
Defines functions DetectOutliers

Documented in DetectOutliers

#' Detect outliers
#' @param GeneOutDetection character scalar, the algorithm used to filter genes in a module. Possible values are
#' \itemize{
#' \item 'L1OutVarPerc': percentage variation relative to the median variance explained supporgted by a leave one out approach 
#' \item 'L1OutVarDC': dendrogram clustering statistics on variance explained supported by a leave one out approach
#' \item 'L1OutExpOut': number of median-absolute-deviations away from median explined variance
#' \item 'L1OutSdMean': Number of standard deviations away from the mean
#' }
#' The option "L1OutExpOut" requires the scater package to be installed.
#' @param GeneOutThr scalar, threshold used by gene filtering algorithm in the modules. It can represent maximum size of filtered cluster ("L1OutVarDC"), 
#' minimal percentage variation (L1OutVarPerc) or the number of median-absolute-deviations away from median ("L1OutExpOut")
#' @param ModulePCACenter 
#' @param ExpressionData 
#' @param PlotData 
#' @param ModuleName
#' @param PCAType character string, the type of PCA to perform. It can be "DimensionsAreGenes" or "DimensionsAreSamples"
#' @param CompatibleGenes 
#' @param PrintInfo 
#' @param Mode 
#' @param cl 
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
DetectOutliers <- function(GeneOutDetection, GeneOutThr, ModulePCACenter,
                           CompatibleGenes, ExpressionData, PCAType = PCAType,
                           PlotData = FALSE, ModuleName = '', PrintInfo = TRUE,
                           Mode = 1, ClusType, cl = NULL) {
  if(!(PCAType %in% c("DimensionsAreGenes", "DimensionsAreSamples"))){
    print("Incompatible PCAType, no outlier filtering will be performed")
  SelGenes <- CompatibleGenes
  GetAllPC1Var <- function(i){
    if(PCAType == "DimensionsAreGenes"){
      tData <- t(ExpressionData[-i, ])
    if(PCAType == "DimensionsAreSamples"){
      tData <- ExpressionData[-i, ]
    PC1Var <- var(
      irlba::prcomp_irlba(x = tData, n = 1, work = min(8, min(dim(tData)) - 1),
                          center = ModulePCACenter,
                          scale. = FALSE, retx = TRUE)$x
    return(PC1Var/sum(apply(scale(tData, center = ModulePCACenter, scale = FALSE), 2, var)))
  AllPCA1 <- rep(NA, length(CompatibleGenes))
  # Computing all the PC1
  if(Mode == 1){
    AllPCA1 <- sapply(as.list(1:length(CompatibleGenes)), GetAllPC1Var)
  if(Mode == 2){
    for(i in 1:length(CompatibleGenes)){
      AllPCA1[i] <- GetAllPC1Var(i)
  if(Mode == 3){
    if(ClusType == "PSOCK"){
      parallel::clusterExport(cl = cl, varlist = c("ExpressionData"), envir = environment())
    AllPCA1 <- parallel::parSapply(cl = cl, X = as.list(1:length(CompatibleGenes)), FUN = GetAllPC1Var)
    stop("PCA was not performed in DetectOutliers. Maybe the value of Mode was wrong?")
  if(GeneOutDetection == "L1OutVarPerc"){
      print("Detecting outliers using leave one out and percentage variation on variance explained by PC1")
    # Getting the distance from the median PC1
    GenesOut <- abs(AllPCA1-median(AllPCA1)) > GeneOutThr/100
      # Plotting the distances from the median PC1
      B <- boxplot(x = AllPCA1, at = 1, horizontal = FALSE, ylab = "Variance explained by PC1", main = ModuleName)
      print(paste(sum(GenesOut), "genes will be filtered:"))
      # Highliting outliers
      points(y= AllPCA1[GenesOut], x=rep(1, sum(GenesOut)), col='red', pch=20)
      legend("left", pch = 20, col='red', legend = "Outlier(s)")
    # Updating gene list
    SelGenes <- CompatibleGenes[!GenesOut]
  if(GeneOutDetection == "L1OutVarDC"){
      print("Detecting outliers using leave one out and dendrogram analysis on variance explained by PC1")
    AllPCA1ABS <- abs(AllPCA1 - median(AllPCA1))
    names(AllPCA1ABS) <- CompatibleGenes
    HC <- hclust(dist(AllPCA1ABS))
      # Plotting rotated genes over PC1
      plot(HC, xlab = "Genes", main = ModuleName)
    DGroup <- cutree(HC, k = 2)
    G1 <- which(DGroup == 1)
    G2 <- which(DGroup == 2)
    if(length(G1) <= GeneOutThr | length(G2) <= GeneOutThr){
      if(length(G1) < length(G2)){
        GenesOut <- (DGroup == 1)
      } else {
        GenesOut <- (DGroup == 2)
        print(paste(sum(GenesOut), "gene(s) will be filtered:"))
      } else {
        print("No gene will be filtered")
    # Updating gene list
    SelGenes <- CompatibleGenes[!GenesOut]
  if(GeneOutDetection == "L1OutExpOut"){
      print("Detecting outliers using leave one out and median-absolute-deviations away from median (scater package)")
    # Getting the distance from the median PC1
    GenesOut <- scater::isOutlier(AllPCA1, nmads = GeneOutThr)
      # Plotting the distances from the median PC1
      B <- boxplot(x = AllPCA1, at = 1, horizontal = FALSE, ylab = "Variance explained by PC1", main = ModuleName)
        print(paste(sum(GenesOut), "gene(s) will be filtered:"))
      } else {
        print("No gene will be filtered")
      # Highliting outliers
      points(y= AllPCA1[GenesOut], x=rep(1, sum(GenesOut)), col='red', pch=20)
      legend("left", pch = 20, col='red', legend = "Outlier(s)")
    # Updating gene list
    SelGenes <- CompatibleGenes[!GenesOut]
  if(GeneOutDetection == "L1OutSdMean"){
      print("Detecting outliers using leave one out and standards deviation away from the mean")
    # Getting the distance from the median PC1
    ZScore <- (AllPCA1 - mean(AllPCA1))/sd(AllPCA1)
    GenesOut <- abs(ZScore) > GeneOutThr
      # Plotting the distances from the median PC1
      B <- boxplot(x = AllPCA1, at = 1, horizontal = FALSE, ylab = "Variance explained by PC1", main = ModuleName)
        print(paste(sum(GenesOut), "gene(s) will be filtered:"))
      } else {
        print("No gene will be filtered")
      # Highliting outliers
      points(y= AllPCA1[GenesOut], x=rep(1, sum(GenesOut)), col='red', pch=20)
      legend("left", pch = 20, col='red', legend = "Outlier(s)")
    # Updating gene list
    SelGenes <- CompatibleGenes[!GenesOut]
Albluca/rRoma documentation built on May 5, 2019, 1:35 p.m.