#' @title Merge 2D-TPP result data with TPP-TR reference data
#' @description Merges 2D-TPP result data with TPP-TR reference data to generate
#' a big table including both results
#' @return A data frame with results merged from 2D-TPP and TPP-TR reference
#' @param data DEPRECATED
#' @param trRef DEPRECATED
#' @param idVar DEPRECATED
#' @param resultTable_2D dataframe containing the 2D-TPP results
#' @param referenceDataSummary summarized reference data results. See details.
#' @param refIDVar character string indicating name of the columns containing
#' the unique protein identifiers in the reference data set
#' @details \code{referenceSummary} contains summary statistics like median
#' fold changes and is produced by the function
#' \code{\link{tpp2dCreateTPPTRreference}}. It summarizes the results of a
#' TPP-TR analysis of a reference data set.
#' A reference data set is the a output of a TR experiment without drug
#' treatment on the same cell line as resultTable_2D.
#' @examples
#' data(panobinostat_2DTPP_smallExample)
#' config_tpp2d <- panobinostat_2DTPP_config
#' data_tpp2d <- panobinostat_2DTPP_data
#' tpp2dResults <- analyze2DTPP(configTable = config_tpp2d,
#' data = data_tpp2d,
#' methods=c("doseResponse"),
#' createReport="none",
#' nCores=1,
#' idVar = "representative",
#' addCol = "clustername",
#' intensityStr = "sumionarea_protein_",
#' nonZeroCols = "qusm")
#' trRef <- file.path(system.file("data", package="TPP"),
#' "TPPTR_reference_results_HepG2.RData")
#' annotatedTable <- tpp2dMerge2dRef(resultTable_2D = tpp2dResults,
#' referenceDataSummary = trRef)
#' @seealso \code{\link{tpp2dCreateTPPTRreference}}
#' @export
tpp2dMerge2dRef <- function(resultTable_2D,
refIDVar = "Protein_ID",
idVar = NULL,
data = NULL,
trRef = NULL){
# Problem: is this function necessary? It is only invoked internally by
# analyze2DTPP to extract tppRefData$sumResTable$summary and merge it to the
# results of tpp2dCurveFit and tpp2dSplineFitAndTest
# Additionally, there is also the function 'tpp2dAddAdditionalInfo' which
# is exported as well.
## Initialize variables to prevent "no visible binding for global
## variable" NOTE by R CMD check:
tppRefData <- NULL
if (!missing(data)){
warning("`data` is deprecated.", call. = TRUE)
if (!missing(trRef)){
warning("`trRef` is deprecated.", call. = TRUE)
if (!missing(idVar)){
warning("`idVar` is deprecated.", call. = TRUE)
# Check for missing function arguments
c("resultTable_2D", "referenceDataSummary"))
message("Function ", match.call()[[1]], ": Merging reference data summary to the 2D-TPP results.")
# load tppRefData:
if (is.data.frame(referenceDataSummary)){
refDat <- referenceDataSummary
} else if (is.character(referenceDataSummary)){
if (file.exists(referenceDataSummary)){
message("Function ", match.call()[[1]], ": Loading reference data from file ", referenceDataSummary)
refDat <- tppRefData$sumResTable$summary
} else {
stop("The path '", referenceDataSummary, "' that was given for the reference data summary does not exist.")
} else {
stop("'referenceDataSummary' must be data frame created by the function 'tpp2dCreateTPPTRreference', or a path to such an object.")
# Obtain settings used for data import (stored as attribute of imported data):
idVar <- checkAndReturnDataSetting(attr(resultTable_2D, "importSettings"),
if (is.null(attr(refDat, "importSettings"))){
attr(refDat, "importSettings") <- list(proteinIdCol = refIDVar) # to do: remove later
refIDVar <- checkAndReturnDataSetting(dataSettings = attr(refDat, "importSettings"),
## Remove all common column names except the ID vars:
refCols <- colnames(refDat)
dataCols <- colnames(resultTable_2D)
inters <- intersect(refCols, dataCols) %>% setdiff(c(idVar, refIDVar))
keepCols <- setdiff(refCols, inters)
refDat2 <- refDat[, keepCols]
## Check if all ids are present in the reference data. Warn, if not. Stop if
## no id matches (something probably went wrong in this case, e.g. wrong ID
## column selected).
datIDs <- resultTable_2D[[idVar]]
refIDs <- refDat2[[refIDVar]]
missingRefIDs <- setdiff(datIDs, refIDs)
if (length(missingRefIDs) == length(datIDs)){
txt1 <- "None of the identifies in the reference data summary matches those in the 2D-TPP results. Merging not possible."
txt2 <- "Are the id columns assigned correctly?"
txt3 <- paste0("Hint: Current id column for the 2D-TPP results = '", idVar,
"'. Current id column in the reference data summary = '",
refIDVar, "'.")
stop(txt1, " ", txt2, "\n", txt3)
} else if (length(missingRefIDs) > 0){
txt1 <- "The following entries from the 2D-TPP results were not found in the reference data summary:"
txt2 <- paste(missingRefIDs, collapse = ", ")
txt3 <- "The corresponding rows have been filled with missing values."
warning(txt1, "\n", txt2, ".\n", txt3, call. = TRUE)
# merge 2D with referenceDataSummary
out <- merge(x = resultTable_2D, y = refDat2, by.x = idVar,
by.y = refIDVar, all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
## Avoid changes in ordering after merging:
out2 <- out[match(out[[idVar]], resultTable_2D[[idVar]]),]
# return resulting table
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