
Defines functions sig_roc

Documented in sig_roc

#' Plot ROC Curves and Compare Them
#' This function generates Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves for multiple
#' predictors and optionally compares them using statistical tests.
#' @param data A data frame containing the variables specified in `variables` and
#'   the binary outcome variable specified in `response`.
#' @param response A string specifying the name of the binary outcome variable in `data`.
#' @param variables A vector of strings specifying the names of predictor variables
#'   in `data` for which ROC curves will be plotted.
#' @param fig.path The directory path where the output PDF file containing the ROC plots
#'   will be saved. Default is the current working directory.
#' @param main The main title for the ROC plot.
#' @param file.name The name of the output PDF file, without extension. If `NULL`, a
#'   default name "0-ROC of multiple variables" is used.
#' @param palette The color palette to use for plotting the ROC curves. 'jama' is
#'   the default. If more variables than colors in the palette, a random palette
#'   is used unless specified in `cols`.
#' @param cols A vector of colors to use for the ROC curves. If `NULL`, colors will
#'   be automatically assigned using the specified `palette`.
#' @param alpha The transparency level of colors used in the plot, where 1 is fully
#'   opaque and 0 is fully transparent. Default is 1.
#' @param compare Logical; if `TRUE`, performs statistical comparison between the
#'   AUCs of the ROC curves using the method specified in `compare_method`.
#' @param smooth Logical; if `TRUE`, the ROC curves will be smoothed. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param compare_method The method to use for comparing ROC curves if `compare` is TRUE.
#'   Default is "bootstrap". Other options include "delong" and "venkatraman".
#' @param boot.n The number of bootstrap replications for estimating confidence intervals
#'   and comparing ROC curves if `compare_method` is "bootstrap". Default is 100.
#' @return A list containing the following components:
#'   - `auc.out`: A data frame with columns "Name", "AUC", and "AUC CI" showing the AUC
#'     and confidence intervals for each variable.
#'   - `legend.name`: A vector of legend entries for the ROC plot.
#'   - `p.out`: If `compare` is TRUE, a data frame comparing each pair of ROC curves with
#'     columns "ROC1", "ROC2", and "p.value" indicating the p-values of the comparisons.
#' @author Dongqiang Zeng
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("tcga_stad_pdata", package = "IOBR")
#' sig_roc(data = tcga_stad_pdata, response = "OS_status", variables = c("TMEscore_plus", "GZMB", "GNLY"))
                  fig.path       = ".",
                  main           = NULL,
                  file.name      = NULL,
                  palette        = "jama",
                  cols           = NULL,
                  alpha          = 1,
                  compare        = FALSE,
                  smooth         = TRUE,
                  compare_method = "bootstrap",
                  boot.n         = 100){
  options(pROCProgress = list(name = "none"))

  if (!response %in% colnames(data)) {
    stop("The response column specified does not exist in the data.")

  data <- as.data.frame(data)

  # Ensure response is a factor with two levels
  data[[response]] <- as.factor(data[[response]])
  if (length(levels(data[[response]])) != 2) {
    stop("Response variable must have exactly two levels.")

  data <- data[!is.na(data[[response]]), ]


  message(">>>== head of input data: ")


    cols<- palettes(palette = palette, alpha = alpha, show_col = FALSE, show_message = FALSE)

    if(var_counts> length(cols)){
      cols<- palettes(category = "random", alpha = alpha, show_col = FALSE, show_message = FALSE)


  auc.out <- c()

  if(is.null(file.name)) file.name<- "0-ROC of multiple variables"

  outfile = file.path(fig.path, paste(file.name, ".pdf",sep=""))

  pdf(file = outfile, width = 5, height = 5)

  on.exit(dev.off(), add = TRUE)  # Ensure graphics device is shut off when function exits
  x <- pROC:: plot.roc(input[,1],input[,2],
                       smooth= smooth,
                       main = main ,
                       xlab = "False Positive Rate",
                       ylab = "True Positive Rate")

  ci.lower <- round(as.numeric(x$ci[1]),3)
  ci.upper <- round(as.numeric(x$ci[3]),3)

  auc.ci <- c(colnames(input)[2],round(as.numeric(x$auc),3),paste(ci.lower,ci.upper,sep="-"))
  auc.out <- rbind(auc.out,auc.ci)
  for (i in 3:ncol(input)){
    x <-pROC::plot.roc(input[,1],input[,i],
                  add        =T,
                  smooth     =smooth,
                  ci         =TRUE,
                  col        =cols[i],
                  lwd        =2,
                  xlab = "False Positive Rate",
                  ylab = "True Positive Rate")

    ci.lower <- round(as.numeric(x$ci[1]),3)
    ci.upper <- round(as.numeric(x$ci[3]),3)
    auc.ci <- c(colnames(input)[i],round(as.numeric(x$auc),3),paste(ci.lower,ci.upper,sep="-"))
    auc.out <- rbind(auc.out,auc.ci)

  auc.out <- as.data.frame(auc.out)
  colnames(auc.out) <- c("Name","AUC","AUC CI")

  legend.name <- paste(colnames(input)[2:length(input)]," AUC = ", auc.out$AUC, sep=" ")
         col = cols[2:length(input)],
         lwd = 2,

  # dev.off()
    p.out <- c()

    for (i in 2:(ncol(input)-1)){
      for (j in (i+1):ncol(input)){
        p <-pROC:: roc.test(input[,1],input[,i],input[,j], method = compare_method, boot.n = boot.n, progress = "none")
        p.tmp <- c(colnames(input)[i],colnames(input)[j],p$p.value)
        p.out <- rbind(p.out,p.tmp)
    p.out <- as.data.frame(p.out)
    # head(p.out)
    colnames(p.out) <- c("ROC1","ROC2","p.value")
    p.out$p.value <- round(as.numeric(p.out$p.value), 5)

    return(list(auc.out = auc.out, legend.name = legend.name, p.out = p.out ))
    return(list(auc.out = auc.out, legend.name = legend.name ))

IOBR/IOBR documentation built on May 5, 2024, 2:34 p.m.