
Defines functions applyOperation processPrimers

Documented in applyOperation processPrimers

#' Applies a single operation
#' @param all_results A list of all results given the class 'all_results'.
#' @param config A list of configuration options
#' @param op_number The operation number. If not specified it will be computed
#' based on the length of all_results
#' @param operation The name of the operation to apply. A function by this name
#' with the arguments all_results and config must exists. Additionally, the
#' functions saveToDisk, genReport, genSummary and print must be specialized
#' for objects of the class matching the name of the operation. If specified,
#' it will be used as a check to ensure that the correct operation was
#' retrieved from the operations_list in the config argument.
#' @export

applyOperation <- function(all_results, config, op_number = NULL, operation = NULL) {
  if (is.null(op_number)) {
    op_number <- paste('n', sprintf("%03d", length(all_results)+1), sep = '')
  if (!is.null(operation)) {
    stopifnot(operation == config$operation_list[[op_number]]$op)
  config$current_op_number <- op_number
  op <- get(config$operation_list[[op_number]]$op)
  ptm <- proc.time()
  timing <- list()

  result <- op(all_results, config)
  seq_dat <- result$input_dat
  result$input_dat <- NULL
  timing$main <- proc.time() - ptm
  ptm <- proc.time()

  result <- genSummary(result, config, seq_dat = seq_dat)
  timing$genSummary <- proc.time() - ptm
  ptm <- proc.time()

  result <- computeMetrics(result, config, seq_dat = seq_dat)
  timing$computeMetrics <- proc.time() - ptm
  result$timing <- timing
  ptm <- proc.time()

  result <- saveToDisk(result, config, seq_dat = seq_dat)
  timing$saveToDisk <- proc.time() - ptm
  ptm <- proc.time()

  result <- genReport(result, config)
  timing$genReport <- proc.time() - ptm
  ptm <- proc.time()

  result <- print(result, config)
  timing$print <- proc.time() - ptm
  result$timing <- timing

  if (config$erase_history){
    dependencies <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(config$operation_list)){
      dependencies[[names(config$operation_list)[i]]] <- NULL
      for (j in config$operation_list[[i]]$data_source){
        if (grepl("dataTracing", config$operation_list[[i]]$name) | grepl("dataTracing", config$operation_list[[i]]$op)){
          do_absolutely_nothing <- 0
        } else if (grepl("^n[0-9]*$", j)){
          dependencies[[j]] <- c(dependencies[[j]], names(config$operation_list)[i])
    ops_performed <- gsub("_.*$", "", names(all_results))
    for (purge_step in names(dependencies)){
      if (all(dependencies[[purge_step]] %in% ops_performed)){
        print(paste("Deleting: ", purge_step))
        indx <- grep(purge_step, names(all_results))
        stopifnot(length(indx) == 1)
        all_results[[indx]]$seq_dat <- NULL
        all_results[[indx]]$trim_dat <- NULL
      } else {


  all_results[[result$config$op_full_name]] <- result

#' Processes a dataset with Primer IDs
#' Applies a series of operations to the input dataset that generates consensus
#' sequences from raw (or preprocessed) datasets containing Primer IDs.
#' @param fwd_reads_file The name of the fastq file with the forward reads.
#' @param rev_reads_file The name of the fastq file with the reverse reads.
#' @param output_dir The directory in which the output must be produced.
#' @param prefix_for_names The basename to use for naming output.
#' @param operation_list The list of operations to apply to the input data.
#' @param intermediate_reports Should intermediate reports be produced after
#' each operations? (Useful for debugging)
#' @param verbosity The output level. 0 = no output. 1 = info about which
#' operation is currently running. 2 = info about progress of current
#' operation. 3 = super verbose debugging output.
#' @param report_type vector of types of reports to procude. Valid options:
#' 'html', 'pdf'.
#' @export

processPrimers <- function(fwd_reads_file = NULL, rev_reads_file = NULL, 
                           output_dir = NULL, prefix_for_names = NULL,
                           operation_list = c('loadData'),
                           intermediate_reports = TRUE, verbosity = 0,
                           report_type = c('html', 'pdf'), ...)
## Process arguments
  if (is.null(fwd_reads_file) & is.null(rev_reads_file))
    stop('At least one of fwd_reads or rev_reads must be non-null')

## Setup data structures
  all_results <- list()
  class(all_results) <- 'allResults'

  config <- c(list(fwd_reads_file = fwd_reads_file,
                   rev_reads_file = rev_reads_file,
                   output_dir = output_dir,
                   prefix_for_names = prefix_for_names,
                   intermediate_reports = intermediate_reports,
                   verbosity = verbosity,
                   report_type = report_type),

## Prepare output directory
  dir.create(file.path(config$output_dir, config$prefix_for_names), 
             showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

## Perform operations
  for (operation in operation_list)
    all_results <- applyOperation(operation, all_results, config)

## Finalize
  all_results <- saveToDisk(all_results, config)
  all_results <- genSummary(all_results, config)
  all_results <- genReport(all_results, config)
  all_results <- print(all_results, config)

HIVDiversity/MotifBinner2 documentation built on May 6, 2019, 6:44 p.m.