
Defines functions de_selected_pairs de_pair_summary export_de_genes plot_pair_matrix plot_de_lfc_num plot_de_num get_de_matrix de_all_pairs de_stats_pair get_de_truncate_score_sum null_de create_pairs de_pair_fast_limma simple_ebayes simple_lmFit get_cl_sigma de_pair_t.test de_pair_chisq de_pair_limma vec_chisq_test de_param

# Function call map
# function_1()
#   called_by_function_1() called_function_file.R
# de_param()
# vec_chisq_test()
#   vec_chisq_test() de.genes.R
# de_selected_pairs() Tests for multiple pairs of clusters. Was DE_genes_pairs().
#   get_cl_means() util.R
#   score_pair_limma() de.genes.R
#   score_pair_chisq() de.genes.R
# compute_pair_deScore() Compute deScores based on score_pair_X() results and de_param(). Was de_pairs().

# get_de_matrix()
#   get_pairs() de.genes.R
#   convert_pair_matrix() util.R
# plot_de_num()
#   get_de_matrix() de.genes.R
#   heatmap.3() heatmap.R
#  DE_genes_cat_by_cl
#    deScore.pairs() ??
# plot_de_lfc_num()

#' Set differential expression (DE) parameters for genes and clusters.
#' This function provides a convenient way to manage settings for differential expression tests in scrattch.hicat.
#' Calling \code{de.param()} without additional parameters provides reasonable defaults for high depth (e.g. SMART-seq) datasets.
#' @param low.th  Lower boundary for normalized gene expression. Default = 1. See details.
#' @param padj.th Upper boundary threshold for adjusted p-values for differential expression tests. Default = 0.01. See details. 
#' @param lfc.th  Lower boundary threshold for log2(fold change) for differential expression tests. Default = 1 (i.e. 2-fold). See details
#' @param q1.th Lower boundary threshold for foreground detection in proportional comparisons. Default = 0.5. See details.
#' @param q2.th Upper boundary threshold for background detection in proportional comparisons. Default = NULL. See details.  
#' @param q.diff.th Threshold for scaled difference in proportions. Default = 0.7. See details.
#' @param de.score.th Lower boundary of total differential expression scores for cluster comparisons. Default = 150. See details.
#' @param min.cells The minimum number of cells allowed in each cluster. Default = 4. See details.
#' @param min.genes The minimum number of differentially expressed genes required to separate clusters. Default = 5. See details.
#' @details
#' \strong{Gene detection threshold:}
#' \code{low.th} sets a lower bound for normalized gene expression to determine whether or not a gene is considered to be detected.
#' This is used to filter genes that are too low in expression to be reliably detected.\cr
#' This parameter can be set globally by providing a single value, or per-gene by providing a named vector.
#' \strong{Differential expression test thresholds:}
#' \code{scrattch.hicat} utilizes \code{limma}'s \link[limma]{eBayes} or Chi-Square tests for differential gene expression. These parameters are used to 
#' determine which genes are considered differentially expressed:\cr
#' \code{padj.th} is the threshold for adjusted p-values. Adjusted p-values must be below this threshold to be considered significant.\cr 
#' \code{lfc.th} is the threshold for abs(log2(Fold Change)).
#' \strong{Cluster proportion thresholds:}
#' We use \code{q1.th}, \code{q2.th} and \code{q.diff.th} for additional tests based on the proportion of cells in each cluster that express each gene.
#' For every pair of clusters, we define \emph{q1} and \emph{q2} as the proportion of cells with expression greater than \code{low.th} 
#' (above) in the foregound and background cluster, respectively. 
#' We use \code{q1.th} to select genes in a high proportion of foreground clusters, and \code{q2.th} to select genes in a low proportion of background clusters. 
#' Finally, we use \code{q.diff.th} to test for the difference between the foreground and background proportions.
#' \code{q1.th}: The minimum proportion of cells in the foreground cluster with expression greater than \code{low.th}.\cr
#' \code{q2.th}: The maximum proportion of cells in the background cluster with expression greater than \code{low.th}.\cr
#' \code{q.diff.th}: The scaled proportional difference between \emph{q1} and \emph{q2}, defined as \eqn{abs(q1 - q2) / max(q1, q2)} .
#' \strong{Cluster-wise p-value threshold:}
#' After performing differential expression tests between a pair of clusters, we use \emph{de.score} as a way to determine if enough overall 
#' differential expression is observed to consider the two clusters distinct from each other.
#' We define \emph{de.score} for each gene as \eqn{min(-log10(p.adj), 20)}. This sets a cap on the contribution of each gene to the cluster-wise \emph{de.score} value at 20.\cr
#' The \emph{de.score} for a pair of clusters is the sum of the gene-wise \emph{de.score} values. 
#' Only genes passing the \code{padj.th} and \code{lfc.th} thresholds (above) contribute to the \emph{de.score}.
#' \code{de.score.th} is used as a minimum value for the cluster-wise \emph{de.score} in a pairwise comparison between clusters.
#' \strong{Cell and gene count thresholds:}
#' \code{min.cells} is the minimum size allowed for a cluster. If a cluster size is below \code{min.cells}, it will be merged with the nearest cluster.\cr
#' \code{min.genes} is the minimum number of differentially expressed genes (passing the \code{padj.th} and \code{lfc.th} thresholds, above) 
#' required to consider two clusters separate.
#' @return returns a list of parameters for reuse
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' # Recommended initial parameters for SMART-Seq (> 8,000 genes per sample):
#' sm_param <- de_param(low.th = 1,
#'                      padj.th = 0.01,
#'                      lfc.th = 1,
#'                      q1.th = 0.5,
#'                      q2.th = NULL,
#'                      q.diff.th = 0.7,
#'                      de.score.th = 150,
#'                      min.cells = 4,
#'                      min.genes = 5)
#' # Recommended initial parameters for 10x Cells (> 3,000 genes per sample):
#' tx_param <- de_param(low.th = 1,
#'                      padj.th = 0.01,
#'                      lfc.th = 1,
#'                      q1.th = 0.4, # Reduced due to dropout
#'                      q2.th = NULL,
#'                      q.diff.th = 0.7,
#'                      de.score.th = 150,
#'                      min.cells = 10, # Increased due to higher number of cells
#'                      min.genes = 5)
#' # Recommended initial parameters for 10x Nuclei (> 1,000 genes per sample):
#' tx_param <- de_param(low.th = 1,
#'                      padj.th = 0.01,
#'                      lfc.th = 1,
#'                      q1.th = 0.3, # Reduced due to dropout
#'                      q2.th = NULL,
#'                      q.diff.th = 0.7,
#'                      de.score.th = 100, # Reduced due to decreased detection
#'                      min.cells = 10, # Increased due to higher number of cells
#'                      min.genes = 5) 
de_param <- function(low.th = 1,
                     padj.th = 0.01, 
                     lfc.th = 1, 
                     q1.th = 0.5, 
                     q2.th = NULL,
                     q.diff.th = 0.7, 
                     de.score.th = 150, 
                     min.cells = 4, 
                     min.genes = 5) {
  if(padj.th > 1) {
    stop("padj.th must be a value <= 1.")
  if(padj.th <= 0) {
    stop("padj.th must be a value > 0.")
  if(lfc.th < 0) {
    stop("lfc.th must be a non-negative value.")
  if(low.th < 0) {
    stop("low.th must be a non-negative value.")
  if(q1.th < 0 | q1.th > 1) {
    stop("q1.th must be a non-negative value between 0 and 1.")
  if(!is.null(q2.th)) {
    if(q2.th < 0 | q2.th > 1) {
      stop("q2.th must be a non-negative value between 0 and 1.")
  if(q.diff.th < 0) {
    stop("q.diff.th must be a non-negative value.")
  if(de.score.th < 0) {
    stop("de.score.th must be a non-negative value.")
  if(min.cells < 1) {
    stop("min.cells must be an integer with a value greater than 0.")
  if(min.genes < 1) {
    stop("min.genes must be an integer with a value greater than 0.")
  list(low.th = low.th, 
       padj.th = padj.th, 
       lfc.th = lfc.th, 
       q1.th = q1.th, 
       q2.th = q2.th, 
       q.diff.th = q.diff.th, 
       de.score.th = de.score.th, 
       min.cells = min.cells, 
       min.genes = min.genes)

#' Vectorized Chi-squared tests for differential gene detection
#' This function uses vectors of the number of samples in two sets that have detection of 
#' a set of genes and the total number of cells in each set to compute Chi-quared tests with 1 DOF for 
#' differential detection.
#' @param x an integer vector with the number of cells in group \emph{x} with detection of each gene.
#' @param x.total an integer value with the total number of cells in group \emph{x}.
#' @param y an integer vector with the number of cells in group \emph{y} with detection of each gene.
#' @param y.total an integer value with the total number of cells in group \emph{y}.
#' @return a data.frame with the following result for each gene:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{stats: The value of the chi-squared test statistic}
#' \item{pval: The p-value as reported by pchisq}
#' \item{logFC: The log2(fold change) in detection frequency between samples (x / y)}
#' \item{diff: The difference in proportions between the samples (x - y)}
#' }
#' @export
vec_chisq_test <- function(x, 
                           y.total) {
  total <- x.total + y.total
  present <- x + y
  absent <- total - x - y
  o <- cbind(x, 
             x.total - x, 
             y.total - y)
  e <- cbind(present * x.total, 
             absent * x.total, 
             present * y.total, 
             absent * y.total)
  e <- e / as.vector(total)
  stat <- rowSums(pmax(0, abs(o - e) - 0.5) ^ 2 / e)
  results <- data.frame(stats = stat, 
                        pval = pchisq(stat, 1, lower.tail = FALSE), 
                        logFC = log2( (x * y.total) / (y * x.total)), 
                        diff = x / x.total - y / y.total)

#' Perform pairwise DE tests using limma for a single pair of clusters
#' @param pair a numeric vector of length 2 specifying which clusters to compare
#' @param cl.present a data.frame of gene detection proportions (genes x clusters)
#' @param cl.means a data.frame of normalized mean gene expression values (genes x clusters)
#' @param design a limma design object
#' @param fit a limma fit object
#' @param genes the genes to use for pairwise comparisons
#' @return a data.frame with DE statistics:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{padj} P-values adjusted using the Holm (1979) method (\code{p.adjust()} default).
#' \item{pval} P-values reported by the \code{limma::eBayes()} function.
#' \item{lfc} Log fold change of mean expression values between the pair of clusters.
#' \item{meanA} Normalized mean expression value for the first cluster in the pair.
#' \item{meanB} Normalized mean expression value for the second cluster in the pair.
#' \item{q1} Proportion of cells expressing each gene for the first cluster in the pair.
#' \item{q2} Proportion of cells expressing each gene for the second cluster in the pair.
#' }
#' @export
de_pair_limma <- function(pair,
                          fit) {
  x <- as.character(pair[1])
  y <- as.character(pair[2])
  ctr <- paste(paste0("cl", x), "-", paste0("cl", y))
  contrasts.matrix <- limma::makeContrasts(contrasts = ctr, 
                                           levels = design)
  fit2 <- limma::contrasts.fit(fit = fit, 
                               contrasts = contrasts.matrix)
  # Using suppressWarnings here due to this message from genes with 0 detection in both pairs:
  # Zero sample variances detected, have been offset away from zero
  fit2 <- suppressWarnings(limma::eBayes(fit = fit2))
  pval <- fit2$p.value[, 1]
  padj <- p.adjust(pval)
  lfc <- coef(fit2)[, 1]
  # Note: Above depends on the data being log2 scaled already.
  # If we change this expectation, we may need a more generalized calculation.
  # fc <- cl.means[, x] / cl.means[, y]
  # lfc <- log2(fc)
  # lfc[is.na(lfc)] <- 0
  results <- data.frame(padj = padj,
                        pval = pval,
                        lfc = lfc,
                        meanA = cl.means[[x]],
                        meanB = cl.means[[y]],
                        q1 = cl.present[[x]],
                        q2 = cl.present[[y]])

  row.names(results) <- row.names(cl.means)

#' Perform pairwise differential detection tests using Chi-Squared for a single pair of clusters
#' @param pair a numeric vector of length 2 specifying which clusters to compare
#' @param cl.present a data.frame of gene detection proportions (genes x clusters)
#' @param cl.means a data.frame of normalized mean gene expression values (genes x clusters)
#' @param cl.size a named numeric vector of cluster sizes
#' @param genes the genes to use for pairwise comparisons
#' @return a data.frame with DE statistics:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{padj} P-values adjusted using the Holm (1979) method (\code{p.adjust()} default).
#' \item{pval} P-values reported by the \code{vec_chisq_test()} function.
#' \item{lfc} Log fold change of mean expression values between the pair of clusters.
#' \item{meanA} Mean expression value for the first cluster in the pair.
#' \item{meanB} Mean expression value for the second cluster in the pair.
#' \item{q1} Proportion of cells expressing each gene for the first cluster in the pair.
#' \item{q2} Proportion of cells expressing each gene for the second cluster in the pair.
#' }
#' @export
de_pair_chisq <- function(pair,
  x <- as.character(pair[1])
  y <- as.character(pair[2])
  chisq_results <- vec_chisq_test(cl.present[, x] * cl.size[[x]], 
                                  cl.present[, y] * cl.size[[y]], 
  chisq_results$pval[is.na(chisq_results$pval)] <- 1
  pval <- chisq_results[, "pval"]
  padj <- p.adjust(pval)
  lfc <- cl.means[, x] - cl.means[, y]
  # Note: Above depends on the data being log2 scaled already.
  # If we change this expectation, we may need a more generalized calculation.
  # fc <- cl.means[, x] / cl.means[, y]
  # lfc <- log2(fc)
  # lfc[is.na(lfc)] <- 0
  results <- data.frame(padj = padj,
                        pval = pval,
                        lfc = lfc,
                        meanA = cl.means[,x], 
                        meanB = cl.means[,y],
                        q1 = cl.present[,x], 
                        q2 = cl.present[,y])
  row.names(results) <- row.names(cl.means)

#' Perform pairwise differential detection tests using t.test for a single pair of clusters
#' @param pair a numeric vector of length 2 specifying which clusters to compare
#' @param cl.means a data.frame of normalized mean gene expression values (genes x clusters)
#' @param cl.vars a data.frame of normalized variance gene expression values (genes x clusters)
#' @param cl.size a named numeric vector of cluster sizes
#' @param genes the genes to use for pairwise comparisons
#' @return a data.frame with DE statistics:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{padj} P-values adjusted using the Holm (1979) method (\code{p.adjust()} default).
#' \item{pval} P-values reported by the \code{vec_chisq_test()} function.
#' \item{lfc} Log fold change of mean expression values between the pair of clusters.
#' \item{meanA} Mean expression value for the first cluster in the pair.
#' \item{meanB} Mean expression value for the second cluster in the pair.
#' \item{q1} Proportion of cells expressing each gene for the first cluster in the pair.
#' \item{q2} Proportion of cells expressing each gene for the second cluster in the pair.
#' }
#' @export
de_pair_t.test <- function(pair,
  x <- as.character(pair[1])
  y <- as.character(pair[2])
  m1 = cl.means[[x]]
  m2 = cl.means[[y]]
  v1 = cl.vars[[x]]
  v2 = cl.vars[[y]]
  n1 = cl.size[[x]]
  n2 = cl.size[[y]]
  sd = sqrt( v1/n1 + v2/n2) 
  t.stats = (m1 - m2) / sd
  df = sd^4 / ((v1/n1)^2/(n1-1) + (v2/n2)^2/(n2-1))
  pval = pt(abs(t.stats), df, lower.tail=FALSE)  * 2
  padj <- p.adjust(pval)
  lfc <- m1 - m2
  # Note: Above depends on the data being log2 scaled already.
  # If we change this expectation, we may need a more generalized calculation.
  # fc <- cl.means[, x] / cl.means[, y]
  # lfc <- log2(fc)
  # lfc[is.na(lfc)] <- 0
  results <- data.frame(padj = padj,
                        pval = pval,
                        lfc = lfc,
                        meanA = m1,
                        meanB = m2,
                        q1 = cl.present[,x], 
                        q2 = cl.present[,y])
  row.names(results) <- row.names(cl.means)  

get_cl_sigma <- function(mat,cl, cl.means=NULL, cl.sqr.means = NULL)
    cl.size = table(cl)
    cl.size = setNames(as.vector(cl.size),names(cl.size))
      cl.means = get_cl_means(mat,cl)
      cl.sqr.means =  get_cl_sqr_means(mat,cl)
    df = sum(cl.size) - length(cl.size)
    sigma = sqrt(colSums( t(cl.sqr.means - cl.means^2) * cl.size[colnames(cl.sqr.means)]) / df)

simple_lmFit <- function(norm.dat, cl, cl.means = NULL, cl.sqr.means = NULL)
      cl.means = get_cl_means(norm.dat, cl)
      cl.sqr.means = get_cl_sqr_means(norm.dat, cl)
    cl.size = table(cl)
    cl.means = cl.means[,names(cl.size)]
    cl.sqr.means = cl.sqr.means[,names(cl.size)]
    fit = list()
    fit$coefficients = cl.means
    fit$rank = ncol(cl.means)
    fit$df.residual = length(cl) - fit$rank       
    fit$sigma = get_cl_sigma(norm.dat, cl, cl.means = cl.means, cl.sqr.means= cl.sqr.means)
    fit$stdev.unscaled = 1/sqrt(cl.size)

simple_ebayes <- function(fit,proportion=0.01,stdev.coef.lim=c(0.1,4),trend=FALSE,robust=FALSE,winsor.tail.p=c(0.05,0.1))
#	Empirical Bayes statistics to select differentially expressed genes
#	Gordon Smyth
#	8 Sept 2002.  Last revised 1 May 2013.
#	Made a non-exported function 18 Feb 2018.
  coefficients <- fit$coefficients
  stdev.unscaled <- fit$stdev.unscaled
  sigma <- fit$sigma
  df.residual <- fit$df.residual
  if(is.null(coefficients) || is.null(stdev.unscaled) || is.null(sigma) || is.null(df.residual)) stop("No data, or argument is not a valid lmFit object")
  if(all(df.residual==0)) stop("No residual degrees of freedom in linear model fits")
  if(all(!is.finite(sigma))) stop("No finite residual standard deviations")
  if(trend) {
    covariate <- fit$Amean
    if(is.null(covariate)) stop("Need Amean component in fit to estimate trend")
  } else {
    covariate <- NULL
                                        #	Moderated t-statistic
  out <- squeezeVar(sigma^2, df.residual, covariate=covariate, robust=robust, winsor.tail.p=winsor.tail.p)
  out$s2.prior <- out$var.prior
  out$s2.post <- out$var.post
  out$var.prior <- out$var.post <- NULL
  out$t <- coefficients / stdev.unscaled / sqrt(out$s2.post)
  df.total <- df.residual + out$df.prior
  df.pooled <- sum(df.residual,na.rm=TRUE)
  df.total <- pmin(df.total,df.pooled)
  out$df.total <- df.total
  out$p.value <- 2*pt(-abs(out$t),df=df.total)

de_pair_fast_limma <- function(pair,
  x <- as.character(pair[1])
  y <- as.character(pair[2])
  fit2 = fit
  coef = fit$coefficients
  fit2$coefficients = coef[[x]] - coef[[y]]
  stdev.unscaled = fit$stdev.unscaled
  fit2$stdev.unscaled = sqrt(sum(stdev.unscaled[c(x,y)]^2))
  fit2 <- simple_ebayes(fit = fit2)
  m1 = cl.means[[x]]
  m2 = cl.means[[y]]  

  lfc <- m1 - m2
  pval <- fit2$p.value
  padj <- p.adjust(pval) 
   # Note: Above depends on the data being log2 scaled already.
   # If we change this expectation, we may need a more generalized calculation.
   # fc <- cl.means[, x] / cl.means[, y]
   # lfc <- log2(fc)
   # lfc[is.na(lfc)] <- 0

  results <- data.frame(padj = padj,
                         pval = pval,
                         lfc = lfc,
                         meanA = m1,
                         meanB = m2,
                         q1 = cl.present[[x]],
                         q2 = cl.present[[y]])

  row.names(results) <- row.names(cl.means)



# Add docs and implement within functions

#' Title
#' @param cn 
#' @param direction 
#' @param include.self 
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
create_pairs <- function(cn1, cn2=cn1,direction="nondirectional", include.self = FALSE)
    cl.n1 = length(cn1)
    cl.n2 = length(cn2)	
    pairs = cbind(rep(cn1, rep(cl.n2,cl.n1)), rep(cn2, cl.n1))
    if(!identical(cn1,cn2) & direction!="unidirectional"){
      down.pairs = cbind(rep(cn2, rep(cl.n1,cl.n2)), rep(cn1, cl.n2))
      pairs = rbind(pairs, down.pairs)
      pairs = pairs[pairs[,1]<=pairs[,2],,drop=F]
      pairs = pairs[pairs[,1]!=pairs[,2],,drop=F]
    row.names(pairs) = paste0(pairs[,1],"_",pairs[,2])

null_de <- function()
    tmp=sapply(c("score","up.score","down.score","num","up.num","down.num"), function(x)0)
    tmp = c(tmp, list(up.genes=NULL, down.genes=NULL))

get_de_truncate_score_sum <- function(gene.score, th=20)
    tmp = gene.score
    tmp[tmp > 20] = 20

#' Compute differential expression summary statistics based on a differential results data.frame and de_param().
#' @param df A data.frame of pairwise differential expression results (i.e. from \code{score_selected_pairs()}).
#' @param de.param A list of differential gene expression parameters from \code{de_param()}
#' @param cl.size1 Optional: The number of samples in the first/high cluster
#' @param cl.size2 Optional: The number of samples in the second/low cluster
#' @results A list of filtered differential expression results containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{score} The deScore value, equal to the sum of the -log10(p-values) of differentially expressed genes, with a cap of 20 per gene.
#' \item{up.score} The deScore value for up-regulated genes.
#' \item{down.score} The deScore value for down-regulated genes.
#' \item{num} The number of differentially expressed genes
#' \item{up.num} The number of up-regulated genes
#' \item{down.num} The number of down-regulated genes
#' \item{genes} Gene symbols for differentially expressed genes.
#' \item{up.genes} A named vector, names are gene symbols for up-regulated genes, and the values are -log10 adjusted Pvalues.
#' \item{down.genes} A named vector, names are gene symbols for down-regulated genes, and the values are -log10 adjusted Pvalues.
#' \item{de.df} The df used as input, filtered for differentially expressed genes.
#' }
de_stats_pair <- function(df,
                          de.param = de_param(), 
                          cl.size1 = NULL, 
                          cl.size2 = NULL,
                          select.genes = NULL,
                          return.df = FALSE) {  
  df <- df[order(df$pval, -abs(df$lfc)), ]
  select <- with(df, which(padj < de.param$padj.th & abs(lfc) > de.param$lfc.th))
  select <- row.names(df)[select]
    select <- select[select %in% select.genes]
  if(is.null(select) | length(select) == 0){
  up <- select[df[select, "lfc"] > 0]
  down <- select[df[select, "lfc"] < 0]
  df <- df[select, ]
  if(!is.null(de.param$q.diff.th) & is.null(df$q.diff)) {
    df$q.diff <- with(df, abs(q1 - q2) / pmax(q1, q2))
    df$q.diff[is.na(df$q.diff)] <- 0
  if(!is.null(de.param$q1.th)) {
    up <- with(df[up, , drop = FALSE], up[q1 > de.param$q1.th])
      up <- with(df[up, , drop = FALSE], up[q1 * cl.size1 >= de.param$min.cells])
    down <- with(df[down, , drop = FALSE], down[q2 > de.param$q1.th])
    if(!is.null(cl.size2)) {
      down <- with(df[down, , drop = FALSE], down[q2 * cl.size2 >= de.param$min.cells])
  if(!is.null(de.param$q2.th)) {
    up <- with(df[up, , drop = FALSE], up[q2 < de.param$q2.th])
    down <- with(df[down, , drop = FALSE], down[q1 < de.param$q2.th])
    up <- with(df[up, , drop = FALSE], up[abs(q.diff) > de.param$q.diff.th])
    down <- with(df[down, , drop = FALSE], down[abs(q.diff) > de.param$q.diff.th])
  select <- c(up, down)
  if(length(select) == 0){
  } else {

    up.genes = setNames(-log10(df[up,"padj"]), up)
    down.genes = setNames(-log10(df[down,"padj"]), down)
    tmp = up.genes
    tmp[tmp > 20] = 20
    up.score <- sum(tmp)
    tmp = down.genes
    tmp[tmp > 20] = 20
    down.score <- sum(tmp)    
      up.score = up.score,
      down.score = down.score,
      score = up.score + down.score,
      up.num = length(up.genes),
      down.num = length(down.genes),
      num = length(up.genes) + length(down.genes)

      result$de.df = df[select,]

#' Compute differential expression summary statistics for all pairs of clusters based on de_param()
#' @param norm.dat a normalized data matrix for data.
#' @param cl a cluster factor object.
#' @param de.param A list of differential gene expression parameters from \code{de_param()}
#' @param method If de.df is NULL, use "limma" or "chisq" to compute differentially expressed genes.
#' @param de.df Optional. Pre-computed results from \code{de_all_pairs()} or \code{de_selected_pairs}. Default = NULL.
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to \code{de_selected_pairs()}
#' @return a character vector of all differentially expressed genes. 
#' @export
de_all_pairs <- function(norm.dat, 
                         de.param = de_param(), 
                         method = "fast_limma", 
                         pairs.fn = "pairs.parquet",
                         ...) {

  cn <- as.character(sort(unique(cl)))
  pairs= create_pairs(cn)
    pairs = as.data.frame(pairs)
    pairs$pair = row.names(pairs)
    pairs$pair_id = 1:nrow(pairs)
      cl.bin.size= min(100, length(cn)/mc.cores)
      cl.bin = data.frame(cl=cn,bin = ceiling((1:length(cn)/cl.bin.size)))
    write_parquet(pairs, sink=pairs.fn)
    cl = cl,    
    pairs = pairs,
    de.param = de.param,
    method = method,

#' Generate a matrix of pairwise DE results
#' @param de.genes Output from \code{de_score} or \code{de_stats_all_pairs}.
#' @param directed Logical indicating whether to select results based on all DE genes (Default, FALSE) or up/down regulated genes (see Details).
#' @param field The result to retrieve from de.results. Either "score" or "num". Default is "num".
#' @details When directed = TRUE and field = "num", the minimum value from up or down-regulated genes is returned for each pair. When field = "score", the 
#' minimum deScore is returned.
#' @return a matrix with clusters as rows and columns, and pairwise DE results as values.
#' @export
get_de_matrix <- function(de.genes, 
                          directed = FALSE, 
                          field = "num") {
  field <- match.arg(field,
                     choices = c("num","score"))
  pairs <- get_pairs(names(de.genes))
    # If directed, take the minimum of up or down-regulated
    f <- paste("up", field, sep = ".")
    up.de.num <- unlist(sapply(de.genes, function(x) { x[[f]] } ))
    f <- paste("down", field,sep=".")
    down.de.num <- unlist(sapply(de.genes, function(x) { x[[f]] } ))

    pairs = get_pairs(names(down.de.num))
    names(down.de.num) = paste(pairs[,2],pairs[,1], sep="_")
    de.num = c(up.de.num, down.de.num)
  } else {
    de.num <- unlist(sapply(de.genes, function(x) { x[[field]] }))

  de.matrix <- convert_pair_matrix(de.num, 
                                   directed = directed)

#' Title
#' @param de.genes 
#' @param dend 
#' @param cl.label 
#' @param directed 
#' @param file 
#' @param ... 
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
plot_de_num <- function(de.genes, 
                        cl.label = NULL, 
                        directed = FALSE, 
                        file = "log10.de.num.pdf", 
                        ...) {
  label <- as.hclust(dend)$label
  de.num.matrix <- get_de_matrix(de.genes, 
                                 directed = directed)
  de.num.matrix <- de.num.matrix[label, label]
  breaks <- c(-1, seq(0.2, 4, length.out = 100))
  if(!is.null(cl.label)) {
    colnames(de.num.matrix) <- cl.label[row.names(de.num.matrix)]
    row.names(de.num.matrix) <- cl.label[row.names(de.num.matrix)]
  tmp.dat <- log10(de.num.matrix + 1)
  pdf(file, ...)
            col = jet.colors(100), 
            breaks = breaks,
            trace = "none",
            Colv = dend, 
            Rowv = dend,
            dendrogram = "row",
            cexRow = 0.3,
            cexCol = 0.3)

#' Title
#' @param de.genes 
#' @param top.n 
#' @param select.pair 
#' @param cl.label 
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
plot_de_lfc_num <- function(de.genes, 
                            top.n = 100, 
                            select.pair = NULL, 
                            cl.label = NULL) {
  tmp <- sapply(de.genes, length)
  de.genes <- de.genes[tmp!=0]
  de.score <- sapply(de.genes, 
                     function(x) {
  de.up.score <- sapply(de.genes, 
                        function(x) {
  de.down.score <- sapply(de.genes, 
                          function(x) {
  de.num <- sapply(de.genes, 
                   function(x) {
  de.lfc <- sapply(de.genes, 
                   function(x) {
                     top.genes <- head(x$genes[order(x$de.df[x$genes, "pval"])],
                     mean(abs(x$de.df[top.genes, "lfc"]))
  de.q.diff <- sapply(de.genes, 
                      function(x) {
                        top.genes <- head(x$genes[order(x$de.df[x$genes, "pval"])],
                        q.diff <- with(x$de.df[top.genes, ], abs(q1 - q2) / pmax(q1, q2))
  de.summary <- data.frame(de.num, 
  row.names(de.summary) <- names(de.genes)
  tmp <- do.call("rbind", strsplit(row.names(de.summary), "_"))
  de.summary$cl1 <- tmp[, 1]
  de.summary$cl2 <- tmp[, 2]
  g <- ggplot2::ggplot(de.summary, 
                                    color = de.q.diff)) + 
    ggplot2::geom_point() + 
    ggplot2::scale_color_gradient2(midpoint = 0.85) + 
    select.df <- de.summary[select.pair, ]
      select.df$pair.label <- with(select.df, 
                                         sep = ":"))
    g <- g + 
      geom_text(data = select.df, 
                aes(de.num - 0.02, 
                    label = pair.label),
                size = 2,
                color = "black") +
      geom_point(data = select.df, 
                 color = "red",
                 pch = 1)
  g <- g + 
    xlab("Number of DE genes") + 
    ylab("Mean log2(FC) of top 100 DE.genes")
  return(list(g = g, 
              de.summary = de.summary))

# New plotting functions from Zizhen - to be checked

#' Title
#' @param pair.num 
#' @param file 
#' @param directed 
#' @param dend 
#' @param col 
#' @param cl.label 
#' @param ... 
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
plot_pair_matrix <- function(pair.num, file, directed=FALSE, dend=NULL, col=jet.colors(100), cl.label=NULL,...)
    pair.matrix <- convert_pair_matrix(pair.num, directed = directed)
      colnames(pair.matrix) = row.names(pair.matrix) = cl.label[row.names(pair.matrix)]
    breaks = c(min(pair.num)-0.1, quantile(pair.num, seq(0.05,0.95,length.out=100)), max(pair.num)+0.1)
    pdf(file, ...)
    heatmap.3(pair.matrix, col = col, 
              trace = "none", Colv = dend, Rowv = dend, dendrogram = "row", 
              cexRow = 0.3, cexCol = 0.3)

export_de_genes <- function(de.genes, cl.means, out.dir="de_parquet", pairs=NULL,cl.bin=NULL, mc.cores=1, top.n = 1000, overwrite=FALSE)
      pairs = as.data.frame(get_pairs(names(de.genes)))
      pairs$pair = row.names(pairs)
    pairs$P1 = as.character(pairs$P1)
    pairs$P2 = as.character(pairs$P2)
    cl.bin$cl = as.character(cl.bin$cl)
        pairs = pairs %>% left_join(cl.bin, by=c("P1"=cl))  %>% left_join(cl.bin, by=c("P2"=cl))
    pairs = pairs %>% filter(pair %in% names(de.genes))   
    all.bins = unique(c(pairs$bin.x, pairs$bin.y))
    tmp=foreach(bin1 = 1:length(all.bins),.combine="c")%:%
      foreach(bin2 = bin1:length(all.bins),.combine="c")%dopar% {
        x = all.bins[bin1]
        y = all.bins[bin2]
        tmp.pairs = pairs %>% filter(bin.x==x & bin.y==y| bin.x==y & bin.y==x) %>% pull(pair)
        tmp = lapply(tmp.pairs, function(p){
          up = de.genes[[p]]$up.genes
          down = de.genes[[p]]$down.genes
          up = head(up, top.n)
          down = head(down, top.n)
          pair = strsplit(p, "_")[[1]]
          p1 = pair[1]
          p2 = pair[2]
          gene = c(names(up),names(down))
          logPval = c(up, down)
          rank = c(seq_len(length(up)),seq_len(length(down)))        
          lfc =  abs(cl.means[gene, p1] - cl.means[gene, p2])
          sign = rep(c("up","down"),c(length(up),length(down)))
          df = data.frame(gene=gene, logPval=logPval,sign=sign, rank=rank)
          df$pair = p
          df$lfc = lfc       
        df = data.table::rbindlist(tmp)
        cols= colnames(df)
        df = df %>% left_join(pairs[,c("P1","P2","pair","bin.x","bin.y")])
        select= df$sign=="down"
        tmp = df[select,c("P2","P1","bin.y","bin.x")]
        df[select,c("P1","P2","bin.x","bin.y")] = tmp
        write_dataset(df, out.dir, partition=c("bin.x","bin.y"))

de_pair_summary <- function(de.genes, pairs=NULL, cl.bin, mc.cores=1, out.dir="de_summary",return.df = FALSE)
    if(!is.null(out.dir) & !dir.exists(out.dir)){
      pairs =data.frame(pair=names(de.genes))
      pairs$pair = row.names(pairs)
    pairs$P1 = as.character(pairs$P1)
    pairs$P2 = as.character(pairs$P2)
    cl.bin$cl = as.character(cl.bin$cl)
      pairs = pairs %>% left_join(cl.bin, by=c("P1"="cl"))%>% left_join(cl.bin, by=c("P1"="cl"))
    pairs = pairs %>% filter(pair %in% names(de.genes))
    cols = c("num","up.num","down.num","score", "up.score","down.score")
    tmp.pairs = pairs %>% pull(pair)
    tmp = sapply(cols, function(col){
      df=unlist(sapply(tmp.pairs, function(p){
    df = do.call("data.frame",tmp)
    df$pair = tmp.pairs
      df = df %>% left_join(pairs[,c("pair","P1","P2","bin.x","bin.y")])
      write_dataset(df, out.dir, partition=c("bin.x","bin.y"))

de_selected_pairs <- function(norm.dat,
                              de.param = de_param(),
                              method = "fast_limma", 
                              cl.means = NULL,
                              cl.present = NULL,
                              cl.sqr.means = NULL,
                              use.voom = FALSE, 
                              counts = NULL,
                              mc.cores = 1,
                              out.dir = NULL,
                              summary.dir = NULL,
                              return.df = FALSE,
  method <- match.arg(method,
                       choices = c("fast_limma", "limma","chisq", "t.test"))
  if(use.voom & is.null(counts)) {
    stop("The use.voom = TRUE parameter requires a raw count matrix via the counts parameter.")
  # Sample filtering based on selected clusters
    cl.size <- table(cl)
    cl.size = setNames(as.integer(cl.size), names(cl.size))
    pairs.fn = pairs
    pairs = open_dataset(pairs.fn)
    pairs =as.data.frame(pairs)
      pairs$pair = row.names(pairs)
      pairs$pair_id = 1:nrow(pairs)
  select.cl <- unique(c(pairs %>% pull(P1), pairs %>% pull(P2)))
  select.cl <- intersect(select.cl, names(cl.size)[cl.size >= de.param$min.cells])
  cl <- cl[cl %in% select.cl]
    cl = droplevels(cl)
      cl.bin.size= min(100, length(select.cl)/mc.cores)
      cl.bin = data.frame(cl=select.cl,bin = ceiling((1:length(select.cl)/cl.bin.size)))
      #cl.bin$cl = as.character(cl.bin$cl)
      cl.bin$cl <- as.character(as.integer(cl.bin$cl))
      pairs <- pairs %>%
        mutate(P1 = as.character(as.integer(P1)),
               P2 = as.character(as.integer(P2)))
    pairs = pairs %>% left_join(cl.bin, by=c("P1"="cl")) %>% left_join(cl.bin, by=c("P2"="cl"))
  pairs = pairs %>% filter(P1 %in% select.cl & P2 %in% select.cl) %>% collect()
  cl.size = cl.size[select.cl]
  # Gene filtering based on low.th and min.cells thresholds
  # This was removed recently by Zizhen, as this can be computationally expensive
  # and can cause some inconsistent results based on which pairs are selected.
  # if(length(low.th) == 1) {
  #   genes_above_low.th <- Matrix::rowSums(norm.dat >= low.th)
  # } else {
  #   genes_above_low.th <- Matrix::rowSums(norm.dat >= low.th[row.names(norm.dat)])
  # }
  # genes_above_min.cells <- genes_above_low.th >= min.cells
  # select.genes <- row.names(norm.dat)[genes_above_min.cells]
  # norm.dat <- as.matrix(norm.dat[genes_above_min.cells, ])
  # Mean computation
  if(is.null(cl.means)) {
    cl.means <- as.data.frame(get_cl_means(norm.dat, cl))
  } else {
    cl.means <- as.data.frame(cl.means)     
                                        # Compute fraction of cells in each cluster with expression >= low.th
    cl.present <- as.data.frame(get_cl_present(norm.dat, cl, de.param$low.th))
  } else{
    cl.present <- as.data.frame(cl.present)   
    cl.sqr.means <- as.data.frame(get_cl_sqr_means(norm.dat, cl))
  } else{
    cl.sqr.means <- as.data.frame(cl.sqr.means)
  if(method == "limma"){
    norm.dat <- as.matrix(norm.dat[, names(cl)])
    cl <- setNames(as.factor(paste0("cl",cl)),names(cl))
    design <- model.matrix(~0 + cl)
    colnames(design) <- levels(as.factor(cl))
    if(use.voom & !is.null(counts)){
      v <- limma::voom(counts = as.matrix(counts[row.names(norm.dat), names(cl)]), 
                       design = design)
      fit <- limma::lmFit(object = v, 
                          design = design)		
    } else {
      fit <- limma::lmFit(object = norm.dat[, names(cl)], 
                          design = design)
  else if (method == "fast_limma"){
    fit = simple_lmFit(norm.dat, cl=cl, cl.means= cl.means, cl.sqr.means= cl.sqr.means)
  else if (method == "t.test"){
    cl.vars <- as.data.frame(get_cl_vars(norm.dat, cl, cl.means = cl.means))
  mc.cores=min(mc.cores, ceiling(nrow(pairs)/5000))
  all.bins = sort(unique(c(pairs$bin.x, pairs$bin.y)))
  de_list=foreach(bin1 = 1:length(all.bins),.combine="c")%:%
    foreach(bin2 = bin1:length(all.bins),.combine="c")%dopar% {
      x= all.bins[bin1]
      y = all.bins[bin2]
      if(!overwrite & !is.null(out.dir)){
        if(file.exists(file.path(out.dir, paste0("bin.x=",x), paste0("bin.y=",y)))){
          return(list(de.genes=NULL, de.summary=NULL))
      tmp.pairs = pairs %>% filter(bin.x==x & bin.y==y| bin.x==y & bin.y==x)
          return(list(de.genes=NULL, de.summary=NULL))
      de.genes=sapply(1:nrow(tmp.pairs), function(i){
        pair = unlist(tmp.pairs[i, c("P1","P2")])
        if(method == "limma") {
          df= de_pair_limma(pair = pair,
            cl.present = cl.present,
            cl.means = cl.means,
            design = design,
            fit = fit)
        else if(method == "fast_limma") {
          df= de_pair_fast_limma(pair = pair,
            cl.present = cl.present,
            cl.means = cl.means,
            fit = fit)
        else if(method =="t.test"){
          df = de_pair_t.test(pair = pair,
            cl.present = cl.present,
            cl.means = cl.means,
            cl.vars = cl.vars,
            cl.size = cl.size)                    
        else if (method == "chisq"){
          df = de_pair_chisq(pair = pair,
            cl.present = cl.present,
            cl.means = cl.means,
            cl.size = cl.size)
        if(!is.null(de.param$min.cells)) {
          cl.size1 <- cl.size[as.character(pair[1])]
          cl.size2 <- cl.size[as.character(pair[2])]
        } else {
          cl.size1 <- NULL
          cl.size2 <- NULL
        stats= de_stats_pair(df, 
          de.param = de.param, 
          return.df = return.df)
      pair = tmp.pairs %>% pull(pair)
      names(de.genes) = pair
      de.summary = NULL
        de.summary = de_pair_summary(de.genes, out.dir= summary.dir,cl.bin=cl.bin, pairs=tmp.pairs, return.df = is.null(summary.dir))
        cat("Export", x, y,"\n")
        result=export_de_genes(de.genes, cl.means, out.dir=out.dir, cl.bin=cl.bin,pairs=tmp.pairs, mc.cores=1, top.n = top.n)
        cat("Finish Export", x, y,"\n")
        de.genes= NULL
      list(de.genes=de.genes, de.summary=de.summary)        
  de.genes= do.call("c", de_list[names(de_list)=="de.genes"])
  if(!is.null(de.genes) & !is.null(names(de.genes))){
  de.summary = do.call("c", de_list[names(de_list)=="de.summary"])
  return(list(de.genes=de.genes, de.summary=de.summary))
AllenInstitute/scrattch.bigcat documentation built on Feb. 7, 2024, 7:28 p.m.