#' Piecewise regression analysis
#' This function conducts a piecewise regression analysis and shows a plot
#' illustrating the results. The function enables easy customization of the
#' main plot elements and easy saving of the plot with anti-aliasing.
#' @param data The dataframe containing the variables for the analysis.
#' @param timeVar The name of the variable containing the measurement moments
#' (or an index of measurement moments). An index can also be specified, and
#' assumed to be 1 if omitted.
#' @param yVar The name of the dependent variable. An index can also be
#' specified, and assumed to be 2 if omitted.
#' @param phaseVar The variable containing the phase of each measurement. Note
#' that this normally should only have two possible values.
#' @param baselineMeasurements If no phaseVar is specified,
#' \code{baselineMeasurements} can be used to specify the number of baseline
#' measurements, which is then used to construct the \code{phaseVar} dummy
#' variable.
#' @param robust Whether to use normal or robust linear regression.
#' @param digits The number of digits to show in the results.
#' @param colors The colors to use for the different plot elements.
#' @param theme The theme to use in the plot.
#' @param pointSize,lineSize The sizes of points and lines in the plot.
#' @param yRange This can be used to manually specify the possible values that
#' the dependent variable can take. If not provided, the observed range of the
#' dependent variable values is used instead.
#' @param yBreaks If \code{NULL}, the \code{\link{pretty}} function is used to
#' estimate the best breaks for the Y axis. If a value is supplied, this value
#' is used as the size of intervals between the (floored) minimum and
#' (ceilinged) maximum of \code{yRange} (e.g. if \code{yBreaks} is 1, a break
#' point every integer; if 2 and the minimum is 1 and the maximum is 7, breaks
#' at 1, 3, 5 and 7; etc).
#' @param pointAlpha The alpha channel (transparency, or rather, 'opaqueness')
#' of the points.
#' @param showPlot Whether to show the plot or not.
#' @param plotLabs A list with arguments to the \code{\link{ggplot2}}
#' \code{\link{labs}} function, which can be used to conveniently set plot
#' labels.
#' @param outputFile If not \code{NULL}, the path and filename specifying where
#' to save the plot.
#' @param outputWidth,outputHeight The dimensions of the plot when saving it
#' (in units specified in \code{ggsaveParams}).
#' @param ggsaveParams The parameters to use when saving the plot, passed on to
#' \code{\link{ggsave}}.
#' @return Mainly, this function prints its results, but it also returns them
#' in an object containing three lists: \item{input}{The arguments specified
#' when calling the function} \item{intermediate}{Intermediat objects and
#' values} \item{output}{The results such as the plot.}
#' @author Peter Verboon & Gjalt-Jorn Peters (both at the Open University of
#' the Netherlands)
#' Maintainer: Gjalt-Jorn Peters <>
#' @seealso \code{\link{genlog}}
#' @references Verboon, P. & Peters, G.-J. Y. (2018) Applying the generalised
#' logistic model in single case designs: modelling treatment-induced shifts.
#' \emph{PsyArXiv} \url{}
#' @keywords regression htest hplot
#' @examples
#' ### Load dataset
#' data(Singh);
#' ### Extract Jason
#' dat <- Singh[Singh$tier==1, ];
#' ### Conduct piecewise regression analysis
#' piecewiseRegr(dat,
#' timeVar='time',
#' yVar='score_physical',
#' phaseVar='phase');
#' ### Pretend treatment started between measurements
#' ### 5 and 6
#' piecewiseRegr(dat,
#' timeVar='time',
#' yVar='score_physical',
#' baselineMeasurements=5);
#' @export piecewiseRegr
piecewiseRegr <- function(data,
timeVar = 1,
yVar = 2,
phaseVar = NULL,
baselineMeasurements = NULL, ### Was nA
robust = FALSE,
colors = list(pre = viridis(4)[1],
post = viridis(4)[4],
diff = viridis(4)[3],
intervention = viridis(4)[2],
points = "black"),
theme = theme_minimal(),
pointSize = 2,
pointAlpha = 1,
lineSize = 1,
yBreaks = NULL,
showPlot = TRUE,
plotLabs = NULL,
outputFile = NULL,
outputWidth = 16,
outputHeight = 16,
ggsaveParams = list(units='cm',
type="cairo")) {
res <- list(input = as.list(environment()),
intermediate = list(),
output = list());
### Sort data
data <- data[order(data[[timeVar]]), ];
if (is.null(phaseVar)) {
if (is.null(baselineMeasurements)) {
stop("You did not specify a 'phaseVar' and you also did ",
"not specify how many baselineMeasurements there are. ",
"I need one of those to know when the intervention ",
} else {
phaseVar <- 'phaseVar';
data[, phaseVar] <- c(rep(0, baselineMeasurements),
rep(1, nrow(data) - baselineMeasurements));
### In case people specify one or more indices
if (is.numeric(timeVar)) timeVar <- names(data)[timeVar];
if (is.numeric(yVar)) yVar <- names(data)[yVar];
if (is.numeric(phaseVar)) phaseVar <- names(data)[phaseVar];
data <- data[, c(timeVar, yVar, phaseVar)];
### Check data types of all variables
# if (!(is.numeric(data[, timeVar]))) {
# warning("Time variable is not a numeric variable (but instead has class ",
# vecTxtQ(class(data[, timeVar])),
# ")! However, since the time variable will be the ",
# "predictor in a regression analysis, it *must* be ",
# "numeric. I'm trying to covert it myself now.");
# data[, timeVar] <- as.numeric(data[, timeVar]);
# }
if (!(is.numeric(data[, yVar]))) {
warning("The y variable is not a numeric variable (but instead has class ",
vecTxtQ(class(data[, yVar])),
")! However, since the y variable will be the ",
"dependent variable in a regression analysis, it *must* be ",
"numeric. I'm trying to covert it myself now.");
data[, yVar] <- as.numeric(data[, yVar]);
if (!(is.numeric(data[, phaseVar])) && !(is.factor(data[, phaseVar]))) {
warning("The phase variable is not a numeric variable or a ",
"factor (but instead has class ",
vecTxtQ(class(data[, phaseVar])),
")! However, since I must be able to determine what the first ",
"phase is, it must have one of those two classes. ",
"I'm trying to covert it to a factor myself now.");
data[, phaseVar] <- factor(data[, phaseVar]);
### Remove cases with missing values
res$intermediate$originalCases <- nrow(data);
data <- data[complete.cases(data), ];
res$intermediate$usedCases <- nrow(data);
res$intermediate$omittedCases <-
res$intermediate$originalCases - res$intermediate$usedCases;
### If the time variable is actually provided as time instead of as
### indices/ranks, convert to numeric first.
if (!is.numeric(data[, timeVar])) {
if (any(class(data[, timeVar]) %in% c('Date', 'POSIXct', 'POSIXt', 'POSIXt'))) {
res$intermediate$day0 <- min(data[, timeVar]);
res$intermediate$day0.formatted <- as.character(res$intermediate$day0);
data[, timeVar] <- as.numeric(data[, timeVar]) - as.numeric(min(data[, timeVar]));
} else {
stop("The timeVar variable does not have a class I can work with (numeric or date): instead it has class ",
vecTxtQ(class(data[, timeVar])), ".");
### Tc is adjusted to start with 0
data[, timeVar] <- data[, timeVar] - min(data[, timeVar]);
### Store in result object
res$intermediate$dat <- data;
### Get minimum and maximum of phase variable
if (is.factor(data[, phaseVar])) {
phaseVarMin <- min(levels(data[, phaseVar]));
phaseVarMax <- max(levels(data[, phaseVar]));
} else {
phaseVarMin <- min(data[, phaseVar]);
phaseVarMax <- max(data[, phaseVar]);
### Get baselineMeasurements in case we didn't have it yet
res$intermediate$baselineMeasurements <- nA <-
sum(data[, phaseVar] == phaseVarMin);
### Store sample size
res$intermediate$n <- n <- nrow(data);
### Trend term for phase B (see Huitema & Kean, 2000)
data$trendTerm <- ifelse(data[, phaseVar] == phaseVarMax,
data[, timeVar] - data[nA + 1, timeVar],
## Construct formula
lmFormula <-
as.formula(paste(yVar, "~", phaseVar, "+", timeVar, "+ trendTerm"));
if (robust) {
### Fit piecewise model and extract Huber weights
res$intermediate$rlm <- rlm(lmFormula, data=data);
res$intermediate$weights <- weights <- res$intermediate$rlm$w;
} else {
### Set all weights to 1 (every datapoint has equal value)
res$intermediate$weights <- weights <- rep(1, n);
### Fit piecewise model
res$intermediate$lm.model <-
lm(lmFormula, data=data, weights = weights);
res$intermediate$lm.null <-
lm(as.formula(paste(yVar, "~", timeVar)), data=data, weights = weights);
### Extract R squared values
res$output$Rsq.null <- rsq0 <-
res$output$Rsq.model <- rsq1 <-
rsq1 <- summary(res$intermediate$lm.model)$r.squared;
### compute Effect Size, see Parker & Brossart (2003, p.207)
res$output$ES <- ES <- (rsq1 - rsq0)/(1-rsq0);
### Extract coefficients
res$output$coef <- coefficients(res$intermediate$lm.model);
### Add confidence intervals
res$output$confint <- confint(res$intermediate$lm.model);
### Add deviance
res$output$deviance <- deviance(res$intermediate$lm.model);
### Add "Cohen's D" (simply difference in means divided by standard deviation)
res$intermediate$meanDiff <- meanDiff(x=data[, phaseVar],
y=data[, yVar]);
### Generate plot; first dataframes for the 'custom lines'
ypre <- res$output$coef[1] + res$output$coef[3] * data[, timeVar];
ypost <- res$intermediate$lm.model$fitted.values;
predictionDf1 <- data.frame(x = data[nA, timeVar],
xend = data[nA+1, timeVar],
y = ypre[nA],
yend = ypre[nA+1]);
predictionDf2 <- data.frame(x = data[nA+1, timeVar],
xend = data[nA+1, timeVar],
y = ypre[nA+1],
yend = ypost[nA+1]);
if (!is.null(res$intermediate$day0)) {
data[, timeVar] <-
as.POSIXct(data[, timeVar], origin = res$intermediate$day0);
predictionDf1$x <-
as.POSIXct(predictionDf1$x, origin = res$intermediate$day0);
predictionDf1$xend <-
as.POSIXct(predictionDf1$xend, origin = res$intermediate$day0);
predictionDf2$x <-
as.POSIXct(predictionDf2$x, origin = res$intermediate$day0);
predictionDf2$xend <-
as.POSIXct(predictionDf2$xend, origin = res$intermediate$day0);
if (is.null(plotLabs)) {
plotLabs <- list(x = ifelse(is.null(res$intermediate$day0.formatted),
#paste0("Days since ", res$intermediate$day0.formatted)),
y = yVar);
if (is.null(yRange)) {
yRange <- range(data[, yVar], na.rm=TRUE);
if (is.null(yBreaks)) {
yBreaks <- pretty(c(yRange, data[, yVar]),
n=(floor(max(yRange) - min(yRange))));
} else {
yBreaks <- seq(from = floor(min(yRange)),
to = ceiling(max(yRange)),
by = yBreaks)
res$output$plot <- plot <-
ggplot(data = data,
aes_string(x = timeVar,
y = yVar)) +
geom_vline(xintercept = mean(c(data[nA, timeVar],
data[nA+1, timeVar])),
colour = colors$intervention,
size=lineSize) +
geom_smooth(data = data[data[, phaseVar] == phaseVarMin, ],
color = colors$pre,
fill = colors$pre,
size=lineSize) +
geom_smooth(data = data[data[, phaseVar] == phaseVarMax, ],
color = colors$post,
fill = colors$post,
size=lineSize) +
geom_segment(data = predictionDf1,
aes_string(x = 'x',
xend = 'xend',
y = 'y',
yend = 'yend'),
color = colors$pre,
linetype = 'dotted') +
geom_segment(data = predictionDf2,
aes_string(x = 'x',
xend = 'xend',
y = 'y',
yend = 'yend'),
color = colors$diff,
size=lineSize) +
geom_point(size = pointSize,
alpha = pointAlpha,
color = colors$points) +
scale_y_continuous(breaks=yBreaks) +
coord_cartesian(ylim=yRange) +
theme +, plotLabs);
if (!is.null(res$intermediate$day0)) {
res$output$plot <-
res$output$plot + scale_x_datetime(date_breaks="2 months",
if (!is.null(outputFile)) {
ggsaveParameters <- c(list(filename = outputFile,
plot = plot,
width = outputWidth,
height = outputHeight),
ggsaveParams);, ggsaveParameters);
class(res) <- 'piecewiseRegr';
print.piecewiseRegr <- function(x,
...) {
if (x$input$showPlot) {
confIntervals <- c(formatCI(x$output$confint[1, ]),
formatCI(x$output$confint[2, ]),
formatCI(x$output$confint[3, ]),
formatCI(x$output$confint[4, ]));
maxConfIntLength <- max(nchar(confIntervals));
confIntervals <- paste0(sapply(maxConfIntLength - nchar(confIntervals), repStr), confIntervals);
if (x$intermediate$omittedCases > 0) {
sampleInfo <- paste0("(N = ",
"; removed ",
" cases with missing values)");
} else {
sampleInfo <- paste0("(N = ",
cat0("Piecewise Regression Analysis ", sampleInfo, "\n",
"\nModel statistics:\n",
"\n Model deviance: ", round(x$output$deviance, digits),
"\n R squared for null model: ", formatR(x$output$Rsq.null, digits),
"\n R squared for test model: ", formatR(x$output$Rsq.model, digits),
"\n R squared based effect size: ", formatR(x$output$ES, digits),
"\n\nRegression coefficients:\n",
"\n Intercept: ", confIntervals[1], " (point estimate = ", round(x$output$coef[1], digits), ")",
"\n Level change: ", confIntervals[2], " (point estimate = ", round(x$output$coef[2], digits), ")",
"\n Trend phase 1: ", confIntervals[3], " (point estimate = ", round(x$output$coef[3], digits), ")",
"\n Change in trend: ", confIntervals[4], " (point estimate = ", round(x$output$coef[4], digits), ")");
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