
Defines functions GDCquery_ATAC_seq TCGAquery_recount2 getMC3MAF getBarcodeDefinition expandBarcodeInfo addFilter getGDCquery GDCquery

Documented in GDCquery GDCquery_ATAC_seq getMC3MAF TCGAquery_recount2

#' @title Query GDC data
#' @description
#'   Uses GDC API to search for search, it searches for both controlled and
#'   open-access data.
#'   For GDC data arguments project, data.category, data.type and workflow.type should be used
#'   Please, see the vignette for a table with the possibilities.
#' @param project A list of valid project (see list with TCGAbiolinks:::getGDCprojects()$project_id)]
#' \itemize{
#' \item{ BEATAML1.0-COHORT }
#' \item{ CGCI-BLGSP }
#' \item{ CPTAC-2 }
#' \item{ CPTAC-3 }
#' \item{ CTSP-DLBCL1 }
#' \item{ FM-AD }
#' \item{ HCMI-CMDC }
#' \item{ MMRF-COMMPASS }
#' \item{ NCICCR-DLBCL }
#' \item{ OHSU-CNL }
#' \item{ TARGET-ALL-P1 }
#' \item{ TARGET-ALL-P2 }
#' \item{ TARGET-ALL-P3 }
#' \item{ TARGET-AML }
#' \item{ TARGET-CCSK }
#' \item{ TARGET-NBL }
#' \item{ TARGET-OS }
#' \item{ TARGET-RT }
#' \item{ TARGET-WT }
#' \item{ TCGA-ACC }
#' \item{ TCGA-BLCA }
#' \item{ TCGA-BRCA }
#' \item{ TCGA-CESC }
#' \item{ TCGA-CHOL }
#' \item{ TCGA-COAD }
#' \item{ TCGA-DLBC }
#' \item{ TCGA-ESCA }
#' \item{ TCGA-GBM }
#' \item{ TCGA-HNSC }
#' \item{ TCGA-KICH }
#' \item{ TCGA-KIRC }
#' \item{ TCGA-KIRP }
#' \item{ TCGA-LAML }
#' \item{ TCGA-LGG }
#' \item{ TCGA-LIHC }
#' \item{ TCGA-LUAD }
#' \item{ TCGA-LUSC }
#' \item{ TCGA-MESO }
#' \item{ TCGA-OV }
#' \item{ TCGA-PAAD }
#' \item{ TCGA-PCPG }
#' \item{ TCGA-PRAD }
#' \item{ TCGA-READ }
#' \item{ TCGA-SARC }
#' \item{ TCGA-SKCM }
#' \item{ TCGA-STAD }
#' \item{ TCGA-TGCT }
#' \item{ TCGA-THCA }
#' \item{ TCGA-THYM }
#' \item{ TCGA-UCEC }
#' \item{ TCGA-UCS }
#' \item{ TCGA-UVM }
#' \item{ VAREPOP-APOLLO }
#' }
#' @param data.category A valid project (see list with TCGAbiolinks:::getProjectSummary(project))
#' For the complete list please check the vignette.
#' List for harmonized database:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{ Biospecimen }
#' \item{ Clinical }
#' \item{ Copy Number Variation }
#' \item{ DNA Methylation }
#' \item{ Sequencing Reads }
#' \item{ Simple Nucleotide Variation }
#' \item{ Transcriptome Profiling }
#' }
#' @param data.type A data type to filter the files to download
#' For the complete list please check the vignette.
#' @param sample.type A sample type to filter the files to download
#' @param barcode A list of barcodes to filter the files to download
#' @param data.format Data format filter ("VCF", "TXT", "BAM","SVS","BCR XML","BCR SSF XML",
#' "TSV", "BCR Auxiliary XML", "BCR OMF XML", "BCR Biotab", "MAF", "BCR PPS XML", "XLSX")
#' @param workflow.type GDC workflow type
#' @param experimental.strategy Filter to experimental strategy.
#' Harmonized: WXS, RNA-Seq, miRNA-Seq, Genotyping Array.
#' @param access Filter by access type. Possible values: controlled, open
#' @param platform Example:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'CGH- 1x1M_G4447A                   \tab IlluminaGA_RNASeqV2   \cr
#'AgilentG4502A_07                  \tab IlluminaGA_mRNA_DGE    \cr
#'Human1MDuo                        \tab HumanMethylation450    \cr
#'HG-CGH-415K_G4124A                \tab IlluminaGA_miRNASeq    \cr
#'HumanHap550                       \tab IlluminaHiSeq_miRNASeq \cr
#'ABI                               \tab H-miRNA_8x15K  \cr
#'HG-CGH-244A                       \tab SOLiD_DNASeq                \cr
#'IlluminaDNAMethylation_OMA003_CPI \tab IlluminaGA_DNASeq_automated   \cr
#'IlluminaDNAMethylation_OMA002_CPI \tab HG-U133_Plus_2                 \cr
#'HuEx- 1_0-st-v2 \tab Mixed_DNASeq                  \cr
#'H-miRNA_8x15Kv2 \tab IlluminaGA_DNASeq_curated      \cr
#'MDA_RPPA_Core   \tab IlluminaHiSeq_TotalRNASeqV2    \cr
#'HT_HG-U133A     \tab IlluminaHiSeq_DNASeq_automated \cr
#'diagnostic_images                 \tab microsat_i                     \cr
#'IlluminaHiSeq_RNASeq              \tab SOLiD_DNASeq_curated           \cr
#'IlluminaHiSeq_DNASeqC             \tab Mixed_DNASeq_curated           \cr
#'IlluminaGA_RNASeq                 \tab IlluminaGA_DNASeq_Cont_automated  \cr
#'IlluminaGA_DNASeq                 \tab IlluminaHiSeq_WGBS             \cr
#'pathology_reports                 \tab IlluminaHiSeq_DNASeq_Cont_automated\cr
#'Genome_Wide_SNP_6                 \tab bio                            \cr
#'tissue_images                     \tab Mixed_DNASeq_automated         \cr
#'HumanMethylation27                \tab Mixed_DNASeq_Cont_curated      \cr
#'IlluminaHiSeq_RNASeqV2            \tab Mixed_DNASeq_Cont
#' @export
#' @examples
#' query <- GDCquery(
#'    project = "TCGA-ACC",
#'    data.category = "Copy Number Variation",
#'    data.type = "Copy Number Segment"
#' )
#' \dontrun{
#' query <- GDCquery(
#'   project = "TARGET-AML",
#'   data.category = "Transcriptome Profiling",
#'   data.type = "miRNA Expression Quantification",
#'   workflow.type = "BCGSC miRNA Profiling",
#'   barcode = c("TARGET-20-PARUDL-03A-01R","TARGET-20-PASRRB-03A-01R")
#' )
#' query <- GDCquery(
#'    project = "TARGET-AML",
#'    data.category = "Transcriptome Profiling",
#'    data.type = "Gene Expression Quantification",
#'    workflow.type = "STAR - Counts",
#'    barcode = c("TARGET-20-PADZCG-04A-01R","TARGET-20-PARJCR-09A-01R")
#' )
#' query <- GDCquery(
#'    project = "TCGA-ACC",
#'    data.category =  "Copy Number Variation",
#'    data.type = "Masked Copy Number Segment",
#'    sample.type = c("Primary Tumor")
#' )
#' }
#' @return A data frame with the results and the parameters used
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom knitr kable
#' @importFrom httr timeout
#' @importFrom dplyr pull
#' @importFrom tidyr contains
#' @author Tiago Chedraoui Silva
GDCquery <- function(

        # prepare output
        if(missing(sample.type)) {
            sample.type <- NA
        } else if(all(sample.type == FALSE)) {
            sample.type <- NA

        if(missing(data.type)) {
            data.type <- NA
        } else if(data.type == FALSE) {
            data.type <- NA

        if(missing(barcode)) {
            barcode <- NA
        } else if(length(barcode) == 1) {
            if(barcode == FALSE) barcode <- NA

        if(missing(platform)) {
            platform <- NA
        } else if(any(platform == FALSE)) {
            platform <- NA

        if(missing(workflow.type)) {
            workflow.type <- NA
        } else if(workflow.type == FALSE) {
            workflow.type <- NA

        if(missing(experimental.strategy)) {
            experimental.strategy <- NA
        } else if(experimental.strategy == FALSE) {
            experimental.strategy <- NA
        if(missing(access)) {
            access <- NA
        } else if(access == FALSE) {
            access <- NA

        if(missing(data.format)) {
            data.format <- NA
        } else if(data.format == FALSE) {
            data.format <- NA
    print.header("GDCquery: Searching in GDC database","section")
    message("Genome of reference: hg38")
    # Check arguments
    checkDataCategoriesInput(project, data.category)
    if(!is.na(data.type)) checkDataTypeInput(data.type = data.type)
    if(!any(is.na(sample.type))) checkBarcodeDefinition(sample.type)

    results <- NULL
    print.header("Accessing GDC. This might take a while...","subsection")
    for(proj in project){
        url <- getGDCquery(
            project = proj,
            data.category = data.category,
            data.type = data.type,
            workflow.type = workflow.type,
            platform = platform,
            files.access = access,
            experimental.strategy = experimental.strategy,
            sample.type = sample.type
        message("ooo Project: ", proj)
        original_timeout <- getOption('timeout')
        json  <- tryCatch(
            getURL(url,fromJSON,timeout(600),simplifyDataFrame = TRUE),
            error = function(e) {
                message(paste("Error: ", e, sep = " "))
                message("We will retry to access GDC!")
                        as = "text",
                        encoding = "UTF-8"
                    ), simplifyDataFrame = TRUE
        if(json$data$pagination$count == 0) {
            url <- getGDCquery(
                project = proj,
                data.category = data.category,
                data.type = data.type,
                workflow.type = NA,
                platform = NA,
                experimental.strategy = experimental.strategy,
                files.access = access,
                sample.type = sample.type
            json  <- tryCatch(
                fromJSON(content(getURL(url,GET,timeout(600)), as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8"), simplifyDataFrame = TRUE),
                error = function(e) {
                    message(paste("Error: ", e, sep = " "))
                    message("We will retry to access GDC!")
                    getURL(url,fromJSON,timeout(600),simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)

        json$data$hits$acl <- NULL
        json$data$hits$project <- proj

        if ("archive" %in% colnames(json$data$hits)) {
            if (is.data.frame(json$data$hits$archive)) {
                archive <- json$data$hits$archive
                colnames(archive)[1:ncol(archive)] <- paste0("archive_", colnames(archive)[1:ncol(archive)])
                json$data$hits$archive <- NULL
                json$data$hits <- cbind(json$data$hits, archive)

        if ("analysis" %in% colnames(json$data$hits)){
            if (is.data.frame(json$data$hits$analysis)){
                analysis <- json$data$hits$analysis
                # Columns
                # "analysis_id"
                # "created_datetime"
                # "state"
                # "submitter_id"
                # "updated_datetime"
                # "workflow_link"
                # "workflow_type"
                # "workflow_version"
                analysis <- analysis[,order(colnames(analysis))]
                analysis <- analysis %>% dplyr::select(!contains("datetime"))
                idx <- which(colnames(analysis) != "analysis_id")
                colnames(analysis)[idx] <- paste0("analysis_", colnames(analysis)[idx])
                json$data$hits$analysis <- NULL
                json$data$hits <- cbind(json$data$hits, analysis)
        if("center" %in% colnames(json$data$hits)){
                center <- json$data$hits$center
                center <- center[,order(colnames(center))]
                colnames(center)[2:ncol(center)] <- paste0("center_", colnames(center)[2:ncol(center)])
                json$data$hits$center <- NULL
                json$data$hits <- cbind(json$data$hits, center)

        results <-  plyr::rbind.fill(as.data.frame(results),as.data.frame(json$data$hits))

    if(ncol(results) == 1) {
        message("Sorry! There is no result for your query. Please check in GDC the data available or if there is no error in your query.")
        return (NULL)
    print.header("Filtering results","subsection")
        if(!(all(platform %in% results$platform))){
            stop("Please set a valid platform argument from the list below:\n  => ", paste(unique(results$platform), collapse = "\n  => "))
        message("ooo By platform")
        results <- results[tolower(results$platform) %in% tolower(platform),]

    # Filter by access
    if(!is.na(access)) {
        message("ooo By access")
        results <- results[grepl(access,results$access,ignore.case = TRUE),]
    # Filter by experimental strategy
    if(!is.na(experimental.strategy)) {
        if(all(tolower(experimental.strategy) %in%  tolower(results$experimental_strategy))) {
            message("ooo By experimental.strategy")
            results <- results[tolower(results$experimental_strategy) %in% tolower(experimental.strategy),]
        } else {
                    "The argument experimental_strategy does not match any of the results.\nPossible values:",
                    paste(unique(results$experimental_strategy),collapse = "\n=>")

    if(!is.na(data.format)) {
        if(all(tolower(data.format) %in%  tolower(results$data_format))) {
            message("ooo By data.format")
            results <- results[tolower(results$data_format) %in% tolower(data.format),]
        } else {
                    "The argument experimental_strategy does not match any of the results.\nPossible values:",
                    paste(unique(results$data_format),collapse = "\n=>")

    # Filter by data.type
    if(!is.na(data.type)) {
        if(!(tolower(data.type) %in% tolower(results$data_type))) {
            stop("Please set a valid data.type argument from the list below:\n  => ",
                 paste(unique(results$data_type), collapse = "\n  => "))
        message("ooo By data.type")
        results <- results[tolower(results$data_type) %in% tolower(data.type),]

    # Filter by workflow.type
    if(!is.na(workflow.type)) {
        if(!(workflow.type %in% results$analysis_workflow_type)) {
            stop("Please set a valid workflow.type argument from the list below:\n  => ",
                 paste(unique(results$analysis_workflow_type), collapse = "\n  => "))
        message("ooo By workflow.type")
        results <- results[results$analysis_workflow_type %in% workflow.type,]

    # get barcode of the samples
    # 1) Normally for each sample we will have only single information
    # however the mutation call uses both normal and tumor which are both
    # reported by the API
    if(!data.category %in% c(
        "Simple Nucleotide Variation",
        "Simple nucleotide variation",
        "Protein expression")

        # we also need to deal with pooled samples (mixed from different patients)
        # example CPT0000870008

        if("portions" %in% (results$cases[[1]]$samples[[1]] %>% names)) {
            aux <- plyr::laply(results$cases,
                               function(x) {
                                       submitter_id = paste(submitter_id,collapse = ";"),
                                       is_ffpe = ifelse("is_ffpe" %in% colnames(x),any(is_ffpe),NA),
                                       sample_type =  paste(sample_type,collapse = ";"),
                                       aliquot.submiter.id = paste(unlist(rbindlist(x$samples))[grep("portions.analytes.aliquots.submitter_id",names(unlist(rbindlist(x$samples))))],collapse = ";")
                               }) %>% as.data.frame
        } else {
            aux <- plyr::laply(results$cases,
                               function(x) {
                                       submitter_id = paste(submitter_id,collapse = ";"),
                                       is_ffpe = ifelse("is_ffpe" %in% colnames(x),any(is_ffpe),NA),
                                       sample_type =  paste(sample_type,collapse = ";"))
                               }) %>% as.data.frame

        results$sample_type <- aux$sample_type %>% as.character()
        results$is_ffpe <- aux$is_ffpe %>% as.logical

        if("submitter_id" %in% names(unlist(results$cases))) {
            results$cases.submitter_id <- plyr::laply(
                function(x) {
                    paste(x$submitter_id,collapse = ";")
            )  %>% as.character()

        # ORGANOID-PANCREATIC does not have aliquots
        if("aliquot.submiter.id" %in% colnames(aux)){
            results$cases <- aux$aliquot.submiter.id  %>% as.character()
            results$sample.submitter_id <- aux$submitter_id  %>% as.character()
        } else{
            results$cases <- aux$submitter_id  %>% as.character()

            if("submitter_id" %in% names(unlist(results$cases))) {
                results$cases.submitter_id <- results$cases[[1]]$submitter_id  %>% as.character()

            results$sample.submitter_id <- aux$submitter_id  %>% as.character()

    } else  if(data.category %in% c("Clinical")){
        # Clinical has another structure
        aux <- plyr::laply(results$cases,
                           function(x) {
                               unlist(x,recursive = T)[c("submitter_id")]
                           }) %>% as.data.frame
        results$cases <- aux  %>% dplyr::pull(1) %>% as.character()

    } else  if(data.category %in% c("Biospecimen")){
        # Biospecimen has another structure
        aux <- plyr::laply(results$cases,
                           function(x) {
                               paste(x$submitter_id,collapse = ",")
        results$cases <- aux
    }  else  if(data.category == "Other"){
        # Auxiliary test files does not have information linked toit.
        # get frm file names
        results$cases <- str_extract_all(results$file_name,"TCGA-[:alnum:]{2}-[:alnum:]{4}") %>% unlist
    } else if(
        data.category %in% c(
            "Simple nucleotide variation",
            "Simple Nucleotide Variation"
    ) {
        cases <- plyr::laply(
            .data = results$cases,
            .fun =  function(x) {
                lapply(x$samples,FUN = function(y)  {
                    aux <- unlist(y$portions)
                }) %>%
                    unlist %>%
                    na.omit %>%
                    paste(collapse = ",")
            }) %>% as.data.frame %>% dplyr::pull(1) %>% as.character()

        sample_type <- plyr::laply(
            .data = results$cases,
            .fun =  function(x) {
                lapply(x$samples,FUN = function(y)  {
                    sample <- unlist(y,recursive = T)
                    sort(sample[grep("sample_type[0-9]{0}$",names(sample))],decreasing = T)
                }) %>%
                    unlist %>%
                    na.omit %>%
                    paste(collapse = ",")
            }) %>% as.data.frame %>% dplyr::pull(1) %>% as.character()
        results$sample_type <- sample_type
        results$cases <- cases
    } else  if(data.category %in% c("Protein expression")) {
        aux <- plyr::laply(
            .data = results$cases,
            .fun = function(x) {
                          submitter_id = paste(submitter_id,collapse = ";"),
                          is_ffpe = any(is_ffpe))
            }) %>% as.data.frame

        results$is_ffpe <- aux$is_ffpe %>% unlist() %>% as.logical
        results$cases <- aux$submitter_id %>% unlist
    } else if(data.category == "Simple Nucleotide Variation"){

        if(data.type %in% "Masked Somatic Mutation"){
            # MAF files are one single file for all samples
            aux <- plyr::laply(
                .data = results$cases[[1]]$samples,
                .fun =  function(x) {
                    unlist(x,recursive = T)[c("portions.analytes.aliquots.submitter_id","sample_type1","sample_type2","is_ffpe1","is_ffpe2")]
                }) %>% as.data.frame

            results$cases <- aux$portions.analytes.aliquots.submitter_id  %>% as.character() %>% paste(collapse = ",")
            if(!is.na(sample.type)) sample.type <- NA # ensure no filtering will be applied

        } else {
            # TODO: Add commentary with case
            aux <- plyr::laply(.data = results$cases,
                               .fun = function(x) {
                                   unlist(x$samples[[1]],recursive = T)[c("portions.analytes.aliquots.submitter_id","sample_type1","sample_type2","is_ffpe1","is_ffpe2")]
                               }) %>% as.data.frame
            results$sample_type1 <- aux$sample_type1 %>% as.character()
            results$sample_type2 <- aux$sample_type2 %>% as.character()
            results$is_ffpe1 <- aux$is_ffpe1 %>% as.logical
            results$is_ffpe2 <- aux$is_ffpe2 %>% as.logical
            results$cases <- aux$portions.analytes.aliquots.submitter_id  %>% as.character()
            if(!is.na(sample.type)) sample.type <- NA # ensure no filtering will be applied
    # Filter by barcode
    if(!any(is.na(barcode))) {
        message("ooo By barcode")
        idx <- unique(unlist(sapply(barcode, function(x) grep(x, results$cases,ignore.case = TRUE))))
        if(length(idx) == 0)  {
            print(knitr::kable(results$cases,col.names = "Available barcodes"))
            stop("None of the barcodes were matched. Available barcodes are above")

        results <- results[idx,]

    # Filter by sample.type
    if(!any(is.na(sample.type))) {
        if(!any(tolower(results$sample_type) %in% tolower(sample.type))) {
            aux <- as.data.frame(table(results$sample_type))
            aux <- aux[aux$Freq > 0,]
            print(kable(aux,row.names = FALSE,col.names = c("sample.type","Number of samples")))
            stop("Please set a valid sample.type argument from the list above.")
        message("ooo By sample.type")
        results <- results[tolower(results$sample_type) %in% tolower(sample.type),]
    print.header("Checking data","subsection")

    message("ooo Checking if there are duplicated cases")
    if (any(duplicated(results$cases))) {
        message("Warning: There are more than one file for the same case. Please verify query results. You can use the command View(getResults(query)) in rstudio")

    message("ooo Checking if there are results for the query")
    if (nrow(results) == 0) stop("Sorry, no results were found for this query")

    # Try ordering (needs dplyr 1.0 - still not published)
    results <- tryCatch({
        #    results %>% relocate("project") %>%
        #        relocate(contains("type"), .after = project) %>%
        #        relocate(contains("category"), .after = project) %>%
        #        relocate(contains("experimental_strategy"), .after = project) %>%
        #        relocate(contains("submitter_id"), .after = project) %>%
        #        relocate(contains("sample_type"), .before = experimental_strategy) %>%
        #        relocate(access,.after = last_col())  %>%
        #        relocate(starts_with("analysis"), .before = access) %>%
        #        relocate(contains("datetime"),.after = last_col())
    },error = function(e){

    print.header("Preparing output","section")
    ret <- data.frame(
        results = I(list(results)),
        project = I(list(project)),
        data.category = data.category,
        data.type = data.type,
        access = I(list(access)),
        experimental.strategy =  I(list(experimental.strategy)),
        platform = I(list(platform)),
        sample.type = I(list(sample.type)),
        barcode = I(list(barcode)),
        workflow.type = workflow.type

getGDCquery <- function(
    # Get manifest using the API
    baseURL <- "https://api.gdc.cancer.gov/files/?"
    options.pretty <- "pretty=true"
    if(data.category %in% c("Clinical","Biospecimen")) {
        options.expand <- "expand=cases,cases.project,center,analysis"
    } else {
        options.expand <- "expand=cases,cases.samples.portions.analytes.aliquots,cases.project,center,analysis,cases.samples"
    option.size <- paste0("size=",getNbFiles(project,data.category))
    option.format <- paste0("format=JSON")

    options.filter <- paste0(
        URLencode('{"op":"and","content":['),  # Start json request

    if(!is.na(experimental.strategy)) options.filter <- paste0(options.filter,addFilter("files.experimental_strategy", experimental.strategy))
    if(!is.na(data.category))  options.filter <- paste0(options.filter,addFilter("files.data_category", data.category))
    if(!is.na(data.type))  options.filter <- paste0(options.filter,addFilter("files.data_type", data.type))
    if(!is.na(workflow.type))  options.filter <- paste0(options.filter,addFilter("files.analysis.workflow_type", workflow.type))
    if(!any(is.na(platform))) options.filter <- paste0(options.filter,addFilter("files.platform", platform))
    if(!any(is.na(files.access))) {
        options.filter <- paste0(options.filter,addFilter("files.access", files.access))
    if(!any(is.na(sample.type))) {
        if("Primary solid Tumor" %in% sample.type) sample.type[sample.type == "Primary solid Tumor"] <- "Primary Tumor"
        if("Recurrent Solid Tumor" %in% sample.type) sample.type[sample.type == "Recurrent Solid Tumor"] <- "Recurrent Tumor"
        options.filter <- paste0(options.filter,addFilter("cases.samples.sample_type", sample.type))

    # Close json request
    options.filter <- paste0(options.filter, URLencode(']}'))
    url <- paste0(
            sep = "&"

addFilter <- function(field, values){
    ret <- paste0(
        URLencode(paste0(values, collapse = '","')),

expandBarcodeInfo <- function(barcode){
    if(any(grepl("TARGET",barcode))) {
        ret <- DataFrame(
            barcode = barcode,
            code = substr(barcode, 8, 9),
            case.unique.id = substr(barcode, 11, 16),
            tissue.code = substr(barcode, 18, 19),
            nucleic.acid.code = substr(barcode, 24, 24)
        ret <- merge(ret,getBarcodeDefinition(), by = "tissue.code", sort = FALSE, all.x = TRUE)
        ret <- ret[match(barcode,ret$barcode),]
    if(any(grepl("TCGA",barcode))) {
        ret <- data.frame(
            barcode = barcode,
            patient = substr(barcode, 1, 12),
            sample = substr(barcode, 1, 16),
            tissue.code = substr(barcode, 14, 15)
        ret <- merge(
            by = "tissue.code",
            sort = FALSE,
            all.x = TRUE
        ret <- ret[match(barcode,ret$barcode),]

getBarcodeDefinition <- function(type = "TCGA"){
    if(type == "TCGA"){
        tissue.code <- c(
        shortLetterCode <- c(

        tissue.definition <- c(
            "Primary Tumor",
            "Recurrent Tumor",
            "Primary Blood Derived Cancer - Peripheral Blood",
            "Recurrent Blood Derived Cancer - Bone Marrow",
            "Additional - New Primary",
            "Additional Metastatic",
            "Human Tumor Original Cells",
            "Primary Blood Derived Cancer - Bone Marrow",
            "Blood Derived Normal",
            "Solid Tissue Normal",
            "Buccal Cell Normal",
            "EBV Immortalized Normal",
            "Bone Marrow Normal",
            "Control Analyte",
            "Recurrent Blood Derived Cancer - Peripheral Blood",
            "Cell Lines",
            "Primary Xenograft Tissue",
            "Cell Line Derived Xenograft Tissue")
        aux <- data.frame(
            tissue.code = tissue.code,
    } else {

        tissue.code <- c(

        tissue.definition <- c(
            "Primary Tumor", # 01
            "Recurrent Tumor", # 02
            "Primary Blood Derived Cancer - Peripheral Blood", # 03
            "Recurrent Blood Derived Cancer - Bone Marrow", # 04
            "Additional - New Primary", # 05
            "Metastatic", # 06
            "Additional Metastatic", # 07
            "Tissue disease-specific post-adjuvant therapy", # 08
            "Primary Blood Derived Cancer - Bone Marrow", # 09
            "Blood Derived Normal", # 10
            "Solid Tissue Normal",  # 11
            "Buccal Cell Normal",   # 12
            "EBV Immortalized Normal", # 13
            "Bone Marrow Normal", # 14
            "Fibroblasts from Bone Marrow Normal", # 15
            "Mononuclear Cells from Bone Marrow Normal", # 16
            "Lymphatic Tissue Normal (including centroblasts)", # 17
            "Control Analyte", # 20
            "Recurrent Blood Derived Cancer - Peripheral Blood", # 40
            "Blood Derived Cancer- Bone Marrow, Post-treatment", # 41
            "Blood Derived Cancer- Peripheral Blood, Post-treatment", # 42
            "Cell line from patient tumor", # 50
            "Xenograft from patient not grown as intermediate on plastic tissue culture dish", # 60
            "Xenograft grown in mice from established cell lines", #61
            "Granulocytes after a Ficoll separation"
        ) # 99
        aux <- DataFrame(tissue.code = tissue.code, tissue.definition)


#' @title Retrieve open access mc3 MAF file from GDC server
#' @description
#'   Download data from https://gdc.cancer.gov/about-data/publications/mc3-2017
#'   https://gdc-docs.nci.nih.gov/Data/Release_Notes/Data_Release_Notes/
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'    maf <- getMC3MAF()
#' }
#' @return A data frame with the MAF file information from https://gdc.cancer.gov/about-data/publications/mc3-2017
#' @export
getMC3MAF <- function(){
    fout <- "mc3.v0.2.8.PUBLIC.maf.gz"
    fpath <- "https://api.gdc.cancer.gov/data/1c8cfe5f-e52d-41ba-94da-f15ea1337efc"
    if(is.windows()) mode <- "wb" else  mode <- "w"
    options(timeout = 1000) # set 1000 second to download the file, default is 60 seconds
    message("o Starting to download Public MAF from GDC")
    message("o More information at: https://gdc.cancer.gov/about-data/publications/mc3-2017")
    message("o Please, cite: Cell Systems. Volume 6 Issue 3: p271-281.e7, 28 March 2018 10.1016/j.cels.2018.03.002")
    if(!file.exists(gsub("\\.gz", "", fout))){
        download(fpath, fout, mode = mode)
        message("o Uncompressing file")
        R.utils::gunzip(fout, remove = FALSE)
    message("o Reading MAF")
    maf <- readr::read_tsv(gsub("\\.gz", "", fout),progress = TRUE, col_types = readr::cols())
    message("o Adding project_id information")
    project <- grep("TCGA",sort(getGDCprojects()$project_id),value = TRUE)
    df <- plyr::adply(
        .margins = 1,
        .fun = function(proj) {
            samples <- getSubmitterID(proj)
    maf$project_id <- df$proj[match(substr(maf$Tumor_Sample_Barcode,1,12),df$samples)] %>% as.character

#' @title Query gene counts of TCGA and GTEx data from the Recount2 project
#' @description
#'   TCGArecount2_query queries and downloads data produced by the Recount2 project. User can specify which project and which tissue to query
#' @param project is a string denoting which project the user wants. Options are "tcga" and "gtex"
#' @param tissue a vector of tissue(s) to download. Options are "adipose tissue", "adrenal gland", "bladder","blood", "blood vessel", "bone marrow", "brain", "breast","cervix uteri", "colon", "esophagus", "fallopian tube","heart", "kidney", "liver", "lung", "muscle", "nerve", "ovary","pancreas", "pituitary", "prostate", "salivary gland", "skin", "small intestine", "spleen", "stomach", "testis", "thyroid", "uterus", "vagina"
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  brain.rec<-TCGAquery_recount2(project = "gtex", tissue = "brain")
#' }
#' @return List with $subtypes attribute as a dataframe with barcodes, samples, subtypes, and colors. The $filtered attribute is returned as filtered samples with no subtype info
TCGAquery_recount2<-function(project, tissue=c()){
    tissuesGTEx <- c(

    tissuesTCGA <- c(

    tissue<-unlist(lapply(strsplit(tissue, " "), function(x) paste(x, collapse = "_")))

    if (tolower(project) == "gtex"){
        for (t_i in tissue){

                message(paste0("downloading Range Summarized Experiment for: ", t_i))
                Res[[paste0(project,"_", t_i)]]<-rse_gene
            else stop(paste0(t_i, " is not an available tissue on Recount2"))
    else if(tolower(project)=="tcga"){
        for(t_i in tissue){
                message(paste0("downloading Range Summarized Experiment for: ", t_i))
                Res[[paste0(project,"_", t_i)]]<-rse_gene

            else stop(paste0(t_i, " is not an available tissue on Recount2"))
    else stop(paste0(project, " is not a valid project"))


#' @title Retrieve open access ATAC-seq files from GDC server
#' @description
#'   Retrieve open access ATAC-seq files from GDC server
#'  https://gdc.cancer.gov/about-data/publications/ATACseq-AWG
#'  Manifest available at: https://gdc.cancer.gov/files/public/file/ATACseq-AWG_Open_GDC-Manifest.txt
#' @param tumor a valid tumor
#' @param file.type Write maf file into a csv document
#' @export
#' @examples
#'  query <- GDCquery_ATAC_seq(file.type = "txt")
#' \dontrun{
#'    GDCdownload(query)
#' }
#' query <- GDCquery_ATAC_seq(tumor = "BRCA",file.type = "bigWigs")
#' \dontrun{
#'    GDCdownload(query,method = "client")
#' }
#' @return A data frame with the maf file information
GDCquery_ATAC_seq <- function(
        tumor = NULL,
        file.type = NULL
) {
    results <- readr::read_tsv("https://gdc.cancer.gov/files/public/file/ATACseq-AWG_Open_GDC-Manifest.txt")

    if(!is.null(tumor)) results <- results[grep(tumor,results$filename,ignore.case = TRUE),]
    if(!is.null(file.type))  results <- results[grep(file.type,results$filename,ignore.case = TRUE),]

    colnames(results) <- c("file_id", "file_name", "md5sum", "file_size")
    results$state <- "released"
    results$data_type <- "ATAC-seq"
    results$data_category <- "ATAC-seq"
    results$project <- "ATAC-seq"
    ret <- data.frame(
        results = I(list(results)),
        tumor = I(list(tumor)),
        project = I(list("ATAC-seq")),
        data.type = I(list("ATAC-seq")),
        data.category = I(list("ATAC-seq"))

BioinformaticsFMRP/TCGAbiolinks documentation built on April 12, 2024, 2:08 a.m.