
Defines functions ranef.fvcm print.fvcm predict.fvcm plot.fvcm oobloss.fvcm fitted.fvcm fvcm_control fvcm fvcglm_control fvcglm fvcolmm_control fvcolmm

Documented in fitted.fvcm fvcglm fvcglm_control fvcm fvcm_control fvcolmm fvcolmm_control oobloss.fvcm plot.fvcm predict.fvcm print.fvcm ranef.fvcm

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
## Author:          Reto Burgin
## E-Mail:          rbuergin@gmx.ch
## Date:            2019-12-15
## Description:
## Random forests and bagging for the 'tvcm' algorithm.
## Contents:
## fvcolmm:      convenience function for 'fvcm'
## fvcglm:       convenience function for 'fvcm'
## fvcm:         main fitting function
## fvcm_control: control function for 'fvcm'
## fitted.fvcm:  extracts fitted values
## oobloss.fvcm: extracts out-of-bag loss
## plot.fvcm:    plot method for 'fvcm' objects
## predict.fvcm: prediction for 'fvcm' objects
## print.fvcm:   print method for 'fvcm' objects
## ranef.fvcm:   extracts random effects
## To do:
## - implement variable importance measures
## Last modifications:
## 2019-12-15: modify checks for classes (newly use function 'inherits')
## 2017-08-21: - bug fix predict.fvcm: order columns of predicted
##               coefficients before multiplying them with the
##               model matrix. This cause errors for example if
##               'fvcm' models include 'fe' terms.
## 2017-08-19: - add default for 'minsize' to 'fvcm_control' and
##               'tvcglm_control'.
##             - allow for '...' in 'fvcolmm_control' and 'fvcglm_control'
## 2017-07-17: - implement changes due to the new data handling in
##               'tvcm'.
##             - improve code for 'fvcolmm_control' and 'tvcglm_control'
## 2017-06-19: - improve bugs in 'fvcolmm_control' (function ignores
##               arguments.
## 2015-11-31: - enable the setting 'mtry <- Inf'
##             - indicate the 'mtry' parameter in cases of random forests
## 2015-10-30: corrected bug in 'predict.fvcm'. When building a dummy
##             model the family was not specified.
## 2015-08-21: implemented changes to 'tvcm_formula' in 'prune.tvcm'.
## 2015-06-01: - 'fvcm' gave an error when a linear model is specified
##               new version returns the linear model with a warning from
##               'tvcm'
## 2015-03-08: - change default parameters of control functions.
## 2015-02-24: - replace 'ptry', 'ntry' and 'vtry' by 'mtry'.
## 2015-02-23: - resolved errors for 'fvcolmm' and 'fvcglm' calls
##             - disable 'nimpute' in the defaults
## 2014-10-14: found bug in predict.fvcm: now the 'coefi'
##             matrices are ordered by the column names of
##             'coef'.
## 2014-09-07: - improvment of predict.tvcm function
##               - treated bugs for 'type = "coef"'
##               - deal with ordinal responses in cases not
##                 all responses are available in a subset
##             - 'fvcm': replaced 'do.call' with 'eval' when
##               calling 'cvloss'
##             - added 'contrast slot'
##             - changed defaults in 'fvcm'
## 2014-08-05: - changed specification for folds
## --------------------------------------------------------- #

fvcolmm <- function(..., family = cumulative(),
                    control = fvcolmm_control()) {
  mc <- match.call()
  mc[[1L]] <- as.name("fvcm")
  if (!"family" %in% names(mc))
    mc$family <- formals(fvcolmm)$family
  if (!"control" %in% names(mc))
    mc$control <- formals(fvcolmm)$control
  mc$fit <- "olmm"
  if ("weights" %in% names(mc)) mc$weights <- list(...)$weights
  if ("offset" %in% names(mc)) mc$offset <- list(...)$offset

fvcolmm_control <- function(maxstep = 10, minsize = 20, 
                            folds = folds_control("subsampling", K = 100),
                            mtry = 5, sctest = TRUE, alpha = 1.0,
                            nimpute = 1, verbose = TRUE, ...) {

    ## get call
    mc <- match.call()
    ## build call for 'fvcm_control'
    mc <- match.call()
    mc[[1L]] <- as.name("fvcm_control")
    def <- formals(fvcolmm_control) # get defaults
    def[names(def) == "..."] <- NULL
    def <- lapply(def, function(x) if (is.name(x)) eval(x) else x)
    mc[setdiff(names(def), names(mc))] <- def[setdiff(names(def), names(mc))]

fvcglm <- function(..., family, control = fvcglm_control()) {
  mc <- match.call()
  mc[[1L]] <- as.name("fvcm")
  if (!"control" %in% names(mc))
    mc$control <- formals(fvcglm)$control
  mc$fit <- "glm"
  if ("weights" %in% names(mc)) mc$weights <- list(...)$weights
  if ("offset" %in% names(mc)) mc$offset <- list(...)$offset

fvcglm_control <- function(maxstep = 10, minsize = 10,
                           folds = folds_control("subsampling", K = 100),
                           mtry = 5, mindev = 0, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
    ## get call
    mc <- match.call()
    ## build call for 'fvcm_control'
    mc[[1L]] <- as.name("fvcm_control")
    def <- formals(fvcglm_control) # get defaults
    def[names(def) == "..."] <- NULL
    def <- lapply(def, function(x) if (is.name(x)) eval(x) else x)
    mc[setdiff(names(def), names(mc))] <- def[setdiff(names(def), names(mc))]

fvcm <- function(..., control = fvcm_control()) {
    mc <- match.call()
    ## modify control parameters temporarily for a first tree
    maxstep <- control$maxstep
    control$maxstep <- 0L
    verbose <- control$verbose
    control$verbose <- FALSE
    ## fit a prototyp tree
    if (verbose) cat("* fitting an initial tree ... ")
    initCall <- mc
    initCall[[1L]] <- as.name("tvcm")
    initCall$control <- control
    ## set seed
    if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)) runif(1)
    oldSeed <- get(".Random.seed", mode = "numeric", envir = globalenv())
    if (!is.null(control$seed)) set.seed(control$seed)
    RNGstate <- .Random.seed
    object <- eval(initCall)
    if (verbose) cat("OK\n")
    if (!inherits(object, "tvcm")) return(object)
    ## reset the depth parameter and set the verbose parameter
    object$info$control$maxstep <- maxstep
    object$info$control$verbose <- verbose
    ## compute trees for subsamples
    cvCall <- list(name = as.name("cvloss"),
                   object = quote(object),
                   folds = quote(control$folds),
                   type = "forest")
    mode(cvCall) <- "call"
    cv <- eval(cvCall)
    ## add new information to info slot
    object$info$forest <- cv$node
    object$info$coefficients <- cv$coefficients
    object$info$contrasts <- cv$contrasts
    object$info$folds <- cv$folds
    object$info$error <- cv$error
    object$info$control$verbose <- verbose
    object$info$call <- mc
    ## drop folds with errors
    if (length(object$info$error$which) > 0)
        object$info$folds <-
            object$info$folds[, -object$info$error$which, drop = FALSE]
    ## reset seed
    assign(".Random.seed", oldSeed, envir=globalenv())
    ## modifiy class attribute to allow methods
    class(object) <- append("fvcm", class(object))

fvcm_control <- function(maxstep = 10, minsize = 10,
                         folds = folds_control("subsampling", K = 100),
                         mtry = 5, sctest = FALSE,
                         alpha = 1.0, mindev = 0.0,
                         verbose = TRUE, ...) {
    ## modify the 'papply' argument
    mc <- match.call()
    if ("papply" %in% names(mc)) {
        if (is.name(mc$papply)) {
            papply <- deparse(mc$papply)
        } else {
            papply <- mc$papply
    } else {
        papply <- deparse(formals(tvcm_control)$papply)
    if (!is.null(list(...)$cv) && list(...)$cv)
        warning("'cv' is not a tuning parameter of 'fvcm_control'. ",
                "Set to FALSE.")
    if (!is.null(list(...)$prune) && list(...)$prune)
        warning("'prune' is not a tuning parameter of 'fvcm_control'. ",
                "Set to FALSE.")
    ## combine the parameter to a list and disble cross validation and
    ## pruning 
    call <- list(maxstep = maxstep, minsize = minsize, folds = folds,
                 mtry = mtry, alpha = alpha, mindev = mindev,
                 papply = papply, verbose = verbose,
                 cv = FALSE, prune = FALSE)
    call <- appendDefArgs(call, list(...))
    ## call 'tvcm_control'
    call <- append(list(name = as.name("tvcm_control")), call)
    mode(call) <- "call"

fitted.fvcm <- function(object, ...) vcrpart_fitted(object, ...)

oobloss.fvcm <- function(object, fun = NULL, ranef = FALSE, ...) {

  if (is.null(fun)) {
    fun <- function(y, mu, wt)
      sum(object$info$family$dev.resids(y, mu, wt), na.rm = TRUE)
  weights <- weights(object)
  yMat <- model.matrix(~ -1 + object$fitted[,"(response)"])
  if (object$info$family$family == "binomial" && nrow(yMat) > 1L)
    yMat <- yMat[,2L,drop = FALSE]
  mu <- predict(object, type = "response", ranef = ranef,
                na.action = na.pass, oob = TRUE)  
  if (any(is.na(mu))) {
    warning("some observations could not be predicted out of bag. ",
            "The oob error is reweighted.")

    if (is.matrix(mu)) {
      subs <- apply(mu, 1L, function(x) !all(is.na(x)))
      mu <- mu[subs,,drop=FALSE]
    } else {
      subs <- !is.na(mu)
      mu <- mu[subs]
    sumOfWeights <- sum(weights)
    weights <- weights[subs]
    weights <- weights / sum(weights) * sumOfWeights
    yMat <- yMat[subs,,drop=FALSE]
  return(fun(yMat, mu, weights))

plot.fvcm <- function(x, type = c("default", "coef", 
                           "simple", "partdep"),
                      tree = NULL, ask = NULL, ...) {
    type <- match.arg(type)
    dotargs <- list(...)
    ## set call
    call <- list(name = as.name("plot.tvcm"),
                 x = quote(x), type = type, ask = ask)  
    call[names(dotargs)] <- dotargs
    mode(call) <- "call"
    ## modify model object if coefficients plots are called
    if (type == "partdep") {
    } else {
        if (is.null(tree)) tree <- seq_along(x$info$forest)
        if (is.null(ask))
            ask <- ifelse(length(tree) == 1L, FALSE, TRUE)
        if (ask) {
            oask <- devAskNewPage(TRUE)
        ## modify default arguments
        if (!is.null(dotargs$conf.int) && dotargs$conf.int)
            warning("'conf.int' is not available for 'fvcm' objects")
        call$conf.int <- FALSE
        if (!is.null(dotargs$mean) && dotargs$mean)
            warning("'mean' is not available for 'fvcm' objects")
        call$mean <- FALSE
        for (tid in tree) {
            ## set nodes and coefficients
            x$info$node <- x$info$forest[[tree[tid]]]
            x$info$model$coefficients <- x$info$coefficients[[tree[tid]]]
            ## call plot

predict.fvcm <- function(object, newdata = NULL,
                         type = c("link", "response", "prob",
                                  "class", "coef", "ranef"),
                         ranef = FALSE, na.action = na.pass,
                         verbose = FALSE, ...) {
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if (type == "prob") type = "response"
    ## check newdata
    if (!is.null(newdata) && !is.data.frame(newdata))
        stop("'newdata' must be a 'data.frame'.")
    ## resolve conflicts with the 'ranef' argument
    if (!(inherits(ranef, "logical") | inherits(ranef, "matrix")))
        stop("'ranef' must be a 'logical' or a 'matrix'.")
    if (!is.null(newdata) && is.logical(ranef) && ranef)
        stop("'ranef' should be 'FALSE' or a 'matrix' if 'newdata' is ",
             "not 'NULL'.")
    if (type == "ranef" & (!is.logical(ranef) | is.logical(ranef) && ranef))
        stop("for 'type = 'ranef'' the argument 'ranef' must be 'FALSE'.")
    if (type == "ranef" & !is.null(newdata))
        stop("prediction for random effects for 'newdata' is not ",
    ## get and set hidden arguments
    oob <- if (!is.null(list(...)$oob)) list(...)$oob else FALSE
    ## check hidden arguments
    if (oob && !is.null(newdata))
        stop("'oob' should be 'FALSE' if 'newdata' is not 'NULL'")
    ## modifiy class to apply 'tvcm' methods
    class(object) <- class(object)[-1L]
    ## get training data
    md <- object$info$data
    ## save the original model
    dummymodel <- object$info$model
    ## set newdata
    if (is.null(newdata)) newdata <- md
    ## set oob folds for option 'oob'
    folds <-
        if (oob) {
        } else {
            matrix(1L, nrow(newdata), length(object$info$forest))
    ## get formulas
    formList <- object$info$formula
    rootForm <- tvcm_formula(formList, rep(TRUE, length(formList$vc)),
    formList <- vcrpart_formula(rootForm, object$info$family)
    ## extract the name and levels of the response
    yName <- all.vars(lhs(formList$original))
    yLevs <- if (object$info$fit == "olmm") levels(md[, yName]) else yName
    nYLevs <- length(yLevs)
    if (type != "coef") {
        ## check and set response
        if (!yName %in% colnames(newdata))
            newdata[, yName] <- sample(md[, yName],
                                       nrow(newdata), replace = TRUE)
        ## check fixed effects predictors
        feVars <- unlist(lapply(formList$fe$eta, all.vars))
        if (!all(subs <- feVars %in% colnames(newdata)))
            stop("variable(s) ",
                 paste("'", feVars[!subs], "'", collapse = ", "),
                 " are not available in 'newdata'.")

        ## check and set random effect predictors
        reVars <- unlist(lapply(unlist(formList$re[c("eta", "cond")]),
        if (length(reVars) > 0L) {
            if (is.logical(ranef) && ranef | is.matrix(ranef)) {
                if (!all(subs <- reVars %in% colnames(newdata)))
                    stop("variables ", feVars[!subs],
                         " are not available in 'newdata'.")
            } else {
                for (var in reVars)
                    newdata[, var] <- sample(md[, var],
                                             nrow(newdata), replace = TRUE)
        ## check and set newdata
        Terms <- attr(md, "terms")
        xlevels <- .getXlevels(attr(md, "terms"), md)
        if (is.matrix(ranef)) {
            subjectName <- dummymodel$subjectName
            xlevels <- xlevels[names(xlevels) != subjectName]
        newdata <- as.data.frame(model.frame(Terms, newdata,
                                             na.action = na.pass,
                                             xlev = xlevels))
        attr(newdata, "terms") <- NULL # otherwise 'model.matrix' fails
    if (verbose) cat("* predicting the coefficient functions ... ")
    ## ------------------------------------------------------- #
    ## Step 1: predict the coefficients for each observation
    ## ------------------------------------------------------- #
    nEta <- if (object$info$fit == "olmm") nYLevs - 1L else 1L
    etaLabs <- paste("Eta", 1L:nEta, sep = "")
    coef <- count <- 0 * predict(object, newdata, type = "coef")
    rownames(coef) <- rownames(newdata)
    subs <- matrix(TRUE, nrow(coef), ncol(coef),
                   dimnames = list(rownames(coef), colnames(coef)))
    for (i in seq_along(object$info$forest)) {
        if (verbose) cat(".")
        ## set node
        object$info$node <- object$info$forest[[i]]
        ## set coefficients
        object$info$model$coefficients <- object$info$coefficients[[i]]
        ## set contrasts
        object$info$model$contrasts <- object$info$contrasts[[i]]
        ## predict the coefficients
        coefi <- predict(object, newdata = newdata, type = "coef", ranef = FALSE, na.action = na.pass, ...)
        if (!is.matrix(coefi)) coefi <- matrix(coefi, nrow = nrow(newdata))
        ## count for skipped categories
        if (object$info$fit == "olmm" && ncol(coefi) < ncol(coef)) {        
            subsiCols <- table(md[folds[, i] > 0, yName]) > 0L
            subsiCols <- subsiCols[-length(subsiCols)]
            etaLabsShould <- etaLabs[subsiCols]
            colnamesi <- colnames(coefi)
            etaLabsIs <- grep("Eta[1-9]+:", colnamesi, value = TRUE)
            etaLabsIs <-
                unique(sapply(strsplit(etaLabsIs, ":"), function(x) x[1]))
            colnamesi <- strsplit(colnamesi, ":")
            for (j in rev(seq_along(etaLabsIs))) {
                colnamesi <- lapply(colnamesi, function(x) {
                    if (x[1L] == etaLabsIs[j]) x[1L] <- etaLabsShould[j]
            colnamesi <-
                sapply(colnamesi, function(x) paste(x, collapse = ":"))
            colnames(coefi) <- colnamesi          
        ## order columns of coefi
        coefi <-
            coefi[, intersect(colnames(coef), colnames(coefi)), drop = FALSE]
        ## index matrix for valid entries
        subsi <- subs    
        if (oob) subsi[folds[,i] > 0L, ] <- FALSE
        subsi[is.na(coefi)] <- FALSE
        ## add coefficients and count
        coef[subsi] <- coef[subsi] + coefi[subsi]
        count <- count + 1 * subsi
    if (verbose) cat(" OK\n")

    ## average the predictors
    coef <- coef / count
    coef[apply(count, 1, function(x) any(x == 0)), ] <- NA
    ## ## check if any 'count == 0' and omit
    ## coefNA <- apply(count, 1, function(x) any(x == 0))
    ## if (any(coefNA)) {
    ##     if (type == "coef") {
    ##         warning("prediction failed for the following rows of 'newdata':",
    ##                 paste(which(coefNA), collapse = ", "), ".")
    ##         coef[coefNA, ] <- NA
    ##     } else {
    ##         warning("prediction failed for the following rows of 'newdata':",
    ##                 paste(which(coefNA), collapse = ", "), ". Omit.")
    ##         coef <- coef[-which(coefNA), , drop = FALSE]
    ##         newdata <- coef[-which(coefNA), , drop = FALSE]
    ##     }
    ## }
    ## order the columns of coef (2017-11-12, problem that order of columns from
    ## 'predict.tvcm' is not consistent)
    if (length(setdiff(names(coef(dummymodel)), colnames(coef))) > 0 |
        length(setdiff(colnames(coef), names(coef(dummymodel)))) > 0)
        stop("ups. This shouldn't happen. Please contact the author of this package and ",
             "indicate to have problems with 'fvcm.predict'.")
    coef <- coef[, match(names(coef(dummymodel)), colnames(coef)), drop = FALSE]       
    ## ------------------------------------------------------- #
    ## Step 2: predict the linear predictor for each observation
    ## ------------------------------------------------------- #
    if (type == "coef") return(na.action(coef))
    ## create a model matrix 'X' (formList = formulas of root form)
    if (object$info$fit == "olmm") {
        X <- olmm_merge_mm(
                terms(formList$fe$eta$ce, keep.order = TRUE),
                newdata, attr(object$info$model$X, "contrasts")),
                terms(formList$fe$eta$ge, keep.order = TRUE),
                newdata, attr(object$info$model$X, "contrasts")),
    } else {
        X <- model.matrix(terms(rootForm), newdata, dummymodel$contrasts)

    ## compute the linear predictor 'eta' based on 'coef' and 'X'
    if (object$info$fit == "olmm") {
        coef <- coef[, substr(colnames(coef), 1,12) != "ranefCholFac",
                     drop = FALSE]
        dims <- dummymodel$dims
        fixefMat <- function(fixef) {
            return(rbind(matrix(fixef[1:(dims["pCe"] * dims["nEta"])], dims["pCe"], dims["nEta"], byrow = FALSE), if (dims["pGe"] > 0) matrix(rep(fixef[(dims["pCe"] * dims["nEta"] + 1):dims["p"]], each = dims["nEta"]), dims["pGe"], dims["nEta"], byrow = TRUE) else NULL))
        eta <- sapply(1:nrow(newdata), function(i) {
            X[i,,drop = FALSE] %*% fixefMat(coef[i,])
        if (dims["nEta"] == 1)
            eta <- matrix(eta, ncol = 1) else eta <- t(eta)
        colnames(eta) <- etaLabs
        rownames(eta) <- rownames(newdata)
    } else {     
        eta <- t(sapply(1:nrow(newdata), function(i) {
            X[i,,drop = FALSE] %*% coef[i, ]
        eta <- matrix(eta, ncol = 1L)
    if (type == "link") {
        if (object$info$fit != "olmm") eta <- c(eta)
    ## ------------------------------------------------------- #
    ## Step 3: create a new 'empty' model and predict the outcomes
    ## ------------------------------------------------------- #
    ## set the formula 'form' and the intial values 'start'
    start <- NULL
    if (object$info$fit == "olmm") { # the formula for olmms
        terms <- "fe(intercept=FALSE)"
        ## add random effect terms
        mTerms <- terms(object$info$formula$original, specials = "re")
        if (length(subs <- attr(mTerms, "specials")$re) > 0L) {
            ## the random effect term
            terms <- c(terms, rownames(attr(mTerms, "factors"))[subs])
            reTerms <-
                     names(object$info$coefficients[[1L]]), value = TRUE)
            ## compute the mean estimated random effect variance
            start <- sapply(seq_along(object$info$coefficients),
            start <- apply(matrix(start, ncol = length(reTerms)), 2L, mean)
            names(start) <- reTerms  
    } else { # the formula for glms
        terms <- "-1" 
    form <- as.formula(paste(yName, "~", paste(terms, collapse = "+")))
    ## ensure for olmms that each response category is available
    if (is.factor(newdata[, yName]) &&
        length(unique(newdata[, yName])) < nYLevs) {
        subs <- nrow(newdata) + 1L:nYLevs
        newdata <- rbind(newdata, newdata[rep(1L, nYLevs),,drop = FALSE])
        newdata[subs, yName] <- yLevs
        if (object$info$fit == "olmm") {
            sN <- object$info$model$subjectName
            levs <- c(levels(newdata[,sN]), "RetoBurgin") 
            newdata[sN] <- factor(newdata[,sN], levels = levs)
            newdata[subs, sN] <- "RetoBurgin"
        eta <- rbind(eta, matrix(0, nYLevs, ncol(eta)))
        folds <-
            rbind(folds, matrix(-1L, nYLevs, length(object$info$forest)))
    ## set the offset of the model as predicted linear predictors
    offset <- eta
    offset[is.na(offset)] <- 0 # just to get the calls working
    ## create a call for the 'empty' model
    oobCall <- call(name = object$info$fit,
                    form = quote(form),
                    data = quote(newdata),
                    offset = quote(offset),
                    family = quote(object$info$family),
                    start = quote(start),
                    na.action = na.pass)
    for (arg in names(object$info$dotargs))
        oobCall[[arg]] <- object$info$dotargs[[arg]]
    oobCall <- oobCall[!duplicated(names(oobCall))]
    if (object$info$fit == "olmm") oobCall$doFit <- FALSE
    ## fit the 'empty model'
    model <- suppressWarnings(eval(oobCall))
    if (type == "ranef") {
        ## predict random effects
        ranef <- ranef(model) 
        ranef <- ranef[rownames(ranef) != "RetoBurgin",,drop=FALSE]
    } else {
        ## predict outcomes
        if (is.matrix(ranef)) {
            ranefMat <- ranef(model)
            ranefMat[rownames(ranef), ] <- ranef
            ranef <- ranefMat
        pred <- predict(model, type = type, ranef = ranef, ...)
        if (!is.matrix(pred)) pred <- matrix(pred, nrow = nrow(newdata))
        pred[apply(eta, 1, function(x) any(is.na(x))),] <- NA
        pred <- pred[folds[,1] >= 0L,, drop = FALSE] # drop added
        ## observations
    folds <- folds[folds[,1] >= 0L,,drop = FALSE] # drop added folds
    ## set the observations which appear in all trees to NA
    if (oob) pred[apply(folds, 1L, function(x) all(x == 0L)),] <- NA
    if (object$info$fit != "olmm") pred <- c(pred)
    ## return predictions

print.fvcm <- function(x, ...) {
    cat(if (any(x$info$control$mtry < Inf)) "Random forest" else "Bagging",
        "based varying-coefficients model\n\n")
    if (length(x$info$family$family) > 0L)
        cat(" Family:", x$info$family$family, x$info$family$link, "\n")
    if (length(x$info$formula$original) > 0L)
        cat("Formula:", paste(deparse(x$info$formula$original),
                              collapse = "\n"), "\n")
    if (length(str <- deparseCall(x$info$call$data)) > 0L)
        cat("   Data: ", str, "\n", sep = "")
    if (length(str <- deparseCall(x$info$call$subset)) > 0L)
        cat(" Subset: ", str, "\n", sep = "")
    if (length(x$info$control) > 0L)
        cat(paste0("Control: ", 
                   "minsize = ",
                   paste(x$info$control$minsize, collapse = ", "),
                   ", ntrees = ", length(x$info$forest),
                   if (x$info$control$mtry < Inf)
                       paste0(", mtry = ", x$info$control$mtry), 
    if (nzchar(mess <- naprint(attr(x$data, "na.action")))) 
        cat("\n(", mess, ")\n", sep = "")

ranef.fvcm <- function(object, ...) {
    return(predict(object, type = "ranef", ...))

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vcrpart documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:23 a.m.