
Defines functions olmm olmm_control print.family.olmm adjacent baseline cumulative dev.resids

Documented in adjacent baseline cumulative olmm olmm_control

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
## Author:       Reto Burgin
## E-Mail:       rbuergin@gmx.ch
## Date:         2021-04-15
## References:
## ordinal:     http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ordinal/index.html
## lme4:        http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/lme4/index.html
## matrixcalc:  http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/matrixcalc/index.html
## statmod:     http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/statmod/index.html
## Dependencies:
## ucminf:      http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ucminf/index.html
## Modifications:
## 2018-02-15: Fixed bug for 'numHess = TRUE'
## 2018-02-13: Few minor modification when exploring for the memory
##             overflow problem
## 2017-08-19: - Add check for the left-hand of the formula.
##             - Remove data from 'olmm' output
## 2017-08-13: Also return the data in the 'olmm' output object.
## 2017-08-11: In 'olmm' replace 'inVar <- all.vars(...)' by
##             attr(terms(), "term.labels")
## 2016-11-03: modification for new C-code implementation
## 2016-04-12: modified 'olmm_control' for the 'optim' optimizier. Now
##             'BFGS' is set as the default and a warning is shown
##             if a non-gradient based method is chosen while
##             'numGrad = FALSE'.
## 2015-10-30: set default 'na.action = na.omit' on 'olmm'
## 2015-09-02: started with integration auf gaussian mixed model
## 2015-01-15: improved predict.olmm
## 2014-09-25: - removed bug for numeric estimation of covariance of
##               'olmm' objects
##             - define 'score_sbj' and 'score_obs' slot even if
##               'numGrad = FALSE' (otherwise olmm_update_marg gives error)
## 2014-09-19: allow 'family' to be of class 'function'
## 2014-09-08: partial substitution of 'rep' by 'rep.int'
## 2014-06-17: convert routine to S3 class
## 2014-05-03: moved several control parameters to 'control' argument
## 2014-05-02: added 'linkinv' function to families 'cumulative' etc.
## 2014-05-01: change offset argument: not it must be a 'matrix'
## 2014-04-22: implement change in 'form' object
## 2013-09-15: Free() commands were added in olmm.c
## 2013-09-07: C implementation for updating the marginal Likelihood
## 	        and predicting random-effects was stabilized by 
##	        replacing many alloca's by the R built-in function
##	        Calloc, which may slow the estimation
## 2013-07-27: change 'start' handling and add 'restricted'
##             argument
## 2013-07-19: correct use of numGrad argument (from now the slots
##             score_sbj and score_obs remain empty)
## 2013-07-12: improve use of contrasts. There were irritating
##             warnings under correct use and now the slot
##             'contrasts' also contains contrasts from the
##             model matrix for random effects
## 2021-04-15: olmm_control, when length(fit) > 1 we set fit as fit[1] 
##             (length(fit) > 1 caused an error in R 4.1). Fixed by GR.
## To do:
## - check 'nlopr' package
## - add to family 'link' and 'linkinv' and incorporate
##   that in 'predict'
## - implement further family options
## - find better initial parameter values (see polr.R)
## - extract covariance matrix directly from optimizer
## - standardized coefficients
## - unconstrained covariance-matrix for random-effects
## --------------------------------------------------------- #

dev.resids <- function(y, mu, wt) {
  sapply(1:nrow(y), function(i) - 2 * log(mu[i, which(y[i, ] > 0)]))

cumulative <- function(link = c("logit", "probit", "cauchy")) {
  link <- match.arg(link)
  linkinv <- function(eta) {
    cumProbs <- plogis(eta)
    cumProbs <- cbind(cumProbs, rep.int(1.0, nrow(eta)))
    tmp <- apply(cumProbs, 1, diff)
    if (ncol(cumProbs) > 2) tmp <- t(tmp)
    probs <- cbind(cumProbs[, 1], tmp)
  rval <- structure(list(family = "cumulative",
                         link = link,
                         linkinv = linkinv,
                         dev.resids = dev.resids),
                    class = "family.olmm")

baseline <- function(link = "logit") {
  link <- match.arg(link)
  linkinv <- function(eta) {
    probs <- exp(eta) / (1 + matrix(rowSums(exp(eta)), nrow(eta), ncol(eta)))
    probs <- cbind(probs, 1 - rowSums(probs))
  rval <- structure(list(family = "baseline",
                         link = link,
                         linkinv = linkinv,
                         dev.resids = dev.resids),
                    class = "family.olmm")

adjacent <- function(link = "logit") {
  link <- match.arg(link)
  linkinv <- function(eta) {
    probs <- exp(eta) / (1 + matrix(rowSums(exp(eta)), nrow(eta), ncol(eta)))
    probs <- cbind(probs, 1 - rowSums(probs))
  rval <- structure(list(family = "adjacent",
                         link = link,
                         linkinv = linkinv,
                         dev.resids = dev.resids),
                    class = "family.olmm")

print.family.olmm <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("\nFamily:", x$family, "\n")
  cat("Link function:", x$link, "\n\n")

olmm_control <- function(fit = c("nlminb", "ucminf", "optim"), doFit = TRUE,
                         numGrad = FALSE, numHess = numGrad, nGHQ = 7L,
                         start = NULL, restricted = NULL, verbose = FALSE,
                         ...) {
	  ## intial fit vector fit = c("nlminb", "ucminf", "optim") caused an error
	  ## if (length(fit) > 1) fit <- fit[1]
	  fit <- match.arg(fit)
    dArgs <- list(...)
    dArgs <- dArgs[intersect(names(dArgs), names(formals(fit)))]
    dArgs <- dArgs[!names(dArgs) %in% c("par", "fn", "gr")]

    if (fit == "optim" && is.null(dArgs$method)) {
        dArgs$method <- "BFGS"
    if (fit == "optim" &&
        !dArgs$method %in% c("BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B") &&
        !numGrad) {
        numGrad <- TRUE
        warning("'numGrad' is set to TRUE since chosen optimization method ",
                "is not based on gradient search")
    stopifnot(is.logical(doFit) && length(doFit) == 1)
    stopifnot(is.logical(numGrad) && length(numGrad) == 1)
    stopifnot(is.logical(numHess) && length(numHess) == 1)
    if (!numHess & numGrad)
        stop("'numHess' must be TRUE if numGrad is 'TRUE'")
    stopifnot(is.numeric(nGHQ) && length(nGHQ) == 1)
    if (nGHQ != round(nGHQ))
      warning("'nGHQ' is set to ", nGHQ, ".")
    nGHQ <- as.integer(round(nGHQ))
    stopifnot(is.null(start) | is.numeric(start))
    stopifnot(is.null(restricted) | is.character(restricted))
    stopifnot(is.logical(verbose) && length(verbose) == 1)
    rval <- append(list(fit = fit,
                        doFit = doFit,
                        numGrad = numGrad,
                        numHess = numHess,
                        nGHQ = nGHQ,
                        start = start,
                        restricted = restricted,
                        verbose = verbose), dArgs)
    class(rval) <- "olmm_control"

olmm <- function(formula, data, family = cumulative(),
                 weights, subset, na.action = na.omit,
                 offset, contrasts, control = olmm_control(), ...) {

    ## check arguments
    ## append '...' arguments to control
    cArgs <- list(...)
    ## cArgs <- cArgs[intersect(names(cArgs), names(formals(olmm_control)))]
    cArgsNames <- names(cArgs)
    cArgs <- do.call("olmm_control", cArgs)
    control[cArgsNames] <- cArgs[cArgsNames]
    if (control$verbose) cat("* checking arguments ... ")
    mc <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    stopifnot(inherits(formula, "formula"))
    stopifnot(inherits(control, "olmm_control"))

    ## formula
    if (length(attr(terms(
        as.formula(paste("~", deparse(lhs(formula))))), "term.labels")) > 1L)
        stop("the left.hand of the formula must consist of a single term.")
    ## link and family
    if (is.character(family)) {
        family <- get(family, mode = "function", envir = parent.frame())
    } else if (is.function(family)) {
        family <- family()
    if (!inherits(family, c("family", "family.olmm"))) {
        stop("'family' not recognized")
    if (inherits(family, "family")) {
        stop("'family' not recognized")
        ## 2015-10-05: work on gaussian model stopped for a moment
        ## if (family$family %in% "gaussian") {
        ##     class(family) <- c("family.olmm", "olmm")
        ## } else {
        ##     stop("'family' not recognized")
        ## }
        ## if (!family$link %in% "identity") stop("'link' not recognized")
    linkNum <- switch(
        logit = 1L, probit = 2L, cauchy = 3L, identity = 11L)
    famNum <- switch(
        cumulative = 1L, baseline = 2L, adjacent = 3L, gaussian = 11L)

    ## evaluate contrasts
    con <- lapply(1:ncol(data), function(i) attr(data[, i], "contrasts"))
    names(con) <- colnames(data)
    con <- con[which(!unlist(lapply(con, is.null)))]
    if (missing(contrasts)) contrasts <- NULL
    contrasts <- appendDefArgs(contrasts, con)
    ## optimizer control option
    optim <- olmm_optim_setup(x = control, env = environment())
    ## control$numGrad <- control$numHess <- is.null(optim$gr)
    ## set environment
    env <- if (!is.null(list(...)$env))
               list(...)$env else parent.frame(n = 1L)
    ## extract model frames
    if (control$verbose) cat("OK\n* extracting model frames ... ")
    ## decompose model formula
    if (any(substr(all.vars(formula), 1, 3) == "Eta"))
        stop("'Eta' is a reserved label and cannot be used as ",
             "variable name nor as prefix of a variable name.")
    formList <- vcrpart_formula(eval.parent(mc$formula),
                                family = family,
                                env = env)
    if (!is.null(formList$vc)) stop("'vc' terms are not allowed in 'olmm'.")
    ## set full model frame
    m <- match(c("data", "subset", "weights", "na.action"), names(mc), 0L)
    mf <- mc[c(1L, m)] 
    mf$formula <- formList$allTerms
    mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
    mf[[1L]] <- as.name("model.frame")
    fixefmf <- ranefmf <- mf
    fullmf <- eval.parent(mf)

    ## extract responses
    y <- model.response(fullmf)
    if (famNum < 10) {
        if (!is.factor(y)) stop("response must be a 'factor'.")
        if (nlevels(y) < 2L)
            stop("response variable has less than 2 categories.")
    ## extract fixed effect model matrix
    fixefmf$formula <- terms(formList$fe$eta$ce, keep.order = TRUE)
    fixefmfCe <- eval.parent(fixefmf)
    fixefmf$formula <- terms(formList$fe$eta$ge, keep.order = TRUE)
    fixefmfGe <- eval.parent(fixefmf)
    conCe <-
        contrasts[intersect(names(contrasts), all.vars(formList$fe$eta$ce))]
    conGe <-
        contrasts[intersect(names(contrasts), all.vars(formList$fe$eta$ge))]
    X <- olmm_merge_mm(x = model.matrix(terms(fixefmfCe), fullmf, conCe),
                       y = model.matrix(terms(fixefmfGe), fullmf, conGe),
    rownames(X) <- rownames(fullmf)
    X <- olmm_check_mm(X)
    ## intercept term
    if (attr(terms(fixefmfCe), "intercept") == 1L) {
        intVar <- colnames(X)[1L]
        intTerms <- colnames(X)[1L]
    } else {
        intVar <- attr(terms(fixefmfCe, keep.order = TRUE), "term.labels")
        intVar <- if (length(intVar) > 0L) intVar[1L] else NULL
        intTerms <- colnames(X)[attr(X, "assign") == 1L &
                                attr(X, "merge") == 1L]
        if (!is.null(intVar) && !is.factor(fullmf[, intVar])) {
            intVar <- intTerms <- NULL
    ## extract random effect grouping factor 'subject'
    hasRanef <- TRUE
    subjectName <- all.vars(formList$re$cond)
    if (length(subjectName) == 0L) { # hack to permit models without
        ## random effects
        subjectName <- as.character("id")
        formList$re$eta$ge <- as.formula(~ 1)
        formList$re$eta$ce <- as.formula(~ -1)
        formList$re$eta$cond <- as.formula(~id)
        fullmf$id <- factor(1:nrow(fullmf))
        control$start["ranefCholFac1"] <- as.numeric(0)
        control$restricted <- unique(c(control$restricted, "ranefCholFac1"))
        control$nGHQ <- as.integer(1L)
        hasRanef <- FALSE
    subject <- fullmf[, subjectName, drop = TRUE]
    if (!is.factor(subject)) stop("subject variable must be a factor")
    ## extract random effect model matrix W
    ranefmf$formula <- terms(formList$re$eta$ce, keep.order = TRUE)
    ranefmfCe <- eval.parent(ranefmf)
    ranefmf$formula <- terms(formList$re$eta$ge, keep.order = TRUE)
    ranefmfGe <- eval.parent(ranefmf)
    conCe <- contrasts[intersect(names(contrasts),
    conGe <- contrasts[intersect(names(contrasts),
    W <- olmm_merge_mm(x = model.matrix(terms(ranefmfCe), fullmf, conCe),
                       y = model.matrix(terms(ranefmfGe), fullmf, conGe),
    rownames(W) <- rownames(fullmf)
    W <- olmm_check_mm(W)
    ## contrasts
    cons <- append(attr(X, "contrasts"), attr(W, "contrasts"))
    if (!is.null(cons)) cons <- cons[!duplicated(names(cons))]
    if (is.null(cons)) storage.mode(cons) <- "list"
    ## vector for dimensions etc.
    nEta <- if (is.factor(y)) nlevels(y) - 1 else 1 
    dims <- as.integer(c(n = nrow(X), N = nlevels(subject), p = nEta * sum(attr(X, "merge") == 1L) + sum(attr(X, "merge") == 2L), pEta = ncol(X), pInt = length(intTerms), pCe = sum(attr(X, "merge") == 1L), pGe = sum(attr(X, "merge") == 2L), q = nEta * sum(attr(W, "merge") == 1L) + sum(attr(W, "merge") == 2L), qEta = ncol(W), qCe = sum(attr(W, "merge") == 1L), qGe = sum(attr(W, "merge") == 2L), J = nEta + 1, nEta = nEta, nPar = nEta * sum(attr(X, "merge") == 1L) + sum(attr(X, "merge") == 2L) + (nEta * sum(attr(W, "merge") == 1L) + sum(attr(W, "merge") == 2L)) * (1L + nEta * sum(attr(W, "merge") == 1L) + sum(attr(W, "merge") == 2L)) / 2L, nGHQ = control$nGHQ, nQP = control$nGHQ^(nEta * sum(attr(W, "merge") == 1L) + sum(attr(W, "merge") == 2L)), family = famNum, link = linkNum, verb = control$verbose, numGrad = control$numGrad, numHess = control$numHess, doFit = control$doFit, hasRanef = hasRanef))
    names(dims) <- c("n", "N", "p", "pEta", "pInt", "pCe", "pGe", "q", "qEta", "qCe", "qGe", "J", "nEta", "nPar", "nGHQ", "nQP", "family", "link", "verb", "numGrad", "numHess", "doFit", "hasRanef")

    ## parameter names
    parNames <- list(fixef = c(if (dims["pCe"] > 0) paste("Eta", rep(seq(1L, dims["nEta"], 1), each = dims["pCe"]), ":", rep.int(colnames(X)[attr(X, "merge") == 1L], dims["nEta"]), sep = ""), if (dims["pGe"] > 0) colnames(X)[attr(X, "merge") == 2L]), ranefCholFac = paste("ranefCholFac", 1L:(dims["q"] * (dims["q"] + 1L) / 2L ), sep = ""))
    ## set the weights
    if (is.null(model.weights(fullmf))) {
        weights <- as.double(rep.int(1.0, dims["n"]))
        weights_sbj <- as.double(rep.int(1.0, dims["N"]))
    } else { 
        weights <- model.weights(fullmf)
        weights_sbj <- tapply(weights, subject, unique)
        if (is.list(weights_sbj)) {
            stop("'weights' must be constant for subjects")
        } else {
            weights_sbj <- as.double(weights_sbj)
        if (length(weights_sbj) != dims["N"]) {
            stop("'weights' must be constant for subjects")
        if (any(weights < 0.0)) stop("negative 'weights' are not allowed")
    ## set the offset
    if (missing(offset)) offset <- NULL
    if (!is.null(offset) & !is.null(model.offset(fullmf)))
        stop("duplicated specification of 'offset'.")
    if (is.null(offset)) {
        offset <- matrix(0.0, dims["n"], dims["nEta"],
                         dimnames = list(rownames(fullmf),
                                         paste("Eta", 1L:dims["nEta"], sep = "")))
    } else {
        if (!is.null(model.offset(fullmf))) offset <- model.offset(fullmf)
        if (NCOL(offset) == 1L) offset <- matrix(offset, dims["n"], dims["nEta"])
        if (!is.matrix(offset)) stop("'offset' must be a 'matrix'")
        if (ncol(offset) != dims["nEta"])
            stop("'offset should be a 'matrix' with ", dims["nEta"], " columns")
        if (nrow(offset) != nrow(fullmf))
            offset <- offset[-attr(fullmf, "na.action"), , drop = FALSE]
        if (any(is.na(offset))) stop("'offset' contains NA's.")
        if (nrow(offset) != dims["n"]) stop("'offset' has wrong dimensions.")    
    ## weights and nodes for the Gauss-Hermite quadrature integration
    if (hasRanef) {
        gh <- gauss.quad(dims["nGHQ"], "hermite")
        ghx <- olmm_expandQP(gh$nodes, dims["q"]) # with correction
        ghw <- olmm_expandQP(gh$weights * 1 / sqrt(2 * pi) * exp((gh$nodes^2) / 2),
    } else {
        ghx <- matrix(0.0, 1L, 1L)
        ghw <- matrix(1.0, 1L, 1L)
    ## elimination matrix for lower triangular matrices
    ranefElMat <- L.matrix(n = dims["q"])
    ## Likelihood function
    ll_sbj <- rep.int(0.0, dims["N"])
    names(ll_sbj) <- levels(subject)
    ll <- c(0.0)
    ## score function
    score_obs <- matrix(0, dims["n"], dims["nPar"])
    rownames(score_obs) <- rownames(X)
    colnames(score_obs) <- unlist(parNames)
    score_sbj <- matrix(0, dims["N"], dims["nPar"],
                        dimnames = list(levels(subject), unlist(parNames)))
    score <- rep.int(0, dims["nPar"])
    names(score) <- unlist(parNames)
    ## info matrix
    info <- matrix(0, dims["nPar"], dims["nPar"],
                   dimnames = list(unlist(parNames), unlist(parNames)))
    ## linear predictor (without contributions of random effects)
    eta <- matrix(0, dims["n"], dims["nEta"],
                  dimnames = list(rownames(fullmf),
                                  paste("Eta", 1L:dims["nEta"], sep = "")))
    ## inital values
    if (control$verbose) cat("OK\n* setting inital values ... ")
    start <- olmm_start(control$start, dims, parNames, X, W, eta, ranefElMat)
    ## restricted
    restr <- rep.int(FALSE, dims["nPar"])
    names(restr) <- unlist(parNames)
    if (dims["family"] == 3L) control$restricted <- NULL
    ## check and set 'restr'
    if (!is.null(control$restricted)) {
        if (!all(control$restricted %in% names(restr)))
            stop(paste("the coefficient(s) ", paste("'", control$restricted[!control$restricted %in% names(restr)], "'", sep = "", collapse = ", "), " in 'restricted' were not found. The coefficient names are ", paste("'", names(restr), "'", sep = "", collapse = ", "), ".", sep = ""))
        restr[control$restricted] <- TRUE
    ## xlevels
    xlevels <- .getXlevels(attr(fullmf, "terms"), fullmf)
    if (is.null(xlevels)) storage.mode(xlevels) <- "list"
    ## set the transformed random effect matrix
    u <- matrix(0, dims["N"], dims["q"],
                dimnames = list(levels(subject),
    ## get terms and delete environments
    formList <- vcrpart_formula_delEnv(formList)
    terms <- list(feCe = terms(formList$fe$eta$ce, keep.order = TRUE),
                  feGe = terms(formList$fe$eta$ge, keep.order = TRUE),
                  reCe = terms(formList$re$eta$ce, keep.order = TRUE),
                  reGe = terms(formList$re$eta$ge, keep.order = TRUE))
    environment(formula) <- NULL
    attr(attr(fullmf, "terms"), ".Environment") <- NULL
    ## define fit object
    if (control$verbose) cat("OK\n* building the model object ... ")
    object <- structure(
        list(call = mc,
             frame = fullmf,
             formula = formula,
             terms = terms,
             family = family,
             y = y,
             X = X,
             W = W,
             subject = subject,
             subjectName = subjectName,
             weights = weights,
             weights_sbj = weights_sbj,
             offset = offset,
             xlevels = xlevels,
             contrasts = cons,
             dims = dims,
             fixef = start$fixef,
             ranefCholFac = start$ranefCholFac,
             coefficients = start$coefficients,
             restricted = restr,
             eta = eta,
             u = u,
             logLik_sbj = ll_sbj,
             logLik = ll,
             score_obs = score_obs,
             score_sbj = score_sbj,
             score = score,
             info = info,
             ghx = ghx,
             ghw = ghw,
             ranefElMat = ranefElMat,
             control = control,
             optim = optim,
             output = list(),
             converged = FALSE),
        class = "olmm")
    ## delete big data blocks
    # rm(list = ls()[!ls() %in% c("dims", "object")]) # commented out this after mail of konstanze.lauseker@wu.ac.at at 2024-05-03
    if (dims["doFit"] > 0L) {
        ## set fitting evironment
        if (dims["verb"] > 0L)
            cat("OK\n* setting up the fitting environment ... ")
        ## set start parameters
        object$optim[[1L]] <- object$coefficients
        object$optim[[4L]] <- object$restricted
        ## fit the model
        if (dims["verb"] > 0L) cat("OK\n* fitting the model ... ")
        if (!is.null(object$optim$control$trace) &&
            object$optim$control$trace > 0L)
        ## extract the function for fitting the model
        FUN <- object$optim$fit
        subs <- which(names(object$optim) == "fit")
        object$optim <- object$optim[-subs]
        object$optim$env <- environment()
        systemTime <- system.time(
            object$output <-
                suppressWarnings(do.call(FUN, object$optim)))
        object$optim$fit <- FUN
        ## overwrite slots
        new <- .Call("olmm_update_marg", object, object$output$par,
                     PACKAGE = "vcrpart")
        object <- modifyList(object, new)
        ## print messages for opimization
        if (dims["verb"] > 0L) {
            cat(paste("OK\n\toptimization time:",
                      signif(systemTime[3L], 3L),
                      "seconds", sep = " "))
            if (is.null(object$output$message)) {
                cat("\n\tno message returned by the optimizer")
            } else {
                cat(paste("\n\tmessage: ", object$output$message, sep = ""))
        ## warnings from optimization
        olmm_optim_warnings(object$output, FUN)
        object$converged <- switch(
            optim = object$output$convergence == 0,
            nlminb = object$output$convergence == 0,
            ucminf = object$output$convergence %in% c(1, 2, 4))
        ## numeric estimate of fisher information
        if (dims["numHess"] == 1L) {
            if (dims["verb"] > 0L)
                cat("\n* computing the approximative hessian matrix ... ")
            object$info[] <- # replace the info slot
                - hessian(
                      func = object$optim[[2L]],
                      x = object$coefficients,
                      method.args = list(func = if (dims["numGrad"]) object$optim[[3L]] else NULL),
                      restricted = rep.int(FALSE, dims["nPar"]),
                      env = object$optim$env)
            if (dims["verb"] > 0L) cat("OK")
        if (dims["verb"] > 0L) {
            eigenHess <- eigen(object$info, only.values = TRUE)$values
            condHess <- abs(max(eigenHess) / min(eigenHess))
            cat("\n\tcondition number of Hessian matrix:",
                format(condHess, digits = 2L, scientific = TRUE))
        ## fit / predict random effects   
        ## compute expected standardized random effects
        if (dims["hasRanef"] > 0) {
            if (dims["verb"] > 0L) cat("\n* predicting random effects ... ")
            object$u <- .Call("olmm_update_u", object, PACKAGE = "vcrpart")
            if (dims["verb"] > 0L) cat("OK")
        ## reset environment of estimation equations
        environment(object$optim[[2L]]) <- baseenv()
        if (dims["numGrad"] < 1L)
            environment(object$optim[[3]]) <- baseenv()
        if (dims["verb"] > 0L)
            cat("\n* computations finished, return model object\n")
    } else {
        ## update the object with the current estimates
        new <- .Call("olmm_update_marg", object, object$coefficients,
                     PACKAGE = "vcrpart")
        object <- modifyList(object, new)
        if (dims["hasRanef"] > 0L)
            object$u <- .Call("olmm_update_u", object, PACKAGE = "vcrpart")
        if (dims["verb"] > 0L)
            cat("\n* no computations processed, return model object\n")

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vcrpart documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:23 a.m.