset$ac50[$ac50)] <- (-1)
ac50_check <- all(abs(my_feature$ac50 - htpp_feature_subset$ac50) < 1e-5)
test_that("HTTr signature data internal check", {
## load necessary data
## Code below is commented out, not needed when running all tests in the package at once (such as with testthat::test_local().)
## Do need to un-comment and run this code to load the data if one is running this test interactively in the console.
#load(here::here("R", "sysdata.rda"))
# turn signature_input into a list of rows for lapply to use
signature_input = as.list(, stringsAsFactors = F))
# run curve-fitting - this is taking a little more than 1 minute to run
my_signature = lapply(X=signature_input, FUN =concRespCore,
fitmodels = c("cnst", "hill", "poly1", "poly2", "pow", "exp2",
"exp3", "exp4", "exp5"),
bmr_scale=1.349, aicc=F, conthits=T, bmd_low_bnd=0.1,
bmd_up_bnd=10, verbose=F)
# turn the result lists into a data frame
my_signature =
## Compare BMD, BMDU, BMDL, top_over_cutoff, hit-call, top, and AC50
## Compare by vector operation, order by trt to make sure we are comparing the appropriate output
my_signature <- my_signature[order(my_signature$trt, my_signature$signature),]
signature_sub <- signature_sub[order(signature_sub$trt, signature_sub$signature),]
## Differences in decimals places are normal rounding errors
## check if the differences in the BMD estimates exceed a threshold value
## BMD could be NA, replace NA with -1 so it wouldn't cause trouble with all()
my_signature$bmd[$bmd)] <- (-1)
signature_sub$bmd[$bmd)] <- (-1)
## Adjust the BMD values to 3 significant digits to be consistent with how they are being applied
my_signature[, c("bmd", "bmdu", "bmdl")] <- signif(my_signature[, c("bmd", "bmdu", "bmdl")], 3)
signature_sub[, c("bmd", "bmdu", "bmdl")] <- signif(signature_sub[, c("bmd", "bmdu", "bmdl")], 3)
bmd_check <- all(abs(my_signature$bmd - signature_sub$bmd) < 1e-5)
## Compare BMDU and BMDL with 3 significant digits
## BMDU and BMDL could be NA. Replacing NA with -1.
my_signature$bmdl[$bmdl)] <- (-1)
signature_sub$bmdl[$bmdl)] <- (-1)
bmdl_check <- all(abs(my_signature$bmdl - signature_sub$bmdl) < 1e-5)
my_signature$bmdu[$bmdu)] <- (-1)
signature_sub$bmdu[$bmdu)] <- (-1)
bmdu_check <- all(abs(my_signature$bmdu - signature_sub$bmdu) < 1e-5)
# check if the differences in hit-calls exceed a threshold value
hitcall_check <- all(abs(my_signature$hitcall - signature_sub$hitcall) < 1e-5)
# check if the differences in top_over_cutoff exceed a threshold value
my_signature$top_over_cutoff[$top_over_cutoff)] <- (-1)
signature_sub$top_over_cutoff[$top_over_cutoff)] <- (-1)
top_cutoff_check <- all(abs(my_signature$top_over_cutoff - signature_sub$top_over_cutoff) < 1e-5)
## check if the differences in top exceed a threshold value
my_signature$top[$top)] <- (-1)
signature_sub$top[$top)] <- (-1)
top_check <- all(abs(my_signature$top - signature_sub$top) < 1e-5)
## check if the differences in AC50 exceed a threshold value
my_signature$ac50[$ac50)] <- (-1)
signature_sub$ac50[$ac50)] <- (-1)
ac50_check <- all(abs(my_signature$ac50 - signature_sub$ac50) < 1e-5)
test_that("HTTr gene data internal check", {
## load necessary data
## Code below is commented out, not needed when running all tests in the package at once (such as with testthat::test_local().)
## Do need to un-comment and run this code to load the data if one is running this test interactively in the console.
#load(here::here("R", "sysdata.rda"))
# turn gene input into a list of rows for lapply to use
gene_input = as.list(, stringsAsFactors = F))
# run curve-fitting
my_gene = lapply(X=gene_input, FUN = concRespCore,
fitmodels = c("cnst", "hill", "poly1", "poly2", "pow",
"exp2", "exp3", "exp4", "exp5"), aicc = F)
# turn the result lists into a data frame
my_gene =
## Compare BMD, BMDU, BMDL, top_over_cutoff, hit-call, top, and AC50
## Compare by vector operation, order by trt to make sure we are comparing the appropriate output
my_gene <- my_gene[order(my_gene$trt, my_gene$gene),]
gene_sub <- gene_sub[order(gene_sub$trt, gene_sub$gene),]
## Differences in decimals places are normal rounding errors
## check if the differences in the BMD estimates exceed a threshold value
## BMD could be NA, replace NA with -1 so it wouldn't cause trouble with all()
my_gene$bmd[$bmd)] <- (-1)
gene_sub$bmd[$bmd)] <- (-1)
## Adjust the BMD values to 3 significant digits to be consistent with how they are being applied
my_gene[, c("bmd", "bmdu", "bmdl")] <- signif(my_gene[, c("bmd", "bmdu", "bmdl")], 3)
gene_sub[, c("bmd", "bmdu", "bmdl")] <- signif(gene_sub[, c("bmd", "bmdu", "bmdl")], 3)
bmd_check <- all(abs(my_gene$bmd - gene_sub$bmd) < 1e-5)
## Compare BMDU and BMDL with 3 significant digits
## BMDU and BMDL could be NA. Replacing NA with -1.
my_gene$bmdl[$bmdl)] <- (-1)
gene_sub$bmdl[$bmdl)] <- (-1)
bmdl_check <- all(abs(my_gene$bmdl - gene_sub$bmdl) < 1e-5)
my_gene$bmdu[$bmdu)] <- (-1)
gene_sub$bmdu[$bmdu)] <- (-1)
bmdu_check <- all(abs(my_gene$bmdu - gene_sub$bmdu) < 1e-5)
# check if the differences in hit-calls exceed a threshold value
hitcall_check <- all(abs(my_gene$hitcall - gene_sub$hitcall) < 1e-5)
# check if the differences in top_over_cutoff exceed a threshold value
my_gene$top_over_cutoff[$top_over_cutoff)] <- (-1)
gene_sub$top_over_cutoff[$top_over_cutoff)] <- (-1)
top_cutoff_check <- all(abs(my_gene$top_over_cutoff - gene_sub$top_over_cutoff) < 1e-5)
## check if the differences in top exceed a threshold value
my_gene$top[$top)] <- (-1)
gene_sub$top[$top)] <- (-1)
top_check <- all(abs(my_gene$top - gene_sub$top) < 1e-5)
## check if the differences in AC50 exceed a threshold value
my_gene$ac50[$ac50)] <- (-1)
gene_sub$ac50[$ac50)] <- (-1)
ac50_check <- all(abs(my_gene$ac50 - gene_sub$ac50) < 1e-5)
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