Man pages for AllenInstitute/mfishtools
Building Gene Sets and Mapping mFISH Data

buildMappingBasedMarkerPanelGreedy algorithm for building marker gene panel
buildPanel_oneClusterBuild panel for one cluster (beta)
buildQualityTableCorrect mapping at different tree heights
buildTreeFromGenePanelBuild and plot dendrogram from gene panel
cellToClusterMapping_byCorReturn top mapped correlation-based cluster and confidence
cellToClusterMapping_byRankCell-based cluster mapping
corTreeMappingCorrelation-based cluster mapping
corTreeMapping_withFilterCorrelation between nodes and leafs (deprecated)
distTreeMapping(Euclidean) distance mapping
filterByClassFilter by meta-data
filterCellsFilter (subset) fishScaleAndMap object
filterPanelGenesFilter genes for spatial transcriptomics panel
fishScaleAndMapScale mFISH data and map to RNA-seq reference
fractionCorrectPerNodeFraction of correct calls per node
fractionCorrectWithGenesFraction of cells correctly assigned
generateMultipleCellReferenceSetGenerate reference set of pseudo-cells
getBetaScoreGet binary (aka beta) score
getBranchListBranch list
getConfusionMatrixConfusion matrix
getDendBuild a dendrogram from gene panel
getNodeHeightGet node height
get_subtree_labelGets subtree labels for lca function.
getTopMatchGet top leaf match
labelDendLabel dendrogram nodes
layerFractionLayer weights per cell
layerScaleFraction of cells per layer
lcaGet lowest common ancestor (defined cluster pairs)
leafToNodeMediansReturn mean node expression
makeLCAtableGet lowest common ancestor (all cluster pairs in tree)
map_dendTree-based mapping
mergeFishMerge two fishScaleAndMap objects
mfishtoolsmfishtools: Building Gene Sets and Mapping mFISH Data.
outputTopConfusedTable of confused clusters
plotConfusionVsConfidenceConfusion plot vs. confidence
plotCorrectWithGenesPlot fraction correct
plotDistributionsPlot distributions
plotHeatmapPlot heatmap
plotNodesPlot dendrogram
plotTsnePlot TSNE
possibleClustersByPriorsFilter possible cluster calls using priors
quantileTruncateQuantile normalize, truncate, and scale
resolve_clTree-based mapping (internal)
rfTreeMappingTree-based mapping
rotateXYRotate coordinates
smartLayerAllocationLayer weights per cell
subsampleCellsSubsample cells
summarizeMatrixSummarize matrix
update_mfishtoolsUpdate the mfishtools library
AllenInstitute/mfishtools documentation built on July 5, 2023, 4:20 p.m.