
Defines functions local_makevars with_makevars set_makevars

Documented in local_makevars set_makevars with_makevars

#' @include with_.R

# Makevars --------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Create a new `Makevars` file, by adding new variables
#' You probably want [with_makevars()] instead of this function.
#' Unlike [with_makevars()], it does not activate the new `Makevars`
#' file, i.e. it does not set the `R_MAKEVARS_USER` environment variable.
#' @param variables `[named character]`\cr new variables and their values
#' @param old_path `[character(1)]`\cr location of existing `Makevars`
#'   file to modify.
#' @param new_path `[character(1)]`\cr location of the new `Makevars` file
#' @param assignment `[character(1)]`\cr assignment type to use.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
set_makevars <- function(variables,
                         old_path = makevars_user(),
                         new_path = tempfile(),
                         assignment = c("=", ":=", "?=", "+=")) {
  if (length(variables) == 0) {

  assignment <- match.arg(assignment)

  old <- NULL
  if (length(old_path) == 1 && file.exists(old_path)) {
    lines <- readLines(old_path)
    old <- lines
    for (var in names(variables)) {
      loc <- grep(paste(c("^[[:space:]]*", var, "[[:space:]]*", "="), collapse = ""), lines)
      if (length(loc) == 0) {
        lines <- append(lines, paste(sep = assignment, var, variables[var]))
      } else if(length(loc) == 1) {
        lines[loc] <- paste(sep = assignment, var, variables[var])
      } else {
        stop("Multiple results for ", var, " found, something is wrong.", .call = FALSE)
  } else {
    lines <- paste(names(variables), variables, sep = assignment)

  if (!identical(old, lines)) {
    writeLines(con = new_path, lines)


#' Makevars variables
#' Temporarily change contents of an existing `Makevars` file.
#' @details If no `Makevars` file exists or the fields in `new` do
#' not exist in the existing `Makevars` file then the fields are added to
#' the new file.  Existing fields which are not included in `new` are
#' appended unchanged.  Fields which exist in `Makevars` and in `new`
#' are modified to use the value in `new`.
#' @template with
#' @param new,.new `[named character]`\cr New variables and their values
#' @param path,.path `[character(1)]`\cr location of existing `Makevars` file to modify.
#' @param ... Additional new variables and their values.
#' @param assignment,.assignment `[character(1)]`\cr assignment type to use.
#' @inheritParams with_collate
#' @examples
#' writeLines("void foo(int* bar) { *bar = 1; }\n", "foo.c")
#' system("R CMD SHLIB --preclean -c foo.c")
#' with_makevars(c(CFLAGS = "-O3"), system("R CMD SHLIB --preclean -c foo.c"))
#' unlink(c("foo.c", "foo.so"))
#' @export
with_makevars <- function(new, code, path = makevars_user(), assignment = c("=", ":=", "?=", "+=")) {
  assignment <- match.arg(assignment)
  makevars_file <- tempfile()
  on.exit(unlink(makevars_file), add = TRUE)
  with_envvar(c(R_MAKEVARS_USER = makevars_file), {
    set_makevars(new, path, makevars_file, assignment = assignment)

#' @rdname with_makevars
#' @export
local_makevars <- function(.new = list(), ..., .path = makevars_user(), .assignment = c("=", ":=", "?=", "+="), .local_envir = parent.frame()) {
  .new <- utils::modifyList(as.list(.new), list(...))
  .new <- as_character(.new)

  .assignment <- match.arg(.assignment)
  makevars_file <- tempfile()
  defer(unlink(makevars_file), envir = .local_envir)
  local_envvar(c(R_MAKEVARS_USER = makevars_file), .local_envir = .local_envir)
  invisible(set_makevars(.new, .path, makevars_file, assignment = .assignment))

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withr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:07 a.m.