#' normalityAssessment and samplingDistribution
#' normalityAssessment can be used to assess whether a variable and the
#' sampling distribution of its mean have an approximately normal distribution.
#' samplingDistribution is a convenient wrapper for normalityAssessment that
#' makes it easy to quickly generate a sample and sampling distribution from
#' frequencies (or proportions).
#' dataShape computes the skewness and kurtosis.
#' normalityAssessment provides a number of normality tests and draws
#' histograms of the sample data and the sampling distribution of the mean
#' (most statistical tests assume the latter is normal, rather than the first;
#' normality of the sample data guarantees normality of the sampling
#' distribution of the mean, but if the sample size is sufficiently large, the
#' sampling distribution of the mean is approximately normal even when the
#' sample data are not normally distributed). Note that for the sampling
#' distribution, the degrees of freedom are usually so huge that the normality
#' tests, negligible deviations from normality will already result in very
#' small p-values.
#' samplingDistribution makes it easy to quickly assess the distribution of a
#' variables based on frequencies or proportions, and dataShape computes
#' skewness and kurtosis.
#' @aliases normalityAssessment samplingDistribution dataShape
#' @param sampleVector Numeric vector containing the sample data.
#' @param samples Number of samples to use when constructing sampling
#' distribution.
#' @param digits Number of digits to use when printing results.
#' @param samplingDistColor Color to use when drawing the sampling
#' distribution.
#' @param normalColor Color to use when drawing the standard normal curve.
#' @param samplingDistLineSize Size of the line used to draw the sampling
#' distribution.
#' @param normalLineSize Size of the line used to draw the standard normal
#' distribution.
#' @param xLabel.sampleDist Label of x axis of the distribution of the sample.
#' @param yLabel.sampleDist Label of y axis of the distribution of the sample.
#' @param xLabel.samplingDist Label of x axis of the sampling distribution.
#' @param yLabel.samplingDist Label of y axis of the sampling distribution.
#' @param xLabs,yLabs The axis labels for the three plots (should be vectors of
#' three elements; the first specifies the X or Y axis label for the rightmost
#' plot (the histogram), the second for the middle plot (the QQ plot), and the
#' third for the rightmost plot (the box plot).
#' @param popValues The possible values (levels) of the relevant variable. For
#' example, for a dichotomous variable, this can be "c(1:2)" (or "c(1, 2)").
#' Note that samplingDistribution is for manually specifying the frequency
#' distribution (or proportions); if you have a vector with 'raw' data, just
#' call normalityAssessment directly.
#' @param popFrequencies The frequencies corresponding to each value in
#' popValues; must be in the same order! See the examples.
#' @param sampleSize Size of the sample; the sum of the frequencies if not
#' specified.
#' @param na.rm Whether to remove missing data first.
#' @param type Type of skewness and kurtosis to compute; either 1 (g1 and g2),
#' 2 (G1 and G2), or 3 (b1 and b2). See Joanes & Gill (1998) for more
#' information.
#' @param conf.level Confidence of confidence intervals.
#' @param plots Whether to display plots.
#' @param qqCI Whether to show the confidence interval for the QQ plot.
#' @param labelOutliers Whether to label outliers with their row number in the
#' box plot.
#' @param sampleFromPop If true, the sample vector is created by sampling from
#' the population information specified; if false, rep() is used to generate
#' the sample vector. Note that is proportions are supplied in popFrequencies,
#' sampling from the population is necessary!
#' @param sampleSizeOverride Whether to use the sample size of the sample as
#' sample size for the sampling distribution, instead of the sampling
#' distribution size. This makes sense, because otherwise, the sample size and
#' thus sensitivity of the null hypothesis significance tests is a function of
#' the number of samples used to generate the sampling distribution.
#' @param ... Anything else is passed on my sampingDistribution to
#' normalityAssessment.
#' @return
#' An object with several results, the most notably of which are:
#' \item{plot.sampleDist}{Histogram of sample distribution}
#' \item{sw.sampleDist}{Shapiro-Wilk normality test of sample distribution}
#' \item{ad.sampleDist}{Anderson-Darling normality test of sample distribution}
#' \item{ks.sampleDist}{Kolmogorov-Smirnof normality test of sample
#' distribution} \item{kurtosis.sampleDist}{Kurtosis for sample distribution}
#' \item{skewness.sampleDist}{Skewness for sample distribution}
#' \item{plot.samplingDist}{Histogram of sampling distribution}
#' \item{sw.samplingDist}{Shapiro-Wilk normality test of sampling distribution}
#' \item{ad.samplingDist}{Anderson-Darling normality test of sampling
#' distribution} \item{ks.samplingDist}{Kolmogorov-Smirnof normality test of
#' sampling distribution} \item{dataShape.samplingDist}{Skewness and kurtosis
#' for sampling distribution}
#' @keywords utilities
#' @examples
#' ### Note: the 'not run' is simply because running takes a lot of time,
#' ### but these examples are all safe to run!
#' \dontrun{
#' normalityAssessment(rnorm(35));
#' ### Create a distribution of three possible values and
#' ### show the sampling distribution for the mean
#' popValues <- c(1, 2, 3);
#' popFrequencies <- c(20, 50, 30);
#' sampleSize <- 100;
#' samplingDistribution(popValues = popValues,
#' popFrequencies = popFrequencies,
#' sampleSize = sampleSize);
#' ### Create a very skewed distribution of ten possible values
#' popValues <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);
#' popFrequencies <- c(2, 4, 8, 6, 10, 15, 12, 200, 350, 400);
#' samplingDistribution(popValues = popValues,
#' popFrequencies = popFrequencies,
#' sampleSize = sampleSize, digits=5);
#' }
#' @export normalityAssessment
normalityAssessment <- function(sampleVector, samples = 10000, digits=2,
samplingDistColor = "#2222CC",
normalColor = "#00CC00",
samplingDistLineSize = 2,
normalLineSize = 1,
xLabel.sampleDist = NULL,
yLabel.sampleDist = NULL,
xLabel.samplingDist = NULL,
yLabel.samplingDist = NULL,
sampleSizeOverride = TRUE) {
### Create object for returning results
res <- list(sampleVector.raw = sampleVector,
sampleVector = sampleVector[complete.cases(sampleVector)],
sampleSize = length(sampleVector[complete.cases(sampleVector)]),
samples = samples,
digits = digits);
### Construct temporary dataset for
### plotting sample distribution
normalX <- c(seq(min(res$sampleVector), max(res$sampleVector),
by=(max(res$sampleVector) - min(res$sampleVector))/(res$sampleSize-1)));
normalY <- dnorm(normalX, mean=mean(res$sampleVector),
sampleDistY <- res$sampleVector;
tempDat <- data.frame(normalX = normalX, normalY = normalY, sampleDist = sampleDistY);
tempBinWidth <- (max(res$sampleVector) - min(res$sampleVector)) / 30;
### Generate labels if these weren't specified
if (is.null(xLabel.sampleDist)) {
xLabel.sampleDist <- extractVarName(deparse(substitute(sampleVector)));
if (is.null(yLabel.sampleDist)) {
yLabel.sampleDist <- paste0('Frequencies for n=', res$sampleSize);
### Plot sample distribution
res$plot.sampleDist <- powerHist(tempDat$sampleDist,
normalLineSize=normalLineSize)$plot +
ggtitle("Sample distribution");
res$qqPlot.sampleDist <- ggqq(tempDat$sampleDist);
### Take 'samples' samples of sampleSize people and store the means
### (first generate an empty vector to store the means)
res$samplingDistribution <- replicate(samples,
# res$samplingDistribution <- c();
# for (i in 1:samples) {
# res$samplingDistribution[i] <- mean(sample(res$sampleVector, size=res$sampleSize,
# replace=TRUE));
# }
### Construct temporary dataset for
### plotting sampling distribution
normalX <- c(seq(min(res$samplingDistribution), max(res$samplingDistribution),
by=(max(res$samplingDistribution) - min(res$samplingDistribution))/(res$samples-1)));
normalY <- dnorm(normalX, mean=mean(res$samplingDistribution),
samplingDistY <- res$samplingDistribution;
tempDat <- data.frame(normalX = normalX, normalY = normalY, samplingDist = samplingDistY);
tempBinWidth <- (max(res$samplingDistribution) - min(res$samplingDistribution)) / 30;
### Generate labels if these weren't specified
if (is.null(xLabel.samplingDist)) {
xLabel.samplingDist <- extractVarName(deparse(substitute(sampleVector)));
if (is.null(yLabel.samplingDist)) {
yLabel.samplingDist <- paste0('Frequencies for ', res$samples, ' samples of n=', res$sampleSize);
### Plot sampling distribution
res$plot.samplingDist <- powerHist(tempDat$samplingDist,
normalLineSize=normalLineSize)$plot +
ggtitle("Sampling distribution");
res$qqPlot.samplingDist <- ggqq(tempDat$samplingDist,
sampleSizeOverride = res$sampleSize);
### Shapiro Wilk test - if there are more than 5000
### datapoints, only use the first 5000 datapoints
res$sw.sampleDist <- ifelseObj(res$sampleSize > 5000,
res$sw.samplingDist <- ifelseObj(res$samples > 5000,
### Anderson-Darling test
res$ad.sampleDist <- ad.test_from_nortest(res$sampleVector);
res$ad.samplingDist <- ad.test_from_nortest(res$samplingDistribution);
### Kolomogorov-Smirnof test
suppressWarnings(res$ks.sampleDist <-
ks.test(res$sampleVector, "pnorm", alternative = "two.sided"));
suppressWarnings(res$ks.samplingDist <-
ks.test(res$samplingDistribution, "pnorm", alternative = "two.sided"));
### Skewness and kurtosis
res$dataShape.sampleDist <- dataShape(res$sampleVector, plots=FALSE);
res$dataShape.samplingDist <- dataShape(res$samplingDistribution, sampleSizeOverride=ifelse(sampleSizeOverride,
### Set class for returnable object and return it
class(res) <- 'normalityAssessment';
print.normalityAssessment <- function (x, ...) {
if (x$sampleSize > 5000) {
sw.sampleDist <- paste0("Shapiro-Wilk: p=", round(x$sw.sampleDist$p.value, x$digits),
" (W=", round(x$sw.sampleDist$statistic, x$digits),
"; NOTE: based on the first 5000 of ",
x$sampleSize, " observations)");
else {
sw.sampleDist <- paste0("Shapiro-Wilk: p=", round(x$sw.sampleDist$p.value, x$digits),
" (W=", round(x$sw.sampleDist$statistic, x$digits),
"; based on ", x$sampleSize, " observations)");
if (x$samples > 5000) {
sw.samplingDist <- paste0("Shapiro-Wilk: p=", round(x$sw.samplingDist$p.value, x$digits),
" (W=", round(x$sw.samplingDist$statistic, x$digits),
"; NOTE: based on the first 5000 of ",
x$samples, " observations)");
else {
sw.samplingDist <- paste0("Shapiro-Wilk: p=", round(x$sw.samplingDist$p.value, x$digits),
" (W=", round(x$sw.samplingDist$statistic, x$digits),
"; based on ", x$samples, " observations)");
### Show output
cat("## SAMPLE DISTRIBUTION ###\n");
cat(paste0("Sample distribution of ", x$sampleSize,
" observations\n",
"Mean=", round(mean(x$sampleVector), x$digits),
", median=", round(median(x$sampleVector), x$digits),
", SD=", round(sd(x$sampleVector), x$digits),
", and therefore SE of the mean = ",
round(sd(x$sampleVector)/sqrt(x$sampleSize), x$digits),
print(x$dataShape.sampleDist, extraNotification=FALSE);
cat(paste0("\n", sw.sampleDist, "\n",
"Anderson-Darling: p=",
round(x$ad.sampleDist$p.value, x$digits),
# round(x$ad.sampleDist@test$p.value, x$digits),
" (A=",
round(x$ad.sampleDist$statistic, x$digits),
# round(x$ad.sampleDist@test$statistic, x$digits),
"Kolmogorov-Smirnof: p=", round(x$ks.sampleDist$p.value, x$digits),
" (D=", round(x$ks.sampleDist$statistic, x$digits), ")"));
cat(paste0("Sampling distribution of ", x$samples, " samples of n=", x$sampleSize, "\n",
"Mean=", round(mean(x$samplingDistribution), x$digits),
", median=", round(median(x$samplingDistribution), x$digits),
", SD=", round(sqrt(var(x$samplingDistribution)), x$digits),
print(x$dataShape.samplingDist, extraNotification=FALSE);
cat(paste0("\n", sw.samplingDist, "\n",
"Anderson-Darling: p=",
round(x$ad.samplingDist$p.value, x$digits),
# round(x$ad.samplingDist@test$p.value, x$digits),
" (A=",
round(x$ad.samplingDist$statistic, x$digits),
# round(x$ad.samplingDist@test$statistic, x$digits),
"Kolmogorov-Smirnof: p=", round(x$ks.samplingDist$p.value, x$digits),
" (D=", round(x$ks.samplingDist$statistic, x$digits), ")"));
### Plots
pander.normalityAssessment <- function (x, headerPrefix = "#####",
suppressPlot = FALSE, ...) {
if (x$sampleSize > 5000) {
sw.sampleDist <- paste0("Shapiro-Wilk: ", formatPvalue(x$sw.sampleDist$p.value, x$digits + 1),
" (W=", round(x$sw.sampleDist$statistic, x$digits),
"; NOTE: based on the first 5000 of ",
x$sampleSize, " observations)");
else {
sw.sampleDist <- paste0("Shapiro-Wilk: ", formatPvalue(x$sw.sampleDist$p.value, x$digits + 1),
" (W=", round(x$sw.sampleDist$statistic, x$digits),
"; based on ", x$sampleSize, " observations)");
if (x$samples > 5000) {
sw.samplingDist <- paste0("Shapiro-Wilk: ", formatPvalue(x$sw.samplingDist$p.value, x$digits + 1),
" (W=", round(x$sw.samplingDist$statistic, x$digits),
"; NOTE: based on the first 5000 of ",
x$samples, " observations)");
else {
sw.samplingDist <- paste0("Shapiro-Wilk: ", formatPvalue(x$sw.samplingDist$p.value, x$digits + 1),
" (W=", round(x$sw.samplingDist$statistic, x$digits),
"; based on ", x$samples, " observations)");
### Show output
cat0("\n\n\n", headerPrefix, " Sample distribution\n\n");
cat(paste0("Sample distribution of ", x$sampleSize,
" observations \n",
"Mean=", round(mean(x$sampleVector), x$digits),
", median=", round(median(x$sampleVector), x$digits),
", SD=", round(sd(x$sampleVector), x$digits),
", and therefore SE of the mean = ",
round(sd(x$sampleVector)/sqrt(x$sampleSize), x$digits),
pander(x$dataShape.sampleDist, extraNotification=FALSE);
cat(paste0("\n\n", sw.sampleDist, " \n",
"Anderson-Darling: ",
formatPvalue(x$ad.sampleDist$p.value,x$digits + 1),
# formatPvalue(x$ad.sampleDist@test$p.value,x$digits + 1),
" (A=",
round(x$ad.sampleDist$statistic, x$digits),
# round(x$ad.sampleDist@test$statistic, x$digits),
") \n",
"Kolmogorov-Smirnof: ", formatPvalue(x$ks.sampleDist$p.value, x$digits + 1),
" (D=", round(x$ks.sampleDist$statistic, x$digits), ")"));
cat0("\n\n", headerPrefix, " Sampling distribution of the mean\n\n");
cat(paste0("Sampling distribution of ", x$samples, " samples of n=", x$sampleSize, " \n",
"Mean=", round(mean(x$samplingDistribution), x$digits),
", median=", round(median(x$samplingDistribution), x$digits),
", SD=", round(sqrt(var(x$samplingDistribution)), x$digits),
pander(x$dataShape.samplingDist, extraNotification=FALSE);
cat(paste0("\n\n", sw.samplingDist, " \n",
"Anderson-Darling: ",
formatPvalue(x$ad.samplingDist$p.value, x$digits + 1),
# formatPvalue(x$ad.samplingDist@test$p.value, x$digits + 1),
" (A=",
round(x$ad.samplingDist$statistic, x$digits),
# round(x$ad.samplingDist@test$statistic, x$digits),
") \n",
"Kolmogorov-Smirnof: ", formatPvalue(x$ks.samplingDist$p.value, x$digits + 1),
" (D=", round(x$ks.samplingDist$statistic, x$digits), ")"));
### Plots
if (!suppressPlot) {
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