#' importLimeSurveyData
#' This function can be used to import files exported by LimeSurvey, a powerful
#' Open Source online survey application that can be used for, for example,
#' psychological experiments and other research.
#' This function was intended to make importing data from LimeSurvey a bit
#' easier. The default settings used by LimeSurvey are not always convenient,
#' and this function provides a bit more control.
#' @param datafile The path and filename of the file containing the data (comma
#' separated values).
#' @param dataPath,datafileRegEx Path containing datafiles: this can be used to
#' read multiple datafiles, if the data is split between those. This is useful
#' when downloading the entire datafile isn't possible because of server
#' restrictions, for example when the processing time for the script in
#' LimeSurvey that generates the datafiles is limited. In that case, the data
#' can be downloaded in portions, and specifying a path here enables reading
#' all datafiles in one go. Use the regular expression to indicate which files
#' in the path should be read.
#' @param scriptfile The path and filename of the file containing the R script
#' to import the data.
#' @param limeSurveyRegEx.varNames The regular expression used to extract the
#' variable names from the script file. The first regex expression (i.e. the
#' first expression between parentheses) will be extracted as variable name.
#' @param limeSurveyRegEx.toChar The regular expression to detect the lines in
#' the import script where variables are converted to the character type.
#' @param limeSurveyRegEx.varLabels The regular expression used to detect the
#' lines in the import script where variable labels are set.
#' @param limeSurveyRegEx.toFactor The regular expression used to detect the
#' lines in the import script where vectors are converted to factors.
#' @param limeSurveyRegEx.varNameSanitizing A list of regular expression
#' patterns and their replacements to sanitize the variable names (e.g. replace
#' hashes/pound signs ('#') by something that is not considered the comment
#' symbol by R).
#' @param setVarNames,setLabels,convertToCharacter,convertToFactor Whether to
#' set variable names or labels, or convert to character or factor, using the
#' code isolated using the specified regular expression.
#' @param categoricalQuestions Which variables (specified using LimeSurvey
#' variable names) are considered categorical questions; for these, the script
#' to convert the variables to factors, as extracted from the LimeSurvey import
#' file, is applied.
#' @param massConvertToNumeric Whether to convert all variables to numeric
#' using \code{\link{massConvertToNumeric}}.
#' @param dataHasVarNames Whether the variable names are included as header
#' (first line) in the comma separated values file (data file).
#' @param encoding,dataEncoding,scriptEncoding The encoding of the files;
#' \code{encoding} overrides \code{dataEncoding} and \code{scriptEncoding}, and
#' so can be used to specify the same encoding for both.
#' @return The dataframe.
#' @author Gjalt-Jorn Peters
#' Maintainer: Gjalt-Jorn Peters <>
#' @seealso \code{\link{getData}}
#' @keywords utility
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ### Of course, you need valid LimeSurvey files. This is an example of
#' ### what you'd do if you have them, assuming you specified that path
#' ### containing the data in 'dataPath', the name of the datafile in
#' ### 'dataFileName', the name of the script file in 'dataLoadScriptName',
#' ### and that you only want variables 'informedConsent', 'gender', 'hasJob',
#' ### 'currentEducation', 'prevEducation', and 'country' to be converted to
#' ### factors.
#' dat <- importLimeSurveyData(datafile = file.path(dataPath, dataFileName),
#' scriptfile = file.path(dataPath, dataLoadScriptName),
#' categoricalQuestions = c('informedConsent',
#' 'gender',
#' 'hasJob',
#' 'currentEducation',
#' 'prevEducation',
#' 'country'));
#' }
#' @export importLimeSurveyData
importLimeSurveyData <- function(datafile = NULL,
dataPath = NULL,
datafileRegEx = NULL,
scriptfile = NULL,
limeSurveyRegEx.varNames =
"names\\(data\\)\\[\\d*\\] <- ",
limeSurveyRegEx.toChar =
"data\\[, \\d*\\] <- as.character\\(data\\[, \\d*\\]\\)",
limeSurveyRegEx.varLabels =
"attributes\\(data\\)\\$variable.labels\\[\\d*\\] <- \".*\"",
limeSurveyRegEx.toFactor =
paste0("data\\[, \\d*\\] <- factor\\(data\\[, \\d*\\], ",
limeSurveyRegEx.varNameSanitizing =
list(list(pattern = "#", replacement = "."),
list(pattern = "\\$", replacement = ".")),
setVarNames = TRUE,
setLabels = TRUE,
convertToCharacter = FALSE,
convertToFactor = FALSE,
categoricalQuestions = NULL,
massConvertToNumeric = TRUE,
dataHasVarNames = TRUE,
dataEncoding='unknown', #'UTF-8',
scriptEncoding='ASCII') {
if (!is.null(encoding)) {
dataEncoding <- scriptEncoding <- encoding;
### Set filename(s) to read
if (!is.null(dataPath) && !is.null(datafileRegEx)) {
files <- unique(list.files(path = dataPath,
pattern = datafileRegEx, = TRUE,
} else if (!is.null(datafile)) {
if (!file.exists(datafile)) {
stop("File specified as datafile ('", datafile, "') does not exist!");
} else {
files <- datafile;
} else {
stop("Please specify a datafile to read, or a datafileRegEx to read multiple datafiles!");
### Load datafile(s)
data <- NULL;
for (currentDatafile in files) {
if (dataHasVarNames) {
currentData <- getData(currentDatafile, quote = "'\"", na.strings=c("", "\"\""),
stringsAsFactors=FALSE, encoding=dataEncoding, header=TRUE);
} else {
currentData <- getData(currentDatafile, quote = "'\"", na.strings=c("", "\"\""),
stringsAsFactors=FALSE, encoding=dataEncoding, header=FALSE);
if (is.null(data)) {
data <- currentData;
} else {
data <- rbind(data, currentData);
### Load scriptfile
if (!is.null(scriptfile)) {
if (!file.exists(scriptfile)) {
stop("File specified as scriptfile ('", scriptfile, "') does not exist!");
### Use separate connection to make sure proper encoding is selected
con <- file(scriptfile, encoding=scriptEncoding)
datascript <- readLines(con);
varNamesScript <- datascript[grepl(limeSurveyRegEx.varNames,
varLabelsScript <- datascript[grepl(limeSurveyRegEx.varLabels,
toCharScript <- datascript[grepl(limeSurveyRegEx.toChar,
toFactorScript <- datascript[grepl(limeSurveyRegEx.toFactor,
if (setVarNames) {
if (setLabels) {
if (convertToCharacter) {
if (convertToFactor || (!is.null(categoricalQuestions))) {
if (massConvertToNumeric) {
data <- massConvertToNumeric(data);
if (!is.null(categoricalQuestions)) {
if (setVarNames) {
varNames <- names(data);
} else {
stop("You can't set setVarNames to FALSE and also set ",
"categoricalQuestions to anything else than NULL, ",
"because the content of categoricalQuestions should ",
"be the LimeSurvey variables names!");
toFactorScript <- unlist(lapply(as.list(categoricalQuestions),
function(x, string=toFactorScript,
varNms=varNames) {
return(grep(paste0("data\\[, ",
"\\] <-"),
string, value=TRUE));
} else {
if (massConvertToNumeric) {
data <- massConvertToNumeric(data);
if (length(limeSurveyRegEx.varNameSanitizing)) {
for (currentRegexPair in limeSurveyRegEx.varNameSanitizing) {
names(data) <- gsub(currentRegexPair$pattern,
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.