
Defines functions classifyTumorCells classifyCluster computeCNAmtx removeSyntheticBaseline

Documented in classifyCluster classifyTumorCells computeCNAmtx removeSyntheticBaseline

#' removeSyntheticBaseline Removes a synthetic baseline from a tumour pure matrix
#' @param count_mtx count matrix
#' @param par_cores number of cores for parallel computing.
#' @return relative matrix
#' @examples
removeSyntheticBaseline <- function(count_mtx, par_cores = 20){ 

  d <- parallelDist::parDist(t(count_mtx), threads = par_cores) 
  hcc <- hclust(d, method="ward.D2")
  sCalinsky <- calinsky(hcc, d, gMax = 10)
  k <- which.max(sCalinsky)
  hcc_k <- cutree(hcc, k=k)
  expr.relat <- NULL
  for(i in 1:k){
    cellsClu <- count_mtx[, which(hcc_k==i)]
    sdCells <- apply(cellsClu,1,sd)
    syn.norm <- sapply(sdCells,function(x)(x<- rnorm(1,mean = 0,sd=x)))
    cellsCluRelat <- cellsClu - syn.norm
    expr.relat <- rbind(expr.relat, t(cellsCluRelat))

#' computeCNAmtx computed the CNA matrix using the break points obtained from segmentation
#' @param count_mtx count matrix
#' @param breaksbreak points obtained from segmentation
#' @param par_cores number of cores for parallel computing (optional)
#' @return CNA matrix
#' @examples

computeCNAmtx <- function(count_mtx, breaks, par_cores = 20, segmAlt){
  n <- nrow(count_mtx)

  startBreaks <- breaks[-length(breaks)]
  endBreaks <- c(startBreaks[-1])
  endBreaks <- c(endBreaks-1,n)

  funcCNA <- function(z){

    for (i in 1:length(startBreaks)){

        #meanValue <- (mean(count_mtx[breaks[i]:breaks[i+1],z]) - mean(count_mtx[,z])) / sd(count_mtx[,z])
        meanValue <- mean(count_mtx[startBreaks[i]:endBreaks[i],z])
        meanValue <- 0

      x[startBreaks[i]:endBreaks[i]] <- meanValue
  # n <- nrow(count_mtx)
  # funcCNA <- function(z){
  #   x<-numeric(n)
  #   for (i in 1:(length(breaks)-1)){
  #     if(segmAlt[i]){
  #       #meanValue <- (mean(count_mtx[breaks[i]:breaks[i+1],z]) - mean(count_mtx[,z])) / sd(count_mtx[,z])
  #       meanValue <- mean(count_mtx[breaks[i]:breaks[i+1],z])
  #     }else{
  #       meanValue <- 0
  #     }
  #     x[breaks[i]:breaks[i+1]] <- meanValue
  #   }
  #   return(x)
  # }
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(getOption("cl.cores", par_cores))
    seg.test <- parallel::parLapply(cl, 1:ncol(count_mtx), funcCNA)
    seg.test <- parallel::mclapply(1:ncol(count_mtx), funcCNA, mc.cores = par_cores)
  # seg.test <- parallel::mclapply(1:ncol(count_mtx), function(z){
  #   x<-numeric(n)
  #   for (i in 1:(length(breaks)-1)){
  #     if(segmAlt[i]){
  #       #meanValue <- (mean(count_mtx[breaks[i]:breaks[i+1],z]) - mean(count_mtx[,z])) / sd(count_mtx[,z])
  #       meanValue <- mean(count_mtx[breaks[i]:breaks[i+1],z])
  #     }else{
  #       meanValue <- 0
  #     }
  #     x[breaks[i]:breaks[i+1]] <- meanValue
  #   }
  #   return(x)
  # }, mc.cores = par_cores)
  CNA <- matrix(unlist(seg.test), ncol = ncol(count_mtx), byrow = FALSE)

#' classifyCluster Classify the two major clusters of CNA matrix on the basis of confident normal cells
#' @param hcc2 Two clusters from hierarchical clustering
#' @param norm_cell_names Vector of confident normal cells 
#' @return classification of tumor and normal cells
#' @examples
classifyCluster <- function(hcc2, norm_cell_names){
  perc_norm <- length(intersect(names(hcc2[hcc2==1]), norm_cell_names))/length(hcc2[hcc2==1])
  perc_norm <- c(perc_norm,length(intersect(names(hcc2[hcc2==2]), norm_cell_names))/length(hcc2[hcc2==2]))
  clust_norm <- which(perc_norm==max(perc_norm))
  cellType_pred <- names(hcc2)
  cellType_pred[hcc2 == clust_norm] <- "non malignant"
  cellType_pred[!hcc2 == clust_norm] <- "malignant"
  names(cellType_pred) <- names(hcc2)

#' classifyTumorCells Classify tumour and normal cells from the raw count matrix, using normal cells in the matrix or by subtracting a synthetic baseline from the matrix if there are no normal cells in the matrix.
#' @param count_mtx raw count matrix
#' @param annot_mtx matrix containing the annotations of the genes (rows: genes, columns: chr start end)
#' @param sample sample name (optional)
#' @param distance distance used in hierarchical clustering (default euclidean)
#' @param par_cores number of cores (default 20)
#' @param gr_truth ground truth of classification (optional)
#' @param norm_cell_names confident normal cells (optional)
#' @param SEGMENTATION_CLASS Boolean value to perform segmentation before classification (default TRUE)
#' @param SMOOTH Boolean value to perform smoothing (default TRUE)
#' @param beta_vega specifies beta parameter for segmentation, higher beta for more coarse-grained segmentation. (default 0.5) 
#' @return
#' @examples
#' @export
classifyTumorCells <- function(count_mtx, annot_mtx, sample = "", distance="euclidean", par_cores=20, ground_truth = NULL, norm_cell_names = NULL, SEGMENTATION_CLASS = TRUE, SMOOTH = TRUE, beta_vega = 0.5){
  if (length(norm_cell_names) < 1){
    print("7) Measuring baselines (pure tumor - synthetic normal cells)")
    count_mtx_relat <- removeSyntheticBaseline(count_mtx, par_cores=par_cores)
  } else {
    print("7) Measuring baselines (confident normal cells)")
    if(length(norm_cell_names) == 1){
      basel <- count_mtx[, which(colnames(count_mtx) %in% norm_cell_names)]
      basel <- apply(count_mtx[, which(colnames(count_mtx) %in% norm_cell_names)],1,median)
    ##relative expression using pred.normal cells
    count_mtx_relat <- count_mtx-basel
  ##### smooth data ##### 
    print("8) Smoothing data")
    DeltaT = 0.2
    nonLinSmooth <- function(c){
      y <- count_mtx_relat[, c]
      y <- append(0,y)
      for(i in 1:niters){
        DeltaP = (y[2:length(y)]-y[1:(length(y)-1)])/alpha
        DeltaP <- c(DeltaP,0)
        tD <- tanh(DeltaP)
        DeltaM <- tD[2:length(y)]-tD[1:(length(y)-1)]
        DeltaM <- c(0,DeltaM)
        y <- y + DeltaT*DeltaM
      y <- y[2:length(y)]
    #test.mc <- parallel::mclapply(1:ncol(count_mtx_relat), nonLinSmooth, mc.cores = par_cores)
      cl <- parallel::makeCluster(getOption("cl.cores", par_cores))
      test.mc <- parallel::parLapply(cl, 1:ncol(count_mtx_relat), nonLinSmooth)
      test.mc <- parallel::mclapply(1:ncol(count_mtx_relat), nonLinSmooth, mc.cores = par_cores)
    count_mtx_smooth <- matrix(unlist(test.mc), ncol = ncol(count_mtx_relat), byrow = FALSE)
    colnames(count_mtx_smooth) <- colnames(count_mtx_relat)
    count_mtx_relat <- count_mtx_smooth
  ##### Segmentation with VegaMC #####
  if(SEGMENTATION_CLASS & length(norm_cell_names) > 0){ #){
    print("9) Segmentation (VegaMC)")
    mtx_vega <- cbind(annot_mtx[,c(4,1,3)], count_mtx_relat)
    colnames(mtx_vega)[1:3] <- c("Name","Chr","Position")
    breaks <- getBreaksVegaMC(mtx_vega, annot_mtx[, 3], sample, beta_vega)
    subSegm <- read.csv(paste0("./output/ ",sample," vega_output"), sep = "\t")
    segmAlt <- abs(subSegm$Mean)>0.05 | (subSegm$G.pv<0.01 | subSegm$L.pv<0.01)
    #segmAlt <- append(segmAlt[1],append(segmAlt, segmAlt[length(segmAlt)]))
    CNA_mtx <- computeCNAmtx(count_mtx_relat, breaks, par_cores, segmAlt)
    SEGM <- TRUE
    CNA_mtx <- count_mtx_relat
  colnames(CNA_mtx) <- colnames(count_mtx_relat)
  CNA_mtx <- apply(CNA_mtx,2, function(x)(x <- x-mean(x)))
  print("10) Adjust baseline")
  if(length(norm_cell_names) < 1){
      hcc <- hclust(parallelDist::parDist(t(CNA_mtx),threads =par_cores, method = distance), method = "ward.D")
    }else {
      hcc <- hclust(as.dist(1-cor(CNA_mtx, method = distance)), method = "ward.D")
    #plot heatmap
    print("11) plot heatmap")
    plotCNA(annot_mtx$seqnames, CNA_mtx, hcc, sample)
    save(CNA_mtx, file = paste0("./output/",sample,"_CNAmtx.RData"))

  } else {
      hcc <- hclust(parallelDist::parDist(t(CNA_mtx),threads =par_cores, method = distance), method = "ward.D")
    }else {
      hcc <- hclust(as.dist(1-cor(CNA_mtx, method = distance)), method = "ward.D")
    hcc2 <- cutree(hcc,2)
    names(hcc2) <- colnames(CNA_mtx)
    cellType_pred <- classifyCluster(hcc2, norm_cell_names)
    ################removed baseline adjustment
    CNA_mtx_relat <- CNA_mtx-apply(CNA_mtx[,which(cellType_pred=="non malignant")], 1, mean)
    CNA_mtx_relat <- apply(CNA_mtx_relat,2,function(x)(x <- x-mean(x)))
    CNA_mtx_relat <- CNA_mtx_relat/(0.5*(max(CNA_mtx_relat)-min(CNA_mtx_relat)))
    #CNA_mtx_relat[abs(CNA_mtx_relat)<0.05] <- 0
    #CNA_mtx_relat <- (CNA_mtx_relat*4)^3
      count_mtx_relat <- count_mtx_relat-apply(count_mtx_relat[,which(cellType_pred=="non malignant")], 1, mean)
      count_mtx_relat <- apply(count_mtx_relat,2,function(x)(x <- x-mean(x)))
      count_mtx_relat <- count_mtx_relat/(0.5*(max(count_mtx_relat)-min(count_mtx_relat)))
      hcc <- hclust(parallelDist::parDist(t(CNA_mtx_relat),threads =par_cores, method = distance), method = "ward.D")
    }else {
      hcc <- hclust(as.dist(1-cor(CNA_mtx_relat, method = distance)), method = "ward.D")
    hcc2 <- cutree(hcc,2)
    names(hcc2) <- colnames(CNA_mtx_relat)
    cellType_pred <- classifyCluster(hcc2, norm_cell_names)
    res <- cbind(names(cellType_pred), cellType_pred)
    colnames(res) <- c("cell.names", "pred")
    print("11) plot heatmap")
    plotCNA(annot_mtx$seqnames, CNA_mtx_relat, hcc, sample, cellType_pred, ground_truth)
    save(CNA_mtx_relat, file = paste0("./output/",sample,"_CNAmtx.RData"))
  if(length(norm_cell_names) < 1){
    tum_cells <- colnames(CNA_mtx)
    tum_cells <- gsub("\\.","-",tum_cells)
    tum_cells <- names(res[,2][res[,2] == "malignant"])
    ress <- list(tum_cells, cbind(annot_mtx[,c(4,1,3)], count_mtx_relat), norm_cell_names)
  }else if(length(norm_cell_names) < 1){
    ress <- list(tum_cells, cbind(annot_mtx[,c(4,1,3)], CNA_mtx), norm_cell_names)
    ress <- list(tum_cells, cbind(annot_mtx[,c(4,1,3)], CNA_mtx_relat), norm_cell_names)
  names(ress) <- c("tum_cells", "CNAmat", "confidentNormal")
AntonioDeFalco/SCEVAN documentation built on June 11, 2024, 10:30 a.m.