

# rows --------------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("empty inputs return an empty data frame", {
  expect_equal(vec_rbind(), data_frame())
  expect_equal(vec_rbind(NULL, NULL), data_frame())

test_that("vec_rbind(): NULL is idempotent", {
  df <- data_frame(x = 1)
  expect_equal(vec_rbind(df, NULL), df)

test_that("vec_rbind() output is tibble if any input is tibble", {
  df <- data_frame(x = 1)
  dt <- tibble::tibble(x = 1)

  expect_s3_class(vec_rbind(dt), "tbl_df")
  expect_s3_class(vec_rbind(dt, df), "tbl_df")
  expect_s3_class(vec_rbind(df, dt), "tbl_df")

test_that("type of column is common type of individual columns", {
  x_int <- data_frame(x = 1L)
  x_dbl <- data_frame(x = 2.5)

  expect_equal(vec_rbind(x_int, x_int), data_frame(x = c(1L, 1L)))
  expect_equal(vec_rbind(x_int, x_dbl), data_frame(x = c(1, 2.5)))

test_that("incompatible columns throws common type error", {
  x_int <- data_frame(x = 1L)
  x_chr <- data_frame(x = "a")

      vec_rbind(x_int, x_chr),
      class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type"
      vec_rbind(x_int, x_chr, .error_call = call("foo")),
      class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type"
      vec_rbind(x_int, x_chr, .ptype = x_chr, .error_call = call("foo")),
      class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type"

test_that("result contains union of columns", {
      data_frame(x = 1),
      data_frame(y = 1)
    c("x" , "y")

      data_frame(y = 1, x = 1),
      data_frame(y = 1, z = 2)
    c("y", "x", "z")

test_that("all inputs coerced to data frames", {
    vec_rbind(data_frame(x = 1L), c(x = 1.5)),
    data_frame(x = c(1, 1.5))

test_that("names are supplied if needed", {
  expect_snapshot(out <- vec_rbind(data_frame(...1 = 1), 1))
  expect_equal(out, data_frame(...1 = c(1, 1)))

test_that("matrix becomes data frame and has names properly repaired", {
  x <- matrix(1:4, nrow = 2)
  expect_equal(vec_rbind(x), data.frame(...1 = 1:2, ...2 = 3:4))

test_that("can bind data.frame columns", {
  df <- data.frame(x = NA, y = 1:2)
  df$x <- data.frame(a = 1:2)

  expected <- data.frame(x = NA, y = c(1:2, 1:2))
  expected$x <- data.frame(a = c(1:2, 1:2))

  expect_equal(vec_rbind(df, df), expected)

test_that("can rbind unspecified vectors", {
  expect_identical(vec_rbind(NA), data_frame(...1 = NA))
  expect_identical(vec_rbind(NA, NA), data_frame(...1 = lgl(NA, NA)))

  df <- data.frame(x = 1)
  expect_identical(vec_rbind(NA, df), data.frame(x = c(NA, 1)))
  expect_identical(vec_rbind(df, NA), data.frame(x = c(1, NA)))
  expect_identical(vec_rbind(NA, df, NA), data.frame(x = c(NA, 1, NA)))
  expect_identical(vec_rbind(c(x = NA), data.frame(x = 1)), data.frame(x = c(NA, 1)))
  expect_identical(vec_rbind(c(y = NA), df), data.frame(y = c(NA, NA), x = c(NA, 1)))

  out <- suppressMessages(vec_rbind(c(x = NA, x = NA), df))
  exp <- data.frame(x...1 = c(NA, NA), x...2 = c(NA, NA), x = c(NA, 1))
  expect_identical(out, exp)

test_that("as_df_row() tidies the names of unspecified vectors", {
  expect_identical(as_df_row(c(NA, NA)), c(NA, NA))
  expect_identical(as_df_row(unspecified(2)), unspecified(2))
  expect_identical(as_df_row(c(a = NA, a = NA), quiet = TRUE), data.frame(a...1 = NA, a...2 = NA))
  expect_identical(as_df_row(c(a = TRUE, a = TRUE), quiet = TRUE), data.frame(a...1 = TRUE, a...2 = TRUE))

test_that("can rbind spliced lists", {
  data <- list(c(a = 1, b = 2), c(a = TRUE, b = FALSE))
  expect_identical(vec_rbind(!!!data), data_frame(a = c(1, 1), b = c(2, 0)))

test_that("can rbind list columns", {
  out <- vec_rbind(data_frame(x = list(1, 2)), data_frame(x = list(3)))
  expect_identical(out, data_frame(x = list(1, 2, 3)))

test_that("can rbind lists", {
  out <- vec_rbind(list(x = 1:2))
  expect_identical(out, data_frame(x = list(c(1L, 2L))))

  out <- vec_rbind(list(x = 1:2, y = 3L))
  expect_identical(out, data_frame(x = list(c(1L, 2L)), y = list(3L)))

  out <- vec_rbind(list(x = 1, y = 2), list(y = "string"))
  expect_identical(out, data_frame(x = list(1, NULL), y = list(2, "string")))

test_that("can rbind factors", {
  fctr <- factor(c("a", "b"))
  expect_equal(vec_rbind(fctr), data_frame(...1 = fctr[1], ...2 = fctr[2]))

  fctr_named <- set_names(fctr)
  expect_equal(vec_rbind(fctr_named), data_frame(a = fctr[1], b = fctr[2]))

test_that("can rbind dates", {
  date <- new_date(c(0, 1))
  expect_equal(vec_rbind(date), data_frame(...1 = date[1], ...2 = date[2]))

  date_named <- set_names(date, c("a", "b"))
  expect_equal(vec_rbind(date_named), data_frame(a = date[1], b = date[2]))

test_that("can rbind POSIXlt objects into POSIXct objects", {
  datetime <- as.POSIXlt(new_datetime(0))
  expect_s3_class(vec_rbind(datetime, datetime)[[1]], "POSIXct")

  datetime_named <- set_names(datetime, "col")
  expect_named(vec_rbind(datetime_named, datetime_named), "col")

test_that("can rbind table objects (#913)", {
  x <- new_table(1:4, c(2L, 2L))
  y <- x

  colnames <- c("c1", "c2")
  rownames <- c("r1", "r2", "r3", "r4")

  dimnames(x) <- list(rownames[1:2], colnames)
  dimnames(y) <- list(rownames[3:4], colnames)

  expect <- data.frame(c1 = c(1:2, 1:2), c2 = c(3:4, 3:4), row.names = rownames)

  expect_identical(vec_rbind(x, y), expect)

test_that("can rbind missing vectors", {
  expect_identical(vec_rbind(c(x = na_int)), data_frame(x = na_int))
  expect_identical(vec_rbind(c(x = na_int), c(x = na_int)), data_frame(x = int(na_int, na_int)))

test_that("vec_rbind() respects size invariants (#286)", {
  expect_identical(vec_rbind(), new_data_frame(n = 0L))

  expect_identical(vec_rbind(int(), int()), new_data_frame(n = 2L))
  expect_identical(vec_rbind(c(x = int()), c(x = TRUE)), new_data_frame(list(x = lgl(NA, TRUE))))

  expect_identical(vec_rbind(int(), new_data_frame(n = 2L), int()), new_data_frame(n = 4L))

test_that("can repair names in `vec_rbind()` (#229)", {
    (expect_error(vec_rbind(.name_repair = "none"), "can't be `\"none\"`"))
    (expect_error(vec_rbind(.name_repair = "minimal"), "can't be `\"minimal\"`"))
    (expect_error(vec_rbind(list(a = 1, a = 2), .name_repair = "check_unique"), class = "vctrs_error_names_must_be_unique"))

  expect_named(vec_rbind(list(a = 1, a = 2), .name_repair = "unique"), c("a...1", "a...2"))

  expect_named(vec_rbind(list(`_` = 1)), "_")
  expect_named(vec_rbind(list(`_` = 1), .name_repair = "universal"), c("._"))

  expect_named(vec_rbind(list(a = 1, a = 2), .name_repair = ~ toupper(.)), c("A", "A"))

test_that("can repair names quietly", {

    res_unique <- vec_rbind(c(x = 1, x = 2), c(x = 3, x = 4), .name_repair = "unique_quiet")
    res_universal <- vec_rbind(c("if" = 1, "in" = 2), c("if" = 3, "for" = 4), .name_repair = "universal_quiet")
  expect_named(res_unique, c("x...1", "x...2"))
  expect_named(res_universal, c(".if", ".in", ".for"))

test_that("can construct an id column", {
  df <- data.frame(x = 1)

  expect_named(vec_rbind(df, df, .names_to = "id"), c("id", "x"))
  expect_equal(vec_rbind(df, df, .names_to = "id")$id, c(1L, 2L))

  expect_equal(vec_rbind(a = df, b = df, .names_to = "id")$id, c("a", "b"))

  expect_equal(vec_rbind(a = df, df, .names_to = "id")$id, c("a", ""))

test_that("vec_rbind() fails with arrays of dimensionality > 3", {
    (expect_error(vec_rbind(array(NA, c(1, 1, 1)))))
    (expect_error(vec_rbind(array(NA, c(1, 1, 1)), .error_call = call("foo"))))

test_that("row names are preserved by vec_rbind()", {
  df1 <- mtcars[1:3, ]
  df2 <- mtcars[4:5, ]
  expect_identical(vec_rbind(df1, df2), mtcars[1:5, ])

  row.names(df2) <- NULL
  out <- mtcars[1:5, ]
  row.names(out) <- c(row.names(df1), "...4", "...5")
  expect_identical(vec_rbind(df1, df2), out)

test_that("can assign row names in vec_rbind()", {
  df1 <- mtcars[1:3, ]
  df2 <- mtcars[4:5, ]

        foo = df1,
        .names_to = NULL

  # Combination
  out <- vec_rbind(
    foo = df1,
    .names_to = NULL,
    .name_spec = "{outer}_{inner}"
  exp <- mtcars[1:5, ]
  row.names(exp) <- c(paste0("foo_", row.names(df1)), row.names(df2))
  expect_identical(out, exp)

  out <- vec_rbind(foo = df1, df2, .names_to = "id")
  exp <- mtcars[1:5, ]
  exp <- vec_cbind(id = c(rep("foo", 3), rep("", 2)), exp)
  expect_identical(out, exp)

  # Sequence
  out <- vec_rbind(
    foo = unrownames(df1),
    bar = unrownames(mtcars[6, ]),
    .names_to = NULL,
    .name_spec = "{outer}_{inner}"
  exp <- mtcars[1:6, ]
  row.names(exp) <- c(paste0("foo_", 1:3), row.names(df2), "bar")
  expect_identical(out, exp)

  out <- vec_rbind(
    foo = unrownames(df1),
    bar = unrownames(mtcars[6, ]),
    .names_to = "id"
  exp <- mtcars[1:6, ]
  exp <- vec_cbind(id = c(rep("foo", 3), rep("", 2), "bar"), exp)
  row.names(exp) <- c(paste0("...", 1:3), row.names(df2), "...6")
  expect_identical(out, exp)

test_that("vec_rbind() takes the proxy and restores", {
  df <- foobar(data.frame(x = 1))

  # This data frame subclass has an identity proxy and the restore
  # method falls back to a bare data frame if `$x` has any missing values.
  # In `vec_rbind()`, the `vec_init()` call will create a bare data frame,
  # but at the end it is `vec_restore()`d to the right class.
    vec_ptype2.vctrs_foobar.vctrs_foobar = function(x, y, ...) {
    vec_cast.vctrs_foobar.vctrs_foobar = function(x, to, ...) {
    vec_proxy.vctrs_foobar = function(x, ...) {
    vec_restore.vctrs_foobar = function(x, to, ...) {
      if (any(is.na(x$x))) {
      } else {
        vec_restore_default(x, to)

    vec_rbind(df, df),
    foobar(data.frame(x = c(1, 1)))

test_that("vec_rbind() proxies before initializing", {
  df <- foobar(data.frame(x = 1))

  # This data frame subclass doesn't allow `NA`s in columns.
  # If initialization happened before proxying, it would try to
  # create `NA` rows with `vec_init()`.
    vec_ptype2.vctrs_foobar.vctrs_foobar = function(x, y, ...) {
    vec_cast.vctrs_foobar.vctrs_foobar = function(x, to, ...) {
    vec_proxy.vctrs_foobar = function(x, ...) {
    vec_restore.vctrs_foobar = function(x, to, ...) {
      if (any(is.na(x$x))) {
        abort("`x` can't have NA values.")
      vec_restore_default(x, to)

    vec_rbind(df, df),
    foobar(data.frame(x = c(1, 1)))

test_that("vec_rbind() requires a data frame proxy for data frame ptypes", {
  df <- foobar(data.frame(x = 1))

    vec_ptype2.vctrs_foobar.vctrs_foobar = function(x, y, ...) x,
    vec_cast.vctrs_foobar.vctrs_foobar = function(x, to, ...) x,
    vec_proxy.vctrs_foobar = function(x, ...) 1

    vec_rbind(df, df),
    "Can't fill a data frame that doesn't have a data frame proxy"

test_that("monitoring: name repair while rbinding doesn't modify in place", {
  df <- new_data_frame(list(x = 1, x = 1))
  expect <- new_data_frame(list(x = 1, x = 1))

  # Name repair occurs
  expect_named(vec_rbind(df), c("x...1", "x...2"))

  # No changes to `df`
  expect_identical(df, expect)

test_that("performance: Row binding with S3 columns doesn't duplicate on every assignment (#1151)", {

  x <- as.Date("2000-01-01")
  x <- rep(x, 100)
  df <- data.frame(x = x)
  lst <- rep_len(list(df), 10000)

  expect_time_lt(vec_rbind(!!!lst), 5)

test_that("performance: Row binding with df-cols doesn't duplicate on every assignment (#1122)", {

  df_col <- new_data_frame(list(x = 1:1000))
  df <- new_data_frame(list(y = df_col))

  lst <- rep_len(list(df), 10000)

  expect_time_lt(vec_rbind(!!!lst), 5)

# cols --------------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("vec_cbind() reports error context", {
    (expect_error(vec_cbind(foobar(list()), .error_call = call("foo"))))

    (expect_error(vec_cbind(a = 1:2, b = int())))
    (expect_error(vec_cbind(a = 1:2, b = int(), .error_call = call("foo"))))

test_that("empty inputs give data frame", {
  expect_equal(vec_cbind(), data_frame())
  expect_equal(vec_cbind(NULL), data_frame())
  expect_equal(vec_cbind(data.frame(a = 1), NULL), data_frame(a = 1))

test_that("number of rows is preserved with zero column data frames (#1281)", {
  df <- new_data_frame(n = 2L)
  expect_size(vec_cbind(df, df), 2L)

test_that("vec_cbind(): NULL is idempotent", {
  df <- data_frame(x = 1)
  expect_equal(vec_cbind(df, NULL), df)

test_that("outer names are respected", {
  expect_named(vec_cbind(x = 1, y = 4), c("x", "y"))
  expect_named(vec_cbind(a = data.frame(x = 1)), "a")

test_that("inner names are respected", {
  expect_named(vec_cbind(data_frame(x = 1), data_frame(y = 1)), c("x", "y"))

test_that("nameless vectors get tidy defaults", {
  expect_named(vec_cbind(1:2, 1), c("...1", "...2"))

test_that("matrix becomes data frame", {
  x <- matrix(1:4, nrow = 2)
  expect_equal(vec_cbind(x), data.frame(...1 = 1:2, ...2 = 3:4))

  # Packed if named
  expect_equal(vec_cbind(x = x), data_frame(x = x))

test_that("duplicate names are de-deduplicated", {

    (expect_named(vec_cbind(x = 1, x = 1), c("x...1", "x...2")))
    (expect_named(vec_cbind(data.frame(x = 1), data.frame(x = 1)), c("x...1", "x...2")))

test_that("rows recycled to longest", {
  df <- data.frame(x = 1:3)

  expect_dim(vec_cbind(df), c(3, 1))
  expect_dim(vec_cbind(df, NULL), c(3, 1))
  expect_dim(vec_cbind(df, y = 1), c(3, 2))
  expect_dim(vec_cbind(data.frame(x = 1), y = 1:3), c(3, 2))

      data.frame(a = 1, b = 2),
      y = 1:3
    c(3, 3)

test_that("vec_cbind() output is tibble if any input is tibble", {
  df <- data.frame(x = 1)
  dt <- tibble::tibble(y = 2)

  expect_s3_class(vec_cbind(dt), "tbl_df")
  expect_s3_class(vec_cbind(df, dt), "tbl_df")
  expect_s3_class(vec_cbind(dt, df), "tbl_df")

test_that("can override default .nrow", {
  expect_dim(vec_cbind(x = 1, .size = 3), c(3, 1))

test_that("can repair names in `vec_cbind()` (#227)", {
    (expect_error(vec_cbind(a = 1, a = 2, .name_repair = "none"), "can't be `\"none\"`"))
    (expect_error(vec_cbind(a = 1, a = 2, .name_repair = "check_unique"), class = "vctrs_error_names_must_be_unique"))

  expect_named(vec_cbind(a = 1, a = 2, .name_repair = "unique"), c("a...1", "a...2"))

  expect_named(vec_cbind(`_` = 1, .name_repair = "universal"), "._")

  expect_named(vec_cbind(a = 1, a = 2, .name_repair = "minimal"), c("a", "a"))
  expect_named(vec_cbind(a = 1, a = 2, .name_repair = toupper), c("A", "A"))

test_that("can repair names quietly", {

    res_unique <- vec_cbind(x = 1, x = 2, .name_repair = "unique_quiet")
    res_universal <- vec_cbind("if" = 1, "in" = 2, .name_repair = "universal_quiet")
  expect_named(res_unique, c("x...1", "x...2"))
  expect_named(res_universal, c(".if", ".in"))

test_that("can supply `.names_to` to `vec_rbind()` (#229)", {
    (expect_error(vec_rbind(.names_to = letters)))
    (expect_error(vec_rbind(.names_to = 10)))
    (expect_error(vec_rbind(.names_to = letters, .error_call = call("foo"))))

  x <- data_frame(foo = 1:2, bar = 3:4)
  y <- data_frame(foo = 5L, bar = 6L)

    vec_rbind(a = x, b = y, .names_to = "quux"),
    data_frame(quux = c("a", "a", "b"), foo = c(1L, 2L, 5L), bar = c(3L, 4L, 6L))
    vec_rbind(a = x, b = y, .names_to = "foo"),
    data_frame(foo = c("a", "a", "b"), bar = c(3L, 4L, 6L))

  # No names
    vec_rbind(x, y, .names_to = "quux"),
    data_frame(quux = c(1L, 1L, 2L), foo = c(1L, 2L, 5L), bar = c(3L, 4L, 6L))
    vec_rbind(x, y, .names_to = "foo"),
    data_frame(foo = c(1L, 1L, 2L), bar = c(3L, 4L, 6L))

  # Partial names
  expect_identical(vec_rbind(x, b = y, .names_to = "quux")$quux, c("", "", "b"))

test_that("can supply existing `.names_to`", {
  x <- data.frame(a = 1, id = TRUE)
    vec_rbind(foo = x, bar = c(a = 2), .names_to = "id"),
    data_frame(a = c(1, 2), id = c("foo", "bar"))

  y <- data.frame(id = TRUE, a = 1)
    vec_rbind(foo = y, bar = c(a = 2), .names_to = "id"),
    data_frame(id = c("foo", "bar"), a = c(1, 2))

test_that("vec_cbind() returns visibly (#452)", {
  # Shouldn't be needed once `check_unique` is implemented in C
  expect_visible(vctrs::vec_cbind(x = 1, .name_repair = "check_unique"))

test_that("vec_cbind() packs named data frames (#446)", {
  expect_identical(vec_cbind(data_frame(y = 1:3)), data_frame(y = 1:3))
  expect_identical(vec_cbind(x = data_frame(y = 1:3)), data_frame(x = data_frame(y = 1:3)))

test_that("vec_cbind() packs 1d arrays", {
  a <- array(1:2)
  expect_identical(vec_cbind(a), data_frame(...1 = 1:2))
  expect_identical(vec_cbind(x = a), data_frame(x = a))

test_that("vec_cbind() packs named matrices", {
  m <- matrix(1:4, 2)
  expect_identical(vec_cbind(m), data_frame(...1 = 1:2, ...2 = 3:4))
  expect_identical(vec_cbind(x = m), data_frame(x = m))

test_that("vec_cbind() never packs named vectors", {
  expect_identical(vec_cbind(1:2), data_frame(...1 = 1:2))
  expect_identical(vec_cbind(x = 1:2), data_frame(x = 1:2))

test_that("names are repaired late if unpacked", {
  df <- data_frame(b = 2, b = 3, .name_repair = "minimal")
  out1 <- vec_cbind(a = 1, df)
  out2 <- vec_cbind(a = 1, as.matrix(df))
  out3 <- vec_cbind(a = 1, matrix(1:2, nrow = 1))
  expect_named(out1, c("a", "b...2", "b...3"))
  expect_named(out2, c("a", "b...2", "b...3"))
  expect_named(out3, c("a", "...2", "...3"))

test_that("names are not repaired if packed", {
  df <- data_frame(b = 2, b = 3, .name_repair = "minimal")
  out1 <- vec_cbind(a = 1, packed = df)
  out2 <- vec_cbind(a = 1, packed = as.matrix(df))
  out3 <- vec_cbind(a = 1, packed = matrix(1:2, nrow = 1))

  expect_named(out1, c("a", "packed"))
  expect_named(out2, c("a", "packed"))
  expect_named(out3, c("a", "packed"))

  expect_named(out1$packed, c("b", "b"))
  expect_identical(colnames(out2$packed), c("b", "b"))
  expect_identical(colnames(out3$packed), NULL)

test_that("vec_cbind() fails with arrays of dimensionality > 3", {
  a <- array(NA, c(1, 1, 1))

    (expect_error(vec_cbind(a, .error_call = call("foo"))))
    (expect_error(vec_cbind(x = a)))

test_that("monitoring: name repair while cbinding doesn't modify in place", {
  df <- new_data_frame(list(x = 1, x = 1))
  expect <- new_data_frame(list(x = 1, x = 1))

  # Name repair occurs
  expect_named(vec_cbind(df), c("x...1", "x...2"))

  # No changes to `df`
  expect_identical(df, expect)

test_that("vec_rbind() consistently handles unnamed outputs", {
  # Name repair of columns is a little weird but unclear we can do better
    vec_rbind(1, 2, .names_to = NULL),
    data.frame(...1 = c(1, 2))
    vec_rbind(1, 2, ...10 = 3, .names_to = NULL),
    data.frame(...1 = c(1, 2, 3), row.names = c("...1", "...2", "...3"))

    vec_rbind(a = 1, b = 2, .names_to = NULL),
    data.frame(...1 = c(1, 2), row.names = c("a", "b"))
    vec_rbind(c(a = 1), c(b = 2), .names_to = NULL),
    data.frame(a = c(1, NA), b = c(NA, 2))

test_that("vec_rbind() ignores named inputs by default (#966)", {
    vec_rbind(foo = c(a = 1)),
    data.frame(a = 1)
    vec_rbind(foo = c(a = 1), .names_to = NULL),
    data.frame(a = 1, row.names = "foo")

test_that("vec_cbind() consistently handles unnamed outputs", {
    vec_cbind(1, 2),
    data.frame(...1 = 1, ...2 = 2)
    vec_cbind(1, 2, ...10 = 3),
    data.frame(...1 = 1, ...2 = 2, ...3 = 3)
    vec_cbind(a = 1, b = 2),
    data.frame(a = 1, b = 2)
    vec_cbind(c(a = 1), c(b = 2)),
    new_data_frame(list(...1 = c(a = 1), ...2 = c(b = 2)))

test_that("vec_rbind() name repair messages are useful", {

    vec_rbind(1, 2)
    vec_rbind(1, 2, .names_to = NULL)

    vec_rbind(1, 2, ...10 = 3)
    vec_rbind(1, 2, ...10 = 3, .names_to = NULL)

    vec_rbind(a = 1, b = 2)
    vec_rbind(a = 1, b = 2, .names_to = NULL)

    vec_rbind(c(a = 1), c(b = 2))
    vec_rbind(c(a = 1), c(b = 2), .names_to = NULL)

test_that("vec_rbind() is silent when assigning duplicate row names of df-cols", {
  df <- new_data_frame(list(x = mtcars[1:3, 1, drop = FALSE]))

  expect_snapshot(vec_rbind(df, df))
  expect_snapshot(vec_rbind(mtcars[1:4, ], mtcars[1:3, ]))

test_that("vec_cbind() name repair messages are useful", {

    vec_cbind(1, 2)
    vec_cbind(1, 2, ...10 = 3)
    vec_cbind(a = 1, b = 2)
    vec_cbind(c(a = 1), c(b = 2))

test_that("cbind() deals with row names", {
    vec_cbind(mtcars[1:3], foo = 1),
    cbind(mtcars[1:3], foo = 1)
    vec_cbind(mtcars[1:3], mtcars[4]),
    cbind(mtcars[1:3], mtcars[4])

  out <- vec_cbind(
    mtcars[1, 1, drop = FALSE],
    unrownames(mtcars[1:3, 2, drop = FALSE])
  exp <- mtcars[1:3, c(1, 2)]
  exp[[1]] <- exp[[1, 1]]
  row.names(exp) <- paste0(c("Mazda RX4..."), 1:3)
  expect_identical(out, exp)

test_that("prefer row names of first named input (#1058)", {
  df0 <- unrownames(mtcars[1:5, 1:3])
  df1 <- mtcars[1:5, 4:6]
  df2 <- mtcars[5:1, 7:9]

    row.names(vec_cbind(df0, df1, df2)),
    row.names(vec_cbind(df0, df2, df1)),

test_that("can rbind data frames with matrix columns (#625)", {
  df <- tibble(x = 1:2, y = matrix(1:4, nrow = 2))
  expect_identical(vec_rbind(df, df), vec_slice(df, c(1, 2, 1, 2)))

test_that("rbind repairs names of data frames (#704)", {
  df <- data_frame(x = 1, x = 2, .name_repair = "minimal")
  df_repaired <- data_frame(x...1 = 1, x...2 = 2)
  expect_identical(vec_rbind(df), df_repaired)
  expect_identical(vec_rbind(df, df), vec_rbind(df_repaired, df_repaired))

      vec_rbind(df, df, .name_repair = "check_unique"),
      class = "vctrs_error_names_must_be_unique"
      vec_rbind(df, df, .name_repair = "check_unique", .error_call = call("foo")),
      class = "vctrs_error_names_must_be_unique"

test_that("vec_rbind() works with simple homogeneous foreign S3 classes", {
    vec_rbind(set_names(foobar(1), "x"), set_names(foobar(2), "x")),
    data_frame(x = foobar(c(1, 2)))

test_that("vec_rbind() works with simple homogeneous foreign S4 classes", {

  joe1 <- .Counts(1L, name = "Joe")
  joe2 <- .Counts(2L, name = "Joe")

    vec_rbind(set_names(joe1, "x"), set_names(joe2, "x")),
    data_frame(x = .Counts(1:2, name = "Joe"))

test_that("vec_rbind() fails with complex foreign S3 classes", {
    x <- structure(foobar(1), attr_foo = "foo")
    y <- structure(foobar(2), attr_bar = "bar")

      vec_rbind(set_names(x, "x"), set_names(y, "x")),
      class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type"

test_that("vec_rbind() fails with complex foreign S4 classes", {

    joe <- .Counts(1L, name = "Joe")
    jane <- .Counts(2L, name = "Jane")
    (expect_error(vec_rbind(set_names(joe, "x"), set_names(jane, "y")), class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type"))

test_that("vec_rbind() falls back to c() if S3 method is available", {
  x <- foobar(1, foo = 1)
  y <- foobar(2, bar = 2)

  x_df <- data_frame(x = x)
  y_df <- data_frame(x = y)

  expect_error(vec_rbind(x_df, y_df), class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type")
  expect_error(vec_c(x_df, y_df), class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type")
  expect_error(list_unchop(list(x_df, y_df), indices = list(1, 2)), class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type")

  with_c_method <- function(expr) {
      c.vctrs_foobar = function(...) quux(NextMethod()),

  out <- with_c_method(vec_rbind(x_df, y_df))
  exp <- data_frame(x = quux(c(1, 2)))
  expect_identical(out, exp)

  expect_identical(with_c_method(vec_c(x_df, y_df)), exp)
    with_c_method(list_unchop(list(x_df, y_df), indices = list(1, 2))),

  # Fallback is used with data frame subclasses, with or without
  # ptype2 method
  foo_df <- foobaz(x_df)
  bar_df <- foobaz(y_df)

  out <- with_c_method(vec_rbind(foo_df, bar_df))
  exp <- foobaz(data_frame(x = quux(c(1, 2))))
  expect_identical(out, exp)

  expect_identical(with_c_method(vec_c(foo_df, bar_df)), exp)
    with_c_method(list_unchop(list(foo_df, bar_df), indices = list(1, 2))),

  with_hybrid_methods <- function(expr, cast = TRUE) {
    methods <- list(
      c.vctrs_foobar = function(...) quux(NextMethod()),
      vec_ptype2.vctrs_foobaz.vctrs_foobaz = function(...) foobaz(df_ptype2(...)),
      vec_cast.vctrs_foobaz.vctrs_foobaz = if (cast) function(...) foobaz(df_cast(...))
    with_methods(expr, !!!compact(methods))

      cast = FALSE,
      vec_rbind(foo_df, bar_df)
    foobaz(data_frame(x = quux(c(1, 2))))

  # Falls back to data frame because there is no ptype2/cast methods
  out <- with_hybrid_methods(vec_rbind(foo_df, bar_df))
  exp <- foobaz(data_frame(x = quux(c(1, 2))))
  expect_identical(out, exp)

  expect_identical(with_hybrid_methods(vec_c(foo_df, bar_df)), exp)
    with_hybrid_methods(list_unchop(list(foo_df, bar_df), indices = list(1, 2))),

  wrapper_x_df <- data_frame(x = x_df)
  wrapper_y_df <- data_frame(x = y_df)

  out <- with_c_method(vec_rbind(wrapper_x_df, wrapper_y_df))
  exp <- data_frame(x = data_frame(x = quux(c(1, 2))))
  expect_identical(out, exp)

  expect_identical(with_c_method(vec_c(wrapper_x_df, wrapper_y_df)), exp)
    with_c_method(list_unchop(list(wrapper_x_df, wrapper_y_df), indices = list(1, 2))),

test_that("c() fallback works with unspecified columns", {
    c.vctrs_foobar = function(...) foobar(NextMethod()),
    `[.vctrs_foobar` = function(x, i, ...) foobar(NextMethod(), dispatched = TRUE)

  out <- vec_rbind(
    data_frame(x = foobar(1)),
    data_frame(y = foobar(2))
  expect_identical(out, data_frame(
    x = foobar(c(1, NA), dispatched = TRUE),
    y = foobar(c(NA, 2), dispatched = TRUE)

test_that("c() fallback works with vctrs-powered data frame subclass", {
    c.vctrs_quux = function(...) quux(vec_paste0(NextMethod(), "-c")),
    `[.vctrs_quux` = function(x, i, ...) quux(vec_paste0(NextMethod(), "-["))

  ### Joint case
  df1 <- foobar(data_frame(x = quux(1:3)))
  df2 <- data_frame(x = quux(4:5))

  out <- vctrs::vec_rbind(df1, df2)
  exp <- foobar(data_frame(x = quux(paste0(1:5, "-c"))))
  expect_identical(out, exp)

  out <- vctrs::vec_rbind(df2, df1)
  exp <- foobar(data_frame(x = quux(paste0(c(4:5, 1:3), "-c"))))
  expect_identical(out, exp)

  ### Disjoint case
  df1 <- foobar(data_frame(x = quux(1:3)))
  df2 <- data.frame(y = 4:5)

  out <- vctrs::vec_rbind(df1, df2)
  exp <- foobar(data_frame(
    x = quux(c(paste0(1:3, "-c-["), paste0(c(NA, NA), "-["))),
    y = c(rep(NA, 3), 4:5)
  expect_identical(out, exp)

  out <- vctrs::vec_rbind(df2, df1)
  exp <- foobar(data_frame(
    y = c(4:5, rep(NA, 3)),
    x = quux(c(paste0(c(NA, NA), "-["), paste0(1:3, "-c-[")))
  expect_identical(out, exp)

test_that("vec_rbind() falls back to c() if S3 method is available for S4 class", {
  joe <- data_frame(x = .Counts(c(1L, 2L), name = "Joe"))
  jane <- data_frame(x = .Counts(3L, name = "Jane"))

  expect_error(vec_rbind(joe, jane), class = "vctrs_error_incompatible_type")

  out <- with_methods(
    c.vctrs_Counts = function(...) .Counts(NextMethod(), name = "dispatched"),
    vec_rbind(joe, jane)
  expect_identical(out$x, .Counts(1:3, name = "dispatched"))

test_that("rbind supports names and inner names (#689)", {
  out <- vec_rbind(
    data_frame(x = list(a = 1, b = 2)),
    data_frame(x = list(3)),
    data_frame(x = list(d = 4))
  expect_identical(out$x, list(a = 1, b = 2, 3, d = 4))

  vec_x <- set_names(1:3, letters[1:3])
  vec_y <- c(FOO = 4L)
  oo_x <- set_names(as.POSIXlt(c("2020-01-01", "2020-01-02", "2020-01-03")), letters[1:3])
  oo_y <- c(FOO = as.POSIXlt(c("2020-01-04")))
  df_x <- new_data_frame(list(x = 1:3), row.names = letters[1:3])
  df_y <- new_data_frame(list(x = 4L), row.names = "d")
  mat_x <- matrix(1:3, 3, dimnames = list(letters[1:3]))
  mat_y <- matrix(4L, 1, dimnames = list("d"))
  nested_x <- new_data_frame(
    list(df = df_x, mat = mat_x, vec = vec_x, oo = oo_x),
    row.names = c("foo", "bar", "baz")
  nested_y <- new_data_frame(
    list(df = df_y, mat = mat_y, vec = vec_y, oo = oo_y),
    row.names = c("quux")

  nested_out <- vec_rbind(nested_x, nested_y)
  expect_identical(row.names(nested_out), c("foo", "bar", "baz", "quux"))
  expect_identical(row.names(nested_out$df), c("a", "b", "c", "d"))
  expect_identical(row.names(nested_out$mat), c("a", "b", "c", "d"))
  expect_identical(names(nested_out$vec), c("a", "b", "c", "FOO"))
  expect_identical(names(nested_out$oo), c("a", "b", "c", "FOO"))

test_that("vec_rbind() doesn't fall back to c() with proxied classes (#1119)", {
  foobar_rcrd <- function(x, y) new_rcrd(list(x = x, y = y), class = "vctrs_foobar")

  x <- foobar_rcrd(x = 1:2, y = 3:4)

  out <- vec_rbind(x, x)
  exp <- data_frame(
    ...1 = foobar_rcrd(x = c(1L, 1L), y = c(3L, 3L)),
    ...2 = foobar_rcrd(x = c(2L, 2L), y = c(4L, 4L))
  expect_identical(out, exp)

  out <- vec_rbind(data_frame(x = x), data_frame(x = x))
  exp <- data_frame(
    x = foobar_rcrd(x = c(1L, 2L, 1L, 2L), y = c(3L, 4L, 3L, 4L))
  expect_identical(out, exp)

test_that("vec_rbind() fallback works with tibbles", {
  x <- foobar("foo")
  df <- data_frame(x = x)
  tib <- tibble(x = x)

  local_methods(c.vctrs_foobar = function(...) quux(NextMethod()))

  exp <- tibble(x = quux(c("foo", "foo")))

  expect_identical(vec_rbind(tib, tib), exp)
  expect_identical(vec_rbind(df, tib), exp)
  expect_identical(vec_rbind(tib, df), exp)

test_that("vec_rbind() zaps names when name-spec is zap() and names-to is NULL", {
    vec_rbind(foo = c(x = 1), .names_to = NULL, .name_spec = zap()),
    data.frame(x = 1)

test_that("can't zap names when `.names_to` is supplied", {
    vec_rbind(foo = c(x = 1), .names_to = zap(), .name_spec = zap()),
    data.frame(x = 1)

      vec_rbind(foo = c(x = 1), .names_to = "id", .name_spec = zap())
      vec_rbind(foo = c(x = 1), .names_to = "id", .name_spec = zap(), .error_call = call("foo"))

test_that("can zap outer names from a name-spec (#1215)", {
  zap_outer_spec <- function(outer, inner) if (is_character(inner)) inner

  df <- data.frame(x = 1:2)
  df_named <- data.frame(x = 3L, row.names = "foo")

    vec_names(vec_rbind(a = df, .names_to = NULL, .name_spec = zap_outer_spec))
    vec_names(vec_rbind(a = df, df_named, .name_spec = zap_outer_spec)),
    c("...1", "...2", "foo")

test_that("column names are treated consistently in vec_rbind()", {
  exp <- data.frame(a = c(1L, 1L), b = c(2L, 2L))

  x <- c(a = 1L, b = 2L)
  expect_identical(vec_rbind(x, x), exp)

  x <- array(1:2, dimnames = list(c("a", "b")))
  expect_identical(vec_rbind(x, x), exp)

  x <- matrix(1:2, nrow = 1, dimnames = list(NULL, c("a", "b")))
  expect_identical(vec_rbind(x, x), exp)

  x <- array(1:6, c(1, 2, 1), dimnames = list(NULL, c("a", "b"), NULL))
  expect_error(vec_rbind(x, x), "Can't bind arrays")

test_that("can repair names of row-binded vectors (#1567)", {
        x = 1:3,
        y = 4:6,
        .name_repair = function(x) c("a", "a", "a")
      c("a", "a", "a")

test_that("can repair names of row-binded matrices", {
        x = matrix(1:3, 1),
        y = matrix(4:6, 1),
        .name_repair = function(x) c("a", "a", "a")
      c("a", "a", "a")

        x = matrix(1:3, 1),
        y = 4:6,
        .name_repair = function(x) c("a", "a", "a")
      c("a", "a", "a")

test_that("vec_rbind() only restores one time", {
  restored <- list()

    vec_ptype2.vctrs_foobar.vctrs_foobar = function(x, y, ...) x,
    vec_cast.vctrs_foobar.vctrs_foobar = function(x, to, ...) x,
    vec_proxy.vctrs_foobar = function(x, ...) x,
    vec_restore.vctrs_foobar = function(x, to, ...) {
      # Ignore proxying and restoration of ptypes
      if (length(x)) {
        restored <<- c(restored, list(x))

  df <- data_frame(x = foobar(1:3))
  vec_rbind(df, df)

  expect_equal(restored, list(
    rep(na_int, 6),       # From `vec_init()`
    foobar(c(1:3, 1:3))   # Final restoration

test_that("vec_rbind() applies `base::c()` fallback to df-cols (#1462, #1640)", {
  x <- structure(1, class = "myclass")
  df <- tibble(a = tibble(x = x))
  df <- vec_rbind(df, df)

  expect_equal(df$a$x, structure(c(1, 1), class = "myclass"))

# Golden tests -------------------------------------------------------

test_that("row-binding performs expected allocations", {
  vec_rbind_list <- function(x) {

    ints <- rep(list(1L), 1e2)
    named_ints <- rep(list(set_names(1:3, letters[1:3])), 1e2)

    "Integers as rows"

    "Data frame with named columns"
    df <- data_frame(
      x = set_names(as.list(1:2), c("a", "b")),
      y = set_names(1:2, c("A", "B")),
      z = data_frame(Z = set_names(1:2, c("Za", "Zb")))
    dfs <- rep(list(df), 1e2)

    "Data frame with rownames (non-repaired, non-recursive case)"
    df <- data_frame(x = 1:2)
    dfs <- rep(list(df), 1e2)
    dfs <- map2(dfs, seq_along(dfs), set_rownames_recursively)

    "Data frame with rownames (repaired, non-recursive case)"
    dfs <- map(dfs, set_rownames_recursively)

    "Data frame with rownames (non-repaired, recursive case) (#1217)"
    df <- data_frame(
      x = 1:2,
      y = data_frame(x = 1:2)
    dfs <- rep(list(df), 1e2)
    dfs <- map2(dfs, seq_along(dfs), set_rownames_recursively)

    "Data frame with rownames (repaired, recursive case) (#1217)"
    dfs <- map(dfs, set_rownames_recursively)

test_that("`.names_to` is assigned after restoration (#1648)", {
  df <- data_frame(x = factor("foo"))
    vec_rbind(name = df, .names_to = "x"),
    data_frame(x = "name")

  # This used to fail with:
  #> Error in `vctrs::vec_rbind()`:
  #> ! adding class "factor" to an invalid object

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