
Defines functions gh_run gh git_test_branch git_co git github_api github_releases2 reg_match github_releases

Documented in github_api github_releases

#' Get the tags of GitHub releases of a repository
#' Use the GitHub API ([github_api()]) to obtain the tags of the
#' releases.
#' @param repo The repository name of the form `user/repo`, e.g.,
#'   `"yihui/xfun"`.
#' @param tag A tag as a character string. If provided, it will be returned if
#'   the tag exists. If `tag = "latest"`, the tag of the latest release is
#'   returned.
#' @param pattern A regular expression to match the tags.
#' @param use_jsonlite Whether to use \pkg{jsonlite} to parse the releases info.
#' @export
#' @return A character vector of (GIT) tags.
#' @examplesIf interactive()
#' xfun::github_releases('yihui/xfun')
#' xfun::github_releases('gohugoio/hugo')
github_releases = function(
  repo, tag = '', pattern = 'v[0-9.]+', use_jsonlite = loadable('jsonlite')
) {
  if (tag != '') return(github_releases2(repo, tag, pattern))

  i = 1; v = character()
  repeat {
    res = github_api(
      sprintf('/repos/%s/tags', repo), NULL, list(per_page = 100, page = i),
      raw = !use_jsonlite
    v2 = unlist(if (use_jsonlite) {
      lapply(res, `[[`, 'name')
    } else {
      reg_match('\\{"name":"([^"]+)",', res)
    if (length(v2) == 0) break
    v = c(v, v2)
    if (length(v2) < 100) break  # not enough items for the next page
    i = i + 1
  grep(sprintf('^%s$', pattern), unique(v), value = TRUE)

# extract the matched elements in the n-th pair of () in the regex
reg_match = function(p, x, n = 1, ...) {
  # TODO: gregexec was added in R 4.1.0; remove this workaround when we don't
  # need to support R < 4.1.0
  v = 'gregexec' %in% ls(baseenv())
  m = (if (v) base::gregexec else base::gregexpr)(p, x, ...)
  lapply(regmatches(x, m), function(x) {
    if (v) x[n + 1, ] else gsub(p, paste0('\\', n), x)

# the fallback method to retrieve release tags (read HTML source)
github_releases2 = function(repo, tag = '', pattern = '[^"&]+') {
  read = function() suppressWarnings(
    read_utf8(sprintf('https://github.com/%s/releases/%s', repo, tag))
  h = if (tag == '') read() else tryCatch(read(), error = function(e) '')
  r = sprintf('^.*?%s/releases/tag/(%s)".*', repo, pattern)
  unique(grep_sub(r, '\\1', h))

#' @details `github_api()` is a wrapper function based on
#'   `rest_api_raw()` to obtain data from the GitHub API:
#'   <https://docs.github.com/en/rest>. You can provide a personal access
#'   token (PAT) via the `token` argument, or via one of the environment
#'   variables \var{GITHUB_PAT}, \var{GITHUB_TOKEN}, \var{GH_TOKEN}. A PAT
#'   allows for a much higher rate limit in API calls. Without a token, you can
#'   only make 60 calls in an hour.
#' @param raw Whether to return the raw response or parse the response with
#'   \pkg{jsonlite}.
#' @rdname rest_api
#' @export
github_api = function(
  endpoint, token = '', params = list(), headers = NULL, raw = !loadable('jsonlite')
) {
  token = c(token, unname(Sys.getenv(envs <- c('GITHUB_PAT', 'GITHUB_TOKEN', 'GH_TOKEN'))))
  token = if (length(token <-  token[token != ''])) token[1] else ''
  names(token) = 'token'
  error = TRUE
  on.exit(if (error && token == '') message(
    'You may need to save a GitHub personal access token in one of the ',
    'environment variables: ', paste(envs, collapse = ', ')
  res = rest_api_raw('https://api.github.com', endpoint, token, params, headers)
  error = FALSE
  if (raw) res else jsonlite::fromJSON(res, FALSE)

git = function(...) {
  if (Sys.which('git') == '') stop('git is not available')
  # R's HOME var is different from the system's HOME on Windows:
  # https://github.com/yihui/crandalf/issues/24
  if (is_windows()) {
    env = set_envvar(c(HOME = Sys.getenv('USERPROFILE')))
    on.exit(set_envvar(env), add = TRUE)
  system2('git', ...)

git_co = function(args = NULL, ...) {
  git(c('checkout', args), ...)

git_test_branch = function() {
  if (length(d <- git(c('diff', '--name-only'), stdout = TRUE))) stop(
    'The current branch has changes not stated for commit:\n',
    paste(d, collapse = '\n')

gh = function(...) {
  if (Sys.which('gh') == '') stop('GitHub CLI not found: https://cli.github.com')
  system2('gh', ...)

gh_run = function(..., repo = NA) {
  gh(c(if (!is.na(repo)) c('-R', repo), 'run', ...), stdout = TRUE)

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xfun documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:41 a.m.