
test_that("tcplhit2 works", {

  params = tcplfit2_core(conc, resp, cutoff = cutoff)
  output = tcplhit2_core(params, conc, resp, cutoff, onesd)

  expect_equal(output$fit_method, "exp4")
  expect_equal(output$hitcall, 0.99, tolerance = 1e-2)
  expect_equal(output$tp, 0.749, tolerance = 1e-2)
  expect_equal(output$ga, 9.59, tolerance = 1e-2)

test_that("tcplhit2 BMD boundary check", {
  # Preparation for tests on BMD boundary arguments
  # Simulate some data

  # The choice of X's is meant to imitate concentrations in real data
  # The use of normal noise departs from the assumption of t-distribution error,
  # mainly for simulation convenience. Normal distribution allows easier set
  # up for desired sd and bmr to meet different data cases.
  X <- rep(c(0.002, 0.003, 0.01, 0.03, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10), each = 5)

  Case_1 <- hillfn(ps = c(7.5,0.032,0.65,0.1),x = X) + rnorm(n = length(X), sd = 0.3)

  Case_2 <- hillfn(ps = c(7.536,0.02958,0.7349,0.1),x = X) + rnorm(n = length(X), sd = 0.6)

  Case_3 <- pow(ps = c(0.2,3.5627,0.1),x = X) + rnorm(n = length(X), sd = 0.5)

  Case_4 <- poly1(ps = c(0.2,0.1),x = X) + rnorm(n = length(X), sd = 4.5)

  Case_5 <- poly1(ps = c(0.25),x = X) + rnorm(n = length(X), sd = 4.5)

  Y <- rbind(Case_1, Case_2, Case_3, Case_4, Case_5)

  # Y contains 5 rows of simulated responses, each row corresponds to
  # one data cases in order:

  # 1. BMD < lower threshold
  # 2. lower threshold < BMD < lowest expt dose
  # 3. lowest expt dose < BMD < upper expt dose
  # 4. upper expt dose < BMD < upper threshold
  # 5. BMD > upper threshold

  df <- matrix(nrow = 5, ncol = 14)
  colnames(df) <- c("onesd", "cutoff", "bmd", "bmdu", "bmdl",
                    "combo1", "combo1u", "combo1l",
                    "combo2", "combo2u", "combo2l",
                    "combo3", "combo3u", "combo3l")
  bmad <- mad(Y[, 1:10])
  cutoff <- 3*bmad
  df[, "cutoff"] <- cutoff

  # fit each data case and hit-call with different argument combinations
  for (i in 1:5) {
    temp <- Y[i, 1:10]
    onesd <- sd(temp)

    df[i, "onesd"] <- onesd

    params <- tcplfit2_core(X, Y[i, ], cutoff,
                            force.fit = T)
    # No thresholds specified, no censoring
    output <- tcplhit2_core(params, X, Y[i,], cutoff, onesd,
                            bmed=0, conthits=T, aicc=F)

    df[i, "bmd"] <- output$bmd
    df[i, "bmdu"] <- output$bmdu
    df[i, "bmdl"] <- output$bmdl

    # For these tests we use a lower and upper BMD threshold multiple of 0.3 and
    # 5, respectively, to demonstrate use cases work for the simulated
    # concentration-response data. Threshold multiples are not necessarily meant
    # to align with the typical suggested values of 0.1 and 10 for lower and
    # upper threshold multiples, respectively.

    # Combo 1: Only the upper boundary threshold is specified
    combo1 <- tcplhit2_core(params, X, Y[i,], cutoff, onesd,
                            bmed=0, conthits=T, aicc=F, bmd_up_bnd = 5)

    # Combo 2: Only the lower boundary threshold is specified
    combo2 <- tcplhit2_core(params, X, Y[i,], cutoff, onesd,
                            bmed=0, conthits=T, aicc=F, bmd_low_bnd = 0.3)

    # Combo 3: Both lower and upper threshold is specified
    combo3 <- tcplhit2_core(params, X, Y[i,], cutoff, onesd,
                            bmed=0, conthits=T, aicc=F, bmd_up_bnd = 5, bmd_low_bnd = 0.3)

    # record BMDs
    df[i, "combo1"] <- combo1$bmd; df[i, "combo1u"] <- combo1$bmdu; df[i, "combo1l"] <- combo1$bmdl
    df[i, "combo2"] <- combo2$bmd; df[i, "combo2u"] <- combo2$bmdu; df[i, "combo2l"] <- combo2$bmdl
    df[i, "combo3"] <- combo3$bmd; df[i, "combo3u"] <- combo3$bmdu; df[i, "combo3l"] <- combo3$bmdl

  df <- as.data.frame(cbind(Cases = seq(1,5,1), df))

  # Argument combination: Only the upper boundary threshold is specified
  # only case 5 where BMD > upper threshold should be affected

  # Case 1 unaffected
  expect_equal(df[1, "combo1"], df[1, "bmd"], tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_equal(df[1, "combo1u"], df[1, "bmdu"], tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_equal(df[1, "combo1l"], df[1, "bmdl"], tolerance = 1e-3)
  # Case 2 unaffected
  expect_equal(df[2, "combo1"], df[2, "bmd"], tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_equal(df[2, "combo1u"], df[2, "bmdu"], tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_equal(df[2, "combo1l"], df[2, "bmdl"], tolerance = 1e-3)
  # Case 3 unaffected
  expect_equal(df[3, "combo1"], df[3, "bmd"], tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_equal(df[3, "combo1u"], df[3, "bmdu"], tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_equal(df[3, "combo1l"], df[3, "bmdl"], tolerance = 1e-3)
  # Case 4 unaffected
  expect_equal(df[4, "combo1"], df[4, "bmd"], tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_true(is.na(df[4, "combo1u"]))
  expect_equal(df[4, "combo1l"], df[4, "bmdl"], tolerance = 1e-3)
  # Case 5 - BMD will be censored to the upper threshold
  expect_equal(df[5, "combo1"], max(X)*5, tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_true(is.na(df[5, "combo1u"]))
  expect_equal(df[5, "combo1l"], df[5, "bmdl"]-(df[5, "bmd"] - max(X)*5), tolerance = 1e-3)

  # Argument combination: Only the lower boundary threshold is specified
  # use a multiplier of 0.3
  # only case 1 where BMD < lower threshold should be affected

  # Case 1 - BMD will be censored to the lower threshold
  expect_equal(df[1, "combo2"], min(X)*0.3, tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_equal(df[1, "combo2u"], df[1, "bmdu"] + (min(X)*0.3-df[1, "bmd"]) , tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_equal(df[1, "combo2l"], df[1, "bmdl"] + (min(X)*0.3-df[1, "bmd"]), tolerance = 1e-3)
  # Case 2 unaffected
  expect_equal(df[2, "combo2"], df[2, "bmd"], tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_equal(df[2, "combo2u"], df[2, "bmdu"], tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_equal(df[2, "combo2u"], df[2, "bmdu"], tolerance = 1e-3)
  # Case 3 unaffected
  expect_equal(df[3, "combo2"], df[3, "bmd"], tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_equal(df[3, "combo2u"], df[3, "bmdu"], tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_equal(df[3, "combo2l"], df[3, "bmdl"], tolerance = 1e-3)
  # Case 4 unaffected
  expect_equal(df[4, "combo2"], df[4, "bmd"], tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_true(is.na(df[4, "combo2u"]))
  expect_equal(df[4, "combo2l"], df[4, "bmdl"], tolerance = 1e-3)
  # Case 5 unaffected
  expect_equal(df[5, "combo2"], df[5, "bmd"], tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_true(is.na(df[5, "combo2u"]))
  expect_equal(df[5, "combo2l"], df[5, "bmdl"], tolerance = 1e-3)

  # Argument combination: Both lower and upper threshold is specified
  # only case 1 and case 5 should be affected

  # Case 1 - BMD will be censored to the lower threshold
  expect_equal(df[1, "combo3"], min(X)*0.3, tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_equal(df[1, "combo3u"], df[1, "bmdu"] + (min(X)*0.3-df[1, "bmd"]) , tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_equal(df[1, "combo3u"], df[1, "bmdu"] + (min(X)*0.3-df[1, "bmd"]) , tolerance = 1e-3)
  # Case 2 unaffected
  expect_equal(df[2, "combo3"], df[2, "bmd"], tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_equal(df[2, "combo3u"], df[2, "bmdu"], tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_equal(df[2, "combo3l"], df[2, "bmdl"], tolerance = 1e-3)
  # Case 3 unaffected
  expect_equal(df[3, "combo3"], df[3, "bmd"], tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_equal(df[3, "combo3u"], df[3, "bmdu"], tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_equal(df[3, "combo3l"], df[3, "bmdl"], tolerance = 1e-3)
  # Case 4 unaffected
  expect_equal(df[4, "combo3"], df[4, "bmd"], tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_true(is.na(df[4, "combo3u"]))
  expect_equal(df[4, "combo3l"], df[4, "bmdl"], tolerance = 1e-3)
  # Case 5  - BMD will be censored to the upper threshold
  expect_equal(df[5, "combo3"], max(X)*5, tolerance = 1e-3)
  expect_true(is.na(df[5, "combo3u"]))
  expect_equal(df[5, "combo3l"], df[5, "bmdl"]-(df[5, "bmd"] - max(X)*5), tolerance = 1e-3)

  ## checks on BMD CI widths
  ## Case 1 and Case 5 are the two cases in which censoring is required.
  ## Check if the BMD CI widths are the same before and after censoring for Case 1
  expect_equal(df[1, "bmdu"] - df[1, "bmdl"], df[1, "combo3u"] - df[1, "combo3l"])
  expect_equal(df[1, "bmd"] - df[1, "bmdl"], df[1, "combo3"] - df[1, "combo3l"])
  expect_equal(df[1, "bmdu"] - df[1, "bmd"], df[1, "combo3u"] - df[1, "combo3"])

  # Case 5 BMDU is NA
  # Check if the distance between BMD and BMDU stays the same before and after censoring.
  expect_equal(df[5, "bmd"] - df[5, "bmdl"], df[5, "combo3"] - df[5, "combo3l"])

  # Adding another Case 6 where BMDU and BMDL are both non-NA and upper bound censoring
  # is required.
  X <- rep(c(0.03,0.1,0.3,1,3,10,30),each = 5)
  Y <- poly1(ps = c(0.25),x = X) + rnorm(n = length(X), sd = 4.5)
  bmad <- mad(Y[1:10])
  cutoff <- 3*bmad
  onesd <- sd(Y[1:10])
  params <- tcplfit2_core(X, Y, cutoff,
                          force.fit = T, poly2.biphasic = FALSE)
  # No thresholds specified, no censoring
  output_nobound <- tcplhit2_core(params, X, Y, cutoff, onesd,
                          bmed=0, conthits=T, aicc=F)
  # This case uses an upper BMD threshold multiple of 3 for demonstration.
  # This threshold multiple is not necessarily align with the typical default value of 10 for
  # upper threshold multiple.
  output_withbound <- tcplhit2_core(params, X, Y, cutoff, onesd,
                          bmed=0, conthits=T, aicc=F, bmd_low_bnd = 0.1, bmd_up_bnd = 3)

  # Check if the BMD CI widths are the same before and after censoring for Case 6
  expect_equal(output_withbound["bmdu"]-output_withbound["bmdl"], output_nobound["bmdu"]-output_nobound["bmdl"])
  expect_equal(output_withbound["bmdu"]-output_withbound["bmd"], output_nobound["bmdu"]-output_nobound["bmd"])
  expect_equal(output_withbound["bmd"]-output_withbound["bmdl"], output_nobound["bmd"]-output_nobound["bmdl"])


test_that("tcplhit2 BMD lower boundary censoring works with data including control group", {

  # Simulate concentration series including the untreated control group. (conc = 0)
  # In this case, the lowest experimental dose is the lowest concentration that is not 0. (1.111)
  X <- rep(seq(0,10,length.out = 10),each = 5)
  min_exp_conc <- min(unique(X)[unique(X) != 0])

  Y <- tcplfit2::hillfn(ps = c(tp = 15,ga = 0.25,p = 0.15,er = 0.1),x = X) +
    rt(n = length(X),df = 4)

  tfit <- tcplfit2::tcplfit2_core(conc = X,resp = Y,
                                  cutoff = 2,
                                  force.fit = TRUE,
                                  bidirectional = TRUE,
                                  verbose = FALSE)

  # Hitcalling with no BMD censoring
  # The estimated BMD is 0.0003023477.
  thit_nobounds <- tcplfit2::tcplhit2_core(tfit,conc = X,resp = Y,cutoff = 2,onesd = sd(Y[1:5]),bmr_scale = 1.349)

  # Hitcalling with BMD censoring, default lower threshold setting is bmd_low_bnd = 0.1
  thit_bound <- tcplfit2::tcplhit2_core(tfit,conc = X,resp = Y,cutoff = 2,onesd = sd(Y[1:5]),bmr_scale = 1.349,bmd_low_bnd = 0.1,bmd_up_bnd = 10)

  # check if BMD lower censoring is working
  expect_equal(thit_bound[1, "bmd"], 0.1*min_exp_conc)
  expect_equal(thit_bound[1, "bmdu"], thit_nobounds[1, "bmdu"] + (0.1*min_exp_conc-thit_nobounds[1,"bmd"]) )
  expect_equal(thit_bound[1, "bmdl"], thit_nobounds[1, "bmdl"] + (0.1*min_exp_conc-thit_nobounds[1,"bmd"]) )


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