
Defines functions tmle calcParameters .prescreenW.g .initStage1 .setV .bound .setColnames .verifyArgs tmleMSM calcSigma print.tmleMSM print.summary.tmleMSM summary.tmleMSM oneStepATT predict.tmle.SL.dbarts2 tmle.SL.dbarts2 print.summary.tmle.list summary.tmle.list print.tmle.list print.tmle print.summary.tmle summary.tmle tmleNews

Documented in calcParameters calcSigma oneStepATT predict.tmle.SL.dbarts2 print.summary.tmle print.summary.tmle.list print.summary.tmleMSM print.tmle print.tmle.list print.tmleMSM summary.tmle summary.tmle.list summary.tmleMSM tmle tmleMSM tmleNews tmle.SL.dbarts2

# 2.0
tmleNews <- function(...){
	RShowDoc("NEWS", package="tmle",...)

# create tmle summary object
# return values of psi, variance, epsilon, 
# and info on estimation of Q and g factors, if available
summary.tmle <- function(object,...) {
  if(inherits(object, "tmle")){
		Qmodel <- Qcoef <- gmodel <- gcoef <- g.Deltamodel <- g.Deltacoef <- NULL
		g.Zmodel <- g.Zcoef <- NULL
		Qterms <- gterms <- g.Deltaterms <- g.Zterms <- ""
		  if (!is.null(object$Qinit$coef)){
			Qcoef <- object$Qinit$coef	
			if(inherits(Qcoef, "matrix")){
				Qterms <- colnames(Qcoef)
			} else {
				Qterms <- names(Qcoef)
			Qmodel <- paste("Y ~ 1")
			if(length(Qterms) > 1) {
				Qmodel <- paste("Y ~ ", paste(Qterms, collapse =" + "))
		  } else {
		  	Qmodel <- object$Qinit$type
		if (!is.null(object$g$coef)) {
			gbd <- object$g$bound
			gbd.ATT <- object$g$bound.ATT
			gcoef <- object$g$coef
			if(inherits(gcoef, "matrix")){
				gterms <- colnames(gcoef)
			} else {
				gterms <- names(gcoef)
			gmodel <- paste("A ~ 1")
			if(length(gterms) > 1) {
				gmodel <- paste("A ~ ", paste(gterms, collapse =" + "))
		if (!is.null(object$g.Z$coef)) {
			g.Zcoef <- object$g.Z$coef
			if(inherits(g.Zcoef, "matrix")){
				g.Zterms <- colnames(g.Zcoef)
			} else {
				g.Zterms <- names(g.Zcoef)
			g.Zmodel <- paste("Z ~ 1")
			if(length(g.Zterms) > 1) {
				g.Zmodel <- paste("Z ~", paste(g.Zterms, collapse =" + "))
		if (!is.null(object$g.Delta$coef)) {
			g.Deltacoef <- object$g.Delta$coef
			if(inherits(g.Deltacoef, "matrix")){
				g.Deltaterms <- colnames(g.Deltacoef)
			} else {
				g.Deltaterms <- names(g.Deltacoef)
			g.Deltamodel <- paste("Delta ~ 1")
			if(length(g.Deltaterms) > 1) {
				g.Deltamodel <- paste("Delta ~", paste(g.Deltaterms, collapse =" + "))
		summary.tmle <- list(estimates=object$estimates,
						Qmodel=Qmodel, Qterms=Qterms, Qcoef=Qcoef, Qtype=object$Qinit$type, QRsq=object$Qinit$Rsq,
						QRsq.type = object$Qinit$Rsq.type, 
						gbd=gbd, gbd.ATT = gbd.ATT, gmodel=gmodel, gterms=gterms, gcoef=gcoef,gtype=object$g$type, gdiscreteSL= object$g$discreteSL, gAUC = object$g$AUC,
						g.Zmodel=g.Zmodel, g.Zterms=g.Zterms, g.Zcoef=g.Zcoef, g.Ztype=object$g.Z$type, g.ZdiscreteSL= object$g.Z$discreteSL,
						g.Deltamodel=g.Deltamodel, g.Deltaterms=g.Deltaterms, g.Deltacoef=g.Deltacoef, g.Deltatype=object$g.Delta$type,
		class(summary.tmle) <- "summary.tmle"
	} else {
		stop("object must have class 'tmle'")
		summary.tmle <- NULL

# print tmle summary object
print.summary.tmle <- function(x,...) {
  if(inherits(x, "summary.tmle")){
  	cat(" Initial estimation of Q\n")
  	cat("\t Procedure:", x$Qtype)
  		cat("\n\t Model:\n\t\t", x$Qmodel)
  		cat("\n\n\t Coefficients: \n")
  		terms <- sprintf("%15s", x$Qterms)
  		extra <- ifelse(x$Qcoef >= 0, "  ", " ")
  		for(i in 1:length(x$Qcoef)){
  			cat("\t", terms[i], extra[i], x$Qcoef[i], "\n")
  		cat("\n\t", x$QRsq.type, ": ", round(x$QRsq,4), "\n")
  	cat("\n Estimation of g (treatment mechanism)\n")
  	cat("\t Procedure:", x$gtype)
  	if(!(is.null(x$gdiscreteSL))) {
  		 if (x$gdiscreteSL) { 
  		 	cat(", discrete")
  		 } else {
  		 	cat(", ensemble")
  		cat("\t Empirical AUC =", round(x$gAUC, 4), "\n") 
 		cat("\t Model:\n\t\t", x$gmodel, "\n")
  		cat("\n\t Coefficients: \n")
  		terms <- sprintf("%15s", x$gterms)
  		extra <- ifelse(x$gcoef >= 0, "  ", " ")
  		for(i in 1:length(x$gcoef)){
  			cat("\t", terms[i], extra[i], x$gcoef[i], "\n")
  	cat("\n Estimation of g.Z (intermediate variable assignment mechanism)\n")
  	cat("\t Procedure:", x$g.Ztype, "\n")
  		cat("\t Model:\n\t\t",x$g.Zmodel, "\n")
  		cat("\n\t Coefficients: \n")
  		terms <- sprintf("%15s", x$g.Zterms)
  		extra <- ifelse(x$g.Zcoef >= 0, "  ", " ")
  		for(i in 1:length(x$g.Zcoef)){
  			cat("\t", terms[i], extra[i], x$g.Zcoef[i], "\n")
  	cat("\n Estimation of g.Delta (missingness mechanism)\n")
  	cat("\t Procedure:", x$g.Deltatype)
  	if(!(is.null(x$g.DeltadiscreteSL))) {
  		 if (x$g.DeltadiscreteSL) { 
  		 	cat(", discrete")
  		 } else {
  		 	cat(", ensemble")
  		cat("\t Model:\n\t\t",x$g.Deltamodel, "\n")
  		cat("\n\t Coefficients: \n")
  		terms <- sprintf("%15s", x$g.Deltaterms)
  		extra <- ifelse(x$g.Deltacoef >= 0, "  ", " ")
  		for(i in 1:length(x$g.Deltacoef)){
  			cat("\t", terms[i], extra[i], x$g.Deltacoef[i], "\n")
  	cat("\n Bounds on g:", paste0("(", round(min(x$gbd),4), ", ", round(max(x$gbd),4),")"), "\n")
  		cat("\n Bounds on g for ATT/ATC:", paste0("(", round(min(x$gbd.ATT),4), ", ", round(max(x$gbd.ATT),4),")"), "\n")
  		sig.level <- "95" # backwards compatability
  	else {
  		sig.level <- round(max(100-x$estimates$alpha.sig*100, x$estimates$alpha.sig*100),1)
		if (is.null(x$estimates$EY0)){  # NOT A TYPO!
			cat("\n\n Population Mean")
		} else {
			cat("\n Marginal Mean under Treatment (EY1)")
		cat("\n   Parameter Estimate: ", signif(x$estimates$EY1$psi,5))
		cat("\n   Estimated Variance: ", signif(x$estimates$EY1$var.psi,5))
		cat("\n              p-value: ", ifelse(x$estimates$EY1$pvalue <= 2*10^-16, "<2e-16",signif(x$estimates$EY1$pvalue,5)))
		cat("\n   ",paste0(sig.level,"% Conf Interval: "),paste("(", signif(x$estimates$EY1$CI[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$EY1$CI[2],5), ")", sep="")) 
		  cat("\n   Quantile-based CIs and boostrap variance")
		  cat("\n     bs ",sig.level,"% 2-sided Conf Interval:",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$EY1$bs.CI.twosided[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$EY1$bs.CI.twosided[2],5), ")", sep=""))  
		  cat("\n     bs ",sig.level,"%   lower  Conf Interval:",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$EY1$bs.CI.onesided.lower[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$EY1$bs.CI.onesided.lower[2],5), ")", sep=""))	
		  cat("\n     bs ",sig.level,"%   upper Conf Interval:",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$EY1$bs.CI.onesided.upper[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$EY1$bs.CI.onesided.upper[2],5), ")", sep="")) 
		  	cat("\n     bs Variance:", signif(x$estimates$EY1$bs.var, 5))			
		cat("\n Marginal Mean under Comparator (EY0)")
		cat("\n   Parameter Estimate: ", signif(x$estimates$EY0$psi,5))
		cat("\n   Estimated Variance: ", signif(x$estimates$EY0$var.psi,5))
		cat("\n              p-value: ", ifelse(x$estimates$EY0$pvalue <= 2*10^-16, "<2e-16",signif(x$estimates$EY0$pvalue,5)))
		cat("\n   ",paste0(sig.level,"% Conf Interval: "),paste("(", signif(x$estimates$EY0$CI[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$EY0$CI[2],5), ")", sep="")) 
		  cat("\n   Quantile-based CIs and boostrap variance")
		  cat("\n     bs ",sig.level,"% 2-sided Conf Interval:",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$EY0$bs.CI.twosided[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$EY0$bs.CI.twosided[2],5), ")", sep=""))  
		  cat("\n     bs ",sig.level,"%   lower  Conf Interval:",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$EY0$bs.CI.onesided.lower[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$EY0$bs.CI.onesided.lower[2],5), ")", sep=""))	
		  cat("\n     bs ",sig.level,"%   upper Conf Interval:",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$EY0$bs.CI.onesided.upper[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$EY0$bs.CI.onesided.upper[2],5), ")", sep="")) 
		  	cat("\n     bs Variance:", signif(x$estimates$EY0$bs.var, 5))			


			cat("\n Additive Effect")
			cat("\n   Parameter Estimate: ", signif(x$estimates$ATE$psi,5))
			cat("\n   Estimated Variance: ", signif(x$estimates$ATE$var.psi,5))
			cat("\n              p-value: ", ifelse(x$estimates$ATE$pvalue <= 2*10^-16, "<2e-16",signif(x$estimates$ATE$pvalue,5)))
			cat("\n   ",paste0(sig.level,"%"),"Conf Interval: ",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$ATE$CI[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$ATE$CI[2],5), ")", sep=""))
			  cat("\n   Quantile-based CIs and boostrap variance")
			  cat("\n     bs",paste0(sig.level,"%"),"2-sided Conf Interval:",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$ATE$bs.CI.twosided[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$ATE$bs.CI.twosided[2],5), ")", sep="")) 			 
			  cat("\n     bs",paste0(sig.level,"%"),"  lower Conf Interval:",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$ATE$bs.CI.onesided.lower[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$ATE$bs.CI.onesided.lower[2],5), ")", sep=""))
			  cat("\n     bs",paste0(sig.level,"%"),"  upper Conf Interval:",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$ATE$bs.CI.onesided.upper[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$ATE$bs.CI.onesided.upper[2],5), ")", sep=""))
			  cat("\n     bs Variance:", signif(x$estimates$ATE$bs.var, 5))		
			cat("\n Additive Effect among the Treated")
			if(!x$estimates$ATT$converged) {
				cat("\n  Warning: Procedure failed to converge")
			cat("\n   Parameter Estimate: ", signif(x$estimates$ATT$psi,5))
			cat("\n   Estimated Variance: ", signif(x$estimates$ATT$var.psi,5))
			cat("\n              p-value: ", ifelse(x$estimates$ATT$pvalue <= 2*10^-16, "<2e-16",signif(x$estimates$ATT$pvalue,5)))
			cat("\n   ",paste0(sig.level,"%"),"Conf Interval: ",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$ATT$CI[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$ATT$CI[2],5), ")", sep=""))
			  cat("\n   Quantile-based CIs and boostrap variance")
			  cat("\n     bs",paste0(sig.level,"%"),"2-sided Conf Interval:",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$ATT$bs.CI.twosided[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$ATT$bs.CI.twosided[2],5), ")", sep="")) 
			  cat("\n     bs",paste0(sig.level,"%"),"  lower Conf Interval:",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$ATT$bs.CI.onesided.lower[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$ATT$bs.CI.onesided.lower[2],5), ")", sep=""))
			  cat("\n     bs",paste0(sig.level,"%"), "  upper Conf Interval:",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$ATT$bs.CI.onesided.upper[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$ATT$bs.CI.onesided.upper[2],5), ")", sep=""))
			  cat("\n     bs Variance:", signif(x$estimates$ATT$bs.var, 5))  				
			if(!x$estimates$ATC$converged) {
				cat("\n  Warning: Procedure failed to converge")
			cat("\n Additive Effect among the Controls")
			cat("\n   Parameter Estimate: ", signif(x$estimates$ATC$psi,5))
			cat("\n   Estimated Variance: ", signif(x$estimates$ATC$var.psi,5))
			cat("\n              p-value: ", ifelse(x$estimates$ATC$pvalue <= 2*10^-16, "<2e-16",signif(x$estimates$ATC$pvalue,5)))
			cat("\n   ",paste0(sig.level,"%"),"Conf Interval: ",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$ATC$CI[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$ATC$CI[2],5), ")", sep=""))
			  cat("\n   Quantile-based CIs and boostrap variance")
			  cat("\n     bs",paste0(sig.level,"%"),"2-sided Conf Interval:",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$ATC$bs.CI.twosided[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$ATC$bs.CI.twosided[2],5), ")", sep="")) 
			   cat("\n     bs",paste0(sig.level,"%"),"  lower Conf Interval:",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$ATC$bs.CI.onesided.lower[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$ATC$bs.CI.onesided.lower[2],5), ")", sep=""))	
			  cat("\n     bs",paste0(sig.level,"%"),"  upper Conf Interval:",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$ATC$bs.CI.onesided.upper[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$ATC$bs.CI.onesided.upper[2],5), ")", sep=""))
			  cat("\n     bs Variance:", signif(x$estimates$ATC$bs.var, 5))  			
			cat("\n Relative Risk")
			cat("\n   Parameter  Estimate: ", signif(x$estimates$RR$psi,5))
			cat("\n   Variance(log scale): ", signif(x$estimates$RR$var.log.psi,5))
			cat("\n               p-value: ", ifelse(x$estimates$RR$pvalue <= 2*10^-16, "<2e-16",signif(x$estimates$RR$pvalue,5)))
			cat("\n    ",paste0(sig.level,"%"),"Conf Interval: ",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$RR$CI[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$RR$CI[2],5), ")", sep="")) 
			  cat("\n   Quantile-based CIs and boostrap variance")
			  cat("\n     bs",paste0(sig.level,"%"), "2-sided Conf Interval (RR):",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$RR$bs.CI.twosided[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$RR$bs.CI.twosided[2],5), ")", sep="")) 
			  cat("\n     bs",paste0(sig.level,"%"),"  lower Conf Interval:",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$RR$bs.CI.onesided.lower[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$RR$bs.CI.onesided.lower[2],5), ")", sep=""))	
			  cat("\n     bs",paste0(sig.level,"%"),"  upper Conf Interval:",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$RR$bs.CI.onesided.upper[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$RR$bs.CI.onesided.upper[2],5), ")", sep=""))
			  cat("\n     bs Variance (log scale):", signif(x$estimates$RR$bs.var.log.psi, 5))

			cat("\n Odds Ratio")
			cat("\n    Parameter  Estimate: ", signif(x$estimates$OR$psi,5))
			cat("\n    Variance(log scale): ", signif(x$estimates$OR$var.log.psi,5))
			cat("\n                p-value: ", ifelse(x$estimates$OR$pvalue <= 2*10^-16, "<2e-16",signif(x$estimates$OR$pvalue,5)))
			cat("\n     ",paste0(sig.level,"%"),"Conf Interval: ",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$OR$CI[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$OR$CI[2],5), ")", sep="")) 
			  cat("\n   Quantile-based CIs and boostrap variance")
			  cat("\n     bs",paste0(sig.level,"%"),"2-sided Conf Interval (OR):",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$OR$bs.CI.twosided[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$OR$bs.CI.twosided[2],5), ")", sep="")) 
			   cat("\n     bs",paste0(sig.level,"%"),"  lower Conf Interval:",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$OR$bs.CI.onesided.lower[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$OR$bs.CI.onesided.lower[2],5), ")", sep=""))	
			   cat("\n     bs",paste0(sig.level,"%"),"  upper Conf Interval:",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$OR$bs.CI.onesided.upper[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$OR$bs.CI.onesided.upper[2],5), ")", sep="")) 
			   cat("\n     bs Variance (log scale):", signif(x$estimates$OR$bs.var.log.psi, 5)) 
  } else {
  	 stop("Error calling print.summary.tmle. 'x' needs to have class 'summary.tmle'\n")

# print object returned by tmle function
print.tmle <- function(x,...) {
	if(inherits(x, "tmle")){
  			sig.level <- "95" # backwards compatability
  		}else {
  			sig.level <- round(max(100-x$estimates$alpha.sig*100, x$estimates$alpha.sig*100),1)
  			if(is.null(x$estimates$EY0)){  # not a typo!!
  				cat(" Population Mean")
  			} else {
  				cat(" Marginal mean under treatment (EY1)")
			cat("\n   Parameter Estimate: ", signif(x$estimates$EY1$psi,5))
			cat("\n   Estimated Variance: ", signif(x$estimates$EY1$var.psi,5))
			cat("\n              p-value: ", ifelse(x$estimates$EY1$pvalue <= 2*10^-16, "<2e-16",signif(x$estimates$EY1$pvalue,5)))
			cat("\n   ",paste0(sig.level,"%"), "Conf Interval: ",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$EY1$CI[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$EY1$CI[2],5), ")", sep=""))
			#cat("\n     bs",paste0(sig.level,"%"),"2-sided Conf Interval:",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$EY1$bs.CI.twosided[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$EY1$bs.CI.twosided[2],5), ")", sep=""))
				cat("\n       quantile-based: ",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$EY1$bs.CI.twosided[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$EY1$bs.CI.twosided[2],5), ")", sep=""))   
  			cat(" Marginal mean under comparator (EY0)")
			cat("\n   Parameter Estimate: ", signif(x$estimates$EY0$psi,5))
			cat("\n   Estimated Variance: ", signif(x$estimates$EY0$var.psi,5))
			cat("\n              p-value: ", ifelse(x$estimates$EY0$pvalue <= 2*10^-16, "<2e-16",signif(x$estimates$EY0$pvalue,5)))
			cat("\n   ",paste0(sig.level,"%"), "Conf Interval: ",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$EY0$CI[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$EY0$CI[2],5), ")", sep=""))
			#cat("\n     bs",paste0(sig.level,"%"),"2-sided Conf Interval:",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$EY1$bs.CI.twosided[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$EY1$bs.CI.twosided[2],5), ")", sep=""))
				cat("\n       quantile-based: ",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$EY0$bs.CI.twosided[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$EY0$bs.CI.twosided[2],5), ")", sep=""))   

			cat(" Additive Effect")
			cat("\n   Parameter Estimate: ", signif(x$estimates$ATE$psi,5))
			cat("\n   Estimated Variance: ", signif(x$estimates$ATE$var.psi,5))
			cat("\n              p-value: ", ifelse(x$estimates$ATE$pvalue <= 2*10^-16, "<2e-16",signif(x$estimates$ATE$pvalue,5)))
			cat("\n   ",paste0(sig.level,"%"), "Conf Interval: ",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$ATE$CI[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$ATE$CI[2],5), ")", sep="")) 
				cat("\n       quantile-based: ",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$ATE$bs.CI.twosided[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$ATE$bs.CI.twosided[2],5), ")", sep="")) 
			cat("\n Additive Effect among the Treated")
			if(!x$estimates$ATT$converged) {
				cat("\n  Warning: Procedure failed to converge")
			cat("\n   Parameter Estimate: ", signif(x$estimates$ATT$psi,5))
			cat("\n   Estimated Variance: ", signif(x$estimates$ATT$var.psi,5))
			cat("\n              p-value: ", ifelse(x$estimates$ATT$pvalue <= 2*10^-16, "<2e-16",signif(x$estimates$ATT$pvalue,5)))
			cat("\n   ",paste0(sig.level,"%"), "Conf Interval: ",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$ATT$CI[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$ATT$CI[2],5), ")", sep="")) 
			#cat("\n     bs",paste0(sig.level,"%"),"2-sided Conf Interval:",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$ATT$bs.CI.twosided[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$ATT$bs.CI.twosided[2],5), ")", sep="")) 
				cat("\n       quantile-based: ",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$ATT$bs.CI.twosided[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$ATT$bs.CI.twosided[2],5), ")", sep="")) 
			cat("\n Additive Effect among the Controls")
			if(!x$estimates$ATC$converged) {
				cat("\n  Warning: Procedure failed to converge")
			cat("\n   Parameter Estimate: ", signif(x$estimates$ATC$psi,5))
			cat("\n   Estimated Variance: ", signif(x$estimates$ATC$var.psi,5))
			cat("\n              p-value: ", ifelse(x$estimates$ATC$pvalue <= 2*10^-16, "<2e-16",signif(x$estimates$ATC$pvalue,5)))
			cat("\n   ",paste0(sig.level,"%"), "Conf Interval: ",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$ATC$CI[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$ATC$CI[2],5), ")", sep=""))
			#cat("\n     bs",paste0(sig.level,"%"),"2-sided Conf Interval:",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$ATC$bs.CI.twosided[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$ATC$bs.CI.twosided[2],5), ")", sep="")) 
				cat("\n       quantile-based: ",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$ATC$bs.CI.twosided[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$ATC$bs.CI.twosided[2],5), ")", sep="")) 
			cat("\n Relative Risk")
			cat("\n   Parameter  Estimate:", signif(x$estimates$RR$psi,5))
			cat("\n   Variance(log scale):", signif(x$estimates$RR$var.log.psi,5))
			cat("\n               p-value:", ifelse(x$estimates$RR$pvalue <= 2*10^-16, "<2e-16",signif(x$estimates$RR$pvalue,5)))
			cat("\n    ",paste0(sig.level,"%"), "Conf Interval:",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$RR$CI[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$RR$CI[2],5), ")", sep="")) 
				cat("\n        quantile-based:",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$RR$bs.CI.twosided[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$RR$bs.CI.twosided[2],5), ")", sep="")) 

			cat("\n Odds Ratio")
			cat("\n   Parameter  Estimate:", signif(x$estimates$OR$psi,5))
			cat("\n   Variance(log scale):", signif(x$estimates$OR$var.log.psi,5))
			cat("\n               p-value:", ifelse(x$estimates$OR$pvalue <= 2*10^-16, "<2e-16",signif(x$estimates$OR$pvalue,5)))
			cat("\n    ",paste0(sig.level,"%"), "Conf Interval:",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$OR$CI[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$OR$CI[2],5), ")", sep="")) 
				cat("\n        quantile-based:",paste("(", signif(x$estimates$OR$bs.CI.twosided[1],5), ", ", signif(x$estimates$OR$bs.CI.twosided[2],5), ")", sep=""))  

	} else {
 		stop("Error calling print.tmle. 'x' needs to have class 'tmle'\n")

# print object returned by tmle 
# when there is a controlled direct effect
print.tmle.list <- function(x,...) {
	cat("Controlled Direct Effect\n")
	cat("           ----- Z = 0 -----\n")
	cat("\n           ----- Z = 1 -----\n")


# create tmle summary object for controlled direct 
# effect
summary.tmle.list <- function(object,...) {
	summary.tmle.list <- list(Z0=summary(object[[1]]), Z1=summary(object[[2]]))
	class(summary.tmle.list) <- "summary.tmle.list"

# create tmle summary object for controlled direct 
# effect
print.summary.tmle.list <- function(x,...) {
	cat("Controlled Direct Effect\n")
	cat("           ----- Z = 0 -----\n")
	cat("\n           ----- Z = 1 -----\n")

#----------------------------------- dbarts wrapper and predict function for SL  ----------------------------------------
# written by Chris Kennedy
# ------------------

tmle.SL.dbarts2 <-  function(Y, X, newX, family, obsWeights, id, sigest = NA, sigdf = 3, sigquant = 0.90,
                     k = 2, power = 2.0, base = 0.95, binaryOffset = 0.0, ntree = 200, ndpost = 1000,  nskip = 100, 
                     printevery = 100,  keepevery = 1,  keeptrainfits = TRUE,   usequants = FALSE,
                     numcut = 100, printcutoffs = 0,  nthread = 1,   keepcall = TRUE,   verbose = FALSE, ...) {
    if (!requireNamespace("dbarts", quietly = FALSE)) {
        stop("Loading required package dbarts failed", call. = FALSE)
   model = dbarts::bart(x.train = X, y.train = Y, x.test = newX, 
        sigest = sigest, sigdf = sigdf, sigquant = sigquant, 
        k = k, power = power, base = base, binaryOffset = binaryOffset, 
        weights = obsWeights, ntree = ntree, ndpost = ndpost, 
        nskip = nskip, printevery = printevery, keepevery = keepevery, 
        keeptrainfits = keeptrainfits, usequants = usequants, 
        numcut = numcut, printcutoffs = printcutoffs, nthread = nthread, 
        keepcall = keepcall, keeptrees = TRUE, verbose = verbose)
    if (family$family == "gaussian") {
        pred = model$yhat.test.mean
    if (family$family == "binomial") {
        pred = colMeans(stats::pnorm(model$yhat.test))
    fit = list(object = model)
    class(fit) = c("tmle.SL.dbarts2")
    out = list(pred = pred, fit = fit)


predict.tmle.SL.dbarts2 <- function(object, newdata, family, ...) {
    if (!requireNamespace("dbarts", quietly = FALSE)) {
        stop("Loading required package dbarts failed", call. = FALSE)
     pred = colMeans(predict(object$object, newdata = newdata) ) 

#-----------------------------------One-Step TMLE for ATT parameter  ----------------------------------------
# oneStepATT <- function(Y, A, Delta, Q, g1W, pDelta1, depsilon, max_iter, gbounds, Qbounds, obsWeights){
# n <- length(Y)
# q <- mean(A * obsWeights)
# pDelta1 <- .bound(pDelta1, c(1, min(gbounds)))
# g1W <- .bound(g1W, gbounds)
# deltaTerm <- Delta / pDelta1[cbind(1:nrow(pDelta1), A+1)]
# calcLoss <- function(Q, g1W, obsWeights){
		# -mean(obsWeights * (deltaTerm*Y * log(Q[,"QAW"]) + deltaTerm*(1-Y) * log(1 - Q[,"QAW"]) + A * log(g1W) + (1-A) * log(1 - g1W)))
# }
# psi.prev <- psi  <- mean(obsWeights * (Q[,"Q1W"] - Q[, "Q0W"]) * g1W/q) 
# H1.AW =  (A -(1-A) * g1W / (1-g1W)) * deltaTerm
# IC.prev <- IC.cur <- obsWeights * (H1.AW * (Y-Q[, "QAW"]) + A*(Q[,"Q1W"]-Q[,"Q0W"] - psi))/q 
# deriv <-  mean(obsWeights * (H1.AW* (Y-Q[, "QAW"]) + A*(Q[,"Q1W"]-Q[,"Q0W"] - psi)) )
# if (deriv > 0) { depsilon <- -depsilon}
# loss.prev <- Inf
 	# loss.cur <-  calcLoss(Q, g1W, obsWeights)
 	# if(is.nan(loss.cur) | is.na(loss.cur) | is.infinite(loss.cur)) { 
 		# loss.cur <- Inf
 		# loss.prev <- 0
 	# }
 	# iter <-  0
 	# while (loss.prev > loss.cur & iter < max_iter){
	# IC.prev <-  IC.cur		
	# Q.prev <- Q
	# g1W.prev <- g1W	
	# g1W <- .bound(plogis(qlogis(g1W.prev) - depsilon  * (Q.prev[,"Q1W"] - Q.prev[,"Q0W"] - psi.prev)), gbounds) 
 		# H1 <- cbind(HAW = deltaTerm * (A - (1-A) * g1W.prev / (1-g1W.prev)),
				  # H0W =   - g1W.prev/(1-g1W.prev) / pDelta1[,1],
				  # H1W =   1/pDelta1[,2]) 
 		# Q  <- .bound(plogis(qlogis(Q.prev) - depsilon   * H1), Qbounds) 
 		# psi.prev <- psi
 		# psi <- mean(obsWeights * (Q[,"Q1W"] - Q[, "Q0W"]) * g1W/q) 
 		# loss.prev <- loss.cur
 		# loss.cur <- calcLoss(Q, g1W, obsWeights)
 		# IC.cur <- obsWeights * ((A - (1-A) * g1W / (1-g1W)) * deltaTerm * (Y-Q[, "QAW"]) + A *(Q[,"Q1W"]-Q[,"Q0W"] - psi))/q
 		# if(is.nan(loss.cur) | is.infinite(loss.cur) | is.na(loss.cur)) {loss.cur <- Inf}
 		# iter <- iter + 1
 		# #print(psi.prev)
 	# }
 	 	# return(list(psi = psi.prev, IC = IC.prev, conv = loss.prev < loss.cur))
 # }

oneStepATT <- function(Y, A, Delta, Q, g1W, pDelta1, depsilon, max_iter, gbounds, Qbounds, obsWeights){
n <- length(Y)
q <- mean(A * obsWeights)
pDelta1 <- .bound(pDelta1, c(1, min(gbounds)))
g1W <- .bound(g1W, c(1, min(gbounds)))
g0W <- .bound(1-g1W, c(1, min(gbounds)))
deltaTerm <- Delta / pDelta1[cbind(1:nrow(pDelta1), A+1)]
calcLoss <- function(Q, g1W, g0W, obsWeights){
		-mean(obsWeights * (deltaTerm*Y * log(Q[,"QAW"]) + deltaTerm*(1-Y) * log(1 - Q[,"QAW"]) + A * log(g1W) + (1-A) * log(g0W)))
psi.prev <- psi  <- mean(obsWeights * (Q[,"Q1W"] - Q[, "Q0W"]) * g1W/q) 
H1.AW =  (A -(1-A) * g1W / g0W) * deltaTerm
IC.prev <- IC.cur <- obsWeights * (H1.AW * (Y-Q[, "QAW"]) + A*(Q[,"Q1W"]-Q[,"Q0W"] - psi))/q 
deriv <-  mean(obsWeights * (H1.AW* (Y-Q[, "QAW"]) + A*(Q[,"Q1W"]-Q[,"Q0W"] - psi)) )
if (deriv > 0) { depsilon <- -depsilon}
loss.prev <- Inf
 	loss.cur <-  calcLoss(Q, g1W, g0W, obsWeights)
 	if(is.nan(loss.cur) | is.na(loss.cur) | is.infinite(loss.cur)) { 
 		loss.cur <- Inf
 		loss.prev <- 0
 	iter <-  0
 	while (loss.prev > loss.cur & iter < max_iter){
	IC.prev <-  IC.cur		
	Q.prev <- Q
	g1W.prev <- g1W	
	g0W.prev <- g0W
	g1W <- plogis(qlogis(g1W.prev) - depsilon  * (Q.prev[,"Q1W"] - Q.prev[,"Q0W"] - psi.prev))
	g0W <- .bound(1-g1W, c(1, min(gbounds)))
	g1W <- .bound(g1W, c(1, min(gbounds))) 
 		H1 <- cbind(HAW = deltaTerm * (A - (1-A) * g1W.prev / (1-g1W.prev)),
				  H0W =   - g1W.prev/(1-g1W.prev) / pDelta1[,1],
				  H1W =   1/pDelta1[,2]) 
 		Q  <- .bound(plogis(qlogis(Q.prev) - depsilon   * H1), Qbounds) 
 		psi.prev <- psi
 		psi <- mean(obsWeights * (Q[,"Q1W"] - Q[, "Q0W"]) * g1W/q) 
 		loss.prev <- loss.cur
 		loss.cur <- calcLoss(Q, g1W, g0W, obsWeights)
 		IC.cur <- obsWeights * ((A - (1-A) * g1W / g0W) * deltaTerm * (Y-Q[, "QAW"]) + A *(Q[,"Q1W"]-Q[,"Q0W"] - psi))/q
 		if(is.nan(loss.cur) | is.infinite(loss.cur) | is.na(loss.cur)) {loss.cur <- Inf}
 		iter <- iter + 1
 	 	return(list(psi = psi.prev, IC = IC.prev, conv = loss.prev < loss.cur))

# TMLE for Marginal Structural Models
# Reference: Rosenblum&vanderLaan2010, Targeted Maxium Likelihood Estimation of the Parameter of a Marginal Structural Model, The International Journal of Biostatistics, volume 6, Issue 2, Article 19.
# Note in Documentation: hAV values passed in has to be an nx2 matrix, (A=0, A=1) so that 
# we can have weights 1 for both. , same with pDelta1, at least nx2, with (A=0, A=1)
# source("/Users/Susan/cTMLE/tmle/MSM/tmleFunctionsinCommon.R")

# create tmleMSM summary object
# return values of psi, se, pvalue, 95% conf interval,
# sigma, epsilon, psi.Qinit
# and models for Q, g, g.Delta, if available
summary.tmleMSM <- function(object,...) {
  if(inherits(object, "tmleMSM")){
		Qmodel <- Qcoef <- gmodel <- gcoef <- g.Deltamodel <- g.Deltacoef <- NULL
		g.AVmodel <- g.AVcoef <- NULL
		Qterms <- gterms <- g.Deltaterms <- g.AVterms <- ""
		  if (!is.null(object$Qinit$coef)) {
			Qcoef <- object$Qinit$coef	
			if(inherits(Qcoef, "matrix")){
				Qterms <- colnames(Qcoef)
			} else {
				Qterms <- names(Qcoef)
			Qmodel <- paste("Y ~ 1")
			if(length(Qterms) > 1) {
				Qmodel <- paste("Y ~ ", paste(Qterms, collapse =" + "))
		  } else {
		  	Qmodel <- object$Qinit$type
		if (!is.null(object$g$coef)) {
			gbd <- object$g$bound
			gcoef <- object$g$coef
			if(inherits(gcoef, "matrix")){
				gterms <- colnames(gcoef)
			} else {
				gterms <- names(gcoef)
			gmodel <- paste("A ~ 1")
			if(length(gterms) > 1) {
				gmodel <- paste("A ~ ", paste(gterms, collapse =" + "))
		if (!is.null(object$g.AV$coef)) {
			g.AVcoef <- object$g.AV$coef
			if(inherits(g.AVcoef, "matrix")){
				g.AVterms <- colnames(g.AVcoef)
			} else {
				g.AVterms <- names(g.AVcoef)
			g.AVmodel <- paste("A ~ 1")
			if(length(g.AVterms) > 1) {
				g.AVmodel <- paste("A ~", paste(g.AVterms, collapse =" + "))
		if (!is.null(object$g.Delta$coef)) {
			g.Deltacoef <- object$g.Delta$coef
			if(inherits(g.Deltacoef, "matrix")){
				g.Deltaterms <- colnames(g.Deltacoef)
			} else {
				g.Deltaterms <- names(g.Deltacoef)
			g.Deltamodel <- paste("Delta ~ 1")
			if(length(g.Deltaterms) > 1) {
				g.Deltamodel <- paste("Delta ~", paste(g.Deltaterms, collapse =" + "))
		estimates <- round(cbind(object$psi, object$se, object$pvalue, object$lb, object$ub),3)
		colnames(estimates) <- c("psi", "SE", "p-value", "lb", "ub")
		estimates[,"p-value"] <- signif(object$pvalue, 3)
		estimates[estimates[,"p-value"]< 2*10^-16, "p-value"] <- NA
		summary.tmleMSM <- list(estimates=estimates, sigma=object$sigma, 
						Qmodel=Qmodel, Qterms=Qterms, Qcoef=Qcoef, Qtype=object$Qinit$type,
						gbd=gbd, gmodel=gmodel, gterms=gterms, gcoef=gcoef,gtype=object$g$type, 
						g.AVmodel=g.AVmodel, g.AVterms=g.AVterms, g.AVcoef=g.AVcoef, g.AVtype=object$g.AV$type,
						g.Deltamodel=g.Deltamodel, g.Deltaterms=g.Deltaterms, g.Deltacoef=g.Deltacoef, 
						g.Deltatype=object$g.Delta$type, psi.Qinit=object$psi.Qinit)
		class(summary.tmleMSM) <- "summary.tmleMSM"
	} else {
		stop("object must have class 'tmleMSM'")
		summary.tmle <- NULL

# print tmleMSM summary object
print.summary.tmleMSM <- function(x,...) {
  if(inherits(x, "summary.tmleMSM")){
  	cat(" Initial estimation of Q\n")
  	cat("\t Procedure:", x$Qtype)
  		cat("\n\t Model:\n\t\t", x$Qmodel)
  		cat("\n\n\t Coefficients: \n")
  		terms <- sprintf("%15s", x$Qterms)
  		extra <- ifelse(x$Qcoef >= 0, "  ", " ")
  		for(i in 1:length(x$Qcoef)){
  			cat("\t", terms[i], extra[i], x$Qcoef[i], "\n")
  	cat("\n Estimation of g (treatment mechanism)\n")
  	cat("\t Procedure:", x$gtype,"\n")
 		cat("\t Model:\n\t\t", x$gmodel, "\n")
  		cat("\n\t Coefficients: \n")
  		terms <- sprintf("%15s", x$gterms)
  		extra <- ifelse(x$gcoef >= 0, "  ", " ")
  		for(i in 1:length(x$gcoef)){
  			cat("\t", terms[i], extra[i], x$gcoef[i], "\n")
  	cat("\n Estimation of h(A,V)\n")
  	cat("\t Procedure:", x$g.AVtype, "\n")
  		cat("\t Model:\n\t\t",x$g.AVmodel, "\n")
  		cat("\n\t Coefficients: \n")
  		terms <- sprintf("%15s", x$g.AVterms)
  		extra <- ifelse(x$g.AVcoef >= 0, "  ", " ")
  		for(i in 1:length(x$g.AVcoef)){
  			cat("\t", terms[i], extra[i], x$g.AVcoef[i], "\n")
  	cat("\n Estimation of g.Delta (missingness mechanism)\n")
  	cat("\t Procedure:", x$g.Deltatype, "\n")
  		cat("\t Model:\n\t\t",x$g.Deltamodel, "\n")
  		cat("\n\t Coefficients: \n")
  		terms <- sprintf("%15s", x$g.Deltaterms)
  		extra <- ifelse(x$g.Deltacoef >= 0, "  ", " ")
  		for(i in 1:length(x$g.Deltacoef)){
  			cat("\t", terms[i], extra[i], x$g.Deltacoef[i], "\n")
  	cat("\n Bounds on weights incorporating g: (", x$gbd,")\n")
		cat("\n MSM parameter estimates and 95% confidence intervals\n")
		print(x$estimates,quote=FALSE, na.print="<2e-16")
		cat("\n Variance-covariance matrix\n")
  } else {
  	 stop("Error calling print.summary.tmleMSM. 'x' needs to have class 'summary.tmleMSM'\n")

# print object returned by tmleMSM function
print.tmleMSM <- function(x,...) {
    if(inherits(x, "tmleMSM")){
		if(!is.null(x$psi) & !is.null(x$sigma) & !is.null(x$lb)){
			cat(" MSM parameter estimates and 95% confidence intervals\n")
			estimates <- round(cbind(x$psi, x$se, x$pvalue, x$lb, x$ub),3)
			colnames(estimates) <- c("psi", "SE", "p-value", "lb", "ub")
			estimates[,"p-value"] <- signif(x$pvalue, 3)
			estimates[estimates[,"p-value"]< 2*10^-16, "p-value"] <- NA
			print(estimates,3,quote=FALSE, na.print="<2e-16")
		} else {
		    	cat(" MSM parameters\n  ")
		    	cat("\n Standard Errors\n  ")
		    	names(x$se) <- colnames(x$sigma)
		    	cat("\n 95% Confidence Intervals\n  ")
		    	print(rbind(lb=x$lb, ub=x$ub),3)
	} else {
 		stop("Error calling print.tmle. 'x' needs to have class 'tmle'\n")

# Computes the variance/covariance matrix for all params in the IC.
calcSigma <- function(hAV, gAVW, Y, Q, mAV, covar.MSM, covar.MSMA0, covar.MSMA1, I.V, Delta, ub, id, family){
	D <- I.V * Delta* ( .bound(hAV[,"hAV"]/gAVW, c(0, ub)) * (Y-Q[,"QAW"]) * covar.MSM
		+ hAV[,"h0V"]* (Q[,"Q0W"] - mAV[,"m0V"]) * covar.MSMA0
		+ hAV[,"h1V"]* (Q[,"Q1W"] - mAV[,"m1V"]) * covar.MSMA1)
   		# Construct normalizing matrix M
   		nterms <- ncol(covar.MSMA0)
   		f <- function(x){x[1:nterms] %*% t(x[(nterms+1):(2*nterms)])}
   		if(family == "binomial"){
   			derivFactor <- cbind(mAV[,"m0V"] * (1-mAV[,"m0V"]), mAV[,"m1V"] * (1-mAV[,"m1V"]))
   		} else {
   			derivFactor <- matrix(1, nrow=nrow(mAV), ncol = 2)
   		deriv.term2 <-  apply(cbind(-hAV[,"h0V"]* I.V * derivFactor[,1] * covar.MSMA0, covar.MSMA0), 1, f)
   		deriv.term3 <-  apply(cbind(-hAV[,"h1V"]* I.V * derivFactor[,2] * covar.MSMA1, covar.MSMA1), 1, f) 
   		ddpsi.D <- as.matrix(deriv.term2 + deriv.term3)
   		M <- -matrix(rowMeans(ddpsi.D), nrow=nterms)

   		Minv <- try(solve(M))
   		if(inherits(Minv, "try-error")){
   			warning("Inference unavailable: normalizing matrix not invertible\n")
   			sigma <- NA
   		} else {
   			Dstar <- t(Minv %*% t(D))
   			if(length(unique(id)) < length(Y)){
   				Dstar <- matrix(unlist(by(Dstar, id, colMeans, simplify=TRUE)), byrow=TRUE, nrow=length(unique(id)))
   			sigma <- var(Dstar)
   		rownames(sigma) <- colnames(sigma) <- colnames(covar.MSMA0)
   	} else {
   		D <- .bound(hAV[,"hAV"]/gAVW, c(0, ub)) * (Y-Q[,"QAW"]) * covar.MSM
		term2 <-  hAV[,"h0V"]* (Q[,"Q0W"] - mAV[,"m0V"]) * covar.MSMA0
		term3 <- hAV[,"h1V"]* (Q[,"Q1W"] - mAV[,"m1V"]) * covar.MSMA1
		if (!any(is.na(term2))){D <- D + term2}
		if (!any(is.na(term3))){D <- D + term3}
		sigma <- var(I.V * Delta * D)

tmleMSM <- function(Y,A,W,V,T=rep(1,length(Y)), Delta=rep(1, length(Y)), MSM, v=NULL, 
				Q=NULL, Qform=NULL, 
				Qbounds=c(-Inf, Inf), Q.SL.library=c("SL.glm", "tmle.SL.dbarts2", "SL.glmnet"), cvQinit = TRUE,
				hAV=NULL, hAVform=NULL,  
				g1W = NULL, gform=NULL, 
				pDelta1=NULL, g.Deltaform=NULL, 
				g.SL.library=c("SL.glm", "tmle.SL.dbarts.k.5", "SL.gam"), 
				g.Delta.SL.library = c("SL.glm", "tmle.SL.dbarts.k.5", "SL.gam"),
				ub = sqrt(sum(Delta))* log(sum(Delta)) / 5, 
				family="gaussian", fluctuation="logistic", alpha  = 0.995,
				id=1:length(Y), V.Q=10, V.g = 10, V.Delta = 10, inference=TRUE, verbose=FALSE, Q.discreteSL = FALSE, g.discreteSL = FALSE, alpha.sig = 0.05, obsWeights = NULL) {
	mult <- abs(qnorm(alpha.sig/2))
	Y[is.na(Y)] <- 0
	n <- length(Y)
	n.id <- length(unique(id))
		I.V <- rep(1, length(Y))
	} else {
		I.V <- as.numeric(V==v)
	V <- as.matrix(V)
	colnames(V) <- .setColnames(colnames(V), NCOL(V), "V")

	if (sum(!sapply(W, is.numeric)) > 0) {
        stop("Currently, only numeric variables are allowed.  Please convert any character or factor variables to numeric.")

	W <- as.matrix(W)
	colnames(W) <- .setColnames(colnames(W), NCOL(W), "W")
	if(identical (family, binomial)){
		family <- "binomial"
	} else if (identical(family, gaussian)){
		family <- "gaussian"
	if (is.null (obsWeights)){
	 	obsWeights <- rep(1, length(Y))
	 } else {
	 	obsWeights <- obsWeights /sum(obsWeights) * length(obsWeights)
	if(!.verifyArgs(Y,Z=NULL,A,cbind(V,W,T),Delta, Qform, gform, hAVform, g.Deltaform, obsWeights)){
	maptoYstar <- fluctuation=="logistic" | family=="binomial"

#---- Stage 1 -----
	stage1 <- .initStage1(Y=Y,A=A, Q=Q, Delta=Delta, Qbounds=Qbounds, alpha=alpha, maptoYstar=maptoYstar, family=family)
	Qinit <- suppressWarnings(estimateQ(Y=stage1$Ystar,Z=rep(1, length(Y)), A=A, 
			W=cbind(W,V,T), Delta=(I.V==1 & Delta==1),
			Q=stage1$Q, Qbounds=stage1$Qbounds, Qform=Qform, maptoYstar = maptoYstar,
			SL.library=Q.SL.library, cvQinit=cvQinit, family=family, id=id, V = V.Q, verbose=verbose, discreteSL=Q.discreteSL,
			obsWeights = obsWeights))

#---- Stage 2 -----
    	gAV <- suppressWarnings(estimateG(d=data.frame(A,V,T), hAV, hAVform,g.SL.library, id, V=V.g, verbose, 
    			message="h(A,V)", outcome="A",  discreteSL= g.discreteSL, obsWeights = obsWeights))
		hAV <- cbind((1-A)*(1-gAV$g1W) + A*gAV$g1W, 1-gAV$g1W, gAV$g1W)
	} else {
		hAV <- cbind((1-A)*(hAV[,1]) + A*hAV[,2], hAV)
		gAV <- NULL
		gAV$g1W <- hAV
		gAV$type <- "User-supplied values"
		gAV$coef <- NA
	colnames(hAV) <- c("hAV", "h0V", "h1V")
	if (is.null(v)){
		g <- suppressWarnings(estimateG(d=data.frame(A,V,W,T), g1W, gform,g.SL.library, id, V=V.g, verbose, 
    			message="treatment mechanism", outcome="A",  discreteSL=g.discreteSL, obsWeights = obsWeights))
	} else {	
		g <- suppressWarnings(estimateG(d=data.frame(A,V,W,T), g1W, gform,g.SL.library, id, V=V.g, verbose, 
    			message="treatment mechanism", outcome="A", newdata=data.frame(A,V=v, W,T),  discreteSL=g.discreteSL, obsWeights = obsWeights))
   g$bound <- c(0,ub)
 		stop("Error estimating treatment mechanism (hint: only numeric variables are allowed)") 
 	g.Delta <- estimateG(d=data.frame(Delta, Z=1, A, W,V,T), pDelta1, g.Deltaform, 
 		g.SL.library,id=id, V = V.Delta, verbose, "missingness mechanism", outcome="D",  discreteSL=g.discreteSL, obsWeights = obsWeights) 
	g1VW <- g$g1W * g.Delta$g1W[,"Z0A1"]
	g0VW <- (1-g$g1W) * g.Delta$g1W[,"Z0A0"]
	gAVW <- A*g1VW + (1-A)*g0VW

	MSMformula <- formula(paste("Y~",MSM))
	mfA <- model.frame(MSMformula, data=data.frame(Y,A,V,W,T))  # Added Y Oct 24 ,2011
	mf0 <- model.frame(MSMformula, data=data.frame(Y,A=rep(0,n),V,W,T))
	mf1 <- model.frame(MSMformula, data=data.frame(Y,A=rep(1,n),V,W,T))
	covar.MSM   <- model.matrix(MSMformula, mfA)
	covar.MSMA0 <- model.matrix(MSMformula, mf0)
	covar.MSMA1 <- model.matrix(MSMformula, mf1)
	if(verbose){cat("\tTargeting Q\n")}
	C1 <- I.V * .bound(hAV[,"hAV"]/gAVW, c(0,ub)) * covar.MSM  
	sub <- I.V==1 & Delta==1
	  epsilon <- coef(glm(stage1$Ystar[sub] ~ -1 + offset(Qinit$Q[sub,"QAW"]) + C1[sub,], family=Qinit$family, 
	  				weights = obsWeights[sub]))
	Qstar <- cbind(Qinit$Q[,"QAW"] + C1 %*% epsilon,
					 Qinit$Q[,"Q0W"] + .bound(hAV[,"h0V"]/g0VW, c(0,ub)) * covar.MSMA0 %*% epsilon,
					 Qinit$Q[,"Q1W"] + .bound(hAV[,"h1V"]/g1VW, c(0,ub)) * covar.MSMA1 %*% epsilon)
	if(identical(Qinit$family, "binomial")){
		Qstar <- plogis(Qstar)*diff(stage1$ab)+stage1$ab[1] 
		Qinit$Q <- plogis(Qinit$Q)*diff(stage1$ab)+stage1$ab[1]
		Ystar <- stage1$Ystar*diff(stage1$ab)+stage1$ab[1]
   colnames(Qstar) <- c("QAW", "Q0W", "Q1W")
   if(verbose){cat("\tEvaluating MSM parameters\n")}
	d.Qstar <- data.frame(Y=c(Qstar[,"Q0W"], Qstar[,"Q1W"]), 
							rbind(mf0, mf1),
							wts=c(hAV[,"h0V"], hAV[,"h1V"])*obsWeights)
		psi.Qstar <- coef(glm(MSMformula, data=d.Qstar, 
							weights=d.Qstar$wts, family=family)) 
	d.Qinit <- replace(d.Qstar,1, c(Qinit$Q[,"Q0W"], Qinit$Q[,"Q1W"]))
		psi.Qinit <- coef(glm(MSMformula, data=d.Qinit, weights=d.Qinit$wts, family=family))

    	if(verbose){cat("\tCalculating variance-covariance matrix\n")}
    		mAV <- plogis(cbind(covar.MSMA0 %*% psi.Qstar, covar.MSMA1 %*% psi.Qstar))
    	} else {
    		mAV <- cbind(covar.MSMA0 %*% psi.Qstar, covar.MSMA1 %*% psi.Qstar)
    	colnames(mAV) <- c("m0V", "m1V")
    	sigma <- calcSigma(hAV*obsWeights, gAVW, Y, Qstar, mAV, covar.MSM, covar.MSMA0, covar.MSMA1, I.V, Delta, ub, id, family)/n.id
    	se <- sqrt(diag(sigma))
	pvalue <- 2*pnorm(-abs(psi.Qstar/se))
    	lb <- psi.Qstar -mult*se
    	ub <- psi.Qstar +mult*se
    } else {
    	sigma <- se <- lb <- ub <- pvalue <- NULL
    Qinit$Q <- Qinit$Q[,-1]
    returnVal <- list(psi=psi.Qstar, sigma=sigma,se=se, pvalue=pvalue, lb=lb, ub=ub, epsilon=epsilon,  psi.Qinit=psi.Qinit,  Qstar=Qstar[,-1], Qinit=Qinit, g=g, g.AV=gAV, g.Delta=g.Delta)
    class(returnVal) <- "tmleMSM" 

# initial checks on data passed in
.verifyArgs <- function(Y,Z,A,W,Delta, Qform, gform, g.Zform,g.Deltaform, obsWeights){
	formulas <- list(Qform, gform, g.Zform, g.Deltaform)
	validFormula <- sapply(formulas, function(x){identical(class(try(as.formula(x))), "formula")})
	validNames <- c("Y", "Z", "A", ".", "Delta", colnames(W))
	validTerms <- rep(TRUE, length(formulas))
	validTerms[validFormula] <- sapply(formulas[which(validFormula)], 
			function(x){is.null(x) || all(all.names(as.formula(x), functions=FALSE) %in% validNames)})
	ok <- c(length(Y) == length(A) & length(A) == NROW(W) & length(A)==NROW(Delta),
			sum(is.na(A), is.na(W)) == 0,
			length(obsWeights) == length(Y),
	 	 	all(A[!is.na(A)] %in% 0:1),
	 	 	is.null(Z) || all(Z[!is.na(Z)] %in% 0:1),
	 	 	is.null(Z) || length(unique(Z)) == 1 | (length(unique(Z)) > 1 & length(unique(A))>1),
	warning_messages <- c("\t'Y', 'A', 'W', 'Delta', must contain the same number of observations\n",
				"\tNo missing values allowed in 'A' or 'W'\n",
				"\tobsWeights must either be NULL or a vector of length n",
				"\t'A' must be binary (0,1)\n",
				"\t'Z' must be binary (0,1)\n",
				"\tIntermediate variable (Z) not allowed when there is no experimentation in A",
				"\tInvalid regression formula for 'Qform'",
				"\tInvalid regression formula for 'gform'",
				"\tInvalid regression formula for 'g.Zform'",
				"\tInvalid regression formula for 'g.Deltaform'",
				"\tInvalid term name in regression formula for 'Qform'",
				"\tInvalid term name in regression formula for 'gform'",
				"\tInvalid term name in regression formula for 'g.Zform'",
				"\tInvalid term name in regression formula for 'g.Deltaform'"
		warning("\n", warning_messages[!ok], immediate. = TRUE)

# #---------.sg.glm.interaction --------
# # Old versions of SL don't have SL.glm.interaction defined.  
# # This will define it.

# .sg.glm.interaction <- function (Y.temp, X.temp, newX.temp, family, obsWeights, ...) 
# {
    # fit.glm <- glm(Y.temp ~ .^2, data = X.temp, family = family, 
        # weights = obsWeights)
    # out <- predict(fit.glm, newdata = newX.temp, type = "response")
    # fit <- list(object = fit.glm)
    # class(fit) <- "SL.glm"
    # foo <- list(out = out, fit = fit)
    # return(foo)
# }

# if(!(exists("SL.glm.interaction"))){
	# SL.glm.interaction <- .sg.glm.interaction
# }

# -------------tmle.SL.dbarts.k.5------------------
# Use dbarts to estimate g with k = 0.5 instead of the default of k=2.
# This may undersmooth / overfit, but k=2 shrinks g too far from (0,1).
 tmle.SL.dbarts.k.5 <- function (Y, X, newX, family, obsWeights, id, sigest = NA, sigdf = 3, 
    sigquant = 0.9, k = 0.5, power = 2, base = 0.95, binaryOffset = 0, 
    ntree = 200, ndpost = 1000, nskip = 100, printevery = 100, 
    keepevery = 1, keeptrainfits = TRUE, usequants = FALSE, numcut = 100, 
    printcutoffs = 0, nthread = 1, keepcall = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, 
		tmle.SL.dbarts2 (Y, X, newX, family, obsWeights, id, sigest = sigest, sigdf = sigdf, sigquant=sigquant,
			k = k, power = power, base = base, binaryOffset = binaryOffset, ntree=ntree, ndpost = ndpost, nskip = nskip,
			printevery = printevery, keepevery = keepevery, keeptrainfits = keeptrainfits, usequants = usequants, numcut = numcut,
			printcutoffs = printcutoffs, nthread = nthread, keepcall = keepcall, verbose = verbose)

#---------- function .setColnames ---------------
# assign names to every unnamed column of x
# arguments
# 	x.colnames - current column names
#	x.ncols - current number of columns
# 	firstChar - prefix for internally assigned name
# return the names
.setColnames <- function(x.colnames, x.ncols, firstChar){
	if(is.null(x.colnames)) {
		if(x.ncols > 1){
			x.colnames <- paste(firstChar,1:x.ncols, sep="")
		} else {
			x.colnames <- firstChar
	} else {
		invalid.name <- nchar(x.colnames) == 0
			x.colnames[invalid.name] <- paste(".internal",firstChar, which(invalid.name), sep="")

#---------- function .bound ---------------
# set outliers to min/max allowable values
# assumes x contains only numerical data
.bound <- function(x, bounds){
	x[x>max(bounds)] <- max(bounds)
	x[x<min(bounds)] <- min(bounds)

#---------- function .setV ---------------
# Set the number of cross-validation 
# folds as a function of n.effective
.setV <- function(n.effective){
	if(n.effective <= 30){
		V <- n.effective 
	} else if (n.effective <= 500) {
		V <- 20
	} else if (n.effective <= 1000) {
		V <- 10
	} else if (n.effective <= 10000){
		V <- 5
	} else {
		V <- 2

#---------- function .initStage1 ---------------
# Bound Y, map to Ystar if applicable, and
# set boundson on Q and enforce on user-specified values
# returns
#   Ystar - outcome values (between [0,1] if maptoYstar=TRUE)
#   Q - matrix of user-specified values
#   Qbounds - bounds on predicted values for Q (1% wider at each end then
# 			observed range of Y
#			(-Inf,+Inf) is default for linear regression
#   ab - bounding levels used to transform Y to Ystar
.initStage1 <- function(Y,A, Q, Q.Z1=NULL, Delta, Qbounds, alpha, maptoYstar, family){
	if(family=="binomial") {Qbounds <- c(0,1)}
 	if(is.null(Qbounds)) {
 			Qbounds <- range(Y[Delta==1])
 			Qbounds <- Qbounds + .01*c(-abs(Qbounds[1]),abs(Qbounds[2]))
 		} else {
 			Qbounds <- c(-Inf, Inf)
   		QAW <- (1-A)*Q[,1] + A*Q[,2]
   		Q <- cbind(QAW, Q0W=Q[,1], Q1W=Q[,2])
   		Q <- cbind(Q, Q0W.Z1=Q.Z1[,1], Q1W.Z1=Q.Z1[,2])
  	ab <- c(0,1)
   	Ystar <- Y
   		Ystar <- .bound(Y, Qbounds)
   			Q <- .bound(Q, Qbounds)
   		if(0 >= alpha | 1 <= alpha){
			alpha <- .995
			warning(paste("\n\talpha must be between 0 and 1, alpha reset to",alpha,"\n"),
							immediate. = TRUE)
		ab <- range(Ystar, na.rm=TRUE)
		Ystar[is.na(Ystar)] <- 0  
		Ystar <- (Ystar-ab[1])/diff(ab)	
		if(!is.null(Q)){Q <- (Q-ab[1])/diff(ab)}
		Qbounds <- c(alpha, 1-alpha)
	return(list(Ystar=Ystar, Q=Q, Qbounds=Qbounds, ab=ab))

# purpose: estimate Q=E(Y |Z, A,W) data-adaptively,
# unless super learner not available, or user specifies 
# initial values or a regression formula
# arguments: 
# 	Y - outcome 
# 	Z - intermediate variable between A and Y (default= 0 when no int. var.) 
#	A - treatment indicator (1=treatment, 0=control)
# 	W - baseline covariates
#	Delta - missingness indicator
#	Q - optional externally estimated values for Q
#	Qbounds - bounds for predicted values 
#  	Qform - optional regression formula to use for glm if 
#	        non-data adaptive estimation specified
# 	maptoYstar - if TRUE, using logistic fluctuation for bounded, continuous outcomes
# 		estimation inital Q on linear scale, bounded by (0,1),and return on logit scale
#		(will work if family=poisson)
#	SL.library - library of prediction algorithms for Super Learner
#   cvQinit - flag, if TRUE, cross-validate predictions
# discreteSL - if TRUE, use predictions from best learner, otherwise ensemble SL predictions
# 	family - regression family
#	id - subject identifier
# V - number of cross-validation folds
#  obsWeights- typically sampling weights, e.g., 1/p(selected | YAW)
# returns matrix of linear predictors for Q(A,W), Q(0,W), Q(1,W),
#   (for controlled direct effect, 2 additional columns: Q(Z=1,A=0,W), Q(Z=1,A=1,W)) 
#		family for stage 2 targeting
#		coef, NA, unless Q is estimated using a parametric model
# 		type, estimation method for Q
estimateQ <- function (Y,Z,A,W, Delta, Q, Qbounds, Qform, maptoYstar, 
		SL.library, cvQinit,  family, id, V, verbose, discreteSL, obsWeights) {
	.expandLib <- function(SL.lib){
		if (is.list(SL.lib)){
			counts <- sapply(SL.lib, length)
			numExtra <-  sum(counts > 2)
			m <- matrix("", nrow = length(SL.lib) + numExtra, ncol = 2)
			rowIndex <- 1
			for (i in 1:length(counts)){
				if(counts[i] ==1 ){
					m[rowIndex, ] <- c(SL.lib[[i]], "All")
				} else{
					m[rowIndex, ] <- SL.lib[[i]][1:2]
				rowIndex <- rowIndex+1
				if (counts[i] > 2){
					for (j in 3:counts[i]){
						m[rowIndex,] <- SL.lib[[i]][c(1,  j)]
						rowIndex <- rowIndex+1
			return(split(m, 1:nrow(m)))
		} else {
	SL.version <- 2
	Qfamily <- family
	m <- NULL
	coef <- NA
	CDE <- length(unique(Z)) > 1
	type <- "user-supplied values"
		if(verbose) { cat("\tEstimating initial regression of Y on A and W\n")}
		Q <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(Y), ncol = 5)
  	  	colnames(Q)<- c("QAW", "Q0W", "Q1W", "Q0W.Z1", "Q1W.Z1")
  	  	if (cvQinit){
  	  			folds <- vector(mode = "list", length = V)
  	  			uid <- unique(id)
  	  			n.id <- length(uid)
  	  			id.split <- split(sample(1:n.id), rep(1:V, length = n.id))		
  	  		if(identical(as.character(as.formula(Qform)), c("~","Y", "."))){
  	  				Qform <- paste("Y~Z+A+", paste(colnames(W), collapse="+"))
  	  			} else {
  	   	  			Qform <- paste("Y~A+", paste(colnames(W), collapse="+"))
  	  		Qform <- as.formula(Qform)
  	  		if (cvQinit){
                for (v in 1:V) {
                    folds[[v]] <- which(id %in% uid[id.split[[v]]])
  	  				TRAIN <- rep(TRUE, length(Y))
  	  				TRAIN[folds[[v]]] <- FALSE
	  	  			m <- suppressWarnings(glm(Qform, data=data.frame(Y,Z,A,W, Delta, TRAIN), family=family, subset=(Delta==1 & TRAIN),
	  	  						weights = obsWeights))
		  	  		Q[folds[[v]],"QAW"] <- predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Y,Z,A,W)[folds[[v]],], type="response")
		  	  		Q[folds[[v]],"Q0W"] <- predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Y,Z=0,A=0,W)[folds[[v]],], type="response")
		  	  		Q[folds[[v]],"Q1W"] <- predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Y,Z=0,A=1,W)[folds[[v]],], type="response")
		  	  		Q[folds[[v]],"Q0W.Z1"] <- predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Y,Z=1,A=0,W)[folds[[v]],], type="response")
		  	  		Q[folds[[v]],"Q1W.Z1"] <- predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Y,Z=1,A=1,W)[folds[[v]],], type="response")
	  	  		#coef <- coef(m)
	  	  		type="cv-glm, user-supplied model"
  	  		} else {
	  	  		m <- suppressWarnings(glm(Qform, data=data.frame(Y,Z,A,W, Delta), family=family, subset=Delta==1, weights = obsWeights))
	  	  		Q[,"QAW"] <- predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Y,Z,A,W), type="response")
	  	  		Q[,"Q0W"] <- predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Y,Z=0,A=0,W), type="response")
	  	  		Q[,"Q1W"] <- predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Y,Z=0,A=1,W), type="response")
	  	  		Q[,"Q0W.Z1"] <- predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Y,Z=1,A=0,W), type="response")
	  	  		Q[,"Q1W.Z1"] <- predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Y,Z=1,A=1,W), type="response")
	  	  		coef <- coef(m)
	  	  		type="glm, user-supplied model"	
  	  	    	Qinit <- list(Q=Q, family=Qfamily, coef=coef, type=type)
  	  	} else {
  			if(verbose) {cat("\t using SuperLearner\n")}
  				n <- length(Y)
  				X <- data.frame(Z,A,W)
  				X00 <- data.frame(Z=0,A=0, W)
  				X01 <- data.frame(Z=0,A=1, W)
  				newX <- rbind(X, X00, X01)
  				newX.id <- rep(id, 3)
  				if(CDE) {
  					X10 <- data.frame(Z=1,A=0, W)
  					X11 <- data.frame(Z=1,A=1, W)
  					newX <- rbind(newX, X10, X11)
  					newX.id <- rep(id, 5)
  				if (packageDescription("SuperLearner")$Version < SL.version){
    				arglist <- list(Y=Y[Delta==1],X=X[Delta==1,], newX=newX, SL.library=SL.library,
  							V=V, family=family, save.fit.library=FALSE, id=id[Delta==1], obsWeights = obsWeights[Delta == 1])
  				} else {
    				arglist <- list(Y=Y[Delta==1],X=X[Delta==1,], newX=newX, SL.library=SL.library,
    			 		cvControl=list(V=V), family=family, control = list(saveFitLibrary=FALSE), id=id[Delta==1], obsWeights = obsWeights[Delta == 1])
    			suppressWarnings(m<- try(do.call(SuperLearner, arglist)))	
  					coef <- m$coef
  					if (discreteSL){
  						keepAlg <- which.min(m$cvRisk)
  						SL.coef <- 1
  						type <- paste("SuperLearner, discrete, selected",  paste(.expandLib(SL.library)[[keepAlg]], collapse = ", "))
  					} else {
  						keepAlg <- which(m$coef > 0)
  						SL.coef <- m$coef[m$coef > 0]
  						type <- "SuperLearner, ensemble"
  					if (cvQinit) {
  						type <- paste0("cv-", type)
  						# run the chosen learners on each training set, and get predictions for each fold. 
  						# Have to figure out how to unpack the library to get the correct combination of screeners and algorithms	
						SL.library.keep <- .expandLib(SL.library)[keepAlg]
						predictions <- rep(NA, nrow(newX))
  					   for (v in 1:V) {
                     		folds[[v]] <- which(id %in% uid[id.split[[v]]])
  	  				 		TRAIN <- rep(TRUE, length(Y))
  	  				 		TRAIN[folds[[v]]] <- FALSE
  	  				 		if (packageDescription("SuperLearner")$Version < SL.version){
    								arglist <- list(Y=Y[TRAIN & Delta==1],X=X[TRAIN & Delta==1,], newX=newX[!TRAIN,], 
    								SL.library=SL.library.keep,V=V, family=family, save.fit.library=FALSE, id=id[TRAIN & Delta==1],
    								obsWeights = obsWeights[TRAIN & Delta == 1])
  							} else {
    								arglist <- list(Y=Y[TRAIN & Delta==1],X=X[TRAIN & Delta==1,], newX=newX[!TRAIN,], 
    								SL.library=SL.library.keep, cvControl=list(V=V), family=family, control = list(saveFitLibrary=FALSE),
    								 id=id[TRAIN & Delta==1], obsWeights = obsWeights[TRAIN & Delta == 1])
    						suppressWarnings(m<- try(do.call(SuperLearner, arglist)))
    							keepAlg <- which.min(m$cvRisk)
  								SL.coef <- 1
    							predictions[!TRAIN] <- m$library.predict[,keepAlg]
    						} else {
    							predictions[!TRAIN] <- as.vector(as.matrix(m$library.predict) %*% SL.coef)
  					} else {
    							keepAlg <- which.min(m$cvRisk)
  								SL.coef <- 1
    							predictions[!TRAIN] <- m$library.predict[,keepAlg]
    						} else {
  								predictions <- as.vector(as.matrix(m$library.predict[,keepAlg]) %*% SL.coef)
  					Q <- matrix(predictions, nrow = n, byrow = FALSE)
  					colnames(Q) <- c("QAW", "Q0W", "Q1W", "Q0W.Z1", "Q1W.Z1")[1:ncol(Q)]
  	  			} else {
  	  				stop("Super Learner failed when estimating Q. Exiting program\n")
  	if(is.na(Q[1]) | inherits(m, "try-error")){
  	  		if(verbose) {cat("\t Warning: \nRunning main terms regression for 'Q' using glm\n")}
  	  		Qform <- paste("Y~Z+A+", paste(colnames(W), collapse="+"))
  	  		m <- glm(Qform, data=data.frame(Y,Z,A,W, Delta), family=family, subset=Delta==1, weights = obsWeights[Delta == 1])
  	  		Q[,"QAW"] <- predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Y,Z,A,W), type="response")
  	  		Q[,"Q1W"] <- predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Y,Z=0,A=1,W), type="response")
  	  		Q[,"Q0W"] <- predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Y,Z=0,A=0,W), type="response")
	  		Q[,"Q0W.Z1"] <- predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Y,Z=1,A=0,W), type="response")
  	  		Q[,"Q1W.Z1"] <- predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Y,Z=1,A=1,W), type="response")
  	  		coef <- coef(m)
  	  		type="glm, main terms model"
  	if(!CDE){Q <- Q[,1:3]}
	Q <- .bound(Q, Qbounds)
	if(maptoYstar | identical(Qfamily,"binomial") | identical(Qfamily, binomial)){
			Q <- qlogis(Q)
			Qfamily <- "binomial"	
	} else if (identical(Qfamily, "poisson") | identical(Qfamily, poisson)) {
			Q <- log(Q)
			Qfamily <- "poisson"
	Qinit <- list(Q=Q, family=Qfamily, coef=coef, type=type, SL.library = SL.library)

# Screen covariates for association with Y 
# after initial regression to use in estimating g
# selects lasso covariates with non-zero coefficients
# 	Y - outcome on same scale as Q
#  W - eligible covariates for screening
#  Delta - indicator the outcome is observed
#  QAW - initial estimate of QAW on appropriate scale for offset
# family = "binomial", "gaussian", or "poisson", set by estimateQ
# min.retain = minimum number of of variables to retain
.prescreenW.g <- function(Y, A, W, Delta, QAW, family, min.retain, obsWeights){  
    if(NCOL(W) < min.retain){
    	min.retain <- NCOL(W)
    m.lasso <- cv.glmnet(W[Delta == 1,], Y[Delta == 1], family =  family,  weights = obsWeights[Delta == 1])
	beta <- coef(m.lasso, s = m.lasso$lambda.min)[-1] # ignore the intercept
	retain <- which(abs(beta) > 0)
	if (length(retain) < min.retain ){
		if (length(unique(A)) == 1){
			retain <-  unique( c(retain, order(abs(cor(Delta, W)))[1:min.retain]))[1:min.retain]
		} else {
			retain <- unique( c(retain, order(abs(cor(A, W)))[1:min.retain]))[1:min.retain]

# Estimate factors of g
# 		P(A=1|W), P(Z=1|A,W), P(Delta=1|Z,A,W)
# d - dataframe (A,W), (Z,A,W), or (Delta,Z,A,W)
# g1W - optional vector/matrix  of externally estimated values
# gform - optionalformula to use for glm
# SL.library - algorithms to use for super learner estimation
#   id - subject identifier
#  V - number of cross-validation folds
# verbose - flag, whether or not to print messages
# message - printed when verbose=TRUE 
# outcome - "A" for treatment, "Z" for intermediate variable,
#           "D" for Delta (missingness)
# newdata - optional values to predict on (needed by tmleMSM function)
# d = [A,W] for treatment
# d = [Z,A,W] for intermediate
# d = [Delta, Z,A,W for missingness]
#  obsWeights- typically sampling weights, e.g., 1/p(selected | YAW)
estimateG <- function (d,g1W, gform,SL.library, id, V, verbose, message, outcome="A", newdata=d, discreteSL, obsWeights)  {
  SL.version <- 2
  SL.ok <- FALSE
  m <- NULL
  coef <- NA
  type <- NULL
  if (is.null(g1W)){
  	if(verbose){cat("\tEstimating", message, "\n")}
	if (length(unique(d[,1]))==1) {
		g1W <- rep(1,nrow(d))
		type <- paste("No", strsplit(message, " ")[[1]][1])
			g1W <- cbind(A0=g1W, A1=g1W)
		} else if (outcome=="D"){
			g1W <- cbind(Z0A0=g1W, Z0A1=g1W, Z1A0=g1W, Z1A1=g1W)
	} else {
  	  if (is.null(gform)){
  	  	SL.ok <- TRUE
  		old.SL <- packageDescription("SuperLearner")$Version < SL.version
  			arglist <- list(Y=d[,1], X=d[,-1, drop=FALSE], newX=newdata[,-1, drop=FALSE], family="binomial", SL.library=SL.library, V=V, id=id,
  						obsWeights = obsWeights)
  		} else {
  		 	arglist <- list(Y=d[,1], X=d[,-1, drop=FALSE], newX=newdata[,-1, drop=FALSE], family="binomial", SL.library=SL.library, cvControl=list(V=V), id=id, obsWeights = obsWeights)
  			m <- try(do.call(SuperLearner,arglist))
    				keepAlg <- which.min(m$cvRisk)
  					g1W <- m$library.predict[,keepAlg]
    		} else {
  				g1W <- as.vector(m$SL.predict)
  		} else {
  			SL.ok <- FALSE
  			cat("Error estimating g using SuperLearner. Defaulting to glm\n")
  	    if (!SL.ok){
  			if(verbose){cat("\tRunning main terms regression for 'g' using glm\n")}
			form <- as.formula(paste(paste(colnames(d)[1],"~1"), paste(colnames(d)[-1], collapse = "+"), sep="+")  )
			m <- glm(form, data=d, family="binomial", weights = obsWeights)
			g1W <- predict(m, newdata=newdata, type="response")
			coef <- coef(m)
  	  } else {
  	  	form <- try(as.formula(gform))
  	  	if(inherits(form, "formula")){
  	  		m <- try(glm(form,  data=d, family="binomial", weights = obsWeights))
  	  		if(inherits(m, "try-error")){
  				if(verbose){cat("\tInvalid formula supplied. Running glm using main terms\n")}
				form <- as.formula(paste(colnames(d)[1],"~1 + ", paste(colnames(d)[-1], collapse = "+"), sep="") ) 
  	  			m <- glm(form, data=d, family="binomial", weights = obsWeights)
  	  		} else {
  	  			type <- "user-supplied regression formula"
  	  	} else {
  	  	  	if(verbose){cat("\tRunning main terms regression for 'g' using glm\n")}
			form <- as.formula(paste(colnames(d)[1],"~1", paste(colnames(d)[-1], collapse = "+"), sep="+") ) 
  	  		m <- glm(form, data=d, family="binomial", weights = obsWeights)
  	  	 g1W <- predict(m, newdata=newdata, type="response")
  	  	 coef <- coef(m)
  	  # Get counterfactual predicted values
  	  		if (discreteSL){
  	  			g1W <- cbind(predict(m, newdata=data.frame(A=0, newdata[,-(1:2), drop=FALSE]), type="response", 
  	  								X=d[,-1, drop=FALSE], Y=d[,1])[[2]][,keepAlg], 
  	  				      predict(m, newdata=data.frame(A=1, newdata[,-(1:2), drop=FALSE]), type="response", 
  	  				   				X=d[,-1, drop=FALSE], Y=newdata[,1])[[2]][,keepAlg])
  	  		} else {
  	  			g1W <- cbind(predict(m, newdata=data.frame(A=0, newdata[,-(1:2), drop=FALSE]), type="response", 
  	  								X=d[,-1, drop=FALSE], Y=d[,1])[[1]], 
  	  				      predict(m, newdata=data.frame(A=1, newdata[,-(1:2), drop=FALSE]), type="response", 
  	  				   				X=d[,-1, drop=FALSE], Y=newdata[,1])[[1]])
  	  	} else {
  	  		g1W <- cbind(predict(m, newdata=data.frame(A=0, newdata[,-(1:2), drop=FALSE]), type="response"), 
  	  				   predict(m, newdata=data.frame(A=1, newdata[,-(1:2), drop=FALSE]), type="response"))
  	  	colnames(g1W) <- c("A0", "A1")
  	  } else if (outcome=="D"){
  	  		if (discreteSL){
  	  			g1W <- cbind(predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Z=0, A=0, newdata[,-(1:3), drop=FALSE]), type="response", 
  	  							X=d[,-1,drop=FALSE], Y=d[,1])[[2]][,keepAlg], 
  	  			 		  predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Z=0, A=1, newdata[,-(1:3), drop=FALSE]), type="response", 
  	  			 				X=d[,-1, drop=FALSE], Y=d[,1])[[2]][,keepAlg],
  	  		  	 		  predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Z=1, A=0, newdata[,-(1:3), drop=FALSE]), type="response", 
  	  		  	 				X=d[,-1, drop=FALSE], Y=d[,1])[[2]][,keepAlg],	     	     		  
  	  		  	 			predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Z=1, A=1, newdata[,-(1:3), drop=FALSE]), type="response", 
  	  		  	 				X=d[,-1, drop=FALSE], Y=d[,1])[[2]][,keepAlg])
  	  		} else {  		
  	  			g1W <- cbind(predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Z=0, A=0, newdata[,-(1:3), drop=FALSE]), type="response", 
  	  							X=d[,-1,drop=FALSE], Y=d[,1])[[1]], 
  	  			 		  predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Z=0, A=1, newdata[,-(1:3), drop=FALSE]), type="response", 
  	  			 				X=d[,-1, drop=FALSE], Y=d[,1])[[1]],
  	  		  	 		  predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Z=1, A=0, newdata[,-(1:3), drop=FALSE]), type="response", 
  	  		  	 				X=d[,-1, drop=FALSE], Y=d[,1])[[1]],	     	     		  
  	  		  	 			predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Z=1, A=1, newdata[,-(1:3), drop=FALSE]), type="response", 
  	  		  	 				X=d[,-1, drop=FALSE], Y=d[,1])[[1]])
  	   } else{
  	   	 	g1W <- cbind(predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Z=0, A=0, newdata[,-(1:3), drop=FALSE]), type="response"), 
  	  			 		  predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Z=0, A=1, newdata[,-(1:3), drop=FALSE]), type="response"),
  	  		  	 		  predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Z=1, A=0, newdata[,-(1:3), drop=FALSE]), type="response"),	     	     		  predict(m, newdata=data.frame(Z=1, A=1, newdata[,-(1:3), drop=FALSE]), type="response"))
  	   colnames(g1W) <- c("Z0A0", "Z0A1", "Z1A0", "Z1A1")
} else {
  		type <- "user-supplied values"
  		if(outcome=="Z") {
  			colnames(g1W) <- c("A0", "A1")
  		} else if (outcome=="D"){
  			colnames(g1W) <- c("Z0A0", "Z0A1", "Z1A0", "Z1A1")[1:ncol(g1W)]
  	if(is.null(type)){ type <- class(m)[1]}
  	returnVal <- list(g1W=g1W, coef=coef, type=type, discreteSL = discreteSL)
			 returnVal$discreteSL = discreteSL

#----------------------- calcParameters -----------------------
# Calculate parameter estimates, CIs and p-values
# arguments:
#   Y - outcome
#   A - binary treatment indicator
#   I.Z - Indicator that Z=z (needed for CDE estimation)
#   Delta - missingness indicator
# 	g1W - values of P(Delta=1|Z,A,W)*P(Z=z|A,W)*P(A=1|W)
# 	g0W - values of P(Delta=1|Z,A,W)*P(Z=z|A,W)*P(A=0|W)
#   Delta =- missingness indicator 
#   Q - nx3 matrix(Q(A,W), Q(0,W), Q(1,W))
#   mu1 - targeted estimate of EY1
#   mu0 - targeted estimate of EY0
#   id - subject id
#   family - "gaussian" or "binomial" (or "poisson") 
#  obsWeights- typically sampling weights, e.g., 1/p(selected | YAW)
#	alpha.sig - significance level for CI construction
#  ICflag: FLAG for whether to evaluate IC 
#          (can take a long time for repeated measures, so if don't 
# 			need IC-based inference don't bother if there are repeated measures)
# returns:
#   list: (EY0, EY1, ATE, ATT, ATC, RR, OR) 
#	 EY0 - marginal mean outcome under comparator 
#	 EY1 - marginal mean outcome under teatment (population mean outcome if no variation in A)
#	 ATE - additive effect: psi, CI, pvalue
#	 RR - relative risk (NULL if family != binomial): psi, CI, pvalue, log.psi, var.log.psi
#	 OR - odds ratio (NULL if family != binomial): psi, CI, pvalue, log.psi, var.log.psi
#	 IC - list of IC for each parameter (RR and OR on log scale)
calcParameters <- function(Y,A, I.Z, Delta, g1W, g0W, Q, mu1, mu0, id, family, obsWeights, alpha.sig = 0.05, ICflag=TRUE){
	mult <- abs(qnorm(alpha.sig/2))
	n.id <- length(unique(id))
	Y[is.na(Y)] <- 0
	EY0 <- EY1 <- ATE <- RR <- OR <- NULL
	IC.EY0 <- IC.EY1 <- IC.ATE  <- IC.logRR <- IC.logOR <- NULL
		EY1$psi <- mu1
		if (ICflag){
			pDelta1 <- A*g1W+ (1-A)*g0W   # one of these will be zero, the other pDelta1
			IC.EY1 <- obsWeights * (Delta/pDelta1*(Y-Q[,"QAW"]) + Q[,"Q1W"] - mu1)
			if(n.id < length(id)){
				IC.EY1 <- as.vector(by(IC.EY1, id, mean))
			EY1$var.psi <- var(IC.EY1)/n.id
			EY1$CI <- c(EY1$psi -mult*sqrt(EY1$var.psi), EY1$psi +mult*sqrt(EY1$var.psi))
			EY1$pvalue <- 2*pnorm(-abs(EY1$psi/sqrt(EY1$var.psi)))
	} else {
		EY0$psi <- mu0
		if (ICflag){
			IC.EY0 <- obsWeights * ( I.Z* (1-A)/g0W * Delta * (Y-Q[,"QAW"]) + Q[,"Q0W"] - mu0)
			if(n.id < length(id) & ICflag){
				IC.EY0 <- as.vector(by(IC.EY0, id, mean))
			EY0$var.psi <- var(IC.EY0)/n.id
			EY0$CI <- c(EY0$psi -mult *sqrt(EY0$var.psi), EY0$psi +mult *sqrt(EY0$var.psi))
			EY0$pvalue <- 2*pnorm(-abs(EY0$psi/sqrt(EY0$var.psi)))	

		EY1$psi <- mu1
		if (ICflag){
			IC.EY1 <- obsWeights * ( I.Z* A/g1W * Delta * (Y-Q[,"QAW"]) + Q[,"Q1W"] - mu1)
			if(n.id < length(id) & ICflag){
				IC.EY1 <- as.vector(by(IC.EY1, id, mean))
			EY1$var.psi <- var(IC.EY1)/n.id
			EY1$CI <- c(EY1$psi -mult *sqrt(EY1$var.psi), EY1$psi +mult *sqrt(EY1$var.psi))
			EY1$pvalue <- 2*pnorm(-abs(EY1$psi/sqrt(EY1$var.psi)))	
		ATE$psi <- mu1-mu0
		if (ICflag){
			IC.ATE<- obsWeights * ( I.Z*(A/g1W - (1-A)/g0W)*Delta*(Y-Q[,"QAW"]) + Q[,"Q1W"] - Q[,"Q0W"] - (mu1-mu0))
			if(n.id < length(id) & ICflag){
				IC.ATE <- as.vector(by(IC.ATE, id, mean))
			ATE$var.psi <- var(IC.ATE)/n.id
			ATE$CI <- c(ATE$psi -mult *sqrt(ATE$var.psi), ATE$psi +mult *sqrt(ATE$var.psi))
			ATE$pvalue <- 2*pnorm(-abs(ATE$psi/sqrt(ATE$var.psi)))	
			RR$psi <- mu1/mu0
			RR$log.psi <- log(RR$psi)
			OR$psi <-  mu1/(1-mu1)/(mu0 / (1-mu0))
			OR$log.psi <- log(OR$psi)
			if (ICflag){	
				IC.logRR <- obsWeights * (1/mu1*(I.Z*(A/g1W)*Delta*(Y-Q[,"QAW"]) + Q[,"Q1W"] - mu1) - 
						1/mu0*(I.Z*(1-A)/g0W*Delta*(Y-Q[,"QAW"])+ Q[,"Q0W"] - mu0))
				if(n.id < length(id) & ICflag){
					IC.logRR <- as.vector(by(IC.logRR, id, mean))
				var.psi.logRR <- var(IC.logRR)/n.id
				RR$psi <- mu1/mu0
				RR$CI  <- c(exp(log(RR$psi) -mult *sqrt(var.psi.logRR)), exp(log(RR$psi) +mult *sqrt(var.psi.logRR)))
				RR$pvalue <- 2*pnorm(-abs(log(RR$psi)/sqrt(var.psi.logRR)))
				RR$var.log.psi <- var.psi.logRR

				IC.logOR <- obsWeights * (1/(mu1*(1-mu1)) * (I.Z*A/g1W*Delta*(Y-Q[,"QAW"]) + Q[,"Q1W"]) - 
						1/(mu0*(1-mu0)) * (I.Z*(1-A)/g0W*Delta * (Y-Q[,"QAW"]) + Q[,"Q0W"]))
				if(n.id < length(id) & ICflag){
					IC.logOR <- as.vector(by(IC.logOR, id, mean))
				var.psi.logOR <- var(IC.logOR)/n.id
				OR$CI  <- c(exp(log(OR$psi) -mult *sqrt(var.psi.logOR)), exp(log(OR$psi) +mult *sqrt(var.psi.logOR)))
				OR$pvalue <- 2*pnorm(-abs(log(OR$psi)/sqrt(var.psi.logOR)))
				OR$var.log.psi <- var.psi.logOR
	if(ICflag) {
		IC = list(IC.EY0 = IC.EY0, IC.EY1=IC.EY1, IC.ATE=IC.ATE, IC.logRR = IC.logRR, IC.logOR = IC.logOR)
	return(list(EY0 = EY0, EY1=EY1, ATE=ATE, RR=RR, OR=OR, IC= IC, alpha.sig = alpha.sig))

# estimate marginal treatment effect for binary point treatment
# accounting for missing outcomes.
# EY1 parameter if no variation in A
# arguments:
# Y - outcome
# A - binary treatment indicator, 1-treatment, 0 - control
# W - vector, matrix or dataframe containing baseline covariates
# Z - optional binary intermediate between A and Y - if specified
# 	  we'll compute "controlled direct effect" to get parameter estimate at
#    each value of Z 
# Delta - indicator of missingness.  1 - observed, 0 - missing
# Q - E(Y|Z,A,W), optional nx2 matrix [E(Y|A=0,W), E(Y|A=1,W)] (if CDE estimation, Z=0)
# Q.Z1 - optional nx2 matrix [E(Y|A=0,W), E(Y|A=1,W)] (if CDE estimation, when Z=1)
# g1W - optional values for P(A=1|W)
# gform - optional glm regression formula 
# gbound - one value for symmetrical bounds on g1W, or a vector containing upper and lower bounds
# pZ1 - optional values for P(Z=1|A,W)
# g.Zform - optional glm regression formula
# pDelta1 - optional values for P(Delta=1|Z,A,W)
# g.Deltaform - optional glm regression formula  
# Q.SL.library- optional Super Learner library for estimation of Q, 
# cvQinit - if TRUE obtain cross-validated initial Q
# g.SL.library - optional library for estimation of g1W
# g.Delta.SL.library - optional library for estimation of p(Delta = 1 | A, L, W)
# family - family specification for regression models, defaults to gaussian
# fluctuation - "logistic" (default) or "linear" (for targeting step)
# alpha - bound on predicted probabilities for Q (0.005, 0.995 default)
# id - optional subject identifier
# V.Q - number of cross-validation folds for SL estimation of Q
# V.g - number of cross-validation folds for SL estimation of g
# V.Delta - number of cross-validation folds for SL estimation of Delta
# V.Z - number of cross-validation folds for SL estimation of Z
# verbose - flag for controlling printing of messages
# Q.discreteSL - flag to use discreteSL instead of ensemble SL, ignored when g or gform supplied
# g.discreteSL - flag to use discreteSL instead of ensemble SL, ignored when g or gform supplied
# target.gwt - if TRUE, g is in the weight instead of in the clever covariate
# automate - data-adaptive choose of certain tuning parameters
# obsWeights - optional sampling weights (will be normalized internally)
# alpha.sig - significance level, e.g., 0.05 for 95% CIs
# B = 1 for IC-based inference only, # bootstrap samples to also obtain bootstrap variance estimate and 
#	quantile-based CIs.
tmle <- function(Y,A,W, Z=NULL, Delta=rep(1,length(Y)),  
				Q=NULL, Q.Z1=NULL, Qform=NULL, Qbounds=NULL, 
				Q.SL.library=c("SL.glm", "tmle.SL.dbarts2", "SL.glmnet"), cvQinit= TRUE,
				g1W=NULL, gform=NULL, gbound= NULL, 
				pZ1=NULL, g.Zform=NULL,
				pDelta1=NULL, g.Deltaform=NULL, 
				g.SL.library=c("SL.glm", "tmle.SL.dbarts.k.5", "SL.gam"),
				g.Delta.SL.library = c("SL.glm", "tmle.SL.dbarts.k.5", "SL.gam"),
				family="gaussian", fluctuation="logistic", 
				alpha  = 0.9995, id=1:length(Y), V.Q = 10, V.g = 10, V.Delta = 10, V.Z=10, verbose=FALSE, Q.discreteSL=FALSE, 
				g.discreteSL = FALSE, g.Delta.discreteSL=FALSE, prescreenW.g = TRUE, min.retain = 5, target.gwt =TRUE,
				automate = FALSE, obsWeights = NULL, alpha.sig = 0.05, B = 1) {
	# Initializations
	psi.tmle <- varIC <- CI <- pvalue <- NA
	colnames(W) <- .setColnames(colnames(W), NCOL(W), "W")
# change factors to dummies
	tempY <- Y
	tempY[is.na(tempY)] <-0 
	#factorCols <-sapply(W, is.factor)
	W <- model.matrix(tempY ~ -1 +., data = data.frame(tempY, W))
	#W <- model.matrix(~ -1 +., data = as.data.frame(W), contrasts.arg = lapply(W[,factorCols], stats::contrasts, contrasts=FALSE))
	if (is.vector(W)) {
		W <- as.matrix(W)
	if (identical(family, binomial)) {
        family == "binomial"
    }else if (identical(family, gaussian)) {
        family == "gaussian"
    }else if (identical(family, poisson)) {  
        family == "poisson"
        if(is.null(Qform)){ 		# only glm for Q when family=poisson
        	Qform <- paste("Y~A", paste(colnames(W), collapse="+"), sep="+")
    n <- length(Y)
	if(is.null(A) | all(A==0)){
		A <- rep(1, n)
		obsWeights <- rep(1, n)
	} else {
		obsWeights <- obsWeights / sum(obsWeights) * n # normalize the weights
	if (is.null(gbound)){
		gbound <- 5/sqrt(sum(Delta))/log(sum(Delta))

	if(is.null(prescreenW.g)) {
		prescreenW.g <- FALSE
	# Set up default values for "automate" mode
	if (automate){
		Qform <- gform <- g.Zform <- g.Deltaform <- NULL
		Q.SL.library <- g.SL.library <- g.Delta.SL.library <- c("SL.glm", "tmle.SL.dbarts2", "SL.glmnet")
		cvQinit <- TRUE
		alpha <- .9995
		Q.discreteSL <- g.discreteSL <- FALSE
		target.gwt <- TRUE
		n.effective <- sum(Delta)
		gbound <- 5/sqrt(n.effective)/log(n.effective)
		if (family == "binomial"){
			n.effective <- min(c(table(Y[Delta == 1])*5, n.effective))
		V.Q <- .setV(n.effective)
		V.g <- .setV(min(c(table(A)*5, n)))
		V.Delta <- .setV(min(c(table(Delta)*5, n)))
		prescreenW.g <- ncol(W) >= n.effective/5
	if(!.verifyArgs(Y,Z,A,W,Delta, Qform, gform, g.Zform, g.Deltaform, obsWeights)){
 	maptoYstar <- fluctuation=="logistic"
   	if(!is.null(Z) & !is.null(pZ1)){
   			colnames(pZ1) <- c("A0", "A1")
   		} else {
   			stop("pZ1 must be an nx2 matrix: [P(Z=1|A=0,W),P(Z=1|A=1,W)]\n")
  	if(any(Delta!=1) & !is.null(pDelta1)){
   		if(NCOL(pDelta1)==2 & is.null(Z)){
   			pDelta1 <- cbind(pDelta1, pDelta1)
   			colnames(pDelta1) <- c("Z0A0", "Z0A1", "Z1A0", "Z1A1")  # won't use the second set
   		} else if(NCOL(pDelta1)==4){
   			colnames(pDelta1) <- c("Z0A0", "Z0A1", "Z1A0", "Z1A1") 
   		}else {
   				stop("pDelta1 must be an nx2 matrix: [P(Delta=1|A=0,W), P(Delta=1|A=1,W)]\n")
   			} else {
   				stop("pDelta1 must be an nx4 matrix:\n  [P(Delta=1|Z=0,A=0,W), P(Delta=1|Z=0,A=1,W), P(Delta=1|Z=1,A=0,W), P(Delta=1|Z=1,A=1,W)]\n")
   		Z <- rep(1, length(Y))	
   	CDE <- length(unique(Z))>1
	# Stage 1	
 	stage1 <- .initStage1(Y, A, Q, Q.Z1, Delta, Qbounds, alpha, maptoYstar, family)		
	Q <- suppressWarnings(estimateQ(Y=stage1$Ystar,Z,A,W, Delta, Q=stage1$Q, Qbounds=stage1$Qbounds, Qform, 
					maptoYstar=maptoYstar, SL.library=Q.SL.library, 
					cvQinit=cvQinit, family=family, id=id, V = V.Q, verbose=verbose, discreteSL=Q.discreteSL, obsWeights = obsWeights))
	# Stage 2
		if(length(unique(A))==1 & length(unique(Z))==1){  # EY1 only, no controlled direct effect
			gbound <- c(gbound,1)
			gbound.ATT <- NULL
		} else {
			gbound.ATT <- c(gbound, 1-gbound)
			gbound <- c(min(gbound), 1)
	} else {
		gbound.ATT <- c(min(gbound), 1)
	# # if prescreenW.g, keep all the variables in the gform, and keep a minimum of 2 variables.
	# pre-screening won't work for factors.
	prescreenW.g <- prescreenW.g & is.null(gform)  # don't prescreen if variables are already in a specified regression model
	if((NCOL(W) < min.retain) | !prescreenW.g ) {
		retain.W <- 1:NCOL(W)
	} else {	 
		if ((identical(family, gaussian) | identical(family, "gaussian")) & Q$family == "binomial") {
				Q.offset <-  plogis(Q$Q[,"QAW"])
		} else {
				Q.offset <- Q$Q[,"QAW"]
		retain.W <- .prescreenW.g(stage1$Ystar, A, as.matrix(W), Delta , QAW = Q.offset,  family = family, min.retain, 
							 obsWeights = obsWeights)
 	g <- suppressWarnings(estimateG(d=data.frame(A,W[,retain.W]), g1W, gform, g.SL.library, id=id, V = V.g, verbose, "treatment mechanism", outcome="A",  discreteSL = g.discreteSL, obsWeights = obsWeights)) 
 	g$bound.ATT <- gbound.ATT
 	g$bound <- gbound
 		stop("Error estimating treatment mechanism (hint: only numeric variables are allowed)") 
	# if(length(unique(A)) == 2 & requireNamespace("ROCR", quietly=TRUE)){
		# g$AUC = as.numeric(ROCR::performance(ROCR::prediction(g$g1W,A), measure = "auc")@y.values)
	# }
	 if(length(unique(A)) == 2 & requireNamespace("WeightedROC", quietly=TRUE)){
	 	retain <- obsWeights > 0
		 g$AUC = WeightedROC::WeightedAUC(WeightedROC::WeightedROC(guess = g$g1W[retain], label = A[retain], 
		 		weight = obsWeights[retain]))
  		g.z <- NULL
  		g.z$type="No intermediate variable"
  		# if prescreenW.g, keep all the variables in the g.Deltaform, or keep a minimum of 2 variables. Always keep A.
  		if (!is.null(g.Deltaform)){
  			retain.W.Delta <- 1:NCOL(W)
  		g.Delta <- suppressWarnings(estimateG(d=data.frame(Delta, Z=1, A, W[,retain.W]), pDelta1, g.Deltaform, 
 	 		SL.library = g.Delta.SL.library, id=id, V = V.Delta, verbose = verbose, "missingness mechanism", outcome="D",  
 	 		discreteSL= g.Delta.discreteSL, obsWeights = obsWeights)) 
 		g1W.total <- .bound(g$g1W*g.Delta$g1W[,"Z0A1"], g$bound)
  		g0W.total <- .bound((1-g$g1W)*g.Delta$g1W[,"Z0A0"], g$bound) 
  		if(all(g1W.total==0)){g1W.total <- rep(10^-9, length(g1W.total))}
  		if(all(g0W.total==0)){g0W.total <- rep(10^-9, length(g0W.total))}
  		ATT <- ATC <- IC.ATT <- IC.ATE <- NULL
  		ATT.rows <- ATC.rows <- 1:n
  		if(length(unique(A)) > 1){
        	depsilon <-  0.001
        	Q.ATT <- plogis(Q$Q)  

		# Now trim / res-estimate G for ATT and ATC
		if (length(unique(A)) > 1 ) {
  	   			# trim controls outside level of support & refit
   	   			minPS.treated <- min((g$g1W)[A == 1])
   	   			ATT.rows <-  (1:n)[g$g1W >= minPS.treated]
   	   			# now re-estimateG among the treated only
   	   			# if 10% or fewer were dropped just re-evaluate the intercept, otherwise re-fit g
   	   			# get predictions out on all observations so that row numbers will be consistent
   	   			# when bootstrapping
   	   			if (sum(1-A[ATT.rows]) >= 0.9*sum(1-A)){
   	   				# re-do the intercept
   	   				m.ATT <- glm(A[ATT.rows] ~ 1 + offset(qlogis(g$g1W[ATT.rows])), family = "binomial")
  					g.ATT <- plogis(coef(m.ATT) + qlogis(g$g1W))
   	   			} else {
					g.ATT <- suppressWarnings(estimateG(d=data.frame(A,g$g1W, W[,retain.W])[ATT.rows,], g1W = NULL, gform, 
					g.SL.library, id=id[ATT.rows], V = V.g, verbose, "treatment mechanism - ATT", outcome="A", 
					newdata = data.frame(A,g$g1W, W[,retain.W]),
					discreteSL = g.discreteSL, obsWeights = obsWeights[ATT.rows]))$g1W 
			# for ATC trim treated outside level of support
	        	maxPS.ctl <- max((g$g1W)[A == 0 ])
   	   			ATC.rows <-  (1:n)[g$g1W <= maxPS.ctl]
   	   			# now re-estimateG among the treated only
   	   			# if 10% or fewer were dropped just re-evaluate the intercept, otherwise re-fit g
   	   			if (sum(A[ATC.rows]) >= 0.9*sum(A)){
   	   				# re-do the intercept
   	   				m.ATC <- glm(A[ATC.rows] ~ 1 + offset(qlogis(g$g1W[ATC.rows])), family = "binomial")
  					g.ATC <- plogis(coef(m.ATC) + qlogis(g$g1W))
   	   			} else {
					g.ATC <- suppressWarnings(estimateG(d=data.frame(A,g$g1W, W[,retain.W])[ATC.rows,], g1W = NULL, gform, 
						g.SL.library, id=id[ATC.rows], V = V.g, verbose, "treatment mechanism - ATC", outcome="A",  
						newdata = data.frame(A,g$g1W, W[,retain.W]),
						discreteSL = g.discreteSL, obsWeights = obsWeights[ATC.rows]))$g1W


  		### do this as part of targeted bootstrap.  Do it once to get the estimate and the IC-based inference
  		# then do it B=10000 times to get the targeted bs CI bounds, and a bootstrap estimate of the variance
  		uid <- unique(id)
		n.id <- length(uid)
		if(length(unique(A)) > 1){
			uid.ATT <- unique(id[ATT.rows])
			n.id.ATT <- length(uid.ATT)
			uid.ATC <- unique(id[ATC.rows])
			n.id.ATC <- length(uid.ATC)
		mult <- abs(qnorm(alpha.sig/2))
  		obsWeights.cur <- obsWeights
  		est.bs <- matrix(NA, nrow = B, ncol = 7)
  		colnames(est.bs) <- c("EY0", "EY1", "ATE", "logRR", "logOR", "ATT", "ATC")
  		for (b in 1:B){
  			# if b < B get a bootstrap sample and re-normalize the weights
  			# when b=B use the original sample, so that ultimately Q and Qstar, psi, all
  			# have the right values
  			if (b<B){
   	   			b.id <- sample(uid, size = n.id, replace = TRUE)
		  		b.rows <- NULL
		  		for (i in b.id){
		 	 		b.rows <- c(b.rows, which(id == i))
				obsWeights.cur <- obsWeights[b.rows] / n * length(b.rows)
				if(length(unique(A)) > 1){
					b.id.ATT <- sample(uid.ATT, size = n.id.ATT, replace = TRUE)
					b.ATT.rows <- NULL
					for (i in b.id.ATT){
			 	 		b.ATT.rows <- c(b.ATT.rows, which(id == i))
					obsWeights.curATT <- obsWeights[b.ATT.rows] / length(ATT.rows) * length(b.ATT.rows)
					b.id.ATC <- sample(uid.ATC, size = n.id.ATC, replace = TRUE)
					b.ATC.rows <- NULL
					for (i in b.id.ATC){
			 	 		b.ATC.rows <- c(b.ATC.rows, which(id == i))
					obsWeights.curATC <- obsWeights[b.ATC.rows] / length(ATC.rows) * length(b.ATC.rows)
			} else {
				b.rows <- 1:n
				obsWeights.cur <- obsWeights
				b.ATT.rows <-ATT.rows
				obsWeights.curATT <- obsWeights[ATT.rows] / n * length(ATT.rows)
				b.ATC.rows <-ATC.rows
				obsWeights.curATC <- obsWeights[ATC.rows] / n * length(ATC.rows)
  			keep <- Delta[b.rows] == 1 
	  			#wt <- ((A/g1W.total + (1-A)/g0W.total )[b.rows]) * obsWeights.cur 

	  			wt <- ((A/g1W.total + (1-A)/g0W.total )[b.rows]) * obsWeights.cur / length(b.rows) * sum(keep)
	  			H1W <- A[b.rows]
	  			H0W <- 1-A[b.rows]
	  		} else {
	  			wt <- obsWeights.cur
	  			H1W <- (A/g1W.total)[b.rows]
	  			H0W <- ((1-A)/g0W.total)[b.rows]
	  		Ystar <- stage1$Ystar[b.rows]
	  			epsilon <- coef(glm(Ystar ~-1 + offset(Q$Q[b.rows,"QAW"]) + H0W + H1W, 
	  							family=Q$family, weights = wt, subset=keep))
	  		epsilon[is.na(epsilon)] <- 0  # needed for EY1 calculation
	  		if (target.gwt){
	  			Qstar <- Q$Q[b.rows,] + c((epsilon[1]*H0W + epsilon[2]*H1W), rep(epsilon[1], length(b.rows)), rep(epsilon[2], length(b.rows)))
	  		} else {
	 			Qstar <- Q$Q[b.rows,] + c((epsilon[1]*H0W + epsilon[2]*H1W), epsilon[1]/g0W.total[b.rows], epsilon[2]/g1W.total[b.rows])
			colnames(Qstar) <- c("QAW", "Q0W", "Q1W")
	   		if (maptoYstar) {
				Qstar <- plogis(Qstar)*diff(stage1$ab)+stage1$ab[1] 
				Ystar <- Ystar*diff(stage1$ab)+stage1$ab[1]
				if (b == B) {
					Q$Q <- plogis(Q$Q)*diff(stage1$ab)+stage1$ab[1]
			} else if (family == "poisson"){  	
	    			if (b == B) {
	    				Q$Q <- exp(Q$Q)
	    				Qstar <- exp(Qstar)
	    	colnames(Q$Q) <- c("QAW", "Q0W", "Q1W")		
    		res <- calcParameters(Ystar, A[b.rows], I.Z=rep(1, length(b.rows)), Delta[b.rows], g1W.total[b.rows], g0W.total[b.rows], Qstar, 
   	   		  		mu1=mean(obsWeights.cur * Qstar[,"Q1W"]), mu0=mean(obsWeights.cur * Qstar[,"Q0W"]), id[b.rows], family,
   	   		  		obsWeights.cur, alpha.sig = alpha.sig, ICflag = b==B)
   	   		est.bs[b,"EY0"] <- ifelse(is.null(res$EY0$psi), NA, res$EY0$psi)
   	   		est.bs[b,"EY1"] <- ifelse(is.null(res$EY1$psi), NA, res$EY1$psi)
   	   		est.bs[b,"ATE"] <- ifelse(is.null(res$ATE$psi), NA, res$ATE$psi)
   	   		est.bs[b,"logRR"] <- ifelse(is.null(res$RR$log.psi), NA, res$RR$log.psi)
   	   		est.bs[b,"logOR"] <- ifelse(is.null(res$OR$log.psi), NA, res$OR$log.psi)
			if (length(unique(A)) > 1) {
   	   		   	   			# adjust intercept for pDelta1
   	   			pDelta1.ATT <- g.Delta$g1W[b.ATT.rows,c("Z0A0", "Z0A1")]
   	   			if(mean(Delta[ATT.rows]) > 0.95){
   	   				pDelta1.ATT[,1] <- mean(Delta[A[b.ATT.rows] ==0])
   	   				pDelta1.ATT[,2] <- mean(Delta[A[b.ATT.rows] ==1])
   	   			} else {
					pDelta1.ATT[,1] <- predict(glm(Delta[b.ATT.rows] ~ 1 + offset(qlogis(pDelta1.ATT[,1])), family = "binomial"), type = "response")
					pDelta1.ATT[,2] <- predict(glm(Delta[b.ATT.rows] ~ 1 + offset(qlogis(pDelta1.ATT[,2])), family = "binomial"), type = "response")
   	   			res.ATT <- try(oneStepATT(Y = stage1$Ystar[b.ATT.rows], A = A[b.ATT.rows], Delta[b.ATT.rows], 
   	   								Q = Q.ATT[b.ATT.rows,], g1W = g.ATT[b.ATT.rows], 
	        						pDelta1 = pDelta1.ATT,
	        						depsilon = depsilon, max_iter = max(1000, 2/depsilon), gbounds = gbound.ATT, 
	        						Qbounds = stage1$Qbound, obsWeights = obsWeights.curATT))
	        	pDelta1.ATC <- g.Delta$g1W[b.ATC.rows,c("Z0A0", "Z0A1")]
   	   			if(mean(Delta[ATC.rows]) > 0.95){
   	   				pDelta1.ATC[,1] <- mean(Delta[A[b.ATC.rows] ==0])
   	   				pDelta1.ATC[,2] <- mean(Delta[A[b.ATC.rows] ==1])
   	   			} else {
					pDelta1.ATC[,1] <- predict(glm(Delta[b.ATC.rows] ~ 1 + offset(qlogis(pDelta1.ATC[,1])), family = "binomial"), type = "response")
					pDelta1.ATC[,2] <- predict(glm(Delta[b.ATC.rows] ~ 1 + offset(qlogis(pDelta1.ATC[,2])), family = "binomial"), type = "response")
   	   			res.ATC <- try(oneStepATT(Y = stage1$Ystar[b.ATC.rows], A = 1-A[b.ATC.rows], Delta[b.ATC.rows], 
   	   								Q = cbind(QAW = Q.ATT[b.ATC.rows,1], Q0W = Q.ATT[b.ATC.rows,"Q1W"], Q1W = Q.ATT[b.ATC.rows,"Q0W"]), 
   	   								g1W = 1-g.ATC[b.ATC.rows], 
	        						pDelta1 = pDelta1.ATC,
	        						depsilon = depsilon, max_iter = max(1000, 2/depsilon), gbounds = gbound.ATT, 
	        						Qbounds = stage1$Qbound, obsWeights = obsWeights.curATC))	        				  	
	        	if(!(inherits(res.ATT, "try-error"))){
	        		est.bs[b,"ATT"] <- res.ATT$psi * diff(stage1$ab) 
	       		if(!(inherits(res.ATC, "try-error"))){
	        		est.bs[b,"ATC"] <- -res.ATC$psi * diff(stage1$ab) 
   	   	} # end bootstrap
   	    if (length(unique(A)) > 1){  	      	
        	if(!(inherits(res.ATT, "try-error"))){
        	 	ATT$psi <- res.ATT$psi * diff(stage1$ab) 
        	 	ATT$converged <- res.ATT$conv
        	 	if(n.id < length(id)){
        			IC.ATT <- as.vector(by(res.ATT$IC, id, mean)) * diff(stage1$ab) + stage1$ab[1]
        		} else {
        			IC.ATT <- res.ATT$IC * diff(stage1$ab) + stage1$ab[1]
				ATT$var.psi <- var(IC.ATT)/n.id
				ATT$CI <- c(ATT$psi -mult *sqrt(ATT$var.psi), ATT$psi +mult *sqrt(ATT$var.psi))
				ATT$pvalue <- 2*pnorm(-abs(ATT$psi/sqrt(ATT$var.psi)))	
        	if(!(inherits(res.ATC, "try-error"))){
        		ATC$psi <- -res.ATC$psi * diff(stage1$ab) 
        		ATC$converged <- res.ATC$conv
        		if(n.id < length(id)){
        			IC.ATC <- as.vector(by(res.ATC$IC, id, mean)) * diff(stage1$ab) + stage1$ab[1]
        		} else {
        			IC.ATC <- res.ATC$IC * diff(stage1$ab) + stage1$ab[1]
				ATC$var.psi <- var(IC.ATC)/n.id
				ATC$CI <- c(ATC$psi -mult *sqrt(ATC$var.psi), ATC$psi +mult *sqrt(ATC$var.psi))
				ATC$pvalue <- 2*pnorm(-abs(ATC$psi/sqrt(ATC$var.psi)))	
			res$ATT <- ATT
		 	res$ATC <- ATC
		 	res$IC$IC.ATT <- IC.ATT
		 	res$IC$IC.ATC <- IC.ATC
		  # bs inference
		  if (B == 1){
			bs.var <- rep(NA, ncol(est.bs))
   	   		CI.twosided <- CI.onesided <- matrix(NA, nrow = 2, ncol = ncol(est.bs))
   	   	   } else {
   	   		  bs.var <- apply(est.bs, 2, var)
			  quant.2 <- c(alpha.sig/2, 1-alpha.sig/2)
			  CI.twosided <- apply(est.bs, 2,  quantile, p = quant.2,na.rm=TRUE)
			  CI.onesided <- apply(est.bs, 2,  quantile, p = c(alpha.sig, 1-alpha.sig), na.rm=TRUE)
		  	if (!is.null(res$EY0)){  
				res$EY0$bs.var <- bs.var[1] 	
		   	   	res$EY0$bs.CI.twosided = CI.twosided[,1]
		   	   	res$EY0$bs.CI.onesided.lower = c(-Inf, CI.onesided[2,1])
		   	   	res$EY0$bs.CI.onesided.upper = c(CI.onesided[1,1], Inf)
		   	res$EY1$bs.var <- bs.var[2] 	
	   	   	res$EY1$bs.CI.twosided = CI.twosided[,2]
	   	   	res$EY1$bs.CI.onesided.lower = c(-Inf, CI.onesided[2,2])
	   	   	res$EY1$bs.CI.onesided.upper = c(CI.onesided[1,2], Inf)
	   	    if (!is.null(res$ATE)){  
		   	   	res$ATE$bs.var <- bs.var[3] 	
		   	   	res$ATE$bs.CI.twosided = CI.twosided[,3]
		   	   	res$ATE$bs.CI.onesided.lower = c(-Inf, CI.onesided[2,3])
		   	   	res$ATE$bs.CI.onesided.upper = c(CI.onesided[1,3], Inf)
		   	   	if (family == "binomial"){
			   	   	res$RR$bs.var.log.psi <- bs.var[4] 	
			   	   	res$RR$bs.CI.twosided = exp(CI.twosided[,4])
			   	    res$RR$bs.CI.onesided.lower = c(-Inf, exp(CI.onesided[2,4]))
		   	   		res$RR$bs.CI.onesided.upper = c(exp(CI.onesided[1,4]), Inf)
			   	   	res$OR$bs.var.log.psi <- bs.var[5] 	
			   	   	res$OR$bs.CI.twosided = exp(CI.twosided[,5])
			   	   	res$OR$bs.CI.onesided.lower = c(-Inf, exp(CI.onesided[2,5]))
		   	   		res$OR$bs.CI.onesided.upper = c(exp(CI.onesided[1,5]), Inf)
			   	res$ATT$bs.var <- bs.var[6] 	
		   	   	res$ATT$bs.CI.twosided = CI.twosided[,6]
		   	   	res$ATT$bs.CI.onesided.lower = c(-Inf, CI.onesided[2,6])
		   	   	res$ATT$bs.CI.onesided.upper = c(CI.onesided[1,6], Inf)
		   	    res$ATC$bs.var <- bs.var[7] 	
		   	   	res$ATC$bs.CI.twosided = CI.twosided[,7]
		   	   	res$ATC$bs.CI.onesided.lower = c(-Inf, CI.onesided[2,7])
		   	   	res$ATC$bs.CI.onesided.upper = c(CI.onesided[1,7], Inf)
	    # calculate Rsq - complete case
	  #  browser()
	    m.rsq <- glm(Y~ 1, family = family)
	    Yhat <- predict(m.rsq, newdata = data.frame(A),  type = "response")
	    Q$Rsq  <-  NULL
		if(family == "binomial"){
			Q$Rsq <- 1 - sum(Delta * obsWeights* ( Y * log(Q$Q[,"QAW"]) + (1-Y)*log(1-Q$Q[,"QAW"]))) /
			 	                             sum(Delta * obsWeights* ( Y * log(Yhat) + (1-Y)*log(1-Yhat)))		
			 Q$Rsq.type <- "pseudo R squared"
		} else {
			Q$Rsq <- 1 - sum(obsWeights[Delta == 1] *(Y[Delta == 1]-Q$Q[Delta == 1,"QAW"])^2)/ sum(obsWeights[Delta == 1] * (Y[Delta == 1]-mean(obsWeights[Delta == 1] *Y[Delta==1]))^2)
			Q$Rsq.type <- "R squared"
		if (cvQinit){
			Q$Rsq.type <- paste("Cross-validated", Q$Rsq.type)
		} else {
			Q$Rsq.type <- paste("Empirical", Q$Rsq.type)
		Q$Q <- Q$Q[,-1]
  		returnVal <- list(estimates=res, Qinit=Q, g=g, g.Z=g.z, g.Delta=g.Delta, Qstar=Qstar[,-1], 
  				epsilon=epsilon, gbound = gbound, gbound.ATT = gbound.ATT, W.retained = colnames(W)[retain.W]) 
  		class(returnVal) <- "tmle"
  	} else {
  		V.Z <- .setV(min(c(table(Z)*5, n)))
  		returnVal <- vector(mode="list", length=2)
  		g.z <- suppressWarnings(estimateG(d=data.frame(Z,A,W[,retain.W]), pZ1, g.Zform, g.SL.library, id=id, V = V.Z, 
  					  verbose, "intermediate variable", outcome="Z",  discreteSL= g.discreteSL, obsWeights = obsWeights))
  		g.Delta <- suppressWarnings(estimateG(d=data.frame(Delta,Z, A, W[,retain.W]), pDelta1, g.Deltaform, 
  								 g.Delta.SL.library,id=id, V=V.Delta, verbose, "missingness mechanism", outcome="D",  
  								 discreteSL= g.Delta.discreteSL, obsWeights = obsWeights)) 
    	ZAD <- cbind(D1Z0A0 = .bound((1-g$g1W)*(1-g.z$g1W[,"A0"])*g.Delta$g1W[,"Z0A0"], gbound),
  					  D1Z0A1 = .bound(g$g1W*(1-g.z$g1W[,"A1"])*g.Delta$g1W[,"Z0A1"], gbound),
  					  D1Z1A0 = .bound((1-g$g1W)*g.z$g1W[,"A0"]*g.Delta$g1W[,"Z1A0"], gbound),
  					  D1Z1A1 = .bound(g$g1W*g.z$g1W[,"A1"]*g.Delta$g1W[,"Z1A1"], gbound))
  	adjustZero <- colSums(ZAD)==0
  	ZAD[,adjustZero] <- 10^-9
  	  ######## Update this part if the above works 
  	uid.z0 <- unique(id[Z==0])
	n.id.z0 <- length(uid.z0)
	uid.z1 <- unique(id[Z==1])
	n.id.z1 <- length(uid.z1)
	mult <- abs(qnorm(alpha.sig/2))	
 	for (z in 0:1){
  		est.bs <- matrix(NA, nrow = B, ncol = 5)
  		colnames(est.bs) <- c("EY0", "EY1", "ATE", "logRR", "logOR")
  		for (b in 1:B){
  			# if b < B get a bootstrap sample and re-normalize the weights
  			# when b=B use the original sample, so that ultimately Q and Qstar, psi, all
  			# have the right values
  			if (b<B){
   	   			b.id <- c(sample(uid.z0, size = n.id.z0, replace = TRUE), sample(uid.z1, size = n.id.z1, replace = TRUE))
		  		b.rows <- NULL
		  		for (i in b.id){
		 	 		b.rows <- c(b.rows, which(id == i))
				obsWeights.cur <- obsWeights[b.rows] / n * length(b.rows)
			} else {
				b.rows <- 1:n
				obsWeights.cur <- obsWeights

  			keep <- (Delta == 1 & Z == z)[b.rows]
  	   		if (target.gwt){
  	   			H0W <- ((1-A)*(Z==z))[b.rows]
  				H1W <- (A*(Z==z))[b.rows]
  				wt <- ((1-A)*(Z==z)/ZAD[,z*2+1] + A*(Z==z) /ZAD[,z*2+2] )[b.rows]* obsWeights.cur / length(b.rows) * sum(keep)
  				hCounter <- matrix(1, nrow = length(b.rows), ncol = 2)
  	   		} else {
  	     		H0W <- ((1-A)*(Z==z)/ZAD[,z*2+1])[b.rows]
  				H1W <- (A*(Z==z) /ZAD[,z*2+2])[b.rows]
  				wt <- obsWeights.cur
  				hCounter <- cbind(1/ZAD[b.rows,z*2+1], 1/ZAD[b.rows,z*2+2])
  			Ystar <- stage1$Ystar[b.rows]
  			epsilon <- c(0,0)
  				epsilon <- coef(glm(Ystar~-1 + offset(Q$Q[b.rows,"QAW"]) + H0W + H1W, family=Q$family,
  					  weights = wt, subset = keep))
  			epsilon[is.na(epsilon)] <- 0 	
		 	Qstar <- Q$Q[b.rows,c(1, z*2+2, z*2+3)] + c((epsilon[1]*H0W + epsilon[2]*H1W), 
 												        epsilon[1]*hCounter[,1], epsilon[2]*hCounter[,2])
			colnames(Qstar) <- c("QAW", "Q0W", "Q1W") 
			if (b == B){
					Qinit.return <- Q$Q[,c(1, z*2+2, z*2+3)]
   			if (maptoYstar) {
				Qstar <- plogis(Qstar)*diff(stage1$ab)+stage1$ab[1] 
				Ystar <- Ystar*diff(stage1$ab)+stage1$ab[1]
				if (b == B){
					Qinit.return <- plogis(Q$Q[,c(1, z*2+2, z*2+3)])*diff(stage1$ab)+stage1$ab[1]
			} else if (family == "poisson"){ 
    			Qstar <- exp(Qstar)
    			 if (b == B){
    			 	Qinit.return <- exp(Q$Q[,c(1, z*2+2, z*2+3)]) 
    		res <- calcParameters(Ystar, A[b.rows],I.Z=as.integer(Z[b.rows]==z), Delta[b.rows], g1W=ZAD[b.rows,z*2+2], 
   	   					  Qstar, mu1=mean(obsWeights.cur * Qstar[,"Q1W"]), mu0=mean(obsWeights.cur * Qstar[,"Q0W"]), 
   	   					  id[b.rows], family, obsWeights = obsWeights.cur, ICflag = b==B, alpha.sig = alpha.sig)
   	   		est.bs[b,"EY0"] <- ifelse(is.null(res$EY0$psi), NA, res$EY0$psi)
   	   		est.bs[b,"EY1"] <- ifelse(is.null(res$EY1$psi), NA, res$EY1$psi)
   	   		est.bs[b,"ATE"] <- ifelse(is.null(res$ATE$psi), NA, res$ATE$psi)
   	   		est.bs[b,"logRR"] <- ifelse(is.null(res$RR$log.psi), NA, res$RR$log.psi)
   	   		est.bs[b,"logOR"] <- ifelse(is.null(res$OR$log.psi), NA, res$OR$log.psi)
		} # end bootstrap
   	   		 # bs inference
			  if (B == 1){
				bs.var <- rep(NA, 4)
	   	   		CI.twosided <- CI.onesided <- matrix(NA, nrow = 2, ncol = ncol(est.bs))
	   	   	   } else {
	   	   		  bs.var <- apply(est.bs, 2, var)
				  quant.2 <- c(alpha.sig/2, 1-alpha.sig/2)
				  CI.twosided <- apply(est.bs, 2,  quantile, p = quant.2,na.rm=TRUE)
				  CI.onesided <- apply(est.bs, 2,  quantile, p = c(alpha.sig, 1-alpha.sig), na.rm=TRUE)
			   	res$EY0$bs.var <- bs.var[1] 	
		   	   	res$EY0$bs.CI.twosided = CI.twosided[,1]
		   	   	res$EY0$bs.CI.onesided.lower = c(-Inf, CI.onesided[2,1])
		   	   	res$EY0$bs.CI.onesided.upper = c(CI.onesided[1,1], Inf)
		   	   	res$EY1$bs.var <- bs.var[2] 	
		   	   	res$EY1$bs.CI.twosided = CI.twosided[,2]
		   	   	res$EY1$bs.CI.onesided.lower = c(-Inf, CI.onesided[2,2])
		   	   	res$EY1$bs.CI.onesided.upper = c(CI.onesided[1,2], Inf)
			   	   	res$ATE$bs.var <- bs.var[3] 	
			   	   	res$ATE$bs.CI.twosided = CI.twosided[,3]
			   	   	res$ATE$bs.CI.onesided.lower = c(-Inf, CI.onesided[2,3])
			   	   	res$ATE$bs.CI.onesided.upper = c(CI.onesided[1,3], Inf)
			   	   	if (family == "binomial"){
				   	   	res$RR$bs.var.log.psi <- bs.var[4] 	
				   	   	res$RR$bs.CI.twosided = exp(CI.twosided[,3])
				   	    res$RR$bs.CI.onesided.lower = c(-Inf, exp(CI.onesided[2,3]))
			   	   		res$RR$bs.CI.onesided.upper = c(exp(CI.onesided[1,3]), Inf)
				   	   	res$OR$bs.var.log.psi <- bs.var[5] 	
				   	   	res$OR$bs.CI.twosided = exp(CI.twosided[,5])
				   	   	res$OR$bs.CI.onesided.lower = c(-Inf, exp(CI.onesided[2,5]))
			   	   		res$OR$bs.CI.onesided.upper = c(exp(CI.onesided[1,5]), Inf)
   	   		Qreturn <- Q   	   		
   	        Qreturn$Q <- Qinit.return[,-1]
   	   		g$bound.ATT <- NULL
   	   		returnVal[[z+1]] <- list(estimates=res, Qinit=Qreturn, g=g, g.Z=g.z, g.Delta=g.Delta, 
   	   									 Qstar=Qstar[,-1], epsilon=epsilon, gbound = gbound, gbound.ATT = NULL, W.retained = colnames(W)[retain.W])
  		class(returnVal[[1]]) <- class(returnVal[[2]]) <- "tmle"
  		class(returnVal) <- "tmle.list"

# Last modified April 24, 2024. Susan Gruber, sgruber@TLrevolution.com

#Copyright 2012. The Regents of the University of California (Regents). All Rights Reserved. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for #educational, research, and not-for-profit purposes, without fee and without a signed licensing agreement, is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice, this paragraph and the 
#following two paragraphs appear in all copies, modifications, and distributions. Contact The Office of Technology Licensing, UC Berkeley, 2150 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 510, Berkeley, CA 94720-1620, (510) 643-7201, for commercial licensing opportunities.

#[Created by Susan Gruber, Sam Lendle and Mark van der Laan, Department of Biostatistics, University of California, Berkeley.]



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