
Defines functions applyGREAT

Documented in applyGREAT

#' Find Enrichment of GO Terms in PatternMarker Peaks using GREAT
#' Use the rGREAT package to find enrichment of GO terms or genes for
#' the peaks found to be most pattern differentiating using the
#' PatternMarker statistic.
#' @param cogapsResult result object from CoGAPS
#' @param granges GRanges object corresponding to the peaks of the scATAC-seq
#'   data CoGAPS was applied to
#' @param genome UCSC genome designation for input to the sumbitGreatJob
#'   function from the rGREAT package (e.g. "hg19")
#' @param scoreThreshold threshold of PatternMarker score to take peaks for
#'   analysis, higher values return more peaks. Defaults to use all
#'   PatternMarker genes with value NULL
#' @param GREATCategory input to the category argument of the rGREAT 
#' getEnrichmentTables function. Usually "GO" or "Genes"
#' @return list containing enrichment results for each pattern
#' @examples data("schepCogapsResult")
#' data(schepGranges)
#' GOenrichment <- applyGREAT(cogapsResult = schepCogapsResult,
#'  granges = schepGranges, genome = "hg19")
#' @export

applyGREAT <- function(cogapsResult, granges, genome,
                       scoreThreshold = NULL, GREATCategory = "GO") {
  #get PatternMarker peak indices
  patMarkers <- CoGAPS::patternMarkers(cogapsResult)
    peaks <- patMarkers$PatternMarkers
    nPeaks <- lapply(peaks, length)
    PMRanks <- patMarkers$PatternMarkerRanks
    regionPatList <- vector(mode = "list", length = ncol(PMRanks))
    for(i in seq(ncol(PMRanks))) {
      topPeaksPat <- which(PMRanks[,i] %in% seq(nPeaks[[i]]))
      regionPatList[[i]] <- topPeaksPat
    patScores <- as.data.frame(patMarkers$PatternMarkerScores)
    chr_regions <- rownames(patScores)
    regionPatList <- vector(mode=  "list", length = ncol(patScores))
    for(i in seq(ncol(patScores))) {
      topPeaksPat <- which(patScores[,i] < scoreThreshold)
      regionPatList[[i]] <- topPeaksPat
  #number of peaks used based on patternMarker score threshold
  numPeaks <- unlist(lapply(regionPatList, length))
  names(numPeaks) <- lapply(seq(length(regionPatList)),
                           function(x) {paste("Pattern", x)})
  #call GREAT and get enrichment for GO terms
  GREATResults <- vector("list", length(regionPatList))
  for(i in seq(length(regionPatList))) {
    patRanges <- granges[regionPatList[[i]]]
    greatJob <- rGREAT::submitGreatJob(gr = patRanges, species = genome,
                                      request_interval = 1)
    tbl <- rGREAT::getEnrichmentTables(greatJob, category = GREATCategory)
    GREATResults[[i]] <- tbl
FertigLab/ATACCoGAPS documentation built on Feb. 8, 2023, 6:46 p.m.