
Defines functions print.allTT all_tTest print.tTest tTest propci histNorm barplotStats print.ktb print.gkg unalike histDiscrete freqDist plotCIgroup plotStdRes makeStats simrho simtable V phi lambda ord.somers.d ord.gamma discordant

Documented in all_tTest barplotStats discordant freqDist histDiscrete histNorm lambda makeStats ord.gamma ord.somers.d phi plotCIgroup plotStdRes print.allTT print.gkg print.ktb print.tTest propci simrho simtable tTest unalike V

## concordant, discordant, tau.b, tau.c, ord.somers.d, ord.gamma come from the ryouready package
## Phi and V come from the DescTools package
concordant <- function (x) {
    x <- matrix(as.numeric(x), dim(x))
    mat.lr <- function(r, c) {
        lr <- x[(r.x > r) & (c.x > c)]
    r.x <- row(x)
    c.x <- col(x)
    sum(x * mapply(mat.lr, r = r.x, c = c.x))
discordant <- function(x){
    x <- matrix(as.numeric(x), dim(x))
    mat.ll <- function(r, c) {
        ll <- x[(r.x > r) & (c.x < c)]
    r.x <- row(x)
    c.x <- col(x)
    sum(x * mapply(mat.ll, r = r.x, c = c.x))

tau.b <- function (x) {
    x <- matrix(as.numeric(x), dim(x))
    c <- concordant(x)
    d <- discordant(x)
    n <- sum(x)
    SumR <- rowSums(x)
    SumC <- colSums(x)
    tau.b <- (2 * (c - d))/sqrt(((n^2) - (sum(SumR^2))) * ((n^2) -

ord.gamma <- function(x){
    x <- matrix(as.numeric(x), dim(x))
    c <- concordant(x)
    d <- discordant(x)
    gamma <- (c - d)/(c + d)
    class(gamma) <- "ord.gamma"

ord.somers.d <- function(x){
    x <- matrix(as.numeric(x), dim(x))
    c <- concordant(x)
    d <- discordant(x)
    n <- sum(x)
    SumR <- rowSums(x)
    SumC <- colSums(x)
    sd.cr <- (2 * (c - d))/((n^2) - (sum(SumR^2)))
    sd.rc <- (2 * (c - d))/((n^2) - (sum(SumC^2)))
    sd.s <- (2 * (c - d))/((n^2) - (((sum(SumR^2)) + (sum(SumC^2)))/2))
    res <- list(sd.cr, sd.rc, sd.s)
    names(res) <- c("sd.cr", "sd.rc", "sd.symmetric")
    class(res) <- "ord.somersd"

lambda <- function(x){
  wmax <- apply(x, 2, which.max)
  wgmax <- which.max(rowSums(x))
  nullcc <- rowSums(x)[wgmax]
  nullerr <- sum(rowSums(x)[-wgmax])
  corrpred <- x[cbind(wmax, 1:ncol(x))]
  errpred <- colSums(x) - corrpred
  E1 <- nullerr
  E2 <- sum(errpred)

phi <- function(x){
    num <- prod(diag(x))- (x[2,1]*x[1,2])
    denom <- sqrt(prod(c(colSums(x), rowSums(x))))

V <- function(x){
  if(all(dim(x) == 2)){
    num <- prod(diag(x))- (x[2,1]*x[1,2])
    denom <- sqrt(prod(c(colSums(x), rowSums(x))))
  chi2 <- chisq.test(x, correct=FALSE)$statistic
  sqrt(chi2/(sum(c(x)) * (min(nrow(x), ncol(x)) -1)))

simtable <- function(x,y, n=1000, stat=NULL){
  out <- lapply(1:n, function(i)table(x, sample(y, length(y), replace=F)))
    sapply(out, stat)


simrho <- function(x,y, n=1000){
  rho0 <- cor(x,y, use="pair", method="spearman")
  simrho <- sapply(1:n, function(i)cor(x, sample(y, length(y), replace=F), use="pair", method="spearman"))
  pv <- {if(rho0 >= 0)mean(simrho > rho0)
      else mean(simrho < rho0)}
  return(list(rho0 = rho0, simrho = simrho, pv = pv))

makeStats <- function(x,y, chisq=FALSE, phi=FALSE, cramersV=FALSE, lambda=FALSE,
   gamma=FALSE, d=FALSE, taub=FALSE, rho=FALSE, n=1000){

  tabs <- simtable(x,y,n)
  tab <- table(x,y)
allStats <- NULL
  stat0 <- do.call('chisq.test', list(x=tab, correct=FALSE))$statistic
  stats <- sapply(tabs, function(x)chisq.test(x, correct=FALSE)$statistic)
  pv <- mean(stats > stat0)
  allStats <- rbind(allStats, c(stat0, pv))[,,drop=F]
  rownames(allStats)[nrow(allStats)] <- "Chi-squared"
  stat0 <- do.call('phi', list(x=tab))
  stats <- sapply(tabs, function(x)phi(x))
  pv <- mean(stats > stat0)
  allStats <- rbind(allStats, c(stat0, pv))[,,drop=F]
  rownames(allStats)[nrow(allStats)] <- "Phi"
  stat0 <- do.call('V', list(x=tab))
  stats <- sapply(tabs, function(x)V(x))
  pv <- mean(stats > stat0)
  allStats <- rbind(allStats, c(stat0, pv))[,,drop=F]
  rownames(allStats)[nrow(allStats)] <- "Cramers V"
  stat0 <- do.call('lambda', list(x=tab))
  stats <- sapply(tabs, function(x)lambda(x))
  pv <- mean(stats > stat0)
  allStats <- rbind(allStats, c(stat0, pv))[,,drop=F]
  rownames(allStats)[nrow(allStats)] <- "Lambda"
  stat0 <- do.call('ord.gamma', list(x=tab))
  stats <- sapply(tabs, function(x)lambda(x))
  pv <- {if(stat0 >= 0)mean(stats > stat0)
      else mean(stats < stat0)}
    allStats <- rbind(allStats, c(stat0, pv))[,,drop=F]
  rownames(allStats)[nrow(allStats)] <- "Kruskal-Goodman Gamma"
  stat0 <- do.call('ord.somers.d', list(x=tab))$sd.symmetric
  stats <- sapply(tabs, function(x)ord.somers.d(x)$sd.symmetric)
  pv <- {if(stat0 >= 0)mean(stats > stat0)
      else mean(stats < stat0)}
  allStats <- rbind(allStats, c(stat0, pv))[,,drop=F]
  rownames(allStats)[nrow(allStats)] <- "Somers D"
  stat0 <- do.call('tau.b', list(x=tab))
  stats <- sapply(tabs, function(x)tau.b(x))
  pv <- {if(stat0 >= 0)mean(stats > stat0)
      else mean(stats < stat0)}
  allStats <- rbind(allStats, c(stat0, pv))[,,drop=F]
  rownames(allStats)[nrow(allStats)] <- "Tau-b"
  x2 <-as.numeric(x)
  y2 <- as.numeric(y)
  r <- simrho(x2,y2,n)
  allStats <- rbind(allStats, c(r$rho0, r$pv))[,,drop=F]
  rownames(allStats)[nrow(allStats)] <- "Spearmans Rho"
  colnames(allStats) <- c("statistic", "p-value")
  w <- which(allStats[,1] == 0 & allStats[,2] == 0)
  if(length(w) > 0){
    allStats[w,2] <- 1.000
  allStats <- round(allStats, 4)

plotStdRes <- function(x){
  stdcat <- NULL
  x2 <- chisq.test(x)
  res <- x2$stdres
  minres <- ifelse(min(c(res)) > -3.5, -3.5, min(c(res)))
  maxres <- ifelse(max(c(res)) <3.5, 3.5, max(c(res)))
  if(maxres > abs(minres)){
    minres <- -maxres
  if(maxres < abs(minres)){
    maxres <- -minres
  res <- tibble::as_tibble(res)
  if(all(dim(res) == dim(x))){
    res <- x2$stdres
      rownames(res) <- paste0("row", 1:nrow(res))
      colnames(res) <- paste0("col", 1:ncol(res))
    res <- res %>%
      pivot_longer(-row, names_to="col", values_to="stdres")
    res <- res %>%
      rename("stdres" = "n")

  res <- res %>%
    mutate(stdcat = case_when(
            stdres < -3 ~ "e < -3",
            stdres>= -3 & stdres < -2 ~ "-3 <= e < 2",
            stdres>= -2 & stdres < -1 ~ "-2 <= e < 1",
            stdres>= -1 & stdres < 0 ~ "-1 <= e < 0",
            stdres>= 0 & stdres < 1 ~ "0 <= e < 1",
            stdres>= 1 & stdres < 2 ~ "1 <= e < 2",
            stdres>= 2 & stdres < 3 ~ "2 <= e < 3",
            stdres > 3 ~ "e > 3"),
          stdcat = factor(stdcat, levels=c("e < -3", "-3 <= e < 2", "-2 <= e < 1", "-1 <= e < 0",
                                           "0 <= e < 1", "1 <= e < 2", "2 <= e < 3", "e > 3")) )

  ggplot(res, aes_string(x=names(res)[1], y=names(res)[2],fill="stdcat")) +
    geom_tile(col="gray50") +
    labs(fill = "Standardized\nResidual")

plotCIgroup <- function(form, data, includeOverall=TRUE, ...){
    cfun <- function(x, ...){tmp <- confidenceInterval(x, ...); data.frame(y = tmp[1], ymin = tmp[2], ymax=tmp[3])}
    dot.args <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$`...`)
    mf <- model.frame(form, data)
      mf[[2]] <- droplevels(mf[[2]])
    nums <- sort(unique(as.numeric(mf[[2]])))
      mf2 <- mf
      mf2[[2]] <- factor(max(nums)+1, levels=c(nums, max(nums)+1), labels=c(levels(mf[[2]]), "Overall"))
      levels(mf[[2]]) <- c(levels(mf[[2]]), "Overall")
      mf <- rbind(mf, mf2)

    ggplot(mf, aes_string(x=names(mf)[2], y=names(mf)[1])) + stat_summary(fun.data=cfun, fun.args = dot.args)

freqDist <- function(x){
  tab <- table(x)
  ntab <- names(tab)
  pct <- tab/sum(tab)*100
  cpct <- cumsum(pct)
  tab <- c(tab, sum(tab))
  names(tab) <- c(ntab, "Total")
  pct <- c(pct, 100)
  cpct <- c(cpct, 100)
  maxnum <- max(nchar(tab))
  fr <- sprintf(paste0("%", maxnum, ".0f"), tab)
  pc <- sprintf("%6.2f", pct)
  cp <- sprintf("%6.2f", cpct)
  cp[length(cp)] <- ""
  out <- cbind(fr, pc, cp)
  rownames(out) <- names(tab)
  colnames(out) <- c("Freq", "  %   ", " Cu % ")

histDiscrete <- function(x, data, ...){
  m <- min(data[[x]], na.rm=TRUE)
  ggplot(data, aes_string(x=x)) + geom_histogram(binwidth=1, center=m, color="black", fill="gray75")

unalike <- function(x){
  o <- outer(x, x, "!=")
  mean(c(o[lower.tri(o)]), na.rm=T)

GKGamma <- function (x, y = NULL, conf.level = NA, ...){
## Function taken from DescTools v0.99.22
    if (!is.null(y))
        tab <- table(x, y, ...)
    else tab <- as.table(x)
    x <- ConDisPairs(tab)
    psi <- 2 * (x$D * x$pi.c - x$C * x$pi.d)/(x$C + x$D)^2
    sigma2 <- sum(tab * psi^2) - sum(tab * psi)^2
    gamma <- (x$C - x$D)/(x$C + x$D)
    if (is.na(conf.level)) {
        result <- gamma
    else {
        pr2 <- 1 - (1 - conf.level)/2
        ci <- qnorm(pr2) * sqrt(sigma2) * c(-1, 1) + gamma
        result <- c(gamma = gamma, lwr.ci = max(ci[1], -1), ups.ci = min(ci[2],
    class(result) <- "gkg"

confidenceInterval <- function (x, confidence = 0.95,  na.rm = TRUE, distr=c("normal", "t")){
    distr <- match.arg(distr)
    nobs <- sum(!is.na(x))
    est <- mean(x, na.rm = na.rm)
    stderr <- sd(x, na.rm = na.rm)/sqrt(nobs)
    alpha <- 1-confidence
    if(distr == "t"){
      ci.low <- est + qt(alpha/2, nobs - 1) * stderr
      ci.high <- est - qt(alpha/2, nobs - 1) * stderr
      ci.low <- est + qnorm(alpha/2) * stderr
      ci.high <- est - qnorm(alpha/2) * stderr
    retval <- c(Estimate = est, `CI lower` = ci.low, `CI upper` = ci.high,
        `Std. Error` = stderr)

print.gkg <- function(x, ...){
  if(class(x) != "gkg")stop("Object must be of class gkg\n")
  if(length(x) == 1){
    cat("Goodman-Kruskal's Gamma = ", round(x,3), "\n", sep="")
  if(length(x) == 3){
    cat("Goodman-Kruskal's Gamma = ", round(x,3), ", 95% CI (", round(x[2], 3), ", ", round(x[3],3),  ")\n", sep="")
print.ktb <- function(x, ...){
  if(class(x) != "ktb")stop("Object must be of class ktb\n")
  cat("Kendall's Tau-b = ", round(x,3), "\n", sep="")

barplotStats <- function(x, y, data, stat="sum", includeN = FALSE, ...){
  dot.args <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$`...`)
    data[[x]] <- droplevels(data[[x]])
    tabx <- table(data[[x]])
    levels(data[[x]]) <- paste(levels(data[[x]]), "\n(", tabx, ")", sep="")
  ggplot(data, aes_string(x=x, y=y)) + stat_summary(fun = stat, geom="bar", fun.args=dot.args)

histNorm <- function(x, data, normCurve=TRUE, densCurve=FALSE, bins=30){
  s <- seq(min(data[[x]], na.rm=TRUE), max(data[[x]], na.rm=T), length=100)
  dn <- dnorm(s, mean(data[[x]], na.rm=T), sd(data[[x]], na.rm=TRUE))
  tmp <- data[[x]]
  dens <- density(na.omit(tmp))
  dens <- data.frame(x=dens$x, y=dens$y)
  g <- ggplot(data, aes_string(x=x)) + geom_histogram(aes(y=stat(density)), bins=bins, color="black", fill="gray70")
    g <- g+stat_function(fun=dnorm, n=101, args=list(mean=mean(data[[x]], na.rm=TRUE), sd=sd(data[[x]], na.rm=TRUE)), color="blue")
    g <- g+geom_line(data=dens, aes_string(x="x",y="y"), color="red")

propci <- function(x, n=NULL, conf.level=.95){
  tailprob <- (1-conf.level)/2
  ltp <- tailprob
  utp <- 1-tailprob
  nobs <- ifelse(is.null(n), sum(!is.na(x)), n)
    if(length(x) > 1){
    p <- mean(x, na.rm=T)
    nx <- sum(x == 1, na.rm=TRUE)
    nx <- x
    p <- nx/nobs
  zcrit <- abs(qnorm((1-conf.level)/2))
  norm.ci <- p + c(-1,1)*zcrit * sqrt((p*(1-p))/nobs)
  binom.ci <- c(qbeta(ltp, nx, nobs - nx + 1), qbeta(utp, nx + 1, nobs - nx))
  out <- rbind(norm.ci, binom.ci)
  colnames(out) <- c("Lower", "Upper")
  rownames(out) <- c("Normal Approx", "Exact")

tTest <- function(x,y, data, ...){
  formula <- as.formula(paste(y, x, sep=" ~ "))
  tmp <- get_all_vars(formula, data)
  tmp <- na.omit(tmp)
  if(is.factor(tmp[[x]]))tmp[[x]] <- droplevels(tmp[[x]])
  g <- vector(mode="list", length=3)
  ng <- levels(tmp[[x]])
    ng <- sort(unique(tmp[[x]]))
  tt <- t.test(formula, data, ...)
  names(g) <- c(ng, "Difference")
  g[[1]]$mean <- mean(tmp[[y]][which(tmp[[x]] == ng[1])], na.rm=TRUE)
  g[[1]]$n <- sum(tmp[[x]] == ng[1])
  g[[1]]$se <- sd(tmp[[y]][which(tmp[[x]] == ng[1])], na.rm=TRUE)
  g[[2]]$mean <- mean(tmp[[y]][which(tmp[[x]] == ng[2])], na.rm=TRUE)
  g[[2]]$n <- sum(tmp[[x]] == ng[2])
  g[[2]]$se <- sd(tmp[[y]][which(tmp[[x]] == ng[2])], na.rm=TRUE)
  g[[3]]$mean <- g[[1]]$mean - g[[2]]$mean
  g[[3]]$n <- g[[1]]$n+g[[2]]$n
  g[[3]]$se <- tt$stderr
  res <- list(sum=do.call(rbind, g), tt=tt)
  class(res) <- "tTest"

print.tTest <- function(x, ...){

all_tTest <- function(x, y, data, adjust.method= c("none", "holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr"), ...){
  adjust.method <- match.arg(adjust.method)
  unx <- sort(unique(data[[x]]))
  combs <- combn(length(unx), 2)
  res <- vector(mode="list", length=ncol(combs))
  for(i in 1:ncol(combs)){
    tmp <- subset(data, data[[x]] %in% unx[combs[,i]])
    res[[i]] <- tTest(x, y, tmp, ...)
  names(res) <- apply(apply(combs, 2, function(i)unx[i]), 2, paste, collapse="-")
  attr(res, "adjust.method") <- adjust.method
  class(res) <- "allTT"

print.allTT <- function(x, ...){
  x1 <- t(sapply(x, function(z)c(unlist(c(z$sum[1,1], z$sum[2,1], z$sum[3,], z$tt$p.value)))))
  adj <- attr(x, "adjust.method")
  xp1 <- array(dim=dim(x1))
  xp1[,1] <- sprintf("%.3f", x1[,1])
  xp1[,2] <- sprintf("%.3f", x1[,2])
  xp1[,3] <- sprintf("%.3f", x1[,3])
  xp1[,4] <- sprintf("%.0f", x1[,4])
  xp1[,5] <- sprintf("%.3f", x1[,5])
  xp1[,6] <- sprintf("%.3f", p.adjust(x1[,6], adj))
  colnames(xp1) <- c("Mean G1", "Mean G2", "Difference", "N", "SE", "p-val")
  rownames(xp1) <- rownames(x1)
  xp1 <- as.data.frame(xp1)

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