
Defines functions tppQCPlotsCorrelateExperiments

Documented in tppQCPlotsCorrelateExperiments

#' @title Visually compare fold changes of different TPP experiments.
#' @description  Plot pairwise relationships between the proteins in different TPP
#'   experiments.
#' @examples
#' data(hdacTR_smallExample)
#' tpptrData <- tpptrImport(configTable=hdacTR_config, data=hdacTR_data)
#' # Quality control (QC) plots BEFORE normalization:
#' tppQCPlotsCorrelateExperiments(tppData=tpptrData, 
#' annotStr="Non-normalized Fold Changes")
#' # Quality control (QC) plots AFTER normalization:
#' tpptrNorm <- tpptrNormalize(data=tpptrData, normReqs=tpptrDefaultNormReqs())
#' tpptrDataNormalized <- tpptrNorm$normData
#' tppQCPlotsCorrelateExperiments(tppData=tpptrDataNormalized, 
#' annotStr="Normalized Fold Changes")
#' @return List of plots for each experiment.
#' @param tppData List of expressionSets with data to be plotted.
#' @param annotStr String with additional information to be added to the plot.
#' @param path Location where to store resulting plot.
#' @param ggplotTheme ggplot theme for the created plots.
#' @seealso \code{\link{tppDefaultTheme}}
#' @export
tppQCPlotsCorrelateExperiments <- function(tppData, annotStr="", path=NULL,
  ## Initialize variables to prevent "no visible binding for global
  ## variable" NOTE by R CMD check:
  x = y <- NULL
  if (length(tppData) > 1){
    expNames <- names(tppData)
    plotObjList <- list()
    for (n1 in 1:(length(expNames)-1)){
      for (n2 in (n1+1):length(expNames)){
        expName1 <- expNames[n1]
        expName2 <- expNames[n2]
        dat1 = tppData[[expName1]]
        dat2 = tppData[[expName2]]
        ## Remove first temperature entry (only contains ones anyway)
        dat1 <- dat1[,dat1$temperature>min(dat1$temperature, na.rm=TRUE)]
        dat2 <- dat2[,dat2$temperature>min(dat2$temperature, na.rm=TRUE)]
        ## Only regard proteins that were detected in both experiments:
        commonProteins <- intersect(featureNames(dat1), featureNames(dat2))
        if (length(commonProteins)==0){ 
          emptyPlotStr <- "Protein IDs of\nboth experiments\ndo not overlap
No plot produced."
          doEmptyPlot <- TRUE
        } else if (any(dat1$temperature != dat2$temperature)) {
          emptyPlotStr <- "Temperatures between\nboth experiments\ndo not match.
No plot produced."
          doEmptyPlot <- TRUE
        } else doEmptyPlot <- FALSE
        if (doEmptyPlot){
          p <- ggplot(data=data.frame(x=c(-1,-1,1,1), y=c(-1,1,-1,1)), 
                      aes(x=x,y=y)) + 
            geom_blank() + 
            geom_text(size=10, aes(x=0.75, y=0.75), label=emptyPlotStr) 
        } else {
          commonDat1 <- dat1[commonProteins,]
          commonDat2 <- dat2[commonProteins,]
          fc1 <- data.frame(Biobase::exprs(commonDat1))
          fc2 <- data.frame(Biobase::exprs(commonDat2))
          df1 <- reshape(data=fc1, idvar="protID", ids=row.names(fc1), 
                         times=paste(commonDat1$temperature, "\U00B0 C"), 
                         varying=list(colnames(fc1)), direction="long", 
          df2 <- reshape(data=fc2, idvar="protID", ids=row.names(fc2), 
                         times=paste(commonDat2$temperature, "\U00B0 C"), 
                         varying=list(colnames(fc2)), direction="long", 
          dfPlot <- merge(df1, df2)
          xy = geom_abline(intercept=0, slope=1, linetype=1, colour="red")
          p <- ggplot(dfPlot, aes_string(x="fc1", y="fc2"))
          p <- p + geom_point(alpha=0.2, na.rm = TRUE) + xy
          p <- p + facet_wrap("temperature")
        p <- p + scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0, 1.5)) + 
          scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 1.5))
        p <- p + xlab(expName1) + ylab(expName2) + ggtitle(paste(annotStr))
        plotName <- paste("QC_plots", expName1, "vs", expName2, sep="_")
        plotObjList[[plotName]] <- p
        ## Save plot:
        if (!is.null(path)){
          if (!file.exists(path)) dir.create(path, recursive=TRUE)      
          plotFile <- paste(plotName, "_", annotStr, ".pdf", sep="")
          ggsave(filename=file.path(path, plotFile), plot=p, width=20, 
                 height=25, units="cm", useDingbats=FALSE)
  } else {
    warning("QC plots of experiment-wise correlations can only be created when more than one experiments are given.")
DoroChilds/TPP documentation built on Oct. 31, 2021, 4:38 a.m.