## Copyright 2008, Novartis Pharma AG
## This program is Open Source Software: you can redistribute it
## and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
## as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
## the License, or (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
# functions to design trials for MCPMod
guesst <-
function(d, p, model = c("emax", "exponential", "logistic", "quadratic",
"betaMod", "sigEmax"), less = TRUE, local = FALSE, dMax, Maxd, scal)
## get guesstimates for standardized model parameters(s)
## d = dose corresponding to prior expected percentage "p" of maximum effect
## p = percentage corresponding to "d"
## model = name of dose response model
## less = logical only needed in case of quadratic model.
## determines if d is smaller (less=T) or larger (less=F)
## than d_opt
## local = logical indicating whether local (ie exact) or asymptotic versions
## of guesstimate should be derived for emax, logistic and
## sigEmax model (for other models method is exact)
## Branson et al. derive the asymptotic
## expressions (ie. assuming that f^0(Maxd)=1)
## in case local version is used, convergence problems
## with underlying nonlinear optimization can occur
## dMax = dose at which max effect occurs (needed only for betaMod)
## Maxd = Maximum dose administered
## scal = dose scale (needed only for betaMod)
model <- match.arg(model)
if(any(p <= 0) | any(p > 1)) stop("must have 0 < p <= 1")
emax = {
c(ed50 = mean(d * (1 - p)/p))
} else {
if (any(p <= d/Maxd))
stop("must have p > d/Maxd, for local version")
val <- (d/p-d)/(1-d/(Maxd*p))
exponential = {
if(any(p >= d/Maxd)) stop("must have p < d/Maxd")
init <- d/log(1 + p)
fooexp <- function(delta, d, p, Maxd){
sum((exponential(d, 0, 1, delta)/
exponential(Maxd, 0, 1, delta) - p)^2)
val <- optimize(fooexp, c(0, 2*Maxd), d=d, p=p, Maxd=Maxd)$minimum
c(delta = mean(val))
logistic = {
if(length(d) == 1) {
stop("logistic model needs at least two pairs (d,p)")
logit <- function(p) log(p/(1-p))
if(length(d) == 2) {
ed50 <- diff(rev(d)*logit(p))/diff(logit(p))
delta <- diff(d)/diff(logit(p))
res <- c(ed50 = ed50, delta = delta)
} else {
m <- lm(logit(p)~d)
par <- coef(m)
names(par) <- NULL
res <- c(ed50 = -par[1]/par[2], delta = 1/par[2])
foolog <- function(par, d, p, Maxd) {
e0 <- logistic(0,0,1,par[1],par[2])
sum(((logistic(d,0,1,par[1],par[2]) - e0)/
res <- try(optim(par=res, fn=foolog, d=d, p=p, Maxd=Maxd))
if(res$convergence > 0)
stop("cannot find guesstimates for specified values")
else res <- res$par
if(res[1] < 0)
message("specified values lead to negative ed50, which should be positive")
quadratic = {
aux <- sqrt(1 - p)
if (less) c(delta = mean(-(1 - aux)/(2 * d)))
else c(delta = mean(-(1 + aux)/(2 * d)))
betaMod = {
if(scal <= dMax)
stop("scal needs to be larger than dMax to calculate guesstimate")
k <- dMax/(scal-dMax)
val <- d^k*(scal-d)/(dMax^k*(scal-dMax))
beta <- log(p)/(log(val))
c(delta1 = mean(k*beta), delta2 = mean(beta))
sigEmax = {
if(length(d) == 1) {
stop("sigmoid Emax model needs at least two pairs (d,p)")
if(length(d) == 2){
num <- log((p[1]*(1-p[2]))/(p[2]*(1-p[1])))
h <- num/log(d[1]/d[2])
ed50 <- ((1-p[1])/p[1])^(1/h)*d[1]
res <- c(ed50=ed50, h=h)
} else {
y <- log((1-p)/p)
x <- log(d)
par <- coef(lm(y~x))
names(par) <- NULL
res <- c(ed50 = exp(par[1]/-par[2]), delta = -par[2])
if(local) {
fooSE <- function(par, d, p, Maxd) {
res <- try(optim(par=res, fn=fooSE, d=d, p=p, Maxd=Maxd))
if(res$convergence > 0)
stop("cannot find guesstimates for specified values")
else res <- res$par
if(res[1] < 0)
message("specified values lead to negative ed50, which should be positive")
### example call
### guesst(0.5, 0.8, "emax")
### guesst(0.5, 0.8, "emax", Maxd=1, local=T)
### guesst(0.5, 0.4, "exponential", Maxd = 1)
### guesst(0.7, 1, "quadratic") # maximum response at dose 0.7
### guesst(c(0.4, 0.7), c(0.5, 0.95), "logistic")
### guesst(c(0.4, 0.7), c(0.5, 0.95), "logistic", local = T, Maxd = 1)
### guesst(c(0.4, 0.7), c(0.5, 0.95), "sigEmax")
### guesst(c(0.4, 0.7), c(0.5, 0.95), "sigEmax", local = T, Maxd = 1)
### guesst(0.4,0.5, "betaMod", dMax = 0.8, scal=1.3)
linear <-
function(dose, e0, delta) e0 + delta * dose
linlog <-
function(dose, e0, delta, off = 1) linear(log(dose + off), e0, delta)
emax <- function(dose, e0, eMax, ed50){
sigEmax(dose, e0, eMax, ed50, 1)
quadratic <-
function(dose, e0, b1, b2) e0 + b1 * dose + b2 * dose^2
exponential <- function(dose, e0, e1, delta){
e0 + e1*(exp(dose/delta) - 1)
logistic <-
function(dose, e0, eMax, ed50, delta)
e0 + eMax/(1 + exp((ed50 - dose)/delta))
betaMod <-
function(dose, e0, eMax, delta1, delta2, scal)
maxDens <- (delta1^delta1)*(delta2^delta2)/
((delta1 + delta2)^(delta1+delta2))
dose <- dose/scal
e0 + eMax/maxDens * (dose^delta1) * (1 - dose)^delta2
sigEmax <-
function(dose, e0, eMax, ed50, h)
e0 + eMax*dose^h/(ed50^h + dose^h)
## means corresponding to different models and doses
modelMeans <-
## generate mean vectors for models and initial values defined by user
function(models, doses, std = TRUE, off = 0.1*max(doses), scal = 1.2*max(doses))
## models - list with names given by the model functions to be used
## and components as eitheir vectors or matrices with the
## parameter values ; assumption is that first argument to
## model function is always the doses
## doses - doses to be used in design
## std - logical variable indicating whether to assume
## standardized versions of built-in models
namMod <- names(models)
if(length(namMod) != length(unique(namMod))){
stop("only one list entry allowed for each model class in 'models' argument")
## built-in models with methods for standardized versions
biModels <- c("emax", "linlog", "linear", "quadratic",
"exponential", "logistic", "betaMod", "sigEmax")
nModels <- length(models) # number of model elements
contMap <- vector("list", nModels)
names(contMap) <- namMod
val <- list()
k <- 1
nams <- character()
for(nm in namMod) {
pars <- models[[nm]]
if (!is.null(pars) && !is.numeric(pars)) {
stop("elements of \"models\" must be NULL or numeric")
if (is.element(nm, biModels) && std) {
if (!is.element(nm, c("betaMod","logistic","sigEmax"))) {
## all others have single std parameter
if (is.matrix(pars)) {
stop("For standardized ", nm,
" models element cannot be matrix")
nmod <- length(pars)
if (nmod > 1) { # multiple models
ind <- 1:nmod
nams <- c(nams, paste(nm, ind, sep = ""))
contMap[[nm]] <- (k - 1) + ind
for(j in 1:nmod) {
if (nm == "linlog") pars1 <- c(0, 1, off)
else pars1 <- c(0, 1, pars[j])
val[[k]] <- do.call(nm, c(list(doses), as.list(pars1)))
k <- k + 1
} else { # single model
nams <- c(nams, nm)
contMap[[nm]] <- k
if (nm == "quadratic") names(pars) <- NULL
if (nm == "linlog") pars <- c(0, 1, off)
else pars <- c(0, 1, pars)
val[[k]] <- do.call(nm, c(list(doses), as.list(pars)))
k <- k + 1
} else { # logistic, betaMod
if (is.matrix(pars)) { # multiple models
if (ncol(pars) != 2) {
stop("standardized ", nm," model must have two parameters")
nmod <- nrow(pars) # number of models
ind <- 1:nmod
nams <- c(nams, paste(nm, ind, sep = ""))
contMap[[nm]] <- (k - 1) + ind
for(j in 1:nmod) {
if(nm == "betaMod") pars1 <- c(0, 1, pars[j, ], scal)
else pars1 <- c(0, 1, pars[j, ])
val[[k]] <- do.call(nm, c(list(doses), as.list(pars1)))
k <- k + 1
} else { # single model
if (length(pars) != 2) {
stop("standardized ", nm," model must have two parameters")
nams <- c(nams, nm)
contMap[[nm]] <- k
if(nm == "betaMod") pars <- c(pars, scal)
val[[k]] <-
do.call(nm, c(list(doses), as.list(c(0, 1, pars))))
k <- k + 1
} else { # user-defined or non-standardized
if (is.matrix(pars)) { # multiple models
nmod <- nrow(pars) # number of models
if(nm == "linlog") pars <- cbind(pars, off)
if(nm == "betaMod") pars <- cbind(pars, c(scal))
ind <- 1:nmod
nams <- c(nams, paste(nm, ind, sep = ""))
contMap[[nm]] <- (k - 1) + ind
for(j in 1:nmod) {
val[[k]] <- do.call(nm, c(list(doses), as.list(pars[j,])))
k <- k + 1
} else { # single model
if(nm == "linlog") pars <- c(pars, off)
if(nm == "betaMod") pars <- c(pars, scal)
nams <- c(nams, nm)
contMap[[nm]] <- k
val[[k]] <- do.call(nm, c(list(doses), as.list(pars)))
k <- k + 1
muMat <- do.call("cbind", val)
dimnames(muMat) <- list(doses, nams)
attr(muMat, "contMap") <- contMap
## Model contrasts
getStdCont <-
## center and normalize vector
cont <- cont - mean(cont)
### simplified version
getOptCont <-
function(mu, n = 1)
mn <- sum(mu * n)/sum(n)
getStdCont(n * (mu - mn))
modContr <-
function(means, n = 1)
## obtains model contrasts corresponding to model means and
## sample sizes n
apply(means, 2, getOptCont, n = n)
# control parameters for functions in package mvtnorm
mvtnorm.control <-
function(maxpts = 30000, abseps = 0.001,
interval = NULL, releps = 0)
out <- list(interval = interval, maxpts = maxpts, abseps = abseps,
releps = releps)
class(out) <- "GenzBretz"
critVal <-
function(cMat, n, alpha = 0.025, control = mvtnorm.control(),
twoSide = FALSE, corMat = NULL)
## function to calculate critical value
## cMat - model contrast matrix nDose x nMod
## n - scalar or vector with sample size(s)
## alpha - significance level
## control - see mvtnorm.control function
## twoSide - logical variable indicating if one or two-sided test
## corMat - correlation matrix
nD <- nrow(cMat)
nMod <- ncol(cMat)
if (length(n) == 1) {
nDF <- nD * (n - 1)
} else {
if (length(n) != nD) {
stop("sample size vector must have length equal to number of doses")
nDF <- sum(n) - nD
corMat <- t(cMat)%*%(cMat/n)
den <- sqrt(crossprod(t(colSums(cMat^2/n))))
corMat <- corMat / den
if(twoSide) tail <- "both.tails"
else tail <- "lower.tail"
if (!missing(control)) {
if(!is.list(control)) {
stop("when specified, 'control' must be a list")
ctrl <- do.call("mvtnorm.control", control)
} else {
ctrl <- control
qmvtCall <- c(list(1-alpha, tail = tail, df = nDF, corr = corMat,
algorithm=ctrl, interval=ctrl$interval))
do.call("qmvt", qmvtCall)$quantile
planMM <-
function(models, doses, n, off = 0.1*max(doses), scal = 1.2*max(doses), std = TRUE,
alpha = 0.025, twoSide = FALSE, control = mvtnorm.control(),
cV = TRUE, muMat = NULL)
## returns the critical value, the contrast and correlation matrices
## models - list with names given by the model functions to be used
## and components as either vectors or matrices with the
## parameter values ; assumption is that first argument to
## model function is always the doses
## doses - doses to be used in design
## n - scalar or vector with sample size(s)
## off, scal - additional parameters for the linear in log and beta model
## std - logical variable indicating whether to assume
## standardized versions of built-in models
## alpha - significance level
## twoSide - logical variable indicating if one or two-sided test
## control - control arguments for mvtnorm function(s)
## cV - logical indicating whether critical value should be calc.
## muMat - an optional matrix with means as columns, dimnames should
## be given (dose levels and names of contrasts)
if (missing(models)) {
## may pass necessary information via muMat
if (is.null(muMat)) {
stop("either models or muMat need to be specified")
mu <- muMat
} else {
mu <- modelMeans(models, doses, std, off, scal)
contMat <- modContr(mu, n)
corMat <- t(contMat)%*%(contMat/n)
den <- sqrt(crossprod(t(colSums(contMat^2/n))))
corMat <- corMat / den
critV <- critVal(contMat, n, alpha, control = control, twoSide = twoSide)
else critV <- NULL
res <- list(contMat = contMat, critVal = critV, muMat = mu,
corMat = (corMat+t(corMat))/2 )
attr(res, "n") <- n
attr(res, "alpha") <- alpha
if (twoSide) {
attr(res, "side") <- "two-sided"
} else {
attr(res, "side") <- "one-sided"
oldClass(res) <- "planMM"
print.planMM <-
function(x, digits = 3, ...)
cat("MCPMod planMM\n")
cat("\n","Optimal Contrasts:","\n", sep="")
print(round(x$contMat, digits))
names(x$critVal) <- NULL
cat("\n","Critical Value ", sep="")
cat(paste("(alpha = ", attr(x, "alpha"),", ", attr(x, "side"), "): ",
round(x$critVal, digits), sep=""),"\n")
cat("\n","Contrast Correlation Matrix:","\n", sep="")
print(round(x$corMat, digits))
### example call (example from JBS paper)
### doses <- c(0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150)
### models <- list(linear = NULL, emax = c(25),
### logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential = c(85),
### betaMod = matrix(c(0.33, 2.31, 1.39, 1.39), byrow=T,nrow=2))
### planMM(models, doses, 50, scal = 200, alpha = 0.05) # compare with JBS 16, 645-646
### example with muMat
### dvec <- c(0, 10, 50, 100)
### mu1 <- c(1, 2, 2, 2)
### mu2 <- c(1, 1, 2, 2)
### mu3 <- c(1, 1, 1, 2)
### mMat <- cbind(mu1, mu2, mu3)
### dimnames(mMat)[[1]] <- dvec
### planMM(muMat = mMat, doses = dvec, n = 30)
plot.planMM <- function (x, superpose = TRUE, xlab = "Dose",
ylab = NULL, resp = c("contrasts", "means"), ...)
resp <- match.arg(resp)
if (is.null(ylab)) {
if (resp == "contrasts") {
ylab <- "Contrast coefficients"
else {
ylab <- "Normalized model means"
cM <- x$contMat
if (resp == "means") {
cM <- t(t(x$muMat)/apply(x$muMat, 2, max))
nD <- nrow(cM)
nM <- ncol(cM)
cMtr <- data.frame(resp = as.vector(cM), dose = rep(as.numeric(dimnames(cM)[[1]]),
nM), model = factor(rep(dimnames(cM)[[2]], each = nD),
levels = dimnames(cM)[[2]]))
if (superpose) {
spL <- trellis.par.get("superpose.line")
spL$lty <- rep(spL$lty, nM%/%length(spL$lty) + 1)[1:nM]
spL$lwd <- rep(spL$lwd, nM%/%length(spL$lwd) + 1)[1:nM]
spL$col <- rep(spL$col, nM%/%length(spL$col) + 1)[1:nM]
xyplot(resp ~ dose, data = cMtr, subscripts = TRUE, groups = cMtr$model,
panel = panel.superpose, type = "o", xlab = xlab,
ylab = ylab, key = list(lines = spL, transparent = TRUE,
text = list(levels(cMtr$model), cex = 0.9), columns = ifelse(nM <
5, nM, min(4,ceiling(nM/min(ceiling(nM/4),3))))), ...)
else {
xyplot(resp ~ dose | model, data = cMtr, type = "o",
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, strip = function(...) strip.default(...,
style = 1), ...)
### doses <- c(0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150)
### models <- list(linear = NULL, emax = c(25),
### logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential = c(85),
### betaMod = matrix(c(0.33, 2.31, 1.39, 1.39), byrow=T,nrow=2))
### pM <- planMM(models, doses, 50, scal = 200)
### plot(pM)
### plot(pM, superpose=F, xlab="Different axis name")
### plot(pM, resp = "means")
### #example with muMat
### dvec <- c(0, 10, 50, 100)
### mu1 <- c(1, 2, 2, 2)
### mu2 <- c(1, 1, 2, 2)
### mu3 <- c(1, 1, 1, 2)
### mMat <- cbind(mu1, mu2, mu3)
### dimnames(mMat)[[1]] <- dvec
### pM <- planMM(muMat = mMat, doses = dvec, n = 30)
### plot(pM)
### plot(pM, superpose=F, xlab="Different axis name")
### plot(pM, resp = "means")
getPars <-
function(model, doses, initEstim, base, maxEff, off = 0.1*max(doses), scal = 1.2*max(doses))
## calculates the location and scale parameters corresponding to
## given base, maxEff, and guesstimates
## model - a character string with the model name. Built-in models
## have their full parameterization derived internally. For
## user-defined models, it is assumed the existence of a
## function named as "Par" appended to end of model (e.g.,
## for model = "cubic", it is assumed that there is function
## cubicPar that calculates the necessary parameters; this
## function is assumed to have arguments doses, initEstim,
## base, and maxEff, in that order. (see below for an example)
## doses - doses to be used in design
## base, maxEff - baseline and maximum effect (over placebo)
## initEstim - vector of guesstimates
## off, scal - additional parameters for the linear in log and beta model
linear = {
e1 <- maxEff/max(doses)
Par <- c(base, e1)
linlog = {
e1 <- maxEff/(log(max(doses) + off) - log(off))
Par <- c(base-e1*log(off), e1)
quadratic = {
dMax <- 1/(-2*initEstim)
b1 <- maxEff/(dMax + initEstim*dMax^2)
b2 <- initEstim * b1
Par <- c(base, b1, b2)
emax = {
emax.p <- maxEff * (initEstim + max(doses))/max(doses)
Par <- c(base, emax.p, initEstim)
exponential = {
e1 <- maxEff/(exp(max(doses)/initEstim) - 1)
e0 <- base
Par <- c(e0, e1, initEstim)
logistic = {
emax.p <- maxEff/
(logistic(max(doses),0,1, initEstim[1], initEstim[2]) -
logistic(0, 0, 1, initEstim[1], initEstim[2]))
e0 <- base-emax.p*logistic(0,0,1,initEstim[1], initEstim[2])
Par <- c(e0, emax.p, initEstim[1], initEstim[2])
betaMod = {
Par <- c(base, maxEff, initEstim)
sigEmax = {
ed50 <- initEstim[1]
h <- initEstim[2]
dmax <- max(doses)
eMax <- maxEff*(ed50^h+dmax^h)/dmax^h
Par <- c(e0 = base, eMax = eMax, ed50 = ed50, h = h)
Par <- do.call(paste(model,"Par", sep=""),
list(doses, initEstim, base, maxEff))
### example call
### doses <- c(0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150)
### getPars("emax", doses, 25, 0, 0.4)
### getPars("logistic", doses, c(50, 10.88111), 0, 0.4) # compare JBS 16, p.650
### getPars("betaMod", doses, initEstim = c(0.33, 2.31), base = 0,
### maxEff = 0.4)
### #example for user model
### sigEmax2 <- function(dose, e0, eMax, ed50, h){
### e0 + eMax * ( dose^h / (ed50^h + dose^h) )
### }
### # function to return location and scale parameters
### sigEmax2Par <- function(dose, initEstim, base, maxEff){
### # function to get linear parameters
### # ed50 parameter assumed to be first in initEstim
### ed50 <- initEstim[1]
### h <- initEstim[2]
### dmax <- max(dose)
### emax <- maxEff*(ed50^h+dmax^h)/dmax^h
### c(base, emax, initEstim)
### }
### getPars("sigEmax2", doses, initEstim = c(50,2), base = 0, maxEff = 1)
fullMod <-
function(models, doses, base, maxEff, off = 0.1*max(doses), scal = 1.2*max(doses))
## calculates parameters for all models in the candidate set
## returns a list (similar to the models list) but with all model parameters.
## models - list with names given by the model functions to be used
## and components as either vectors or matrices with the
## parameter values
## doses - doses to be used in design
## base, maxEff - baseline, maximum effect (over placebo)
## off, scal - additional parameters for the linear in log and beta model
namMod <- names(models)
if(length(namMod) != length(unique(namMod))){
stop("only one list entry allowed for each model class in 'models' argument")
complModels <- list()
i <- 0
for(nm in namMod){
pars <- models[[nm]]
Pars <- getPars(nm, doses, NULL, base, maxEff, off); i <- i+1
if(!is.element(nm,c("logistic", "betaMod", "sigEmax"))){
nmod <- length(pars)
if(nmod > 1){
Pars <- matrix(ncol=3, nrow=nmod)
for(j in 1:length(pars)){
Pars[j,] <- getPars(nm, doses, as.vector(pars[j]), base, maxEff)
i <- i+1
else {
Pars <- getPars(nm, doses, as.vector(pars), base, maxEff)
i <- i+1
else {
Pars <- matrix(ncol=4, nrow=nrow(pars))
for(j in 1:nrow(pars)){
Pars[j,] <- getPars(nm, doses, as.vector(pars[j,]), base, maxEff)
i <- i+1
else {
Pars <- getPars(nm, doses, as.vector(pars), base, maxEff); i <- i+1
complModels[[i]] <- Pars
names(complModels) <- names(models)
## store information for use later
attr(complModels, "doses") <- doses
attr(complModels, "base") <- base
attr(complModels, "maxEff") <- maxEff
attr(complModels, "off") <- off
attr(complModels, "scal") <- scal
oldClass(complModels) <- "fullMod"
### example call
### doses <- c(0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150)
### models <- list(linear = NULL, emax = c(25),
### logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential = c(85),
### betaMod = matrix(c(0.33, 2.31, 1.39, 1.39), byrow=T,nrow=2))
### fullMod(models, doses, base = 0, maxEff = 0.4, scal = 200)
plotModels <- function (models, doses, base, maxEff, nPoints = 200, off = 0.1*max(doses),
scal = 1.2 * max(doses), superpose = FALSE, ylab = "Model means",
xlab = "Dose", ...)
if (inherits(models, "fullMod")) {
doses <- attr(models, "doses")
base <- attr(models, "base")
maxEff <- attr(models, "maxEff")
off <- attr(models, "off")
scal <- attr(models, "scal")
Models <- models
else {
Models <- fullMod(models, doses, base, maxEff, off, scal)
doseSeq <- sort(union(seq(min(doses), max(doses), length = nPoints),
resp <- modelMeans(Models, doseSeq, std = FALSE, off, scal)
nams <- dimnames(resp)[[2]]
nM <- length(nams)
if (superpose) {
respdata <- data.frame(response = c(resp),
dose = rep(doseSeq, ncol(resp)),
model = factor(rep(nams, each = length(doseSeq)),
levels = nams))
spL <- trellis.par.get("superpose.line")
spL$lty <- rep(spL$lty, nM%/%length(spL$lty) + 1)[1:nM]
spL$lwd <- rep(spL$lwd, nM%/%length(spL$lwd) + 1)[1:nM]
spL$col <- rep(spL$col, nM%/%length(spL$col) + 1)[1:nM]
xyplot(response ~ dose, data = respdata, subscripts = TRUE,
groups = respdata$model, panel.data = list(base = base, maxEff = maxEff,
doses = doses), xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, panel = function(x,
y, subscripts, groups, ..., panel.data) {
panel.abline(h = c(panel.data$base, panel.data$base +
panel.data$maxEff), lty = 2)
panel.superpose(x, y, subscripts, groups, type = "l",
ind <- !is.na(match(x, panel.data$doses))
panel.superpose(x[ind], y[ind], subscripts[ind],
groups, ...)
}, key = list(lines = spL, transparent = TRUE, text = list(nams,
cex = 0.9), columns = ifelse(nM <
5, nM, min(4,ceiling(nM/min(ceiling(nM/4),3))))), ...)
else {
respdata <- data.frame(response = c(resp), dose = rep(doseSeq,
ncol(resp)), model = factor(rep(nams, each = length(doseSeq))))
xyplot(response ~ dose | model, data = respdata, panel.data = list(base = base,
maxEff = maxEff, doses = doses), xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
panel = function(x, y, ..., panel.data) {
panel.abline(h = c(panel.data$base, panel.data$base +
panel.data$maxEff), lty = 2)
panel.xyplot(x, y, type = "l", ...)
ind <- match(panel.data$doses, x)
panel.xyplot(x[ind], y[ind], ...)
}, strip = function(...) strip.default(..., style = 1),
as.table = TRUE,...)
plot.fullMod <-
function(x, ...)
plotModels(x, ...)
### example call
### doses <- c(0,10,25,50,100,150)
### models <- list(linear = NULL, emax = c(25),
### logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential = c(85),
### betaMod = matrix(c(0.33, 2.31, 1.39, 1.39), byrow=T,nrow=2))
### plotModels(models, doses, base = 0, maxEff = 0.4, scal = 200)
### plotModels(models, doses, base = 0, maxEff = 0.4, scal = 200, superpose = T)
powCalc <-
function(cMat, n, alpha = 0.025, delta = NULL, mu = NULL,
sigma = NULL, cVal = NULL, corMat = NULL,
twoSide = FALSE, control = mvtnorm.control())
## cMat - contrast matrix with rows (as number of doses) and columns
## (as number of models) - exactly as in the output of planMM
## n - scalar or vector with sample size(s)
## alpha - significance level
## delta - non-centrality vector (in same order as models)
## mu - vector of model means (either delta or mu and sigma need to be given)
## sigma - standard deviation of response (to build delta vector)
## cVal - optional critical value for the test
## twoSide - logical variable indicating if one or two-sided test
nD <- nrow(cMat)
nMod <- ncol(cMat)
if (length(n) == 1) {
nDF <- nD * (n - 1)
} else {
if (length(n) != nD) {
stop("sample size vector must have length equal to number of doses")
nDF <- sum(n) - nD
if (is.null(delta)) {
den <- sqrt(colSums(cMat^2/n))
delta <- as.vector((t(cMat) %*% mu)/(den*sigma))
corMat <- t(cMat)%*%(cMat/n)
den <- sqrt(crossprod(t(colSums(cMat^2/n))))
corMat <- corMat / den
if (is.null(cVal)) {
cVal <-
critVal(cMat, n, alpha, control, twoSide, corMat)
lower <- rep(-cVal, nMod)
else lower <- rep(-Inf, nMod)
upper <- rep(cVal, nMod)
if (!missing(control)) {
if(!is.list(control)) {
stop("when specified, 'control' must be a list")
ctrl <- do.call("mvtnorm.control", control)
} else {
ctrl <- control
ctrl$interval <- NULL # not used with pmvt
pmvtCall <- c(list(lower, upper, df = nDF, corr = corMat,
delta = delta, algorithm=ctrl))
as.vector(1 - do.call("pmvt", pmvtCall))
### example call
### doses <- c(0,10,25,50,100,150)
### models <- list(linear = NULL, emax = c(25),
### logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential=c(85),
### betaMod=matrix(c(0.33,2.31,1.39,1.39), byrow=T, nrow=2))
### plMM <- planMM(models, doses, 50, scal = 200, alpha = 0.05)
### compMod <- fullMod(models, doses, base = 0, maxEff = 0.4, scal = 200)
### muMat <- modelMeans(compMod, doses, F, scal = 200)
### powCalc(plMM$contMat, 50, mu = muMat[,3], sigma = 1, cVal = plMM$critVal, control = list(maxpts=100000)) # Power for logistic model
### powCalc(plMM$contMat, 50, mu = muMat[,1], sigma = 1, cVal = plMM$critVal) # Power for linear model
### # compare with JBS 16, 650
powerMM <-
function(models, doses, base, maxEff, sigma, lower, upper,
step, sumFct = c("min", "mean", "max"), off = 0.1*max(doses),
scal = 1.2*max(doses), alpha = 0.025, twoSide = FALSE,
control = mvtnorm.control(), muMat = NULL, alRatio = NULL,
typeN = c("arm", "total"), ...)
## generates a matrix with power values for different sample sizes
## (balanced case only) and models
## models - either a list with model parameters as in planMM
## or an object of class fullMod
## doses, maxEff, base, off, scal - as in getPars function
## sigma - expected standard deviation
## lower, upper - maximum and minimum group sample size for which the
## power is plotted
## step - in which steps should the power be calculated
## (it is calculated at seq(lower,upper,by=step))
## sumFct - a character vector giving the names of the summary
## functions to be called (each function should return a numeric
## of length 1)
## off,scal - additional parameters for linlog/beta model
## alpha - level of significance
## twoSide - logical variable indicating if one or two-sided test
## control - control list for mvtnorm fcts., see mvtnorm.control()
## muMat - an optional matrix with means as columns
## alRatio - optional vector with sample size allocation ratios
## must all be > 0; lower and upper are interpreted as
## limit values for dose(s) with smallest alloc. ratios
## ... - possible additional arguments for sumFct
if (!missing(models)) {
## if models is of class fullMod, will ignore other arguments
if (inherits(models, "fullMod")) {
doses <- attr(models, "doses")
base <- attr(models, "base")
maxEff <- attr(models, "maxEff")
off <- attr(models, "off")
scal <- attr(models, "scal")
Models <- models
} else {
Models <- fullMod(models, doses, base, maxEff, off, scal)
muMat <- modelMeans(Models, doses, FALSE, off, scal)
} else {
if (is.null(muMat)) {
stop("muMat must be specified, when models is not")
nD <- length(doses)
# allocation ratios
Ntype <- match.arg(typeN)
if(length(alRatio)!= nrow(muMat)){
stop("alRatio needs to be of same length as number of dose levels")
if(any(alRatio <= 0)){
stop("all entries of alRatio need to be positive")
if (Ntype == "arm") {
alRatio <- alRatio/min(alRatio)
} else {
alRatio <- alRatio/sum(alRatio)
} else {
alRatio <- 1
contMat <- modContr(muMat, upper*alRatio)
nmod <- ncol(contMat)
pow <- numeric(nmod)
j <- 1
nSeq <- seq(lower, upper, by = step)
powMat <- matrix(nrow=length(nSeq), ncol=nmod)
for(n in nSeq) {
N <- round(n * alRatio) # simple rounding
cVal <- critVal(contMat, N, alpha, control, twoSide)
for(i in 1:nmod) {
den <- sqrt(colSums(contMat^2/N))
delta <- as.vector((t(contMat) %*% muMat[,i])/(den*sigma))
pow[i] <- powCalc(contMat, N, delta = delta, cVal = cVal,
twoSide = twoSide, control = control)
powMat[j,] <- pow
j <- j + 1
nams <- dimnames(muMat)[[2]]
if(length(sumFct) > 1){
stop("sumFct needs to be a character vector")
} else {
sumFct <- deparse(substitute(sumFct)) # for back-compatibility
nSfunc <- length(sumFct)
for(i in 1:nSfunc){
powMat <- cbind(powMat, apply(powMat[,1:nmod, drop = FALSE], 1, sumFct[i] ,...))
dimnames(powMat) <- list(nSeq, c(nams, sumFct))
attr(powMat, "alRatio") <- alRatio
attr(powMat, "sumFct") <- sumFct
oldClass(powMat) <- "powerMM"
### doses <- c(0,10,25,50,100,150)
### models <- list(linear = NULL, emax = 25,
### logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential= 85,
### betaMod=matrix(c(0.33,2.31,1.39,1.39), byrow=T, nrow=2))
### pM <- powerMM(models, doses, base = 0, maxEff = 0.4, sigma = 1, alpha = 0.05,
### lower = 10, upper = 100, step = 10, scal = 200)
### plot(pM, models="none", line.at = 0.8)
plot.powerMM <-
function(x, superpose = TRUE, line.at = NULL, models = "all",
summ = NULL, perc = FALSE, xlab = NULL,
ylab = ifelse(perc, "Power (%)", "Power"), ...)
## Trellis plot of power matrix produced by powerMM
## x - matrix with power values for different sample sizes and models
## superpose - logical variable indicating if lines should be superpose
## line.at - a value, or a vector of values, between 0 and 1, to be
## drawn as horizontal line on plot; maybe most interesting if it
## is set to the desired power value(s) (default: not drawn)
## models - which of available models should be included in plot
## "all" and "none" are accepted, else names (or numbers) of models
## summ - summaries to be included in plot; "summary" can be used for
## summary function in x - min and max are also accepted (and
## in combination)
## perc - logical indicating if power values should be in percentage
## xlab, ylab - labels for x- and y-axis
## checking for unbalanced sample sizes
unbN <- (length(unique(attr(x, "alRatio"))) > 1)
if (is.null(xlab)) {
if (unbN) {
if(sum(attr(x, "alRatio"))==1)
xlab <- "Overall sample size (unbalanced allocation)"
xlab <- "Sample size for smallest arm (unbalanced)"
} else {
xlab <- "Sample size per dose (balanced)"
if (perc) x <- 100 * x
nSeq <- as.integer(dimnames(x)[[1]])
nams <- dimnames(x)[[2]]
## separating model data from summary data
sumFct <- attr(x, "sumFct") # original summary functions
## default is to use same summary functions as in x
if (is.null(summ)) summ <- sumFct
if (!is.null(sumFct)) {
## summary functions available in data and requested in summ
indS <- !is.na(match(sumFct, summ))
if (any(indS)) {
summData <- x[, sumFct[indS], drop = FALSE]
} else {
summData <- NULL
modData <- x[, is.na(match(nams, sumFct)), drop = FALSE]
} else {
summData <- NULL
modData <- x
namsMod <- dimnames(modData)[[2]]
## additional summary functions possibly requested in summ
indSX <- is.na(match(summ, sumFct))
if(any(indSX)) {
summ <- summ[indSX]
if((length(summ) == 1) && (summ == "none")) {
summDataX <- NULL
} else {
nSX <- length(summ)
summDataX <- vector("list", nSX)
names(summDataX) <- summ
for(i in 1:nSX) {
## should allow additional arguments to summ[i], but too messy already
summDataX[[i]] <- apply(modData, 1, summ[i])
summDataX <- data.frame(summDataX)
} else {
summDataX <- NULL
## combining the two summary datasets
if(length(summData) > 0){
summData <- cbind(summData, summDataX)
} else {
summData <- summDataX
## checking subset of models
if (length(models) == 1) {
if (models != "all") {
if (models == "none") {
modData <- NULL
} else {
if (is.numeric(models)) {
if (!is.element(models, 1:ncol(modData))) {
stop("invalid model selected")
} else {
if (!is.element(models, namsMod)) {
stop("invalid model selected")
modData <- modData[,models, drop = FALSE]
} else { # need to be subset of models
if (is.numeric(models)) {
if (!all(is.element(models, 1:ncol(modData)))) {
stop("invalid models selected")
} else {
if (!all(is.element(models, namsMod))) {
stop("invalid model selected")
modData <- modData[,models, drop = FALSE]
if (length(modData) == 0) x <- summData
else if (length(summData) == 0) x <- modData
else x <- cbind(modData, summData)
x <- data.frame(x)
nams <- names(x)
nC <- ncol(x)
pMatTr <-
data.frame(pow = as.vector(unlist(x)),
n = rep(nSeq, nC),
type = factor(rep(nams, each = length(nSeq)), levels = nams))
if (superpose) {
panelFunc <- if (is.null(line.at)) {
} else {
function(x, y, subscripts, groups, lineAt, ...) {
panel.superpose(x, y, subscripts, groups, ...)
panel.abline(h = lineAt, lty = 2)
trLn <- trellis.par.get("superpose.line")[c("col", "lwd", "lty")]
for(i in seq(along = trLn)) {
if(length(trLn[[i]]) > nC) trLn[[i]] <- trLn[[i]][1:nC]
xyplot(pow ~ n, pMatTr, groups = pMatTr$type, subscripts = TRUE,
panel = panelFunc, type = "l", lineAt = line.at,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
key = list(lines = trLn, text = list(lab = nams), transparent = TRUE,
columns = ifelse(nC < 5, nC, min(4,ceiling(nC/min(ceiling(nC/4),3))))), ...)
} else { # models in different panels
if (is.null(line.at)) {
panelFunc <- panel.xyplot
else {
panelFunc <-
function(x, y, lineAt, ...) {
panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
panel.abline(h = lineAt, lty = 2) ## used 2 for consistency with above
xyplot(pow ~ n | type, pMatTr, panel = panelFunc,
type = "l", lineAt = line.at,
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
strip = function(...) strip.default(..., style = 1), ...)
### example call
### doses <- c(0,10,25,50,100,150)
### models <- list(linear = NULL, emax = c(25),
### logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential=c(85),
### betaMod=matrix(c(0.33,2.31,1.39,1.39), byrow=T, nrow=2))
### pM <- powerMM(models, doses, base = 0, maxEff = 0.4, sigma = 1,
### lower = 10, upper = 100, step = 5, scal = 200)
### plot(pM)
### # reproduces plot in JBS 16, p.651
### plot(pM, line.at = 0.8, models = "none")
sampSize <-
function(models, doses, base, maxEff, sigma, upperN, lowerN = floor(upperN/2),
power = 0.8, alRatio = NULL, sumFct = mean, off = 0.1*max(doses), scal = 1.2*max(doses),
alpha = 0.025, twoSide = FALSE, tol = 1e-3, verbose = FALSE,
control = mvtnorm.control(), muMat = NULL, typeN = c("arm", "total"), ...)
## Calculates smallest sample size necessary to achieve given power
## using a bisection search
## models - either a list with model parameters as in planMM
## or an object of class fullMod
## doses, maxEff, base, off, scal - as in getPars function
## sigma - expected standard deviation
## lowerN, upperN - lower and upper limit for the necessary sample size
## power - desired power level (between 0 and 1)
## alRatio - allocation ratios ()
## sumFct - summary function for the individual power values
## alpha - level of significance
## twoSide - logical variable indicating if one or two-sided test
## tol - tolerance for power calculation
## verbose - logical controlling amount of output in iterations
## control - see mvtnorm.control function
## typeN - type of sample size specified in lowerN and upperN, in the case of
## unequal allocation: "arm" refers to smallest trt arm, "total" to
## overall sample size
## ... - possible additional arguments for sumFct
if (missing(models)) {
## may pass necessary information via muMat
if (is.null(muMat)) {
stop("either models or muMat need to be specified")
} else {
## if models is of class fullMod, will ignore other arguments
if (inherits(models, "fullMod")) {
doses <- attr(models, "doses")
base <- attr(models, "base")
maxEff <- attr(models, "maxEff")
off <- attr(models, "off")
scal <- attr(models, "scal")
Models <- models
} else {
Models <- fullMod(models, doses, base, maxEff, off, scal)
muMat <- modelMeans(Models, doses, FALSE, off, scal)
nD <- length(doses)
Ntype <- match.arg(typeN)
if(length(alRatio)!= nrow(muMat)){
stop("alRatio needs to be of same length as number of dose levels")
if(any(alRatio <= 0)){
stop("all entries of alRatio need to be positive")
if (Ntype == "arm") {
alRatio <- alRatio/min(alRatio)
} else {
alRatio <- alRatio/sum(alRatio)
} else {
alRatio <- 1
contMat <- modContr(muMat, upperN * alRatio) # no need to change
summPow <-
function(n, nD, contMat, muMat, sigma, alpha, sumFct, control, twoSide, ...)
## returns "combined" power for a specified sample size n
pow <- numeric(ncol(muMat))
cVal <- critVal(contMat, n, alpha, control, twoSide)
for(i in 1:ncol(muMat)) {
pow[i] <- powCalc(contMat, n, cVal = cVal, mu = muMat[,i],
sigma = sigma, twoSide = twoSide,
control = control)
res <- sumFct(pow, ...)
names(pow) <- dimnames(contMat)[[2]]
attr(res, "power under models") <- round(pow, 4)
## need to ensure that limits on n bracket power
upperPow <-
summPow(round(upperN * alRatio), nD, contMat, muMat,
sigma, alpha, sumFct, control, twoSide, ...)
if(upperPow < power){
if(Ntype == "arm") sent <- "sample size in smallest group"
else sent <- "total sample size"
warning("upper limit for ", sent," is raised")
while (upperPow < power) {
upperN <- 2 * upperN
upperPow <-
summPow(round(upperN * alRatio), nD, contMat, muMat,
sigma, alpha, sumFct, control, twoSide, ...)
lowerPow <-
summPow(round(lowerN * alRatio), nD, contMat, muMat, sigma,
alpha, sumFct, control, twoSide, ...)
if(lowerPow > power){
if(Ntype == "arm") sent <- "sample size in smallest group"
else sent <- "total sample size"
warning("lower limit for ", sent," is decreased")
while (lowerPow > power) {
lowerN <- round(lowerN/2)
if (lowerN == 0) stop("cannot find lower limit on n")
lowerPow <-
summPow(round(lowerN * alRatio), nD, contMat, muMat, sigma,
alpha, sumFct, control, twoSide, ...)
## now use simple binary search
if (verbose) {
cat("Upper N:", upperN, "Upper power", round(upperPow, 3), "\n")
cat("Lower N:", lowerN, "Lower power", round(lowerPow, 3), "\n\n")
currPow <- 0
niter <- 0
while (abs(currPow - power) > tol & (upperN > lowerN + 1)) {
currN <- round((upperN + lowerN)/2)
currPow <-
summPow(round(currN * alRatio), nD, contMat, muMat, sigma,
alpha, sumFct, control, twoSide, ...)
if (currPow > power) {
upperN <- currN
} else {
lowerN <- currN
niter <- niter + 1
if (verbose){
cat("Iter: ", niter, ", N = ", currN, ", power = ", round(currPow, 3),
"\n", sep = "")
while (currPow < power) { # step up until currPow >= power
currN <- currN + 1
currPow <-
summPow(round(currN * alRatio), nD, contMat, muMat, sigma,
alpha, sumFct, control, twoSide, ...)
if(length(alRatio) > 1) { # unequal allocation
if (Ntype == "arm") {
res <- list(samp.size = round(currN * alRatio),
approx.power = round(currPow, 4))
} else {
res <- list(samp.size = round(currN * alRatio),
approx.power = round(currPow, 4))
} else {
res <- list(samp.size = currN, approx.power = round(currPow, 4))
attr(res, "alRatio") <- round(alRatio/min(alRatio), 4)
attr(res, "power") <- power
attr(res, "twoSide") <- twoSide
attr(res, "alpha") <- alpha
attr(res, "sumFct") <- deparse(substitute(sumFct))
oldClass(res) <- "sampSize"
print.sampSize <- function(x, ...){
cat("MCPMod sampSize\n")
cat("Input parameters:\n")
cat(" Summary Function:", attr(x, "sumFct"), "\n")
cat(" Desired combined power value:", attr(x, "power"),"\n")
if(attr(x, "twoSide")) side <- "two-sided"
else side <- "one-sided"
cat(" Level of significance:", paste(attr(x, "alpha"), " (", side, ")", sep=""), "\n")
alRatio <- attr(x, "alRatio")
if(length(alRatio) == 1){
alRatio <- "balanced"
sampMsg <- "Sample size per group:"
} else {
sampMsg <- "Sample sizes:"
cat(" Allocations:", alRatio, "\n\n")
cat(paste(sampMsg), paste(x$samp.size), "\n")
cat("Associated", attr(x, "sumFct"),"power:", paste(x$approx.power),"\n")
cat("Power under models:","\n")
print(attr(x$approx.power, "power under models"))
### example call
### doses <- c(0,10,25,50,100,150)
### models <- list(linear = NULL, emax = c(25),
### logistic = c(50, 10.88111), exponential=c(85),
### betaMod=matrix(c(0.33,2.31,1.39,1.39), byrow=T, nrow=2))
### sampSize(models, doses, base = 0, maxEff = 0.4, sigma = 1,
### alpha = 0.05, upperN = 100, scal = 200)
### sampSize(models, doses, base = 0, maxEff = 0.4, sigma = 1,
### alpha = 0.05, upperN = 400, scal = 200, alRatio=c(2,1,1,1,1,1))
### dvec <- c(0, 10, 50, 100)
### mu1 <- c(1, 2, 2, 2)
### mu2 <- c(1, 1, 2, 2)
### mu3 <- c(1, 1, 1, 2)
### mMat <- cbind(mu1, mu2, mu3)
### dimnames(mMat)[[1]] <- dvec
### sampSize(muMat = mMat, doses = dvec, sigma = 1,
### alpha = 0.05, upperN = 400, alRatio=c(2,1,1,1))
LP <- function(models, model, type = c("both", "LP1", "LP2"), paramRange, doses,
base, maxEff, sigma, n,
len = c(10, 1), nr = 1, alpha = 0.025, twoSide = FALSE,
off = 0.1*max(doses), scal = 1.2*max(doses), control = mvtnorm.control()){
## function to calculate loss in power associated with
## prior parameter mis-specification
## models, doses, base, maxEff, sigma as above
## model - model for which LP should be investigated
## type - one of LP1 or LP2 (see JBS paper for definition)
## paramRange - vector of lower and upper limit for the prior parameter
## for models with two prior parameters matrix with the ranges
## for each prior parameter in the rows
## n - number (in case of balanced sample size)
## or vector of group sample sizes
## len - number of points between min(paramRange) and max(paramRange)
## on which LP is calculated has to be of length 2 in case of
## models with 2 prior parameter
## nr - in case there is more than one model from one model class
## in the candidate set (e.g. two emax models), nr gives the number of the model
## alpha, twoSide, scal, off as above
type <- match.arg(type)
builtIn <- c("emax", "exponential", "quadratic",
"betaMod", "logistic", "sigEmax")
usedM <- names(models)
allowedMod <- intersect(builtIn, usedM)
if(!is.element(model, allowedMod)){
msg <- paste("model must be one of", paste(allowedMod, collapse=", "), "\n")
if (inherits(models, "fullMod")) {
doses <- attr(models, "doses")
base <- attr(models, "base")
maxEff <- attr(models, "maxEff")
off <- attr(models, "off")
scal <- attr(models, "scal")
Models <- models
} else {
Models <- fullMod(models, doses, base, maxEff, off, scal)
nD <- length(doses)
if(length(n)==1) n <- rep(n,nD)
nDF <- sum(n) - nD
# calculate contrasts and critical value
pM <- planMM(Models, doses, n, off, scal, FALSE, alpha, twoSide, control)
contMat <- pM$contMat
critV <- pM$critVal
corMat <- pM$corMat
# calculate mean vector under 'model'
# determine, whether there is more than one prior estimate for model "model"
if(nrInd <- length(Models[[model]]) > 4) mod <- list(Models[[model]][nr,])
else mod <- list(Models[[model]])
names(mod) <- model
mu <- modelMeans(mod, doses, std=FALSE, off, scal)
# adjust arguments
twoPars <- is.element(model, c("logistic", "betaMod", "sigEmax"))
if(!twoPars){ # put paramRange in the same format
paramRange <- matrix(c(paramRange, 0, 0), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE)
len <- c(len,1)
if(type[1] != "LP1"){ # "LP2" or "both"
ModelsIt <- Models
if(type[1] != "LP2"){ # "LP1" or "both"
# calculate nominal power
nomPower <- powCalc(contMat, n, alpha, mu = mu, sigma = sigma,
cVal = critV, corMat = corMat,
twoSide = twoSide, control = control)[1]
actPower <- potPower <- numeric(prod(len))
j <- 1
# parameter ranges
sq1 <- seq(min(paramRange[1,]),max(paramRange[1,]),length=len[1])
sq2 <- seq(min(paramRange[2,]),max(paramRange[2,]),length=len[2])
for(h in sq2) {
for(i in sq1) {
if(twoPars) mod <- list(c(i,h))
else mod <- list(i)
names(mod) <- model
mod <- fullMod(mod, doses, base, maxEff, off, scal)
# mean vector under model with prior parameter i,h
mu <- modelMeans(mod, doses, std=FALSE, off, scal)
actPower[j] <- powCalc(contMat, n, alpha, mu = mu, sigma = sigma,
cVal = critV, corMat = corMat,
twoSide = twoSide, control = control)
if(type[1] == "LP2" | type[1] == "both"){ # recalculate opt. cont. and critical value
if(twoPars){ # using i,h as prior parameters
if(nrInd) ModelsIt[[model]][nr,3:4] <- c(i,h)
else ModelsIt[[model]][3:4] <- c(i,h)
} else {
if(nrInd) ModelsIt[[model]][nr,3] <- i
else ModelsIt[[model]][3] <- i
pMIt <- planMM(ModelsIt, doses, n, off, scal, FALSE, alpha, twoSide)
potPower[j] <- powCalc(pMIt$contMat, n, alpha, mu = mu, sigma = sigma,
cVal = pMIt$critVal, corMat = pMIt$corMat,
twoSide = twoSide, control = control)
j <- j + 1
# determine parametername for output
par <- switch(model,
logistic = c("ED50", "delta"),
betaMod = c("delta1", "delta2"),
sigEmax = c("ED50", "h"),
emax = "ED50",
p1 <- rep(sq1,len[2])
p2 <- rep(rep(round(sq2,2),length=len[2]), each=len[1]) # values of 2nd parameter
if(nrInd) used <- Models[[model]][nr,3:4] # determine used value
else used <- Models[[model]][3:4]
} else {
if(nrInd) used <- Models[[model]][nr,3]
else used <- Models[[model]][3]
res <- cbind(actPower) # matrix for output
if(type[1] == "LP1"){
LP1 <- nomPower - actPower
res <- cbind(res, LP1)
} else if(type[1] == "LP2"){
res <- cbind(potPower, res)
LP2 <- potPower - actPower
res <- cbind(res, LP2)
} else if(type[1] == "both"){
res <- cbind(potPower, res)
LP1 <- nomPower - actPower
LP2 <- potPower - actPower
res <- cbind(res, LP1, LP2)
if(twoPars){ # names for prior parameters
res <- cbind(p1, p2, res)
dimnames(res)[[2]][1:2] <- par
} else {
res <- cbind(p1, res)
dimnames(res)[[2]][1] <- par
attr(res, "model") <- model
attr(res, "len") <- len
attr(res, "used") <- used
attr(res, "sampSizes") <- n
attr(res, "type") <- type[1]
attr(res, "twoPars") <- twoPars
if(type[1] != "LP2") attr(res, "nomPower") <- nomPower
oldClass(res) <- "LP"
print.LP <- function(x, digits = 3, ...){
cat("MCPMod LP","\n")
cat("Model:", paste(attr(x, "model")),"\n")
cat("Used Prior Parameter:", paste(attr(x, "used")), "\n")
cat("Sample Sizes:", paste(attr(x, "sampSizes")),"\n")
type <- attr(x, "type")
if(type=="LP1" | type=="both"){
cat("Nominal Power:", paste(round(attr(x, "nomPower"), digits)),"\n")
cat("Calculated Power Values:", "\n")
print(round(data.frame(unclass(x)), digits = digits))
plot.LP <- function(x, line = TRUE, type = NULL, spldf = 5, ...){
## line - logical determining whether smooth line
## should be fit to power values
## type - one of "LP1","LP2","both" or NULL
## if NULL the type of the LP call is used
val <- 1
len <- attr(x, "len")
if(len[1] < 4)
stop("at least 4 points needed to obtain smooth curve. Try: line = FALSE")
if (!(spldf > 1 && spldf <= dim(x)[1]))
warning("you must supply 1 < spldf <= len")
twoPars <- attr(x, "twoPars")
model <- attr(x, "model")
used <- attr(x, "used")
par <- dimnames(x)[[2]][1:(1+twoPars)]
par1 <- x[,1]
par2 <- rep(1, dim(x)[1])
} else {
par2 <- x[,2]
if(is.null(type)){ # check if type is given in LP matrix
type <- attr(x, "type")
} else {
if(attr(x, "type")!="both" & attr(x, "type")!=type){
stop("invalid type selected")
# matrix for plotting data
if(type == "both"){
type <- c("LP1", "LP2")
grp <- rep(type, each = dim(x)[1])
pData <- data.frame(LP = c(x[, type]), par1 = rep(par1, 2),
par2 = rep(paste(paste(par[2],"="), par2), 2),
group = grp)
} else {
grp <- rep(type, dim(x)[1])
pData <- data.frame(LP = x[, type], par1 = par1,
par2 = paste(paste(par[2],"="), par2),
group = grp)
main <- list(paste("Model:", model, ", Used value:", paste(used, collapse=" ")))
L <- length(unique(grp))
spL <- trellis.par.get("superpose.symbol")
col <- spL$col[1:L] # use the dot color for the lines
if(L == 2){ # key only needed when both LP1 and LP2 are to be plotted
keyList <- list(points = list(col = col, pch = 1), transparent = TRUE,
text = list(paste(type), cex = 0.9), columns = 2)
ylab <- NULL
} else {
keyList <- NULL
ylab <- type
xyplot(LP~par1|par2, data=pData,
panel.data = list(uv = used[1], line = line, col = col, df = spldf),
groups = grp,
panel = function(x, y, subscripts, groups,..., panel.data) {
panel.abline(h = 0, lty = 2)
panel.abline(v = panel.data[["uv"]], lty = 2)
s <- seq(min(x), max(x), length = 101)
panel.superpose(x, y, type = "p", lwd = 1.3, groups = groups, subscripts = subscripts)
j <- 1
for(i in unique(groups[subscripts])){ # add smooth line
ind <- which(groups[subscripts]==i)
p <- predict(smooth.spline(x[ind], y[ind], df = panel.data[["df"]]), s)
panel.xyplot(p$x, p$y , type = "l", col = panel.data[["col"]][j])
j <- j + 1
main = main, xlab=par[1], strip=twoPars, ylab = ylab,
key = keyList)
## Copyright 2008, Novartis Pharma AG
## This program is Open Source Software: you can redistribute it
## and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
## as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
## the License, or (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
## functions to analyze dose finding data according to MCP-Mod
## t-stats for MCP step
getTstat <-
function(data, n, contMat, resp = "resp", dose = "dose")
if (any(is.na(match(c(resp, dose), names(data))))) {
stop(resp," and/or ", dose, " not found in data")
dose <- data[, dose]
resp <- data[, resp]
## means per dose
mn <- tapply(resp, dose, mean)
## pooled standard deviation
sdv <- tapply(resp, dose, sd)
if (length(n) == 1) n <- rep(n, length(sdv))
# remove NAs for dose groups with only 1 obs.
sdv[n==1] <- 0
n1 <- n - 1
sdv <- sqrt(sum(n1 * sdv^2)/sum(n1))
## contrasts
ct <- as.vector(mn %*% contMat)
den <- sdv * sqrt(colSums((contMat^2)/n))
## max t-stat
val <- ct/den
names(val) <- dimnames(contMat)[[2]]
# function to calculate p-values
pValues <-
function(cMat, n, alpha = 0.025, Tstats, control = mvtnorm.control(),
twoSide = FALSE, corMat = NULL, ...)
## function to calculate p-values
## cMat - model contrast matrix nDose x nMod
## n - scalar or vector with sample size(s)
## alpha - significance level
## control - see mvtnorm.control function
## twoSide - logical variable indicating if one or two-sided test
## corMat - correlation matrix
nD <- nrow(cMat)
nMod <- ncol(cMat)
if(length(Tstats) != nMod){
stop("Tstats needs to have length equal to the number of models")
if (length(n) == 1) {
nDF <- nD * (n - 1)
} else {
if (length(n) != nD) {
stop("'n' must have length as number of doses")
nDF <- sum(n) - nD
corMat <- t(cMat)%*%(cMat/n)
den <- sqrt(crossprod(t(colSums(cMat^2/n))))
corMat <- corMat / den
ctrl <- mvtnorm.control()
if (!missing(control)) {
control <- as.list(control)
ctrl[names(control)] <- control
lower <- matrix(rep(-Tstats, each = nMod), nrow = nMod)
else lower <- matrix(rep(-Inf, nMod^2), nrow = nMod)
upper <- matrix(rep(Tstats, each = nMod), nrow = nMod)
pVals <- numeric(nMod)
for(i in 1:nMod){
pVals[i] <- 1 - pmvt(lower[,i], upper[,i], df = nDF, corr = corMat,
algorithm = ctrl, ...)
### functions to fit models, and functions to get starting values
### for the nls function
### Initial estimates for built-in models
### two auxiliary functions to get starting values for the nls algorithm
getInitLRasymp <-
## left and right asymptotes
function(meanVal, dlt = 0.1)
rg <- range(meanVal)
dlt <- dlt * diff(rg)
c(e0 = rg[1] - dlt, eMax = rg[2] + dlt)
getInitP <-
## dose that gives certain percentage of max effect
function(meanVal, eVec = getInitLRasymp(meanVal), p = 0.5, dose, ve=FALSE)
e0 <- eVec[1]
eMax <- eVec[2]
targ <- e0 * (1 - p) + eMax * p
ind <- meanVal <= targ
ind1 <- !ind
if (!any(ind) || all(ind)) stop("cannot find initial values")
ind <- ind & (dose <= max(dose[ind1]))
d1 <- max(dose[ind]); p1 <- meanVal[dose == d1]
ind1 <- ind1 & dose > d1
d2 <- min(dose[ind1]); p2 <- meanVal[dose == d2]
res <- d1 + (d2 - d1) * (targ - p1)/(p2 - p1)
names(res) <- NULL
getInitBeta <-
function(m, scal, dose)
## calculates starting values for the beta model
## for the nls algorithm
## dose and m assumed to be ordered
## in the same order (according to dose)
dmax <- dose[which(m==max(m))]
e0 <- m[dose==0]
emax <- max(m) - e0
ds <- dose[order(m)[length(m)-1]] # select as 2nd dose the one
# with 2nd highest resp.
z <- dmax/(scal-dmax)
f <- (m[dose==ds] - e0)/emax
beta <- try(log(f)/(log(ds^z*(scal-ds)) - log(dmax^z*(scal-dmax))))
alpha <- z*beta
if(is.na(alpha)) alpha <- beta <- 1 # may occur if f < 0; (1,1) as
# initial values seems always to
# work quite well
res <- c(alpha, beta)
names(res) <- NULL
getInit <-
## Initial estimates for built-in models, if needed
## non-linear fitting is done with p-linear, but Gauss-Newton used
## later due to some problems with se.fit of the predictions of the
## p-linear fit
function(data, model = c("emax", "exponential", "logistic", "betaMod",
"sigEmax"), scal)
model <- match.arg(model) # only built-in allowed
meanVal <- data$respM
dose <- data$doseM
emax = {
c(ed50 = getInitP(meanVal, dose = dose))
exponential = {
e0 <- getInitLRasymp(meanVal)[1]
meanVal <- meanVal - e0
aux <- coef(lm(log(meanVal) ~ dose, na.action = na.omit))
names(aux) <- NULL
c(delta = 1/aux[2])
logistic = {
ed50 <- getInitP(meanVal, dose = dose)
delta <- getInitP(meanVal, p = 0.75, dose = dose) - ed50
c(ed50 = ed50, delta = delta)
betaMod = {
init <- getInitBeta(meanVal, scal, dose)
c(delta1 = init[1], delta2 = init[2])
sigEmax = {
ed50 <- getInitP(meanVal, dose = dose)
ed10 <- getInitP(meanVal, p = 0.1, dose = dose)
ed90 <- getInitP(meanVal, p = 0.9, dose = dose)
h <- 1.91/log10(ed90/ed10) # From Ch. 14, Ting (2006),
# Dose finding in drug development
c(ed50 = ed50, h = h)
fitModel <-
## fits dose-response model from list of built-in models,
## or according to model provided by user
function(data, model, resp = "resp", dose = "dose", start,
control = NULL, off = 1, scal = 1, uModPars = NULL,
addArgs = NULL, na.action = na.fail)
## data - data.frame with information on dose and response
## and possibly other covariates used in model
## model - string with name of model function to be used
## resp, dose - characters with names of columns in data
## corresponding to response and dose
## control - optional list with control parameters for fit
## off - offset for dealing with dose = 0 in lin-log model
## uModPars - optional character vector with names/expressions
## of user-defined model parameters (names(start) used by
## default)
## addArgs - optional character vector with names of additional
## arguments (variables) to user-defined model
## na.action - function specifying how to handle NAs in data
## ensuring resp and dose are defined in data
data$dose <- data[, dose]
data$resp <- data[, resp]
## reacting to possible NAs
## it would be better to only take into account NAs in
## varibles actually used in the model.
data <- na.action(data)
## checking if built-in model and assigning it number, if so
builtIn <- c("linlog", "linear", "quadratic", "emax",
"exponential","logistic", "betaMod", "sigEmax")
modelNum <- match(model, builtIn)
## under the built-in models with no covariates, the mean
## modeling can be used in all cases
respM <- tapply(data$resp, data$dose, mean) # fit models based on means
doseM <- sort(unique(data$dose))
n <- as.vector(table(data$dose))
dataM <- data.frame(doseM = doseM, respM = respM, n = n)
vars <- tapply(data$resp, data$dose, var)
# allow for dose groups with only one patient
vars[n==1] <- 0 # replace NAs with 0
S2 <- sum((n - 1) * vars)
if (!is.na(modelNum)) { # built-in model
if (is.element(modelNum, 1:3)) { # linear models
if (modelNum == 1) {
dataM$off <- rep(off, nrow(dataM))
## linear-log model
fm <- lm(respM ~ I(log(doseM + off)), dataM, qr=TRUE, weights = n)
base <- coef(fm)[1]+coef(fm)[2]*log(off)
if (modelNum == 2) {
## linear model
fm <- lm(respM ~ doseM, dataM, qr=TRUE, weights = n)
base <- coef(fm)[1]
if (modelNum == 3) {
## quadratic model
fm <- lm(respM ~ doseM + I(doseM^2), dataM, qr=TRUE, weights = n)
base <- coef(fm)[1] # baseline
} else { # nonlinear built-in model
if (is.null(start)) { # need to derive initial values
start <- getInit(dataM, model, scal)
if (modelNum == 4) { # Emax model
names(start) <- NULL
start <- c(led50 = log(start))
fm <- try(nls(respM ~ cbind(1, emax(doseM, 0, 1, exp(led50))),
start = start, data = dataM, model = TRUE,
algorithm = "plinear", control = control,
weights = n), silent = TRUE)
if (!inherits(fm, "nls")) {
fm <- NA
} else {
base <- coef(fm)[2]
if (modelNum == 5) { # exponential model
names(start) <- NULL
start <- c(ldelta = log(start))
fm <-
try(nls(respM ~ cbind(1, exponential(doseM, 0, 1, exp(ldelta))),
start = start, weights = n, data = dataM, model = TRUE,
control = control, algorithm = "plinear"), silent = TRUE)
if (!inherits(fm, "nls")) {
fm <- NA
} else {
base <- coef(fm)[2]
if (modelNum == 6) { # logistic model
start <- c(log(start["ed50"]), start["delta"])
names(start) <- c("led50", "delta")
fm <- try(nls(respM ~ cbind(1, logistic(doseM, 0, 1, exp(led50),
start = start, algorithm = "plinear", data = dataM,
model = TRUE, control = control, weights = n),
silent = TRUE)
if (!inherits(fm, "nls")) {
fm <- NA
} else {
base <- predict(fm, newdata = list(doseM = 0))
if (modelNum == 7) { # beta model
dataM$scal <- rep(scal, nrow(dataM))
fm <-
try(nls(respM ~ cbind(1, betaMod(doseM, 0, 1, delta1, delta2, scal)),
start = start, weights = n, data = dataM, model = TRUE,
algorithm = "plinear", control = control), silent = TRUE)
if (!inherits(fm, "nls")) {
fm <- NA
} else {
base <- coef(fm)[3]
if (modelNum == 8) { # sigEmax model
start <- c(log(start["ed50"]), start["h"])
names(start) <- c("led50", "h")
fm <-
try(nls(respM ~ cbind(1, sigEmax(doseM, 0, 1, exp(led50), h)),
start = start, model = TRUE,
algorithm = "plinear", control = control, weights = n),
silent = TRUE)
if (!inherits(fm, "nls")) {
fm <- NA
} else {
base <- coef(fm)[3]
if (length(fm) > 1) ResidSS <- S2 + deviance(fm)
} else { # user defined model
## first check for starting estimates, parameter names, etc
if (is.null(start)) {
stop("must provide stating estimates for user-defined model")
namStart <- names(start)
if (is.null(namStart)) {
stop("'start' must have names for user-defined models")
if (is.null(uModPars)) uModPars <- namStart # default parameters
## create the model call
modForm <- paste("resp ~ ", model, "(dose,",
paste(uModPars, collapse = ","), sep = "")
if (!is.null(addArgs)) {
modForm <- paste(modForm, ",", paste(addArgs, collapse = ","))
modForm <- paste(modForm, ")")
modForm <- eval(parse(text = modForm))
## will assume non-linear model
fm <- try(do.call("nls", list(modForm, data, start, control)))
if (!inherits(fm, "nls")) {
fm <- NA
} else {
ResidSS <- deviance(fm)
dataM <- NULL
## following will not work when covariates are used in nls model
base <- predict(fm, newdata = list(dose = 0))
if (length(fm) > 1) {
res <- list(fm = fm, base = base)
## saving information for other methods
attr(res, "ResidSS") <- ResidSS
attr(res, "model") <- model
attr(res, "scal") <- scal
attr(res, "off") <- off
attr(res, "dataM") <- dataM
} else {
res <- NA
oldClass(res) <- "fitMCPMod" # allow use of methods later
# function to return analyt. gradient for built-in or
# user defined models
getGrad <-
function(obj, dose, uGrad = NULL)
## obj - an object inheriting from class fitMCPMod
## dose - vector with doses at which to calculate the gradient
## uGrad - optionally, a character string with the name of a
## user-defined gradient function
if(!inherits(obj, "fitMCPMod")) {
stop("obj must inherit from class fitMCPMod")
model <- attr(obj, "model")
fm <- obj$fm
if (!inherits(fm, "nls")) {
## linear models are left out
stop("fitted object must inherit from class nls")
## only used internally in getGrad
lg2 <- function(x) ifelse(x == 0, 0, log(x))
cf <- coef(obj) # estimated parameters
res <-
"emax" = {
eMax <- cf[2]; ed50 <- cf[3]
cbind(1, dose/(ed50 + dose), -eMax*dose/(dose + ed50)^2)
"logistic" = {
eMax <- cf[2]; ed50 <- cf[3]; delta <- cf[4]
den <- 1 + exp((ed50 - dose)/delta)
g1 <- -eMax*(den-1)/(delta*den^2)
g2 <- eMax*(den-1)*(ed50-dose)/(delta^2*den^2)
cbind(1, 1/den, g1, g2)
"sigEmax" = {
eMax <- cf[2]; ed50 <- cf[3]; h <- cf[4]
den <- (ed50^h + dose^h)
g1 <- dose^h/den
g2 <- -ed50^(h-1)*dose^h*h*eMax/den^2
g3 <- eMax*dose^h*ed50^h*lg2(dose/ed50)/den^2
cbind(1, g1, g2, g3)
"betaMod" = {
scal <- attr(obj, "scal")
dose <- dose/scal
if (any(dose > 1)) {
stop("doses cannot be larger than scal in betaModel")
delta1 <- cf[3]; delta2 <- cf[4]; eMax <- cf[2]
maxDens <- (delta1^delta1)*(delta2^delta2)/
((delta1 + delta2)^(delta1+delta2))
g1 <- ((dose^delta1) * (1 - dose)^delta2)/maxDens
g2 <- g1*eMax*(lg2(dose)+lg2(delta1+delta2)-lg2(delta1))
g3 <- g1*eMax*(lg2(1-dose)+lg2(delta1+delta2)-lg2(delta2))
cbind(1, g1, g2, g3)
"exponential" = {
delta <- cf[3]
e1 <- cf[2]
cbind(1, exp(dose/delta) - 1, -exp(dose/delta)*dose*e1/delta^2 )
## user defined gradient function
if(is.null(uGrad)) {
stop("user-defined gradient needs to be specified")
do.call(uGrad, c(list(dose), cf))
# function to return coefficients from fit
coef.fitMCPMod <-
function(object, ...)
## object - object inheriting from class MCPMod
fm <- object$fm
cf <- coef(fm)
if(inherits(fm, "lm")) return(cf)
temp <- names(cf) # save names for user-models
names(cf) <- NULL
model <- attr(object, "model")
cf <- switch(model,
"emax" = c(e0 = cf[2], eMax = cf[3], ed50 = exp(cf[1])),
"logistic" = c(e0=cf[3], eMax=cf[4], ed50 = exp(cf[1]),
delta = cf[2]),
"exponential" = c(e0 = cf[2], e1 = cf[3], delta = exp(cf[1])),
"betaMod" = c(e0=cf[3], eMax=cf[4], delta1=cf[1], delta2=cf[2]),
"sigEmax" = c(e0=cf[3], eMax=cf[4], ed50=exp(cf[1]), h=cf[2]),
names(cf) <- temp
# predict method
predict.fitMCPMod <-
function(object, doseSeq, se.fit = TRUE, uGrad = NULL, ...)
# object - either a lm object or a nls object in the latter case
# the code distinguishes between user-defined models
# and built-in models
# doseSeq - sequence for predictions
# se.fit - logical indicating whether sd of the mean should be
# calculated
model <- attr(object, "model")
scal <- attr(object, "scal")
off <- attr(object, "off")
fm <- object$fm
if(inherits(fm, "lm")){ # in this case use the implemented predict method
newdata <- data.frame(doseM = doseSeq, off = rep(off, length(doseSeq)))
res <- predict(fm, newdata, se.fit = se.fit)
## Need to correct se.fit, if requested
if(se.fit) {
df <- sum(fm$weights) - length(coef(fm))
sigCorr <- sqrt(attr(object, "ResidSS")/df)
sigOrig <- summary(fm)$sigma
res$se.fit <- (sigCorr/sigOrig) * res$se.fit
res$df <- df
res$residual.scale <- sigCorr
builtIn <- is.element(model, c("emax", "exponential", "logistic",
"betaMod", "sigEmax"))
if(inherits(fm, "nls") & !builtIn){ # user defined model
mn <- predict(fm, data.frame(dose = doseSeq))
if(se.fit) {
## first, check if model includes a gradient attribute
grd <- attr(mn, "gradient")
if(is.null(grd)) {
if(is.null(uGrad)) {
stop("neither gradient attribute, nor uGrad defined")
grd <- getGrad(object, doseSeq, uGrad)
Rinv <- solve(fm$m$Rmat())
sig <- summary(fm)$sigma
seFit <- sig * sqrt(rowSums((grd %*% Rinv)^2))
df <- df.residual(fm)
res <- list(fit = mn, se.fit = as.vector(seFit),
residual.scale = sig, df = df)
} else {
} else { # built in model
dd <- data.frame(doseM = doseSeq) # dose levels to be predicted
cf <- coef(object) # extract coefficients
if(model == "betaMod"){
cf <- c(cf, scal) # add scale parameter for betaModel
dd$scal <- scal
mn <- predict(fm, dd) # predict mean response
RSS <- attr(object, "ResidSS") # get residual sum of squares
doseV <- attr(object, "dataM")$doseM # recover dose-vector
n <- fm$weights
df <- sum(n) - length(cf)
sig <- sqrt(RSS/df) # residual variance estimate
## Gradient matrix: see Bates/Watts p. 58/59
V <- getGrad(object, doseV)
if(all(!is.infinite(V)) & all(!is.nan(V))){
## checking for infinities (can happen because the analytic
## gradient is not used for fitting)
V <- t(crossprod(V, sqrt(diag(n)))) # weights for unequal sample sizes
R <- qr.R(qr(V))
Rinv <- try(solve(R))
if (!inherits(Rinv, "matrix")){
## sometimes R is singular (typically for very unequally
## spaced dose designs)
warning("Cannot cannot calculate standard deviation for ",
model, " model.\n")
seFit <- rep(NA, length(doseSeq))
} else {
v <- getGrad(object, doseSeq) # calc. gradient
seFit <- sig * sqrt(rowSums((v%*%Rinv)^2))
} else {
warning("Cannot cannot calculate standard deviation for ",
model, " model.\n")
seFit <- rep(NA, length(doseSeq))
res <- list(fit = mn, se.fit = as.vector(seFit),
residual.scale = sig, df = df)
# Calculate information criteria for nls and lm objects
AIC.fitMCPMod <-
function(object, ..., k = 2)
# object - an object of class fitMCPMod
# k - penalty term
fm <- object$fm
if (is.null(fm$weights)) {
## user defined model or non-averaged modeling
return(AIC(fm, k = k))
RSS <- attr(object, "ResidSS")
n <- sum(fm$weights)
sig2 <- RSS/n
logL <- -n/2*(log(2*pi) + 1 + log(sig2))
-2*logL + k*(length(coef(object)) + 1) # "+ 1" because of sigma parameter
## model selection
modelSelect <-
function(data, namSigMod, selMethod, pW, resp, dose, start, nlsControl,
off, scal, uModPars, addArgs)
fm <- NA
warn <- NULL
nSigMod <- length(namSigMod)
if (selMethod == "maxT") { # first maxT option
i <- 1
while((length(fm) == 1) && (i <= nSigMod)) {
nam <- namSigMod[i]
fm <- fitModel(data, nam, resp, dose, start[[nam]], nlsControl,
off, scal, uModPars[[nam]], addArgs[[nam]])
if(length(fm) == 1) # model didn't converge
warning(nam, " model did not converge\n")
i <- i + 1
if (length(fm) > 1) { # model converged
fm <- list(fit = list(fm), base = fm$base)
attr(fm$fit, "model2") <- names(fm$fit) <- nam
} else {
fm <- list(fit = NA, base = NA) # no model converged
} else { # AIC, BIC, aveAIC or aveBIC
fm <- vector("list", nSigMod)
crit <- fmBase <- rep(NA, nSigMod)
if (selMethod == "AIC"| selMethod == "aveAIC") {
pen <- 2
} else {
pen <- log(dim(data)[[1]])
names(fm) <- names(crit) <- names(fmBase) <- namSigMod
for(i in 1:nSigMod) {
nam <- namSigMod[i]
fitmod <- fitModel(data, nam, resp, dose, start[[nam]], nlsControl,
off, scal, uModPars[[nam]], addArgs[[nam]])
if(!is.list(fitmod)) { # model didn't converge
fm[[i]] <- NA
warning(nam, " model did not converge\n")
} else { # model converged
fm[[i]] <- fitmod
fmBase[i] <- fitmod$base
crit[i] <- AIC(fitmod, k = pen)
if (all(is.na(crit))) {
fm <- NA
} else {
if (selMethod == "AIC" | selMethod == "BIC") {
model2 <- namSigMod[which(crit == min(crit, na.rm = TRUE))]
fm <- list(fm[[model2]])
fmBase <- fmBase[model2]
attr(fm, "model2") <- names(fm) <- model2
attr(fm, "IC") <- crit
else { # model averaging
attr(fm, "model2") <- namSigMod[!is.na(fmBase)]
attr(fm, "IC") <- crit
crit <- crit[!is.na(crit)]
## subtract const from crit values to avoid numerically 0
## values (exp(-0.5*1500)=0!)
const <- mean(crit)
pW <- rep(1, length(crit)) # standard 'noninformative' prior
names(pW) <- names(crit)
} else {
pW <- pW[names(crit)]
if(any(is.na(pW))) stop("pW needs to be a named vector with names equal to the models in the candidate set")
attr(fm, "weights") <-
attr(fm, "pweights") <- pW
fm <- list(fit = fm, base = fmBase)
## dose estimation
getDose <-
function(dose, ind)
aa <- !is.na(ind)
if (!all(aa)) {
ind <- ind[aa]; dose <- dose[aa]
if (any(ind)) min(dose[ind])
else NA
getDoseEst1 <-
false.go.CT1, FGR.CT1,
false.nogo.CT1, FNGR.CT1,
false.go.CT2, FGR.CT2,
false.nogo.CT2 , FNGR.CT2,
rangeDose, doseEst, selMethod,
lenDose = 101, uGrad = NULL)
## equally spaced points within dose range for prediction
doseSeq <- seq(rangeDose[1], rangeDose[2], len = lenDose)
off <- attr(fmb, "off"); scal <- attr(fmb, "scal")
newdata <- list(dose = doseSeq, off = rep(off, lenDose), scal = rep(scal, lenDose))
val <- double(ldePar)
base <- fmb$base
tDose <- matrix(ncol = length(base)-sum(is.na(base)), nrow = 1)
z <- 1
for(m in which(!is.na(base))){ # only predict models that converged
pred <- predict(fmb$fit[[m]], doseSeq, uGrad = uGrad)
fo <- data.frame(pred = pred$fit - base[m], se.fit = pred$se.fit)
df <- pred$df
## selects the desired dose according to MED method
gocrt1 <- qt(1-FGR.CT1, df)
LLCT1<-fo$pred - gocrt1 * fo$se.fit
gocrt2 <- qt(1-FGR.CT2, df)
LLCT2<-fo$pred - gocrt2 * fo$se.fit
nogocrt1 <- qt(1-FNGR.CT1, df)
ULCT1<-fo$pred + nogocrt1 * fo$se.fit
nogocrt2 <- qt(1-FNGR.CT2, df)
ULCT2<-fo$pred + nogocrt2 * fo$se.fit
#"MED1" = ind <- LL >= 0 & UL >= clinRel,
"MED2" = ind <- LLCT1 >= CT1 & LLCT2 >= CT2,
#"MED2" = ind <- LL >= 0.15 & fo$pred >= clinRel,
#"MED3" = ind <- LL <= threshold | fo$pred <= clinRel##mP
#"MED3" = ind <- LL >= clinRel
"MED3" = ind <- ULCT1 >= CT1 | ULCT2 >= CT2
#"MED4" = ind <- UL <= clinRel#MP
val <- getDose(doseSeq, ind)
tDose[,z] <- val
z <- z + 1
if(is.element(selMethod, c("aveAIC", "aveBIC"))){
doseAve <- as.vector(tDose%*%attr(fmb$fit, "weights"))
attr(doseAve, "tdModels") <- tDose
tDose <- doseAve
} else {
tDose <- as.vector(tDose)
recovNames <-
## function to recover model names (in case of multiple models from one class)
## just for use in MCPMod function
## example: recovNames(c("emax1", "betaMod", "emax2", "logistic", "usermodel"))
## returns: c("emax","betaMod","logistic","usermodel")
builtIn <- c("linlog", "linear", "quadratic", "emax",
"exponential","logistic", "betaMod", "sigEmax")
newnames <- character()
i <- 1
for(nam in names){
pm <- pmatch(builtIn, nam)
if(any(!is.na(pm))) {
newnames[i] <- builtIn[which(!is.na(pm))]
i <- i+1
if(all(is.na(pm))) {
newnames[i] <- nam
i <- i+1
## function to get reasonable defaults for, off, scal and dePar
getDef <-
function(off = NULL, scal = NULL, doses, doseEst)
mD <- max(doses)
if(is.null(scal)){ # default for scal parameter
scal <- 1.2*mD
} else { # check if valid scal is provided
if(scal < mD){
stop("'scal' should be >= maximum dose")
if(is.null(off)){ # default for off parameter
off <- 0.1*mD
list(scal = scal, off = off)
### main function implementing methodology, combining several others
MCPMod1 <-
function(data, models = NULL, contMat = NULL, critV = NULL,
resp = "resp", dose = "dose", off = NULL, scal = NULL,
alpha = 0.025, twoSide = FALSE,
selModel = c("maxT", "AIC", "BIC", "aveAIC", "aveBIC"),
doseEst = c("MED2", "MED3"),
std = TRUE, start = NULL,
uModPars = NULL, addArgs = NULL,
false.go.CT1, FGR.CT1,
false.nogo.CT1, FNGR.CT1,
false.go.CT2, FGR.CT2,
false.nogo.CT2 , FNGR.CT2, lenDose = 101, pW = NULL,
control = list(maxiter = 100, tol = 1e-6, minFactor = 1/1024),
signTtest = 1, pVal = FALSE, testOnly = FALSE,
mvtcontrol = mvtnorm.control(), na.action = na.fail,
uGrad = NULL)
## data - data.frame with, at least, columns "resp" and "dose"
## models - list with component names specifying models
## and optionally elements being used to calculate
## model contrasts; need to have named elements with
## corresponding models and be consistent with contMat,
## if that is non-null
## contMat - contrast matrix for candidate set and doses
## critV - critical value for MCP test
## alpha - significance level for calculating critVal (if = NULL)
## selModel - model selection criterion
## doseEst - type of dose estimator to be used
## pW - named vector of prior probs. for different models
if (any(is.na(match(c(resp, dose), names(data))))) {
stop(resp," and/or ", dose, " not found in data")
data <- na.action(data)
ind <- match(dose, names(data))
data <- data[order(data[, ind]), ]
## target dose estimate type
doseEst <- match.arg(doseEst)
n <- as.vector(table(data[, dose])) # sample sizes per group
doses <- sort(unique(data[, dose]))
## getting defaults which depend on the DRdata
def <- getDef(off, scal, doses, doseEst)
scal <- def[[1]]; off <- def[[2]];
if (is.null(contMat)) {
## need to calculate it
mu <- modelMeans(models, doses, std, off, scal)
contMat <- modContr(mu, n)
## MCP test first
tStat <- signTtest * getTstat(data, n, contMat, resp, dose)
tStat <- abs(tStat)
if (is.null(critV)) {
if(pVal) {
pVals <- pValues(contMat, n, alpha, tStat, mvtcontrol, twoSide)
critV <- critVal(contMat, n, alpha, mvtcontrol, twoSide = twoSide)
attr(critV, "Calc") <- TRUE # determines whether cVal was calculated
} else {
pVal <- FALSE # pvals are not calculated if critV is supplied
attr(critV, "Calc") <- FALSE
indStat <- tStat > critV
if (!any(indStat) | testOnly) {
## only mcp-test or no significant t-stats
result <- list(signf = any(indStat), model1 = NA, model2 = NA)
} else {
## model selection method
selMethod <- match.arg(selModel)
control <- do.call("nls.control", control)
## at least one significant, select a model if possible
namMod <- names(tStat)
maxTstat <- max(tStat)
model1 <- namMod[which(tStat == maxTstat)] # model with most sig contrast
## significant models, in descending order of tstat
indSigMod <- 1:length(tStat)
indSigMod <- indSigMod[rev(order(tStat))][1:sum(indStat)]
namSigMod <- namMod[indSigMod] # significant models
namSigMod <- recovNames(namSigMod) # remove model nrs.
# (in case of multiple models)
fmb <-
modelSelect(data, namSigMod, selMethod, pW, resp, dose, start,
control, off, scal, uModPars, addArgs)
if (all(is.na(fmb$base))) { # none of sign. model converged
result <- list(signf = TRUE, model1 = model1, model2 = NA)
} else {
## dose estimation model(s) obtained
## move to final step, dose estimation
## dose range
rgDose <- range(doses)
tDose <- getDoseEst1(fmb, CT1,
false.go.CT1, FGR.CT1,
false.nogo.CT1, FNGR.CT1,
false.go.CT2, FGR.CT2,
false.nogo.CT2 , FNGR.CT2,
rgDose, doseEst, selMethod,
lenDose, uGrad)
result <- list(signf = TRUE, model1 = model1,
model2 = attr(fmb$fit, "model2"))
## add information to the object
result$input <- list(models=models, resp=resp, dose=dose, off=off,
scal=scal, alpha=alpha, twoSide=twoSide,
selModel=selModel[1], doseEst=doseEst,
std=std, CT1=CT1,
false.nogo.CT2=false.nogo.CT2 ,
FNGR.CT2=FNGR.CT2, uModPars=uModPars,
addArgs=addArgs, start = start, uGrad=uGrad,
lenDose=lenDose, signTtest=signTtest,
pVal=pVal, testOnly=testOnly)
result$data <- data
result$contMat <- contMat
result$corMat <- t(contMat)%*%(contMat/n) /
result$cVal <- critV
result$tStat <- tStat
if(pVal) attr(result$tStat, "pVal") <- pVals
if (!all(is.na(result$model2))){
result$fm <- fmb$fit
result$tdose <- tDose
oldClass(result) <- "MCPMod"
# print method for MCPMod objects
#### example code
### mods <- list(linear = NULL, linlog = NULL, emax = 0.3,
### quadratic = -0.001, logistic = c(0.4, 0.09))
### mn <- c(0.1, 0.4, 0.55, 0.75, 0.9, 1)
### ds <- c(0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 1)
### DRdata <- genDFdata(mu = mn, sigma = 0.8, n = 20, doses = ds)
### MM <- MCPMod(DRdata, mods, clinRel = 0.5*max(mn), selModel="aveAIC")
### MM
### summary(MM)
### plot(MM)
### user defined model
### emx2 <- function(dose, a, b, d){
### sigEmax(dose, a, b, d, 1)
### }
### emx2Grad <- function(dose, a, b, d) cbind(1, dose/(dose+d), -b*dose/(dose+d)^2)
### models <- list(emx2=c(0,1,0.1), linear = NULL)
### dats <- genDFdata(mu = mn, doses = ds, sigma=0.8, n=50)
### start <- list(emx2=c(a=0.2, b=0.6, d=0.2))
### MM1 <- MCPMod(dats, models, clinRel = 1, scal = 1.2, selModel="AIC", start = start,
### uGrad = emx2Grad)
## function to generate DF data
genDFdata <-
function(model, argsMod, doses, n, sigma, mu = NULL)
## generates data.frame with resp and dose columns
## corresponding to specified design, mean (either
## determined by model or mu) and sigma
## model - string with model function name (first argument
## must be dose, must be vectorized)
## argsMod - a named list with the arguments for the model function
## doses - set of doses to be used in the trial
## n - sample size (scalar is repeated for each dose)
## sigma - error std. deviation
## mu - vector of mean values can alternatively specified
nD <- length(doses)
dose <- sort(doses)
if (length(n) == 1) n <- rep(n, nD)
dose <- rep(dose, n)
args <- c(list(dose), argsMod)
mu <- do.call(model, args)
} else if(!is.null(mu)){
if(length(doses) != length(mu)){
stop("'mu' needs to be of the same length as doses")
mu <- rep(mu, n)
} else {
stop("either 'model' or 'mu' needs to be specified")
data.frame(dose = dose,
resp = mu + rnorm(sum(n), sd = sigma))
### examples
### genDFdata("emax", c(e0 = 0.2, eMax = 1, ed50 = 0.05), c(0,0.05,0.2,0.6,1), 20, 1)
### genDFdata(mu = 1:5, doses = 0:4, n = c(20, 20, 10, 5, 1), sigma = 1)
###revised function####
getDoseEst2 <-
false.go.CT1, FGR.CT1,
false.nogo.CT1, FNGR.CT1,
false.go.CT2, FGR.CT2,
false.nogo.CT2 , FNGR.CT2,
rangeDose, doseEst, selMethod,
lenDose = 101, uGrad = NULL,direction='Greater')
## equally spaced points within dose range for prediction
doseSeq <- seq(rangeDose[1], rangeDose[2], len = lenDose)
off <- attr(fmb, "off"); scal <- attr(fmb, "scal")
newdata <- list(dose = doseSeq, off = rep(off, lenDose), scal = rep(scal, lenDose))
valgo <- double(ldePar)
valnogo <- double(ldePar)
base <- fmb$base
tDose <- matrix(ncol = length(base)-sum(is.na(base)), nrow = 2)
z <- 1
for(m in which(!is.na(base))){ # only predict models that converged
if(doseEst[1] != "ED"){ # MED estimate
pred <- predict(fmb$fit[[m]], doseSeq, uGrad = uGrad)
fo <- data.frame(pred = pred$fit - base[m], se.fit = pred$se.fit)
df <- pred$df
## selects the desired dose according to MED method
gocrt1 <- qt(1-FGR.CT1, df)
LLCT1<-fo$pred - gocrt1 * fo$se.fit
gocrt2 <- qt(1-FGR.CT2, df)
LLCT2<-fo$pred - gocrt2 * fo$se.fit
nogocrt1 <- qt(1-FNGR.CT1, df)
ULCT1<-fo$pred + nogocrt1 * fo$se.fit
nogocrt2 <- qt(1-FNGR.CT2, df)
ULCT2<-fo$pred + nogocrt2 * fo$se.fit
ind1<- LLCT1 >= CT1.go & LLCT2 >= CT2.go
ind1<- LLCT1 >= CT1.go | LLCT2 >= CT2.go
ind1<- LLCT1 >= CT1.go
ind1<- LLCT2 >= CT2.go
ind2<- ULCT1 > CT1.nogo | ULCT2 > CT2.nogo
ind2<- ULCT1 > CT1.nogo & ULCT2 > CT2.nogo
ind2<- ULCT1 > CT1.nogo
ind2<- ULCT2 > CT2.nogo
gocrt1 <- qt(1-FGR.CT1, df)
ULCT1<-fo$pred + gocrt1 * fo$se.fit
gocrt2 <- qt(1-FGR.CT2, df)
ULCT2<-fo$pred + gocrt2 * fo$se.fit
nogocrt1 <- qt(1-FNGR.CT1, df)
LLCT1<-fo$pred - nogocrt1 * fo$se.fit
nogocrt2 <- qt(1-FNGR.CT2, df)
LLCT2<-fo$pred - nogocrt2 * fo$se.fit
if(doseEst=='APP'){ # need revision: replace LLCT1<=CT1.go to ULCT1<=CT1.go
ind1<- LLCT1 <= CT1.go & LLCT2 <= CT2.go
ind1<- LLCT1 <= CT1.go | LLCT2 <= CT2.go
ind1<- LLCT1 <= CT1.go
ind1<- LLCT2 <= CT2.go
ind2<- ULCT1 < CT1.nogo | ULCT2 < CT2.nogo
ind2<- ULCT1 < CT1.nogo & ULCT2 < CT2.nogo
ind2<- ULCT1 < CT1.nogo
ind2<- ULCT2 < CT2.nogo
valgo <- getDose(doseSeq, ind1)
tDose[1,z] <- valgo
tDose[2,z] <- valnogo
z <- z + 1
if(is.element(selMethod, c("aveAIC", "aveBIC"))){
doseAve <- as.vector(tDose%*%attr(fmb$fit, "weights"))
attr(doseAve, "tdModels") <- tDose
tDose <- doseAve
} else {
tDose <- tDose
MCPMod2 <-
function(data, models = NULL, contMat = NULL, critV = NULL,
resp = "resp", dose = "dose", off = NULL, scal = NULL,
alpha = 0.025, twoSide = FALSE,
selModel = c("maxT", "AIC", "BIC", "aveAIC", "aveBIC"),
doseEst = c("MED2", "MED3",'APP'),
std = TRUE, start = NULL,
uModPars = NULL, addArgs = NULL,
false.go.CT1, FGR.CT1,
false.nogo.CT1, FNGR.CT1,
false.go.CT2, FGR.CT2,
false.nogo.CT2 , FNGR.CT2,
lenDose = 101, pW = NULL,
control = list(maxiter = 100, tol = 1e-6, minFactor = 1/1024),
signTtest = 1, pVal = FALSE, testOnly = FALSE,
mvtcontrol = mvtnorm.control(), na.action = na.fail,
uGrad = NULL,direction='Greater')
## data - data.frame with, at least, columns "resp" and "dose"
## models - list with component names specifying models
## and optionally elements being used to calculate
## model contrasts; need to have named elements with
## corresponding models and be consistent with contMat,
## if that is non-null
## contMat - contrast matrix for candidate set and doses
## critV - critical value for MCP test
## alpha - significance level for calculating critVal (if = NULL)
## selModel - model selection criterion
## doseEst - type of dose estimator to be used
## pW - named vector of prior probs. for different models
if (any(is.na(match(c(resp, dose), names(data))))) {
stop(resp," and/or ", dose, " not found in data")
data <- na.action(data)
ind <- match(dose, names(data))
data <- data[order(data[, ind]), ]
## target dose estimate type
doseEst <- match.arg(doseEst)
n <- as.vector(table(data[, dose])) # sample sizes per group
doses <- sort(unique(data[, dose]))
## getting defaults which depend on the DRdata
def <- getDef(off, scal, doses, doseEst)
scal <- def[[1]]; off <- def[[2]];
if (is.null(contMat)) {
## need to calculate it
mu <- modelMeans(models, doses, std, off, scal)
contMat <- modContr(mu, n)
## MCP test first
tStat <- signTtest * getTstat(data, n, contMat, resp, dose)
tStat <- abs(tStat)
if (is.null(critV)) {
if(pVal) {
pVals <- pValues(contMat, n, alpha, tStat, mvtcontrol, twoSide)
critV <- critVal(contMat, n, alpha, mvtcontrol, twoSide = twoSide)
attr(critV, "Calc") <- TRUE # determines whether cVal was calculated
} else {
pVal <- FALSE # pvals are not calculated if critV is supplied
attr(critV, "Calc") <- FALSE
indStat <- tStat > critV
if (!any(indStat) | testOnly) {
## only mcp-test or no significant t-stats
result <- list(signf = any(indStat), model1 = NA, model2 = NA)
} else {
## model selection method
selMethod <- match.arg(selModel)
control <- do.call("nls.control", control)
## at least one significant, select a model if possible
namMod <- names(tStat)
maxTstat <- max(tStat)
model1 <- namMod[which(tStat == maxTstat)] # model with most sig contrast
## significant models, in descending order of tstat
indSigMod <- 1:length(tStat)
indSigMod <- indSigMod[rev(order(tStat))][1:sum(indStat)]
namSigMod <- namMod[indSigMod] # significant models
namSigMod <- recovNames(namSigMod) # remove model nrs.
# (in case of multiple models)
fmb <-
modelSelect(data, namSigMod, selMethod, pW, resp, dose, start,
control, off, scal, uModPars, addArgs)
if (all(is.na(fmb$base))) { # none of sign. model converged
result <- list(signf = TRUE, model1 = model1, model2 = NA)
} else {
## dose estimation model(s) obtained
## move to final step, dose estimation
## dose range
rgDose <- range(doses)
tDose <- getDoseEst2(fmb, CT1.go,
false.go.CT1, FGR.CT1,
false.nogo.CT1, FNGR.CT1,
false.go.CT2, FGR.CT2,
false.nogo.CT2 , FNGR.CT2,
rgDose, doseEst, selMethod,
lenDose, uGrad,direction)
result <- list(signf = TRUE, model1 = model1,
model2 = attr(fmb$fit, "model2"))
## add information to the object
result$input <- list(models=models, resp=resp, dose=dose, off=off,
scal=scal, alpha=alpha, twoSide=twoSide,
selModel=selModel[1], doseEst=doseEst,
std=std, CT1.go=CT1.go,
false.nogo.CT2=false.nogo.CT2 ,
addArgs=addArgs, start = start, uGrad=uGrad,
lenDose=lenDose, signTtest=signTtest,
pVal=pVal, testOnly=testOnly)
result$data <- data
result$contMat <- contMat
result$corMat <- t(contMat)%*%(contMat/n) /
result$cVal <- critV
result$tStat <- tStat
if(pVal) attr(result$tStat, "pVal") <- pVals
if (!all(is.na(result$model2))){
result$fm <- fmb$fit
result$tdose <- tDose
oldClass(result) <- "MCPMod"
MCPMod_MED_APP_parallel = function(datatype="Binomial",dose, case,
false.go.CT1=TRUE, FGR.CT1=0.1,
false.nogo.CT1=TRUE, FNGR.CT1=0.3,
false.go.CT2=TRUE, FGR.CT2=0.5,
false.nogo.CT2=TRUE, FNGR.CT2=0.9,
######### function #####################################################
stop('The number of dose levels and the length of sample size in each dose level are different')
ncore <- detectCores()
results<-foreach(i = 1:nsim,.packages=c('MCPAPP','mvtnorm',
'lattice'),.combine=rbind) %dopar% {
for(ii in 1:len){
for(ii in 1:len){
data = data.frame(dose=datadose, resp=dataresp)
df = MCPMod2(data, mods, alpha=alpha,
false.go.CT1=false.go.CT1, FGR.CT1=FGR.CT1,
false.nogo.CT1=false.nogo.CT1, FNGR.CT1=FNGR.CT1,
false.go.CT2=false.go.CT2, FGR.CT2=FGR.CT2,
false.nogo.CT2=false.nogo.CT2 , FNGR.CT2=FNGR.CT2,
selModel="maxT",doseEst="APP", scal = NULL,direction=direction)
minED = -999
target_dose <-results[,1]
go=c(sum(go_index, na.rm = TRUE))/nsim
nogo=c(sum(nogo_index, na.rm = TRUE))/nsim
output = list(n=n, go=go, nogo=nogo, grey=grey,notrend=notrend,
MCPMod_MED_APP_interim_parallel = function(kkk,datatype="Binomial",dose, case,
false.go.CT1=c(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE), FGR.CT1=c(0.1,0.1,0.1),
false.nogo.CT1=c(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE), FNGR.CT1=c(0.3,0.3,0.3),
false.go.CT2=c(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE), FGR.CT2=c(0.5,0.5,0.5),
false.nogo.CT2=c(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE), FNGR.CT2=c(0.9,0.9,0.9),
task=c('Futility','Superiority','Futility and superiority'),
######### function #####################################################
stop('The number of dose levels and the length of sample size in each dose level are different')
IA_go_matrix<-matrix(NA,nrow=nsim_IA,ncol=num_interim) ###whether continue to next stage
for(interim_index in 1:num_interim){
ncore <- detectCores()
results<-foreach(i = 1:nsim_IA,.packages=c('MCPAPP','mvtnorm',
'lattice'),.combine=rbind) %dopar% {
for(ii in 1:len){
for(ii in 1:len){
data = data.frame(dose=datadose, resp=dataresp)
df = MCPMod2(data, mods, alpha=alpha,
false.go.CT1=false.go.CT1[interim_index], FGR.CT1=FGR.CT1[interim_index],
false.nogo.CT1=false.nogo.CT1[interim_index], FNGR.CT1=FNGR.CT1[interim_index],
false.go.CT2=false.go.CT2[interim_index], FGR.CT2=FGR.CT2[interim_index],
false.nogo.CT2=false.nogo.CT2[interim_index] , FNGR.CT2=FNGR.CT2[interim_index],
selModel="maxT",doseEst="APP", scal = NULL,direction=direction[interim_index])
minED = -999
target_dose <-results[,1]
for(ii in 1:(num_interim)){
if(task[ii]=='Futility and superiority'){
for(j in 1:(num_interim)){
table[1,j]=paste0(n[j,],collapse = ',')
table[2,j]=paste0('RR in each dose: ',paste0(case,collapse=','))
table[2,j]=paste0('Mean in each dose: ',paste0(mean,collapse=','),';','sd in each dose: ',paste0(sd,collapse=',',':'))
if(task[j]=='Superiority'|task[j]=='Futility and superiority'){
if(task[j]=='Futility'|task[j]=='Futility and superiority'){
if(task[j]=='Superiority'|task[j]=='Futility and superiority'){
if(task[j]=='Futility'|task[j]=='Futility and superiority'){
table[7,j]<-ifelse(overlap[j]==1,paste0('GO/NOGO zones overlapped, classified by criterion of ',overlap.option[j]),'None')
table[2,num_interim+1]=paste0('RR in each dose: ',paste0(case,collapse=','))
table[2,num_interim+1]=paste0('Mean in each dose: ',paste0(mean,collapse=','),';','sd in each dose: ',paste0(sd,collapse=',',':'))
tablecolname<-c(paste0('Interim analysis ',1:(num_interim-1)),'Final analysis',"Summary")
tablerowname<-c('Sample size','True parameters','Task','Success','To next interim/final or inconclusive',
colnames(table)<-c(" ",'Setting',tablecolname)
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