Man pages for ChristofferFlensburg/superFreq
Calls and tracks CNAs, SNVs and clones over multiple cancer exomes.

addBindingStrengthAdds binding strength (essentailly same as GC content) to a...
analyseAnalyse exomes
annotateQRun VariantAnnotation on the provided variants
annotateSomaticQsRun VariantAnnotation on the provided samples
bamToPileupGets pileup from bam over positions.
chrLengthsThe lengths of the chromsomes
chrToXconvert chromsome and position to the single genomic...
cohortAnalyseBatchAnalyse individuals for reccuring mutations
cohortAnalyseBatchContrastAnalyse individuals for reccuring mutations
compareGroupsCompares sets of individuals for reccuring mutations
defaultSuperParametersReturns default parameters
defaultSuperRuntimeSettingsReturns default runtime settings
defaultSuperSettingsReturns default settings
downloadTemplateDownloads resources and template for a standard analysis
dumpInputinternal function for debugging purposes.
forceRedoEverythingreturns input that uses saved data if present.
forceRedoNothingreturns input that uses saved data if present.
get104profilereturns the 104 signature from a superFreq q variant object
getCohortMutationMatrixreturns relevant mutations in samples in Genes of Interest
getCosmicCountsRetrieves information about cosmic variant IDs
getMoreVEPinfoImport more information about the variants
getSettingsWrapper for getting settings, containing defaults for missing...
getStoriesCombines variants and CNAs to clonal evolution
getVariantsByIndividualQuality controls the variants in the vcfs, using the bams.
importCaptureRegionsImports capture regions from a bed file with GC information.
importSampleMetaDataImports metadata about the samples
loadDataLoads saved data
makeFitPlotsPlots results from differential coverage analysis
makeHeatmapplots a heatmap
makepHeatmapplots a heatmap
mcriTurns colours into similar colours from the Murdoch Childrens...
mergeBatchesMerges data from several batches for cohort analysis
moreVEPnamesinternal function
plotCNAheatmapOverGoIplots a heatmap of copy numbers, focusing on a gene of...
plotCNAheatmapWithGoIplots a heatmap of copy numbers, highlighting genes of...
plotCohortMutationHeatmapplots mutations in samples in Genes of Interest
plotColourScatterA better version of plot
plotCRplots a copy number profile
plotMAa plotting function for MA plots.
plotRiverplots a river plot
plotStoriesplots line plots of clonalities
postAnalyseVEPRuns VEP on a R and plot directory that superFreq has been...
printHTMLgenerates an HTML to navigate superFreq output
qToGRangesTransforms a variant q data frame into granges
qualityScatterplots a scatter of the VAF between two samples
requireFileExistschecks if a file exists, and creates an error if it doesnt.
runDERun differential coverage analysis.
runSummaryPostAnalysisruns analyses across all samples in the batch
runVEPRun VEP on the provided variants
severityToTypeThe variant effect as function of severity
superCohortlooks for reccuring events across all individuals in a batch...
superFreqWrapper to run default superFreq analysis
superInputFilessets up and checks the input files for superFreq
superOutputDirectoriesSets up and checks the output directories.
superVersionReturn the current version of superFreq.
typeToSeverityRanks the variant effects
VAconsequenceToSeverityRankcoding' is used by the location run to cover all the coding...
vafScatterplots a scatter of the VAF between two samples
VAseverityToConsequencecoding' is used by the location run to cover all the coding...
writeToVCFexports variants to VCF
xToChrExtract chromsome of genomic coordinate
xToGenefind the gene closest to the genomic coordinate x
xToPosExtract position of genomic coordinate
ChristofferFlensburg/superFreq documentation built on Nov. 15, 2023, 6:15 a.m.