Reference counting

One basic anaylisis we want to perform is to count the abundance of some references in our data. Here reference is a broad term and may refer to transcripts, genomes, or amplicon sequences contained in a reference database.

For this mbtools implements a general purpose expectation maximization (EM) counter. It is implemented in C++ to perform fast and usually reading the alignment file takes longer than the actual analysis.



Let's start by aligning our short read data to a reference database of 10 microbial genomes.

fi <- system.file("extdata/shotgun", package = "mbtools") %>%
ref <- system.file("extdata/genomes/zymo_mock.fna.gz",
                   package = "mbtools")

alns <- align_short_reads(
    threads = 3,
    reference = ref,
    use_existing = FALSE)

EM counting

Counting is yet again a workflow and requires an alignment artifact and a configuration.

config <- config_count(
    reference = system.file("extdata/genomes/zymo_mock.fna.gz",
                            package = "mbtools"),
    threads = 1,
    weights = TRUE


And we can proceed to counting:

cn <- count_references(alns, config)

This creates a count artifact which contains the counts.


Note that there is a NA reference. This is the number of reads likely coming from a sequence not contained in the reference.


In each sample we have 10 microbes with the same abundance.

ggplot(cn$counts, aes(x=counts, y=reference)) +
    geom_point() + xlim(0, 1000) +
    facet_wrap(~ sample) + theme_minimal()

Looks ok, but there is a lot of noise since we have very low depth.

ggplot(cn$counts, aes(x = counts)) + geom_histogram(bins = 8)

We could also compare that with a naive counting method that just uses the best alignment score. In our case that will perform equally since we have little multi-mapping here.

config$method <- "naive"
cn2 <- count_references(alns, config)

counts <- cn$counts[cn2$counts, on = c("sample", "reference", "effective_length")]

ggplot(counts, aes(x = counts, y = i.counts)) +
    geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm") +
    labs(x = "em", y = "naive") + theme_classic()

As we see they both give the same results for that simple case.

Gibbons-Lab/mbtools documentation built on Jan. 28, 2024, 11:08 a.m.