
#Compute denominator of the expectation step
  y = apply(x, 1, max)
  x = sweep(x, 1, y, "-")
  s = y + log(rowSums(exp(x)))

#Estimate coefficients of the parents for the maximization step
#A Linear Gaussian distribution is represented as N(x|B_0+B_1*x_p1+B_2*x_p2,sigma)
#B_0+B_1*x_p1+B_2*x_p2 is the mean of the gaussian, B_ is a coefficient 
#and x_p are the column vector of each parent of the actual node
#To compute the mle, the partial derivative of each coefficient is computed giving as result a linear system
estimateCoefficients<-function(data, responsabilities, node, parents)
	#Initialize coefficient and independent term matrix
	coefficient_matrix <- matrix(NA, nrow = (length(parents) + 1), ncol = (length(parents) + 1))
	independent_term_matrix <- matrix(rep(NA, length(parents) + 1), ncol = 1)
	#The column of the data that corresponds to the actual node is represented as a row to multiply faster
	node_column_values <- matrix(data[ ,node], nrow = 1)
  #The same as before but with the parents nodes. We added a column of 1s to multiply the intercept
	parent_columns_values <- as.matrix(cbind(1, data[ ,parents]))
  #Responsabilities (weights) multiplying each parent
	comb_respons_parents <- matrix(sweep(data.matrix(data[ ,parents]), 1, responsabilities, "*"),ncol = length(parents))#Se computa el vector de responsabilidades por los datos del padre que se esta estudiando.
  #Compute the ecuation of the partial derivative of the intercept
	coefficient_matrix[1, ] <- matrix(responsabilities, nrow = 1) %*% parent_columns_values
	independent_term_matrix[1] <- node_column_values %*% matrix(responsabilities, ncol = 1)

	#Compute the ecuation of the partial derivative of each one of the parents
	for(parent in 2:(length(parents)+1))
		coefficient_matrix[parent, ] <- matrix(comb_respons_parents[ ,parent-1], nrow = 1) %*% parent_columns_values
		independent_term_matrix[parent] <- node_column_values %*% comb_respons_parents[ ,parent-1]
	#Solve for the coefficients
	coefs<-solve(coefficient_matrix, independent_term_matrix)

maximization<-function(bn, data, responsabilities)
	node_order <- bnlearn::node.ordering(bn)
	for(node in node_order)
		parents <- bn[[node]]$parents
		children <- bn[[node]]$children

		if (length(parents) == 0) #If it has not got parents
			mean <- (matrix(responsabilities, nrow = 1) %*% matrix(data[,node], ncol = 1)) / sum(responsabilities)
			coefs <- c("(Intercept)" = mean)
			resid <- data[ ,node] - mean
			sd <- sqrt((matrix(responsabilities, nrow = 1) %*% matrix((resid)^2, ncol = 1)) / sum(responsabilities))
			bn[[node]] <- list(coef = as.numeric(coefs), sd = as.numeric(sd))  
      }else{ #If there is at least one parent
          coefs <- estimateCoefficients(data, responsabilities, node, parents)
          resid <- data.matrix(data)[ ,node] - matrix(coefs, nrow = 1) %*% t(as.matrix(cbind(1, data[ ,parents])))
  			  sd <- sqrt((matrix(responsabilities, nrow = 1) %*% matrix((resid)^2, ncol = 1)) / sum(responsabilities))
          bn[[node]] <- list(coef = as.numeric(coefs), sd = as.numeric(sd))

#Compute (alpha_k * N(x|theta_k))/sum^K_i(alpha_i * N(x|theta_i))
expectation <- function(model_parameters, data, priori)
  #Compute loglikelihood for each cluster and instance
  log_likelihood <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(data), ncol = length(model_parameters))
  for(k in 1:length(model_parameters))
    log_likelihood[ ,k] <- logLik(model_parameters[[k]], data,by.sample = T)
  #Compute the weights or responsabilities of each cluster in each instance with logSumExp to avoid underflow
  priori_loglikelihood <- sweep(log_likelihood, 2, log(priori), "+")
  denominator <- logSumExp(priori_loglikelihood)  
  weights <- exp(sweep(priori_loglikelihood, 1, denominator, "-"))
  return (list(weights = weights, log_lik = sum(denominator)))

#' Clustering Gaussian Bayesian network
#' Given a Bayesian network structure, apply clustering to the data with the aim to find clusters of somas
#' @param bayesian_structure a bn object from bnlearn package whose nodes are gaussians
#' @param data the same dataset used to compute the bayesian_structure
#' @param clusters array of values where each value indicates the number of clusters for that model  
#' @param initialization a natural number to initialize the algorithm. Use 0 to use kmeans initialization and any other positive number as a seed for a random initialization
#' @param verbose show BIC scores for each model and the optimal number of clusters
#' @return model_list is the list of parameters that best fit the data according to BIC criteria
#' @examples 
#' somas <- read.table(file.path(tempdir(),"somaReebParameters.csv"), sep = ";", header = T, row.names = 1)
#' bayesian_structure <- BN_structure_learning(path_to_csv = file.path(tempdir(),"somaReebParameters.csv"), nboots = 200, significant_arcs = 0.95)
#' fittest_model <- BN_clustering(bayesian_structure, data = somas, clusters = c(2, 3, 4), initialization = 2, T)
#' @export
BN_clustering <- function(bayesian_structure, data, clusters, initialization, verbose)
  model_parameters <- list()
  model_list <- list()
  priori_list <- list()
  BIC_list <- list()
  weights_list <- list()
  #For each of the integers introduced by the user compute the mle for the parameters
  for(cluster in 1:length(clusters))
    #Reboot variables
    old_log <- -Inf
    K <- clusters[cluster]
    data <- data.frame(data)
    #Estimate initial parameters. If it is 0 compute k-means if it is any other value with that seed random initialization
    if(initialization == 0 )
      initiation <- kmeans(data, K)$cluster
        initiation <- round(runif(nrow(data), min = 1, max = K))
    #Initialization of the parameters
    priori <- matrix(0, nrow = K, ncol = 1)
    for(i in 1:K)
      model_parameters[[i]] <- bnlearn::bn.fit(bayesian_structure, data[which(initiation == i), ])
      priori[i] <- length(which(initiation == i)) / length(initiation)
    e_step <- expectation(model_parameters, data, priori)
    new_log <- sum(e_step$log_lik)
    #When a NA value is detected execution stops. When there is not enough data to fit the parameters NA values appears 
      stop("Not enough data in one of the clusters to compute the parameters. Please, change initialization values or reduce the number of clusters.")
    #Repeat until convergence
    while(new_log > old_log)
	      #Maximizacion de los parametros para cada uno de los nodos
	      for(k in 1:K)
	        model_parameters[[k]] <- maximization(model_parameters[[k]], data, e_step$weights[ ,k])

	      #Priori maximization
	      priori <- colSums(e_step$weights) / nrow(e_step$weights)
        #end M-step
        e_step <- expectation(model_parameters, data, priori)
        #end E-step
	      old_log <- new_log
	      new_log <- e_step$log_lik
	        stop(paste0("Not enough data in one of the clusters to compute the parameters.",
                      "Please, change initialization values or reduce the number of clusters."))
        individualBIC <- matrix(0, nrow = length(model_parameters), ncol = 1)
        for(i in 1:length(model_parameters))
	        individualBIC[i] <- BIC(model_parameters[[i]], data)

    individual_BIC <- matrix(0, nrow = length(model_parameters), ncol = 1)
    for(i in 1:length(model_parameters))
      individual_BIC[i] <- BIC(model_parameters[[i]], data)
    model_list[[cluster]] <- model_parameters
    priori_list[[cluster]] <- priori
    BIC_list[[cluster]] <- sum(individual_BIC)
    weights_list[[cluster]] <- e_step$weights
    print("BIC values by cluster order:")
    print(paste0("Optimal number of clusters = ", clusters[which.min(unlist(BIC_list))]))
  return(list(priori=priori_list[[which.min(unlist(BIC_list))]], weights=weights_list[[which.min(unlist(BIC_list))]], parameters=model_list[[which.min(unlist(BIC_list))]]))
  #return(list(priori=priori_list[[which.min(unlist(BIC_list))]], parameters=model_list[[which.min(unlist(BIC_list))]]))
ComputationalIntelligenceGroup/3DSomaMS documentation built on May 6, 2019, 12:49 p.m.