
Defines functions read.dnds_mlc read.tip_seq_mlc getPhyInfo

getPhyInfo <- function(phy) {
    line1 <- readLines(phy, n=1)
    res <- strsplit(line1, split="\\s")[[1]]
    res <- res[res != ""]

    return(list(num=as.numeric(res[1]), width=as.numeric(res[2])))

read.tip_seq_mlc <- function(mlcfile) {
    info <- getPhyInfo(mlcfile)
    mlc <- readLines(mlcfile)
    ## remove blank lines
    blk <- grep("^\\s*$", mlc)
    if (length(blk) > 0) {
        mlc <- mlc[-blk]

    seqs <- mlc[2:(info$num+1)]
    seqs <- gsub("\\s+", "", seqs)
    wd <- info$width
    ## nchar <- base::nchar
    res <- vapply(seqs, function(x) substring(x, (nchar(x) - wd + 1), nchar(x)),
    nn <- vapply(seqs, function(x) substring(x, 1, (nchar(x) - wd)),
    names(res) <- nn

read.tip_seq_mlb <- read.tip_seq_mlc

read.dnds_mlc <- function(mlcfile) {
    mlc <- readLines(mlcfile)
    i <- grep("dN & dS for each branch", mlc)
    j <- grep("tree length for dN", mlc)

    if (length(i) == 0 || length(j) == 0)

    mlc <- mlc[i:j]
    hi <- grep("dN/dS", mlc)
    cn <- strsplit(mlc[hi], " ") %>% unlist %>% `[`(nzchar(.))

    ii <- grep("\\d+\\.\\.\\d+", mlc)
    info <- mlc[ii] %>%
        sub("^\\s+", "", .) %>%
        sub("\\s+$", "", .)

    res <- lapply(info, function(x) {
        y <- unlist(strsplit(x, "\\s+"))
        edge <- unlist(strsplit(y[1], "\\.\\."))
        yy <- c(edge, y[-1])
    }) %>% do.call('rbind', .)

    row.names(res) <- NULL
    colnames(res) <- c("parent", "node", cn[-1])
    colnames(res) <- gsub("\\*", "_x_", colnames(res))
    colnames(res) <- gsub("\\/", "_vs_", colnames(res))

read.treetext_paml_mlc <- function(mlcfile) {
    read.treetext_paml(mlcfile, "mlc")

read.treetext_paml_rst<- function(rstfile) {
    read.treetext_paml(rstfile, "rst")

read.treetext_paml <- function(file, by) {
    ## works fine with baseml and codeml
    x <- readLines(file)
    tr.idx <- get_tree_index_paml(x)

    if ( by == "rst" ) {
        ii <- 1
    } else if (by == "mlc") {
        ii <- 3
    } else {
        stop("_by_ should be one of 'rst' or 'mlc'")


read.phylo_paml_mlc <- function(mlcfile) {
    parent <- node <- label <- NULL

    mlc <- readLines(mlcfile)
    edge <- get_tree_edge_paml(mlc)

    tr.idx <- get_tree_index_paml(mlc)
    tr2 <- read.tree(text=mlc[tr.idx[2]])
    tr3 <- read.tree(text=mlc[tr.idx[3]])

    treeinfo <- as.data.frame(edge)
    colnames(treeinfo) <- c("parent", "node")
    treeinfo$length <- NA
    treeinfo$label <- NA
    treeinfo$isTip <- FALSE
    ntip <- Ntip(tr3)
    ii <- match(tr2$tip.label, treeinfo[, "node"])
    treeinfo[ii, "label"] <- tr3$tip.label
    treeinfo[ii, "isTip"] <- TRUE
    ## jj <- match(1:ntip, tr3$edge[,2])
    treeinfo[ii, "length"] <- tr2$edge.length[ii] ##tr3$edge.length[jj]

    root <- rootnode(tr3) ## always == (Ntip(tr3) + 1)
    currentNode <- treeinfo$label[ii]
    ## treeinfo.tr3 <- fortify(tr3)
    tr3_label <- c(tr3$tip.label, tr3$node.label)
    tr3_edge <- as.data.frame(tr3$edge)
    colnames(tr3_edge) <- c("parent", "node")

    treeinfo$visited <- FALSE
    while(any(treeinfo$visited == FALSE)) {
        pNode <- c()
        for( kk in currentNode ) {
            i <- which(treeinfo$label == kk)
            treeinfo[i, "visited"] <- TRUE
            ## j <- which(treeinfo.tr3$label == kk)
            j <- which(tr3_label == kk)
            ip <- treeinfo[i, "parent"]
            if (ip != root) {
                ii <- which(treeinfo[, "node"] == ip)
                if (treeinfo$visited[ii] == FALSE) {
                    jp <- tr3_edge[tr3_edge$node == j, "parent"]
                    treeinfo[ii, "label"] <- as.character(ip)
                    tr3_label[jp] <- as.character(ip)
                    jj <- tr3_edge$node == jp
                    treeinfo[ii, "length"] <- tr3$edge.length[jj]
                    pNode <- c(pNode, ip)
                treeinfo[ii, "visited"] <- TRUE

        currentNode <- unique(pNode)

    phylo <- with(treeinfo,
                  list(edge= cbind(as.numeric(parent),
                       edge.length = length,
                       tip.label = label[order(node)][1:ntip],
                       Nnode = tr3$Nnode,
                       node.label = c(root, label[order(node)][-c(1:ntip)])
    class(phylo) <- "phylo"
    phylo <- reorder.phylo(phylo, "cladewise")

##' @importFrom ape reorder.phylo
read.phylo_paml_rst <- function(rstfile) {
    parent <- node <- label <- NULL

    ## works fine with baseml and codeml
    rst <- readLines(rstfile)
    tr.idx <- get_tree_index_paml(rst)

    tr1 <- read.tree(text=rst[tr.idx][1])
    tr3 <- read.tree(text=rst[tr.idx][3])

    edge <- get_tree_edge_paml(rst)

    label <- c(tr3$tip.label, tr3$node.label)
    root <- rootnode(tr3)
    ## label %<>% `[`(. != root)
    label <- label[label != root]

    node.length <- data.frame(label=label,

    ## node.length$node <- sub("_\\w+", "", node.length$label
    node.length$node <- gsub("^(\\d+)_.*", "\\1", node.length$label)
    node.length$label <- sub("\\d+_", "", node.length$label)

    edge <- as.data.frame(edge)
    colnames(edge) <- c("parent", "node")

    treeinfo <- merge(edge, node.length, by.x="node", by.y="node")
    edge2 <- treeinfo[, c("parent", "node")] %>% as.matrix

    ntip <- Ntip(tr3)

    phylo <- with(treeinfo,
                  list(edge= cbind(as.numeric(parent),
                       edge.length = length,
                       tip.label = label[order(node)][1:ntip],
                       Nnode = tr3$Nnode,
                       node.label = c(root, label[order(node)][-c(1:ntip)])

    class(phylo) <- "phylo"
    phylo <- reorder.phylo(phylo, "cladewise")


read.ancseq_paml_rst <- function(rstfile, by="Marginal") {
    ## works fine with baseml and codeml
    rst <- readLines(rstfile)

    by <- match.arg(by, c("Marginal", "Joint"))
    query <- paste(by, "reconstruction of ancestral sequences")
    idx <- grep(query, rst)
    if(length(idx) == 0) {
        ## in some paml setting, joint_ancseq are not available.
    si <- grep("reconstructed sequences", rst)
    idx <- si[which.min(abs(si-idx))]

    nl <- strsplit(rst[idx+2], split=" ") %>%
        unlist %>%

    N <- as.numeric(nl[1])
    seq.leng <- as.numeric(nl[2])

    seqs <- rst[(idx+4):(idx+3+N)]

    seq.name <- character(N)
    res <- character(N)
    for (i in 1:N) {
        ss <- gsub(" ", "", seqs[i])
        nn <- base::nchar(ss)
        res[i] <- substring(ss, nn-seq.leng+1,nn)
        seq.name[i] <- substring(ss, 1, nn-seq.leng)
    seq.name <- sub("\\w+#", "", seq.name)
    names(res) <- seq.name


get_tree_index_paml <- function(paml) {
    grep("\\)[ \\.0-9]*;", paml)

get_tree_edge_index_paml <- function(paml) {
    grep("\\d+\\.\\.\\d+", paml)

get_tree_edge_paml <- function(paml) {
    tr.idx <- get_tree_index_paml(paml)

    edge.idx <- get_tree_edge_index_paml(paml)
    edge.idx <- edge.idx[edge.idx < tr.idx[3]]

    nodeNum <- strsplit(paml[edge.idx], split="\\.\\.") %>%
        unlist %>% strsplit(split="[[:space:]]") %>% unlist

    ## nodeNum %<>% `[`(nzchar(.))
    nodeNum <- nodeNum[nzchar(nodeNum )]

    edge <- matrix(as.numeric(nodeNum), ncol=2, byrow = TRUE)

GuangchuangYu/treeio documentation built on April 12, 2024, 5:25 a.m.