#' Filter track data for speed
#' Create a filter of a track for "bad" points implying a speed of motion that
#' is unrealistic.
#' Using an algorithm (McConnnell et al., 1992), points are tested for speed
#' between previous / next and 2nd previous / next points. Contiguous sections
#' with an root mean square speed above a given maximum have their highest rms
#' point removed, then rms is recalculated, until all points are below the
#' maximum. By default an (internal) root mean square function is used, this
#' can be specified by the user.
#' If the coordinates of the \code{trip} data are not projected, or NA the
#' distance calculation assumes longlat and kilometres (great circle). For
#' projected coordinates the speed must match the units of the coordinate
#' system. (The PROJ.4 argument "units=km" is suggested).
#' @param x trip object
#' @param max.speed speed in kilometres (or other unit) per hour, the unit is kilometres
#' if the trip is in longitude latitude coordinates, or in the unit of the
#' projection projection (usually metres per hour)
#' @param test cut the algorithm short and just return first pass
#' @return
#' Logical vector matching positions in the coordinate records that pass the
#' filter.
#' @note
#' This algorithm was originally taken from IDL code by David Watts at the
#' Australian Antarctic Division, and used in various other environments before
#' the development of this version.
#' @section Warning:
#' This algorithm is destructive, and provides little information about
#' location uncertainty. It is provided because it's commonly used
#' and provides an illustrative benchmark for further work.
#' It is possible for the filter to become stuck in an infinite loop, depending
#' on the function passed to the filter. Several minutes is probably too long
#' for hundreds of points, test on smaller sections if unsure.
#' @author David Watts and Michael D. Sumner
#' @seealso \code{\link{sda}} for a fast distance angle filter to combine with speed filtering
#' @references
#' The algorithm comes from McConnell, B. J. and Chambers, C. and Fedak, M. A.
#' (1992) Foraging ecology of southern elephant seals in relation to the
#' bathymetry and productivity of the southern ocean. Antarctic Science
#' \emph{4} 393-398
#' @keywords manip
#' @export speedfilter
speedfilter <- function (x, max.speed=NULL, test=FALSE) {
if (!is(x, "trip"))
stop("only trip objects supported")
projected <- sp_is_projected(x)
if ( ) {
projected <- FALSE
warning("coordinate system is NA, assuming longlat . . .")
if (is.null(max.speed)) {
print("no max.speed given, nothing to do here")
longlat <- !projected
coords <- coordinates(x)
tids <- getTimeID(x)
time <- tids[, 1]
id <- factor(tids[, 2])
x <- coords[, 1]
y <- coords[, 2]
pprm <- 3
grps <- levels(id)
if (length(x) != length(y))
stop("x and y vectors must be of same\nlength")
if (length(x) != length(time))
stop("Length of times not equal to number of points")
okFULL <- rep(TRUE, nrow(coords))
if (test)
res <- list(speed=numeric(0), rms=numeric(0))
for (sub in grps) {
ind <- id == sub
xy <- matrix(c(x[ind], y[ind]), ncol=2)
tms <- time[ind]
npts <- nrow(xy)
if (pprm%%2 == 0 || pprm < 3) {
msg <- paste("Points per running mean should be odd and",
"greater than 3, pprm=3")
RMS <- rep(max.speed + 1, npts)
offset <- pprm - 1
ok <- rep(TRUE, npts)
if (npts < (pprm + 1) && !test) {
warning("Not enough points to filter ID: \"", sub,
"\"\n continuing . . . \n")
okFULL[ind] <- ok
index <- 1:npts
iter <- 1
while (any(RMS > max.speed, na.rm=TRUE)) {
n <- length(which(ok))
x1 <- xy[ok, ]
speed1 <- trackDistance(x1[-nrow(x1), 1], x1[-nrow(x1), 2],
x1[-1, 1], x1[-1, 2],
longlat=!projected) /
(diff(unclass(tms[ok])) / 3600)
speed2 <- trackDistance(x1[-((nrow(x1) - 1):nrow(x1)), 1],
x1[-((nrow(x1) - 1):nrow(x1)), 2],
x1[-(1:2), 1], x1[-(1:2), 2],
longlat=!projected) /
((unclass(tms[ok][-c(1, 2)]) -
unclass(tms[ok][-c(n - 1, n)])) /
thisIndex <- index[ok]
npts <- length(speed1)
if (npts < pprm)
sub1 <- rep(1:2, npts - offset) + rep(1:(npts - offset), each=2)
sub2 <- rep(c(0, 2), npts - offset) +
rep(1:(npts - offset), each=2)
rmsRows <- cbind(matrix(speed1[sub1], ncol=offset, byrow=TRUE),
matrix(speed2[sub2], ncol=offset, byrow=TRUE))
RMS <- c(rep(0, offset),
sqrt(rowSums(rmsRows ^ 2) / ncol(rmsRows)))
if (test & iter == 1) {
res$speed <- c(res$speed, 0, speed1)
res$rms <- c(res$rms, 0, RMS)
RMS[length(RMS)] <- 0
bad <- RMS > max.speed
segs <- cumsum(c(0, abs(diff(bad))))
## try wrapping ifelse here? no index is quicker
rmsFlag <- unlist(lapply(split(RMS, segs), function(x) {
ifelse((1:length(x)) == which.max(x), TRUE, FALSE)
}), use.names=FALSE)
rmsFlag[!bad] <- FALSE
RMS[rmsFlag] <- -10
ok[thisIndex][rmsFlag > 0] <- FALSE
okFULL[ind] <- ok
if (test)
##' Filter track for speed, distance and angle.
##' Create a filter index of a track for "bad" points with a
##' combination of speed, distance and angle tests.
##' @name sda
##' @param x trip object
##' @param smax maximum speed, in km/h
##' @param ang minimum turning angle/s in degrees
##' @param distlim maximum step lengths in km
##' @param pre include this filter in the removal
##' @references Freitas, C., Lydersen, C., Fedak, M. A. and Kovacs,
##' K. M. (2008), A simple new algorithm to filter marine mammal Argos
##' locations. Marine Mammal Science, 24: 315?V325. doi:
##' 10.1111/j.1748-7692.2007.00180.x
##' @details This is an independent implementation from that in the
##' package argosfilter by Freitas 2008.
##' @return logical vector, with \code{FALSE} values where the tests failed
##' @export
sda <- function(x, smax, ang = c(15, 25), distlim = c(2.5, 5.0), pre = NULL) {
if (!is.null(pre)) x$prefilter <- pre
xlist <- split(x, x[[getTORnames(x)[2L]]])
bigok <- vector("list", length(xlist))
for (i in seq_along(xlist)) {
ok <- sda0(xlist[[i]], smax, ang, distlim, pre = xlist[[i]]$prefilter)
bigok[[i]] <- ok
sda0 <- function(x, smax, ang, distlim, pre = NULL) {
x$speed.ok <- speedfilter(x, max.speed = smax)
dsts <- trackDistance(x, longlat = TRUE)
angs <- trackAngle(x)
## simple way to deal with missing angles
### (which don't make sense for first and last position or zero-movement)
angs[] <- 180
dprev <- dsts
dnext <- c(dsts[-1L], 0)
## No Argos quality filter, anyone can do that
ok <- (x$speed.ok | dprev <= distlim[2]) ##& (x$lc > -9)
if (!is.null(pre)) ok <- ok & pre
x$filt.row <- 1:nrow(x)
x$ok <- rep(FALSE, nrow(x))
df <- x
## first subset
df <- df[ok, ]
## distlim and angles, progressively
for (i in 1:length(distlim)) {
dsts <- trackDistance(df)
angs <- trackAngle(df)
dprev <- dsts
dnext <- c(dsts[-1L], 0)
angs[] <- 180
ok <- (dprev <= distlim[i] | dnext <= distlim[i]) | angs > ang[i]
ok[c(1:2, (length(ok)-1):length(ok))] <- TRUE
df <- df[ok, ]
ok <- rep(TRUE, nrow(df))
x$ok[ match(df$filt.row, x$filt.row)] <- ok
# $Id: filter.penSS.R 68 2013-03-20 03:11:06Z sluque $
filter_penSS <- function(tr, lambda, first=TRUE, last=TRUE,...) {
penalized <- function(x) {
## Form smoothed track
p <- p.obs
p[sub, ] <- x
## Velocities between smoothed points
##v <- gc.dist(p[-n,],p[-1,])/dt
v <- trackDistance(p[, 2:1]) / dt
## Distances from smoothed points to observations
##d <- gc.dist(p,p.obs)
d <- trackDistance(p[, 2], p[, 1], p.obs[, 2], p.obs[, 1])
## This is the penalized sum of squares
(sum(d ^ 2) + lambda * sum(v ^ 2)) / n ^ 2
if (length(summary(tr)$tripID) > 1) {
msg <- paste("trip object contains multiple events,",
"only the first trip used")
tr <- tr[tr[[getTORnames(tr)[2]]] == summary(tr)$tripID[1], ]
## Number of points and subset
n <- nrow(tr)
sub <- (1 + first):(n - last)
## Observed points
## p.obs <- as.matrix(tr[,c("Lat","Lon")])
p.obs <- coordinates(tr)[, 2:1]
## Time intervals (in days) between obs
##dt <- diff(unclass(tr$Time)/(24*60*60))
dt <- diff(unclass(tr[[getTORnames(tr)[1]]]) / (24 * 60 * 60))
mn <- nlm(penalized, as.matrix(p.obs[sub, ]), ...)
m <- n - (first + last)
res <- coordinates(tr)
## tr$Lat[sub] <- mn$estimate[1:m]
## tr$Lon[sub] <- mn$estimate[m+1:m]
res[sub, 2] <- mn$estimate[1:m]
res[sub, 1] <- mn$estimate[m + 1:m]
res <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(res,,
proj4string=CRS(tr@proj4string@projargs, doCheckCRSArgs = FALSE))
trip(res, getTORnames(tr))
###_ + Emacs local variables
## Local variables:
## allout-layout: (+ : 0)
## End:
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