#' @title Annotate circRNA features.
#' @description The function annotateBSJs() annotates the circRNA structure
#' and the introns flanking the corresponding back-spliced junctions.
#' The genomic features are extracted from the user provided gene annotation.
#' @param backSplicedJunctions A data frame containing the back-spliced junction
#' coordinates (e.g. detected or randomly selected).
#' For detected back-spliced junctions see \code{\link{getBackSplicedJunctions}}
#' and \code{\link{mergeBSJunctions}} (to group circRNAs detected by multiple
#' detection tools). For randomly selected back-spliced junctions see
#' \code{\link{getRandomBSJunctions}}.
#' @param gtf A data frame containing genome annotation information. It can be
#' generated with \code{\link{formatGTF}}.
#' @param isRandom A logical indicating whether the back-spliced junctions have
#' been randomly generated with \code{\link{getRandomBSJunctions}}.
#' Deafult value is FALSE.
#' @param pathToTranscripts A string containing the path to the transcripts.txt
#' file. The file transcripts.txt contains the transcript ids of the
#' circRNA host gene to analyze. It must have one column with header id.
#' By default pathToTranscripts is set to NULL and the file it is searched in
#' the working directory. If transcripts.txt is located in a different directory
#' then the path needs to be specified. If this file is empty or absent the
#' longest transcript of the circRNA host gene containing the back-spliced
#' junctions are considered in the annotation analysis.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @examples
#' # Load a data frame containing detected back-spliced junctions
#' data("mergedBSJunctions")
#' # Load short version of the gencode v19 annotation file
#' data("gtf")
#' # Annotate the first back-spliced junctions
#' annotatedBSJs <- annotateBSJs(mergedBSJunctions[1, ], gtf)
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
annotateBSJs <- function(backSplicedJunctions,
isRandom = FALSE,
pathToTranscripts = NULL) {
# Read trancripts.txt
transcriptsFromFile <- .readTranscripts(pathToTranscripts)
if (nrow(transcriptsFromFile) == 0 & !isRandom) {
cat("transcripts.txt is empty or absent. The longest
transcripts for all circRNAs will be analyzed") }
# Check the validity and the content
backSplicedJunctions <- .checkBSJsDF(backSplicedJunctions)
# Create an empty data frame to store the extracted information
annotatedBSJs <- .createAnnotatedBSJsDF(backSplicedJunctions)
# Since the coordinates of the detected back-spliced junctions might
# not exactly correspond to annotated exonic coordinates, a gap of 10
# nucleotides is allowed.
for (i in seq_along(backSplicedJunctions$id)) {
exJ1 <- substr(backSplicedJunctions[i, "startUpBSE"],
nchar(backSplicedJunctions[i, "startUpBSE"]) - 1)
exJ2 <- substr(backSplicedJunctions[i, "endDownBSE"],
nchar(backSplicedJunctions[i, "endDownBSE"]) - 1)
gene <- backSplicedJunctions$gene[i]
annotatedBSJs$id[i] <- backSplicedJunctions$id[i]
annotatedBSJs$gene[i] <- backSplicedJunctions$gene[i]
annotatedBSJs$strand[i] <- backSplicedJunctions$strand[i]
annotatedBSJs$chrom[i] <- backSplicedJunctions$chrom[i]
# Retrieves all transcripts whose exon coordinates overlap that of
# the given back-spliced junction coordinates (exJ1, exJ2)
allTranscripts <- .getAllTranscripts(gtf, gene, exJ1, exJ2)
if (!is.na(allTranscripts[1])) {
annotatedBSJs$allTranscripts[i] <- paste(allTranscripts, collapse = ",")
# Get transcript to analyze
transcriptToAnalyze <- .getTranscriptToAnalyze(transcriptsFromFile, allTranscripts, gtf)
annotatedBSJs$transcript[i] <- transcriptToAnalyze$transcript_id[1]
annotatedBSJs$totExons[i] <- nrow(transcriptToAnalyze)
# get BSEs from transcriptToAnalyze
bsExons <- .getBSEsFromTranscript(transcriptToAnalyze, exJ1, exJ2)
annotatedBSJs$exNumUpBSE[i] <- bsExons$exon_number[1]
annotatedBSJs$exNumDownBSE[i] <- bsExons$exon_number[2]
annotatedBSJs$numOfExons[i] <- length(c(bsExons$exon_number[1]:bsExons$exon_number[2]))
if (bsExons$strand[1] == "-") {
annotatedBSJs$startUpBSE[i] <- bsExons$end[1]
annotatedBSJs$endUpBSE[i] <- bsExons$start[1]
annotatedBSJs$startDownBSE[i] <- bsExons$end[2]
annotatedBSJs$endDownBSE[i] <- bsExons$start[2]
# For negative strand
} else if (bsExons$strand[1] == "+") {
annotatedBSJs$startUpBSE[i] <- bsExons$start[1]
annotatedBSJs$endUpBSE[i] <- bsExons$end[1]
annotatedBSJs$startDownBSE[i] <- bsExons$start[2]
annotatedBSJs$endDownBSE[i] <- bsExons$end[2]
# Retrive flanking intron coordinates
intronCoords <- .getIntronCoords(transcriptToAnalyze, bsExons)
annotatedBSJs$startUpIntron[i] <- intronCoords$startUpIntron[1]
annotatedBSJs$endUpIntron[i] <- intronCoords$endUpIntron[1]
annotatedBSJs$startDownIntron[i] <- intronCoords$startDownIntron[1]
annotatedBSJs$endDownIntron[i] <- intronCoords$endDownIntron[1]
# Calculate circRNA length (exon only)
lenCircRNA <- .getLengthCirc(transcriptToAnalyze, bsExons)
annotatedBSJs$lenCircRNA[i] <- lenCircRNA[[1]]
} else if (is.na(allTranscripts[1])) {
annotatedBSJs$startUpBSE[i] <- backSplicedJunctions$startUpBSE[i]
annotatedBSJs$endDownBSE[i] <- backSplicedJunctions$endDownBSE[i]
# Retrieve the length (bp) of the bse and flanking introns
lenBSEfi <- .getLengthBSEfi(annotatedBSJs)
annotatedBSJs$lenUpIntron <- lenBSEfi$lenUpIntron
annotatedBSJs$lenUpBSE <- lenBSEfi$lenUpBSE
annotatedBSJs$lenDownBSE <- lenBSEfi$lenDownBSE
annotatedBSJs$lenDownIntron <- lenBSEfi$lenDownIntron
annotatedBSJs$meanLengthBSEs <- lenBSEfi$meanLengthBSEs
annotatedBSJs$meanLengthIntrons <- lenBSEfi$meanLengthIntrons
# The function getAnnotatedBSJsColNames() returns the column
.getAnnotatedBSJsColNames <- function() {
basicColumns <- .getBasicColNames()
annotatedBSJsColNames <-
# The function getAllTranscripts() retrieves all transcripts whose exon
# coordinates overlap that of the given back-spliced junctions coordinates
# (exJ1 and exJ2). If the trancripts are not found it
# might be that the annotation file is different from the one used
# for mapping or it can be due to the circRNA prediction tool
# analysis. In both cases since the genomic features can
# not be extrated an NA value is reported.
.getAllTranscripts <- function(gtf, gene, exJ1, exJ2) {
# Find the isofom containing the back-spliced exon junction coordinates
# given in input
start <- gtf %>%
dplyr::filter(gene_name == gene,
type == "exon") %>%
dplyr::group_by(transcript_id) %>%
stringr::str_detect(start, exJ1) |
stringr::str_detect(start, exJ2)
# Find the isofom containing the back-spliced exon junction coordinates
# given in input
end <- gtf %>%
dplyr::filter(gene_name == gene,
type == "exon") %>%
dplyr::group_by(transcript_id) %>%
dplyr::filter(stringr::str_detect(end, exJ1) |
stringr::str_detect(end, exJ2))
# Check whether the end and the start coordinates are present and
# if so take the the transcripts and sort by lenght. The first transcript
# will be the longest one
inter <- intersect(start$transcript_id, end$transcript_id)
if (length(inter) != 0) {
allTranscripts <- gtf %>%
dplyr::filter(transcript_id %in% inter) %>%
dplyr::group_by(transcript_id) %>%
dplyr::summarise(len = sum(width)) %>%
dplyr::arrange(desc(len)) %>%
} else{
# If one of the 2 back-spliced junction is not among the exons annotated
# in the gtf file given in input, it can be that a different gtf file
# has been used during the mapping procedure to idetified the circRNAs.
allTranscripts <- NA_character_
# Return a data frame with the genomic coordinates of all the exons of
# the longest isoform containing the given back-spliced exon junction
# coordinates (exJ1 and exJ2)
# The function getFlankIntrons() retrieves the genomic coordinates
# of the introns flanking the back-spliced exons given in input.
# This function is called when the back-spliced exons are not the first and
# last exon of the transcript.
.getFlankIntrons <- function(transcriptToAnalyze, bsExons) {
# Create an empty data frame
intronCoords <- data.frame(matrix(
nrow = 1,
ncol = length(.getAnnotatedBSJsColNames())
colnames(intronCoords) <- .getAnnotatedBSJsColNames()
# Retrieve the upstream and the downstream exons (adiacent exons) flanking
# the back-spliced given in input.
adiacentExons <- transcriptToAnalyze %>%
dplyr::filter(exon_number %in% c(bsExons$exon_number[1] - 1,
bsExons$exon_number[2] + 1))
# Retrive the intron coordinates flanking the back-spliced exons given in
# input
# for positive strand
if (bsExons$strand[1] == "+") {
intronCoords$startUpIntron <- adiacentExons$end[1] + 1
intronCoords$endUpIntron <- bsExons$start[1] - 1
intronCoords$startDownIntron <- bsExons$end[2] + 1
intronCoords$endDownIntron <- adiacentExons$start[2] - 1
# for negative strand
} else if (bsExons$strand[1] == "-") {
intronCoords$startUpIntron <- adiacentExons$start[1] - 1
intronCoords$endUpIntron <- bsExons$end[1] + 1
intronCoords$startDownIntron <- bsExons$start[2] - 1
intronCoords$endDownIntron <- adiacentExons$end[2] + 1
# The function getFlankIntronFirst() retrieves the genomic
# coordinates of the introns flanking the back-spliced exons given in input.
# This function is called when one of the two back-spliced exons is the
# first of the transcript.
.getFlankIntronFirst <- function(transcriptToAnalyze, bsExons) {
# Create an empty data frame with 1 row
intronCoords <- data.frame(matrix(
nrow = 1,
ncol = length(.getAnnotatedBSJsColNames())
colnames(intronCoords) <- .getAnnotatedBSJsColNames()
# Retrieve the upstream and the downstream exons (adiacent exons) flanking
# the back-spliced exons given in input.
adiacentExons <- transcriptToAnalyze %>%
dplyr::filter(exon_number ==
bsExons$exon_number[2] + 1)
# Retrive the coordinates of the downstream intron.
# Since one of the exon is the first exon of the transcritpt the upstream
# introns is not available "NA"
# for positive strand
if (bsExons$strand[1] == "+") {
intronCoords$startDownIntron <- bsExons$end[2] + 1
intronCoords$endDownIntron <- adiacentExons$start[1] - 1
# for negative strand
} else if (bsExons$strand[1] == "-") {
intronCoords$startDownIntron <- bsExons$start[2] - 1
intronCoords$endDownIntron <- adiacentExons$end[1] + 1
# The function getFlankIntronLast() retrieves the coordinates of
# the introns flanking the back-spliced exons given in input.
# This function is called when one of the two back-spliced exons is the last
# of the transcript.
.getFlankIntronLast <- function(transcriptToAnalyze, bsExons) {
# Create an empty data frame with 1 row
intronCoords <- data.frame(matrix(
nrow = 1,
ncol = length(.getAnnotatedBSJsColNames())
colnames(intronCoords) <- .getAnnotatedBSJsColNames()
# Retrieve the upstream and the downstream exons (adiacent exons) flanking
# the back-spliced exons given in input.
adiacentExons <- transcriptToAnalyze %>%
dplyr::filter(exon_number ==
bsExons$exon_number[1] - 1)
# Retrive the coordinates of the upstream intron
# Since one the exon is the last exon of the transcritpt the downstream
# intron is not available "NA"
# For positive strand
if (bsExons$strand[1] == "+") {
intronCoords$startUpIntron <- adiacentExons$end[1] + 1
intronCoords$endUpIntron <- bsExons$start[1] - 1
# For negative strand
} else if (bsExons$strand[1] == "-") {
intronCoords$startUpIntron <- adiacentExons$start[1] - 1
intronCoords$endUpIntron <- bsExons$end[1] + 1
# Get coordinates of flanking introns
.getIntronCoords <- function(transcriptToAnalyze, bsExons) {
# Create an empty data frame with 1 row
intronCoords <- data.frame(matrix(
nrow = 1,
ncol = length(.getAnnotatedBSJsColNames())
colnames(intronCoords) <- .getAnnotatedBSJsColNames()
# Retrieve the coordinates of the flanking introns
if (bsExons$exon_number[1] != 1 &
bsExons$exon_number[2] != nrow(transcriptToAnalyze)) {
# If the BSEs are not the first and last of the transcript
intronCoords <-
.getFlankIntrons(transcriptToAnalyze, bsExons)
# If one the BSE is the first exon of the transcript
} else if (bsExons$exon_number[1] == 1 &
bsExons$exon_number[2] != nrow(transcriptToAnalyze)) {
intronCoords <- .getFlankIntronFirst(transcriptToAnalyze, bsExons)
# If one the BSE is the last exon of the transcript
} else if (bsExons$exon_number[2] == nrow(transcriptToAnalyze) &
bsExons$exon_number[1] != 1) {
intronCoords <- .getFlankIntronLast(transcriptToAnalyze, bsExons)
# The function getLengthBSEfi() calculates the length (nt) of the
# back-spliced exons and the corresponding flanking introns.
.getLengthBSEfi <- function(annotatedBSJs) {
colNames <- c(
# Create an empty dataframe
lenBSEfi <-
nrow = nrow(annotatedBSJs),
ncol = length(colNames)
colnames(lenBSEfi) <- colNames
# Calculate the back-spliced exons and introns length and select the needed
# columns
lenBSEfi <- annotatedBSJs %>%
lenUpIntron = abs(endUpIntron - startUpIntron),
lenUpBSE = abs(endUpBSE - startUpBSE),
lenDownBSE = abs(endDownBSE - startDownBSE),
lenDownIntron = abs(endDownIntron - startDownIntron),
meanLengthBSEs = base::rowMeans(base::cbind(lenUpBSE, lenDownBSE), na.rm =
meanLengthIntrons = base::rowMeans(
base::cbind(lenUpIntron, lenDownIntron),
na.rm =
) %>%
# Return a data frame containing the length (bp) of the back-spliced exons
# and the corresponding falnking introns.
# Repalce NaN values with NA
lenBSEfi[is.na(lenBSEfi)] <- NA_character_
# Create annotatedBSJs data frame
.createAnnotatedBSJsDF <- function(backSplicedJunctions) {
annotatedBSJs <-
nrow = nrow(backSplicedJunctions),
ncol = length(.getAnnotatedBSJsColNames())
colnames(annotatedBSJs) <- .getAnnotatedBSJsColNames()
# Get transxript to analyze
.getTranscriptToAnalyze <-
function(transcriptsFromFile, allTranscripts, gtf) {
if (nrow(transcriptsFromFile) > 0 &
any(transcriptsFromFile$id %in% allTranscripts)) {
# Analyze the transcript specified by the user in
# transcripts.txt
index <-
which(allTranscripts %in% transcriptsFromFile$id)
# In case multiple transcripts are given in input for
# the same circRNA, the first is taken. Only one isoform
# at the time can be analyzed.
# For this reason index[1]
transcript <- allTranscripts[index[1]]
} else{
# The first transcript in allTranscript is the longest
transcript <- allTranscripts[1]
# The isoform that is analyzed can be the longest isoform
# containing the BSJs or the isoform specified by the user
# in transcripts.txt
# TODO consider the exons to keep if this is known
transcriptToAnalyze <- gtf %>%
dplyr::filter(transcript_id ==
transcript) %>%
# Get back-Splice exons from transcriptToAnalyze
.getBSEsFromTranscript <- function(transcriptToAnalyze, exJ1, exJ2) {
# If the isoform is present then it retrieves the missing
# coordinates of the back-spliced exons
bsExons <- transcriptToAnalyze %>%
stringr::str_detect(start, exJ1) |
stringr::str_detect(end, exJ1) |
stringr::str_detect(start, exJ2) |
stringr::str_detect(end, exJ2)
) %>%
# If only one exon is present then the row is duplicated.
# This step is only made to simplify the code below without
# introducing an additional if statment when a single
# back-spliced exon is present.
if (nrow(bsExons) == 1) {
bsExons[2,] <- bsExons[1,]
# Get length circRNA
.getLengthCirc <- function(transcriptToAnalyze, bsExons) {
# Calculate circRNA length considering only the lenght of the
# exons in between the back-spliced junctions
lenCircRNA <-
transcriptToAnalyze %>%
dplyr::filter(exon_number %in%
c(bsExons$exon_number[1]:bsExons$exon_number[2])) %>%
dplyr::summarise(lenCircRNA = sum(width))
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