Amplicon sequencing data analysis

We can combine what we have seen in the quality assessment and preprocessing tutoarials with specific workflow steps for amplicon sequencing, for instance 16S rRNA gene sequencing.

As before we will load mbtools and use our example data:

path <- system.file("extdata/16S", package = "mbtools")

Quality assessment

As before a good first step is to look at the qualities of the raw data.

quals <- find_read_files(path) %>% quality_control()

Again we see that we might want to truncate the reads a bit on the 3' ends to avoid the dip in quality. Depending on your amplified fragment make sure that this leaves sufficient overlap for merging (requires >20bp).


We can now perform our preprocessing and denoise workflow to obtain the amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) in our samples. We can chain our preprocessing and denoise workflows from our original quality assessment. For clarity we will define the confguration for the analysis on top.

config <- list(
    preprocess = config_preprocess(
        trimLeft = 10,  # this is the default
        trunLen = c(240, 180),  # forward and reverse truncation
        out_dir = tempdir()  # will store filtered files in a temporary dir
    denoise = config_denoise()  # will only use defaults

denoised <- quals %>% preprocess(config$preprocess) %>% denoise(config$denoise)

This will run both workflow steps sequentially and will use all available CPUs by default. You will get some disgnostic output on the logging interface but you can also inspect those in the returned artifact.

For instance to see how many reads were conserved in each processing step:


We see that most samples were conserved (as reported in the logging).

The abundance of each sequence variant is saved in denoised$feature_tables which contains abundances for samples x ASVs. The ASVs here have been named by their md5 hash value and you can get the taxonomy and original sequence from denoised$taxonomy:

denoised$taxonomy[1, , drop = FALSE]

To see all steps run to obatin that output you can check the provenance:


Managing several sequencing runs

The denoise workflow step supports multiple sequencing runs in the same experiment. This requires that your files data table has a "run" column. If you sequencing files are organized such that every subfolder is a run you can simply use find_read_files(path, dirs_are_runs = TRUE). Otherwise, you have to specify the run by hand. We will do so for our files here:

files <- quals$files
files[, run := rep(1:3, times = c(2, 2, 1))]

Rerunning the previous workflow with this file list will now give a slightly different output:

byrun <- files %>% preprocess(config$preprocess) %>%

Error profiles will now be estimated for each run individually and final tables will be merged at the end. This is slower than having all files in one run so you should always try to distribute your samples across as few sequencing runs as possible.

Converting to phyloseq

For all further analyses you might want to work with a data type which is more suited for amplicon abundance data. You can directly obtain a phyloseq object with

ps <- as_phyloseq(denoised)

It is possible to pass in metadata as a data frame with to_phyloseq(object, metadata = df).

You can now use all additional functions from mbtools on that. For instance we can get the ASV counts in a tidy data table:

asv_counts <- taxa_count(ps, lev = NA)
asv_counts[sample == "Mock" & reads > 0]

Here we see that we have identified 10 ASVs in the Mock sample. The exact number of strains in that sample is 20, which we don't find since we don't have enough reads available to learn a perfect error model. This is not surprising since those are only a few files from that particular study.

We could also plot the phyla distribution across the samples:


Gibbons-Lab/mbtools documentation built on Jan. 28, 2024, 11:08 a.m.