# ascend_objects.R
# description: Code related to the creation and maintenance of the EMSet
#' validateEMSet
#' Validation function for the EMSet.
#' @param object An EMSet that has been created, but needs validation.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' # Load example EMSet
#' em_set <- ascend::raw_set
#' # Validate
#' validateEMSet(em_set)
#' @return Validated \linkS4class{EMSet}.
#' @export
validateEMSet <- function(object){
# Store errors in an object. If length is greater than 0, indicates multiple
# errors are present.
errors <- c()
# Get gene identifiers
gene_list <- rownames(object)
# Get cell identifiers
cell_list <- colnames(object)
# Now we check all the elements are the same
## Check cell identifiers for EMSet match those in colInfo
## Check first column of colInfo matches others
colInfo <- colInfo(object)
if (!(identical(cell_list, rownames(colInfo)))){
errors <- c(errors, "colInfo rownames do not match EMSet colnames.")
} else{
if (!(identical(as.vector(colInfo[,1]), cell_list))){
errors <- c(errors, "First column of colInfo does not match EMSet colnames and colInfo rownames.")
rowInfo <- rowInfo(object)
## Check gene names for EMSet match those in rowInfo
if (!(identical(gene_list, rownames(rowInfo)))){
errors <- c(errors, "rowInfo rownames do not match EMSet rownames.")
} else{
if (!(identical(as.vector(rowInfo[,1]), gene_list))){
errors <- c(errors, "First column of rowInfo does not match EMSet rownames and rowInfo rownames.")
# If any messages were collected, return an error, otherwise return TRUE
if (length(errors)){
} else TRUE
#' Expression and Metadata Set (EMSet)
#' An \linkS4class{EMSet} is a S4 class that stores data in a format `ascend`` can
#' easily work with for analysis.
#' This iteration of the \linkS4class{EMSet} inherits from the
#' \code{\linkS4class{SingleCellExperiment}} superclass for integration into
#' Bioconductor.
#' `ascend`-specific slots are as follows:
#' @slot colInfo A data frame containing each cell identifier, its
#' associated batch/sample and additional information such as conditions. This
#' slot was called CellInformation in earlier versions of `ascend`.
#' @slot rowInfo A data frame containing information a set of gene
#' identifiers, such as gene symbols or ENSEMBL transcript identifiers. This
#' data frame also holds information on controls and any information provided by
#' the user. This slot was called GeneInformation in earlier versions of `ascend`.
#' @slot clusterAnalysis Objects related to clustering - distance matrix and
#' hclust object
#' @slot log A record of functions used on an \linkS4class{EMSet}.
#' @examples
#' # Load example EMSet from package
#' em_set <- ascend::raw_set
#' class(em_set)
#' @name EMSet-class
#' @rdname EMSet-class
#' @import methods
#' @importClassesFrom S4Vectors DataFrame
#' @importClassesFrom SingleCellExperiment SingleCellExperiment
#' @export
#' @exportClass EMSet
.EMSet <- setClass("EMSet",
slots = list(colInfo = "DataFrame",
rowInfo = "DataFrame",
clusterAnalysis = "list",
log = "list"),
contains = "SingleCellExperiment",
prototype = prototype(new("SingleCellExperiment")),
validity = validateEMSet)
#' @param object \linkS4class{EMSet}
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assayNames rowData colData
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics rownames colnames
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment reducedDimNames spikeNames
#' @rdname EMSet
#' @export
setMethod("show", "EMSet", function(object){
# 1. Basic EMSet structure - all will have these features
set_dims <- dim(object)
metadata_names <- paste(names(S4Vectors::metadata(object)), collapse = ", ")
assay_names <- paste(SummarizedExperiment::assayNames(object), collapse = ", ")
rownames <- paste(BiocGenerics::rownames(object)[1:10], collapse = ", ")
rowInfo <- paste(colnames(rowInfo(object)), collapse = ", ")
rowData <- paste(colnames(SummarizedExperiment::rowData(object)), collapse =", ")
colnames <- paste(BiocGenerics::colnames(object)[1:10], collapse = ", ")
colInfo <- paste(colnames(colInfo(object)), collapse = ", ")
colData <- paste(colnames(SummarizedExperiment::colData(object)), collapse = ", ")
dimnames <- paste(SingleCellExperiment::reducedDimNames(object), collapse = ", ")
spikenames <- paste(SingleCellExperiment::spikeNames(object), collapse = ", ")
clusteranlaysis <- paste(names(clusterAnalysis(object)), collapse = ", ")
line1 <- "class: EMSet"
line2 <- sprintf("dim: %i %i", set_dims[1], set_dims[2])
line3 <- print(paste0("metadata:", metadata_names))
line4 <- paste("assays:", assay_names, collapse = " ")
line5 <- paste("rownames:", rownames, "...", collapse = " ")
line6 <- paste("rowInfo:", rowInfo, collapse = " ")
line7 <- paste("rowData:", rowData, collapse = " ")
line8 <- paste("colnames:", colnames, "...")
line9 <- paste("colInfo:", colInfo, collapse = " ")
line10 <- paste("colData:", colData, collapse = " ")
line11 <- paste("reducedDimNames:", dimnames, collapse = " ")
line12 <- paste("spikeNames:", spikenames, collapse = " ")
line13 <- paste("clusterAnalysis:", clusteranlaysis, collapse = " ")
cat(paste(line1, line2, line3, line4, line5, line6, line7,
line8, line9, line10, line11, line12, line13, sep = "\n"))
loadCounts <- function(x){
if (is.data.frame(x)){
cell_barcodes <- colnames(x)
x <- as.matrix(x)
x <- SingleCellExperiment::SingleCellExperiment(assays = list(counts = x))
colnames(x) <- cell_barcodes
# If it is a matrix
else if (is.matrix(x)){
cell_barcodes <- colnames(x)
x <- SingleCellExperiment::SingleCellExperiment(assays = list(counts = x))
colnames(x) <- cell_barcodes
# If it is a sparse matrix
else if (is(x, "sparseMatrix")){
cell_barcodes <- colnames(x)
x <- SingleCellExperiment::SingleCellExperiment(assays = list(counts= x))
colnames(x) <- cell_barcodes
# If it is a list
else if (is.list(x)){
if ("counts" %in% names(x)){
cell_barcodes <- colnames(x$counts)
x <- SingleCellExperiment::SingleCellExperiment(x)
colnames(x) <- cell_barcodes
} else{
stop("Please supply a list with an object labelled counts.")
# If it is a simple list
else if (is(x, "SimpleList")){
if ("counts" %in% names(x)){
cell_barcodes <- colnames(x$counts)
x <- SingleCellExperiment::SingleCellExperiment(x)
colnames(x) <- cell_barcodes
} else{
stop("Please supply a list with an object labelled counts.")
# Check that we have created a single cell experiment
if (is(x, "SingleCellExperiment")){
if (is.null(colnames(x))){
cell_barcodes <- colnames(counts(x))
colnames(x) <- cell_barcodes
} else{
stop("Please supply counts in an accepted format.")
#' EMSet
#' \code{\link{EMSet}} generates a \linkS4class{EMSet} object for use with
#' the `ascend` package. This object contains an expression matrix,
#' associated metadata, downstream analysis and a log documenting the actions
#' used to shape the data in this object.
#' @param x An object containing count data. The counts can be stored in the
#' following formats: SingleCellExperiment, "counts" in a list or SimpleList,
#' dense matrix or sparse matrix.
#' @param colInfo A data frame containing cell-related metadata.
#' @param rowInfo A data frame containing gene-related metadata.
#' @param colData A data frame containing cell-related data.
#' @param rowData A data frame containing gene-related data.
#' @param controls A named list containing control genes grouped into named
#' control groups.
#' @examples
#' # Randomly generate count matrix
#' count_matrix <- matrix(sample(0:1, 100, replace=TRUE),10,10)
#' # Generate cell barcodes
#' cell_barcodes <- paste0("Cell-", 1:10)
#' gene_ids <- paste0("Gene-", 1:10)
#' # Add to matrix
#' colnames(count_matrix) <- cell_barcodes
#' rownames(count_matrix) <- gene_ids
#' # Create an EMSet
#' # EMSet from a list
#' em_set <- EMSet(list(counts = count_matrix))
#' # EMSet from a matrix
#' em_set <- EMSet(count_matrix)
#' @return An \linkS4class{EMSet} object.
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData rowData
#' @export
EMSet <- function(x,
colInfo = NULL,
colData = NULL,
rowInfo = NULL,
rowData = NULL,
controls = NULL){
# Load count data into a SingleCellExperiment object if possible
# Expect errors to be picked up by SingleCellExperiment methods
counts <- loadCounts(x)
# Get colData supplied from the SingleCellExperiment
# OR check one user has supplied
# OR create a new one
if ((nrow(SummarizedExperiment::colData(counts)) > 0) & (ncol(SummarizedExperiment::colData(counts)) > 0)){
# Set first column as cell_barcode
# Validate cell barcode
if ("cell_barcode" %in% colnames(colData(counts))){
cell_barcode_idx <- which("cell_barcode" == colnames(colData(counts)))
other_idx <- which("cell_barcode" != colnames(colData(counts)))
colData <- colData(counts)
colData <- colData[, c(cell_barcode_idx, other_idx)]
} else{
colData <- colData(counts)
cell_barcode <- colnames(counts)
colData$cell_barcode <- cell_barcode
rownames(colData) <- cell_barcode
colData <- colData[, c(ncol(colData), which(colnames(colData) != "cell_barcode"))]
} else{
# Create colData if user hasn't supplied one
if (missing(colData)){
if (missing(colInfo)){
colData <- DataFrame(cell_barcode = colnames(counts), row.names = colnames(counts))
} else{
colData <- DataFrame(cell_barcode = colInfo[, 1], row.names = colInfo[, 1])
} else{
# Check if the supplied colData matches cell identifiers in the count data
if (!(all(colData[, 1] %in% colnames(counts)))){
stop("Supplied colData DataFrame does not match supplied counts.")
# If supplied, check if colInfo matches colData
if (!(missing(colInfo))){
if (!(all(colData[, 1] %in% colInfo[, 1]))){
stop("First column of colData does not match first column of colInfo.")
colData(counts) <- colData
if (ncol(rowData(counts)) > 0){
rowData <- rowData(counts)
# Check gene ids are present
gene_ids <- rownames(counts)
gene_col_query <- apply(rowData, 2, function(y) all(y == gene_ids))
# Retrieve index if present, make one if not
if (any(gene_col_query)){
gene_id_name <- names(which(gene_col_query))
} else{
rowData$gene_id <- gene_ids
gene_id_name <- "gene_id"
gene_idx <- ncol(rowData)
# Move column to the front
if (which(colnames(rowData) == gene_id_name) != 1){
other_idx <- 1:ncol(rowData)
other_idx <- other_idx[which(colnames(rowData) != gene_id_name)]
rowData <- rowData[, c(gene_idx, other_idx)]
} else{
if (missing(rowData)){
if (missing(rowInfo)){
# Ensure we use the same header as other datasets
gene_id_name <- "gene_id"
rowData <- DataFrame(gene_id = rownames(counts), row.names = rownames(counts))
} else{
gene_id_name <- colnames(rowInfo)[1]
gene_ids <- list()
gene_ids[[gene_id_name]] <- rowInfo[, 1]
rowData <- DataFrame(gene_ids, row.names = rownames(counts))
} else{
# Check the columns match
gene_id_name <- colnames(rowData)[1]
if (!(all(rowData[, gene_id_name] %in% rownames(counts)))){
stop("Gene identifiers in rowData do not match identifiers used in supplied data.")
if (!(missing(rowInfo))){
if (!(all(rowData[,1] %in% rowInfo[, 1]))){
stop("First column of rowData does not match first column of rowInfo.")
rowData(counts) <- rowData
# Now check colInfo
if (missing(colInfo)){
colInfo <- DataFrame(cell_barcode = colnames(counts),
batch = rep(1, ncol(counts)),
row.names = colnames(counts))
} else{
if("cell_barcode" != colnames(colInfo)[1]){
stop("Please specify the name of the first column in colInfo as 'cell_barcode'")
if (!("batch" %in% colnames(colInfo))){
colInfo$batch <- 1
# Check rowInfo
if (missing(rowInfo)){
gene_list <- list()
gene_list[[gene_id_name]] <- rownames(counts)
rowInfo <- DataFrame(gene_list, row.names = rownames(counts))
# Make sure rownames are column 1 in colInfo, rowInfo, colData, rowData
colInfo <- DataFrame(colInfo, row.names = as.vector(colInfo[, 1]))
rowInfo <- DataFrame(rowInfo, row.names = as.vector(rowInfo[, 1]))
# Now that everything is in order, create an EMSet
object <- new("EMSet",
colInfo = colInfo,
rowInfo = rowInfo)
# Now add controls if they are present
if (!(is.null(controls))){
controls(object) <- controls
# Calculate QC metrics
object <- calculateQC(object)
# Return to user
return (object)
#' updateObject
#' Converts EMSets from ascend version < 0.5.0 to new EMSet that inherits from
#' SingleCellExperiment. Please note that normalised data will be used as the
#' main count matrix, and loaded into the normcounts slot if a normalisation
#' method was logged. Quality control metrics will be re-calculated upon
#' conversion.
#' @param object An old EMSet.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Make sure you replace your original object with the updated object
#' object <- updateObject(object)
#' }
#' @return An updated EMSet.
#' @export
setMethod("updateObject", "EMSet", function(object){
if (.hasSlot(object, "ExpressionMatrix")){
print("Old EMSet detected! Updating to new EMSet structure...")
log <- object@Log
counts <- object@ExpressionMatrix
# Retrieve metadata
cell_info <- object@CellInformation
gene_info <- object@GeneInformation
rownames(cell_info) <- colnames(counts)
rownames(gene_info) <- rownames(counts)
# Create base EMSet
updated_object <- EMSet(list(counts = as.matrix(counts)),
colInfo = S4Vectors::DataFrame(cell_info),
rowInfo = S4Vectors::DataFrame(gene_info))
SummarizedExperiment::mcols(updated_object) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(gene_info)
if(length(object@Controls) > 0){
updated_object <- controls(updated_object, controls = object@Controls)
progressLog(updated_object) <- log
# Check if values are normalised
if (!is.null(object@Log$NormalisationMethod)){
normcounts <- object@ExpressionMatrix
SingleCellExperiment::normcounts(updated_object) <- normcounts
if (length(object@PCA) > 0){
pca_matrix <- object@PCA$PCA
pct_variance <- object@PCA$PCAPercentVariance
SingleCellExperiment::reducedDim(updated_object, "PCA") <- pca_matrix
log <- progressLog(updated_object)
log$PCAVariance <- pct_variance
progressLog(updated_object) <- log
if (length(object@Clusters) > 0){
# Retrieve old cluster list
cluster_list <- object@Clusters
# Reformat so it matches new cluster list
distanceMatrix <- cluster_list$DistanceMatrix
hClust <- cluster_list$Hclust
putativeCluster <- cluster_list$PutativeClusters
clusteringMatrix <- cluster_list$ClusteringMatrix # Need to change resolution labels
colnames(clusteringMatrix)[1:ncol(clusteringMatrix) - 1] <- cluster_list$KeyStats$Height
clusters <- cluster_list$Clusters
nClusters <- cluster_list$NumberOfClusters
optimalTreeHeight <- cluster_list$OptimalTreeHeight
keyStats <- cluster_list$KeyStats
# New list
clusterAnalysis <- list(distanceMatrix = distanceMatrix,
hClust = hClust,
putativeCluster = putativeCluster,
clusteringMatrix = clusteringMatrix,
clusters = clusters,
nClusters = nClusters,
optimalTreeHeight = optimalTreeHeight,
keyStats = keyStats)
clusterAnalysis(updated_object) <- clusterAnalysis
# Validate
if (validateEMSet(updated_object)){
# Calculate QC metrics
object <- calculateQC(updated_object)
print("Conversion complete! Returning object...")
} else{
stop("Converstion unsuccessful.")
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