
#' Estimation of Autoregressive Condtional Mean Models
#' Estimation of autoregressive conditionl mean models with exogeneous variables.
#' @param y time series of counts.
#' @param order the order of ACM model.
#' @param X matrix of exogenous variables.
#' @param cond.dist conditional distributions. "po" for Poisson, "nb" for negative binomial, "dp" for double Poisson.
#' @param ini initial parameter estimates designed for use in "nb" and "dp".
#' @return ACMx returns a list with components:
#' \item{data}{time series.}
#' \item{X}{matrix of exogenous variables.}
#' \item{estimates}{estimated values.}
#' \item{residuals}{residuals.}
#' \item{sresi}{standardized residuals.}
#' @examples
#' X=matrix(rnorm(100,100,1))
#' y=rpois(100,10)
#' ACMx(y,c(1,1),X,"po")
#' @import stats
#' @export
"ACMx" <- function(y,order=c(1,1),X=NULL,cond.dist="po",ini=NULL){
beta=NULL; k=0; withX=FALSE; nT=length(y)
if(nT > T1)nT=T1
if(nT < T1){T1=nT; X=X[1:T1,]}
### Preliminary estimate of regression coefficients
beta=m11$coefficients[-1,1]; se.beta=m11$coefficients[-1,2]
### obtain initial estimate of the constant
ome=m22$coefficients[1,1]; se.ome=m22$coefficients[1,2]
p=order[1]; q=order[2]; S=1.0*10^(-6); params=NULL; loB=NULL; upB=NULL
###### Poisson model
params=c(params,beta=beta); loB=c(loB,beta=beta-2*abs(beta)); upB=c(upB,beta=beta+2*abs(beta))
params=c(params,omega=ome); loB=c(loB,omega=S); upB=c(upB,omega=ome+10*ome)
if(p > 0){
a1=rep(0.05,p); params=c(params,alpha=a1); loB=c(loB,alpha=rep(S,p)); upB=c(upB,alpha=rep(0.5,p))
if(q > 0){
params=c(params,gamma=b1); loB=c(loB,gamma=rep(S,q)); upB=c(upB,gamma=rep(1-S,q))
cat("Initial estimates: ",params,"\n")
cat("loB: ",loB,"\n")
cat("upB: ",upB,"\n")
fit=nlminb(start = params, objective= poX, lower=loB, upper=upB, PCAxY=y, PCAxX=X, PCAxOrd=order,

epsilon = 0.0001 * fit$par
Hessian = matrix(0, ncol = npar, nrow = npar)
for (i in 1:npar) {
for (j in 1:npar) {
x1 = x2 = x3 = x4  = fit$par
x1[i] = x1[i] + epsilon[i]; x1[j] = x1[j] + epsilon[j]
x2[i] = x2[i] + epsilon[i]; x2[j] = x2[j] - epsilon[j]
x3[i] = x3[i] - epsilon[i]; x3[j] = x3[j] + epsilon[j]
x4[i] = x4[i] - epsilon[i]; x4[j] = x4[j] - epsilon[j]
Hessian[i, j] = (poX(x1,PCAxY=y,PCAxX=X,PCAxOrd=order)-poX(x2,PCAxY=y,PCAxX=X,PCAxOrd=order)
cat("Maximized log-likehood: ",-poX(fit$par,PCAxY=y,PCAxX=X,PCAxOrd=order),"\n")
# Step 6: Create and Print Summary Report:
se.coef = sqrt(diag(solve(Hessian)))
tval = fit$par/se.coef
matcoef = cbind(fit$par, se.coef, tval, 2*(1-pnorm(abs(tval))))
dimnames(matcoef) = list(names(tval), c(" Estimate",
" Std. Error", " t value", "Pr(>|t|)"))
printCoefmat(matcoef, digits = 6, signif.stars = TRUE)
###### Compute the residuals
est=fit$par; ist=1
bb=rep(1,length(y)); y1=y
if(withX){beta=est[1:k]; bb=exp(X%*%matrix(beta,k,1))}#; y1=y/bb}
p=order[1]; q=order[2]; nT=length(y)
if(p > 0){a1=est[(icnt+1):(icnt+p)]; icnt=icnt+p
nobe=nT-p; rate=rep(ome,nobe); ist=p+1
for (i in 1:p){
if(q > 0){g1=est[(icnt+1):(icnt+q)]
#### Negative binomial ######################################################
params=c(params,beta=rep(0.4,k)); loB=c(loB,beta=rep(-3,k)); upB=c(upB,beta=rep(2,k))
params=c(params,omega=ome); loB=c(loB,omega=S); upB=c(upB,omega=ome+6*se.ome)
if(p > 0){
a1=rep(0.05,p); params=c(params,alpha=a1); loB=c(loB,alpha=rep(S,p)); upB=c(upB,alpha=rep(0.5,p))
if(q > 0){
params=c(params,gamma=b1); loB=c(loB,gamma=rep(S,q)); upB=c(upB,gamma=rep(1-S,q))
## given initial estimates
se.ini=abs(ini/10); jst= k
params=c(params,beta=ini[1:k]); loB=c(loB,beta=ini[1:k]-4*se.ini[1:k]); upB=c(upB,beta=ini[1:k]+4*se.ini[1:k])
params=c(params,omega=ini[jst]); loB=c(loB,omega=ini[jst]-3*se.ini[jst]); upB=c(upB,omega=ini[jst]+3*se.ini[jst])
if(p > 0){a1=ini[(jst+1):(jst+p)]; params=c(params,alpha=a1); loB=c(loB,alpha=rep(S,p))
upB=c(upB,alpha=a1+3*se.ini[(jst+1):(jst+p)]); jst=jst+p
if(q > 0){
params=c(params,gamma=b1); loB=c(loB,gamma=rep(S,q)); upB=c(upB,gamma=rep(1-S,q))
### size of the negative binomial parameter
meanY=mean(y); varY=var(y); th1=meanY^2/(varY-meanY)*2; if(th1 < 0)th1=meanY*0.1
params=c(params,theta=th1); loB=c(loB,theta=0.5); upB=c(upB,theta=meanY*1.5)
cat("initial estimates: ",params,"\n")
cat("loB: ",loB,"\n")
cat("upB: ",upB,"\n")
fit=nlminb(start = params, objective= nbiX, lower=loB, upper=upB, PCAxY=y,PCAxX=X,PCAxOrd=order,

epsilon = 0.0001 * fit$par
Hessian = matrix(0, ncol = npar, nrow = npar)
for (i in 1:npar) {
for (j in 1:npar) {
x1 = x2 = x3 = x4  = fit$par
x1[i] = x1[i] + epsilon[i]; x1[j] = x1[j] + epsilon[j]
x2[i] = x2[i] + epsilon[i]; x2[j] = x2[j] - epsilon[j]
x3[i] = x3[i] - epsilon[i]; x3[j] = x3[j] + epsilon[j]
x4[i] = x4[i] - epsilon[i]; x4[j] = x4[j] - epsilon[j]
Hessian[i, j] = (nbiX(x1,PCAxY=y,PCAxX=X,PCAxOrd=order)-nbiX(x2,PCAxY=y,PCAxX=X,PCAxOrd=order)
cat("Maximized log-likehood: ",-nbiX(fit$par,PCAxY=y,PCAxX=X,PCAxOrd=order),"\n")
# Step 6: Create and Print Summary Report:
se.coef = sqrt(diag(solve(Hessian)))
tval = fit$par/se.coef
matcoef = cbind(fit$par, se.coef, tval, 2*(1-pnorm(abs(tval))))
dimnames(matcoef) = list(names(tval), c(" Estimate",
" Std. Error", " t value", "Pr(>|t|)"))
printCoefmat(matcoef, digits = 6, signif.stars = TRUE)
#### Compute the residuals
bb=rep(1,length(y)); y1=y
if(withX){beta=est[1:k]; bb=exp(X%*%matrix(beta,k,1))}#; y1=y/bb}
p=order[1]; q=order[2]; nT=length(y)
if(p > 0){a1=est[(icnt+1):(icnt+p)]; icnt=icnt+p
nobe=nT-p; rate=rep(ome,nobe); ist=p+1
for (i in 1:p){
if(q > 0){g1=est[(icnt+1):(icnt+q)]; icnt=icnt+q

### Double Poisson model ###################################
params=c(params,beta=beta); loB=c(loB,beta=beta-2*abs(beta)); upB=c(upB,beta=beta+2*abs(beta))
params=c(params,omega=ome*0.3); loB=c(loB,omega=S); upB=c(upB,omega=ome+4*se.ome)
if(p > 0){
a1=rep(0.05,p); params=c(params,alpha=a1); loB=c(loB,alpha=rep(S,p)); upB=c(upB,alpha=rep(1-S,p))
if(q > 0){
params=c(params,gamma=b1); loB=c(loB,gamma=rep(S,q)); upB=c(upB,gamma=rep(1-S,q))
### size of the negative binomial parameter
meanY=mean(y); varY = var(y); t1=meanY/varY
params=c(params,theta=t1); loB=c(loB,theta=S); upB=c(upB,theta=2)
cat("initial estimates: ",params,"\n")
cat("loB: ",loB,"\n")
cat("upB: ",upB,"\n")
fit=nlminb(start = params, objective= dpX, lower=loB, upper=upB,PCAxY=y,PCAxX=X,PCAxOrd=order,

epsilon = 0.0001 * fit$par
Hessian = matrix(0, ncol = npar, nrow = npar)
for (i in 1:npar) {
for (j in 1:npar) {
x1 = x2 = x3 = x4  = fit$par
x1[i] = x1[i] + epsilon[i]; x1[j] = x1[j] + epsilon[j]
x2[i] = x2[i] + epsilon[i]; x2[j] = x2[j] - epsilon[j]
x3[i] = x3[i] - epsilon[i]; x3[j] = x3[j] + epsilon[j]
x4[i] = x4[i] - epsilon[i]; x4[j] = x4[j] - epsilon[j]
Hessian[i, j] = (dpX(x1,PCAxY=y,PCAxX=X,PCAxOrd=order)-dpX(x2,PCAxY=y,PCAxX=X,PCAxOrd=order)
cat("Maximized log-likehood: ",-dpX(fit$par,PCAxY=y,PCAxX=X,PCAxOrd=order),"\n")
# Step 6: Create and Print Summary Report:
se.coef = sqrt(diag(solve(Hessian)))
tval = fit$par/se.coef
matcoef = cbind(fit$par, se.coef, tval, 2*(1-pnorm(abs(tval))))
dimnames(matcoef) = list(names(tval), c(" Estimate",
" Std. Error", " t value", "Pr(>|t|)"))
printCoefmat(matcoef, digits = 6, signif.stars = TRUE)
#### Compute the residuals
bb=rep(1,length(y)); y1=y
if(withX){beta=est[1:k]; bb=exp(X%*%matrix(beta,k,1))}#; y1=y/bb}
p=order[1]; q=order[2]; nT=length(y)
if(p > 0){a1=est[(icnt+1):(icnt+p)]; icnt=icnt+p
nobe=nT-p; rate=rep(ome,nobe); ist=p+1
for (i in 1:p){
if(q > 0){g1=est[(icnt+1):(icnt+q)]; icnt=icnt+q

#### end of the program
ACMx <- list(data=y,X=X,estimates=est,residuals=resi,sresi=sresi)

"nbiX" <- function(par,PCAxY,PCAxX,PCAxOrd){
## compute the log-likelihood function of negative binomial distribution
y <- PCAxY; X <- PCAxX; order <- PCAxOrd
withX = F; k = 0
withX=T; k=dim(X)[2]
bb=rep(1,length(y)); y1=y
if(withX){beta=par[1:k]; bb=exp(X%*%matrix(beta,k,1))}#; y1=y/bb}
p=order[1]; q=order[2]; nT=length(y)
if(p > 0){a1=par[(icnt+1):(icnt+p)]; icnt=icnt+p
nobe=nT-p; rate=rep(ome,nobe); ist=p+1
for (i in 1:p){
if(q > 0){g1=par[(icnt+1):(icnt+q)]; icnt=icnt+q
nbiX <- -sum(lnNBi)

"poX" <- function(par,PCAxY,PCAxX,PCAxOrd){
y <- PCAxY; X <- PCAxX; order <- PCAxOrd
withX = F; k=0
withX=T; k=dim(X)[2]
bb=rep(1,length(y)); y1=y
if(withX){beta=par[1:k]; bb=exp(X%*%matrix(beta,k,1))}#; y1=y/bb}
icnt=k+1; ist=1; nT=length(y); nobe=nT
ome=par[icnt]; rate=rep(ome,nobe)
p=order[1]; q=order[2]
if(p > 0){a1=par[(icnt+1):(icnt+p)]; icnt=icnt+p
nobe=nT-p; rate=rep(ome,nobe); ist=p+1
for (i in 1:p){
if(q > 0){g1=par[(icnt+1):(icnt+q)]

poX <- -sum(lnPoi)

"dpX" <- function(par,PCAxY,PCAxX,PCAxOrd){
# compute the log-likelihood function of a double Poisson distribution
y <- PCAxY; X <- PCAxX; order <- PCAxOrd
withX=F; k = 0
withX=TRUE; k=dim(X)[2]
bb=rep(1,length(y)); y1=y
if(withX){beta=par[1:k]; bb=exp(X%*%matrix(beta,k,1))}#; y1=y/bb}
p=order[1]; q=order[2]; nT=length(y)
if(p > 0){a1=par[(icnt+1):(icnt+p)]; icnt=icnt+p
nobe=nT-p; rate=rep(ome,nobe); ist=p+1
for (i in 1:p){

if(q > 0){g1=par[(icnt+1):(icnt+q)]; icnt=icnt+q
rate1 = rate*theta
idx=c(1:nobe)[yy > 0]
#cat("neg-like: ",-sum(lpd),"\n")

dpX <- -sum(lpd)

"factorialOwn" <- function(n,log=T){

#' Generate a CFAR(1) Process
#' Generate a convolutional functional autoregressive process with order 1.
#' @param tmax length of time.
#' @param rho parameter for O-U process (noise process). 
#' @param phi_func convolutional function. Default is density function of normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 0.1.
#' @param grid the number of grid points used to constrcut the functional time series. Default is 1000.
#' @param sigma the standard deviation of O-U process. Default is 1.
#' @references
#' Liu, X., Xiao, H., and Chen, R. (2016) Convolutional autoregressive models for functional time series. \emph{Journal of Econometrics}, 194, 263-282.
#' @return The function returns a list with components:
#' \item{cfar1}{a tmax-by-(grid+1) matrix following a CFAR(1) process.}
#' \item{epsilon}{the innovation at time tmax.}
#' @examples
#' phi_func= function(x)   
#' {
#'  	return(dnorm(x,mean=0,sd=0.1))
#' }
#' y=g_cfar1(1000,5,phi_func)
#' @export
g_cfar1 <- function(tmax=1001,rho=5,phi_func=NULL,grid=1000,sigma=1){
	###Simulate CFAR(1) processes
	###parameter setting
	#rho	### parameter for error process epsilon_t, O-U process
	#sigma is the standard deviation of OU-process
	#tmax	### length of time
	#iter	### number of replications in the simulation, iter=1
	#grid	### the number of grid points used to construct the functional time series X_t and epsilon_t
        # phi_func:   User supplied convolution function phi(.). The following default is used if not specified.
		phi_func= function(x){
	#### A matrix f_grid is generated, with (tmax) rows and (grid+1) columns. 

	x_grid<- seq(0, 1, by= 1/grid); ### the grid points for input variables of functional time series in [0,1]
	b_grid<- seq(-1, 1, by=1/grid);	### the grid points for input variables of b-spline functions in [-1,1]
	eps_grid <- matrix(0, 1, grid+1);	### the grid points for input variables of error process in [0,1]
	fi <- exp(-rho/grid);		### the correlation of two adjacent points for an O-U process
	phi_b <- phi_func(b_grid)		### phi(s) when s in [-1,1]
	### the convolutional function values phi(s-u), for different s in [0,1]
	phi_matrix <- matrix(0, (grid+1), (grid+1));
	for (i in 1:(grid+1)){
		phi_matrix[i,]= phi_b[seq((i+grid),i,by=-1)]/(grid+1)

	### Generate data
	### functional time series f_grid is X_t in the paper
	#### A matrix f_grid is generated, with (tmax*iter) rows and (grid+1) columns. 
	#### It contains iter CFAR(1) processes. The i-th process is in rows (i-1)*tmax+1:tmax.

	eps_grid= arima.sim(n= grid+1, model=list(ar=fi),rand.gen= function(n)sqrt((1-fi^2))*rnorm(n,0,1))  ###error process
	f_grid[1,]= eps_grid;	
	for (i in 2:tmax){
		eps_grid= arima.sim(n= grid+1, model=list(ar=fi),rand.gen= function(n)sqrt(1-fi^2)*rnorm(n,0,1))
		f_grid[i,]= phi_matrix%*%f_grid[i-1,]+ eps_grid;
	g_cfar1 <- list(cfar1=f_grid*sigma,epsilon=eps_grid*sigma)

#' Generate a CFAR(2) Process
#' Generate a convolutional functional autoregressive process with order 2.
#' @param tmax length of time.
#' @param rho parameter for O-U process (noise process). 
#' @param phi_func1 the first convolutional function. Default is 0.5*x^2+0.5*x+0.13.
#' @param phi_func2 the second convolutional function. Default is 0.7*x^4-0.1*x^3-0.15*x.
#' @param grid the number of grid points used to constrcut the functional time series. Default is 1000.
#' @param sigma the standard deviation of O-U process. Default is 1.
#' @references
#' Liu, X., Xiao, H., and Chen, R. (2016) Convolutional autoregressive models for functional time series. \emph{Journal of Econometrics}, 194, 263-282.
#' @return The function returns a list with components:
#' \item{cfar2}{a tmax-by-(grid+1) matrix following a CFAR(1) process.}
#' \item{epsilon}{the innovation at time tmax.}
#' @examples
#' phi_func1= function(x){
#'	return(0.5*x^2+0.5*x+0.13)
#' }
#' phi_func2= function(x){
#'	return(0.7*x^4-0.1*x^3-0.15*x)
#' }
#' y=g_cfar2(1000,5,phi_func1,phi_func2)
#' @export
g_cfar2 <- function(tmax=1001,rho=5,phi_func1=NULL, phi_func2=NULL,grid=1000,sigma=1){
	###Simulate CFAR(2) processes

	#### A matrix f_grid is generated, with (tmax) rows and (grid+1) columns.

	###parameter setting
	## rho=5	### parameter for error process epsilon_t, O-U process
	##tmax= 1001;	### length of time
	##iter= 100;	### number of replications in the simulation
	##grid=1000;	### the number of grid points used to construct the functional time series X_t and epsilon_t
        ## phi_func1 and phi_func2: User specified convolution functions. The following defaults are used if not given
		phi_func1= function(x){
	    phi_func2= function(x){
	x_grid= seq(0, 1, by= 1/grid);	### the grid points for input variables of functional time series in [0,1]
	b_grid= seq(-1, 1, by=1/grid);	### the grid points for input variables of b-spline functions in [-1,1]
	eps_grid= matrix(0, 1, grid+1);	### the grid points for input variables of error process in [0,1]
	fi = exp(-rho/grid);		### the correlation of two adjacent points for an O-U process
	phi_b1= phi_func1(b_grid)	### phi_1(s) when s in [-1,1]
	phi_b2= phi_func2(b_grid)	### phi_2(s) when s in [-1,1]

	### the convolutional function values phi_1(s-u) and phi_2(s-u), for different s in [0,1]
	phi_matrix1= matrix(0, (grid+1), (grid+1));
	for (i in 1:(grid+1)){
		phi_matrix1[i,]= phi_b1[seq((i+grid),i,by=-1)]/(grid+1)
	phi_matrix2= matrix(0, (grid+1), (grid+1));
	for (i in 1:(grid+1)){
		phi_matrix2[i,]= phi_b2[seq((i+grid),i,by=-1)]/(grid+1)
	### Generate data
	### functional time series f_grid is X_t in the paper
	#### A matrix f_grid is generated, with (tmax*iter) rows and (grid+1) columns. 
	##  It contains iter CFAR(2) processes. The i-th process is in rows (i-1)*tmax+1:tmax.

	eps_grid= arima.sim(n= grid+1, model=list(ar=fi),rand.gen= function(n)sqrt(1-fi^2)*rnorm(n,0,1))
	f_grid[1,]= eps_grid;
	eps_grid= arima.sim(n= grid+1, model=list(ar=fi),rand.gen= function(n)sqrt(1-fi^2)*rnorm(n,0,1))
	f_grid[i,]= phi_matrix1%*%as.matrix(f_grid[i-1,])+ eps_grid;
	for (i in 3:tmax){
		eps_grid= arima.sim(n= grid+1, model=list(ar=fi),rand.gen= function(n)sqrt(1-fi^2)*rnorm(n,0,1))
		f_grid[i,]= phi_matrix1%*%as.matrix(f_grid[i-1,])+ phi_matrix2%*%as.matrix(f_grid[i-2,])+ eps_grid;
	### The last iteration of epsilon_t is returned.
	g_cfar2 <- list(cfar2=f_grid*sigma,epsilon=eps_grid*sigma)

#' Generate a CFAR Process
#' Generate a convolutional functional autoregressive process.
#' @param tmax length of time.
#' @param rho parameter for O-U process (noise process). 
#' @param phi_list the convolutional function(s). Default is the density function of normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 0.1.
#' @param grid the number of grid points used to constrcut the functional time series. Default is 1000.
#' @param sigma the standard deviation of O-U process. Default is 1.
#' @references
#' Liu, X., Xiao, H., and Chen, R. (2016) Convolutional autoregressive models for functional time series. \emph{Journal of Econometrics}, 194, 263-282.
#' @return The function returns a list with components:
#' \item{cfar}{a tmax-by-(grid+1) matrix following a CFAR(1) process.}
#' \item{epsilon}{the innovation at time tmax.}
#' @examples
#' phi_func= function(x)   
#' {
#'	return(dnorm(x,mean=0,sd=0.1))
#' }
#' test=g_cfar(1000,5,phi_func)
#' phi_func1= function(x){
#'	return(0.5*x^2+0.5*x+0.13)
#' }
#' phi_func2= function(x){
#'	return(0.7*x^4-0.1*x^3-0.15*x)
#' }
#' phi_list=list(phi_func1,phi_func2)
#' y=g_cfar(1000,5,phi_list)
#' @export
g_cfar <- function(tmax=1001,rho=5,phi_list=NULL, grid=1000,sigma=1){
	###Simulate CFAR processes

	#### A matrix f_grid is generated, with (tmax) rows and (grid+1) columns.

	###parameter setting
	## rho=5	### parameter for error process epsilon_t, O-U process
	##tmax= 1001;	### length of time
	##iter= 100;	### number of replications in the simulation
	##grid=1000;	### the number of grid points used to construct the functional time series X_t and epsilon_t
       ## phi_func User specified convolution functions. The following defaults are used if not given
		phi_func1= function(x){
	x_grid= seq(0, 1, by= 1/grid);	### the grid points for input variables of functional time series in [0,1]
	b_grid= seq(-1, 1, by=1/grid);	### the grid points for input variables of b-spline functions in [-1,1]
	eps_grid= matrix(0, 1, grid+1);	### the grid points for input variables of error process in [0,1]
	fi = exp(-rho/grid);		### the correlation of two adjacent points for an O-U process
	### the convolutional function values phi_1(s-u) and phi_2(s-u), for different s in [0,1]
	phi_matrix= matrix(0, (grid+1), p*(grid+1));
	for(j in 1:p){
		for (i in 1:(grid+1)){
			phi_matrix[i,((j-1)*(grid+1)+1):(j*(grid+1))]= phi_b[seq((i+grid),i,by=-1),j]/(grid+1)

	### Generate data
	### functional time series f_grid is X_t in the paper
	#### A matrix f_grid is generated, with (tmax*iter) rows and (grid+1) columns. 
	##  It contains iter CFAR(2) processes. The i-th process is in rows (i-1)*tmax+1:tmax.

	eps_grid= arima.sim(n= grid+1, model=list(ar=fi),rand.gen= function(n)sqrt(1-fi^2)*rnorm(n,0,1))
	f_grid[1,]= eps_grid;
		for(i in 2:p){
			eps_grid= arima.sim(n= grid+1, model=list(ar=fi),rand.gen= function(n)sqrt(1-fi^2)*rnorm(n,0,1))
			f_grid[i,]= phi_matrix[,1:((i-1)*(grid+1))]%*%matrix(t(f_grid[(i-1):1,]),(i-1)*(grid+1),1)+ eps_grid;
	for (i in (p+1):tmax){
		eps_grid= arima.sim(n= grid+1, model=list(ar=fi),rand.gen= function(n)sqrt(1-fi^2)*rnorm(n,0,1))
		f_grid[i,]= phi_matrix%*%matrix(t(f_grid[(i-p):(i-1),]),p*(grid+1),1)+ eps_grid;
	### The last iteration of epsilon_t is returned.
	g_cfar <- list(cfar=f_grid*sigma,epsilon=eps_grid*sigma)

#' Generate a CFAR(2) Process with Heteroscedasticity and Irregular Observation Locations
#' Generate a convolutional functional autoregressive process of order 2 with heteroscedasticity, irregular observation locations.
#' @param tmax length of time.
#' @param grid the number of grid points used to constrcut the functional time series.
#' @param rho parameter for O-U process (noise process). 
#' @param min_obs the minimum number of observations at each time.
#' @param pois the mean for Poisson distribution. The number of observations at each follows a Poisson distribution plus min_obs.
#' @param phi_func1 the first convolutional function. Default is 0.5*x^2+0.5*x+0.13.
#' @param phi_func2 the second convolutional function. Default is 0.7*x^4-0.1*x^3-0.15*x.
#' @param weight the weight function to determine the standard deviation of O-U process (noise process). Default is 1.
#' @references
#' Liu, X., Xiao, H., and Chen, R. (2016) Convolutional autoregressive models for functional time series. \emph{Journal of Econometrics}, 194, 263-282.
#' @return The function returns a list with components:
#' \item{cfar2}{a tmax-by-(grid+1) matrix following a CFAR(1) process.}
#' \item{epsilon}{the innovation at time tmax.}
#' @examples
#' phi_func1= function(x){
#'	return(0.5*x^2+0.5*x+0.13)
#' }
#' phi_func2= function(x){
#'	return(0.7*x^4-0.1*x^3-0.15*x)
#' }
#' y=g_cfar2h(200,1000,1,40,5,phi_func1=phi_func1,phi_func2=phi_func2)
#' @export
g_cfar2h <- function(tmax=1001,grid=1000,rho=1,min_obs=40, pois=5,phi_func1=NULL, phi_func2=NULL, weight=NULL){
	###Simulate CFAR(2) processes with heteroscedasticity, irregular observation locations

	### We need to have f_grid to record the functional time series
	### We need to have x_pos_full to record the observation positions

	###parameter setting
	#rho=1	### parameter for error process epsilon_t, O-U process
	#tmax= 1001;	### length of time
	#iter= 100;	### number of replications in the simulation
	#grid=1000;	### the number of grid points used to construct the functional time series X_t and epsilon_t\
	#min_obs=40	### the minimal number of observations at each time
      # phi_func1, phi_func2, weight: User specified convolution functions and weight function. The following defaults 
      #  are used if not given
		phi_func1= function(x){
		phi_func2= function(x){

		###heteroscedasticity weight function
		x_grid <- seq(0,1,by=1/grid)
		weight0= function(w){
		weight= function(w){
	num_full=rpois(tmax,pois)+min_obs	###number of observations at time t follows a Poisson distribution 
                                                ###plus a number, minimal observations is required
	x_grid= seq(0, 1, by= 1/grid);	### the grid points for input variables of functional time series in [0,1]
	b_grid= seq(-1, 1, by=1/grid);	### the grid points for input variables of b-spline functions in [-1,1]
	eps_grid= matrix(0, 1, grid+1);	### the grid points for input variables of error process in [0,1]
	fi = exp(-rho/grid);		### the correlation of two adjacent points for an O-U process
	phi_b1= phi_func1(b_grid)	### phi_1(s) when s in [-1,1]
	phi_b2= phi_func2(b_grid)	### phi_2(s) when s in [-1,1]

	### the convolutional function values phi_1(s-u) and phi_2(s-u), for different s in [0,1]
	phi_matrix1= matrix(0, (grid+1), (grid+1));
	for (i in 1:(grid+1)){
		phi_matrix1[i,]= phi_b1[seq((i+grid),i,by=-1)]/(grid+1)
	phi_matrix2= matrix(0, (grid+1), (grid+1));
	for (i in 1:(grid+1)){
		phi_matrix2[i,]= phi_b2[seq((i+grid),i,by=-1)]/(grid+1)	

	x_pos_full=matrix(0,tmax,n)	###observation positions
	for(k in 1:(tmax)){
	eps_grid= arima.sim(n= grid+1, model=list(ar=fi),rand.gen= function(n)sqrt(1-fi^2)*rnorm(n,0,1))
	f_grid[1,]= eps_grid*weight(x_grid);
	f_grid[i,]= phi_matrix1 %*% as.matrix(f_grid[i-1,])+ eps_grid*weight(x_grid);	
	for (i in 3:tmax){
		eps_grid= arima.sim(n= grid+1, model=list(ar=fi),rand.gen= function(n)sqrt(1-fi^2)*rnorm(n,0,1))
		f_grid[i,]= phi_matrix1%*%as.matrix(f_grid[i-1,]) + phi_matrix2%*%as.matrix(f_grid[i-2,])+ eps_grid*weight(x_grid);

### Functional time series, number of observations at different time of periods, 
### observation points at different time of periods, the last iteration of epsilon_t is returned.
	g_cfar2h <- list(cfar2h=f_grid, num_obs=num_full, x_pos=x_pos_full,epsilon=eps_grid)

#' Estimation of a CFAR Process
#' Estimation of a CFAR process.
#' @param f the functional time series.
#' @param p CFAR order.
#' @param df_b the degrees of freedom for natural cubic splines. Default is 10.
#' @param grid the number of gird points used to constrct the functional time series and noise process. Default is 1000.
#' @references
#' Liu, X., Xiao, H., and Chen, R. (2016) Convolutional autoregressive models for functional time series. \emph{Journal of Econometrics}, 194, 263-282.
#' @return The function returns a list with components:
#' \item{phi_coef}{estimated spline coefficients for convluaional function(s).}
#' \item{phi_func}{estimated convoluational function(s).}
#' \item{rho}{estimated rho for O-U process (noise process).}
#' \item{sigma}{estimated sigma for O-U process (noise process).}
#' @examples
#' phi_func= function(x)   
#' {
#'  	return(dnorm(x,mean=0,sd=0.1))
#' }
#' grid=1000
#' y=g_cfar1(grid,5,phi_func)
#' f_grid=y$cfar
#' index=seq(1,grid+1,by=10)
#' f=f_grid[,index]
#' est=est_cfar(f,1)
#' b_grid=seq(-1,1,by=1/grid)
#' par(mfcol=c(1,1))
#' c1 <- range(est$phi_func)
#' plot(b_grid,phi_func(b_grid),type='l',col='red',ylim=c1*1.1)
#' points(b_grid,est$phi_func,type='l')
#' @import splines
#' @export
est_cfar <- function(f,p=3,df_b=10,grid=1000){
	if(!is.matrix(f))f <- as.matrix(f)
	t <- nrow(f)



	###parameter setting
	#rho=5	### parameter for error process epsilon_t, O-U process
	#t= 1000;	### length of time
	#iter= 100;	### number of replications in the simulation
	#grid=1000;	### the number of grid points used to construct the functional time series X_t and epsilon_t
	#df_b=10		### number of degrees for splines
	#n=100		### number of observations for each X_t, in the paper it is 'N'

	x_grid= seq(0, 1, by= 1/grid);	### the grid points for input variables of functional time series in [0,1]
	b_grid= seq(-1, 1, by=1/grid);	### the grid points for input variables of b-spline functions in [-1,1]
	eps_grid= matrix(0, 1, grid+1);	### the grid points for input variables of error process in [0,1]
	### It shows the best approximation of phi using b-spline with df=df_b

	b_grid_sp= ns(b_grid, df=df_b);

	x= seq(0, 1, by=1/n);
	index= 1:(n+1)*(grid/n)-(grid/n)+1
	x_grid_sp= bs(x_grid, df=n, degree=1);	###basis function values if we interpolate discrete observations of x_t 
	x_sp= x_grid_sp[index,];			###basis function values at each observation point 
	coef= df+1

	###convolutions of b-pline functions (df=df) for phi_1 and phi_2 and basis functions (df=n) for x
	x_grid_full= cbind(rep(1,grid+1), x_grid_sp);
	b_grid_full= cbind(rep(1,2*grid+1), b_grid_sp);
	bstar_grid2= matrix(0, grid+1, coef*coef_b)
	for (j in 1:(coef_b)){
		for (i in 1:(grid+1)){
			b_matrix[i,]= b_grid_full[seq((i+grid),i, by=-1),j]/(grid+1);
		bstar_grid2[, (j-1)*coef+(1:coef)]= b_matrix %*% x_grid_full

	bstar2= bstar_grid2[index,]
	bstar3= matrix(0, (n+1)*coef_b, coef)
	for (i in 1:coef_b){
		bstar3[(i-1)*(n+1)+(1:(n+1)),]=bstar2[, (i-1)*coef+(1:coef)]

	indep=matrix(0,(n+1)*(t-1),coef_b)	### design matrix for b-spline coefficient of phi_1
	dsg_mat= solve(t(dsg)%*%dsg)%*%t(dsg)
	ahat= f%*%t(dsg_mat)	### b-spline coefficient when we interpolate x_t
	for (i in 2:t){	
		M_t= matrix(ahat[i-1,]%*% t(bstar3), nrow=n+1, ncol=df_b+1)
		indep[(i-2)*(n+1)+(1:(n+1)),]=M_t	### design matrix for b-spline coefficient of phi_1

	for(i in 1:p){

		psi= para4;	### correlation between two adjacent observation point exp(-rho/n)
		psi_matinv= matrix(0, n+1, n+1)	### correlation matrix of error process at observation points
		for (i in 2:n){
			psi_matinv[i,i]= 1+psi^2;
			psi_matinv[i,i+1]= -psi;
			psi_matinv[i,i-1]= -psi;
		mat1= matrix(0, coef_b*p, coef_b*p);
		mat2= matrix(0, coef_b*p, 1)
		for(i in (p+1):t){
			tmp_mat= t(M_t) %*% psi_matinv;
			mat1= mat1+ tmp_mat %*% M_t;
			mat2= mat2+ tmp_mat %*% f[i,];
		phihat= solve(mat1)%*%mat2
		for (i in (p+1):t){
			M_t= indep.p[(i-p-1)*(n+1)+(1:tmp.n),]
			eps= f[i,1:tmp.n]- M_t%*% phihat
			epart= t(eps)%*%psi_matinv %*%eps
			ehat= epart+ehat
			log.mat=log.mat+ log(det(psi_matinv))
	para4= exp(-5)
	result4=optim(para4,pdf4, lower=0.001, upper=0.9999, method='L-BFGS-B')
	psi_matinv= matrix(0, n+1, n+1)
	for (i in 2:n){
		psi_matinv[i,i]= 1+psi^2;
		psi_matinv[i,i+1]= -psi;
		psi_matinv[i,i-1]= -psi;
	mat1= matrix(0, p*(df_b+1), p*(df_b+1));	### matrix under the first brackets in formula (15)
	mat2= matrix(0, p*(df_b+1), 1);	### matrix under the second brackets in formula (15)
	for (i in (p+1):t){	
		M_t= indep.p[(i-p-1)*(n+1)+(1:(n+1)),]
		tmp_mat= t(M_t) %*% psi_matinv;
		mat1= mat1+ tmp_mat %*% M_t;
		mat2= mat2+ tmp_mat %*% f[i,];
	phihat= solve(mat1)%*%mat2
	for(i in 1:p){
		phihat_func[i,]= cbind(rep(1,2*grid+1),b_grid_sp)%*%phihat[(1+(coef_b*(i-1))):(i*coef_b)];		###b-spline coefficient of estimated phi_1
	for (i in (p+1):t){
		tmp.n= n+1
		M_t= indep.p[(i-p-1)*(n+1)+(1:tmp.n),]
		eps= f[i,1:tmp.n]- M_t%*% phihat
		epart= t(eps)%*%psi_matinv %*%eps
		ehat= epart+ehat
	rho_hat= -log(psi)*n
	est_cfar <- list(phi_coef=phi_coef,phi_func=phihat_func,rho=rho_hat,sigma2=sigma_hat)

#' F Test for a CFAR Process
#' F test for a CFAR process to specify CFAR order.
#' @param f the functional time series.
#' @param p.max maximum CFAR order. Default is 6.
#' @param df_b the degrees of freedom for natural cubic splines. Default is 10.
#' @param grid the number of gird points used to constrct the functional time series and noise process. Default is 1000.
#' @references
#' Liu, X., Xiao, H., and Chen, R. (2016) Convolutional autoregressive models for functional time series. \emph{Journal of Econometrics}, 194, 263-282.
#' @return The function outputs F test statistics and their p-values.
#' @examples
#' phi_func= function(x)   
#' {
#'  	return(dnorm(x,mean=0,sd=0.1))
#' }
#' y=g_cfar1(1000,5,phi_func)
#' f_grid=y$cfar
#' index=seq(1,1001,by=10)
#' f=f_grid[,index]
#' F_test_cfar(f)
#' @export
F_test_cfar <- function(f,p.max=6,df_b=10,grid=1000){
#	library(MASS)	
#	library(splines)
	### F test: CFAR(0)vs CFAR(1), CFAR(1)vs CFAR(2), CFAR(2)vs CFAR(3) when rho is known.
	if(!is.matrix(f))f <- as.matrix(f)
	t <- nrow(f)

	###parameter setting
	#rho=5	### parameter for error process epsilon_t, O-U process
	#t= 1000;	### length of time
	##iter= 100;	### number of replications in the simulation
	#grid=1000;	### the number of grid points used to construct the functional time series X_t and epsilon_t
	#df_b=10		### number of degrees for splines
	#n=100		### number of observations for each X_t, in the paper it is 'N'
	x_grid= seq(0, 1, by= 1/grid);	### the grid points for input variables of functional time series in [0,1]
	b_grid= seq(-1, 1, by=1/grid);	### the grid points for input variables of b-spline functions in [-1,1]
	eps_grid= matrix(0, 1, grid+1);	### the grid points for input variables of error process in [0,1]
	coef_b=df_b+1;				### number of df for b-spline
	b_grid_sp= ns(b_grid, df=df_b);	###b-spline functions
	x= seq(0, 1, by=1/n);			###observations points for X_t process
	index= 1:(n+1)*(grid/n)-(grid/n)+1
	x_grid_sp= bs(x_grid, df=n, degree=1);	###basis function values if we interpolate discrete observations of x_t
	x_sp= x_grid_sp[index,];			###basis function values at each observation point
	df=n;			### number of interplolation of X_t
	coef= df+1;
	###convolutions of b-pline functions (df=df_b) for phi and basis functions (df=n) for x
	x_grid_full= cbind(rep(1,grid+1), x_grid_sp);
	b_grid_full= cbind(rep(1,2*grid+1), b_grid_sp);
	bstar_grid2= matrix(0, grid+1, coef*coef_b)
	for (j in 1:(coef_b)){
		for (i in 1:(grid+1)){
			b_matrix[i,]= b_grid_full[seq((i+grid),i, by=-1),j]/(grid+1);
		bstar_grid2[, (j-1)*coef+(1:coef)]= b_matrix %*% x_grid_full
	###	print(j)
	bstar2= bstar_grid2[index,]
	bstar3= matrix(0, (n+1)*coef_b, coef)
	for (i in 1:coef_b){
		bstar3[(i-1)*(n+1)+(1:(n+1)),]=bstar2[, (i-1)*coef+(1:coef)]
	dsg_mat= solve(t(dsg)%*%dsg)%*%t(dsg)
	ahat= f%*%t(dsg_mat)
	for (i in 2:t){	
		M_t= matrix(ahat[i-1,]%*% t(bstar3), nrow=n+1, ncol=df_b+1)
	######### AR(0) and AR(1)
	####cat("Data set: ",q,"\n")
	### Fit cfar(1) model
	###	f= f_grid[(q-1)*tmax+(1:t)+(tmax-t), index];
	dsg_mat= solve(t(dsg)%*%dsg)%*%t(dsg)
	ahat= f%*%t(dsg_mat)
	for (i in 2:t){	
		M_t= matrix(ahat[i-1,]%*% t(bstar3), nrow=n+1, ncol=df_b+1)
	phihat= est$phi_coef
	mat1= matrix(0, coef_b*p, coef_b*p);
	mat2= matrix(0, coef_b*p, 1);
	phi_matinv=matrix(0, n+1, n+1)
	phi_matinv[1,2]= -psi;
	phi_matinv[n+1,n]= -psi
	for (i in 2:n){
		phi_matinv[i,i]= 1+psi^2;
		phi_matinv[i,i+1]= -psi;
		phi_matinv[i,i-1]= -psi

	predict= t(matrix(indep%*%matrix(phihat,df_b+1,1),ncol=t-1,nrow=n+1))
	ssr1= sum(diag((predict)%*%phi_matinv%*% t(predict)))
	sse1= sum(diag((f[2:t,]-predict[1:(t-1),])%*%phi_matinv%*% t(f[2:t,]-predict[1:(t-1),])))
	sse0=sum(diag(f[2:t,]%*%phi_matinv%*% t(f[2:t,])))
	statistic= (sse0-sse1)/coef_b/sse1*((n+1)*(t-2)-coef_b)
	cat("Test and p-value of Order 0 vs Order 1: ","\n")

	sse.pre= sum(diag((f[(p+2):t,]-predict[2:(t-p),])%*%phi_matinv%*% t(f[(p+2):t,]-predict[2:(t-p),])))

	for(p in 2:p.max){
		for(i in 1:p){
			mat1= matrix(0, coef_b*p, coef_b*p);
			mat2= matrix(0, coef_b*p, 1);
			psi= para4;
			phi_matinv=matrix(0, n+1, n+1)
			phi_matinv[1,2]= -psi;
			phi_matinv[n+1,n]= -psi
			for (i in 2:n){
				phi_matinv[i,i]= 1+psi^2;
				phi_matinv[i,i+1]= -psi;
				phi_matinv[i,i-1]= -psi
			for(i in (p+1):t){
				tmp_mat= t(M_t) %*% psi_matinv;
				mat1= mat1+ tmp_mat %*% M_t;
				mat2= mat2+ tmp_mat %*% f[i,1:tmp.n];
			phihat= solve(mat1)%*%mat2
			for (i in (p+1):t){
				M_t= indep.p[(i-p-1)*(n+1)+(1:tmp.n),]
				eps= f[i,1:tmp.n]- M_t%*% phihat
				epart= t(eps)%*%psi_matinv %*%eps
				ehat= epart+ehat
				log.mat=log.mat+ log(det(psi_matinv))
		para4= exp(-5)
		result4=optim(para4,pdf4, lower=0.001, upper=0.999, method='L-BFGS-B')

		mat1= matrix(0, p*coef_b, p*coef_b);
		mat2= matrix(0, coef_b*p, 1);
		phi_matinv=matrix(0, n+1, n+1)
		phi_matinv[1,2]= -psi;
		phi_matinv[n+1,n]= -psi
		for (i in 2:n){
			phi_matinv[i,i]= 1+psi^2;
			phi_matinv[i,i+1]= -psi;
			phi_matinv[i,i-1]= -psi
		for(i in (p+1):t){
			M_t= indep.p[(i-p-1)*(n+1)+(1:tmp.n),]
			tmp_mat= t(M_t) %*% psi_matinv;
			mat1= mat1+ tmp_mat %*% M_t;
			mat2= mat2+ tmp_mat %*% f[i,1:tmp.n];
		phihat= solve(mat1)%*%mat2
		predict= t(matrix(indep.p%*%phihat,ncol=t-p,nrow=n+1))
		ssr.p= sum(diag((predict)%*%phi_matinv%*% t(predict)))
		sse.p= sum(diag((f[(p+1):t,]-predict)%*%phi_matinv%*% t(f[(p+1):t,]-predict)))
		statistic= (sse.pre-sse.p)/coef_b/sse.p*((n+1)*(t-p-1)-p*coef_b)
		cat("Test and  p-value of Order", p-1, "vs Order",p,": ","\n")
		sse.pre= sum(diag((f[(p+2):t,]-predict[2:(t-p),])%*%phi_matinv%*% t(f[(p+2):t,]-predict[2:(t-p),])))

#' F Test for a CFAR Process with Heteroscedasticity and Irregular Observation Locations
#' F test for a CFAR process with heteroscedasticity and irregular observation locations to specify the CFAR order.
#' @param f the functional time series.
#' @param weight the covariance functions for noise process.
#' @param p.max maximum CFAR order. Default is 3.
#' @param grid the number of gird points used to constrct the functional time series and noise process. Default is 1000.
#' @param df_b the degrees of freedom for natural cubic splines. Default is 10.
#' @param num_obs the numbers of observations. It is a t-by-1 vector, where t is the length of time.
#' @param x_pos the observation location matrix. If the locations are regular, it is a t-by-(n+1) matrix with all entries 1/n.
#' @references
#' Liu, X., Xiao, H., and Chen, R. (2016) Convolutional autoregressive models for functional time series. \emph{Journal of Econometrics}, 194, 263-282.
#' @return The function outputs F test statistics and their p-values.
#' @examples
#' phi_func1= function(x){
#'	return(0.5*x^2+0.5*x+0.13)
#' }
#' phi_func2= function(x){
#'	return(0.7*x^4-0.1*x^3-0.15*x)
#' }
#' grid=1000
#' testh=g_cfar2h(100,grid,1,40,5,phi_func1=phi_func1,phi_func2=phi_func2)
#' #obtain discret observations
#' f_grid=testh$cfar2h
#' num_obs=testh$num_obs
#' x_pos=testh$x_pos
#' t=dim(f_grid)[1]
#' n=max(num_obs)
#' index=matrix(0,t,n)
#' x_grid=seq(0,1,by=1/grid)
#' f=matrix(0,t,n)
#' for(i in 1:t){
#'	for(j in 1:num_obs[i]){
#'		index[i,j]=which(abs(x_pos[i,j]-x_grid)==min(abs(x_pos[i,j]-x_grid)))
#'	}
#'	f[i,1:num_obs[i]]=f_grid[i,index[i,1:num_obs[i]]];
#' }
#' weight0= function(w){
#'	return((w<=0.6)*exp(-10*w)+(w>0.6)*(exp(-6)+0.2*(w-0.6))+0.1);
#' }
#' const=sum(weight0(x_grid)/(grid+1))
#' weight= function(w){
#'	return(((w<=0.6)*exp(-10*w)+(w>0.6)*(exp(-6)+0.2*(w-0.6))+0.1)/const)
#' }
#' F_test_cfarh(f,weight,3,1000,5,num_obs,x_pos)
#' @export
F_test_cfarh <- function(f,weight,p.max=3,grid=1000,df_b=10,num_obs=NULL,x_pos=NULL){
#	library(MASS)	
#	library(splines)

	if(!is.matrix(f))f <- as.matrix(f)
	t <- nrow(f)



	###parameter setting
	#grid=1000;	### the number of grid points used to construct the functional time series X_t and epsilon_t\
	#coef_b=6	### k=6
	# num_obs is a t by 1 vector which records N_t for each time

	b_grid_sp = ns(b_grid,df=df_b);
	b_grid_full= cbind(rep(1,2*grid+1), b_grid_sp);
	indep= matrix(0, (n+1)*(t-1),coef_b)
	bstar_grid= matrix(0, grid+1, coef_b)
	b_matrix= matrix(0, (grid+1), (grid+1))
	bstar_grid_full= matrix(0, (grid+1)*t,coef_b)
	for(i in 1:t){
		for(j in 1:num_obs[i]){
	for (i in 1:(t-1)){
		rec_x= approx(x_pos[i,1:num_obs[i]],f[i,1:num_obs[i]],xout=x_grid,rule=2,method='linear')	
                         ### rec_x is the interpolation of x_t
		for(j in 1:coef_b){
			for (k in 1:(grid+1)){
				b_matrix[k,]= b_grid_full[seq((k+grid),k, by=-1),j]/(grid+1);
			bstar_grid[, j]= b_matrix %*% matrix(rec_x$y,ncol=1,nrow=grid+1)
		bstar_grid_full[(i-1)*(grid+1)+1:(grid+1),]=bstar_grid	###convoluttion of basis spline function and x_t

	pdf4=function(para4)	###Q function in formula (12)
		mat1= matrix(0, df_b+1, df_b+1);
		mat2= matrix(0, df_b+1, 1);
		### correlation matrix of error process at observation points
		for(i in 2:t){
			psi= para4;
			psi_mat= matrix(1, tmp.n, tmp.n)
			for(k in 1:(tmp.n)){
				for(j in 1:(tmp.n)){
					psi_mat[k,j]= psi^(abs(x_pos[i,j]-x_pos[i,k]))
			tmp_mat= t(M_t) %*% psi_matinv2;
			mat1= mat1+ tmp_mat %*% M_t;			### matrix under the first brackets in formula (15)
			mat2= mat2+ tmp_mat %*% f[i,1:tmp.n];	### matrix under the second brackets in formula (15)
		phihat= solve(mat1)%*%mat2
		ehat=0	###e(beta,phi) in formula (12)
		for (i in 2:t){
			M_t= indep[(i-2)*(n+1)+(1:tmp.n),]
			eps= f[i,1:tmp.n]- M_t%*% phihat
			psi_matinv= psi_invall[(i-2)*(n+1)+(1:tmp.n),1:tmp.n]
			epart= t(eps)%*%psi_matinv %*%eps
			ehat= epart+ehat
			log.mat=log.mat+ log(det(psi_matinv))
		l=-sum(num_obs[2:t])/2*log(ehat)+1/2*log.mat	### the number defined in formula (14)
	para4= exp(-1)
	result4=optim(para4,pdf4, lower=0.001, upper=0.999, method='L-BFGS-B')
	mat1= matrix(0, df_b+1, df_b+1);
	mat2= matrix(0, df_b+1, 1);
	for(i in 2:t){
		psi_mat= matrix(1, tmp.n, tmp.n)
		for(k in 1:tmp.n){
			for(j in 1:tmp.n){
		psi_invall[(i-2)*(n+1)+(1:tmp.n),1:tmp.n]= psi_matinv2
		M_t= indep[(i-2)*(n+1)+(1:tmp.n),]
		tmp_mat= t(M_t) %*% psi_matinv2;
		mat1= mat1+ tmp_mat %*% M_t;
		mat2= mat2+ tmp_mat %*% f[i,1:tmp.n];
	phihat= solve(mat1)%*%mat2	
	ehat=0		###e(beta,phi) in formula (12)
	for (i in 2:t){
		M_t= indep[(i-2)*(n+1)+(1:tmp.n),]
		eps= f[i,1:tmp.n]- M_t%*% phihat
		epart= t(eps)%*%psi_matinv %*%eps
		ehat= epart+ehat
	rho_hat= -log(psi)

	predict1= t(matrix(indep%*%phihat,ncol=t-1,nrow=n+1))
	for (i in 2:t){
		psi_matinv= psi_invall[(i-2)*(n+1)+(1:tmp.n),1:tmp.n]
		ssr1= ssr1+ sum((predict1[i-1,1:tmp.n] %*% psi_matinv) * (predict1[i-1,1:tmp.n]))
		sse1= sse1+ sum(((f[i,1:tmp.n]- predict1[i-1,1:tmp.n]) %*% psi_matinv) *(f[i,1:tmp.n]-predict1[i-1,1:tmp.n]))

	######   No AR term
	mat1= matrix(0, df_b+1, df_b+1);
	mat2= matrix(0, df_b+1, 1);
	for (i in 2:t){
		M_t= indep[(i-2)*(n+1)+(1:tmp.n),]
		eps= f[i,1:tmp.n]- M_t%*% phihat
		epart= t(eps)%*%psi_matinv %*%eps
		ehat= epart+ehat
	rho_hat= -log(psi)
	for (i in 2:t){
		psi_matinv= psi_invall[(i-2)*(n+1)+(1:tmp.n),1:tmp.n]
		sse0= sse0+ sum((f[i,1:tmp.n] %*% psi_matinv) *(f[i,1:tmp.n]))

	statistic= (sse0-sse1)/coef_b/sse1*(sum(num_obs[2:t])-coef_b)
	cat("Test and  p-value of Order 0 vs Order 1: ","\n")
	if (p.max>1){
		for(p in 2:p.max){
			for (i in 1:(t-p)){
				for(j in 1:num_obs[i+p]){
					index[i+p,j]= which(abs(x_pos[i+p,j]-x_grid)==min(abs(x_pos[i+p,j]-x_grid)))
			indep.test=cbind(indep.p[(n+2):((n+1)*(t-p+1)),], indep.tmp[1:((n+1)*(t-p)),])

			pdf4=function(para4)	###Q function in formula (12)
				mat1= matrix(0, p*(df_b+1), p*(df_b+1));
				mat2= matrix(0, p*(df_b+1), 1);
				### correlation matrix of error process at observation points
				for(i in (p+1):t){
					psi= para4;
					psi_mat= matrix(1, tmp.n, tmp.n)
					for(k in 1:(tmp.n)){
						for(j in 1:(tmp.n)){
							psi_mat[k,j]= psi^(abs(x_pos[i,j]-x_pos[i,k]))
					tmp_mat= t(M_t) %*% psi_matinv2;
					mat1= mat1+ tmp_mat %*% M_t;			### matrix under the first brackets in formula (15)
					mat2= mat2+ tmp_mat %*% f[i,1:tmp.n];	### matrix under the second brackets in formula (15)
				phihat= solve(mat1)%*%mat2
				ehat=0	###e(beta,phi) in formula (12)
				for (i in (p+1):t){
					M_t= indep.p[(i-p-1)*(n+1)+(1:tmp.n),]	
					eps= f[i,1:tmp.n]- M_t%*% phihat
					psi_matinv= psi_invall[(i-2)*(n+1)+(1:tmp.n),1:tmp.n]
					epart= t(eps)%*%psi_matinv %*%eps
					ehat= epart+ehat
					log.mat=log.mat+ log(det(psi_matinv))
				l=-sum(num_obs[(p+1):t])/2*log(ehat)+1/2*log.mat	### the number defined in formula (14)
			para4= exp(-1)
			result4=optim(para4,pdf4, lower=0.001, upper=0.999, method='L-BFGS-B')
			mat1= matrix(0, p*(df_b+1), p*(df_b+1));
			mat2= matrix(0, p*(df_b+1), 1);
			for(i in (p+1):t){
				psi_mat= matrix(1, tmp.n, tmp.n)
				for(k in 1:tmp.n){
					for(j in 1:tmp.n){
				psi_invall[(i-2)*(n+1)+(1:tmp.n),1:tmp.n]= psi_matinv2
				M_t= indep.p[(i-p-1)*(n+1)+(1:tmp.n),]
				tmp_mat= t(M_t) %*% psi_matinv2;
				mat1= mat1+ tmp_mat %*% M_t;
				mat2= mat2+ tmp_mat %*% f[i,1:tmp.n];
			phihat= solve(mat1)%*%mat2	
			ehat=0		###e(beta,phi) in formula (12)
			for (i in (p+1):t){
				M_t= indep.p[(i-p-1)*(n+1)+(1:tmp.n),]
				eps= f[i,1:tmp.n]- M_t%*% phihat
				epart= t(eps)%*%psi_matinv %*%eps
				ehat= epart+ehat
			rho_hat= -log(psi)

			predict= t(matrix(indep.p%*%phihat,ncol=t-p,nrow=n+1))
			ssr.p= 0
			for (i in (p+1):t){
				psi_matinv= psi_invall[(i-2)*(n+1)+(1:tmp.n),1:tmp.n]
				ssr.p= ssr.p+ sum((predict[i-p,1:tmp.n] %*% psi_matinv) * (predict[i-p,1:tmp.n]))
				sse.p= sse.p+ sum(((f[i,1:tmp.n]- predict[i-p,1:tmp.n]) %*% psi_matinv) *(f[i,1:tmp.n]-predict[i-p,1:tmp.n]))

			mat1= matrix(0, coef_b*(p-1), coef_b*(p-1));
			mat2= matrix(0, coef_b*(p-1), 1);
			for(i in (p+1):t){
				psi_mat= matrix(1, tmp.n, tmp.n)
				for(k in 1:tmp.n){
					for(j in 1:tmp.n){
				psi_invall[(i-2)*(n+1)+(1:tmp.n),1:tmp.n]= psi_matinv2
				M_t= indep.pre[(i-p-1)*(n+1)+(1:tmp.n),]
				tmp_mat= t(M_t) %*% psi_matinv2;
				mat1= mat1+ tmp_mat %*% M_t;
				mat2= mat2+ tmp_mat %*% f[i,1:tmp.n];
			phihat= solve(mat1)%*%mat2
			predict= t(matrix(indep.pre%*%phihat,ncol=t-p,nrow=n+1))
			for (i in (p+1):t){
				psi_matinv= psi_invall[(i-2)*(n+1)+(1:tmp.n),1:tmp.n]
				ssr.pre= ssr.pre+ sum((predict[i-p,1:tmp.n] %*% psi_matinv) * (predict[i-p,1:tmp.n]))
				sse.pre= sse.pre+ sum(((f[i,1:tmp.n]- predict[i-p,1:tmp.n]) %*% psi_matinv) *(f[i,1:tmp.n]-predict[i-p,1:tmp.n]))
			statistic= (sse.pre-sse.p)/coef_b/sse.p*(sum(num_obs[(p+1):t])-coef_b)
			cat("Test and  p-value of Order",p-1," vs Order", p,": ","\n")

#' Estimation of a CFAR Process with Heteroscedasticity and Irregualr Observation Locations
#' Estimation of a CFAR process with heteroscedasticity and irregualr observation locations.
#' @param f the functional time series.
#' @param weight the covariance functions of noise process.
#' @param p CFAR order.
#' @param grid the number of gird points used to constrct the functional time series and noise process. Default is 1000.
#' @param df_b the degrees of freedom for natural cubic splines. Default is 10.
#' @param num_obs the numbers of observations. It is a t-by-1 vector, where t is the length of time.
#' @param x_pos the observation location matrix. If the locations are regular, it is a t-by-(n+1) matrix with all entries 1/n.
#' @references
#' Liu, X., Xiao, H., and Chen, R. (2016) Convolutional autoregressive models for functional time series. \emph{Journal of Econometrics}, 194, 263-282.
#' @return The function returns a list with components:
#' \item{phi_coef}{estimated spline coefficients for convluaional function(s).}
#' \item{phi_func}{estimated convoluational function(s).}
#' \item{rho}{estimated rho for O-U process (noise process).}
#' \item{sigma}{estimated sigma for O-U process (noise process).}
#' @examples
#' phi_func1= function(x){
#'	return(0.5*x^2+0.5*x+0.13)
#' }
#' phi_func2= function(x){
#'	return(0.7*x^4-0.1*x^3-0.15*x)
#' }
#' grid=1000
#' testh=g_cfar2h(100,grid,1,40,5,phi_func1=phi_func1,phi_func2=phi_func2)
#' #obtain discret observations
#' f_grid=testh$cfar2h
#' num_obs=testh$num_obs
#' x_pos=testh$x_pos
#' t=dim(f_grid)[1]
#' n=max(num_obs)
#' index=matrix(0,t,n)
#' x_grid=seq(0,1,by=1/grid)
#' b_grid=seq(-1,1,by=1/grid)
#' f=matrix(0,t,n)
#' for(i in 1:t){
#'	for(j in 1:num_obs[i]){
#'		index[i,j]=which(abs(x_pos[i,j]-x_grid)==min(abs(x_pos[i,j]-x_grid)))
#'	}
#'	f[i,1:num_obs[i]]=f_grid[i,index[i,1:num_obs[i]]];
#' }
#' weight0= function(w){
#'	return((w<=0.6)*exp(-10*w)+(w>0.6)*(exp(-6)+0.2*(w-0.6))+0.1);
#' }
#' const=sum(weight0(x_grid)/(grid+1))
#' weight= function(w){
#'	return(((w<=0.6)*exp(-10*w)+(w>0.6)*(exp(-6)+0.2*(w-0.6))+0.1)/const)
#' }
#' est=est_cfarh(f,weight,2,1000,5,num_obs,x_pos)
#' par(mfrow=c(1,2))
#' c1=range(est$phi_func)
#' plot(b_grid,phi_func1(b_grid),type='l',col='red',ylim=c1*1.05)
#' points(b_grid,est$phi_func[1,],type='l')
#' c1=range(est$phi_func)
#' plot(b_grid,phi_func2(b_grid),type='l',col='red',ylim=c1*1.05)
#' points(b_grid,est$phi_func[2,],type='l')
#' cat("rho: ",est$rho,"\n")
#' cat("sigma2: ",est$sigma2,"\n")
#' @export
est_cfarh <- function(f,weight,p=2,grid=1000,df_b=5, num_obs=NULL,x_pos=NULL){
#	library(MASS)	
#	library(splines)
	### CFAR(2) with processes with heteroscedasticity, irregular observation locations
	### Estimation of phi(), rho and sigma, and F test 

	if(!is.matrix(f))f <- as.matrix(f)
	t <- nrow(f)


	###parameter setting
	#rho=1	### parameter for error process epsilon_t, O-U process
	#tmax= 1001;	### maximum length of time to generated data
	#t=1000	### length of time
	#iter= 100;	### number of replications in the simulation
	#grid=1000;	### the number of grid points used to construct the functional time series X_t and epsilon_t\
	#coef_b=6	### k=6
	#min_obs=40	### the minimal number of observations at each time
	b_grid_sp = ns(b_grid,df=df_b);
	b_grid_full= cbind(rep(1,2*grid+1), b_grid_sp);
	indep= matrix(0, (n+1)*(t-1),coef_b)
	bstar_grid= matrix(0, grid+1, coef_b)
	b_matrix= matrix(0, (grid+1), (grid+1))
	bstar_grid_full= matrix(0, (grid+1)*t,coef_b)
	for(i in 1:t){
		for(j in 1:num_obs[i]){
	for (i in 1:(t-1)){
		rec_x= approx(x_pos[i,1:num_obs[i]],f[i,1:num_obs[i]],xout=x_grid,rule=2,method='linear')	
                           ### rec_x is the interpolation of x_t
		for(j in 1:coef_b){
			for (k in 1:(grid+1)){
				b_matrix[k,]= b_grid_full[seq((k+grid),k, by=-1),j]/(grid+1);
			bstar_grid[, j]= b_matrix %*% matrix(rec_x$y,ncol=1,nrow=grid+1)
		bstar_grid_full[(i-1)*(grid+1)+1:(grid+1),]=bstar_grid	###convoluttion of basis spline function and x_t

		pdf4=function(para4)	###Q function in formula (12)
			mat1= matrix(0, df_b+1, df_b+1);
			mat2= matrix(0, df_b+1, 1);
			### correlation matrix of error process at observation points
			for(i in 2:t){
				psi= para4;
				psi_mat= matrix(1, tmp.n, tmp.n)
				for(k in 1:(tmp.n)){
					for(j in 1:(tmp.n)){
						psi_mat[k,j]= psi^(abs(x_pos[i,j]-x_pos[i,k]))
				tmp_mat= t(M_t) %*% psi_matinv2;
				mat1= mat1+ tmp_mat %*% M_t;			### matrix under the first brackets in formula (15)
				mat2= mat2+ tmp_mat %*% f[i,1:tmp.n];	### matrix under the second brackets in formula (15)
			phihat= solve(mat1)%*%mat2
			ehat=0	###e(beta,phi) in formula (12)
			for (i in 2:t){
				M_t= indep[(i-2)*(n+1)+(1:tmp.n),]
				eps= f[i,1:tmp.n]- M_t%*% phihat
				psi_matinv= psi_invall[(i-2)*(n+1)+(1:tmp.n),1:tmp.n]
				epart= t(eps)%*%psi_matinv %*%eps
				ehat= epart+ehat
				log.mat=log.mat+ log(det(psi_matinv))
			l=-sum(num_obs[2:t])/2*log(ehat)+1/2*log.mat	### the number defined in formula (14)
		para4= exp(-1)
		result4=optim(para4,pdf4, lower=0.001, upper=0.999, method='L-BFGS-B')
		mat1= matrix(0, df_b+1, df_b+1);
		mat2= matrix(0, df_b+1, 1);
		for(i in 2:t){
			psi_mat= matrix(1, tmp.n, tmp.n)
			for(k in 1:tmp.n){
				for(j in 1:tmp.n){
			psi_invall[(i-2)*(n+1)+(1:tmp.n),1:tmp.n]= psi_matinv2
			M_t= indep[(i-2)*(n+1)+(1:tmp.n),]
			tmp_mat= t(M_t) %*% psi_matinv2;
			mat1= mat1+ tmp_mat %*% M_t;
			mat2= mat2+ tmp_mat %*% f[i,1:tmp.n];
		phihat= solve(mat1)%*%mat2	
		for(i in 1:p){
			phihat_func[i,]= cbind(rep(1,2*grid+1),b_grid_sp)%*%phihat[(1+(coef_b*(i-1))):(i*coef_b)];		###b-spline coefficient of estimated phi_1
		ehat=0		###e(beta,phi) in formula (12)
		for (i in 2:t){
			M_t= indep[(i-2)*(n+1)+(1:tmp.n),]
			eps= f[i,1:tmp.n]- M_t%*% phihat
			epart= t(eps)%*%psi_matinv %*%eps
			ehat= epart+ehat
		rho_hat= -log(psi)

		for(q in 2:p){
			for (i in 1:(t-q)){
				for(j in 1:num_obs[i+q]){
					index[i+q,j]= which(abs(x_pos[i+q,j]-x_grid)==min(abs(x_pos[i+q,j]-x_grid)))
			indep.test=cbind(indep.p[(n+2):((n+1)*(t-q+1)),], indep.tmp[1:((n+1)*(t-q)),])

		pdf4=function(para4)	###Q function in formula (12)
			mat1= matrix(0, p*(df_b+1), p*(df_b+1));
			mat2= matrix(0, p*(df_b+1), 1);
			### correlation matrix of error process at observation points
			for(i in (p+1):t){
				psi= para4;
				psi_mat= matrix(1, tmp.n, tmp.n)
				for(k in 1:(tmp.n)){
					for(j in 1:(tmp.n)){
						psi_mat[k,j]= psi^(abs(x_pos[i,j]-x_pos[i,k]))
				tmp_mat= t(M_t) %*% psi_matinv2;
				mat1= mat1+ tmp_mat %*% M_t;			### matrix under the first brackets in formula (15)
				mat2= mat2+ tmp_mat %*% f[i,1:tmp.n];	### matrix under the second brackets in formula (15)
			phihat= solve(mat1)%*%mat2
			ehat=0	###e(beta,phi) in formula (12)
			for (i in (p+1):t){
				M_t= indep.p[(i-p-1)*(n+1)+(1:tmp.n),]	
				eps= f[i,1:tmp.n]- M_t%*% phihat
				psi_matinv= psi_invall[(i-2)*(n+1)+(1:tmp.n),1:tmp.n]
				epart= t(eps)%*%psi_matinv %*%eps
				ehat= epart+ehat
				log.mat=log.mat+ log(det(psi_matinv))
			l=-sum(num_obs[(p+1):t])/2*log(ehat)+1/2*log.mat	### the number defined in formula (14)
		para4= exp(-1)
		result4=optim(para4,pdf4, lower=0.001, upper=0.999, method='L-BFGS-B')
		mat1= matrix(0, p*(df_b+1), p*(df_b+1));
		mat2= matrix(0, p*(df_b+1), 1);
		for(i in (p+1):t){
			psi_mat= matrix(1, tmp.n, tmp.n)
			for(k in 1:tmp.n){
				for(j in 1:tmp.n){
			psi_invall[(i-2)*(n+1)+(1:tmp.n),1:tmp.n]= psi_matinv2
			M_t= indep.p[(i-p-1)*(n+1)+(1:tmp.n),]
			tmp_mat= t(M_t) %*% psi_matinv2;
			mat1= mat1+ tmp_mat %*% M_t;
			mat2= mat2+ tmp_mat %*% f[i,1:tmp.n];
		phihat= solve(mat1)%*%mat2
		for(i in 1:p){
			phihat_func[i,]= cbind(rep(1,2*grid+1),b_grid_sp)%*%phihat[(1+(coef_b*(i-1))):(i*coef_b)];		###b-spline coefficient of estimated phi_1
		ehat=0		###e(beta,phi) in formula (12)
		for (i in (p+1):t){
			M_t= indep.p[(i-p-1)*(n+1)+(1:tmp.n),]
			eps= f[i,1:tmp.n]- M_t%*% phihat
			epart= t(eps)%*%psi_matinv %*%eps
			ehat= epart+ehat
		rho_hat= -log(psi)

	est_cfarh <- list(phi_coef=t(matrix(phihat,df_b+1,p)),phi_func=phihat_func, rho=rho_hat, sigma2=sigma_hat)

#' Prediction of CFAR Processes
#' Prediction of CFAR processes.
#' @param model CFAR model.
#' @param f the functional time series data.
#' @param m the forecasting horizon.
#' @references
#' Liu, X., Xiao, H., and Chen, R. (2016) Convolutional autoregressive models for functional time series. \emph{Journal of Econometrics}, 194, 263-282.
#' @return The function returns a prediction of the CFAR process.
#' @examples
#' phi_func= function(x)   
#' {
#'  	return(dnorm(x,mean=0,sd=0.1))
#' }
#' y=g_cfar1(100,5,phi_func)
#' f_grid=y$cfar
#' index=seq(1,1001,by=10)
#' f=f_grid[,index]
#' est=est_cfar(f,1)
#' pred=p_cfar(est,f,1)
#' @export
p_cfar <- function(model, f, m=3){
	###p_cfar: this function gives us the prediction of functional time series. There are 3 input variables:
	###1. model is the estimated model obtained from est_cfar function
	###2. f is the matrix which contains the data
	###3. m is the forecasting horizon

	###parameter setting
	##t= 100;	### length of time
	##grid=1000;	### the number of grid points used to construct the functional time series X_t and epsilon_t
	#p is the cfar order
	##n=100		### number of observations for each X_t, in the paper it is 'N'
	if(!is.matrix(f))f <- as.matrix(f)
	for(i in (t-p):t){
		pred[i,]= approx(x,f[i,],xout=x_grid,rule=2,method='linear')$y
	for (j in 1:m){
		for (i in 1:(grid+1)){
			pred[j+t,i]= sum(phihat_func[1:p,seq((i+grid),i, by=-1)]*pred[(j+t-1):(j+t-p),])/grid

#' Partial Curve Prediction of CFAR Processes
#' Partial prediction for CFAR processes. t curves are given and we want to predit the curve at time t+1, but we know the first n observations in the curve, to predict the n+1 observation.
#' @param model CFAR model.
#' @param f the functional time series data.
#' @param new.obs the given first \code{n} observations.
#' @references
#' Liu, X., Xiao, H., and Chen, R. (2016) Convolutional autoregressive models for functional time series. \emph{Journal of Econometrics}, 194, 263-282.
#' @return The function returns a prediction of the CFAR process.
#' @examples
#' phi_func= function(x)   
#' {
#'  	return(dnorm(x,mean=0,sd=0.1))
#' }
#' y=g_cfar1(100,5,phi_func)
#' f_grid=y$cfar
#' index=seq(1,1001,by=10)
#' f=f_grid[,index]
#' est=est_cfar(f,1)
#' pred=p_cfar_part(est,f,0)
#' @export
p_cfar_part  <- function(model, f, new.obs){
	##p-cfar_part: this function gives us the prediction of x_t(s), s>s_0, give x_1,\ldots, x_{t-1}, and x(s), s <s_0. There are three input variables.
	##1. model is the estimated model obtained from est_cfar function
	##2. f is the matrix which contains the data
	##3. new.obs is x_t(s), s>s_0.
	for(i in (t-p):t){
	for (i in 1:(grid+1)){
		pred[i]= sum(phihat_func[1:p,seq((i+grid),i, by=-1)]*f_grid[t:(t-p+1),])/grid

#' Generate Univariate SETAR Models
#' Generate univariate SETAR model for up to 3 regimes.
#' @param nob number of observations.
#' @param arorder AR-order for each regime. The length of arorder controls the number of regimes.
#' @param phi a 3-by-p matrix. Each row contains the AR coefficients for a regime.
#' @param d delay for threshold variable.
#' @param thr threshold values. 
#' @param sigma standard error for each regime.
#' @param cnst constant terms.
#' @param ini burn-in period.
#' @return uTAR.sim returns a list with components:
#' \item{series}{a time series following SETAR model.}
#' \item{at}{innovation of the time seres.}
#' \item{arorder}{AR-order for each regime.}
#' \item{thr}{threshold value.}
#' \item{phi}{a 3-by-p matrix. Each row contains the AR coefficients for a regime.}
#' \item{cnst}{constant terms}
#' \item{sigma}{standard error for each regime.}
#' @examples
#' arorder=rep(1,2)
#' ar.coef=matrix(c(0.7,-0.8),2,1)
#' y=uTAR.sim(100,arorder,ar.coef,1,0)
#' @export
"uTAR.sim" <- function(nob,arorder,phi,d=1,thr=c(0,0),sigma=c(1,1,1),cnst=rep(0,3),ini=500){
p <- max(arorder)
nT <- nob+ini
ist <- max(p,d)+1
et <- rnorm(nT)
nregime <- length(arorder)
if(nregime > 3)nregime <- 3
## For two-regime models, regime 3 is set to the same as regime 2.
if(nregime == 2)arorder=c(arorder[1],arorder[2],arorder[2])
k1 <- length(cnst)
if(k1 < 3)cnst <- c(cnst,rep(cnst[k1],(3-k1)))
k1 <- length(sigma)
if(k1 < 3) sigma <- c(sigma,rep(sigma[k1],(3-k1)))
if(!is.matrix(phi))phi <- as.matrix(phi)
k1 <- nrow(phi)
if(k1 < 3){
  for (j in (k1+1):3){
    phi <- rbind(phi,phi[k1,])
k1 <- length(thr)
if(k1 < 2) thr=c(thr,10^7)
if(nregime == 2)thr[2] <- 10^7
zt <- et[1:ist]*sigma[1]
at <- zt
for (i in ist:nT){
  if(zt[i-d] <= thr[1]){
    at[i] = et[i]*sigma[1]
    tmp = cnst[1]
    if(arorder[1] > 0){
      for (j in 1:arorder[1]){
       tmp <- tmp + zt[i-j]*phi[1,j]
    zt[i] <- tmp + at[i]
    else{ if(zt[i-d] <= thr[2]){
           at[i] <- et[i]*sigma[2]
	   tmp <- cnst[2]
	   if(arorder[2] > 0){
	    for (j in 1:arorder[2]){
	     tmp <- tmp + phi[2,j]*zt[i-j]
	   zt[i] <- tmp + at[i]
	   else{ at[i] <- et[i]*sigma[3]
	         tmp <- cnst[3]
	         if(arorder[3] > 0){
		  for (j in 1:arorder[3]){
		    tmp <- tmp + phi[3,j]*zt[i-j]
		 zt[i] <- tmp + at[i]

uTAR.sim <- list(series = zt[(ini+1):nT], at=at[(ini+1):nT], arorder=arorder,thr=thr,phi=phi,cnst=cnst,sigma=sigma)

#' Estimation of a Univariate Two-Regime SETAR Model
#' Estimation of a univariate two-regime SETAR model, including threshold value.
#' The procedure of Li and Tong (2016) is used to search for the threshold.
#' @param y a vector of time series.
#' @param p1,p2 AR-orders of regime 1 and regime 2.
#' @param d delay for threshold variable, default is 1.
#' @param thrV threshold variable. If thrV is not null, it must have the same length as that of y.
#' @param Trim lower and upper quantiles for possible threshold values.
#' @param k0 the maximum number of threshold values to be evaluated. If the sample size is large (> 3000), then k0 = floor(nT*0.5).The default is k0=300. But k0 = floor(nT*0.8) if nT < 300.
#' @param include.mean a logical value indicating whether constant terms are included.
#' @param thrQ lower and upper quantiles to search for threshold value.
#' @references
#' Li, D., and Tong. H. (2016) Nested sub-sample search algorithm for estimation of threshold models. \emph{Statisitca Sinica}, 1543-1554.
#' @return uTAR returns a list with components:
#' \item{data}{the data matrix, y.}
#' \item{arorder}{AR orders of regimes 1 and 2.}
#' \item{delay}{the delay for threshold variable.}
#' \item{residuals}{estimated innovations.}
#' \item{coef}{a 2-by-(p+1) matrices. The first row show the estimation results in regime 1, and the second row shows these in regime 2.}
#' \item{sigma}{estimated innovational covariance matrices of regimes 1 and 2.}
#' \item{nobs}{numbers of observations in regimes 1 and 2.}
#' \item{model1,model2}{estimated models of regimes 1 and 2.}
#' \item{thr}{threshold value.}
#' \item{D}{a set of threshold values.} 
#' \item{RSS}{RSS}
#' \item{AIC}{AIC value}
#' \item{cnst}{logical values indicating whether the constant terms are included in regimes 1 and 2.}
#' \item{sresi}{standardized residuals.}
#' @examples
#' arorder=rep(1,2)
#' ar.coef=matrix(c(0.7,-0.8),2,1)
#' y=uTAR.sim(100,arorder,ar.coef,1,0)
#' est=uTAR(y$series,1,1,1,y$series,c(0.2,0.8),100,TRUE,c(0.2,0.8))
#' @export
"uTAR" <- function(y,p1,p2,d=1,thrV=NULL,Trim=c(0.15,0.85),k0=300,include.mean=T,thrQ=c(0,1)){
p = max(p1,p2)
if(p < 1)p=1
nT <- length(y)
### regression framework
if(k0 > nT)k0 <- floor(nT*0.8)
if(nT > 3000)k0 <- floor(nT*0.5)
yt <- y[ist:nT]
nobe <- nT-ist+1
x1 <- NULL
for (i in 1:p){
if(length(thrV) < nT){
    tV <- y[(ist-d):(nT-d)]
    tV <- thrV[ist:nT]
D <- NeSS(yt,x1,x2=NULL,thrV=tV,Trim=Trim,k0=k0,include.mean=include.mean,thrQ=thrQ)
#cat("Threshold candidates: ",D,"\n")
ll = length(D)
### house keeping
resi <- NULL
sresi <- NULL
m1a <- NULL
m1b <- NULL
Size <- NULL
Phi <- matrix(0,2,p+1)
Sigma <- NULL
infc <- NULL
thr <- NULL
if(ll > 0){
for (i in 1:ll){
  thr = D[i]
  idx = c(1:nobe)[tV <= thr]
  X = x1[,c(1:p1)]
  m1a <- lm(yt~-1+.,data=data.frame(X),subset=idx)
  X <- x1[,c(1:p2)]
  m1b <- lm(yt~-1+.,data=data.frame(X),subset=-idx)
##cat("RSS: ",RSS,"\n")
thr <- D[j]
cat("Estimated Threshold: ",thr,"\n")
### Final estimation results
  resi = rep(0,nobe)
  sresi <- rep(0,nobe)
  idx = c(1:nobe)[tV <= thr]
  n1 <- length(idx)
  n2 <- length(yt)-n1
  Size <- c(n1,n2)
  X = x1[,c(1:p1)]
  m1a <- lm(yt~-1+.,data=data.frame(X),subset=idx)
  resi[idx] <- m1a$residuals
 X <- as.matrix(X)
 cat("Regime 1: ","\n")
 Phi[1,1:ncol(X)] <- m1a$coefficients
 coef1 <- summary(m1a)
 sigma1 <- coef1$sigma
 sresi[idx] <- m1a$residuals/sigma1
 sig1 <- sigma1^2*(n1-ncol(X))/n1
 AIC1 <- n1*log(sig1) + 2*ncol(X) 
 cat("nob1, sigma1 and AIC: ",c(n1, sigma1, AIC1), "\n")
  X <- x1[,c(1:p2)]
  m1b <- lm(yt~-1+.,data=data.frame(X),subset=-idx)
  resi[-idx] <- m1b$residuals
  X <- as.matrix(X)
  cat("Regime 2: ","\n")
  Phi[2,1:ncol(X)] <- m1b$coefficients
  coef2 <- summary(m1b)
  sigma2 <- coef2$sigma
  sresi[-idx] <- m1b$residuals/sigma2
  sig2 <- sigma2^2*(n2-ncol(X))/n2
  AIC2 <- n2*log(sig2) + 2*ncol(X)
  cat("nob2, sigma2 and AIC: ",c(n2,sigma2, AIC2),"\n")
 fitted.values <- yt-resi
 Sigma <- c(sigma1,sigma2)
 ### pooled estimate
 sigmasq = (n1*sigma1^2+n2*sigma2^2)/(n1+n2)
 cat(" ","\n")
 cat("Overal MLE of sigma: ",sqrt(sigmasq),"\n")
 cat("Overall AIC: ",AIC,"\n")
 }else{cat("No threshold found: Try again with a larger k0.","\n")}
uTAR <- list(data=y,arorder=c(p1,p2),delay=d,residuals = resi, coefs = Phi, sigma=Sigma,
nobs = Size, model1 = m1a, model2 = m1b,thr=thr, D=D, RSS=RSS,AIC = AIC,
cnst = rep(include.mean,2), sresi=sresi)

#' Search for Threshold Value of A Two-Regime SETAR Model
#' Search for the threshold of a SETAR model for a given range of candidates for threshold values,
#' and perform recursive LS estimation.
#' The program uses a grid to search for threshold value.
#' It is a conservative approach, but might be more reliable than the Li and Tong (2016) procedure.
#' @param y a vector of time series.
#' @param p1,p2 AR-orders of regime 1 and regime 2.
#' @param d delay for threshold variable, default is 1.
#' @param thrV threshold variable. if it is not null, thrV must have the same length as that of y.
#' @param thrQ lower and upper limits for the possible threshold values.
#' @param Trim lower and upper trimming to control the sample size in each regime.
#' @param include.mean a logical value for including constant term.
#' @references
#' Li, D., and Tong. H. (2016) Nested sub-sample search algorithm for estimation of threshold models. \emph{Statisitca Sinica}, 1543-1554.
#' @return uTAR.grid returns a list with components:
#' \item{data}{the data matrix, y.}
#' \item{arorder}{AR orders of regimes 1 and 2.}
#' \item{residuals}{estimated innovations.}
#' \item{coefs}{a 2-by-(p+1) matrices. The first row show the estimation results in regime 1, and the second row shows these in regime 2.}
#' \item{sigma}{estimated innovational covariance matrices of regimes 1 and 2.}
#' \item{nobs}{numbers of observations in regimes 1 and 2.}
#' \item{delay}{the delay for threshold variable.}
#' \item{model1,model2}{estimated models of regimes 1 and 2.}
#' \item{cnst}{logical values indicating whether the constant terms are included in regimes 1 and 2.}
#' \item{thr}{threshold value.}
#' \item{D}{a set of possible threshold values.}
#' \item{RSS}{residual sum of squares.}
#' \item{information}{information criterion.}
#' \item{sresi}{standardized residuals.} 
#' @examples
#' arorder=rep(1,2)
#' ar.coef=matrix(c(0.7,-0.8),2,1)
#' y=uTAR.sim(100,arorder,ar.coef,1,0)
#' uTAR.grid(y$series,1,1,1,y$series,c(0,1),c(0.2,0.8),TRUE)
#' @export
"uTAR.grid" <- function(y,p1,p2,d=1,thrV=NULL,thrQ=c(0,1),Trim=c(0.1,0.9),include.mean=T){
p = max(p1,p2)
if(p < 1)p=1
nT <- length(y)
yt <- y[ist:nT]
nobe <- nT-ist+1
Phi <- matrix(0,2,p+1)
x1 <- NULL
for (i in 1:p1){
x1 <- as.matrix(x1)
if(include.mean){x1 <- cbind(rep(1,nobe),x1)}
k1 <- ncol(x1)
x2 <- NULL
for (i in 1:p2){
 x2 <- cbind(x2,y[(ist-i):(nT-i)])
x2 <- as.matrix(x2)
if(include.mean){x2 <- cbind(rep(1,nobe),x2)}
k2 <- ncol(x2)
if(length(thrV) < nT){
    tV <- y[(ist-d):(nT-d)]
    tV <- thrV[ist:nT]
### narrow down possible threshold range
if(thrQ[1] > 0)q1[1] <- quantile(tV,thrQ[1])
if(thrQ[2] < 1)q1[2] <- quantile(tV,thrQ[2])
idx <- c(1:length(tV))[tV <= q1[1]]
jdx <- c(1:length(tV))[tV >= q1[2]]
trm <- c(idx,jdx)
yt <- yt[-trm]
if(k1 == 1){x1 <- x1[-trm]
         }else{x1 <- x1[-trm,]}
if(k2 == 1){x2 <- x2[-trm]
         }else{x2 <- x2[-trm,]}
tV <- tV[-trm]
### sorting
DD <- sort(tV,index.return=TRUE)
D <- DD$x
Dm <- DD$ix
yt <- yt[Dm]
if(k1 == 1){x1 <- x1[Dm]
          }else{x1 <- x1[Dm,]}
if(k2 == 1){x2 <- x2[Dm]
          }else{x2 <- x2[Dm,]}
nobe <- length(yt)
q2 = quantile(tV,Trim)
jst <- max(c(1:nobe)[D < q2[1]])
jend <- min(c(1:nobe)[D > q2[2]])
cat("jst, jend: ",c(jst,jend),"\n")
nthr <- jend-jst+1
### initial estimate with thrshold D[jst]
if(k1 == 1){
          X <- as.matrix(x1[1:jst])
          }else{ X <- x1[1:jst,]}
Y <- as.matrix(yt[1:jst])
XpX = t(X)%*%X
XpY = t(X)%*%Y
Pk1 <- solve(XpX)
beta1 <- Pk1%*%XpY
resi1 <- Y - X%*%beta1
if(k2 == 1){
        X <- as.matrix(x2[(jst+1):nobe])
        }else{ X <- x2[(jst+1):nobe,]}
Y <- as.matrix(yt[(jst+1):nobe])
XpX <- t(X)%*%X
XpY <- t(X)%*%Y
Pk2 <- solve(XpX)
beta2 <- Pk2%*%XpY
resi2 <- Y - X%*%beta2
RSS <- sum(c(resi1^2,resi2^2))
#### recursive
#### Moving one observations from regime 2 to regime 1
for (i in (jst+1):jend){
 if(k1 == 1){xk1 <- matrix(x1[i],1,1)
            xk1 <- matrix(x1[i,],k1,1)
if(k2 == 1){xk2 <- matrix(x2[i],1,1)
         xk2 <- matrix(x2[i,],k2,1)
 tmp <- Pk1%*%xk1
 deno <- 1 + t(tmp)%*%xk1
 er <- t(xk1)%*%beta1 - yt[i]
 beta1 <- beta1 - tmp*c(er)/c(deno[1])
 Pk1 <- Pk1 - tmp%*%t(tmp)/c(deno[1])
 if(k1 == 1){X <- as.matrix(x1[1:i])
            }else{X <- x1[1:i,]}
 resi1 <- yt[1:i] - X%*%beta1
 tmp <- Pk2 %*% xk2
 deno <- t(tmp)%*%xk2 - 1
 er2 <- t(xk2)%*%beta2 - yt[i]
 beta2 <- beta2 - tmp*c(er2)/c(deno[1])
 Pk2 <- Pk2 - tmp%*%t(tmp)/c(deno[1])
 if(k2 == 1){X <- as.matrix(x2[(i+1):nobe])
            }else{X <- x2[(i+1):nobe,]}
 resi2 <- yt[(i+1):nobe] - X%*%beta2
 RSS <- c(RSS, sum(c(resi1^2,resi2^2)))
##cat("RSS: ",RSS,"\n")
thr <- D[j]
cat("Estimated Threshold: ",thr,"\n")
### Final estimation results
  resi = rep(0,nobe)
  sresi <- rep(0,nobe)
  idx <- c(1:j)
  n1 <- j
  n2 <- nobe-j
  X <- x1
  m1a <- lm(yt~-1+.,data=data.frame(x1),subset=idx)
  resi[idx] <- m1a$residuals
 cat("Regime 1: ","\n")
 Phi[1,1:k1] <- m1a$coefficients
 coef1 <- summary(m1a)
 sresi[idx] <- m1a$residuals/coef1$sigma
 cat("nob1 & sigma1: ",c(n1, coef1$sigma), "\n")
  m1b <- lm(yt~-1+.,data=data.frame(x2),subset=-idx)
  resi[-idx] <- m1b$residuals
  Phi[2,1:k2] <- m1b$coefficients
  cat("Regime 2: ","\n")
  coef2 <- summary(m1b)
  sresi[-idx] <- m1b$residuals/coef2$sigma
  cat("nob2 & sigma2: ",c(n2,coef2$sigma),"\n")
 fitted.values <- yt-resi
 ### pooled estimate
 sigma2 = (n1*coef1$sigma+n2*coef2$sigma)/(n1+n2)
 d1 = log(sigma2)
 aic = d1 + 2*(p1+p2)/nT
 bic = d1 + log(nT)*(p1+p2)/nT
 hq = d1 + 2*log(log(nT))*(p1+p2)/nT
 infc = c(aic,bic,hq)
 cat(" ","\n")
 cat("The fitted TAR model ONLY uses data in the specified threshold range!!!","\n")
 cat("Overal MLE of sigma: ",sqrt(sigma2),"\n")
 cat("Overall information criteria(aic,bic,hq): ",infc,"\n")
uTAR.grid <- list(data=y,arorder=c(p1,p2), residuals = resi, coefs = Phi,
sigma=c(coef1$sigma,coef2$sigma), nobs=c(n1,n2),delay=d,model1 = m1a,cnst = rep(include.mean,2), 
model2 = m1b,thr=thr, D=D, RSS=RSS,information=infc,sresi=sresi)

#' General Estimation of TAR Models
#' General estimation of TAR models with known threshold values. 
#' It perform LS estimation of a univariate TAR model, and can handle multiple regimes.
#' @param y time series.
#' @param arorder AR order of each regime. The number of regime is the length of arorder.
#' @param thr given threshould(s). There are k-1 threshold for a k-regime model.
#' @param d delay for threshold variable, default is 1.
#' @param thrV external threhold variable if any. If it is not NULL, thrV must have the same length as that of y.
#' @param include.mean a logical value indicating whether constant terms are included. Default is TRUE.
#' @param output a logical value for output. Default is TRUE.
#' @return uTAR.est returns a list with components:
#' \item{data}{the data matrix, y.}
#' \item{k}{the dimension of y.}
#' \item{arorder}{AR orders of regimes 1 and 2.}
#' \item{coefs}{a (p*k+1)-by-(2k) matrices. The first row show the estimation results in regime 1, and the second row shows these in regime 2.}
#' \item{sigma}{estimated innovational covariance matrices of regimes 1 and 2.}
#' \item{thr}{threshold value.}
#' \item{residuals}{estimated innovations.}
#' \item{sresi}{standardized residuals.}
#' \item{nobs}{numbers of observations in different regimes.}
#' \item{delay}{delay for threshold variable.}
#' \item{cnst}{logical values indicating whether the constant terms are included in different regimes.}
#' \item{AIC}{AIC value.}
#' @examples
#' arorder=rep(1,2)
#' ar.coef=matrix(c(0.7,-0.8),2,1)
#' y=uTAR.sim(100,arorder,ar.coef,1,0)
#' est=uTAR.est(y$series,arorder,0,1)
#' @export
"uTAR.est" <- function(y,arorder=c(1,1),thr=c(0),d=1,thrV=NULL,include.mean=c(TRUE,TRUE),output=TRUE){
if(is.matrix(y))y <- y[,1]
p <- max(arorder)
if(p < 1)p <-1
k <- length(arorder)
ist <- max(p,d)+1
nT <- length(y)
Y <- y[ist:nT]
for (i in 1:p){
    X <- cbind(X,y[(ist-i):(nT-i)])
X <- as.matrix(X)
nobe <- nT-ist+1
if(length(thrV) < nT){
 thrV <- y[(ist-d):(nT-d)]
 if(output) cat("Estimation of a SETAR model: ","\n")
 }else{thrV <- thrV[ist:nT]}
k1 <- length(thr)
### house keeping
 coefs <- NULL
 sigma <- NULL
 nobs <- NULL
 resi <- rep(0,nobe)
 sresi <- rep(0,nobe)
 npar <- NULL
 AIC <- 99999
if(k1 > (k-1)){
 cat("Only the first: ",k1," thresholds are used.","\n")
 THr <- min(thrV[1:nobe])-1
 THr <- c(THr,thr[1:(k-1)],(max(thrV[1:nobe])+1))
if(k1 < (k-1)){cat("Too few threshold values are given!!!","\n")}
if(length(include.mean) != k)include.mean=rep("TRUE",k)
if(k1 == (k-1)){
 THr <- c((min(thrV[1:nobe])-1),thr,c(max(thrV[1:nobe])+1))
 if(output) cat("Thresholds used: ",thr,"\n")
 for (j in 1:k){
  idx <- c(1:nobe)[thrV <= THr[j]]
  jdx <- c(1:nobe)[thrV > THr[j+1]]
  jrm <- c(idx,jdx)
  n1 <- nobe-length(jrm)
  nobs <- c(nobs,n1)
  kdx <- c(1:nobe)[-jrm]
  x1 <- as.matrix(X)
  if(p > 1)x1 <- x1[,c(1:arorder[j])]
  cnst <- rep(1,nobe)
  if(include.mean[j]){x1 <- cbind(cnst,x1)}
  np <- ncol(x1)
  npar <- c(npar,np)
  beta <- rep(0,p+1)
  sig <- NULL
  if(n1 <= ncol(x1)){
   cat("Regime ",j," does not have sufficient observations!","\n")
   mm <- lm(Y~-1+.,data=data.frame(x1),subset=kdx)
   c1 <- summary(mm)
    cat("Estimation of regime: ",j," with sample size: ",n1,"\n")
    cat("Sigma estimate: ",c1$sigma,"\n")
   resi[kdx] <- c1$residuals
   sresi[kdx] <- c1$residuals/c1$sigma
   sig <- c1$sigma
   beta[1:np] <- c1$coefficients[,1]
   coefs <- rbind(coefs,beta)
   sigma <- c(sigma,sig)
  AIC <- 0
  for (j in 1:k){
   sig <- sigma[j]
   n1 <- nobs[j]
   np <- npar[j]
   if(!is.null(sig)){s2 <- sig^2*(n1-np)/n1
               AIC <- AIC + log(s2)*n1 + 2*np
  if(output) cat("Overal AIC: ",AIC,"\n")
uTAR.est <- list(data=y,k = k, arorder=arorder,coefs=coefs,sigma=sigma,thr=thr,residuals=resi,
sresi=sresi,nobs=nobs,delay=d,cnst=include.mean, AIC=AIC)

#' Prediction of A Fitted Univariate TAR Model
#' Prediction of a fitted univariate TAR model.
#' @param model univariate TAR model.
#' @param orig forecast origin.
#' @param h forecast horizon.
#' @param iterations number of iterations.
#' @param ci confidence level.
#' @param output a logical value for output, default is TRUE.
#' @return uTAR.pred returns a list with components:
#' \item{model}{univariate TAR model.}
#' \item{pred}{prediction.}
#' \item{Ysim}{fitted y.}
#' @examples
#' arorder=rep(1,2)
#' ar.coef=matrix(c(0.7,-0.8),2,1)
#' y=uTAR.sim(100,arorder,ar.coef,1,0)
#' est=uTAR.est(y$series,arorder,0,1)
#' pred=uTAR.pred(est,100,1,100,0.95,TRUE)
#' @export
"uTAR.pred" <- function(model,orig,h=1,iterations=3000,ci=0.95,output=TRUE){
## ci: probability of pointwise confidence interval coefficient
### only works for self-exciting uTAR models.
y <- model$data
arorder <- model$arorder
coefs <- model$coefs
sigma <- model$sigma
thr <- c(model$thr)
include.mean <- model$cnst
d <- model$delay
p <- max(arorder)
k <- length(arorder)
nT <- length(y)
if(orig < 1)orig <- nT
if(orig > nT) orig <- nT
if(h < 1) h <- 1
### compute the predictions. Use simulation if the threshold is predicted
Ysim <- matrix(0,h,iterations)
et <- rnorm(h*iterations)
for (it in 1:iterations){
  etcnt <- (it-1)*h
  yp <- y[1:orig]
  for (ii in 1:h){
   t <- orig+ii
   thd <- yp[(t-d)]
   JJ <- 1
   for (j in 1:(k-1)){
     if(thd > thr[j]){JJ <- j+1}
   ino <- etcnt+ii
   at <- et[ino]*sigma[JJ]
   x <- NULL
   pJ <- arorder[JJ]
   npar <- pJ
   if(include.mean[JJ]){ x <- 1
                         npar <- npar+1
   for (i in 1:pJ){
    x <- c(x,yp[(t-i)])
   yhat <- sum(x*coefs[JJ,1:npar])+at
   yp <- rbind(yp,yhat)
   Ysim[ii,it] <- yhat
### summary
 pred <- NULL
 pr <- (1-ci)/2
 prob <- c(pr, 1-pr)
 for (ii in 1:h){
   pred <- rbind(pred,mean(Ysim[ii,]))
   int <- quantile(Ysim[ii,],prob=prob)
   CI <- rbind(CI,int)
cat("Forecast origin: ",orig,"\n")
cat("Predictions: 1-step to ",h,"-step","\n")
Pred <- cbind(1:h,pred)
colnames(Pred) <- c("step","forecast")
bd <- cbind(c(1:h),CI)
colnames(bd) <- c("step", "Lowb","Uppb")
cat("Pointwise ",ci*100," % confident intervals","\n")
uTAR.pred <- list(data=y,pred = pred,Ysim=Ysim)

"NeSS" <- function(y,x1,x2=NULL,thrV=NULL,Trim=c(0.15,0.85),k0=300,include.mean=TRUE,thrQ=c(0,1),score="AIC"){
### Based on Li and Tong (2016)method to narrow down the candidates for 
### threshold value.
### y: dependent variable (can be multivariate)
### x1: the regressors that allow for coefficients to change
### x2: the regressors for explanatory variables
### thrV: threshold variable,default is simply the time index
### Trim: quantiles for lower and upper bound of threshold
### k0: the maximum number of candidates for threhold at the output
### include.mean: switch for including the constant term.
### thrQ: lower and upper quantiles to search for threshold
#### return: a set of possible threshold values
if(!is.matrix(y))y <- as.matrix(y)
ky <- ncol(y)
if(!is.matrix(x1))x1 <- as.matrix(x1)
if(length(x2) > 0){
 if(!is.matrix(x2))x2 <- as.matrix(x2)
n <- nrow(y)
n1 <- nrow(x1)
n2 <- n1
if(!is.null(x2))n2 <- nrow(x2)
n <- min(n,n1,n2)
k1 <- ncol(x1)
k2 <- 0
if(!is.null(x2)) k2 <- ncol(x2)
k <- k1+k2
if(length(thrV) < 1){thrV <- c(1:n)
                   }else{thrV <- thrV[1:n]}
### set threshold range
idx <- NULL
jdx <- NULL
if(thrQ[1] > 0){low <- quantile(thrV,thrQ[1])
                idx <- c(1:length(thrV))[thrV < low]
if(thrQ[2] < 1){upp <- quantile(thrV,thrQ[2])
                jdx <- c(1:length(thrV))[thrV > upp]
jrm <- c(idx,jdx)
		if(ky == 1){y <- as.matrix(y[-jrm])
		          }else{y <- y[-jrm,]}
                if(k1 == 1){x1 <- as.matrix(x1[-jrm])
		          }else{x1 <- x1[-jrm,]}
	        if(k2 > 0){
		     if(k2 == 1){x2 <- as.matrix(x2[-jrm])
		                }else{x2 <- x2[-jrm,]}
		thrV <- thrV[-jrm]
thr <- sort(thrV)
n <- length(thrV)
### use k+2 because of including the constant term.
n1 <- floor(n*Trim[1])
if(n1 < (k+2)) n1 = k+2
n2 <- floor(n*Trim[2])
if((n-n2) > (k+2)){n2 = n -(k+2)}
D <- thr[n1:n2]
if(include.mean){k = k+1
#### Scalar case
if(ky == 1){
Y <- y[,1]
m1 <- lm(Y~-1+.,data=X)
R1 <- sum(m1$residuals^2)
Jnr <- rep(R1,length(qprob))
#cat("Jnr: ",Jnr,"\n")
while(length(D) > k0){
  qr <- quantile(D,qprob)
##  cat("qr: ",qr,"\n")
  for (i in 1:length(qprob)){
    idx <- c(1:n)[thrV <= qr[i]]
     m1a <- lm(Y~-1+.,data=X,subset=idx)
     m1b <- lm(Y~-1+.,data=X,subset=-idx)
     Jnr[i] = Jnr[i] - sum(c(m1a$residuals^2,m1b$residuals^2))
##     cat("in Jnr: ",Jnr,"\n")
  if(Jnr[1] >= max(Jnr[-1])){
    D <- D[D <= qr[2]]
    else{ if(Jnr[2] >= max(Jnr[-2])){
           D <- D[((qr[1] <= D) && (D <= qr[3]))]
            else{ D <- D[D >= qr[2]]}
## cat("n(D): ",length(D),"\n")
#### Multivariate case
if(ky > 1){
ic = 2
m1 <- MlmNeSS(y,X,SD=FALSE,include.mean=include.mean)
R1 <- m1$score[ic]
Jnr <- rep(R1,length(qprob))
while(length(D) > k0){
  qr <- quantile(D,qprob)
  for (i in 1:length(qprob)){
    idx <- c(1:n)[thrV <= qr[i]]
     m1a <- MlmNeSS(y,X,subset=idx,SD=FALSE,include.mean=include.mean)
     m1b <- MlmNeSS(y,X,subset=-idx,SD=FALSE,include.mean=include.mean)
     Jnr[i] <- Jnr[i] - sum(m1a$score[ic],m1b$score[ic])
  if(Jnr[1] >= max(Jnr[-1])){
    D <- D[D <= qr[2]]
    else{ if(Jnr[2] >= max(Jnr[-2])){
           D <- D[D <= qr[3]]
	   D <- D[D >= qr[1]]
            else{ D <- D[D >= qr[2]]}
### end of Multivariate case

#' Generate Two-Regime (VAR) Models
#' Generates two-regime multivariate vector auto-regressive models.
#' @param nob number of observations.
#' @param thr threshold value.
#' @param phi1 VAR coefficient matrix of regime 1.
#' @param phi2 VAR coefficient matrix of regime 2.
#' @param sigma1 innovational covariance matrix of regime 1.
#' @param sigma2 innovational covariance matrix of regime 2.
#' @param c1 constant vector of regime 1.
#' @param c2 constatn vector of regime 2.
#' @param delay two elements (i,d) with "i" being the component index and "d" the delay for threshold variable.
#' @param ini burn-in period.
#' @return mTAR.sim returns a list with following components:
#' \item{series}{a time series following the two-regime multivariate VAR model.}
#' \item{at}{innovation of the time series.}
#' \item{threshold}{threshold value.}
#' \item{delay}{two elements (i,d) with "i" being the component index and "d" the delay for threshold variable.}
#' \item{n1}{number of observations in regime 1.}
#' \item{n2}{number of observations in regime 2.}
#' @examples
#' phi1=matrix(c(0.5,0.7,0.3,0.2),2,2)
#' phi2=matrix(c(0.4,0.6,0.5,-0.5),2,2)
#' sigma1=matrix(c(1,0,0,1),2,2)
#' sigma2=matrix(c(1,0,0,1),2,2)
#' c1=c(0,0)
#' c2=c(0,0)
#' delay=c(1,1)
#' y=mTAR.sim(100,0,phi1,phi2,sigma1,sigma2,c1,c2,delay,ini=500)
#' @export
"mTAR.sim" <- function(nob,thr,phi1,phi2,sigma1,sigma2=NULL,c1=NULL,c2=NULL,delay=c(1,1),ini=500){
k1 <- nrow(phi1)
k2 <- nrow(phi2)
k3 <- nrow(sigma1)
k4 <- nrow(sigma2)
k <- min(k1,k2,k3,k4)
c1 <- c1[1:k]
c2 <- c2[1:k]
p1 <- ncol(phi1)%/%k
p2 <- ncol(phi2)%/%k
"mtxroot" <- function(sigma){
sigma <- (t(sigma)+sigma)/2
m1 <- eigen(sigma)
P <- m1$vectors
L <- diag(sqrt(m1$values))
sigmah <- P%*%L%*%t(P)
s1 <- mtxroot(sigma1[1:k,1:k])
s2 <- mtxroot(sigma2[1:k,1:k])
nT <- nob+ini
et <- matrix(rnorm(k*nT),nT,k)
a1 <- et%*%s1
a2 <- et%*%s2
d <- delay[2]
if(d <= 0)d <- 1
p <- max(p1,p2,d)
### set starting values
zt <- matrix(1,p,1)%*%matrix(c1,1,k)+a1[1:p,]
resi <- matrix(0,nT,k)
ist = p+1
for (i in ist:ini){
 wk = rep(0,k)
 if(zt[(i-d),delay[1]] <= thr){
 resi[i,] <- a1[i,]
 wk <- wk + a1[i,] + c1
 if(p1 > 0){
  for (j in 1:p1){
   idx <- (j-1)*k
   phi <- phi1[,(idx+1):(idx+k)]
   wk <- wk + phi%*%matrix(zt[i-j,],k,1)
 }else{ resi[i,] <- a2[i,]
     wk <- wk+a2[i,] + c2
    if(p2 > 0){
     for (j in 1:p2){
      idx <- (j-1)*k
      phi <- phi2[,(idx+1):(idx+k)]
      wk <- wk + phi%*%matrix(zt[i-j,],k,1)
 zt <- rbind(zt,c(wk))
#### generate data used
n1 = 0
for (i in (ini+1):nT){
 wk = rep(0,k)
 if(zt[(i-d),delay[1]] <= thr){
 n1 = n1+1
 resi[i,] <- a1[i,]
 wk <- wk + a1[i,] + c1
 if(p1 > 0){
  for (j in 1:p1){
   idx <- (j-1)*k
   phi <- phi1[,(idx+1):(idx+k)]
   wk <- wk + phi%*%matrix(zt[i-j,],k,1)
 }else{ resi[i,] <- a2[i,]
     wk <- wk+a2[i,] + c2
    if(p2 > 0){
     for (j in 1:p2){
      idx <- (j-1)*k
      phi <- phi2[,(idx+1):(idx+k)]
      wk <- wk + phi%*%matrix(zt[i-j,],k,1)
 zt <- rbind(zt,c(wk))
mTAR.sim <- list(series = zt[(ini+1):nT,],at = resi[(ini+1):nT,],threshold=thr,
delay=delay, n1=n1, n2 = (nob-n1))

#' Estimation of a Multivariate Two-Regime SETAR Model
#' Estimation of a multivariate two-regime SETAR model, including threshold.
#' The procedure of Li and Tong (2016) is used to search for the threshold.
#' @param y a (\code{nT}-by-\code{k}) data matrix of multivariate time series, where \code{nT} is the sample size and \code{k} is the dimension.
#' @param p1 AR-order of regime 1.
#' @param p2 AR-order of regime 2.
#' @param thr threshold variable. Estimation is needed if \code{thr} = NULL.
#' @param thrV vector of threshold variable. If it is not null, thrV must have the same sample size of that of y.
#' @param delay two elements (i,d) with "i" being the component and "d" the delay for threshold variable.
#' @param Trim lower and upper quantiles for possible threshold value.
#' @param k0 the maximum number of threshold values to be evaluated.
#' @param include.mean logical values indicating whether constant terms are included.
#' @param score the choice of criterion used in selection threshold, namely (AIC, det(RSS)).
#' @references
#' Li, D., and Tong. H. (2016) Nested sub-sample search algorithm for estimation of threshold models. \emph{Statisitca Sinica}, 1543-1554.
#' @return mTAR returns a listh with the following components:
#' \item{data}{the data matrix, y.}
#' \item{beta}{a (\code{p*k+1})-by-(\code{2k}) matrices. The first \code{k} columns show the estimation results in regime 1, and the second \code{k} columns show these in regime 2.}
#' \item{arorder}{AR orders of regimes 1 and 2.}
#' \item{sigma}{estimated innovational covariance matrices of regimes 1 and 2.}
#' \item{residuals}{estimated innovations.}
#' \item{nobs}{numbers of observations in regimes 1 and 2.}
#' \item{model1, model2}{estimated models of regimes 1 and 2.}
#' \item{thr}{threshold value.}
#' \item{delay}{two elements (\code{i},\code{d}) with "\code{i}" being the component and "\code{d}" the delay for threshold variable.}
#' \item{thrV}{vector of threshold variable.}
#' \item{D}{a set of positive threshold values.}
#' \item{RSS}{residual sum of squares.}
#' \item{information}{overall information criteria.}
#' \item{cnst}{logical values indicating whether the constant terms are included in regimes 1 and 2.}
#' \item{sresi}{standardized residuals.} 
#' @examples
#' phi1=matrix(c(0.5,0.7,0.3,0.2),2,2)
#' phi2=matrix(c(0.4,0.6,0.5,-0.5),2,2)
#' sigma1=matrix(c(1,0,0,1),2,2)
#' sigma2=matrix(c(1,0,0,1),2,2)
#' c1=c(0,0)
#' c2=c(0,0)
#' delay=c(1,1)
#' Trim=c(0.2,0.8)
#' include.mean=TRUE
#' y=mTAR.sim(1000,0,phi1,phi2,sigma1,sigma2,c1,c2,delay,ini=500)
#' est=mTAR(y$series,1,1,0,y$series,delay,Trim,300,include.mean,"AIC")
#' est2=mTAR(y$series,1,1,NULL,y$series,delay,Trim,300,include.mean,"AIC")
#' @export 
"mTAR" <- function(y,p1,p2,thr=NULL,thrV=NULL,delay=c(1,1),Trim=c(0.15,0.85),k0=300,include.mean=TRUE,score="AIC"){
if(!is.matrix(y))y <- as.matrix(y)
p = max(p1,p2)
if(p < 1)p=1
d = delay[2]
ist = max(p,d)+1
nT <- nrow(y)
ky <- ncol(y)
nobe <- nT-ist+1
if(length(thrV) < nT){
         thrV <- y[(ist-d):(nT-d),delay[1]]
          thrV <- thrV[ist:nT]
beta <- matrix(0,(p*ky+1),ky*2)
### set up regression framework
yt <- y[ist:nT,]
x1 <- NULL
for (i in 1:p){
X <- x1
### search for threshold if needed
 D <- NeSS(yt,x1,thrV=thrV,Trim=Trim,k0=k0,include.mean=include.mean,score=score)
##cat("Threshold candidates: ",D,"\n")
 ll = length(D)
 ic = 2
#### If not AIC, generalized variance is used.
 if(score=="AIC")ic <- 1
 for (i in 1:ll){
  thr = D[i]
  idx = c(1:nobe)[thrV <= thr]
  m1a <- MlmNeSS(yt,X,subset=idx,SD=FALSE,include.mean=include.mean)
  m1b <- MlmNeSS(yt,X,subset=-idx,SD=FALSE,include.mean=include.mean)
#cat("RSS: ",RSS,"\n")
 thr <- D[j]
 cat("Estimated Threshold: ",thr,"\n")
 cat("Threshold: ",thr,"\n")
#### The above ends the search of threshold ###
### Final estimation results
###cat("Coefficients are in vec(beta), where t(beta)=[phi0,phi1,...]","\n")
  resi = matrix(0,nobe,ncol(yt))
  sresi <- matrix(0,nobe,ncol(yt))
  idx = c(1:nobe)[thrV <= thr]
  n1 <- length(idx)
  n2 <- nrow(yt)-n1
  k <- ncol(yt)
  X = x1
  m1a <- MlmNeSS(yt,X,subset=idx,SD=TRUE,include.mean=include.mean)
  np <- ncol(X)
  resi[idx,] <- m1a$residuals
  infc = m1a$information
  beta[1:nrow(m1a$beta),1:ky] <- m1a$beta
  cat("Regime 1 with sample size: ",n1,"\n")
  coef1 <- m1a$coef
  coef1 <- cbind(coef1,coef1[,1]/coef1[,2])
  colnames(coef1) <- c("est","s.e.","t-ratio")
  for (j in 1:k){
   cat("Model for the ",j,"-th component (including constant, if any): ","\n")
 cat("sigma: ", "\n")
 cat("Information(aic,bix,hq): ",infc,"\n")
 m1 <- eigen(m1a$sigma)
 P <- m1$vectors
 Di <- diag(1/sqrt(m1$values))
 siv <- P%*%Di%*%t(P)
 sresi[idx,] <- m1a$residuals%*%siv
  m1b <- MlmNeSS(yt,X,subset=-idx,SD=TRUE,include.mean=include.mean)
  resi[-idx,] <- m1b$residuals
  beta[1:nrow(m1b$beta),(ky+1):(2*ky)] <- m1b$beta
  cat(" ","\n")
  cat("Regime 2 with sample size: ",n2,"\n")
  coef2 <- m1b$coef
  coef2 <- cbind(coef2,coef2[,1]/coef2[,2])
  colnames(coef2) <- c("est","s.e.","t-ratio")
  for (j in 1:k){
   cat("Model for the ",j,"-th component (including constant, if any): ","\n")
  cat("sigma: ","\n")
  cat("Information(aic,bic,hq): ",m1b$information,"\n")
  m2 <- eigen(m1b$sigma)
  P <- m2$vectors
  Di <- diag(1/sqrt(m2$values))
  siv <- P%*%Di%*%t(P)
  sresi[-idx,] <- m1b$residuals%*%siv
 fitted.values <- yt-resi
 cat(" ","\n")
 cat("Overall pooled estimate of sigma: ","\n")
 sigma = (n1*m1a$sigma+n2*m1b$sigma)/(n1+n2)
 infc = m1a$information+m1b$information
 cat("Overall information criteria(aic,bic,hq): ",infc,"\n")
 Sigma <- cbind(m1a$sigma,m1b$sigma)
mTAR <- list(data=y,beta=beta,arorder=c(p1,p2),sigma=Sigma,residuals = resi,nobs=c(n1,n2),
model1 = m1a, model2 = m1b,thr=thr, delay=delay, thrV=thrV, D=D, RSS=RSS, information=infc,

#' Estimation of Multivariate TAR Models
#' Estimation of mutlivariate TAR models with given thresholds. It can handle multiple regimes.
#' @param y vector time series.
#' @param arorder AR order of each regime. The number of regime is length of arorder.
#' @param thr threshould value(s). There are k-1 threshold for a k-regime model.
#' @param delay two elements (i,d) with "i" being the component and "d" the delay for threshold variable.
#' @param thrV external threhold variable if any. If thrV is not null, it must have the same number of observations as y-series.
#' @param include.mean logical values indicating whether constant terms are included. Default is TRUE for all.
#' @param output a logical value indicating four output. Default is TRUE.
#' @return mTAR.est returns a list with the following components:
#' \item{data}{the data matrix, \code{y}.}
#' \item{k}{the dimension of \code{y}.}
#' \item{arorder}{AR orders of regimes 1 and 2.}
#' \item{beta}{a (\code{p*k+1})-by-(\code{2k}) matrices. The first \code{k} columns show the estimation results in regime 1, and the second \code{k} columns show these in regime 2.}
#' \item{sigma}{estimated innovational covariance matrices of regimes 1 and 2.}
#' \item{thr}{threshold value.}
#' \item{residuals}{estimated innovations.}
#' \item{sresi}{standardized residuals.}
#' \item{nobs}{numbers of observations in different regimes.}
#' \item{cnst}{logical values indicating whether the constant terms are included in different regimes.}
#' \item{AIC}{AIC value.}
#' \item{delay}{two elements (\code{i,d}) with "\code{i}" being the component and "\code{d}" the delay for threshold variable.}
#' \item{thrV}{values of threshold variable.}
#' @examples
#' phi1=matrix(c(0.5,0.7,0.3,0.2),2,2)
#' phi2=matrix(c(0.4,0.6,0.5,-0.5),2,2)
#' sigma1=matrix(c(1,0,0,1),2,2)
#' sigma2=matrix(c(1,0,0,1),2,2)
#' c1=c(0,0)
#' c2=c(0,0)
#' delay=c(1,1)
#' y=mTAR.sim(100,0,phi1,phi2,sigma1,sigma2,c1,c2,delay,ini=500)
#' est=mTAR.est(y$series,c(1,1),0,delay)
#' @export
"mTAR.est" <- function(y,arorder=c(1,1),thr=c(0),delay=c(1,1),thrV=NULL,include.mean=c(TRUE,TRUE),output=TRUE){
if(!is.matrix(y)) y <- as.matrix(y)
p <- max(arorder)
if(p < 1)p <-1
k <- length(arorder)
d <- delay[2]
ist <- max(p,d)+1
nT <- nrow(y)
ky <- ncol(y)
Y <- y[ist:nT,]
for (i in 1:p){
    X <- cbind(X,y[(ist-i):(nT-i),])
X <- as.matrix(X)
nobe <- nT-ist+1
if(length(thrV) < nT){
 thrV <- y[(ist-d):(nT-d),delay[1]]
 if(output) cat("Estimation of a multivariate SETAR model: ","\n")
 }else{thrV <- thrV[ist:nT]}
### make sure that the threholds are in increasing order!!!
thr <- sort(thr)
k1 <- length(thr)
### house keeping
 beta <- NULL
 sigma <- NULL
 nobs <- NULL
 resi <- matrix(0,nobe,ky)
 sresi <- matrix(0,nobe,ky)
 npar <- NULL
 AIC <- 99999
if(k1 > (k-1)){
 cat("Only the first: ",k1," thresholds are used.","\n")
 THr <- min(thrV)-1
 thr <- thr[1:(k-1)]
 THr <- c(THr,thr,(max(thrV)+1))
if(k1 < (k-1)){cat("Too few threshold values are given!!!","\n")}
if(length(include.mean) != k)include.mean=rep("TRUE",k)
if(k1 == (k-1)){
 THr <- c((min(thrV[1:nobe])-1),thr,c(max(thrV[1:nobe])+1))
 if(output) cat("Thresholds used: ",thr,"\n")
 for (j in 1:k){
  idx <- c(1:nobe)[thrV <= THr[j]]
  jdx <- c(1:nobe)[thrV > THr[j+1]]
  jrm <- c(idx,jdx)
  n1 <- nobe-length(jrm)
  nobs <- c(nobs,n1)
  kdx <- c(1:nobe)[-jrm]
  x1 <- X
  if(include.mean[j]){x1 <- cbind(rep(1,nobe),x1)}
  np <- ncol(x1)*ky
  npar <- c(npar,np)
  beta <- matrix(0,(p*ky+1),k*ky)
  sig <- diag(rep(1,ky))
  if(n1 <= ncol(x1)){
   cat("Regime ",j," does not have sufficient observations!","\n")
   sigma <- cbind(sigma,sig)
   mm <- MlmNeSS(Y,x1,subset=kdx,SD=TRUE,include.mean=include.mean[j])
   jst = (j-1)*k
   beta1 <- mm$beta
   beta[1:nrow(beta1),(jst+1):(jst+k)] <- beta1
   Sigma <- mm$sigma
    cat("Estimation of regime: ",j," with sample size: ",n1,"\n")   
    cat("Coefficient estimates:t(phi0,phi1,...) ","\n")
    colnames(mm$coef) <- c("est","se")
    cat("Sigma: ","\n")
   sigma <- cbind(sigma,Sigma)
   resi[kdx,] <- mm$residuals
   m1 <- eigen(Sigma)
   P <- m1$vectors
   Di <- diag(1/sqrt(m1$values))
   Sighinv <- P%*%Di%*%t(P)
   sresi[kdx,] <- mm$residuals %*% Sighinv
  AIC <- 0
  for (j in 1:k){
   sig <- sigma[,((j-1)*k+1):(j*k)]
   d1 <- det(sig)
   n1 <- nobs[j]
   np <- npar[j]
   if(!is.null(sig)){s2 <- sig^2*(n1-np)/n1
               AIC <- AIC + log(d1)*n1 + 2*np
  if(output) cat("Overal AIC: ",AIC,"\n")
mTAR.est <- list(data=y,k = k, arorder=arorder,beta=beta,sigma=sigma,thr=thr,residuals=resi,
sresi=sresi,nobs=nobs,cnst=include.mean, AIC=AIC, delay=delay,thrV=thrV)

#' Refine A Fitted 2-Regime Multivariate TAR Model 
#' Refine a fitted 2-regime multivariate TAR model using "thres" as threshold for t-ratios.
#' @param m1 a fitted mTAR object.
#' @param thres threshold value.
#' @return ref.mTAR returns a list with following components:
#' \item{data}{data matrix, \code{y}.}
#' \item{arorder}{AR orders of regimes 1 and 2.}
#' \item{sigma}{estimated innovational covariance matrices of regimes 1 and 2.}
#' \item{beta}{a (\code{p*k+1})-by-(\code{2k}) matrices. The first \code{k} columns show the estimation results in regime 1, and the second \code{k} columns shows these in regime 2.}
#' \item{residuals}{estimated innovations.}
#' \item{sresi}{standard residuals.}
#' \item{criteria}{overall information criteria.}
#' @examples
#' phi1=matrix(c(0.5,0.7,0.3,0.2),2,2)
#' phi2=matrix(c(0.4,0.6,0.5,-0.5),2,2)
#' sigma1=matrix(c(1,0,0,1),2,2)
#' sigma2=matrix(c(1,0,0,1),2,2)
#' c1=c(0,0)
#' c2=c(0,0)
#' delay=c(1,1)
#' y=mTAR.sim(100,0,phi1,phi2,sigma1,sigma2,c1,c2,delay,ini=500)
#' est=mTAR.est(y$series,c(1,1),0,delay)
#' ref.mTAR(est,0)
#' @export
"ref.mTAR" <- function(m1,thres=1.0){
y <- m1$data
arorder <- m1$arorder
sigma <- m1$sigma
nobs <- m1$nobs
thr <- m1$thr
delay <- m1$delay
thrV <- m1$thrV
include.mean <- m1$cnst
mA <- m1$model1
mB <- m1$model2
vName <- colnames(y)
        vName <- paste("V",1:ncol(y))
        colnames(y) <- vName
p = max(arorder)
d = delay[2]
ist = max(p,d)+1
nT <- nrow(y)
ky <- ncol(y)
nobe <- nT-ist+1
### set up regression framework
yt <- y[ist:nT,]
x1 <- NULL
xname <- NULL
vNameL <- paste(vName,"L",sep="")
for (i in 1:p){
 xname <- c(xname,paste(vNameL,i,sep=""))
colnames(x1) <- xname
X <- x1
if(include.mean[1]){X <- cbind(rep(1,nobe),X)
            xname <- c("cnst",xname)
colnames(X) <- xname
### Final estimation results
###cat("Coefficients are in vec(beta), where t(beta)=[phi0,phi1,...]","\n")
 npar <- NULL
  np <- ncol(X)
  beta <- matrix(0,np,ky*2)
  resi = matrix(0,nobe,ky)
  sresi <- matrix(0,nobe,ky)
  idx = c(1:nobe)[thrV <= thr]
  n1 <- length(idx)
  n2 <- nrow(yt)-n1
### Regime 1, component-by-component
  cat("Regime 1 with sample size: ",n1,"\n")
  coef <- mA$coef
  for (ij in 1:ky){
   tra <- rep(0,np)
   i1 <- (ij-1)*np
   jj <- c(1:np)[coef[(i1+1):(i1+np),2] > 0]
   tra[jj] <- coef[(i1+jj),1]/coef[(i1+jj),2]
###   cat("tra: ",tra,"\n")
   kdx <- c(1:np)[abs(tra) >= thres]
  npar <- c(npar,length(kdx))
  cat("Significant variables: ",kdx,"\n")
  if(length(kdx) > 0){ 
   xreg <- as.matrix(X[idx,kdx])
   colnames(xreg) <- colnames(X)[kdx]
   m1a <- lm(yt[idx,ij]~-1+xreg)
   m1aS <- summary(m1a)
   beta[kdx,ij] <- m1aS$coefficients[,1]
   resi[idx,ij] <- m1a$residuals
   cat("Component: ",ij,"\n")
     resi[idx,ij] <- yt[idx,ij]
  RES <- cbind(RES,c(resi[idx,ij]))
 sigma1 <- crossprod(RES,RES)/n1
 cat("sigma: ", "\n")
# cat("Information(aic,bix,hq): ",infc,"\n")
 m1 <- eigen(sigma1)
 P <- m1$vectors
 Di <- diag(1/sqrt(m1$values))
 siv <- P%*%Di%*%t(P)
 sresi[idx,] <- RES%*%siv
 ###  Regime 2 ####
  cat("Regime 2 with sample size: ",n2,"\n")
  coef <- mB$coef
  for (ij in 1:ky){
   tra <- rep(0,np)
   i1 <- (ij-1)*np
   jj <- c(1:np)[coef[(i1+1):(i1+np),2] > 0]
   tra[jj] <- coef[(i1+jj),1]/coef[(i1+jj),2]
###   cat("tra: ",tra,"\n")
   kdx <- c(1:np)[abs(tra) >= thres]
  cat("Significant variables: ",kdx,"\n")
  npar <- c(npar,length(kdx))
  if(length(kdx) > 0){
   xreg <- as.matrix(X[-idx,kdx])
   colnames(xreg) <- colnames(X)[kdx]
   m1a <- lm(yt[-idx,ij]~-1+xreg)
   m1aS <- summary(m1a)
   beta[kdx,ij+ky] <- m1aS$coefficients[,1]
   resi[-idx,ij] <- m1a$residuals
   cat("Component: ",ij,"\n")
    resi[-idx,ij] <- yt[-idx,ij]
  RES <- cbind(RES,c(resi[-idx,ij]))
 sigma2 <- crossprod(RES,RES)/n2
 cat("sigma: ", "\n")
# cat("Information(aic,bix,hq): ",infc,"\n")
 m1 <- eigen(sigma2)
 P <- m1$vectors
 Di <- diag(1/sqrt(m1$values))
 siv <- P%*%Di%*%t(P)
 sresi[-idx,] <- RES%*%siv
 fitted.values <- yt-resi
 cat(" ","\n")
 cat("Overall pooled estimate of sigma: ","\n")
 sigma = (n1*sigma1+n2*sigma2)/(n1+n2)
 d1 <- log(det(sigma))
 nnp <- sum(npar)
 TT <- (n1+n2)
 aic <- TT*d1+2*nnp
 bic <- TT*d1+log(TT)*nnp
 hq <- TT*d1+2*log(log(TT))*nnp
 cri <- c(aic,bic,hq)
### infc = m1a$information+m1b$information
cat("Overall information criteria(aic,bic,hq): ",cri,"\n")
 Sigma <- cbind(sigma1,sigma2)
ref.mTAR <- list(data=y,arorder=arorder,sigma=Sigma,beta=beta,residuals=resi,sresi=sresi,criteria=cri)

#' Prediction of A Fitted Multivariate TAR Model
#' Prediction of a fitted multivariate TAR model.
#' @param model multivariate TAR model.
#' @param orig forecast origin.
#' @param h forecast horizon.
#' @param iterations number of iterations.
#' @param ci confidence level.
#' @param output a logical value for output.
#' @return mTAR.pred returns a list with components:
#' \item{model}{the multivariate TAR model.}
#' \item{pred}{prediction.}
#' \item{Ysim}{fitted \code{y}.}
#' @examples
#' phi1=matrix(c(0.5,0.7,0.3,0.2),2,2)
#' phi2=matrix(c(0.4,0.6,0.5,-0.5),2,2)
#' sigma1=matrix(c(1,0,0,1),2,2)
#' sigma2=matrix(c(1,0,0,1),2,2)
#' c1=c(0,0)
#' c2=c(0,0)
#' delay=c(1,1)
#' y=mTAR.sim(100,0,phi1,phi2,sigma1,sigma2,c1,c2,delay,ini=500)
#' est=mTAR.est(y$series,c(1,1),0,delay)
#' pred=mTAR.pred(est,100,1,300,0.90,TRUE)
#' @export
"mTAR.pred" <- function(model,orig,h=1,iterations=3000,ci=0.95,output=TRUE){
## ci: probability of pointwise confidence interval coefficient
### only works for self-exciting mTAR models.
y <- model$data
arorder <- model$arorder
beta <- model$beta
sigma <- model$sigma
thr <- model$thr
include.mean <- model$cnst
delay <- model$delay
p <- max(arorder)
k <- length(arorder)
d <- delay[2]
nT <- nrow(y)
ky <- ncol(y)
if(orig < 1)orig <- nT
if(orig > nT) orig <- nT
if(h < 1) h <- 1
### compute the predictions. Use simulation if the threshold is predicted
Sigh <- NULL
for (j in 1:k){
 sig <- sigma[,((j-1)*ky+1):(j*ky)]
 m1 <- eigen(sig)
 P <- m1$vectors
 Di <- diag(sqrt(m1$values))
 sigh <- P%*%Di%*%t(P)
 Sigh <- cbind(Sigh,sigh)
Ysim <- array(0,dim=c(h,ky,iterations))
for (it in 1:iterations){
  yp <- y[1:orig,]
  et <- matrix(rnorm(h*ky),h,ky)
  for (ii in 1:h){
   t <- orig+ii
   thd <- yp[(t-d),delay[1]]
   JJ <- 1
   for (j in 1:(k-1)){
     if(thd > thr[j]){JJ <- j+1}
   Jst <- (JJ-1)*ky
   at <- matrix(et[ii,],1,ky)%*%Sigh[,(Jst+1):(Jst+ky)]
   x <- NULL
   if(include.mean[JJ]) x <- 1
   pJ <- arorder[JJ]
   phi <- beta[,(Jst+1):(Jst+ky)]
   for (i in 1:pJ){
    x <- c(x,yp[(t-i),])
   yhat <- matrix(x,1,length(x))%*%phi[1:length(x),]
   yhat <- yhat+at
   yp <- rbind(yp,yhat)
   Ysim[ii,,it] <- yhat
### summary
 pred <- NULL
 upp <- NULL
 low <- NULL
 pr <- (1-ci)/2
 pro <- c(pr, 1-pr)
 for (ii in 1:h){
  fst <- NULL
  lowb <- NULL
  uppb <- NULL
  for (j in 1:ky){
   ave <- mean(Ysim[ii,j,])
   quti <- quantile(Ysim[ii,j,],prob=pro)
   fst <- c(fst,ave)
   lowb <- c(lowb,quti[1])
   uppb <- c(uppb,quti[2])
   pred <- rbind(pred,fst)
   low <- rbind(low,lowb)
   upp <- rbind(upp,uppb)
 colnames(pred) <- colnames(y)
 cat("Forecast origin: ",orig,"\n")
 cat("Predictions: 1-step to ",h,"-step","\n")
 cat("Lower bounds of ",ci*100," % confident intervals","\n")
 cat("Upper bounds: ","\n")
mTAR.pred <- list(data=y,pred = pred,Ysim=Ysim)

"MlmNeSS" <- function(y,z,subset=NULL,SD=FALSE,include.mean=TRUE){
# z: design matrix, including 1 as its first column if constant is needed.
# y: dependent variables
# subset: locators for the rows used in estimation
## Model is y = z%*%beta+error
#### include.mean is ONLY used in counting parameters. z-matrix should include column of 1 if constant
#### is needed.
#### SD: switch for computing standard errors of the estimates
zc = as.matrix(z)
yc = as.matrix(y)
 zc <- zc[subset,]
 yc <- yc[subset,]
k <- ncol(y)
infc = rep(9999,3)
if(n <= p){
  cat("too few data points in a regime: ","\n")
   beta = NULL
   res = yc
   sig = NULL
### Sum of squares of residuals
    sigls <- sig*(n/(n-p))
    s <- kronecker(sigls,ztzinv)
    se <- sqrt(diag(s)/n)
    coef <- cbind(c(beta),se)
#### MLE estimate of sigma 
    d1 = log(det(sig))
    aic <- n*d1+2*npar
    bic <- n*d1 + log(n)*npar
    hq <- n*d1 + 2*log(log(n))*npar
MlmNeSS <- list(beta=beta,residuals=res,sigma=sig,coef=coef,information=infc,score=score)

#' Generate Univeraite 2-regime Markov Switching Models
#' Generate univeraite 2-regime Markov switching models.
#' @param nob number of observations.
#' @param order AR order for each regime.
#' @param phi1,phi2 AR coefficients.
#' @param epsilon transition probabilities (switching out of regime 1 and 2).
#' @param sigma standard errors for each regime.
#' @param cnst constant term for each regime.
#' @param ini burn-in period.
#' @return MSM.sim returns a list with components:
#' \item{series}{a time series following SETAR model.}
#' \item{at}{innovation of the time seres.}
#' \item{state}{states for the time series.}
#' \item{epsilon}{transition probabilities (switching out of regime 1 and 2).}
#' \item{sigma}{standard error for each regime.}
#' \item{cnst}{constant terms.}
#' \item{order}{AR-order for each regime.}
#' \item{phi1, phi2}{the AR coefficients for two regimes.}
#' @examples
#' y=MSM.sim(100,c(1,1),0.7,-0.5,c(0.5,0.6),c(1,1),c(0,0),500)
#' @export
"MSM.sim" <- function(nob,order=c(1,1),phi1=NULL,phi2=NULL,epsilon=c(0.1,0.1),sigma=c(1,1),cnst=c(0,0),ini=500){
nT <- nob+ini
et <- rnorm(nT)
p <- max(order)
if(p < 1) p <- 1
if(order[1] < 0)order[1] <- 1
if(order[2] < 0)order[2] <- 1
if(sigma[1] < 0)sigma[1] <- 1
if(sigma[2] < 0)sigma[2] <- 1
ist <- p+1
y <- et[1:p]
at <- et
state <- rbinom(p,1,0.5)+1
for (i in ist:nT){
  p1 <- epsilon[1]
  sti <- state[i-1]
  if(sti == 2)p1 <- epsilon[2]
  sw <- rbinom(1,1,p1)
  st <- sti
  if(sti == 1){
   if(sw == 1)st <- 2
    if(sw == 1)st <- 1
 if(st == 1){
  tmp <- cnst[1]
  at[i] <- et[i]*sigma[1]
  if(order[1] > 0){
   for (j in 1:order[1]){
    tmp = tmp + phi1[j]*y[i-j]
   y[i] <- tmp+at[i]
   else{ tmp <- cnst[2]
   at[i] <- et[i]*sigma[2]
   if(order[2] > 0){
    for (j in 1:order[2]){
     tmp <- tmp + phi2[j]*y[i-j]
    y[i] <- tmp + at[i]
   state <- c(state,st)
MSM.sim <- list(series=y[(ini+1):nT],at = at[(ini+1):nT], state=state[(ini+1):nT], epsilon=epsilon,

#' Threshold Nonlinearity Test 
#' Threshold nonlinearity test.
#' @references
#' Tsay, R. (1989) Testing and Modeling Threshold Autoregressive Processes. \emph{Journal of the American Statistical Associations} \strong{84}(405), 231-240.
#' @param y a time seris.
#' @param p AR order.
#' @param d delay for the threhosld variable.
#' @param thrV threshold variable.
#' @param ini inital number of data to start RLS estimation.
#' @param include.mean a logical value for including constant terms.
#' @return \code{thr.test} returns a list with components: 
#' \item{F-ratio}{F statistic.}
#' \item{df}{the numerator and denominator degrees of freedom.}
#' \item{ini}{initial number of data to start RLS estimation.} 
#' @examples
#' arorder=rep(1,2)
#' ar.coef=matrix(c(0.7,-0.8),2,1)
#' y=uTAR.sim(100,arorder,ar.coef,1,0)
#' thr.test(y$series,1,1,y$series,40,TRUE)
#' @export
"thr.test" <- function(y,p=1,d=1,thrV=NULL,ini=40,include.mean=T){
if(is.matrix(y))y <- y[,1]
nT <- length(y)
if(p < 1)p <-1
if(d < 1) d <-1
ist <- max(p,d)+1
nobe <- nT-ist+1
if(length(thrV) < nobe){
 cat("SETAR model is entertained","\n")
 thrV <- y[(ist-d):(nT-d)]
 }else{thrV <- thrV[1:nobe]}
Y <- y[ist:nT]
for (i in 1:p){
  X <- cbind(X,y[(ist-i):(nT-i)])
if(include.mean){X <- cbind(rep(1,nobe),X)}
X <- as.matrix(X)
kx <- ncol(X)
m1 <- sort(thrV,index.return=TRUE)
idx <- m1$ix
Y <- Y[idx]
if(kx == 1){X <- X[idx]
       }else{ X <- X[idx,]}
while(kx > ini){ini <- ini+10}
if(kx == 1){
   XpX = sum(X[1:ini]^2)
   XpY <- sum(X[1:ini]*Y[1:ini])
   betak <- XpY/XpX
   Pk <- 1/XpX
   resi <- Y[1:ini] - X[1:ini]*betak
   else{ XpX <- t(X[1:ini,])%*%X[1:ini,]
         XpY <- t(X[1:ini,])%*%as.matrix(Y[1:ini])
	 Pk <- solve(XpX)
	 betak <- Pk%*%XpY
	 resi <- Y[1:ini]-X[1:ini,]%*%betak
### RLS to obtain standardized residuals
sresi <- resi
if(ini < nobe){
 for (i in (ini+1):nobe){
   if(kx == 1){xk <- X[i]
               er <- xk*betak-Y[i]
	       deno <- 1+xk^2/Pk
	       betak <- betak -Pk*er/deno
	       tmp <- Pk*xk
	       Pk <- tmp*tmp/deno
	       sresi <- c(sresi,er/sqrt(deno))
	       xk <- matrix(X[i,],kx,1)
	       tmp <- Pk%*%xk
	       er <- t(xk)%*%betak - Y[i]
	       deno <- 1  + t(tmp)%*%xk
	       betak <- betak - tmp*c(er)/c(deno)
	       Pk <- Pk -tmp%*%t(tmp)/c(deno)
	       sresi <- c(sresi,c(er)/sqrt(c(deno)))
###cat("final esimates: ",betak,"\n")
### testing
Ys <- sresi[(ini+1):nobe]
if(kx == 1){x <- data.frame(X[(ini+1):nobe])
           }else{ x <- data.frame(X[(ini+1):nobe,])}
m2 <- lm(Ys~.,data=x)
Num <- sum(Ys^2)-sum(m2$residuals^2)
Deno <- sum(m2$residuals^2)
h <- max(1,p+1-d)
df1 <- p+1
df2 <- nT-d-ini-p-h
Fratio <- (Num/df1)/(Deno/df2)

cat("Threshold nonlinearity test for (p,d): ",c(p,d),"\n")
pv <- pf(Fratio,df1,df2,lower.tail=FALSE)
cat("F-ratio and p-value: ",c(Fratio,pv),"\n")
else{cat("Insufficient sample size to perform the test!","\n")}

thr.test <- list(F.ratio = Fratio,df=c(df1,df2),ini=ini)

#' Tsay Test for Nonlinearity
#' Perform Tsay (1986) nonlinearity test.
#' @references
#' Tsay, R. (1986) Nonlinearity tests for time series. \emph{Biometrika} \strong{73}(2), 461-466.
#' @param y time series.
#' @param p AR order.
#' @return The function outputs the F statistic, p value, and the degrees of freedom. The null hypothsis is there is no nonlinearity.
#' @examples
#' y=MSM.sim(100,c(1,1),0.7,-0.5,c(0.5,0.6),c(1,1),c(0,0),500)
#' Tsay(y$series,1)
#' @export
"Tsay" <- function(y,p=1){
nT <- length(y)
if(p < 1)p <- 1
ist <- p+1
Y <- y[ist:nT]
ym <- scale(y,center=TRUE,scale=FALSE)
X <- rep(1,nT-p)
for (i in 1:p){
 X <- cbind(X,ym[(ist-i):(nT-i)])
colnames(X) <- c("cnst",paste("lag",1:p))
m1 <- lm(Y~-1+.,data=data.frame(X))
resi <- m1$residuals
for (i in 1:p){
 for (j in 1:i){
  XX <- cbind(XX,ym[(ist-i):(nT-i)]*ym[(ist-j):(nT-j)])
for (i in 1:ncol(XX)){
 mm <- lm(XX[,i]~.,data=data.frame(X))
 XR <- cbind(XR,mm$residuals)
colnames(XR) <- paste("crossp",1:ncol(XX))
m2 <- lm(resi~-1+.,data=data.frame(XR))
resi2 <- m2$residuals
SS0 <- sum(resi^2)
SS1 <- sum(resi2^2)
df1 <- ncol(XX)
df2 <- nT-p-df1-1
Num <- (SS0-SS1)/df1
Deno <- SS1/df2
F <- Num/Deno
pv <- 1-pf(F,df1,df2)
cat("Non-linearity test & its p-value: ",c(F,pv),"\n")
cat("Degrees of freedom of the test: ",c(df1,df2),"\n")

#' Backtest
#' Backtest for an ARIMA time series model.
#' @param m1 an ARIMA time series model object.
#' @param rt the time series.
#' @param orig forecast origin.
#' @param h forecast horizon.
#' @param xre the independent variables.
#' @param fixed parameter constriant.
#' @param include.mean a logicial value for constant term of the model. Default is TRUE.
#' @return The function returns a list with following components:
#' \item{orig}{the starting forecast origin.}
#' \item{err}{observed value minus fitted value.}
#' \item{rmse}{RMSE of out-of-sample forecasts.}
#' \item{mabso}{mean absolute error of out-of-sample forecasts.}
#' \item{bias}{bias of out-of-sample foecasts.}
#' @examples
#' data=arima.sim(n=100,list(ar=c(0.5,0.3)))
#' model=arima(data,order=c(2,0,0))
#' backtest(model,data,orig=70,h=1)
#' @export
"backtest" <- function(m1,rt,orig,h,xre=NULL,fixed=NULL,include.mean=TRUE){
# m1: is a time-series model object
# orig: is the starting forecast origin
# rt: the time series
# xre: the independent variables
# h: forecast horizon
# fixed: parameter constriant
# inc.mean: flag for constant term of the model.
if(orig > nT)orig=nT
if(h < 1) h=1
bias <- rep(0,h)
for (n in orig:jlast){
 if (is.null(xre))
  pretor=NULL else pretor=xre[1:n,]
 if (is.null(xre)){nx=NULL} 
   else {nx=matrix(xre[(n+1):(n+h),],h,ncol(xre))}
# nof is the effective number of forecats at the forecast origin n.
for (i in 1:h){
print("RMSE of out-of-sample forecasts")
print("Mean absolute error of out-of-sample forecasts")
print("Bias of out-of-sample foecasts")
backtest <- list(origin=orig,error=err,rmse=rmse,mabso=mabso,bias=bias)

#' Backtest for Univariate TAR Models
#' Perform back-test of a univariate SETAR model.
#' @param model SETAR model.
#' @param orig forecast origin.
#' @param h forecast horizon.
#' @param iter number of iterations.
#' @examples
#' arorder=rep(1,2)
#' ar.coef=matrix(c(0.7,-0.8),2,1)
#' y=uTAR.sim(100,arorder,ar.coef,1,0)
#' est=uTAR.est(y$series,arorder,0,1)
#' backTAR(est,50,1,3000)
#' @return \code{backTAR} returns a list of components:
#' \item{model}{SETAR model.}
#' \item{error}{prediction errors.}
#' \item{State}{predicted states.}
#' @export
"backTAR" <- function(model,orig,h=1,iter=3000){
y <- model$data
order <- model$arorder
thr1 <- c(model$thr)
thr2 <- c(min(y)-1,thr1,max(y)+1)
cnst <- model$cnst
d1 <- model$delay
nT <- length(y)
if(orig < 1)orig <- nT-1
if(orig >= nT) orig <- nT-1
Err <- NULL
Y <- c(y,rep(mean(y),h))
nregime <- length(thr1)+1
State <- rep(nregime,(nT-orig))
for (n in orig:(nT-1)){
 y1 <- y[1:n]
 v1 <- y[n-d1]
 jj = nregime
 for (j in 1:nregime){
  if((v1 > thr2[j]) && (v1 <= thr2[j+1]))jj=j
 State[n-orig+1] = jj
 m1 <- uTAR.est(y1,arorder=order,thr=thr1,d=d1,include.mean=cnst,output=FALSE)
 m2 <- uTAR.pred(m1,n,h=h,iterations=iter,output=FALSE)
 er <- Y[(n+1):(n+h)]-m2$pred
 if(h == 1) {Err=c(Err,er)
	    else{Err <- rbind(Err,matrix(er,1,h))}
## summary statistics
Bias <- NULL
if(h == 1){
 MSE = mean(Err^2)
 MAE = mean(abs(Err))
 Bias = mean(Err)
 nf <- length(Err)
  nf <- nrow(Err)
  for (j in 1:h){
   err <- Err[1:(nf-j+1),j]
   MSE <- c(MSE,mean(err^2))
   MAE <- c(MAE,mean(abs(err)))
   Bias <- c(Bias,mean(err))
cat("Starting forecast origin: ",orig,"\n")
cat("1-step to ",h,"-step out-sample forecasts","\n")
cat("RMSE: ",sqrt(MSE),"\n")
cat(" MAE: ",MAE,"\n")
cat("Bias: ",Bias,"\n")
cat("Performance based on the regime of forecast origins: ","\n")
for (j in 1:nregime){
 if(h == 1){
  MSEj = mean(Errj^2)
  MAEj = mean(abs(Errj))
  Biasj = mean(Errj)
   MSEj <- NULL
   MAEj <- NULL
   Biasj <- NULL
   for (i in 1:h){
    err = Err[idx,i]
    MSEj <- c(MSEj,mean(err^2))
    MAEj <- c(MAEj,mean(abs(err)))
    Biasj <- c(Biasj,mean(err))
  cat("Summary Statistics when forecast origins are in State: ",j,"\n")
  cat("Number of forecasts used: ",length(idx),"\n")
  cat("RMSEj: ",sqrt(MSEj),"\n")
  cat(" MAEj: ",MAEj,"\n")
  cat("Biasj: ",Biasj,"\n")
backTAR <- list(model=model,error=Err,State=State)

#' Rank-Based Portmanteau Tests
#' Performs rank-based portmanteau statistics.
#' @param zt time series.
#' @param lag the maximum lag to calculate the test statistic.
#' @param output a logical value for output. Default is TRUE.
#' @return \code{rankQ} function outputs the test statistics and p-values for Portmanteau tests, and returns a list with components:
#' \item{Qstat}{test statistics.}
#' \item{pv}{p-values.}
#' @examples
#' y=rnorm(1000)
#' rankQ(y,10,output=TRUE)
#' @export
"rankQ" <- function(zt,lag=10,output=TRUE){
nT <- length(zt)
Rt <- rank(zt)
erho <- vrho <- rho <- NULL
rbar <- (nT+1)/2
sse <- nT*(nT^2-1)/12
Qstat <- NULL
pv <- NULL
rmRt <- Rt - rbar
deno <- 5*(nT-1)^2*nT^2*(nT+1)
n1 <- 5*nT^4
Q <- 0
for (i in 1:lag){
 tmp <- crossprod(rmRt[1:(nT-i)],rmRt[(i+1):nT])
 tmp <- tmp/sse
 rho <- c(rho,tmp)
 er <- -(nT-i)/(nT*(nT-1))
 erho <- c(erho,er)
 vr <- (n1-(5*i+9)*nT^3+9*(i-2)*nT^2+2*i*(5*i+8)*nT+16*i^2)/deno
 vrho <- c(vrho,vr)
 Q <- Q+(tmp-er)^2/vr
 Qstat <- c(Qstat,Q)
 pv <- c(pv,1-pchisq(Q,i))
 cat("Results of rank-based Q(m) statistics: ","\n")
 Out <- cbind(c(1:lag),rho,Qstat,pv)
 colnames(Out) <- c("Lag","ACF","Qstat","p-value")

rankQ <- list(rho = rho, erho = erho, vrho=vrho,Qstat=Qstat,pv=pv)

#' F Test for Nonlinearity
#' Compute the F-test statistic for nonlinearity
#' @param x time series.
#' @param order AR order.
#' @param thres threshold value.
#' @return The function outputs the test statistic and its p-value, and return a list with components:
#' \item{test.stat}{test statistic.}
#' \item{p.value}{p-value.}
#' \item{order}{AR order.}
#' @examples
#' y=rnorm(100)
#' F.test(y,2,0)
#' @export
"F.test" <- function(x,order,thres=0.0){
if (missing(order)) order=ar(x)$order
 m <- order
 ist <- m+1
 nT <- length(x)
 y <- x[ist:nT]
 X <- NULL
 for (i in 1:m) X <- cbind(X,x[(ist-i):(nT-i)])
 lm1 <- lm(y~X)
 a1 <- summary(lm1)
 coef <- a1$coefficient[-1,]
 idx <- c(1:m)[abs(coef[,3]) > thres]
 jj <- length(idx)
        idx <- c(1:m)
	jj <- m
 for (j in 1:jj){
   for (k in 1:j){
    X <- cbind(X,x[(ist-idx[j]):(nT-idx[j])]*x[(ist-idx[k]):(nT-idx[k])])
 lm2 <- lm(y~X)
 a2 <- anova(lm1,lm2)
 list(test.stat = signif(a2[[5]][2],4),p.value=signif(a2[[6]][2],4),order=order)

#' ND Test
#' Compute the ND test statistic of Pena and Rodriguez (2006, JSPI).
#' @param x time series.
#' @param m the maximum number of lag of correlation to test.
#' @param p AR order.
#' @param q MA order.
#' @references
#' Pena, D., and Rodriguez, J. (2006) A powerful Portmanteau test of lack of fit for time series. series. \emph{Journal of American Statistical Association}, 97, 601-610.
#' @return \code{PRnd} function outputs the ND test statistic and its p-value.
#' @examples
#' y=arima.sim(n=500,list(ar=c(0.8,-0.6,0.7)))
#' PRnd(y,10,3,0)
#' @export
"PRnd" <- function(x,m=10,p=0,q=0){
pq <- p+q
nu <- 3*(m+1)*(m-2*pq)^2
de <- (2*m*(2*m+1)-12*(m+1)*pq)*2
alpha <- nu/de
#cat("alpha: ",alpha,"\n")
beta <- 3*(m+1)*(m-2*pq)
beta <- beta/(2*m*(m+m+1)-12*(m+1)*pq)
n1 <- 2*(m/2-pq)*(m*m/(4*(m+1))-pq)
d1 <- 3*(m*(2*m+1)/(6*(m+1))-pq)^2
r1 <- 1-(n1/d1)
lambda <- 1/r1
cat("lambda: ",lambda,"\n")
if(is.matrix(x))x <- c(x[,1])
nT <- length(x)
adjacf <- c(1)
xwm <- scale(x,center=T,scale=F)
deno <- crossprod(xwm,xwm)
if(nT > m){
 for (i in 1:m){
   nn <- crossprod(xwm[1:(nT-i)],xwm[(i+1):nT])
   adjacf <- c(adjacf,(nT+2)*nn/((nT-i)*deno))
## cat("adjacf: ",adjacf,"\n")
  adjacf <- c(adjacf,rep(0,m))
Rm <- adjacf
tmp <- adjacf
for (i in 1:m){
 tmp <- c(adjacf[i+1],tmp[-(m+1)])
 Rm <- rbind(Rm,tmp)
#cat("Rm: ","\n")

tst <- -(nT/(m+1))*log(det(Rm))
a1 <- alpha/beta
nd <- a1^(-r1)*(lambda/sqrt(alpha))*(tst^r1-a1^r1*(1-(lambda-1)/(2*alpha*lambda^2)))
pv <- 2*(1-pnorm(abs(nd)))
cat("ND-stat & p-value ",c(nd,pv),"\n")

#' Create Dummy Variables for High-Frequency Intraday Seasonality
#' Create dummy variables for high-frequency intraday seasonality.
#' @param int length of time interval in minutes.
#' @param Fopen number of dummies/intervals from the market open.
#' @param Tend number of dummies/intervals to the market close.
#' @param days number of trading days in the data.
#' @param pooled a logical value indicating whether the data are pooled.
#' @param skipmin the number of minites omitted from the opening.
#' @examples 
#' x=hfDummy(5,Fopen=4,Tend=4,days=2,skipmin=15)
#' @export
"hfDummy" <- function(int=1,Fopen=10,Tend=10,days=1,pooled=1,skipmin=0){
for (i in 1:Fopen){
for (j in 1:Tend){
if(pooled > 1){
if(nh > 0){
for (ii in 1:nh){
if(rem > 0){
if(nh > 0){
for (ii in 1:nh){
if(rem > 0){


hfDummy <- X

"factorialOwn" <- function(n,log=T){

#' Estimate Time-Varying Coefficient AR Models
#' Estimate time-varying coefficient AR models.
#' @param x a time series of data.
#' @param lags the lagged variables used, e.g. lags=c(1,3) means lag-1 and lag-3 are used as regressors. 
#' It is more flexible than specifying an order.
#' @param include.mean a logical value indicating whether the constant terms are included. 
#' @return \code{trAR} function returns the value from function \code{dlmMLE}.
#' @examples
#' t=50
#' x=rnorm(t)
#' phi1=matrix(0.4,t,1)
#' for (i in 2:t){
#'    phi1[i]=0.7*phi1[i-1]+rnorm(1,0,0.1)
#' 	x[i]=phi1[i]*x[i-1]+rnorm(1)
#' }
#' est=tvAR(x,1)
#' @import dlm
#' @export 
"tvAR" <- function(x,lags=c(1),include.mean=TRUE){
if(is.matrix(x))x <- c(x[,1])
nlag <-  length(lags)
if(nlag > 0){p <- max(lags)
  p=0; inlcude.mean=TRUE}
ist <- p+1
nT <- length(x)
nobe <- nT-p
if(include.mean)X <- rep(1,nobe)
if(nlag > 0){
for (i in 1:nlag){
 ii = lags[i]
 X <- cbind(X,x[(ist-ii):(nT-ii)])
X <- as.matrix(X)

if(p > 0){c1 <- paste("lag",lags,sep="")
 }else{c1 <- NULL}
if(include.mean) c1 <- c("cnt",c1)
colnames(X) <- c1
k <- ncol(X)
y <- x[ist:nT]
m1 <- lm(y~-1+X)
coef <- m1$coefficients
#### Estimation
build <- function(parm){
 if(k == 1){
  dlm(FF=matrix(rep(1,k),nrow=1),V=exp(parm[1]), W=exp(parm[2]),
  GG=diag(k),m0=coef, C0 = diag(k),JFF=matrix(c(1:k),nrow=1),X=X)
  dlm(FF=matrix(rep(1,k),nrow=1),V=exp(parm[1]), W=diag(exp(parm[-1])),
  GG=diag(k),m0=coef, C0 = diag(k),JFF=matrix(c(1:k),nrow=1),X=X)
mm <- dlmMLE(y,rep(-0.5,k+1),build)
par <- mm$par; value <- mm$value; counts <- mm$counts

cat("par:", par,"\n")
tvAR <-list(par=par,value=value,counts=counts,convergence=mm$convergence,message=mm$message)

#' Filtering and Smoothing for Time-Varying AR Models
#' This function performs forward filtering and backward smoothing for a fitted time-varying AR model with parameters in 'par'.
#' @param x a time series of data.
#' @param lags the lag of AR order.
#' @param par the fitted time-varying AR models. It can be an object returned by function. \code{tvAR}.
#' @param include.mean a logical value indicating whether the constant terms are included.
#' @examples
#' t=50
#' x=rnorm(t)
#' phi1=matrix(0.4,t,1)
#' for (i in 2:t){
#'    phi1[i]=0.7*phi1[i-1]+rnorm(1,0,0.1)
#' 	x[i]=phi1[i]*x[i-1]+rnorm(1)
#' }
#' est=tvAR(x,1)
#' tvARFiSm(x,1,FALSE,est$par)
#' @return \code{trARFiSm} function return values returned by function \code{dlmFilter} and \code{dlmSmooth}.
#' @import dlm
#' @export
"tvARFiSm" <- function(x,lags=c(1),include.mean=TRUE,par){ 
if(is.matrix(x))x <- c(x[,1])
nlag <-  length(lags)
if(nlag > 0){p <- max(lags)
  p=0; inlcude.mean=TRUE}
ist <- p+1
nT <- length(x)
nobe <- nT-p
if(include.mean)X <- rep(1,nobe)
if(nlag > 0){
for (i in 1:nlag){
 ii = lags[i]
 X <- cbind(X,x[(ist-ii):(nT-ii)])
X <- as.matrix(X)
k <- ncol(X)
y <- x[ist:nT]
m1 <- lm(y~-1+X)
coef <- m1$coefficients
### Model specification
if(k == 1){
  tvAR <- dlm(FF=matrix(rep(1,k),nrow=1),V=exp(par[1]), W=exp(par[2]),
  GG=diag(k),m0=coef, C0 = diag(k),JFF=matrix(c(1:k),nrow=1),X=X)
  tvAR <- dlm(FF=matrix(rep(1,k),nrow=1),V=exp(par[1]), W=diag(exp(par[-1])),
  GG=diag(k),m0=coef, C0 = diag(k),JFF=matrix(c(1:k),nrow=1),X=X)
mF <- dlmFilter(y,tvAR)
mS <- dlmSmooth(mF)

tvARFiSm <- list(filter=mF,smooth=mS)

#' Estimating of Random-Coefficient AR Models
#' Estimate random-coefficient AR models.
#' @param x a time series of data.
#' @param lags the lag of AR models. This is more flexible than using order. It can skip unnecessary lags.
#' @param include.mean a logical value indicating whether the constant terms are included.
#' @return \code{rcAR} function returns a list with following components:
#' \item{par}{estimated parameters.}
#' \item{se.est}{standard errors.}
#' \item{residuals}{residuals.}
#' \item{sresiduals}{standardized residuals.}
#' @examples
#' t=50
#' x=rnorm(t)
#' phi1=matrix(0.4,t,1)
#' for (i in 2:t){
#'    phi1[i]=0.7*phi1[i-1]+rnorm(1,0,0.1)
#' 	x[i]=phi1[i]*x[i-1]+rnorm(1)
#' }
#' est=rcAR(x,1,FALSE)
#' @import dlm
#' @export
"rcAR" <- function(x,lags=c(1),include.mean=TRUE){
if(is.matrix(x))x <- c(x[,1])
 mu <- mean(x)
 x <- x-mu
 cat("Sample mean: ",mu,"\n")
nlag <-  length(lags)
if(nlag  < 1){lags <- c(1); nlag <- 1}
p <- max(lags)
ist <- p+1
nT <- length(x)
nobe <- nT-p
for (i in 1:nlag){
 ii = lags[i]
 X <- cbind(X,x[(ist-ii):(nT-ii)])
X <- as.matrix(X)
k <- ncol(X)
y <- x[ist:nT]
m1 <- lm(y~-1+X)
par <- m1$coefficients
par <- c(par,rep(-3.0,k),-0.3)
##cat("initial estimates: ",par,"\n")
rcARlike <- function(par,y=y,X=X){
k <- ncol(X)
nobe <- nrow(X)
sigma2 <- exp(par[length(par)])
if(k > 1){
 beta <- matrix(par[1:k],k,1)
 yhat <- X%*%beta
 gamma <- matrix(exp(par[(k+1):(2*k)]),k,1)
 sig <- X%*%gamma
  beta <- par[1]; gamma <- exp(par[2])
  yhat <- X*beta
  sig <- X*gamma
 at <- y-yhat
 v1 <- sig+sigma2
 ll <- sum(dnorm(at,mean=rep(0,nobe),sd=sqrt(v1),log=TRUE))
rcARlike <- -ll
mm <- optim(par,rcARlike,y=y,X=X,hessian=TRUE)
est <- mm$par
H <- mm$hessian
Hi <- solve(H)
se.est <- sqrt(diag(Hi))
tratio <- est/se.est
tmp <- cbind(est,se.est,tratio)
### Compute residuals and standardized residuals
sigma2 <- exp(est[length(est)])
if(k > 1){
 beta <- matrix(est[1:k],k,1)
 yhat <- X%*%beta
 gamma <- matrix(exp(est[(k+1):(2*k)]),k,1)
 sig <- X%*%gamma
  beta <- est[1]; gamma <- exp(est[2])
  yhat <- X*beta
  sig <- X*gamma
 at <- y-yhat
 v1 <- sig+sigma2
 sre <- at/sqrt(v1)
rcAR <- list(par=est,se.est=se.est,residuals=at,sresiduals=sre)

#' Generic Sequential Monte Carlo Method
#' Function of generic sequential Monte Carlo method with delay weighting not using full information proposal distribution.
#' @param Sstep a function that performs one step propagation using a proposal distribution.
#' Its input includes \code{(mm,xx,logww,yyy,par,xdim,ydim)}, where
#' \code{xx} and \code{logww} are the last iteration samples and log weight. \code{yyy} is the
#' observation at current time step. It should return \code{xx} (the samples xt) and
#' \code{logww} (their corresponding log weight).
#' @param nobs the number of observations \code{T}.
#' @param yy the observations with \code{T} columns and \code{ydim} rows.
#' @param mm the Monte Carlo sample size.
#' @param par a list of parameter values to pass to \code{Sstep}.
#' @param xx.init the initial samples of \code{x_0}.
#' @param xdim the dimension of the state varible \code{x_t}.
#' @param ydim the dimension of the observation \code{y_t}.
#' @param resample.sch a binary vector of length \code{nobs}, reflecting the resampling schedule. resample.sch[i]= 1 indicating resample should be carried out at step \code{i}.
#' @param delay the maximum delay lag for delayed weighting estimation. Default is zero.
#' @param funH a user supplied function \code{h()} for estimation \code{E(h(x_t) | y_t+d}). Default
#' is identity for estimating the mean. The function should be able to take vector or matrix as input and operates on each element of the input.
#' @references
#' Tsay, R. and Chen, R. (2019). Nonlinear Time Series Analysis. Wiley, New Jersey.
#' @return The function returns \code{xhat}, an array with dimensions \code{(xdim; nobs; delay+1)},
#' and the scaled log-likelihood value \code{loglike}. If \code{loglike} is needed, the log weight
#' calculation in the \code{Sstep} function should retain all constants that are related to
#' the parameters involved. Otherwise, \code{Sstep} function may remove all constants
#' that are common to all the Monte Carlo samples. It needs a utility function
#' \code{circular2ordinal}, also included in the \code{NTS} package, for efficient memory management.
#' @examples 
#' nobs= 100; pd= 0.95; ssw= 0.1; ssv= 0.5;
#' xx0= 0; ss0= 0.1; nyy= 50;
#' yrange= c(-80,80); xdim= 2; ydim= nyy;
#' mm= 10000
#' yr=yrange[2]-yrange[1]
#' par=list(ssw=ssw,ssv=ssv,nyy=nyy,pd=pd,yr=yr)
#' simu=simuTargetClutter(nobs,pd,ssw,ssv,xx0,ss0,nyy,yrange)
#' xx.init=matrix(nrow=2,ncol=mm)
#' xx.init[1,]=yrange[1]+runif(mm)*yr
#' xx.init[2,]=rep(0.1,mm)
#' out= SMC(Sstep.Clutter,nobs,simu$yy,mm,par,xx.init,xdim,ydim,resample.sch)
#' @import tensor
#' @export 
   xxd <- array(dim=c(xdim,mm,delay+1))
   delay.front = 1
   xx <- xx.init
   if(xdim==1) xx=matrix(xx,nrow=1,ncol=mm)
   xxd[,,1] <- funH(xx)
   xhat <- array(dim=c(xdim,nobs,delay+1))
   logww <- rep(0,mm)
   for(i in 1:nobs){
         yyy <- yy[i]
         yyy <- yy[,i]
      step <- Sstep(mm,xx,logww,yyy,par,xdim,ydim)
      xx <- step$xx
      logww <- step$logww-max(step$logww)
      ww <- exp(logww)
      ww <- ww/sumww
      xxd[,,delay.front] <- funH(xx)
      delay.front <- delay.front%%(delay+1) + 1
      order <- circular2ordinal(delay.front, delay+1)
      #   xhat.tmp <- ww%*%xxd[1,,]
      #   xhat[,i,] <- xhat.tmp[order]
      # }
      #   for(id in 1:(delay+1)){
      #    xhat[,i,id] <- xxd[,,order[id]]%*%ww
      #   }
      xhat[,i,] <- tensor(xxd,ww,2,1)[,order]
         r.index <-,size=mm,replace=T,prob=ww)
         xx[,] <- xx[,r.index]
         xxd[,,] <- xxd[,r.index,]
         logww <- logww*0
      ww <- exp(logww)
   if(delay > 0){
      for(dd in 1:delay){ 
        xhat[,1:(nobs-dd),dd+1] <- xhat[,(dd+1):nobs,dd+1]
        xhat[,(nobs-dd+1):nobs,dd+1] <- NA


circular2ordinal=function(circular.front, circule.length){
      output = c(output, seq(circular.front-1,1,-1))
    output = c(output, seq(circule.length, circular.front,-1))

    xx[1,] <- par[1]+par[2]*xx[1,]+rnorm(mm)*par[3]

#' Generic Sequential Monte Carlo Smoothing with Marginal Weights
#' Generic sequential Monte Carlo smoothing with marginal weights.
#' @param SISstep a function that performs one propagation step using a proposal distribution.
#' Its input includes \code{(mm,xx,logww,yyy,par,xdim,ydim)}, where
#' \code{xx} and \code{logww} are the last iteration samples and log weight. \code{yyy} is the
#' observation at current time step. It should return {xx} (the samples xt) and
#' {logww} (their corresponding log weight).
#' @param SISstep.Smooth the function for backward smoothing step.
#' @param nobs the number of observations \code{T}.
#' @param yy the observations with \code{T} columns and \code{ydim} rows.
#' @param mm the Monte Carlo sample size \code{m}.
#' @param par a list of parameter values.
#' @param xx.init the initial samples of \code{x_0}.
#' @param xdim the dimension of the state varible \code{x_t}.
#' @param ydim the dimension of the observation \code{y_t}.
#' @param resample.sch a binary vector of length \code{nobs}, reflecting the resampling schedule. resample.sch[i]= 1 indicating resample should be carried out at step \code{i}.
#' @param funH a user supplied function \code{h()} for estimation \code{E(h(x_t) | y_t+d}). Default
#' is identity for estimating the mean. The function should be able to take vector or matrix as input and operates on each element of the input.
#' @references
#' Tsay, R. and Chen, R. (2019). Nonlinear Time Series Analysis. Wiley, New Jersey.
#' @return The function returns the smoothed values.
#' @examples
#' s2 <- 20 #second sonar location at (s2,0)
#' q <- c(0.03,0.03)
#' r <- c(0.02,0.02)
#' nobs <- 200
#' start <- c(10,10,0.01,0.01)
#' H <- c(1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1)
#' H <- matrix(H,ncol=4,nrow=4,byrow=TRUE)
#' W <- c(0.5*q[1], 0,0, 0.5*q[2],q[1],0,0,q[2])
#' W <- matrix(W,ncol=2,nrow=4,byrow=TRUE)
#' V <- diag(r)
#' mu0 <- start
#' SS0 <- diag(c(1,1,1,1))*0.01
#' simu_out <- simPassiveSonar(nobs,q,r,start,seed=20)
#' resample.sch <- rep(1,nobs)
#' xdim <- 4;ydim <- 2;
#' mm <- 5000
#' par <- list(H=H,W=W,V=V,s2=s2)
#' xx.init <- mu0+SS0%*%matrix(rnorm(mm*4),nrow=4,ncol=mm)
#' yy=simu_out$yy
#' out.s5K <- SMC.Smooth(Sstep.Sonar,Sstep.Smooth.Sonar,nobs,yy,mm,par,
#' xx.init,xdim,ydim,resample.sch)
#' @export
   xxall <- array(dim=c(xdim,mm,nobs))
   wwall <- matrix(nrow=mm,ncol=nobs)
   xhat <- matrix(nrow=xdim,ncol=nobs)
   xx <- xx.init
   logww <- rep(0,mm)
   for(i in 1:nobs){
# print(c('forward',i));flush.console();
   yyy <- yy[i]
   yyy <- yy[,i]
   step <- SISstep(mm,xx,logww,yyy,par,xdim,ydim)
   xx <- step$xx
   logww <- step$logww-max(step$logww)
   ww <- exp(logww)
   ww <- ww/sum(ww)
   xxall[,,i] <- xx
   wwall[,i] <- ww
      r.index <-,size=mm,replace=T,prob=ww)
      xx[,] <- xx[,r.index]
      logww <- logww*0
   vv <- wwall[,nobs]
   xhat[,nobs] <- funH(xxall[,,nobs])%*%vv
   for(i in (nobs-1):1){
# print(c('backward',i));flush.console();
      xxt <- xxall[,,i]
      xxt1 <- xxall[,,i+1]
      ww <- wwall[,i]
      step2 <- SISstep.Smooth(mm,xxt,xxt1,ww,vv,par)
      vv <- step2$vv
      vv <- vv/sum(vv)
      xhat[,i] <- funH(xxall[,,i])%*%vv

#' Simulate A Moving Target in Clutter
#' The function simulates a target signal under clutter environment.
#' @param nobs the number observations.
#' @param pd the probability to observe the true signal.
#' @param ssw the standard deviation in the state equation.
#' @param ssv the standard deviation for the observation noise.
#' @param xx0 the initial location.
#' @param ss0 the initial speed.
#' @param nyy the dimension of the data.
#' @param yrange the range of data.
#' @references
#' Tsay, R. and Chen, R. (2019). Nonlinear Time Series Analysis. Wiley, New Jersey.
#' @return The function returns a list with components:
#' \item{xx}{the location.}
#' \item{ss}{the speed.}
#' \item{ii}{the indicators for whether the observation is the true signal.}
#' \item{yy}{the data.}
#' @examples
#' data=simuTargetClutter(30,0.5,0.5,0.5,0,0.3,3,c(-30,30))
#' @export
   xx <- 1:nobs
   ss <- 1:nobs
   xx[1] <- xx0
   ss[1] <- ss0
   ww <- rnorm(nobs)*ssw
   vv <- rnorm(nobs)*ssv
   for(i in 2:nobs){
      xx[i] <- xx[i-1]+ss[i-1]+0.5*ww[i]
      ss[i] <- ss[i-1]+ww[i]
   ii <- floor(runif(nobs)+pd)
   temp <- sum(ii)
   ii[ii==1] <- floor(runif(temp)*nyy+1)
   yy <- matrix(runif(nobs*nyy),ncol=nobs,nrow=nyy)
   yy <- yrange[1]+yy*(yrange[2]-yrange[1])
   for(i in 1:nobs){
      if(ii[i]>0) yy[ii[i],i] <- xx[i]+vv[i]

#' Sequential Monte Carlo for A Moving Target under Clutter Environment
#' The function performs one step propagation using the sequential Monte Carlo method with partial state proposal for tracking in clutter problem.
#' @param mm the Monte Carlo sample size \code{m}.
#' @param xx the sample in the last iteration.
#' @param logww the log weight in the last iteration.
#' @param yyy the observations.
#' @param par a list of parameter values \code{(ssw,ssv,pd,nyy,yr)}, where \code{ssw} is the standard deviation in the state equation,
#' \code{ssv} is the standard deviation for the observation noise, \code{pd} is the probability to observe the true signal, \code{nyy} the dimension of the data,
#' and \code{yr} is the range of the data.
#' @param xdim the dimension of the state varible.
#' @param ydim the dimension of the observation.
#' @references
#' Tsay, R. and Chen, R. (2019). Nonlinear Time Series Analysis. Wiley, New Jersey.
#' @return The function returns a list with the following components:
#' \item{xx}{the new sample.}
#' \item{logww}{the log weights.}
#' @examples
#' nobs <- 100; pd <- 0.95; ssw <- 0.1; ssv <- 0.5;
#' xx0 <- 0; ss0 <- 0.1; nyy <- 50;
#' yrange <- c(-80,80); xdim <- 2; ydim <- nyy; 
#' simu <- simuTargetClutter(nobs,pd,ssw,ssv,xx0,ss0,nyy,yrange)
#' resample.sch <- rep(1,nobs)
#' mm <- 10000
#' yr <- yrange[2]-yrange[1]
#' par <- list(ssw=ssw,ssv=ssv,nyy=nyy,pd=pd,yr=yr)
#' yr<- yrange[2]-yrange[1]
#' xx.init <- matrix(nrow=2,ncol=mm)
#' xx.init[1,] <- yrange[1]+runif(mm)*yr
#' xx.init[2,] <- rep(0.1,mm)
#' out <- SMC(Sstep.Clutter,nobs,simu$yy,mm,par,xx.init,xdim,ydim,resample.sch)
#' @export
   ee <- rnorm(mm)*par$ssw
   xx[1,] <- xx[1,]+xx[2,]+0.5*ee
   xx[2,] <- xx[2,]+ee
   uu <- 1:mm
   for(j in 1:mm){
      temp <- sum(exp(-(yyy-xx[1,j])**2/2/par$ssv**2))
      uu[j] <- temp/par$ssv/sqrt(2*pi)*par$pd/par$nyy+(1-par$pd)/par$yr
   logww <- logww+log(uu)

#' Kalman Filter for Tracking in Clutter
#' This function implments Kalman filter to track a moving target under clutter environment with known indicators.
#' @param nobs the number of observations.
#' @param ssw the standard deviation in the state equation.
#' @param ssv the standard deviation for the observation noise.
#' @param yy the data.
#' @param ii the indicators.
#' @references
#' Tsay, R. and Chen, R. (2019). Nonlinear Time Series Analysis. Wiley, New Jersey.
#' @return The function returns a list with the following components:
#' \item{xhat}{the fitted location.}
#' \item{shat}{the fitted speed.}
#' @examples
#' nobs <- 100; pd <- 0.95; ssw <- 0.1; ssv <- 0.5;
#' xx0 <- 0; ss0 <- 0.1; nyy <- 50;
#' yrange <- c(-80,80); xdim <- 2; ydim <- nyy;
#' simu <- simuTargetClutter(nobs,pd,ssw,ssv,xx0,ss0,nyy,yrange)
#' outKF <- clutterKF(nobs,ssw,ssv,simu$yy,simu$ii)
#' @export
   xhat <- 1:nobs;shat <- 1:nobs
   bb <- c(0,0);cc <- 0
   HH <- matrix(c(1,1,0,1),ncol=2,nrow=2,byrow=TRUE)
   GG <- matrix(c(1,0),ncol=2,nrow=1,byrow=TRUE)
   WW <- matrix(c(0.5*ssw,ssw),ncol=1,nrow=2,byrow=TRUE)
   VV <- ssv
   mu <- rep(0,2)
   SS <- diag(c(1,1))*1000
   for(i in 1:nobs){
      outP <- KF1pred(mu,SS,HH,bb,WW)
      mu <- outP$mu
      SS <- outP$SS
      if(ii[i] > 0){
         outU <- KF1update(mu,SS,yy[ii[i],i],GG,cc,VV)
         mu <- outU$mu
         SS <- outU$SS
      xhat[i] <- mu[1]
      shat[i] <- mu[2]


#' Simulate A Sample Trajectory 
#' The function generates a sample trajectory of the target and the corresponding observations with sensor locations at (0,0)
#' and (20,0).
#' @param nn sample size.
#' @param q contains the information about the covariance of the noise.
#' @param r contains the information about \code{V}, where \code{V*t(V)} is the ocvariance of the observation noise.
#' @param start the initial value.
#' @param seed the seed of random number generator.
#' @return The function returns a list with components:
#' \item{xx}{the state data.}
#' \item{yy}{the observed data.}
#' \item{H}{the state coefficient matrix.}
#' \item{W}{ \code{W*t(W)} is the state innovation covariance matrix.}
#' \item{V}{\code{V*t(V)} is the observation noise covariance matrix.}
#' @examples
#' s2 <- 20 #second sonar location at (s2,0)
#' q <- c(0.03,0.03)
#' r <- c(0.02,0.02)
#' nobs <- 200
#' start <- c(10,10,0.01,0.01)
#' H <- c(1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1)
#' H <- matrix(H,ncol=4,nrow=4,byrow=TRUE)
#' W <- c(0.5*q[1], 0,0, 0.5*q[2],q[1],0,0,q[2])
#' W <- matrix(W,ncol=2,nrow=4,byrow=TRUE)
#' V <- diag(r)
#' mu0 <- start
#' SS0 <- diag(c(1,1,1,1))*0.01
#' simu_out <- simPassiveSonar(nobs,q,r,start,seed=20)
#' yy<- simu_out$yy
#' tt<- 100:200
#' plot(simu_out$xx[1,tt],simu_out$xx[2,tt],xlab='x',ylab='y')
#' @export
  s2 <- 20  #secone sonar location at (s2,0)
  H <- c(1,0,1,0,
  H <- matrix(H,ncol=4,nrow=4,byrow=TRUE)
  W <- c(0.5*q[1], 0,
      0, 0.5*q[2],
  W <- matrix(W,ncol=2,nrow=4,byrow=TRUE)
  V <- diag(r)
  x <- matrix(nrow=4,ncol=nn)
  y <- matrix(nrow=2,ncol=nn)
  for(ii in 1:nn){    
    if(ii == 1) x[,ii] <- start
    if(ii > 1) x[,ii] <- H%*%x[,ii-1]+W%*%rnorm(2)
    y[1,ii] <- atan(x[2,ii]/x[1,ii])
    y[2,ii] <- atan(x[2,ii]/(x[1,ii]-s2))
    y[,ii] <- y[,ii]+V%*%rnorm(2)
    y[,ii] <- (y[,ii]+0.5*pi)%%pi-0.5*pi

#' Full Information Propagation Step under Mixture Kalman Filter 
#' This function implements the full information propagation step under mixture Kalman filter with full information proposal distribution and Rao-Blackwellization, no delay.
#' @param MKFstep.Full.RB a function that performs one step propagation under mixture Kalman filter, with full information proposal distribution.
#' Its input includes \code{(mm,II,mu,SS,logww,yyy,par,xdim,ydim)}, where
#' \code{II}, \code{mu}, and \code{SS} are the indicators and its corresponding mean and variance matrix of the Kalman filter components in the last iterations.
#' \code{logww} is the log weight of the last iteration. \code{yyy} is the
#' observation at current time step. It should return the Rao-Blackwellization estimation of the mean and variance.
#' @param nobs the number of observations \code{T}.
#' @param yy the observations with \code{T} columns and \code{ydim} rows.
#' @param mm the Monte Carlo sample size \code{m}.
#' @param par a list of parameter values to pass to \code{Sstep}.
#' @param II.init the initial indicators.
#' @param mu.init the initial mean.
#' @param SS.init the initial variance.
#' @param xdim the dimension of the state varible \code{x_t}.
#' @param ydim the dimension of the observation \code{y_t}.
#' @param resample.sch a binary vector of length \code{nobs}, reflecting the resampling schedule. resample.sch[i]= 1 indicating resample should be carried out at step \code{i}.
#' @references
#' Tsay, R. and Chen, R. (2019). Nonlinear Time Series Analysis. Wiley, New Jersey.
#' @return The function returns a list with components:
#' \item{xhat}{the fitted value.}
#' \item{xhatRB}{the fitted value using Rao-Blackwellization.}
#' \item{Iphat}{the estimated indicators.}
#' \item{IphatRB}{the esitmated indicators using Rao-Blackwellization.}
#' @examples
#' HH <- matrix(c(2.37409, -1.92936, 0.53028,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0),ncol=4,byrow=TRUE)
#' WW <- matrix(c(1,0,0,0),nrow=4)
#' GG <- matrix(0.01*c(0.89409,2.68227,2.68227,0.89409),nrow=1)
#' VV <- 1.3**15*0.001
#' par <- list(HH=HH,WW=WW,GG=GG,VV=VV)
#' set.seed(1)
#' simu <- simu_fading(200,par)
#' GG1 <- GG; GG2 <- -GG
#' xdim <- 4; ydim <- 1
#' nobs <- 10050
#' mm <- 100; resample.sch <- rep(1,nobs)
#' kk <- 5
#' SNR <- 1:kk; BER1 <- 1:kk; BER0 <- 1:kk; BER.known <- 1:kk
#' tt <- 50:(nobs-1)
#' for(i in 1:kk){
#' VV <- 1.3**i*0.001
#' par <- list(HH=HH,WW=WW,GG=GG,VV=VV)
#' par2 <- list(HH=HH,WW=WW,GG1=GG1,GG2=GG2,VV=VV)
#' set.seed(1)
#' simu <- simu_fading(nobs,par)
#' mu.init <- matrix(0,nrow=4,ncol=mm)
#' SS0 <- diag(c(1,1,1,1))
#' for(n0 in 1:20){
#' SS0 <- HH%*%SS0%*%t(HH)+WW%*%t(WW)
#' }
#' SS.init <- aperm(array(rep(SS0,mm),c(4,4,mm)),c(1,2,3))
#' II.init <- floor(runif(mm)+0.5)+1
#' out <- MKF.Full.RB(MKFstep.fading,nobs,simu$yy,mm,par2,II.init,
#' mu.init,SS.init,xdim,ydim,resample.sch)
#' SNR[i] <- 10*log(var(simu$yy)/VV**2-1)/log(10)
#' Strue <- simu$ss[2:nobs]*simu$ss[1:(nobs-1)]
#' Shat <- rep(-1,(nobs-1))
#' Shat[out$IphatRB[2:nobs]>0.5] <- 1
#' BER1[i] <- sum(abs(Strue[tt]-Shat[tt]))/(nobs-50)/2
#' Shat0 <- sign(simu$yy[1:(nobs-1)]*simu$yy[2:nobs])
#' BER0[i] <- sum(abs(Strue[tt]-Shat0[tt]))/(nobs-50)/2
#' S.known <- sign(simu$yy*simu$alpha)
#' Shat.known <- S.known[1:(nobs-1)]*S.known[2:nobs]
#' BER.known[i] <- sum(abs(Strue[tt]-Shat.known[tt]))/(nobs-50)/2
#' }
#' @export
   mu <- mu.init
   SS= SS.init
   xhat <- matrix(nrow=xdim,ncol=nobs)
   xhatRB <- matrix(nrow=xdim,ncol=nobs)
   Iphat <- 1:nobs
   IphatRB <- 1:nobs

   logww <- rep(0,mm)
   for(i in 1:nobs){
         yyy <- yy[i]
      } else{
         yyy <- yy[,i]
      step <- MKFstep.Full.RB(mm,II,mu,SS,logww,yyy,par,xdim,ydim,
      mu <- step$mu
      SS <- step$SS
      II <- step$II
      xhatRB[,i] <- step$xhatRB
      xhat[,i] <- step$xhat
      IphatRB[i] <- step$IphatRB
      Iphat[i] <- step$Iphat
      logww <- step$logww-max(step$logww)


#' One Propagation Step under Mixture Kalman Filter for Fading Channels
#' This function implements the one propagation step under mixture Kalman filter for fading channels.
#' @param mm the Monte Carlo sample size.
#' @param II the indicators.
#' @param mu the mean in the last iteration.
#' @param SS the covariance matrix of the Kalman filter components in the last iteration.
#' @param logww is the log weight of the last iteration. 
#' @param yyy the observations with \code{T} columns and \code{ydim} rows.
#' @param par a list of parameter values. \code{HH} is the state coefficient matrix, \code{WW*t(WW)} is the state innovation covariance matrix,
#' \code{VV*t(VV)} is the covariance matrix of the observation noise, \code{GG1} and \code{GG2} are the observation coefficient matrix.
#' @param xdim the dimension of the state varible \code{x_t}.
#' @param ydim the dimension of the observation \code{y_t}.
#' @param resample a binary vector of length \code{obs}, reflecting the resampling schedule. resample.sch[i]= 1 indicating resample should be carried out at step \code{i}.
#' @references
#' Tsay, R. and Chen, R. (2019). Nonlinear Time Series Analysis. Wiley, New Jersey.
#' @return The function returns a list with components:
#' \item{xhat}{the fitted value.}
#' \item{xhatRB}{the fitted value using Rao-Blackwellization.}
#' \item{Iphat}{the estimated indicators.}
#' \item{IphatRB}{the esitmated indicators using Rao-Blackwellization.}
#' @examples
#' HH <- matrix(c(2.37409, -1.92936, 0.53028,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0),ncol=4,byrow=TRUE)
#' WW <- matrix(c(1,0,0,0),nrow=4)
#' GG <- matrix(0.01*c(0.89409,2.68227,2.68227,0.89409),nrow=1)
#' VV <- 1.3**15*0.001
#' par <- list(HH=HH,WW=WW,GG=GG,VV=VV)
#' set.seed(1)
#' simu <- simu_fading(200,par)
#' GG1 <- GG; GG2 <- -GG
#' xdim <- 4; ydim <- 1
#' nobs <- 10050
#' mm <- 100; resample.sch <- rep(1,nobs)
#' kk <- 5
#' SNR <- 1:kk; BER1 <- 1:kk; BER0 <- 1:kk; BER.known <- 1:kk
#' tt <- 50:(nobs-1)
#' for(i in 1:kk){
#' VV <- 1.3**i*0.001
#' par <- list(HH=HH,WW=WW,GG=GG,VV=VV)
#' par2 <- list(HH=HH,WW=WW,GG1=GG1,GG2=GG2,VV=VV)
#' set.seed(1)
#' simu <- simu_fading(nobs,par)
#' mu.init <- matrix(0,nrow=4,ncol=mm)
#' SS0 <- diag(c(1,1,1,1))
#' for(n0 in 1:20){
#' SS0 <- HH%*%SS0%*%t(HH)+WW%*%t(WW)
#' }
#' SS.init <- aperm(array(rep(SS0,mm),c(4,4,mm)),c(1,2,3))
#' II.init <- floor(runif(mm)+0.5)+1
#' out <- MKF.Full.RB(MKFstep.fading,nobs,simu$yy,mm,par2,II.init,
#' mu.init,SS.init,xdim,ydim,resample.sch)
#' SNR[i] <- 10*log(var(simu$yy)/VV**2-1)/log(10)
#' Strue <- simu$ss[2:nobs]*simu$ss[1:(nobs-1)]
#' Shat <- rep(-1,(nobs-1))
#' Shat[out$IphatRB[2:nobs]>0.5] <- 1
#' BER1[i] <- sum(abs(Strue[tt]-Shat[tt]))/(nobs-50)/2
#' Shat0 <- sign(simu$yy[1:(nobs-1)]*simu$yy[2:nobs])
#' BER0[i] <- sum(abs(Strue[tt]-Shat0[tt]))/(nobs-50)/2
#' S.known <- sign(simu$yy*simu$alpha)
#' Shat.known <- S.known[1:(nobs-1)]*S.known[2:nobs]
#' BER.known[i] <- sum(abs(Strue[tt]-Shat.known[tt]))/(nobs-50)/2
#' }
#' @export
    HH <- par$HH; WW <- par$WW;
    GG1 <- par$GG1; GG2 <- par$GG2; VV <- par$VV; 
    prob1 <- 1:mm; prob2 <- 1:mm; CC <- 1:mm
    mu.i <- array(dim=c(xdim,2,mm)); SS.i <- array(dim=c(xdim,xdim,2,mm));
    xxRB <- matrix(nrow=xdim,ncol=mm)
    IpRB <- 1:mm
    for(jj in 1:mm){
      out1 <- KFoneLike(mu[,jj],SS[,,jj],yyy,HH,GG1,WW,VV)
      out2 <- KFoneLike(mu[,jj],SS[,,jj],yyy,HH,GG2,WW,VV)
      prob1[jj] <- exp(-out1$like)
      prob2[jj] <- exp(-out2$like)
      CC[jj] <- prob1[jj]+prob2[jj]
      mu.i[,1,jj] <- out1$mu
      mu.i[,2,jj] <- out2$mu
      SS.i[,,1,jj] <- out1$SS
      SS.i[,,2,jj] <- out2$SS
      xxRB[,jj] <- (prob1[jj]*mu.i[,1,jj]+prob2[jj]*mu.i[,2,jj])/CC[jj]
      IpRB[jj] <- prob1[jj]/CC[jj]*(2-II[jj])+(1-prob1[jj]/CC[jj])*(II[jj]-1)
      logww[jj] <- logww[jj]+log(CC[jj])
    ww <- exp(logww-max(logww))
    ww <- ww/sum(ww)
    xhatRB <- sum(xxRB*ww)
    IphatRB <- sum(IpRB*ww)
      r.index <-,size=mm,replace=T,prob=ww)
      mu.i[,,] <- mu.i[,,r.index]
      SS.i[,,,] <- SS.i[,,,r.index]
      prob1 <- prob1[r.index]
      CC <- CC[r.index]
      II <- II[r.index]
      logww <- logww*0
    } <- (runif(mm) > prob1/CC)+1
    for(jj in 1:mm){
      mu[,jj] <- mu.i[,[jj],jj]
      SS[,,jj] <- SS.i[,,[jj],jj]
    xhat <- sum(mu*ww)
    Iphat <- sum(((2-II)*(*(*ww)


#' Sequential Importance Sampling Step for A Target with Passive Sonar
#' This function implements one step of the sequential importance sampling method for a target with passive sonar.
#' @param mm the Monte Carlo sample size \code{m}.
#' @param xx the sample in the last iteration.
#' @param logww the log weight in the last iteration.
#' @param yy the observations with \code{T} columns and \code{ydim} rows.
#' @param par a list of parameter values. \code{H} is the state coefficient matrix, \code{W*t(W)} is the state innovation covariance matrix,
#' \code{V*t(V)} is the covariance matrix of the observation noise, \code{s2} is the second sonar location.
#' @param xdim the dimension of the state varible \code{x_t}.
#' @param ydim the dimension of the observation \code{y_t}.
#' @references
#' Tsay, R. and Chen, R. (2019). Nonlinear Time Series Analysis. Wiley, New Jersey.
#' @return The function returns a list with the following components:
#' \item{xx}{the new sample.}
#' \item{logww}{the log weights.}
#' @examples
#' s2 <- 20 #second sonar location at (s2,0)
#' q <- c(0.03,0.03)
#' r <- c(0.02,0.02)
#' nobs <- 200
#' start <- c(10,10,0.01,0.01)
#' H <- c(1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1)
#' H <- matrix(H,ncol=4,nrow=4,byrow=TRUE)
#' W <- c(0.5*q[1], 0,0, 0.5*q[2],q[1],0,0,q[2])
#' W <- matrix(W,ncol=2,nrow=4,byrow=TRUE)
#' V <- diag(r)
#' mu0 <- start
#' SS0 <- diag(c(1,1,1,1))*0.01
#' simu_out <- simPassiveSonar(nobs,q,r,start,seed=20)
#' yy <- simu_out$yy
#' mm <- 100000
#' resample.sch <- rep(1,nobs)
#' par <- list(H=H,W=W,V=V,s2=s2)
#' xdim <- 4;ydim <- 2;
#' xx.init <- mu0+SS0%*%matrix(rnorm(mm*4),nrow=4,ncol=mm)
#' delay <- 20
#' out <- SMC(Sstep.Sonar,nobs,yy,mm,par,xx.init,xdim,ydim,resample.sch,delay)
#' tt <- 100:200
#' plot(simu_out$xx[1,tt],simu_out$xx[2,tt],xlab='x',ylab='y',xlim=c(25.8,34))
#' for(dd in c(1,11,21)){
#' 	tt <- 100:(200-dd)
#' 	lines(out$xhat[1,tt,dd],out$xhat[2,tt,dd],lty=22-dd,lwd=2)
#' }
#' legend(26.1,-12,legend=c("delay 0","delay 10","delay 20"),lty=c(21,11,1))
#' @export
    H <- par$H; W <- par$W; V <- par$V; s2 <- par$s2;
    xx <- H%*%xx+W%*%matrix(rnorm(2*mm),nrow=2,ncol=mm)
    y1 <- atan(xx[2,]/xx[1,])
    y2 <- atan(xx[2,]/(xx[1,]-s2))   
    res1 <- (yy[1]-y1+0.5*pi)%%pi-0.5*pi
    res2 <- (yy[2]-y2+0.5*pi)%%pi-0.5*pi
    uu <- -res1**2/2/V[1,1]**2-res2**2/2/V[2,2]**2
    logww <- logww+uu

#' Sequential Importance Sampling for A Target with Passive Sonar
#' This function uses the sequential importance sampling method to deal with a target with passive sonar for smoothing.
#' @param mm the Monte Carlo sample size \code{m}.
#' @param xxt the sample in the last iteration.
#' @param xxt1 the sample in the next iteration.
#' @param ww  \code{ww*t(ww)} is the state innovation covariance matrix.
#' @param vv \code{vv*t(vv)} is the covariance matrix of the observation noise.
#' @param par a list of parameter values. \code{H} is the state coefficient matrix, and \code{W*t(W)} is the state innovation covariance matrix.
#' @references
#' Tsay, R. and Chen, R. (2019). Nonlinear Time Series Analysis. Wiley, New Jersey.
#' @return The function returns a list with the following components:
#' \item{xx}{the new sample.}
#' \item{logww}{the log weights.}
#' s2 <- 20 #second sonar location at (s2,0)
#' q <- c(0.03,0.03)
#' r <- c(0.02,0.02)
#' nobs <- 200
#' start <- c(10,10,0.01,0.01)
#' H <- c(1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1)
#' H <- matrix(H,ncol=4,nrow=4,byrow=TRUE)
#' W <- c(0.5*q[1], 0,0, 0.5*q[2],q[1],0,0,q[2])
#' W <- matrix(W,ncol=2,nrow=4,byrow=TRUE)
#' V <- diag(r)
#' mu0 <- start
#' SS0 <- diag(c(1,1,1,1))*0.01
#' simu_out <- simPassiveSonar(nobs,q,r,start,seed=20)
#' yy <- simu_out$yy
#' resample.sch <- rep(1,nobs)
#' xdim <- 4;ydim <- 2;
#' mm <- 5000
#' par <- list(H=H,W=W,V=V,s2=s2)
#' xx.init <- mu0+SS0%*%matrix(rnorm(mm*4),nrow=4,ncol=mm)
#' out.s5K <- SMC.Smooth(Sstep.Sonar,Sstep.Smooth.Sonar,nobs,yy,mm,par,
#' xx.init,xdim,ydim,resample.sch)
#' @export
    H <- par$H; W <- par$W;
    uu <- 1:mm
    aa <- 1:mm
    xxt1p <- H%*%xxt
    for(i in 1:mm){
      res1 <- (xxt1[1,i]-xxt1p[1,])/W[1,1]
      res2 <- (xxt1[2,i]-xxt1p[2,])/W[2,2]
      aa[i] <- sum(exp(-0.5*res1**2-0.5*res2**2)*ww)
    for(j in 1:mm){
      res1 <- (xxt1[1,]-xxt1p[1,j])/W[1,1]
      res2 <- (xxt1[2,]-xxt1p[2,j])/W[2,2]
      uu[j] <- sum(exp(-0.5*res1**2-0.5*res2**2)*vv/aa)
    vv <- ww*uu

#' Sequential Importance Sampling Step for Fading Channels
#' This function implements one step of the sequential importance sampling method for fading channels.
#' @param mm the Monte Carlo sample size \code{m}.
#' @param xx the sample in the last iteration.
#' @param logww the log weight in the last iteration.
#' @param yyy the observations with \code{T} columns and \code{ydim} rows.
#' @param par a list of parameter values.  \code{HH} is the state coefficient model, \code{WW*t(WW)} is the state innovation covariance matrix,
#' \code{VV*t(VV)} is the covariance of the observation noise, \code{GG} is the observation model.
#' @param xdim2 the dimension of the state varible \code{x_t}.
#' @param ydim the dimension of the observation \code{y_t}.
#' @references
#' Tsay, R. and Chen, R. (2019). Nonlinear Time Series Analysis. Wiley, New Jersey.
#' @return The function returns a list with the following components:
#' \item{xx}{the new sample.}
#' \item{logww}{the log weights.}
#' @examples
#' HH <- matrix(c(2.37409, -1.92936, 0.53028,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0),ncol=4,byrow=TRUE)
#' WW <- matrix(c(1,0,0,0),nrow=4)
#' GG <- matrix(0.01*c(0.89409,2.68227,2.68227,0.89409),nrow=1)
#' nobs <- 10050
#' tt <- 50:(nobs-1)
#' mm <- 100; resample.sch <- rep(1,nobs)
#' VV <- 1.3**15*0.001
#' par <- list(HH=HH,WW=WW,GG=GG,VV=VV)
#' simu <- simu_fading(nobs,par)
#' ydim <- 1
#' mm.all <- c(100,200,500,1000,4000,8000)
#' kk <- 6
#' xdim2 <- 6
#' BER.S <- 1:kk
#' for (i in 1:kk){
#' 	mm <- mm.all[i]
#' 	SS0 <- diag(c(1,1,1,1))
#' 	for(n0 in 1:20){
#' 		SS0 <- HH%*%SS0%*%t(HH)+WW%*%t(WW)	
#' 	}
#' 	xx.init <- matrix(nrow=xdim2,ncol=mm)
#' 	xx.init[1:4,] <- sqrt(SS0)%*%matrix(rnorm(4*mm),nrow=4,ncol=mm)
#' 	xx.init[5,] <-,mm,0.5)
#' 	xx.init[6,] <- rep(1,mm)
#' 	print(c(i));flush.console()
#' 	out <- SMC(SISstep.fading,nobs,simu$yy,mm,par,xx.init,
#' 		xdim2,ydim,resample.sch)
#' 	Strue <- simu$ss[2:nobs]*simu$ss[1:(nobs-1)]
#' 	Shat <- rep(-1,(nobs-1))
#' 	Shat[out$xhat[6,2:nobs,1]>0.5] <- 1
#' 	BER.S[i] <- sum(abs(Strue[tt]-Shat[tt]))/(nobs-50)/2
#' }
#' @export
    HH <- par$HH; WW <- par$WW; VV <- par$VV; GG <- par$GG
    xxx <- xx[1:4,]
    xxx <- HH%*%xxx+WW%*%matrix(rnorm(mm),nrow=1,ncol=mm)
    alpha <- GG%*%xxx
alpha <- as.vector(alpha)
    pp1 <- 1/(1+exp(-2*yyy*alpha/VV**2))
    temp1 <- -(yyy-alpha)**2/2/VV**2
    temp2 <- -(yyy+alpha)**2/2/VV**2
    temp.max <- apply(cbind(temp1,temp2),1,max)
#print(c('temp max',temp.max));flush.console()
    temp1 <- temp1-temp.max
    temp2 <- temp2-temp.max
    loguu <- temp.max+log(exp(temp1)+exp(temp2))
    logww <- logww+loguu
    logww <- as.vector(logww)-max(logww)
#print(c('logww',logww));flush.console() <- (runif(mm) > pp1)+1
    xx[6,] <- (2-xx[5,])*([5,]-1)*(
    xx[5,] <-
    xx[1:4,] <- xxx

#' Simulate Signals from A System with Rayleigh Flat-Fading Channels 
#' The function generates a sample from a system with Rayleigh flat-fading channels.
#' @param nobs sample size.
#' @param par a list with following components: \code{HH} is the state coefficient matrix; \code{WW}, \code{WW*t(WW)} is the state innovation covariance matrix;
#' \code{VV}, \code{VV*t(VV)} is the observation noise covariance matrix; \code{GG} is the observation model.
#' @examples
#' HH <- matrix(c(2.37409, -1.92936, 0.53028,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0),ncol=4,byrow=TRUE)
#' WW <- matrix(c(1,0,0,0),nrow=4)
#' GG <- matrix(0.01*c(0.89409,2.68227,2.68227,0.89409),nrow=1)
#' VV <- 1.3**15*0.001
#' par <- list(HH=HH,WW=WW,GG=GG,VV=VV)
#' set.seed(1)
#' simu <- simu_fading(200,par)
#' @export
HH <- par$HH
WW <- par$WW
GG <- par$GG
VV <- par$VV
x <- rnorm(4)
xx <- matrix(nrow=4,ncol=nobs)
yy <- 1:nobs
alpha <- 1:nobs
for(i in 1:100) x <- HH%*%x+WW*rnorm(1)
ss <- 2*floor(runif(nobs)+0.5)-1
xx[,1] <- HH%*%x+WW*rnorm(1)
alpha[1] <- GG%*%xx[,1]
yy[1] <- GG%*%xx[,1]*ss[1]+VV*rnorm(1)
for(i in 2:nobs){
   xx[,i] <- HH%*%xx[,i-1]+WW*rnorm(1)
   alpha[i] <- GG%*%xx[,i]
   yy[i] <- GG%*%xx[,i]*ss[i]+VV*rnorm(1)

#' Fitting Univariate Autoregressive Markov Switching Models
#' Fit autoregressive Markov switching models to a univariate time series using the package MSwM.
#' @param y a time series.
#' @param p AR order.
#' @param nregime the number of regimes.
#' @param include.mean a logical value for including constant terms.
#' @param sw logical values for whether coefficients are switching. The length of \code{sw} has to be equal to the number of coefficients in the model plus include.mean.
#' @return \code{} returns an object of class code{MSM.lm} or \code{MSM.glm}, depending on the input model.
#' @importFrom MSwM msmFit
#' @export
"" <- function(y,p,nregime=2,include.mean=T,sw=NULL){
if(is.matrix(y))y <- y[,1]
if(p < 0)p <- 1
ist <- p+1
nT <- length(y)
X <- y[ist:nT]
if(include.mean) X <- cbind(X,rep(1,(nT-p)))
for (i in 1:p){
 X <- cbind(X,y[(ist-i):(nT-i)])
  colnames(X) <- c("y","cnst",paste("lag",1:p))
  colnames(X) <- c("y",paste("lag",1:p))
npar <- ncol(X)
X <- data.frame(X)
mo <- lm(y~-1+.,data=X)
### recall that dependent variable "y" is a column in X.
if(is.null(sw))sw = rep(TRUE,npar)
mm <- msmFit(mo,k=nregime,sw=sw)

#' Sequential Importance Sampling under Clutter Environment
#' This function performs one step propagation using the sequential importantce sampling with full information proposal distribuiton under clutter environment.
#' @param mm the Monte Carlo sample size \code{m}.
#' @param xx the samples in the last iteration.
#' @param logww the log weight in the last iteration.
#' @param yyy the observations.
#' @param par a list of parameter values \code{(ssw,ssv,pd,nyy,yr)}, where \code{ssw} is the standard deviation in the state equation,
#' \code{ssv} is the standard deviation for the observation noise, \code{pd} is the probability to observe the true signal, \code{nyy} the dimension of the data,
#' and \code{yr} is the range of the data.
#' @param xdim the dimension of the state varible \code{x_t}.
#' @param ydim the dimension of the observation \code{y_t}.
#' @param resample.sch a binary vector of length \code{obs}, reflecting the resampling schedule. resample.sch[i]= 1 indicating resample should be carried out at step \code{i}.
#' @references
#' Tsay, R. and Chen, R. (2019). Nonlinear Time Series Analysis. Wiley, New Jersey.
#' @return The function returns a list with the following components:
#' \item{xx}{the new sample.}
#' \item{logww}{the log weights.}
#' \item{r.index}{resample index, if \code{resample.sch=1}.}
#' @examples
#' nk <- 5
#' nobs <- 100; pd <- 0.95; ssw <- 0.1; ssv <- 0.1;
#' xx0 <- 0; ss0 <- 0.1; nyy <- 50; yrange <- c(-80,80);
#' xdim <- 2; ydim <- nyy; yr <- yrange[2]-yrange[1]
#' par <- list(ssw=ssw,ssv=ssv,nyy=nyy,pd=pd,yr=yr)
#' #--- simulation for repeated use
#' Yy <- array(dim=c(nyy,nobs,nk))
#' Xx <- matrix(ncol=nk,nrow=nobs)
#' Ii <- matrix(ncol=nk,nrow=nobs)
#' kk <- 0
#' seed.k <- 1
#' while(kk < nk){
#'	seed.k <- seed.k+1
#' 	set.seed(seed.k)
#' 	kk <- kk+1
#' 	simu <- simuTargetClutter(nobs,pd,ssw,ssv,xx0,ss0,nyy,yrange)
#'	if(max(abs(simu$yy))>80){
#'		kk <- kk-1
#'	}else{
#'		Xx[,kk] <- simu$xx; Yy[,,kk] <- simu$yy; Ii[,kk] <- simu$ii
#'	}
#' }
#' resample.sch <-,nobs)
#' delay <- 0; mm <- 10000;
#' Xxhat.full <- array(dim=c(nobs,1,nk))
#' Xxhat.p <- array(dim=c(nobs,1,nk))
#' Xres.com2 <- array(dim=c(nobs,2,nk))
#' set.seed(1)
#' for(kk in 1:nk){
#' 	xx.init <- matrix(nrow=2,ncol=mm)
#'	xx.init[1,] <- yrange[1]+runif(mm)*yr
#'	xx.init[2,] <- rep(0.1,mm)
#'	out1 <- SMC(Sstep.Clutter,nobs,Yy[,,kk],mm,par,
#'	xx.init,xdim,ydim,resample.sch)
#'	Xxhat.p[,1,kk] <- out1$xhat[1,,1]
#'	out2 <- SMC.Full(Sstep.Clutter.Full,nobs,Yy[,,kk],mm,par,
#'	xx.init,xdim,ydim,resample.sch)
#'	Xxhat.full[,1,kk] <- out2$xhat[1,,1]
#' @export
   ssw2 <- par$ssw**2; ssv2 <- par$ssv**2
   nyy <- par$nyy; pd <- par$pd; yr <- par$yr 
   mu.i <- matrix(nrow=nyy,ncol=mm)
   cc.i <- matrix(nrow=nyy,ncol=mm)
   CC <- 1:mm
   tau2 <- 1/(4/ssw2+1/ssv2); tau <- sqrt(tau2)
   aa <- 0.5*(-log(pi)+log(tau2)-log(ssw2)-log(ssv2))
   for(jj in 1:mm){
     mu.i[,jj] <- (4*(xx[1,jj]+xx[2,jj])/ssw2+yyy/ssv2)*tau2
     temp <- -2*(xx[1,jj]+xx[2,jj])**2/ssw2-yyy**2/2/ssv2
     cc.i[,jj] <- temp +mu.i[,jj]**2/2/tau2+aa
     cc.i[,jj] <- exp(cc.i[,jj])*pd/nyy
     CC[jj] <- sum(cc.i[,jj])+(1-pd)/yr
     logww[jj] <- logww[jj]+log(CC[jj])
      logpp <- logww-max(logww)
      pp <- exp(logpp)
      pp <- pp/sum(pp)
      r.index <-,size=mm,replace=T,prob=pp)
      xx[,] <- xx[,r.index]
      mu.i[,] <- mu.i[,r.index]
      cc.i[,] <- cc.i[,r.index]
      CC <- CC[r.index]
   for(jj in 1:mm){
      ind <-,1,prob=c((1-pd)/yr,cc.i[,jj])/CC[jj]) 
      if(ind == 1){
         ee <- rnorm(1)
         xx[1,jj] <- xx[1,jj]+xx[2,jj]+0.5*ee*par$ssw
         xx[2,jj] <- xx[2,jj]+ee*par$ssw        
     if(ind >1){
        xx[2,jj] <- -2*xx[1,jj]-xx[2,jj]
        xx[1,jj] <- rnorm(1)*tau+mu.i[ind-1,jj]
        xx[2,jj] <- xx[2,jj]+2*xx[1,jj]

#' Generic Sequential Monte Carlo Using Full Information Proposal Distribution
#' Generic sequential Monte Carlo using full information proposal distribution.
#' @param SISstep.Full a function that performs one step propagation using a proposal distribution.
#' Its input includes \code{(mm,xx,logww,yyy,par,xdim,ydim,resample)}, where
#' \code{xx} and \code{logww} are the last iteration samples and log weight. \code{yyy} is the
#' observation at current time step. It should return \code{xx} (the samples xt) and
#' \code{logww} (their corresponding log weight), \code{resample} is a binary value for resampling.
#' @param nobs the number of observations \code{T}.
#' @param yy the observations with \code{T} columns and \code{ydim} rows.
#' @param mm the Monte Carlo sample size \code{m}.
#' @param par a list of parameter values to pass to \code{Sstep}.
#' @param xx.init the initial samples of \code{x_0}.
#' @param xdim the dimension of the state varible \code{x_t}.
#' @param ydim the dimension of the observation \code{y_t}.
#' @param resample.sch a binary vector of length \code{nobs}, reflecting the resampling schedule. resample.sch[i]= 1 indicating resample should be carried out at step \code{i}.
#' @param delay the maximum delay lag for delayed weighting estimation. Default is zero.
#' @param funH a user supplied function \code{h()} for estimation \code{E(h(x_t) | y_t+d}). Default
#' is identity for estimating the mean. The function should be able to take vector or matrix as input and operates on each element of the input.
#' @references
#' Tsay, R. and Chen, R. (2019). Nonlinear Time Series Analysis. Wiley, New Jersey.
#' @return The function returns a list with the following components:
#' \item{xhat}{the fitted values.}
#' \item{loglike}{the log-likelihood.}
#' @examples
#' nk <- 5
#' nobs <- 100; pd <- 0.95; ssw <- 0.1; ssv <- 0.1;
#' xx0 <- 0; ss0 <- 0.1; nyy <- 50; yrange <- c(-80,80);
#' xdim <- 2; ydim <- nyy; yr <- yrange[2]-yrange[1]
#' par <- list(ssw=ssw,ssv=ssv,nyy=nyy,pd=pd,yr=yr)
#' #--- simulation for repeated use
#' Yy <- array(dim=c(nyy,nobs,nk))
#' Xx <- matrix(ncol=nk,nrow=nobs)
#' Ii <- matrix(ncol=nk,nrow=nobs)
#' kk <- 0
#' seed.k <- 1
#' while(kk < nk){
#'	seed.k <- seed.k+1
#' 	set.seed(seed.k)
#' 	kk <- kk+1
#' 	simu <- simuTargetClutter(nobs,pd,ssw,ssv,xx0,ss0,nyy,yrange)
#'	if(max(abs(simu$yy))>80){
#'		kk <- kk-1
#'	}else{
#'		Xx[,kk] <- simu$xx; Yy[,,kk] <- simu$yy; Ii[,kk] <- simu$ii
#'	}
#' }
#' resample.sch <-,nobs)
#' delay <- 0; mm <- 10000;
#' Xxhat.full <- array(dim=c(nobs,1,nk))
#' Xxhat.p <- array(dim=c(nobs,1,nk))
#' Xres.com2 <- array(dim=c(nobs,2,nk))
#' set.seed(1)
#' for(kk in 1:nk){
#' 	xx.init <- matrix(nrow=2,ncol=mm)
#'	xx.init[1,] <- yrange[1]+runif(mm)*yr
#'	xx.init[2,] <- rep(0.1,mm)
#'	out1 <- SMC(Sstep.Clutter,nobs,Yy[,,kk],mm,par,
#'	xx.init,xdim,ydim,resample.sch)
#'	Xxhat.p[,1,kk] <- out1$xhat[1,,1]
#'	out2 <- SMC.Full(Sstep.Clutter.Full,nobs,Yy[,,kk],mm,par,
#'	xx.init,xdim,ydim,resample.sch)
#'	Xxhat.full[,1,kk] <- out2$xhat[1,,1]
#' @import tensor
#' @export
   xxd <- array(dim=c(xdim,mm,delay+1))
   delay.front = 1
   xx <- xx.init
   if(xdim==1) xx=matrix(xx,nrow=1,ncol=mm)
   xhat <- array(dim=c(xdim,nobs,delay+1))
   logww <- rep(0,mm)
   loglike <- 0
   for(i in 1:nobs){
          yyy <- yy[i]
          yyy <- yy[,i]
      step <- SISstep.Full(mm,xx,logww,yyy,par,xdim,ydim,resample.sch[i])
      xx <- step$xx
      logww <- step$logww-max(step$logww)
      loglike <- loglike+max(step$logww)
         xxd[,,] <- xxd[,step$r.index,]
      xxd[,,delay.front] <- funH(xx)
      delay.front <- delay.front%%(delay+1) + 1
      order <- circular2ordinal(delay.front, delay+1)
      ww <- exp(logww)
      ww <- ww/sum(ww)
      xhat[,i,] <- tensor(xxd,ww,2,1)[,order]
   if(delay > 0){
      for(dd in 1:delay){ 
        xhat[,1:(nobs-dd),dd+1] <- xhat[,(dd+1):nobs,dd+1]
        xhat[,(nobs-dd+1):nobs,dd+1] <- NA

#' Generic Sequential Monte Carlo Using Full Information Proposal Distribution and Rao-Blackwellization
#' Generic sequential Monte Carlo using full information proposal distribution with Rao-Blackwellization estimate, and delay is 0.
#' @param SISstep.Full.RB a function that performs one step propagation using a proposal distribution.
#' Its input includes \code{(mm,xx,logww,yyy,par,xdim,ydim,resample)}, where
#' \code{xx} and \code{logww} are the last iteration samples and log weight. \code{yyy} is the
#' observation at current time step. It should return \code{xx} (the samples xt) and
#' \code{logww} (their corresponding log weight), \code{resample} is a binary value for resampling.
#' @param nobs the number of observations \code{T}.
#' @param yy the observations with \code{T} columns and \code{ydim} rows.
#' @param mm the Monte Carlo sample size \code{m}.
#' @param par a list of parameter values to pass to \code{Sstep}.
#' @param xx.init the initial samples of \code{x_0}.
#' @param xdim the dimension of the state varible \code{x_t}.
#' @param ydim the dimension of the observation \code{y_t}.
#' @param resample.sch a binary vector of length \code{nobs}, reflecting the resampling schedule. resample.sch[i]= 1 indicating resample should be carried out at step \code{i}.
#' @references
#' Tsay, R. and Chen, R. (2019). Nonlinear Time Series Analysis. Wiley, New Jersey.
#' @return The function returns a list with the following components:
#' \item{xhat}{the fitted values.}
#' \item{xhatRB}{the fitted values using Rao-Blackwellization.}
#' @examples
#' nobs <- 100; pd <- 0.95; ssw <- 0.15; ssv <- 0.02;
#' xx0 <- 0; ss0 <- 0.1; nyy <- 10; yrange <- c(-80,80);
#' xdim <- 2; ydim <- nyy; nk <- 5
#' yr <- yrange[2]-yrange[1]
#' par <- list(ssw=ssw,ssv=ssv,nyy=nyy,pd=pd,yr=yr)
#' Yy10 <- array(dim=c(nyy,nobs,nk))
#' Xx10 <- matrix(ncol=nk,nrow=nobs)
#' Ii10 <- matrix(ncol=nk,nrow=nobs)
#' kk <- 0
#' seed.k <- 1
#' while(kk < nk){
#' 	seed.k <- seed.k+1
#' 	set.seed(seed.k)
#' 	kk <- kk+1
#' 	simu <- simuTargetClutter(nobs,pd,ssw,ssv,xx0,ss0,nyy,yrange)
#' 	if(max(abs(simu$yy))>80){
#' 		kk <- kk-1
#' 	}else{
#' 		Xx10[,kk] <- simu$xx; Yy10[,,kk] <- simu$yy; Ii10[,kk] <- simu$ii
#' 	}
#' }
#' resample.sch <-,nobs)
#' delay <- 0; mm <- 2000; 
#' Xxhat.p10 <- array(dim=c(nobs,1,nk))
#' Xxhat.RB10 <- array(dim=c(nobs,2,nk))
#' Xres.com1.10 <- array(dim=c(nobs,3,nk))
#' Xres.com2.10 <- array(dim=c(nobs,4,nk))
#' for(kk in 1:nk){
#' 	xx.init <- matrix(nrow=2,ncol=mm)
#' 	xx.init[1,] <- yrange[1]+runif(mm)*yr
#' 	xx.init[2,] <- rep(0.1,mm)
#' 	out3 <- SMC.Full.RB(Sstep.Clutter.Full.RB,nobs,Yy10[,,kk],mm,par,
#' 	xx.init,xdim,ydim,resample.sch)
#' 	Xxhat.RB10[,1,kk] <- out3$xhatRB[1,]
#' 	Xxhat.RB10[,2,kk] <- out3$xhat[1,]
#' }
#' @export
   xx <- xx.init
   xhat <- matrix(nrow=xdim,ncol=nobs)
   xhatRB <- matrix(nrow=xdim,ncol=nobs)
   logww <- rep(0,mm)
   for(i in 1:nobs){
         yyy <- yy[i]
      } else{
         yyy <- yy[,i]
      step <- SISstep.Full.RB(mm,xx,logww,yyy,par,xdim,ydim,resample.sch[i])
      xx <- step$xx
      xhatRB[,i] <- step$xhatRB
      xhat[,i] <- step$xhat
      logww <- step$logww-max(step$logww)

#' Sequential Importance Sampling under Clutter Environment
#' This function performs one step propagation using the sequential importantce sampling with full information proposal distribuiton and returns Rao-Blackwellization estimate of mean under clutter environment.
#' @param mm the Monte Carlo sample size \code{m}.
#' @param xx the samples in the last iteration.
#' @param logww the log weight in the last iteration.
#' @param yyy the observations.
#' @param par a list of parameter values \code{(ssw,ssv,pd,nyy,yr)}, where \code{ssw} is the standard deviation in the state equation,
#' \code{ssv} is the standard deviation for the observation noise, \code{pd} is the probability to observe the true signal, \code{nyy} the dimension of the data,
#' and \code{yr} is the range of the data.
#' @param xdim the dimension of the state varible \code{x_t}.
#' @param ydim the dimension of the observation \code{y_t}.
#' @param resample.sch a binary vector of length \code{obs}, reflecting the resampling schedule. resample.sch[i]= 1 indicating resample should be carried out at step \code{i}.
#' @references
#' Tsay, R. and Chen, R. (2019). Nonlinear Time Series Analysis. Wiley, New Jersey.
#' @return The function returns a list with the following components:
#' \item{xx}{the new sample.}
#' \item{logww}{the log weights.}
#' \item{xhat}{the fitted vlaues.}
#' \item{xhatRB}{the fitted values using Rao-Blackwellization.}
#' @examples
#' nobs <- 100; pd <- 0.95; ssw <- 0.15; ssv <- 0.02;
#' xx0 <- 0; ss0 <- 0.1; nyy <- 10; yrange <- c(-80,80);
#' xdim <- 2; ydim <- nyy; nk <- 5
#' yr <- yrange[2]-yrange[1]
#' par <- list(ssw=ssw,ssv=ssv,nyy=nyy,pd=pd,yr=yr)
#' Yy10 <- array(dim=c(nyy,nobs,nk))
#' Xx10 <- matrix(ncol=nk,nrow=nobs)
#' Ii10 <- matrix(ncol=nk,nrow=nobs)
#' kk <- 0
#' seed.k <- 1
#' while(kk < nk){
#' 	seed.k <- seed.k+1
#' 	set.seed(seed.k)
#' 	kk <- kk+1
#' 	simu <- simuTargetClutter(nobs,pd,ssw,ssv,xx0,ss0,nyy,yrange)
#' 	if(max(abs(simu$yy))>80){
#' 		kk <- kk-1
#' 	}else{
#' 		Xx10[,kk] <- simu$xx; Yy10[,,kk] <- simu$yy; Ii10[,kk] <- simu$ii
#' 	}
#' }
#' resample.sch <-,nobs)
#' delay <- 0; mm <- 2000;
#' Xxhat.p10 <- array(dim=c(nobs,1,nk))
#' Xxhat.RB10 <- array(dim=c(nobs,2,nk))
#' Xres.com1.10 <- array(dim=c(nobs,3,nk))
#' Xres.com2.10 <- array(dim=c(nobs,4,nk))
#' for(kk in 1:nk){
#' 	xx.init <- matrix(nrow=2,ncol=mm)
#' 	xx.init[1,] <- yrange[1]+runif(mm)*yr
#' 	xx.init[2,] <- rep(0.1,mm)
#' 	out3 <- SMC.Full.RB(Sstep.Clutter.Full.RB,nobs,Yy10[,,kk],mm,par,
#' 	xx.init,xdim,ydim,resample.sch)
#' 	Xxhat.RB10[,1,kk] <- out3$xhatRB[1,]
#' 	Xxhat.RB10[,2,kk] <- out3$xhat[1,]
#' }
#' @export
   ssw2 <- par$ssw**2; ssv2 <- par$ssv**2
   nyy <- par$nyy; pd <- par$pd; yr <- par$yr 
   mu.i <- matrix(nrow=nyy,ncol=mm)
   cc.i <- matrix(nrow=nyy,ncol=mm)
   CC <- 1:mm
   tau2 <- 1/(4/ssw2+1/ssv2); tau <- sqrt(tau2)
   aa <- 0.5*(-log(pi)+log(tau2)-log(ssw2)-log(ssv2))
   xxRB <- 1:mm
   for(jj in 1:mm){
     mu.i[,jj] <- (4*(xx[1,jj]+xx[2,jj])/ssw2+yyy/ssv2)*tau2
     cc.i[,jj] <- -2*(xx[1,jj]+xx[2,jj])**2/ssw2-yyy**2/2/ssv2+mu.i[,jj]**2/2/tau2+aa
     cc.i[,jj] <- exp(cc.i[,jj])*pd/nyy
     CC[jj] <- sum(cc.i[,jj])+(1-pd)/yr
     logww[jj] <- logww[jj]+log(CC[jj])
     xxRB[jj] <- (sum(mu.i[,jj]*cc.i[,jj])+(xx[1,jj]+xx[2,jj])*(1-pd)/yr)/CC[jj]
   logww <- logww-max(logww)
   ww <- exp(logww)
   ww <- ww/sum(ww)
   xhatRB <- sum(xxRB*ww)
      r.index <-,size=mm,replace=T,prob=ww)
      xx[,] <- xx[,r.index]
      mu.i[,] <- mu.i[,r.index]
      cc.i[,] <- cc.i[,r.index]
      CC <- CC[r.index]
      logww <- logww*0
   for(jj in 1:mm){
      ind <-,1,prob=c((1-pd)/yr,cc.i[,jj])/CC[jj]) 
      if(ind == 1){
         ee <- rnorm(1)
         xx[1,jj] <- xx[1,jj]+xx[2,jj]+0.5*ee*par$ssw
         xx[2,jj] <- xx[2,jj]+ee*par$ssw        
     if(ind >1){
        xx[2,jj] <- -2*xx[1,jj]-xx[2,jj]
        xx[1,jj] <- rnorm(1)*tau+mu.i[ind-1,jj]
        xx[2,jj] <- xx[2,jj]+2*xx[1,jj]
   xhat <- sum(xx[1,]*ww)

#' Sequential Monte Carlo Using Sequential Importance Sampling for Stochastic Volatility Models
#' The function implements the sequential Monte Carlo method using sequential importance sampling for stochastic volatility models.
#' @param par.natural contains three parameters in AR(1) model. The first one is the stationary mean, the second is the AR coefficient, and the third is stationary variance.
#' @param yy the data.
#' @param mm the Monte Carlo sample size.
#' @param setseed the seed number.
#' @param resample the logical value indicating for resampling.
#' @references
#' Tsay, R. and Chen, R. (2019). Nonlinear Time Series Analysis. Wiley, New Jersey.
#' @return The function returns the log-likelihood of the data.
#' @export
wrap.SMC=function(par.natural,yy, mm, setseed=T,resample=T){
	if(setseed)	set.seed(1)
		resample.sch <- rep(c(0,0,0,0,1), length=nobs)
	else {
		resample.sch <- rep(0,nobs)
	xx.init <- par.natural[1]+par.natural[3]*rnorm(mm)
	out <- SMC(Sstep.SV, nobs, yy, mm,
				 par, xx.init, 1, 1, resample.sch)

#' Setting Up The Predictor Matrix in A Neural Network for Time Series Data
#' The function sets up the predictor matrix in a neural network for time series data.
#' @param zt data matrix, including the dependent variable \code{Y(t)}.
#' @param locY location of the dependent variable (column number).
#' @param nfore number of out-of-sample prediction (1-step ahead).
#' @param lags a vector containing the lagged variables used to form the x-matrix.
#' @param include.lagY indicator for including lagged \code{Y(t)} in the predictor matrix.
#' @references
#' Tsay, R. and Chen, R. (2019). Nonlinear Time Series Analysis. Wiley, New Jersey.
#' @return The function returns a list with following components.
#' \item{X}{\code{x}-matrix for training a neural network.}
#' \item{y}{\code{y}-output for training a neural network.}
#' \item{predX}{\code{x}-matrix for the prediction subsample.}
#' \item{predY}{\code{y}-output for the prediction subsample.}
#' @export
"NNsetting" <- function(zt,locY=1,nfore=0,lags=c(1:5),include.lagY=TRUE){
if(!is.matrix(zt))zt <- as.matrix(zt)
if(length(lags) < 1)lags=c(1)
ist <- max(lags)+1
nT <- nrow(zt)
if(nfore <= 0) nfore <- 0
if(nfore > nT) nfore <- 0
predX <- NULL
predY <- NULL
train <- nT-nfore
y <- zt[ist:train,locY]
if(include.lagY){z1 <- zt
    z1 <- zt[,-locY]
for (i in 1:length(lags)){
 jj <- lags[i]
 X <- cbind(X,z1[(ist-jj):(train-jj),])
if(train < nT){
 predY <- zt[(train+1):nT,locY]
 for (i in 1:length(lags)){
  jj <- lags[i]
  predX <- cbind(predX,z1[(train+1-jj):(nT-jj),])

NNsetting <- list(X=X,y=y,predX=predX,predY=predY)

#' Check linear models with cross validation
#' The function checks linear models with cross-validation (out-of-sample prediction).
#' @param y dependent variable.
#' @param x design matrix (should include constant if it is needed).
#' @param subsize sample size of subsampling.
#' @param iter number of iterations.
#' @references
#' Tsay, R. and Chen, R. (2019). Nonlinear Time Series Analysis. Wiley, New Jersey.
#' @return The function returns a list with following components.
#' \item{rmse}{root mean squares of forecast errors for all iterations.}
#' \item{mae}{mean absolute forecast errors for all iterations.}
#' @export
"cvlm" <- function(y,x,subsize,iter=100){
### Use cross-validation (out-of-sample prediction) to check linear models
# y: dependent variable
# x: design matrix (should inclde constant if it is needed)
# subsize: sample size of subsampling
# iter: number of iterations
if(!is.matrix(x))x <- as.matrix(x)
if(is.matrix(y)) y <- c(y[,1])
rmse <- NULL; mae <- NULL
nT <- length(y)
if(subsize >= nT)subsize <- nT-10
if(subsize < ncol(x))subsize <- floor(nT/2)+1
nfore <- nT-subsize
for (i in 1:iter){
 idx <- sample(c(1:nT),subsize,replace=FALSE)
 y1 <- y[idx]
 x1 <- x[idx,]
 m1 <- lm(y1~-1+.,data=data.frame(x1))
 yobs <- y[-idx]
 x2 <- data.frame(x[-idx,])
 yp <- predict(m1,x2)
 err <- yobs-yp
 rmse <- c(rmse,sum(err^2)/nfore)
 mae <- c(mae,sum(abs(err))/nfore)
RMSE <- mean(rmse)
MAE <- mean(mae)
cat("Average RMSE: ",RMSE,"\n")
cat("Average MAE: ",MAE,"\n")
cvlm <- list(rmse= rmse,mae=mae)
ConvFuncTimeSeries/test_t documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:39 p.m.