
Defines functions .qfun .pfun .lp2OVL .PI2lp .lp2PI .lp2x ROC.default ROC.stram ROC.tram ROC L1.default L1.stram L1.tram L1 TV.default TV.stram TV.tram TV OVL.default OVL.stram OVL.tram OVL PI.default PI.stram PI.tram PI simulate.tram perm_test.glm perm_test.coxph score_test.glm score_test.coxph .copy_variables perm_test.tram perm_test.default perm_test confint.htests confint.htest score_test.tram score_test.default score_test profile.tram residuals.tram print.summary.tram summary.tram print.tram predict.stram predict.tram bread.tram estfun.tram Gradient.tram Hessian.tram logLik.tram nobs.tram nobs.mlt vcov.tram coef.Survreg coef.Lm coef.tram model.matrix.stram model.matrix.tram terms.tram model.frame.tram update.tram as.mlt.tram

Documented in as.mlt.tram coef.Lm coef.Survreg coef.tram estfun.tram L1 L1.default L1.tram logLik.tram model.frame.tram model.matrix.stram model.matrix.tram OVL OVL.default OVL.tram perm_test perm_test.tram PI PI.default PI.tram predict.stram predict.tram residuals.tram ROC ROC.default ROC.tram score_test score_test.tram TV TV.default TV.tram vcov.tram

as.mlt.tram <- function(object) {
    cls <- which(class(object) == "mlt_fit")
    class(object) <- class(object)[-(1:(cls - 1))]

update.tram <- function(object, ...)
    update(as.mlt(object), ...)

model.frame.tram <- function(formula, ...) {
    ret <- formula$data
    ### <FIXME>: we need different options here:
    ### model.frame for all variables, for x and z, etc.
    attr(ret, "terms") <- formula$terms$x
    ### </FIXME>

terms.tram <- function(x, ...)

model.matrix.tram <- function(object, data = object$data, 
                              with_baseline = FALSE, ...) 
    if (with_baseline) 
        return(model.matrix(as.mlt(object), data = data, ...))
    if (is.null(object$shiftcoef)) 
    ret <- model.matrix(as.mlt(object)$model$model$bshifting, 
                        data = data, ...)

model.matrix.stram <- function(object, data = object$data, 
    with_baseline = FALSE, what = c("shifting", "scaling"), ...) {
    if (with_baseline)
        stop("no model.matrix method for class stram defined")
    what <- match.arg(what)
        "shifting" = model.matrix.tram(object, data = data,
                                       with_baseline = with_baseline, ...),
        "scaling" = model.matrix(object$model$model$bscaling, data = data,
                                       with_baseline = FALSE, ...))

coef.tram <- function(object, with_baseline = FALSE, ...) 
    cf <- coef(as.mlt(object), ...)
    if (with_baseline) return(cf)
    if (is.null(object$shiftcoef) && is.null(object$scalecoef)) return(NULL)
    return(cf[names(cf) %in% c(object$shiftcoef, object$scalecoef)])

coef.Lm <- function(object, as.lm = FALSE, ...) {

    class(object) <- class(object)[-1L]
    if (!as.lm)
        return(coef(object, ...))

    if (!is.null(object$stratacoef))
        stop("cannot compute scaled coefficients with strata")
    if (!is.null(object$scalecoef))
        stop("cannot compute scaled coefficients with scale term")

    cf <- coef(object, with_baseline = TRUE, ...)
    cfx <- coef(object, with_baseline = FALSE, ...)
    cfs <- cf[!(names(cf) %in% names(cfx))]
    sd <- 1 / cfs[names(cfs) != "(Intercept)"]

    if (is.null(object$shiftcoef)) {
        ret <- -cfs["(Intercept)"] * sd
    } else {
        ret <- c(-cfs["(Intercept)"], cfx) * sd
    attr(ret, "scale") <- sd

coef.Survreg <- function(object, as.survreg = FALSE, ...)
    coef.Lm(object, as.lm = as.survreg, ...)
vcov.tram <- function(object, with_baseline = FALSE, complete = FALSE, ...) 

    if (complete) stop("complete not implemented")

    ### full covariance matrix
    if (with_baseline) {
        if (is.null(object$cluster)) {
            return(vcov(as.mlt(object), ...))
        } else {
                                    cluster = object$cluster))
    if (is.null(object$shiftcoef) && is.null(object$scalecoef)) return(NULL)
    ### covariance matrix for shift terms only
    ### return Schur complement
    H <- Hessian(as.mlt(object), ...)
    cf <- c(object$shiftcoef, object$scalecoef)
    shift <- which(colnames(H) %in% cf)
    Hlin <- H[shift, shift, drop = FALSE]
    Hbase <- H[-shift, -shift, drop = FALSE]
    Hoff <- H[shift, -shift, drop = FALSE]
    ### H <- try(Hlin - tcrossprod(Hoff %*% solve(Hbase), Hoff))
    H <- try(Hlin - Hoff %*% solve(Hbase, t(as(Hoff, "matrix"))))
    if (inherits(H, "try-error"))
        return(vcov(as.mlt(object))[shift, shift])
    ret <- solve(H)
    if (inherits(ret, "try-error"))
        return(vcov(as.mlt(object))[shift, shift])
    if (any(diag(ret) < 0))
        return(vcov(as.mlt(object))[shift, shift])
    nm <- cf
    nm <- nm[!nm %in% names(object$fixed)]
    colnames(ret) <- rownames(ret) <- nm

nobs.mlt <- function(object, ...) {
    if (!is.null(object$weights)) 
        return(sum(object$weights != 0))

nobs.tram <- function(object, ...) nobs(as.mlt(object), ...)

logLik.tram <- function(object, parm = coef(as.mlt(object), fixed = FALSE), ...)
    logLik(as.mlt(object), parm = parm, ...)

Hessian.tram <- function(object, parm = coef(as.mlt(object), fixed = FALSE), ...)
    Hessian(as.mlt(object), parm = parm, ...)

Gradient.tram <- function(object, parm = coef(as.mlt(object), fixed = FALSE), ...)
   Gradient(as.mlt(object), parm = parm, ...)

estfun.tram <- function(x, parm = coef(as.mlt(x), fixed = FALSE), ...)
    estfun(as.mlt(x), parm = parm, ...)

bread.tram <- function(x, ...)
    bread(as.mlt(x), ...)

predict.tram <- function(object, newdata = model.frame(object), 
    type = c("lp", "trafo", "distribution", "logdistribution", 
             "survivor", "logsurvivor", "density", "logdensity", 
             "hazard", "loghazard", "cumhazard", "logcumhazard", 
             "odds", "logodds", "quantile"), ...) {

    type <- match.arg(type)
    if (type == "lp") {
        ret <- model.matrix(object, data = newdata) %*% 
               coef(object, with_baseline = FALSE)
        if (object$negative) return(-ret)
    predict(as.mlt(object), newdata = newdata, type = type, ...)

predict.stram <- function(object, newdata = model.frame(object), 
    type = c("lp", "trafo", "distribution", "logdistribution", 
             "survivor", "logsurvivor", "density", "logdensity", 
             "hazard", "loghazard", "cumhazard", "logcumhazard", 
             "odds", "logodds", "quantile"),              
    what = c("shifting", "scaling"), ...) {

    type <- match.arg(type)
    if (type == "lp") {
        what <- match.arg(what)
        if (what == "shifting") {
            if (is.null(object$shiftcoef))
                stop("object does not contain a shift term")
            ### remove intercept from linear predictor
            cf <- coef(object, with_baseline = FALSE)[object$shiftcoef]
            if (attr(object$model$model$bshifting, "intercept"))
                cf["(Intercept)"] <- 0
            ret <- model.matrix(object, data = newdata, what = "shifting") %*% cf
            if (object$negative) return(-ret)
        if (what == "scaling") {
            if (is.null(object$scalecoef))
            stop("object does not contain a scale term")
            ret <- model.matrix(object, data = newdata, what = "scaling") %*% 
                   coef(object, with_baseline = FALSE)[object$scalecoef]
            ### <FIXME>: scale term always positive?
            # if (object$negative) return(-ret)
            ### </FIXME>

    predict(as.mlt(object), newdata = newdata, type = type, ...)

print.tram <- function(x, ...) {
    cat("\n", x$tram, "\n")
    print(coef(x, with_baseline = FALSE))
    ll <- logLik(x)
    cat("\nLog-Likelihood:\n ", ll, " (df = ", attr(ll, "df"), ")", sep = "")

summary.tram <- function(object, ...) {
    ret <- list(call = object$call,
                tram = object$tram,
                test = cftest(object, parm = names(coef(object, with_baseline = FALSE))),
                ll = logLik(object))
    if (!is.null(object$LRtest)) {
        ret$LRstat <- object$LRtest["LRstat"]
        ret$df <- floor(object$LRtest["df"])
        ret$p.value <- pchisq(object$LRtest["LRstat"], 
                              df = object$LRtest["df"], lower.tail = FALSE)
    class(ret) <- "summary.tram"

print.summary.tram <- function(x, digits = max(3L, getOption("digits") - 3L), ...) {
    cat("\n", x$tram, "\n")
    pq <- x$test$test
    mtests <- cbind(pq$coefficients, pq$sigma, pq$tstat, pq$pvalues)
    colnames(mtests) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)")
    sig <- .Machine$double.eps
    printCoefmat(mtests, digits = digits, has.Pvalue = TRUE, 
        P.values = TRUE, eps.Pvalue = sig)
    cat("\nLog-Likelihood:\n ", x$ll, " (df = ", attr(x$ll, "df"), ")", sep = "")
    if (!is.null(x$LRstat))
        cat("\nLikelihood-ratio Test: Chisq =", x$LRstat, "on",
            x$df, "degrees of freedom; p =", format.pval(x$p.value, digits = digits, ...))

residuals.tram <- function(object, ...)
    residuals(as.mlt(object), ...)

# profile.tram was modified from
# File MASS/profiles.q copyright (C) 1996 D. M. Bates and W. N. Venables.
# port to R by B. D. Ripley copyright (C) 1998
# corrections copyright (C) 2000,3,6,7 B. D. Ripley

profile.tram <- function(fitted, which = 1:p, alpha = 0.01,
                         maxsteps = 10, del = zmax/5, trace = FALSE, ...)
    Pnames <- names(B0 <- coef(fitted))
    nonA <- !is.na(B0)
    pv0 <- t(as.matrix(B0))
    p <- length(Pnames)
    if(is.character(which)) which <- match(which, Pnames)

    diff <- sqrt(diag(vcov(fitted)))
    names(diff) <- Pnames

    OriginalDeviance <- -2 * logLik(fitted)
    zmax <- sqrt(qchisq(1 - alpha, 1))

    prof <- vector("list", length=length(which))
    names(prof) <- Pnames[which]
    for(i in which) {
        if(!nonA[i]) next
        zi <- 0
        pvi <- pv0
        pi <- Pnames[i]
        fx <- 0
        names(fx) <- pi

        for(sgn in c(-1, 1)) {
                message("\nParameter: ", pi, " ",
                        c("down", "up")[(sgn + 1)/2 + 1])
            step <- 0
            z <- 0

            while((step <- step + 1) < maxsteps && abs(z) < zmax) {
                bi <- B0[i] + sgn * step * del * diff[i]
                fx[] <- bi
                ### compute profile likelihood
                fm <- update(fitted, fixed = fx)
                pl <- logLik(fm)

                ri <- pv0
                ri[, Pnames] <- coef(fm)[Pnames]
                ri[, pi] <- bi
                pvi <- rbind(pvi, ri)
                zz <- -2 * pl - OriginalDeviance

                if(zz > - 1e-3) zz <- max(zz, 0)
                else stop("profiling has found a better solution, so original fit had not converged")

                z <- sgn * sqrt(zz)
                zi <- c(zi, z)
        si <- order(zi)
        prof[[pi]] <- structure(data.frame(zi[si]), names = "z")
        prof[[pi]]$par.vals <- pvi[si, ,drop=FALSE]
    val <- structure(prof, original.fit = fitted, summary = NULL)
    ### inheriting from profile.glm is maybe not so smart but
    ### _currently_ works when calling MASS::confint.profile.glm
    class(val) <- c("profile.tram", "profile.glm", "profile")

### score tests and confidence intervals
### hm, can't find such a generic
score_test <- function(object, ...)

score_test.default <- function(object, ...)
    stop("no score_test method implemented for class", class(object)[1])

score_test.tram <- function(object, parm = names(coef(object)), 
    alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"), nullvalue = 0, 
    confint = TRUE, level = .95, Taylor = FALSE, maxsteps = 25, ...) {

    cf <- coef(object)
    stopifnot(all(parm %in% names(cf)))
    alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
    if (length(parm) > 1) {
        ret <- lapply(parm, score_test, object = object, 
                      alternative = alternative, 
                      nullvalue = nullvalue,
                      confint = confint, 
                      level = level, 
                      maxsteps = maxsteps, 
        names(ret) <- parm
        class(ret) <- "htests"

    m1 <- as.mlt(object)

    fx <- 0
    names(fx) <- parm
    cf <- coef(m1)

    sc <- function(b) {
        fx[] <- b
        cf[] <- coef(update(m1, fixed = fx)) ### works since mlt 1.4-1
        cf[parm] <- b
        ### evaluate estfun/vcov for fixed parameter in m1
        coef(m1) <- cf
        ### see Lehmann, Elements of Large-sample Theory,
        ### 1999, 539-540, for score tests in the presence
        ### of additional parameters
        vr <- try(vcov.tram(m1)[parm, parm])
        ###       ^^^^^^^^^ uses Schur complement
        if (inherits(vr, "try-error")) return(NA)
        sum(estfun(m1)[, parm]) * sqrt(vr)
    stat <- c("Z" = sc(nullvalue))
    if (is.na(stat)) stop("Cannot compute test statistic")
    pval <- switch(alternative, 
        "two.sided" = pnorm(-abs(stat)) * 2,
        "less" = pnorm(-abs(stat)),
        "greater" = pnorm(abs(stat)))

    if (confint) {
        alpha <- (1 - level)
        if (alternative == "two.sided") alpha <- alpha / 2

        Sci <- NULL
        if (!Taylor) {
            ### invert sc numerically; this may fail
            Wci <- confint(object, level = 1 - alpha / 5)[parm,]
            grd <- seq(from = Wci[1], to = Wci[2], length.out = maxsteps)

            grd_sc <- numeric(length(grd))
            for (i in 1:length(grd))
                grd_sc[i] <- sc(grd[i])
            if (mean(is.na(grd_sc)) < .2) { ### less than 20% failures
                grd <- grd[!is.na(grd_sc)]
                grd_sc <- grd_sc[!is.na(grd_sc)]

            if (all(is.finite(grd_sc))) {
                if (all(diff(grd_sc) < 0) || all(diff(grd_sc) > 0)) {
                    s <- spline(x = grd, y = grd_sc, method = "hyman")
                    Sci <- approx(x = s$y, y = s$x, 
                                  xout = qnorm(c(alpha, 1 - alpha)))$y
                    ### s is almost linear, if we got grd wrong,
                    ### extrapolate linearily
                    cina <- is.na(Sci)
                    if (any(cina))
                        Sci[cina] <- predict(lm(grd ~ grd_sc), 
                            newdata = data.frame(grd_sc = qnorm(c(alpha, 1 - alpha))))[cina]
            } else {
                warning("non-monotone score function")
        ### use Taylor approximation
        if (is.null(Sci)) {
            warning("cannot compute score interval, returning Wald interval")
            Sci <- coef(object)[parm] + 
                sqrt(vcov(object)[parm, parm]) * qnorm(c(alpha, 1 - alpha))

        est <- coef(object)[parm]
        attr(Sci, "conf.level") <- level
        if (alternative == "less")
            Sci[1] <- -Inf
        if (alternative == "greater")
            Sci[2] <- Inf

    parameter <- paste(switch(class(object)[1], 
                                  "Colr" = "Log-odds ratio",
                                   "Coxph" = "Log-hazard ratio",
                                   "Lm" = "Standardised difference",
                                   "Lehmann" = "Lehmann parameter",
                                   "BoxCox" = "Standardised difference"))
    parameter <- paste(tolower(parameter), "for", parm)
    names(nullvalue) <- parameter

    ret <- list(statistic = stat,
                p.value = pval, 
                null.value = nullvalue, 
                alternative = alternative, 
                method = "Transformation Score Test",
                data.name = deparse(object$call))
    if (confint) {
        ret$conf.int <- Sci
        names(est) <- parameter
        ret$estimate <- est
    ret$parm <- parm
    class(ret) <- "htest"

confint.htest <- function(object, parm, level = .95, ...) {
    pf <- function(probs, digits = 3) 
        paste(format(100 * probs, trim = TRUE, scientific = FALSE, digits = digits), "%")
    a <- (1 - level)/2
    a <- c(a, 1 - a)
    pct <- pf(a)
    ci <- matrix(object$conf.int, nrow = 1)
    colnames(ci) <- pct
    rownames(ci) <- object$parm
    if (is.null(ci)) return(NULL)
    stopifnot(attr(ci, "conf.level") == level)

confint.htests <- function(object, parm, level = .95, ...) {
    ret <- do.call("rbind", lapply(object, confint))
    rownames(ret) <- names(object)
    alt <- unique(sapply(object, function(x) x$alternative))
    stopifnot(length(alt) == 1)
    rn <- switch(alt, 
        "two.sided" = {
            a <- (1 - level)/2
            a <- c(a, 1 - a)
            paste(round(100 * a, 1), "%")
        "less" = c("", paste(round(100 * level, 1), "%")),
        "greater" = c(paste(round(100 * level, 1), "%"), ""))
    colnames(ret) <- rn

### permutation score tests and confidence intervals
perm_test <- function(object, ...)

perm_test.default <- function(object, ...)
    stop("no perm_test method implemented for class", class(object)[1])

perm_test.tram <- function(object, parm = names(coef(object)), 
    statistic = c("Score", "Likelihood", "Wald"),
    alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"), 
    nullvalue = 0, confint = TRUE, level = .95, 
    Taylor = FALSE, block_permutation = TRUE, maxsteps = 25, ...) {

    cf <- coef(object)
    stopifnot(all(parm %in% names(cf)))
    statistic <- match.arg(statistic, several.ok = TRUE)
    SCORE <- grep("Score", statistic)
    if (length(SCORE) > 0) statistic <- statistic[SCORE[1]]
    alternative <- match.arg(alternative)

    parameter <- paste(switch(class(object)[1], 
                                  "Colr" = "Log-odds ratio",
                                   "Coxph" = "Log-hazard ratio",
                                   "Lm" = "Standardised difference",
                                   "Lehmann" = "Lehmann parameter",
                                   "BoxCox" = "Standardised difference"))

    block <- NULL
    if (!is.null(object$model$bases$interacting) && block_permutation) {
        svar <- variable.names(object$model$bases$interacting)
        block <- object$data[, svar]
        if (is.data.frame(block))
            block <- do.call("interaction", block)
    if (length(grep("Score", statistic)) > 0) {

        stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(nullvalue, 0)))

        if (length(parm) > 1) {
            ret <- lapply(parm, perm_test, object = object, 
                          alternative = alternative, 
                          nullvalue = nullvalue,
                          confint = confint, 
                          level = level, 
                          block_permutation = block_permutation,
            names(ret) <- parm
            class(ret) <- "htests"

        m1 <- as.mlt(object)

        fx <- 0
        names(fx) <- parm
        off <- object$offset
        theta <- coef(as.mlt(object))
        theta <- theta[names(theta) != parm]
        w <- object$weights
        m0 <- mlt(object$model, data = object$data, weights = object$weights,
                  offset = off, scale = object$scale, fixed = fx,
                  optim = object$optim, theta = theta)

        cf <- coef(m1)
        SCALE <- inherits(object, "stram") && parm %in% object$scalecoef
        if (SCALE) {
            X <- Xf <- model.matrix(object, what = "scaling")[, parm]
        } else {
            X <- Xf <- model.matrix(object)[, parm]
        ### this is a hack and not really necessary but
        ### distribution = "exact" needs factors @ 2 levels
        ### use baseline level 1 such that p-values are increasing
        if (length(unique(X)) == 2)
            Xf <- relevel(factor(X, levels = sort(unique(X)), 
                          labels = 0:1), "1")

        cf[] <- coef(m0)
        coef(m1) <- cf
        ### resid is weighted, remove weights and feed them to coin
        if (SCALE) {
            rs <- resid(m1, what = "scaling")
        } else {
            rs <- resid(m1)
        r0 <- (rs / w) * sqrt(vcov.tram(m1)[parm,parm])
        ###                          ^^^^^^^^^ uses Schur complement
        if (is.null(block)) {
            it0 <- coin::independence_test(r0 ~ Xf, teststat = "scalar", 
                alternative = alternative, weights = ~ w, ...)
        } else {
            it0 <- coin::independence_test(r0 ~ Xf | block, teststat = "scalar", 
                alternative = alternative, weights = ~ w, ...)
        stat <- c("Z" = coin::statistic(it0, "standardized"))
        pval <- coin::pvalue(it0)

        if (confint) {

            alpha <- (1 - level)
            if (alternative == "two.sided") alpha <- alpha / 2

            ### we always have Prob(Q(alpha) <= S) >= alpha
            ### for alpha < .5, we need Prob(Q(alpha) <= S) <= alpha
            qa <- coin::qperm(it0, p = alpha)
            if (coin::pperm(it0, q = qa) > alpha - 1e3) {
                sprt <- coin::support(it0)
                if (!all(is.na(sprt))) {
                    qa <- max(sprt[sprt < qa])
                } else {
                    a <- alpha
                    while(coin::pperm(it0, qa) > alpha) {
                        a <- a - 1e-4
                        qa <- coin::qperm(it0, p = a)
            q1a <- coin::qperm(it0, p = 1 - alpha)
            qp <- c(qa, q1a)
            achieved <- coin::pperm(it0, q = qp)
            achieved <- 1 - (achieved[1] + (1 - achieved[2]))
            qp <- qp * c(sqrt(coin::variance(it0))) +

            est <- coef(object)[parm]

            Sci <- NULL
            if (!Taylor) {
                sc <- function(b) {
                    fx[] <- b
                    cf[] <- coef(update(m1, fixed = fx)) ### since 1.4-1
                    cf[parm] <- b
                    ### evaluate estfun/vcov for fixed parameter in m1
                    coef(m1) <- cf
                    ### see Lehmann, Elements of Large-sample Theory,
                    ### 1999, 539-540, for score tests in the presence
                    ### of additional parameters
                    ### estfun is already weighted
                    vr <- try(vcov.tram(m1)[parm, parm])
                    ###       ^^^^^^^^^ uses Schur complement
                    if (inherits(vr, "try-error")) return(NA)
                    sum(estfun(m1)[, parm]) * sqrt(vr)
                Wci <- confint(object, level = 1 - alpha / 5)[parm,]
                grd <- seq(from = Wci[1], to = Wci[2], length.out = maxsteps)
                grd_sc <- numeric(length(grd))
                for (i in 1:length(grd))
                    grd_sc[i] <- sc(grd[i])
                if (mean(is.na(grd_sc)) < .2) { ### less than 20% failures
                    grd <- grd[!is.na(grd_sc)]
                    grd_sc <- grd_sc[!is.na(grd_sc)]

                if (all(is.finite(grd_sc))) {
                    if (all(diff(grd_sc) < 0) || all(diff(grd_sc) > 0)) {
                        s <- spline(x = grd, y = grd_sc, method = "hyman")
                        Sci <- approx(x = s$y, y = s$x, xout = qp)$y
                        ### s is almost linear, if we got grd wrong,
                        ### extrapolate linearily
                        cina <- is.na(Sci)
                        if (any(cina))
                            Sci[cina] <- predict(lm(grd ~ grd_sc), 
                                newdata = data.frame(grd_sc = qp))[cina]
                } else {
                    warning("non-monotone score function")
            if (is.null(Sci)) {
                warning("cannot compute score interval, returning Wald interval")
                Sci <- coef(object)[parm] + sqrt(vcov(object)[parm, parm]) * qp
            attr(Sci, "conf.level") <- level
            attr(Sci, "achieved.conf.level") <- achieved
            if (alternative == "less")
                Sci[1] <- -Inf
            if (alternative == "greater")
                Sci[2] <- Inf

        distname <- switch(class(it0@distribution),
            "AsymptNullDistribution" = "Asymptotic",
            "ApproxNullDistribution" = "Approximative",
            "ExactNullDistribution"  = "Exact"

        parameter <- paste(tolower(parameter), "for", parm)
        names(nullvalue) <- parameter
        ret <- list(statistic = stat,
                    p.value = pval, 
                    null.value = nullvalue, 
                    alternative = alternative, 
                    method = paste(distname, "Permutation Transformation Score Test"),
                    data.name = deparse(object$call))
        if (confint) {
            ret$conf.int <- Sci
            names(est) <- parameter
            ret$estimate <- est
        class(ret) <- "htest"

    } else {

        if (inherits(object, "stram") && parm %in% object$scalecoef)
            stop("Permutation Wald and Likelihood inference not implemented for scale parameters")

        if ("Wald" %in% statistic) {
            stopifnot(length(parm) == 1)
        } else {
            stopifnot(alternative == "two.sided")

        if (length(nullvalue) != length(parm))
            nullvalue <- rep(nullvalue, length(parm))

        if (confint && !isTRUE(all.equal(nullvalue, coef(object)[parm],
                                         check.attributes = FALSE)))
            nullvalue <- coef(object)[parm]

        off <- object$offset + c(1, -1)[object$negative + 1L] *
            model.matrix(object)[, parm, drop = FALSE] %*% nullvalue

        theta <- coef(as.mlt(object), fixed = FALSE)
        thetafix <- coef(as.mlt(object), fixed = TRUE)
        fx <- NULL
        if (length(thetafix) > length(theta))
            fx <- thetafix[-names(theta)]
        m0 <- mlt(object$model, data = object$data, weights = object$weights,
                  offset = off, scale = object$scale, fixed = fx,
                  optim = object$optim, theta = theta)
        if (length(list(...)) == 0) {
            nperm <- 1000
        } else {
            nperm <- sapply(list(...), function(x) {
                np <- get("nresample", environment(x))
                if (is.numeric(np)) return(np)
            if (!all(is.na(nperm))) nperm <- max(nperm, na.rm = TRUE)

        ll <- numeric(nperm)
        cf <- matrix(0, nrow = nperm, ncol = length(parm))
        colnames(cf) <- parm

        idx <- perm <- 1:NROW(object$data)
        if (!is.null(block))
            sidx <- do.call("c", tapply(idx, block, function(i) i))
        for (b in 1:nperm) {
            if (!is.null(block)) {
                perm[sidx] <- do.call("c", tapply(idx, block, sample))
            } else {
                perm <- sample(idx)

            um0 <- update(m0, perm = parm, permutation = perm)
            ll[b] <- -um0$value
            cf[b,] <- coef(um0)[parm]

        if ("Likelihood" %in% statistic) {
            stat <- logLik(object)
            sull <- sort(unique(ll))
            s <- spline(x = sull, y = ecdf(ll)(sull), method = "hyman")
            pval <- NA
            if (!confint)
                pval <- approx(x = s$x, y = 1 - s$y, xout = stat)$y
            qlevel <- approx(x = s$y, y = s$x, xout = level)$y
            if (confint) {
                if(length(parm) > 1)
                    return(list(stat = stat, pval = pval, 
                                confcoef = t(t(cf[ll < qlevel, ]) + nullvalue)))
                conf.int <- range(cf[ll < qlevel, 1]) + nullvalue
            retL <- list(statistic = stat,
                p.value = pval, 
                null.value = nullvalue, 
                alternative = alternative, 
                method = "Permutation Transformation Likelihood Test",
                data.name = deparse(object$call))
            if (confint) {
                retL$conf.int <- conf.int
                retL$estimate <- coef(object)[parm]
                names(retL$estimate) <- parameter
            class(retL) <- "htest"
            if (length(statistic) == 1)

        if ("Wald" %in% statistic) {
            stat <- coef(object)
            sucf <- sort(unique(cf))
            s <- spline(x = sucf, y = ecdf(cf)(sucf), method = "hyman")
            pval <- NA
            if (!confint) {
                pval <- approx(x = s$x, y = s$y, xout = stat)$y
                if (alternative == "greater") pval <- 1 - pval
                if (alternative == "two.sided") 
                    pval <- 2 * min(pval, 1 - pval)
            alpha <- 1 - level
            if (alternative == "two.sided")
                alpha <- alpha / 2
            qlevel <- approx(x = s$y, y = s$x, xout = c(alpha, 1 - alpha))$y
            if (confint) {
                conf.int <- nullvalue + qlevel
                if (alternative == "less") confint[1] <- -Inf
                if (alternative == "greater") confint[1] <- -Inf
            retW <- list(statistic = stat,
                p.value = pval, 
                null.value = nullvalue, 
                alternative = alternative, 
                method = "Permutation Transformation Wald Test",
                data.name = deparse(object$call))
            if (confint) {
                retW$conf.int <- conf.int
                retW$estimate <- coef(object)[parm]
                names(retW$estimate) <- parameter
            class(retW) <- "htest"
            if (length(statistic) == 1)
         return(list(Likelihood = retL, Wald = retW))

### score_test and perm_test for survival::coxph
.copy_variables <- function(call, envir) {
    nm <- names(call)
    nm <- nm[nm != ""]
    vars <- do.call("c", sapply(call[nm], all.vars))
    ret <- new.env()
    for(n in vars) {
        if (n %in% names(envir))
            assign(n, get(n, envir), ret)

score_test.coxph <- function(object, parm = names(coef(object)), 
    alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"), nullvalue = 0, 
    confint = TRUE, level = .95, Taylor = FALSE, maxsteps = 25, ...) {

    cf <- coef(object)
    stopifnot(all(parm %in% names(cf)))
    alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
    if (length(parm) > 1) {
        ret <- lapply(parm, score_test, object = object, 
                      alternative = alternative, 
                      nullvalue = nullvalue,
                      confint = confint, 
                      level = level, 
                      maxsteps = maxsteps, 
        names(ret) <- parm
        class(ret) <- "htests"

    off <- 0
    X <- (Xm <- model.matrix(object))[, parm]
    mf <- model.frame(object)
    vparm <- attr(terms(object), "term.labels")[attr(Xm, "assign")[match(parm, colnames(Xm))]]
    fm <- as.formula(paste(". ~ . + offset(offset_.) - ", vparm))
    cf <- coef(object)
    env <- .copy_variables(object$call, environment(object$formula))

    sc <- function(b) {
        off <- b * X
        ### this is a very bad hack, of course ###
        assign("offset_.", off, env)
        cl <- update(object, formula = fm, evaluate = FALSE)
        environment(cl$formula) <- env
        m0 <- eval(cl, env)
        cf[parm] <- b
        if (!is.null(coef(m0)))
            cf[names(coef(m0))] <- coef(m0)
        assign("cf", cf, env) 
        cl <- update(object, init = cf, 
                     control = coxph.control(iter.max = 0), 
                     evaluate = FALSE)
        m1 <- eval(cl, env)
        ### of additional parameters
        EF <- matrix(estfun(m1), ncol = length(cf))
        colnames(EF) <- names(cf)
        -sum(EF[, parm]) * sqrt(vcov(m1)[parm, parm])
    stat <- c("Z" = sc(nullvalue))
    pval <- switch(alternative, 
        "two.sided" = pnorm(-abs(stat)) * 2,
        "less" = pnorm(-abs(stat)),
        "greater" = pnorm(abs(stat)))

    if (confint) {
        alpha <- (1 - level)
        if (alternative == "two.sided") alpha <- alpha / 2

        Sci <- NULL
        if (!Taylor) {
            ### invert sc numerically; this may fail
            Wci <- confint(object, level = 1 - alpha / 5)[parm,]
            grd <- seq(from = Wci[1], to = Wci[2], length.out = maxsteps)

            grd_sc <- numeric(length(grd))
            for (i in 1:length(grd)) {
                grd_sc[i] <- sc(grd[i])
                if (!is.finite(grd_sc)[1]) break()

            if (all(is.finite(grd_sc))) {
                if (all(diff(grd_sc) < 0) || all(diff(grd_sc) > 0)) {
                    s <- spline(x = grd, y = grd_sc, method = "hyman")
                    Sci <- approx(x = s$y, y = s$x, 
                                  xout = qnorm(c(alpha, 1 - alpha)))$y
                    ### s is almost linear, if we got grd wrong,
                    ### extrapolate linearily
                    cina <- is.na(Sci)
                    if (any(cina))
                        Sci[cina] <- predict(lm(grd ~ grd_sc), 
                            newdata = data.frame(grd_sc = qnorm(c(alpha, 1 - alpha))))[cina]
            } else {
                warning("non-monotone score function")
        ### use Taylor approximation
        if (is.null(Sci)) {
            warning("cannot compute score interval, returning Wald interval")
            Sci <- coef(object)[parm] + 
                sqrt(vcov(object)[parm, parm]) * qnorm(c(alpha, 1 - alpha))

        est <- coef(object)[parm]
        attr(Sci, "conf.level") <- level
        if (alternative == "less")
            Sci[1] <- -Inf
        if (alternative == "greater")
            Sci[2] <- Inf

    parameter <- "Log-hazard ratio"
    parameter <- paste(tolower(parameter), "for", parm)
    names(nullvalue) <- parameter

    ret <- list(statistic = stat,
                p.value = pval, 
                null.value = nullvalue, 
                alternative = alternative, 
                method = "(Log-rank) Score Test",
                data.name = deparse(object$call))
    if (confint) {
        ret$conf.int <- Sci
        names(est) <- parameter
        ret$estimate <- est
    ret$parm <- parm
    class(ret) <- "htest"

score_test.glm <- function(object, parm = names(coef(object)), 
    alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"), nullvalue = 0, 
    confint = TRUE, level = .95, Taylor = FALSE, maxsteps = 25, ...) {

    cf <- coef(object)
    stopifnot(all(parm %in% names(cf)))
    alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
    if (length(parm) > 1) {
        ret <- lapply(parm, score_test, object = object, 
                      alternative = alternative, 
                      nullvalue = nullvalue,
                      confint = confint, 
                      level = level, 
                      maxsteps = maxsteps, 
        names(ret) <- parm
        class(ret) <- "htests"

    off <- 0
    X <- (Xm <- model.matrix(object))[, parm]
    mf <- model.frame(object)
    vparm <- attr(terms(object), "term.labels")[attr(Xm, "assign")[match(parm, colnames(Xm))]]
    fm <- as.formula(paste(". ~ . + offset(offset_.) - ", vparm))
    fmoff <- as.formula(". ~ 0 + offset(offset_.)")
    cf <- coef(object)
    env <- .copy_variables(object$call, environment(object$formula))

    sc <- function(b) {
        off <- b * X
        ### this is a very bad hack, of course ###
        assign("offset_.", off, env)
        cl <- update(object, formula = fm, evaluate = FALSE)
        environment(cl$formula) <- env
        m0 <- eval(cl, env)
        cf[parm] <- b
        if (!is.null(coef(m0)))
            cf[names(coef(m0))] <- coef(m0)
        off <- Xm %*% cf
        assign("offset_.", off, env)
        cl <- update(object, formula = fmoff, evaluate = FALSE)
        environment(cl$formula) <- env
        m1 <- eval(cl, env)
        object$coefficients <- cf
        object$residuals <- m1$residuals
        ### of additional parameters
        EF <- matrix(estfun(object), ncol = length(cf))
        colnames(EF) <- names(cf)
        -sum(EF[, parm]) * sqrt(vcov(object)[parm, parm])
    stat <- c("Z" = sc(nullvalue))
    pval <- switch(alternative, 
        "two.sided" = pnorm(-abs(stat)) * 2,
        "less" = pnorm(-abs(stat)),
        "greater" = pnorm(abs(stat)))

    if (confint) {
        alpha <- (1 - level)
        if (alternative == "two.sided") alpha <- alpha / 2

        Sci <- NULL
        if (!Taylor) {
            ### invert sc numerically; this may fail
            Wci <- confint(object, level = 1 - alpha / 5)[parm,]
            grd <- seq(from = Wci[1], to = Wci[2], length.out = maxsteps)

            grd_sc <- numeric(length(grd))
            for (i in 1:length(grd)) {
                grd_sc[i] <- sc(grd[i])
                if (!is.finite(grd_sc)[1]) break()

            if (all(is.finite(grd_sc))) {
                if (all(diff(grd_sc) < 0) || all(diff(grd_sc) > 0)) {
                    s <- spline(x = grd, y = grd_sc, method = "hyman")
                    Sci <- approx(x = s$y, y = s$x, 
                                  xout = qnorm(c(alpha, 1 - alpha)))$y
                    ### s is almost linear, if we got grd wrong,
                    ### extrapolate linearily
                    cina <- is.na(Sci)
                    if (any(cina))
                        Sci[cina] <- predict(lm(grd ~ grd_sc), 
                            newdata = data.frame(grd_sc = qnorm(c(alpha, 1 - alpha))))[cina]
            } else {
                warning("non-monotone score function")
        ### use Taylor approximation
        if (is.null(Sci)) {
            warning("cannot compute score interval, returning Wald interval")
            Sci <- coef(object)[parm] + 
                sqrt(vcov(object)[parm, parm]) * qnorm(c(alpha, 1 - alpha))

        est <- coef(object)[parm]
        attr(Sci, "conf.level") <- level
        if (alternative == "less")
            Sci[1] <- -Inf
        if (alternative == "greater")
            Sci[2] <- Inf

    parameter <- "GLM"
    parameter <- paste(tolower(parameter), "for", parm)
    names(nullvalue) <- parameter

    ret <- list(statistic = stat,
                p.value = pval, 
                null.value = nullvalue, 
                alternative = alternative, 
                method = "(GLM) Score Test",
                data.name = deparse(object$call))
    if (confint) {
        ret$conf.int <- Sci
        names(est) <- parameter
        ret$estimate <- est
    ret$parm <- parm
    class(ret) <- "htest"

perm_test.coxph <- function(object, parm = names(coef(object)), 
    # statistic = c("Score", "Likelihood", "Wald"),
    alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"), 
    nullvalue = 0, 
    confint = TRUE, level = .95, 
    Taylor = FALSE, block_permutation = TRUE, maxsteps = 25, ...) {

    cf <- coef(object)
    stopifnot(all(parm %in% names(cf)))
#    statistic <- match.arg(statistic, several.ok = TRUE)
#    SCORE <- grep("Score", statistic)
#    if (length(SCORE) > 0) statistic <- statistic[SCORE[1]]
    alternative <- match.arg(alternative)

    parameter <- "Log-hazard ratio"

    block <- NULL
    mf <- model.frame(object)
    if (length(s <- grep("strata", colnames(mf))) > 0) {
        svar <- colnames(mf)[s]
        block <- mf[, svar]
        if (is.data.frame(block))
            block <- do.call("interaction", block)

    stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(nullvalue, 0)))

    if (length(parm) > 1) {
        ret <- lapply(parm, perm_test, object = object, 
                      alternative = alternative, 
                      nullvalue = nullvalue,
                      confint = confint, 
                      level = level, 
                      block_permutation = block_permutation,
        names(ret) <- parm
        class(ret) <- "htests"

    off <- 0
    X <- (Xm <- model.matrix(object))[, parm]
    mf <- model.frame(object)
    vparm <- attr(terms(object), "term.labels")[attr(Xm, "assign")[match(parm, colnames(Xm))]]
    fm <- as.formula(paste(". ~ . + offset(offset_.) - ", vparm))
    cf <- coef(object)
    w <- object$weights
    if (is.null(w)) w <- rep(1, nrow(mf))
    env <- .copy_variables(object$call, environment(object$formula))

    sc <- function(b, statistic = TRUE) {
        off <- b * X
        ### this is a very bad hack, of course ###
        assign("offset_.", off, env)
        cl <- update(object, formula = fm, evaluate = FALSE)
        environment(cl$formula) <- env
        m0 <- eval(cl, env)
        cf[parm] <- b
        if (!is.null(coef(m0)))
            cf[names(coef(m0))] <- coef(m0)
        assign("cf", cf, env)
        cl <- update(object, init = cf, 
                     control = coxph.control(iter.max = 0), 
                     evaluate = FALSE)
        m1 <- eval(cl, env)
        ### of additional parameters
        EF <- matrix(estfun(m1), ncol = length(cf))
        colnames(EF) <- names(cf)
        if (statistic) 
            return(-sum(EF[, parm]) * sqrt(vcov(m1)[parm, parm]))
        -resid(m0, weighted = FALSE) * sqrt(vcov(m1)[parm, parm])

        X <- Xf <- model.matrix(object)[, parm]
        ### this is a hack and not really necessary but
        ### distribution = "exact" needs factors @ 2 levels
        ### use baseline level 1 such that p-values are increasing
        if (length(unique(X)) == 2)
            Xf <- relevel(factor(X, levels = sort(unique(X)), 
                          labels = 0:1), "1")

        r0 <- sc(0, statistic = FALSE)
        if (is.null(block)) {
            it0 <- coin::independence_test(r0 ~ Xf, teststat = "scalar", 
                alternative = alternative, weights = ~ w, ...)
        } else {
            it0 <- coin::independence_test(r0 ~ Xf | block, teststat = "scalar", 
                alternative = alternative, weights = ~ w, ...)
        stat <- c("Z" = coin::statistic(it0, "standardized"))
        pval <- coin::pvalue(it0)

        if (confint) {

            alpha <- (1 - level)
            if (alternative == "two.sided") alpha <- alpha / 2

            ### we always have Prob(Q(alpha) <= S) >= alpha
            ### for alpha < .5, we need Prob(Q(alpha) <= S) <= alpha
            qa <- coin::qperm(it0, p = alpha)
            if (coin::pperm(it0, q = qa) > alpha - 1e3) {
                sprt <- coin::support(it0)
                if (!all(is.na(sprt))) {
                    qa <- max(sprt[sprt < qa])
                } else {
                    a <- alpha
                    while(coin::pperm(it0, qa) > alpha) {
                        a <- a - 1e-4
                        qa <- coin::qperm(it0, p = a)
            q1a <- coin::qperm(it0, p = 1 - alpha)
            qp <- c(qa, q1a)
            achieved <- coin::pperm(it0, q = qp)
            achieved <- 1 - (achieved[1] + (1 - achieved[2]))
            qp <- qp * c(sqrt(coin::variance(it0))) +

            est <- coef(object)[parm]

            Sci <- NULL
            if (!Taylor) {
                Wci <- confint(object, level = 1 - alpha / 5)[parm,]
                grd <- seq(from = Wci[1], to = Wci[2], length.out = maxsteps)
                grd_sc <- numeric(length(grd))
                for (i in 1:length(grd)) {
                    grd_sc[i] <- sc(grd[i])
                    if (!is.finite(grd_sc)[i]) break()

                if (all(is.finite(grd_sc))) {
                    if (all(diff(grd_sc) < 0) || all(diff(grd_sc) > 0)) {
                        s <- spline(x = grd, y = grd_sc, method = "hyman")
                        Sci <- approx(x = s$y, y = s$x, xout = qp)$y
                        ### s is almost linear, if we got grd wrong,
                        ### extrapolate linearily
                        cina <- is.na(Sci)
                        if (any(cina))
                            Sci[cina] <- predict(lm(grd ~ grd_sc), 
                                newdata = data.frame(grd_sc = qp))[cina]
                } else {
                    warning("non-monotone score function")
            if (is.null(Sci)) {
                warning("cannot compute score interval, returning Wald interval")
                Sci <- coef(object)[parm] + sqrt(vcov(object)[parm, parm]) * qp
            attr(Sci, "conf.level") <- level
            attr(Sci, "achieved.conf.level") <- achieved
            if (alternative == "less")
                Sci[1] <- -Inf
            if (alternative == "greater")
                Sci[2] <- Inf

        distname <- switch(class(it0@distribution),
            "AsymptNullDistribution" = "Asymptotic",
            "ApproxNullDistribution" = "Approximative",
            "ExactNullDistribution"  = "Exact"

        parameter <- paste(tolower(parameter), "for", parm)
        names(nullvalue) <- parameter
        ret <- list(statistic = stat,
                    p.value = pval, 
                    null.value = nullvalue, 
                    alternative = alternative, 
                    method = paste(distname, "Permutation (Log-rank) Score Test"),
                    data.name = deparse(object$call))
        if (confint) {
            ret$conf.int <- Sci
            names(est) <- parameter
            ret$estimate <- est
        class(ret) <- "htest"

perm_test.glm <- function(object, parm = names(coef(object)), 
    # statistic = c("Score", "Likelihood", "Wald"),
    alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater"), 
    nullvalue = 0, 
    confint = TRUE, level = .95, 
    Taylor = FALSE, block_permutation = TRUE, maxsteps = 25, ...) {

    cf <- coef(object)
    stopifnot(all(parm %in% names(cf)))
#    statistic <- match.arg(statistic, several.ok = TRUE)
#    SCORE <- grep("Score", statistic)
#    if (length(SCORE) > 0) statistic <- statistic[SCORE[1]]
    alternative <- match.arg(alternative)

    parameter <- "GLM"

    block <- NULL
    mf <- model.frame(object)

    stopifnot(isTRUE(all.equal(nullvalue, 0)))

    if (length(parm) > 1) {
        ret <- lapply(parm, perm_test, object = object, 
                      alternative = alternative, 
                      nullvalue = nullvalue,
                      confint = confint, 
                      level = level, 
                      block_permutation = block_permutation,
        names(ret) <- parm
        class(ret) <- "htests"

    off <- 0
    X <- (Xm <- model.matrix(object))[, parm]
    mf <- model.frame(object)
    vparm <- attr(terms(object), "term.labels")[attr(Xm, "assign")[match(parm, colnames(Xm))]]
    fm <- as.formula(paste(". ~ . + offset(offset_.) - ", vparm))
    fmoff <- as.formula(". ~ 0 + offset(offset_.)")
    cf <- coef(object)
    w <- object$weights
    if (is.null(w)) w <- rep(1, nrow(mf))
    env <- .copy_variables(object$call, environment(object$formula))

    sc <- function(b, statistic = TRUE) {
        off <- b * X
        ### this is a very bad hack, of course ###
        assign("offset_.", off, env)
        cl <- update(object, formula = fm, evaluate = FALSE)
        environment(cl$formula) <- env
        m0 <- eval(cl, env)
        cf[parm] <- b
        if (!is.null(coef(m0)))
            cf[names(coef(m0))] <- coef(m0)
        off <- Xm %*% cf
        assign("offset_.", off, env)
        cl <- update(object, formula = fmoff, evaluate = FALSE)
        environment(cl$formula) <- env
        m1 <- eval(cl, env)
        object$coefficients <- cf
        object$residuals <- m1$residuals
        ### of additional parameters
        EF <- matrix(estfun(object), ncol = length(cf))
        colnames(EF) <- names(cf)
        if (statistic) 
            return(-sum(EF[, parm]) * sqrt(vcov(object)[parm, parm]))
### <FIXME> weighted = FALSE??? </FIXME>
        -resid(m0) * sqrt(vcov(object)[parm, parm])

        X <- Xf <- model.matrix(object)[, parm]
        ### this is a hack and not really necessary but
        ### distribution = "exact" needs factors @ 2 levels
        ### use baseline level 1 such that p-values are increasing
        if (length(unique(X)) == 2)
            Xf <- relevel(factor(X, levels = sort(unique(X)), 
                          labels = 0:1), "1")

        r0 <- sc(0, statistic = FALSE)
        if (is.null(block)) {
            it0 <- coin::independence_test(r0 ~ Xf, teststat = "scalar", 
                alternative = alternative, weights = ~ w, ...)
        } else {
            it0 <- coin::independence_test(r0 ~ Xf | block, teststat = "scalar", 
                alternative = alternative, weights = ~ w, ...)
        stat <- c("Z" = coin::statistic(it0, "standardized"))
        pval <- coin::pvalue(it0)

        if (confint) {

            alpha <- (1 - level)
            if (alternative == "two.sided") alpha <- alpha / 2

            ### we always have Prob(Q(alpha) <= S) >= alpha
            ### for alpha < .5, we need Prob(Q(alpha) <= S) <= alpha
            qa <- coin::qperm(it0, p = alpha)
            if (coin::pperm(it0, q = qa) > alpha - 1e3) {
                sprt <- coin::support(it0)
                if (!all(is.na(sprt))) {
                    qa <- max(sprt[sprt < qa])
                } else {
                    a <- alpha
                    while(coin::pperm(it0, qa) > alpha) {
                        a <- a - 1e-4
                        qa <- coin::qperm(it0, p = a)
            q1a <- coin::qperm(it0, p = 1 - alpha)
            qp <- c(qa, q1a)
            achieved <- coin::pperm(it0, q = qp)
            achieved <- 1 - (achieved[1] + (1 - achieved[2]))
            qp <- qp * c(sqrt(coin::variance(it0))) +

            est <- coef(object)[parm]

            Sci <- NULL
            if (!Taylor) {
                Wci <- confint(object, level = 1 - alpha / 5)[parm,]
                grd <- seq(from = Wci[1], to = Wci[2], length.out = maxsteps)
                grd_sc <- numeric(length(grd))
                for (i in 1:length(grd)) {
                    grd_sc[i] <- sc(grd[i])
                    if (!is.finite(grd_sc)[i]) break()

                if (all(is.finite(grd_sc))) {
                    if (all(diff(grd_sc) < 0) || all(diff(grd_sc) > 0)) {
                        s <- spline(x = grd, y = grd_sc, method = "hyman")
                        Sci <- approx(x = s$y, y = s$x, xout = qp)$y
                        ### s is almost linear, if we got grd wrong,
                        ### extrapolate linearily
                        cina <- is.na(Sci)
                        if (any(cina))
                            Sci[cina] <- predict(lm(grd ~ grd_sc), 
                                newdata = data.frame(grd_sc = qp))[cina]
                } else {
                    warning("non-monotone score function")
            if (is.null(Sci)) {
                warning("cannot compute score interval, returning Wald interval")
                Sci <- coef(object)[parm] + sqrt(vcov(object)[parm, parm]) * qp
            attr(Sci, "conf.level") <- level
            attr(Sci, "achieved.conf.level") <- achieved
            if (alternative == "less")
                Sci[1] <- -Inf
            if (alternative == "greater")
                Sci[2] <- Inf

        distname <- switch(class(it0@distribution),
            "AsymptNullDistribution" = "Asymptotic",
            "ApproxNullDistribution" = "Approximative",
            "ExactNullDistribution"  = "Exact"

        parameter <- paste(tolower(parameter), "for", parm)
        names(nullvalue) <- parameter
        ret <- list(statistic = stat,
                    p.value = pval, 
                    null.value = nullvalue, 
                    alternative = alternative, 
                    method = paste(distname, "Permutation (GLM) Score Test"),
                    data.name = deparse(object$call))
        if (confint) {
            ret$conf.int <- Sci
            names(est) <- parameter
            ret$estimate <- est
        class(ret) <- "htest"

simulate.tram <- function(object, nsim = 1L, seed = NULL, ...)
    simulate(as.mlt(object), nsim = nsim, seed = seed, ...)

PI <- function(object, ...)

PI.tram <- function(object, newdata = model.frame(object), 
                    reference = 0, one2one = FALSE, ...) {

    beta <- .lp2x(object = object, newdata = newdata, reference = reference, 
                FUN = .lp2PI(link = object$model$todistr$name), 
                one2one = one2one, ...)

PI.stram <- function(object, ...)
    stop("no PI method defined for objects of class stram")

### convert lp to PI and back, use logistic as default
PI.default <- function(object, prob, link = "logistic", ...) {

    if (missing(prob)) {
        FUN <- .lp2PI(link = link)
    } else {
        if (!missing(object))
            stop("both object and prob arguments specified")
        FUN <- .PI2lp(link = link)

OVL <- function(object, ...)

OVL.tram <- function(object, newdata = model.frame(object), 
                     reference = 0, one2one = FALSE, ...) {

    FUN <- .lp2OVL(link = object$model$todistr$name)
    beta <- .lp2x(object = object, newdata = newdata, reference = reference, 
                  FUN = function(x) x, one2one = one2one, ...)
    if ("Estimate" %in% colnames(beta)) {
      # check if CI includes 0 and convert to OVL
      lwr <- beta[, "lwr"]
      upr <- beta[, "upr"]
      olwr <- FUN(beta[, "lwr"])
      oupr <- FUN(beta[, "upr"])
      beta[, "upr"] <- ifelse(lwr > 0 & upr > 0, olwr,
                              ifelse(lwr < 0 & upr < 0, oupr, 1))
      beta[, "lwr"] <- ifelse(lwr > 0 & upr > 0, oupr,
                              ifelse(lwr < 0 & upr < 0, olwr,
                                     pmin(olwr, oupr)))
      beta[, "Estimate"] <- FUN(beta[, "Estimate"])
    } else {

OVL.stram <- function(object, ...)
    stop("no OVL method defined for objects of class stram")

### convert lp to OVL
OVL.default <- function(object, link = "logistic", ...) {
    FUN <- .lp2OVL(link = link)

TV <- function(object, ...)

TV.tram <- function(object, newdata = model.frame(object), 
                    reference = 0, one2one = FALSE, ...) {

    ret <- OVL(object = object, newdata = newdata, reference = reference, 
               one2one = one2one, ...)
    ### <FIXME> make sure lwr < upr </FIXME>
    1 - ret    

TV.stram <- function(object, ...)
    stop("no TV method defined for objects of class stram")

### convert lp to TV
TV.default <- function(object, link = "logistic", ...) {
    1 - OVL(object, link)

L1 <- function(object, ...)

L1.tram <- function(object, newdata = model.frame(object), 
                    reference = 0, one2one = FALSE, ...) {

    ret <- OVL(object = object, newdata = newdata, reference = reference, 
               one2one = one2one, ...)
    ### <FIXME> make sure lwr < upr </FIXME>
    2 * (1 - ret)

L1.stram <- function(object, ...)
    stop("no L1 method defined for objects of class stram")

### convert lp to L1
L1.default <- function(object, link = "logistic", ...) {
    2 * (1 - OVL(object, link))

ROC <- function(object, ...)

ROC.tram <- function(object, newdata = model.frame(object), reference = 0,
                     prob = 1:99 / 100, one2one = FALSE, ...) {

    beta <- .lp2x(object = object, newdata = newdata, reference = reference, 
                  FUN = function(x) x, one2one = one2one, ...)
    roc <- function(prob, beta) 
        1 - object$model$todistr$p(object$model$todistr$q(1 - prob) - beta)

    lwr <- upr <- NULL
    if (inherits(beta, "dist"))
        beta <- c(beta)
    if ("Estimate" %in% colnames(beta)) {
        lwr <- beta[, "lwr"]
        upr <- beta[, "upr"]
        beta <- beta[, "Estimate"]

    ret <- outer(c(prob), c(beta), roc)
    if (!is.null(lwr) & !is.null(upr))
        attr(ret, "conf.band") <- list(lwr = outer(prob, lwr, roc), 
                                       upr = outer(prob, upr, roc))
    attr(ret, "prob") <- prob
    class(ret) <- "ROCtram"

ROC.stram <- function(object, ...)
    stop("no ROC method defined for objects of class stram")

### lp to ROC
ROC.default <- function(object, prob = 1:99 / 100, link = "logistic", ...){
    pfun <- .pfun(link)
    qfun <- .qfun(link)
    roc <- function(prob, beta) 1 - pfun(qfun(1 - prob) - beta)
    ret <- outer(c(prob), c(object), roc)
    attr(ret, "prob") <- prob
    class(ret) <- "ROCtram"

.lp2x <- function(object, newdata = model.frame(object), reference = 0, FUN, 
                  conf.level = 0, one2one = FALSE, ...) {

    ### <FIXME>: applies within strata, but response-varying coefficients
    ### are not allowed -> add check </FIXME>

    if (conf.level > 0) {
        X <- model.matrix(object, data = newdata)
        if (is.data.frame(reference)) {
            Xr <- model.matrix(object, data = reference)
        } else {
            if (is.null(reference)) {
                Xr <- X
            } else {
                Xr <- reference
                K <- Xr - X
                ret <- confint(glht(object, linfct = K), ...)

        if (one2one) {
            stopifnot(nrow(X) == nrow(Xr))
            i1 <- i2 <- 1:nrow(X)

        } else {
            i1 <- matrix(1:nrow(Xr), nrow = nrow(Xr), ncol = nrow(X))
            i2 <- matrix(rep(1:nrow(X), each = nrow(Xr)), nrow = nrow(Xr))
            if (isTRUE(all.equal(X, Xr))) {
                i1 <- i1[upper.tri(i1)]
                i2 <- i2[upper.tri(i2)]
        K <- Xr[c(i1),, drop = FALSE] - X[c(i2),, drop = FALSE]
        rownames(K) <- paste0(rownames(Xr)[i1], "-", rownames(X)[i2])
        ret <- confint(glht(object, linfct = K), ...)

    lp <- predict(object, newdata = newdata, type = "lp")
    if (is.data.frame(reference)) {
        rf <- predict(object, newdata = reference, type = "lp")
    } else {
        if (is.null(reference)) {
            rf <- lp
        } else {
            rf <- reference

    if (one2one) {
        ret <- c(rf - lp)
    } else {
        if (isTRUE(all.equal(lp, rf))) {
            ret <- c(1, -1)[object$negative + 1L] * dist(lp, diag = FALSE)
        } else {
            ret <- outer(c(rf), c(lp), "-")
    FUN(c(1, -1)[object$negative + 1L] * ret)

.lp2PI <- function(link = c("normal", "logistic", "minimum extreme value", 
                            "maximum extreme value")) {

    link <- match.arg(link)
        normal = function(x) pnorm(x / sqrt(2)),
        logistic = function(x) {
            OR <- exp(x)
            ret <- OR * (OR - 1 - x)/(OR - 1)^2
            ret[abs(x) < .Machine$double.eps] <- 0.5
        "minimum extreme value" = function(x) plogis(x),
        "maximum extreme value" = function(x) plogis(x)

.PI2lp <- function(link = c("normal", "logistic", "minimum extreme value", 
                            "maximum extreme value")) {

    link <- match.arg(link)
        normal = function(PI) qnorm(PI) * sqrt(2),
        logistic = function(PI) {
            f <- function(x, PI)
                x + (exp(-x) * (PI + exp(2 * x) * (PI - 1) + exp(x)* (1 - 2 * PI)))
            ret <- sapply(PI, function(p) 
                uniroot(f, PI = p, interval = 50 * c(-1, 1))$root)
        "minimum extreme value" = function(PI) qlogis(PI),
        "maximum extreme value" = function(PI) qlogis(PI)

.lp2OVL <- function(link = c("normal", "logistic", "minimum extreme value", 
                              "maximum extreme value")) {

    link <- match.arg(link)

        "normal" = function(x) 2 * pnorm(-abs(x / 2)),
        "logistic" = function(x) 2 * plogis(-abs(x / 2)),
        "minimum extreme value" = function(x) {
            x <- abs(x)
            ret <- exp(x / (exp(-x) - 1)) - exp(-x / (exp(x) - 1)) + 1 
            ret[abs(x) < .Machine$double.eps] <- 1
            x[] <- ret
        "maximum extreme value" = function(x) {
            x <- abs(x)
            rt <- exp(-x / (exp(x) - 1))
            ret <- rt^exp(x) + 1 - rt
            ret[abs(x) < .Machine$double.eps] <- 1
            x[] <- ret

.pfun <- function(link = c("normal", "logistic", "minimum extreme value", 
                          "maximum extreme value")) {
           "normal" = pnorm,
           "logistic" = plogis,
           "minimum extreme value" = function(z) 1 - exp(-exp(z)),
           "maximum extreme value" = function(z) exp(-exp(-z))

.qfun <- function(link = c("normal", "logistic", "minimum extreme value", 
                           "maximum extreme value")) {
           "normal" = qnorm,
           "logistic" = qlogis,
           "minimum extreme value" = function(p) log(-log1p(- p)),
           "maximum extreme value" = function(p) -log(-log(p))

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