
Defines functions run.align

Documented in run.align

#' run.align - Run the alignment model on a target data.table
#' This function allows you to prepare reference data ahead of performing batch alignment, using on of the CytofBatchAdjust functions
#' @usage run.align()
#' @param ref.dat NO DEFAULT. A data.table consisting of the 'refernece' data you will use to train the alignment algorithm
#' @param target.dat NO DEFAULT.A data.table consisting of the 'target' data you will use to align the data
#' @param batch.col NO DEFAULT. Column name of the data.table that contains batch labels
#' @param align.cols NO DEFAULT. Vector of column names to align.
#' @param method DEFAULT = 'quantile'. Can be 'quantile', 'SD', or a percentile indicated as '50p' (50th percentile) or '95p' (95th percentile) etc.
#' @param append.name DEFAULT = "_aligned". This will be appended to the column names containing the aligned data
#' @param dir DEFAULT = getwd(). Sets the working directory to operate from. Because this function involves some reading/writing of files, it's best to set this to somewhere static in case the active working directory moves to a subfolder, and then doesn't return because the function runs into an error.
#' @param mem.ctrl DEFAULT = TRUE. Allows the function to clear held memory on occasion.
#' @return Returns a data.table with aligned data added in new columns.
#' @author Thomas M Ashhurst, \email{thomas.ashhurst@@sydney.edu.au}
#' @references Ashhurst, T. M., et al. (2019). \url{https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31077106}
#' @examples
#' cell.dat <- run.align()
#' @import data.table
#' @export

run.align <- function(ref.dat,
                      cluster.col = NULL,
                      goal = NULL,
                      method = "quantile",
                      append.name = "_aligned",
                      dir = getwd(),
                      mem.ctrl = TRUE
  ### Notes
      # 95p | SD | quantile
      # quantile: quantile normalization
      # SD: scaling to reference batch standard deviation
      # 50p: scaling to reference batch 50th percentile (median)
      # 95p: scaling to reference batch 95th percentile
      # Batches may be scaled to an user-defined percentile by specifying any number (1-100) followed by the letter 'p'. For example method="80p" would scale channels to the 80th percentile of the reference batch.
      # Make batch 1 the average of the other batches?
      # Else set a goal -- make that the first batch...
  ### Demo

      # setwd("/Users/thomasa/Desktop/")
      # dir.create("Align test")
      # setwd("Align test")
      # dir <- getwd()
      # ref.dat <- Spectre::demo.batches.1
      # set.seed(42)
      # nr <- sample(nrow(ref.dat))
      # ref.dat <- ref.dat[nr,]
      # target.dat <- Spectre::demo.batches.1
      # set.seed(42)
      # nr <- sample(nrow(target.dat))
      # target.dat <- target.dat[nr,]
      # batch.col <- 'Batch'
      # align.cols <- names(Spectre::demo.batches.1)[c(1:15)]
      # method <- "95p"
      # cluster.col <- NULL
      # goal <- NULL

      # cluster.col <- 'Population'
      # goal <- 'B'
  ### Packages

  ### Setup
      unlink("Temp -- cytofbatchadjust", recursive = TRUE)
      start.dat <- target.dat    
      target.dat$ADJUST_ORDER <- c(1:nrow(target.dat))
      # ref.dat$ADJUST_ORDER <- c(1:nrow(ref.dat))
      # target.dat$ADJUST_ORDER <- c(1:nrow(target.dat))

  ### Check batch entries
      message('Alignment - setting up')
      REF.BATCHES <- sort(unique(ref.dat[[batch.col]]))
      TRG.BATCHES <- sort(unique(target.dat[[batch.col]]))
      for(i in TRG.BATCHES){
        # i <- TRG.BATCHES[[1]]
        if(!any(REF.BATCHES == i)){
          stop("One of the batches in your target data is not represented in the reference data")
      all.batches <- sort(unique(ref.dat[[batch.col]]))
      ## Sort to put goal batch at front (if 'goal' is set)
            all.batches <- all.batches[c(which(all.batches == goal), which(all.batches != goal))]

      all.batch.nums <- c(1:length(all.batches))
      batch.tb <- cbind(all.batches, all.batch.nums)
      batch.tb <- as.data.table(batch.tb)
      names(batch.tb) <- c(batch.col, "ADJUST_BATCH_NUMBERS")
      ref.dat <- do.add.cols(ref.dat, batch.col, batch.tb, batch.col, show.status = FALSE)
      target.dat <- do.add.cols(target.dat, batch.col, batch.tb, batch.col, show.status = FALSE)
      batch.col <- 'ADJUST_BATCH_NUMBERS'
      ref.dat[[batch.col]] <- as.numeric(ref.dat[[batch.col]])
      target.dat[[batch.col]] <- as.numeric(target.dat[[batch.col]])
  ### Sort 
      setorderv(ref.dat, 'ADJUST_BATCH_NUMBERS')
      setorderv(target.dat, 'ADJUST_BATCH_NUMBERS')
      target.brcd <- target.dat[,'ADJUST_ORDER', with = FALSE]
      # ### REFERENCE DAT - Add per batch barcode
      #     ref.dat$PER_BATCH_BARCODE <- 'EMPTY'
      #     for(i in unique(ref.dat[['ADJUST_BATCH_NUMBERS']])){
      #       # i <- unique(ref.dat$ADJUST_BATCH_NUMBERS)[[1]]
      #       ref.dat[ref.dat[['ADJUST_BATCH_NUMBERS']] == i,]$PER_BATCH_BARCODE <- c(1:nrow(ref.dat[ref.dat[['ADJUST_BATCH_NUMBERS']] == i,]))
      #     }
      #     ref.dat$PER_BATCH_BARCODE <- as.numeric(ref.dat$PER_BATCH_BARCODE)
      # ### TARGET DAT - Add per batch barcode
      #     target.dat$PER_BATCH_BARCODE <- 'EMPTY'
      #     for(i in unique(target.dat[['ADJUST_BATCH_NUMBERS']])){
      #       # i <- unique(target.dat$ADJUST_BATCH_NUMBERS)[[1]]
      #       target.dat[target.dat[['ADJUST_BATCH_NUMBERS']] == i,]$PER_BATCH_BARCODE <- c(1:nrow(target.dat[target.dat[['ADJUST_BATCH_NUMBERS']] == i,]))
      #     }
      #     target.dat$PER_BATCH_BARCODE <- as.numeric(target.dat$PER_BATCH_BARCODE)
      # # ref.dat[['ADJUST_ORDER']] <- as.numeric(ref.dat[['ADJUST_ORDER']])
      # # target.dat[['ADJUST_ORDER']] <- as.numeric(target.dat[['ADJUST_ORDER']])
      # gc()
  ### Setup a temp directory
      unlink("Temp -- cytofbatchadjust", recursive = TRUE)
      dir.create("Temp -- cytofbatchadjust")
      setwd("Temp -- cytofbatchadjust")
      temp.dir <- getwd()  
################################# Whole dataset (i.e. no clusters) #####################################

  ### Write REFERENCE and TARGET FCS files to disk
      message('Alignment - preparing reference and target files')
      for(i in unique(ref.dat[[batch.col]])){
        # i <- unique(ref.dat[[batch.col]])[[1]]
        temp <- ref.dat[ref.dat[[batch.col]] == i,]
        temp <- temp[, c(align.cols), with = FALSE]
        temp$PER_BATCH_BARCODE <- c(1:nrow(temp))
        ## Write FCS
        metadata <- data.frame(name=dimnames(temp)[[2]], desc=paste(dimnames(temp)[[2]]))
        ## Create FCS file metadata - ranges, min, and max settings
        metadata$range <- apply(apply(temp,2,range),2,diff)
        metadata$minRange <- apply(temp,2,min)
        metadata$maxRange <- apply(temp,2,max)
        ## Create flowframe with tSNE data
        temp <- new("flowFrame", exprs=as.matrix(temp), parameters=Biobase::AnnotatedDataFrame(metadata))
        ## Save flowframe as .fcs file -- save data (with new tSNE parameters) as FCS
        write.FCS(temp, paste0("BATCH_", i, "_", "Ref.fcs"))
      for(i in unique(target.dat[[batch.col]])){
        # i <- unique(target.dat[[batch.col]])[[1]]
        temp <- target.dat[target.dat[[batch.col]] == i,]
        temp <- temp[, c(align.cols), with = FALSE]
        temp$PER_BATCH_BARCODE <- c(1:nrow(temp))
        ## Write FCS
        metadata <- data.frame(name=dimnames(temp)[[2]], desc=paste(dimnames(temp)[[2]]))
        ## Create FCS file metadata - ranges, min, and max settings
        metadata$range <- apply(apply(temp,2,range),2,diff)
        metadata$minRange <- apply(temp,2,min)
        metadata$maxRange <- apply(temp,2,max)
        ## Create flowframe with tSNE data
        temp <- new("flowFrame", exprs=as.matrix(temp), parameters=Biobase::AnnotatedDataFrame(metadata))
        ## Save flowframe as .fcs file -- save data (with new tSNE parameters) as FCS
        write.FCS(temp, paste0("BATCH_", i, "_.fcs"))
      # target.dat <- as.data.table(target.dat[,c(batch.col, 'PER_BATCH_BARCODE'),with = FALSE])
      # names(target.dat) <- 'PER_BATCH_BARCODE'
  ### Write .txt. file of 'channels to adjust
      write(align.cols, 'ChannelsToAdjust.txt')
  ### Run
      message('Alignment - applying alignment process')
      unlink("OUTPUT", recursive = TRUE)
        channelsFile = "ChannelsToAdjust.txt",
        anchorKeyword = "Ref",
  ### Read in output
      setwd("Temp -- cytofbatchadjust")
      output.files <- list.files(getwd(), '.fcs')
      output.files <- output.files[!grepl('_Ref.fcs', output.files)]
      res.list <- list()
      for(i in output.files){
        # i <- output.files[[1]]
        temp <- exprs(flowCore::read.FCS(i, 
                                         transformation = FALSE, 
                                         #truncate_max_range = FALSE
        temp <- temp[1:nrow(temp),1:ncol(temp)]
        temp <- as.data.table(temp)
        i <- gsub("BATCH_", "", i)
        i <- gsub("_.fcs", "", i)
        i <- gsub("_", "", i)
        temp[['BATCH_CHECK']] <- i
        temp[['BATCH_CHECK']] <- as.numeric(temp[['BATCH_CHECK']])
        # setorderv(temp, 'PER_BATCH_BARCODE')

        res.list[[i]] <- temp
      res <- rbindlist(res.list, fill = TRUE)
      setorderv(res, 'PER_BATCH_BARCODE')
      setorderv(res, 'BATCH_CHECK')
      res <- cbind(target.brcd, res)
      setorderv(res, 'ADJUST_ORDER')

  ### Checks
      # if(any(target.dat$ADJUST_BATCH_NUMBERS != res$BATCH_CHECK)){
      #   message('WARNING: Row barcode for adjusted data did not match original target data')
      # }
      # if(any(target.dat$PER_BATCH_BARCODE != res$PER_BATCH_BARCODE)){
      #   message('WARNING: Row barcode for adjusted data did not match original target data')
      # }
      # if(any(target.dat$ADJUST_ORDER != res$ADJUST_ORDER)){
      #   message('WARNING: Row barcode for adjusted data did not match original target data')
      # }
      res <- res[, align.cols, with = FALSE]
      names(res) <- paste0(names(res), append.name)
  ### Finalise
      message('Alignment - finalising')
      unlink("Temp -- cytofbatchadjust", recursive = TRUE)
      start.dat <- cbind(start.dat, res)
########################################### CLUSTERS ###################################################

    stop("The use of 'cluster.col' is not active yet")
  # if(!is.null(cluster.col)){
  #   message('Alignment - preparing reference and target files BY CLUSTER')
  #   all.res <- list()
  #   ### Loop
  #   for(a in sort(unique(ref.dat[[cluster.col]]))){
  #     # a <- sort(unique(ref.dat[[cluster.col]]))[[1]]
  #     ### Prep
  #         message(paste0(" -- running ", "'", a, "'"))
  #         setwd(temp.dir)
  #         dir.create(a)
  #         setwd(a)
  #         clust.dir <- getwd()
  #         ref.clust <- ref.dat[ref.dat[[cluster.col]] == a,]
  #         target.clust <- target.dat[target.dat[[cluster.col]] == a,]
  #     ### Write REFERENCe files to disk
  #         for(i in unique(ref.clust[[batch.col]])){
  #           # i <- unique(ref.dat[[batch.col]])[[1]]
  #           temp <- ref.clust[ref.clust[[batch.col]] == i,]
  #           temp <- temp[, c(align.cols), with = FALSE]
  #           temp$PER_BATCH_BARCODE <- c(1:nrow(temp))
  #           ## Write FCS
  #           metadata <- data.frame(name=dimnames(temp)[[2]], desc=paste(dimnames(temp)[[2]]))
  #           ## Create FCS file metadata - ranges, min, and max settings
  #           metadata$range <- apply(apply(temp,2,range),2,diff)
  #           metadata$minRange <- apply(temp,2,min)
  #           metadata$maxRange <- apply(temp,2,max)
  #           ## Create flowframe with tSNE data
  #           temp <- new("flowFrame", exprs=as.matrix(temp), parameters=Biobase::AnnotatedDataFrame(metadata))
  #           ## Save flowframe as .fcs file -- save data (with new tSNE parameters) as FCS
  #           write.FCS(temp, paste0("BATCH_", i, "_", "Ref.fcs"))
  #           rm(temp)
  #           rm(metadata)
  #           rm(i)
  #           gc()
  #         }
  #         gc()
  #     ### Write TARGET data to disk
  #         for(i in unique(target.clust[[batch.col]])){
  #           # i <- unique(target.dat[[batch.col]])[[1]]
  #           temp <- target.clust[target.clust[[batch.col]] == i,]
  #           temp <- temp[, c(align.cols), with = FALSE]
  #           temp$PER_BATCH_BARCODE <- c(1:nrow(temp))
  #           ## Write FCS
  #           metadata <- data.frame(name=dimnames(temp)[[2]], desc=paste(dimnames(temp)[[2]]))
  #           ## Create FCS file metadata - ranges, min, and max settings
  #           metadata$range <- apply(apply(temp,2,range),2,diff)
  #           metadata$minRange <- apply(temp,2,min)
  #           metadata$maxRange <- apply(temp,2,max)
  #           ## Create flowframe with tSNE data
  #           temp <- new("flowFrame", exprs=as.matrix(temp), parameters=Biobase::AnnotatedDataFrame(metadata))
  #           ## Save flowframe as .fcs file -- save data (with new tSNE parameters) as FCS
  #           write.FCS(temp, paste0("BATCH_", i, "_.fcs"))
  #           rm(temp)
  #           rm(metadata)
  #           rm(i)
  #           gc()
  #         }
  #         # target.dat <- as.data.table(target.dat[,c(batch.col, 'PER_BATCH_BARCODE'),with = FALSE])
  #         # names(target.dat) <- 'PER_BATCH_BARCODE'
  #         gc()
  #     ### Write .txt. file of 'channels to adjust
  #         write(align.cols, 'ChannelsToAdjust.txt')
  #     ### Run
  #         message('Alignment - applying alignment process')
  #         unlink("OUTPUT", recursive = TRUE)
  #         #dir.create("OUTPUT")
  #         BatchAdjust(
  #           basedir=".",
  #           outdir="OUTPUT",
  #           channelsFile = "ChannelsToAdjust.txt",
  #           batchKeyword="BATCH_",
  #           anchorKeyword = "Ref",
  #           method=method,
  #           transformation=FALSE,
  #           addExt=NULL,
  #           plotDiagnostics=FALSE)
  #     ### Read in output
  #         setwd(clust.dir)
  #         setwd("OUTPUT")
  #         output.files <- list.files(getwd(), '.fcs')
  #         output.files <- output.files[!grepl('_Ref.fcs', output.files)]
  #         res.list <- list()
  #         for(i in output.files){
  #           # i <- output.files[[1]]
  #           temp <- exprs(flowCore::read.FCS(i,
  #                                            transformation = FALSE,
  #                                            #truncate_max_range = FALSE
  #           ))
  #           temp <- temp[1:nrow(temp),1:ncol(temp)]
  #           temp <- as.data.table(temp)
  #           i <- gsub("BATCH_", "", i)
  #           i <- gsub("_.fcs", "", i)
  #           i <- gsub("_", "", i)
  #           temp[['BATCH_CHECK']] <- i
  #           temp[['BATCH_CHECK']] <- as.numeric(temp[['BATCH_CHECK']])
  #           # setorderv(temp, 'PER_BATCH_BARCODE')
  #           res.list[[i]] <- temp
  #           rm(i)
  #           rm(temp)
  #         }
  #         res <- rbindlist(res.list, fill = TRUE)
  #         setorderv(res, 'PER_BATCH_BARCODE')
  #         setorderv(res, 'BATCH_CHECK')
  #         all.res[[a]] <- res
  #       }
  #   ###
  #           res <- cbind(target.brcd, res)
  #           setorderv(res, 'ADJUST_ORDER')
  #           ### Checks
  #           # if(any(target.dat$ADJUST_BATCH_NUMBERS != res$BATCH_CHECK)){
  #           #   message('WARNING: Row barcode for adjusted data did not match original target data')
  #           # }
  #           #
  #           # if(any(target.dat$PER_BATCH_BARCODE != res$PER_BATCH_BARCODE)){
  #           #   message('WARNING: Row barcode for adjusted data did not match original target data')
  #           # }
  #           # if(any(target.dat$ADJUST_ORDER != res$ADJUST_ORDER)){
  #           #   message('WARNING: Row barcode for adjusted data did not match original target data')
  #           # }
  #           res <- res[, align.cols, with = FALSE]
  #           names(res) <- paste0(names(res), append.name)
  #   ### Finalise
  #       message('Alignment - finalising')
  #       setwd(dir)
  #       unlink("Temp -- cytofbatchadjust", recursive = TRUE)
  #       #
  #       #
  #       #
  #       start.dat <- cbind(start.dat, res)
  #       return(start.dat)
  # }
ImmuneDynamics/Spectre documentation built on Nov. 12, 2023, 8:12 a.m.