
Defines functions metis.readgcam

Documented in metis.readgcam

#' metis.readgcam
#' This function connects to a gcamdatabase and uses a query file to
#' out results into a table ready for plotting.
#' @param dirOutputs Full path to directory for outputs
#' @param folderName Default = NULL
#' @param nameAppend  Default="". Name to append to saved files.
#' @param gcamdatabase Default = NULL. Full path to GCAM database folder.
#' @param queryFile Defualt = NULL. When NULL metis loads pre-saved xml file metis::xmlMetisQueries
#' @param dataProjFile Default = NULL. Optional. A default 'dataProj.proj' is produced if no .Proj file is specified.
#' @param scenOrigNames Default = "All". Original Scenarios names in GCAM database in a string vector.
#' For example c('scenario1','scenario2).
#' @param scenNewNames New Names which may be shorter and more useful for figures etc.
#' Default will use Original Names. For example c('scenario1','scenario2)
#' @param reReadData If TRUE will read the GCAM data base and create a queryData.proj file
#' in the same folder as the GCAM database. If FALSE will load a '.proj' file if a file
#' with full path is provided otherwise it will search for a dataProj.proj file in the existing
#' folder which may have been created from an old run.
#' @param regionsSelect The regions to analyze in a vector. Example c('Colombia','Argentina'). Full list:
#' USA, Africa_Eastern, Africa_Northern, Africa_Southern, Africa_Western, Australia_NZ, Brazil, Canada
#' Central America and Caribbean, Central Asia, China, EU-12, EU-15, Europe_Eastern, Europe_Non_EU,
#' European Free Trade Association, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Middle East, Pakistan, Russia,
#' South Africa, South America_Northern, South America_Southern, South Asia, South Korea, Southeast Asia,
# Taiwan, Argentina, Colombia, Uruguay)
#' @param paramsSelect Default = "All".
#' Choose "All" or paramSet from "energy", "electricity", "transport",
#' "water" , "socioecon" ,"ag" , "livestock" ,"land"  ,"emissions".
#' Or pick an individual param from the list:
#' # energy
#' "energyPrimaryByFuelEJ","energyPrimaryRefLiqProdEJ",
#' "energyFinalConsumBySecEJ","energyFinalByFuelBySectorEJ","energyFinalSubsecByFuelTranspEJ",
#' "energyFinalSubsecByFuelBuildEJ", "energyFinalSubsecByFuelIndusEJ","energyFinalSubsecBySectorBuildEJ",
#' "energyPrimaryByFuelMTOE","energyPrimaryRefLiqProdMTOE",
#' "energyFinalConsumBySecMTOE","energyFinalbyFuelMTOE","energyFinalSubsecByFuelTranspMTOE",
#' "energyFinalSubsecByFuelBuildMTOE", "energyFinalSubsecByFuelIndusMTOE","energyFinalSubsecBySectorBuildMTOE",
#' "energyPrimaryByFuelTWh","energyPrimaryRefLiqProdTWh",
#' "energyFinalConsumBySecTWh","energyFinalbyFuelTWh","energyFinalSubsecByFuelTranspTWh",
#' "energyFinalSubsecByFuelBuildTWh", "energyFinalSubsecByFuelIndusTWh","energyFinalSubsecBySectorBuildTWh",
#' # electricity
#' "elecByTechTWh","elecCapByFuel","elecFinalBySecTWh","elecFinalByFuelTWh",
#' "elecNewCapCost","elecNewCapGW","elecAnnualRetPrematureCost","elecAnnualRetPrematureGW","elecCumCapCost","elecCumCapGW","elecCumRetPrematureCost","elecCumRetPrematureGW",
#' # transport
#' "transportPassengerVMTByMode", "transportFreightVMTByMode", "transportPassengerVMTByFuel", "transportFreightVMTByFuel",
#' # water
#' "watConsumBySec", "watWithdrawBySec", "watWithdrawByCrop", "watBioPhysCons", "watIrrWithdrawBasin","watIrrConsBasin",
#' # socioecon
#' "gdpPerCapita", "gdp", "gdpGrowthRate", "pop",
#'  # ag
#'  "agProdbyIrrRfd", "agProdBiomass", "agProdForest","agProdByCrop",
#'  # livestock
#' "livestock_MeatDairybyTechMixed","livestock_MeatDairybyTechPastoral","livestock_MeatDairybyTechImports", "livestock_MeatDairybySubsector",
#' # land
#' "landIrrRfd", "landIrrCrop","landRfdCrop", "landAlloc","landAllocByCrop",
#'  # emissions
#' "emissLUC", "emissNonCO2BySectorGWPAR5","emissNonCO2BySectorGTPAR5","emissNonCO2BySectorOrigUnits",
#' "emissNonCO2ByResProdGWPAR5", "emissBySectorGWPAR5FFI","emissMethaneBySourceGWPAR5",
#' "emissByGasGWPAR5FFI", "emissByGasGWPAR5LUC", "emissBySectorGWPAR5LUC",
#' "emissNonCO2ByResProdGTPAR5", "emissBySectorGTPAR5FFI","emissMethaneBySourceGTPAR5",
#' "emissByGasGTPAR5FFI", "emissByGasGTPAR5LUC","emissBySectorGTPAR5LUC",
#' "emissCO2BySectorNoBio"
#' @param saveData Default = "T". Set to F if do not want to save any data to file.
#' @return A list with the scenarios in the gcam database, queries in the queryxml file and a
#' tibble with gcam data formatted for metis charts aggregated to different categories.
#' These include data, dataAggParam, dataAggClass1, dataAggClass2.
#' @keywords gcam, gcam database, query
#' @export

metis.readgcam <- function(gcamdatabase = NULL,
                           queryFile = NULL,
                           dataProjFile = paste(getwd(), "/outputs/dataProj.proj", sep = ""),
                           scenOrigNames = "All",
                           scenNewNames = NULL,
                           reReadData = T,
                           dirOutputs = paste(getwd(), "/outputs", sep = ""),
                           regionsSelect = NULL,
                           saveData = T

  # gcamdatabase = NULL
  # queryFile = NULL
  # dataProjFile = paste(getwd(), "/outputs/dataProj.proj", sep = "")
  # scenOrigNames = "All"
  # scenNewNames = NULL
  # reReadData = T
  # dirOutputs = paste(getwd(), "/outputs", sep = "")
  # regionsSelect = NULL
  # paramsSelect="All"
  # folderName=NULL
  # nameAppend=""
  # saveData = T

  # Initialize variables by setting to NULL

  NULL -> vintage -> year -> xLabel -> x -> value -> sector -> scenario -> region -> param -> origX -> origValue ->
    origUnits -> origScen -> origQuery -> classPalette2 -> classPalette1 -> classLabel2 -> classLabel1 -> class2 ->
    class1 -> connx -> aggregate -> Units -> sources -> paramx -> fuel -> technology -> input -> output -> water ->
    landleaf -> ghg -> Convert -> regionsSelectAll->cf1971to2100->gcamCapacityFactor -> . -> GWPAR5 -> tblelecByTechTWh ->
    totalFFINonCO2 -> FracBioFuel -> FracFossilFuel -> TotalLiquids -> agg_tech->
    class_temp -> resource -> subRegAreaSum -> subsector->tblFinalNrgIntlAvShipMod -> 'transportation' ->
    'International Aviation' -> 'International Ship' -> 'International Aviation oil' -> 'a oil' ->
    'International Ship oil' -> 'International Aviation liquids' -> liquids -> 'International Ship liquids'->crop->
    paramsSelectAll -> tblFinalNrgIntlAvShip->datax->group->basin->subRegion->query->subresource

# Params and Queries

  paramQueryMap <- (metis::metis.mappings()$mapParamQuery)%>%dplyr::select(group,param,query)

  # Check if queriesSelect is a querySet or one of the queries
  if(!any(c("all","All","ALL") %in% paramsSelect)){
  if(any(paramsSelect %in% unique(paramQueryMap$group))){
    queriesSelectx <- as.vector(unlist(unique((paramQueryMap%>%dplyr::filter(group %in% paramsSelect))$query)))
    #print(paste("queriesSelect chosen include the following querySets: ",paste(paramsSelect,collapse=", "),".",sep=""))
    #print(paste("Which include the following queries: ",paste(queriesSelectx,collapse=", "),".",sep=""))
    #print(paste("Other queries not run include: ",paste(as.vector(unlist(querySets))[!as.vector(unlist(querySets)) %in% queriesSelectx],collapse=", "),".",sep=""))
    if(any(paramsSelect %in% as.vector(unique(paramQueryMap$param)))){
      queriesSelectx<- as.vector(unlist(unique((paramQueryMap%>%dplyr::filter(param %in% paramsSelect))$query)))
      #print(paste("queriesSelect chosen include the following queries: ",paste(queriesSelectx,collapse=", "),".",sep=""))
     # print(paste("Other queries not run include: ",paste(as.vector(unlist(querySets))[!as.vector(unlist(querySets)) %in% queriesSelectx],collapse=", "),".",sep=""))
    }else {
      queriesSelectx <-  NULL
      print(paste("Params in metisQueries.xml include: ",paste(as.vector(unlist(unique(paramQueryMap$param))),collapse=", "),".",sep=""))
      print(paste("None of the chosen paramsSelect are available in metis params: ",paste(paramsSelect,collapse=", "),".",sep=""))
      stop("None of the params chosen are available.")
    queriesSelectx <- as.vector(unlist(unique(paramQueryMap$query)))

# Create necessary directories if they dont exist.
  if (!dir.exists(dirOutputs)){
    dir.create(dirOutputs)}  # Output Directory
  if (!dir.exists(paste(dirOutputs, "/", folderName, sep = ""))){
    dir.create(paste(dirOutputs, "/", folderName, sep = ""))}
  if (!dir.exists(paste(dirOutputs, "/", folderName,"/readGCAM",sep=""))){
    dir.create(paste(dirOutputs, "/", folderName,"/readGCAM",sep=""))}  # Output Directory
  if (!dir.exists(paste(dirOutputs, "/", folderName, "/readGCAM/Tables_gcam", sep = ""))){
    dir.create(paste(dirOutputs, "/", folderName, "/readGCAM/Tables_gcam", sep = ""))}  # GCAM output directory

# Set file paths

    gcamdatabasePath = NULL
    gcamdatabaseName = NULL
        gcamdatabasePath <- gsub("/$","",gsub("[^/]+$","",gcamdatabase)); gcamdatabasePath
        gcamdatabaseName <- basename(gcamdatabase); gcamdatabaseName
        print(paste("Connecting to GCAM database provided ",gcamdatabase,"...",sep=""))
      }else{stop(paste("The GCAM database path provided dos not exist: ", gcamdatabase, sep=""))}
      print(paste("gcamdatabase provided is not a character string to the GCAM database path. Please check your entry."))

    XML::saveXML(metis::xmlMetisQueries, file=paste(dirOutputs, "/", folderName,"/readGCAM/metisQueries.xml", sep = ""))
    queryFile <- paste(dirOutputs, "/", folderName,"/readGCAM/metisQueries.xml", sep = "")
    queryPath <- gsub("[^/]+$","",queryFile)
    queryxml <- basename(queryFile)
        queryPath <- gsub("[^/]+$","",queryFile)
        queryxml <- basename(queryFile)
        print(paste("Connecting to the queryFile provided ",queryFile,"...",sep=""))
      }else{print(paste("The queryFile path provided dos not exist: ", queryFile, sep=""))}
      print(paste("The queryFile path provided is not a character string to the query file. Please check your entry."))

    dataProj = "dataProj"
    dataProjPath = gsub("//","/",paste(dirOutputs, "/", folderName,"/readGCAM/", sep = ""))
      dataProjPath <- gsub("//","/",paste(dirOutputs, "/", folderName,"/readGCAM/", sep = ""))
      dataProj <- paste("dataProj", sep = "")
        dataProjPath <- gsub("[^/]+$","",dataProjFile)
        dataProj <- basename(dataProjFile)
        print(paste("Connecting to the dataProjFile provided ",dataProjFile,"...",sep=""))}else{
          dataProjPath <- gsub("[^/]+$","",dataProjFile)
          dataProj <- basename(dataProjFile)
          print(gsub("//","/",paste("Will save GCAM data to ",dataProjPath,"/",dataProjFile,"...",sep="")))
        dataProjPath <- gsub("//","/",paste(dirOutputs, "/", folderName,"/readGCAM/", sep = ""))
        dataProj <- dataProjFile
        print(paste("Will save data to: ", dataProjPath,"/",dataProjFile, sep=""))
      print(paste("The dataProjFile path provided is not a character string to the query file. Please check your entry."))

  # Set new scenario names if provided
  if (is.null(scenOrigNames)) {
    scenNewNames <- NULL
    #print("scenOrigNames is NULL so cannot assign scenNewNames.")
    #print("To set new names for scenarios please enter original names in scenOrigNames and then corresponding new names in scenNewNames.")
  } else {
    if(any(c("all","All","ALL") %in% scenOrigNames)){
      scenNewNames <- NULL
      #print("scenOrigNames is All so cannot assign scenNewNames.")
      #print("To set new names for scenarios please enter original names in scenOrigNames and then corresponding new names in scenNewNames.")

# Read gcam database or existing dataProj.proj

  # In case user sets reReadData=F and provides a .proj file instead of a gcamdatabase
  if((is.null(gcamdatabasePath) | is.null(gcamdatabaseName)) &
      #print("Setting reReadData to F because no gcamdatabase is provided but a valid dataProjFile provided.")
    #print("Setting reReadData to F because no gcamdatabase is provided but a valid dataProjFile provided.")

  if (!reReadData) {
 # Check for proj file path and folder if incorrect give error
    if(!file.exists(gsub("//","/",paste(dataProjPath, "/", dataProj, sep = "")))){
      stop(gsub("//","/",paste("dataProj file: ", dataProjPath,"/",dataProj," is incorrect or doesn't exist.",sep="")))}

  # Checking if dataProjFile is preloaded xml metis::xmlMetiQueries
    dataProjLoaded <- rgcam::loadProject(dataProjFile)
   if (file.exists(gsub("//","/",paste(dataProjPath, "/", dataProj, sep = "")))) {
      dataProjLoaded <- rgcam::loadProject(gsub("//","/",paste(dataProjPath, "/", dataProj, sep = "")))
   } else {
     stop(paste("No ", dataProj, " file exists. Please set reReadData=T to create dataProj.proj"))

      scenarios <- rgcam::listScenarios(dataProjLoaded); scenarios  # List of Scenarios in GCAM database
      queries <- rgcam::listQueries(dataProjLoaded); queries  # List of queries in GCAM database

      # Select Scenarios
        scenOrigNames <- scenarios[1]
        print(paste("scenOrigNames set to NULL so using only first scenario: ",scenarios[1],sep=""))
        print(paste("from all available scenarios: ",paste(scenarios,collapse=", "),sep=""))
        print("To run all scenarios please set scenOrigNames to 'All' or")
        print(paste("you can choose a subset of scenarios by setting the scenOrigNames input (eg. scenOrigNames = c('scen1','scen2'))" ,sep=""))
      } else {
        if(any(c("all","All","ALL") %in% scenOrigNames)){
          scenOrigNames <- scenarios
          print(paste("scenOrigNames set to 'All' (Default) so using all available scenarios: ",paste(scenarios,collapse=", "),sep=""))
          print(paste("You can choose a subset of scenarios by setting the scenOrigNames input (eg. scenOrigNames = c('scen1','scen2'))" ,sep=""))
        } else {
          if(any(scenOrigNames %in% scenarios)){
            print(paste("scenOrigNames available in scenarios are :",paste(scenOrigNames[scenOrigNames %in% scenarios],collapse=", "),sep=""))
            if(length(scenOrigNames[!scenOrigNames %in% scenarios])>0){
              print(paste("scenOrigNames not available in scenarios are :",paste(scenOrigNames[!scenOrigNames %in% scenarios],collapse=", "),sep=""))}
            if(length(scenarios[!scenarios %in% scenOrigNames])>0){
              print(paste("Other scenarios not selected are :",paste(scenarios[!scenarios %in% scenOrigNames],collapse=", "),sep=""))}
          } else {
            print(paste("None of the scenOrigNames : ",paste(scenOrigNames,collapse=", "),sep=""))
            print(paste("are in the available scenarios : ",paste(scenarios,collapse=", "),sep=""))

      scenarios <- scenOrigNames # Set scenarios to chosen scenarios

  } else {

  # Check for query file and folder if incorrect give error
    if(!file.exists(gsub("//","/",paste(queryPath, "/", queryxml, sep = "")))){stop(paste("query file: ", queryPath,"/",queryxml," is incorrect or doesn't exist.",sep=""))}
    if(file.exists(gsub("//","/",paste(queryPath, "/subSetQueries.xml", sep = "")))){unlink(gsub("//","/",paste(queryPath, "/subSetQueries.xml", sep = "")))}

    # Subset the query file if queriwsSelect is not "All"
    if(!any(c("All","all","ALL") %in% paramsSelect)){

    xmlFilePath = gsub("//","/",paste(queryPath, "/", queryxml, sep = ""))
    xmlfile <- XML::xmlTreeParse(xmlFilePath)
    xmltop <- XML::xmlRoot(xmlfile)
    top <- XML::xmlNode(XML::xmlName(xmltop))

    for(i in 1:length(xmltop)){
      for(j in 1:length(queriesSelectx)){
        if(any(grepl(gsub("\\(","\\\\(",gsub("\\)","\\\\)",queriesSelectx[j])), as.character(xmltop[[i]]))))
          top <- XML::addChildren(top, xmltop[[i]])
    XML::saveXML(top, file=gsub("//","/",paste(queryPath, "/subSetQueries.xml", sep = "")))
    } else {
      print(paste("paramsSelect includes 'All' so running all available queries: ",paste(queriesSelectx,collapse=", "),".",sep=""))
      file.copy(from=gsub("//","/",paste(queryPath, "/", queryxml, sep = "")),
                to=gsub("//","/",paste(queryPath, "/subSetQueries.xml", sep = "")))

    if(!file.exists(gsub("//","/",paste(queryPath, "/subSetQueries.xml", sep = "")))){
      stop(gsub("//","/",paste("query file: ", queryPath,"/subSetQueries.xml is incorrect or doesn't exist.",sep="")))}else{
        xfun::gsub_file(paste(queryPath, "/subSetQueries.xml", sep = ""),"&apos;","'")
        print(gsub("//","/",paste("Reading queries from queryFile created: ", queryPath,"/subSetQueries.xml.",sep="")))

    # Check for gcamdatbasePath and gcamdatabasename
    if(is.null(gcamdatabasePath) | is.null(gcamdatabaseName)){
      stop(gsub("//","/",paste("GCAM database: ", gcamdatabasePath,"/",gcamdatabaseName," is incorrect or doesn't exist.",sep="")))}
    if(!file.exists(gsub("//","/",paste(gcamdatabasePath, "/", gcamdatabaseName, sep = "")))){
      stop(gsub("//","/",paste("GCAM database: ", gcamdatabasePath,"/",gcamdatabaseName," is incorrect or doesn't exist.",sep="")))}

    # Get names of scenarios in database
    # Save Message from rgcam::localDBConn to a text file and then extract names
    zz <- file(paste(getwd(),"/test.txt",sep=""), open = "wt")
    # Read temp file
    con <- file(paste(getwd(),"/test.txt",sep=""),open = "r")
    first_line <- readLines(con,n=1); first_line
    if(grepl("error",first_line,ignore.case = T)){stop(paste(first_line))}
    # Extract scenario names from saved line
    s1 <- gsub(".*:","",first_line);s1
    s2 <- gsub(" ","",s1);s2
    scenarios <- as.vector(unlist(strsplit(s2,",")))
    print(paste("All scenarios in data available: ", paste(scenarios,collapse=", "), sep=""))

    if(file.exists(gsub("//","/",paste(dataProjPath, "/", dataProj, sep = "")))){
      unlink(gsub("//","/",paste(dataProjPath, "/", dataProj, sep = "")))}  # Delete old project file

    # Select Scenarios
      scenOrigNames <- scenarios[1]
      print(paste("scenOrigNames set to NULL so using only first scenario: ",scenarios[1],sep=""))
      print(paste("from all available scenarios: ",paste(scenarios,collapse=", "),sep=""))
      print("To run all scenarios please set scenOrigNames to 'All'")
    } else {
        if(any(c("all","All","ALL") %in% scenOrigNames)){
          scenOrigNames <- scenarios
          print(paste("scenOrigNames set to 'All' so using all available scenarios: ",paste(scenarios,collapse=", "),sep=""))
        } else {
          if(any(scenOrigNames %in% scenarios)){
            print(paste("scenOrigNames available in scenarios are :",paste(scenOrigNames[scenOrigNames %in% scenarios],collapse=", "),sep=""))
            if(length(scenOrigNames[!scenOrigNames %in% scenarios])>0){
            print(paste("scenOrigNames not available in scenarios are :",paste(scenOrigNames[!scenOrigNames %in% scenarios],collapse=", "),sep=""))}
            if(length(scenarios[!scenarios %in% scenOrigNames])>0){
            print(paste("Other scenarios not selected are :",paste(scenarios[!scenarios %in% scenOrigNames],collapse=", "),sep=""))}
          } else {
            print(paste("None of the scenOrigNames : ",paste(scenOrigNames,collapse=", "),sep=""))
            print(paste("are in the available scenarios : ",paste(scenarios,collapse=", "),sep=""))
            stop("Please check scenOrigNames and rerun.")

    for (scenario_i in scenOrigNames) {
       dataProj.proj <- rgcam::addScenario(conn = rgcam::localDBConn(gcamdatabasePath, gcamdatabaseName), proj = gsub("//","/",paste(dataProjPath, "/", dataProj, sep = "")),
                                           scenario = scenario_i, queryFile = gsub("//","/",paste(queryPath, "/subSetQueries.xml", sep = "")))  # Check your queries file

    dataProjLoaded <- rgcam::loadProject(gsub("//","/",paste(dataProjPath, "/", dataProj, sep = "")))

    # Save list of scenarios and queries
    scenarios <- rgcam::listScenarios(dataProjLoaded); scenarios  # List of Scenarios in GCAM database
    queries <- rgcam::listQueries(dataProjLoaded); queries  # List of queries in GCAM database

  queries <- rgcam::listQueries(dataProjLoaded); queries  # List of Queries in queryxml

  # Set new scenario names if provided
  if (is.null(scenNewNames)) {
    scenNewNames <- scenOrigNames}else{
      scenNewNames <- scenNewNames[1:length(scenOrigNames)]

  # Read in paramaters from query file to create formatted table
 queriesx <- queries

  if(!any(queriesSelectx %in% queries)){stop("None of the selected params are available in the data that has been read.
                                             Please check your data if reRead was set to F. Otherwise check the paramSelect entries and the queryxml file.")}

  paramsSelectAll <- as.vector(unlist(unique(paramQueryMap$param)))

  if(any(c("all","All","ALL") %in% paramsSelect)){
    paramsSelectx <- paramsSelectAll
    } else {
      if(any(paramsSelect %in% as.vector(unique(paramQueryMap$group)))){
        paramsSelectx <- unique((paramQueryMap%>%dplyr::filter(group %in% paramsSelect))$param)
      } else {paramsSelectx=paramsSelect}

  # Check if any of the selected parameters are available in the GCAM data
  if(any(paramsSelectx %in% paramsSelectAll)){

  datax <- tibble::tibble()


  queriesx <- queriesx[queriesx %in% queries]

  # Total final energy by aggregate end-use sector
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    queryx <- "transport final energy by mode and fuel"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% c(regionsSelect))
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(mode %in% c("International Aviation", "International Ship"))%>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "energyFinalConsumByIntlShpAvEJ",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      units = "Final Energy Intl. Av and Shp (EJ)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = mode,
                      classLabel1 = "Sector",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      class2 = gsub(" enduse","",input),
                      classLabel2 = "Fuel",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_metis")%>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%
      tblFinalNrgIntlAvShip <- tbl
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  # Total final energy by aggregate end-use sector
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    queryx <- "total final energy by aggregate sector"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "energyFinalConsumBySecEJ",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      units = "Final Energy by Sector (EJ)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = dplyr::case_when(
                      classLabel1 = "Sector",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      class2 = sector,
                      classLabel2 = "Subsector",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_metis")%>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%

      # Separat out Intl. Shipping and Aviation from Transport
      tblTransport <- tbl%>%dplyr::filter(class1=="transportation") %>%
        dplyr::mutate(class2="class2",classLabel2="classLabel2",classPalette2="classPalette2") %>%
        dplyr::select(-origValue)# Subset Transport Sector
      tblFinalNrgIntlAvShipMod <- tblFinalNrgIntlAvShip %>%
        dplyr::select(-origValue)# Prepare in intl. transport in correct format
      # Separate out Intl. Shipping and Aviation
      tblSepTransportIntlAvShip <- tblTransport %>%
        dplyr::bind_rows(tblFinalNrgIntlAvShipMod) %>%
        tidyr::spread(key="class1",value="value") %>%
        dplyr::mutate(transportation=transportation-`International Aviation`-`International Ship`)%>%
        dplyr::rename(`transport intl av`=`International Aviation`,
                      `transport intl shp`=`International Ship`) %>%
                      -scenario, -region, -subRegion, -param, -sources, -class2, -x, -xLabel, -vintage, -units, -aggregate,
                      -classLabel1, -classPalette1, -classLabel2, -classPalette2,
        dplyr::mutate(origValue=value); tblSepTransportIntlAvShip%>%as.data.frame()
      # Rbind Transport, Intl. Shipping and Aviation back to all other Final Energy types
      tblMod<-tbl%>%dplyr::filter(class1!="transportation") %>%
        dplyr::bind_rows(tblSepTransportIntlAvShip) # Remove Transport sector from Original tbl

      } else {
        # print(paste("tblFinalNrgIntlAvShip does not exist so skipping subset of final energy to remove intl. shipping and aviation."))
        tblMod <- tbl

      tblMod <- tblMod %>%
        dplyr::mutate(class2 = dplyr::case_when(grepl("comm|resid|building",class1)~"building",
                                         TRUE~class2)) %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%

      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tblMod)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  # Total final energy by aggregate end-use sector
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    queryx <- "building final energy by subsector"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "energyFinalSubsecBySectorBuildEJ",
                      sector=gsub("comm\\scooling","Commercial CoolingHeating",sector),
                      sector=gsub("comm\\sheating","Commercial CoolingHeating",sector),
                      sector=gsub("comm\\sothers","Commercial Others",sector),
                      sector=gsub("resid\\scooling","Residential CoolingHeating",sector),
                      sector=gsub("resid\\sheating","Residential CoolingHeating",sector),
                      sector=gsub("resid\\sothers","Residential Others",sector),
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      units = "Building Final Energy By Subsector (EJ)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = sector,
                      classLabel1 = "Sector",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      class2 = subsector,
                      classLabel2 = "classLabel2",
                      classPalette2 = "classPalette2")%>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  # Total final energy by aggregate end-use sector
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    queryx <- "Final energy by detailed end-use sector and fuel"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
                      sector=gsub("process heat cement","industry",sector),
                      sector=gsub("industrial energy use","industry",sector),
                      sector=gsub("industrial feedstocks","industry",sector),
                      sector=gsub("N fertilizer","industry",sector),
                      sector=gsub("trn_aviation_intl","trans intl av",sector),
                      sector=gsub("trn_shipping_intl","trans intl shp",sector),
                      sector = replace(sector, stringr::str_detect(sector, "trn"), "transport"),
                      sector=gsub("comm cooling","building",sector),
                      sector=gsub("comm heating","building",sector),
                      sector=gsub("comm others","building",sector),
                      sector=gsub("resid cooling","building",sector),
                      sector=gsub("resid heating","building",sector),
                      sector=gsub("resid others","building",sector),
                      input=gsub("delivered coal","coal",input),
                      input=gsub("refined liquids enduse","liquids",input),
                      input=gsub("delivered biomass","biomass",input),
                      input=gsub("H2 enduse","hydrogen",input),
                      input=gsub("refined liquids industrial","liquids",input),
                      input=gsub("wholesale gas","gas",input),
                      input=gsub("traditional biomass","biomass",input),
                      input=gsub("delivered gas","gas",input),
                      input=gsub("district heat","Other",input),
                      param = "energyFinalByFuelBySectorEJ",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      units = "Final Energy by Fuel (EJ)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = input,
                      classLabel1 = "Fuel",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      class2 = sector,
                      classLabel2 = "classLabel2",
                      classPalette2 = "classPalette2")%>%
        dplyr::mutate(class1=dplyr::case_when(class2=="trans intl av"~paste(class1,"av",sep=" "),
                                             class2=="trans intl shp"~paste(class1,"shp",sep=" "),
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  # Total final energy by aggregate end-use sector
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    queryx <- "building final energy by fuel"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::rename(sector=input) %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
                      sector=gsub("delivered gas","gas",sector),
                      sector=gsub("delivered biomass","bioenergy",sector),
                      sector=gsub("delivered coal","coal",sector),
                      sector=gsub("refined liquids enduse","liquids",sector),
                      param = "energyFinalSubsecByFuelBuildEJ",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      units = "Building Final Energy by Fuel (EJ)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = sector,
                      classLabel1 = "Fuel",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      class2 = sector,
                      classLabel2 = "classLabel2",
                      classPalette2 = "classPalette2")%>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  # Total final energy by aggregate end-use sector
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    queryx <- "industry final energy by fuel"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::rename(sector=input) %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
                      sector=gsub("wholesale gas","gas",sector),
                      sector=gsub("delivered biomass","bioenergy",sector),
                      sector=gsub("delivered coal","coal",sector),
                      sector=gsub("refined liquids industrial","liquids",sector),
                      sector=gsub("H2 enduse","hydrogen",sector),
                      param = "energyFinalSubsecByFuelIndusEJ",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      units = "Industry Final Energy by Fuel (EJ)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = sector,
                      classLabel1 = "Fuel",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      class2 = sector,
                      classLabel2 = "classLabel2",
                      classPalette2 = "classPalette2")%>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  # Total final energy by aggregate end-use sector
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    queryx <- "inputs by tech"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)

      # USA
      tblUSA <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(grepl("domestic supply",input),
                      region %in% metis.assumptions("US52"),
                      scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
          grepl("comm |resid |elect_td_bld",sector,ignore.case = T)~"building",
          grepl("elect_td_trn",sector,ignore.case = T)~"transport",
          grepl("elect_td_ind",sector,ignore.case = T)~"industry",
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "elecFinalBySecTWh",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      value = value * metis.assumptions("convEJ2TWh"),
                      units = "Final Electricity by Sector (TWh)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = sector,
                      classLabel1 = "Sector",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      classLabel2 = "subsector",
                      classPalette2 = "classPalette2")%>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%

      # CORE
      tblCORE <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(!region %in% c(metis.assumptions("US52")),
                      scenario %in% scenOrigNames,
                      sector %in% c("elect_td_bld","elect_td_trn","elect_td_ind"))%>%
            grepl("elect_td_bld",sector,ignore.case = T)~"building",
            grepl("elect_td_trn",sector,ignore.case = T)~"transport",
            grepl("elect_td_ind",sector,ignore.case = T)~"industry",
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "elecFinalBySecTWh",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      value = value * metis.assumptions("convEJ2TWh"),
                      units = "Final Electricity by Sector (TWh)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = sector,
                      classLabel1 = "Sector",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      class2 = sector,
                      classLabel2 = "subsector",
                      classPalette2 = "classPalette2")%>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%

      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tblUSA,tblCORE)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  # Total final energy by aggregate end-use sector
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    queryx <- "Final energy by detailed end-use sector and fuel"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
                      input=gsub("refined\\sliquids industrial","oil",input),
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "elecFinalByFuelTWh",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      value = value * metis.assumptions("convEJ2TWh"),
                      units = "Final Electricity by Fuel (TWh)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = input,
                      classLabel1 = "Fuel",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      class2 = sector,
                      classLabel2 = "Sector",
                      classPalette2 = "classPalette2")%>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  # primary energy consumption by region (direct equivalent)
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    queryx <- "primary energy consumption by region (direct equivalent)"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "energyPrimaryByFuelEJ",
                      fuel=gsub("b biomass","b bioenergy",fuel),
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      units = "Primary Energy Consumption by Fuel (EJ)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = fuel,
                      classLabel1 = "Fuel",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      class2 = "class2",
                      classLabel2 = "classLabel2",
                      classPalette2 = "classPalette2")%>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%

        # Separat out Intl. Shipping and Aviation refined liquids from Primary Energy Oil
        tblPrimaryOil <- tbl%>%dplyr::filter(class1=="a oil") %>%
          dplyr::mutate(class2="class2",classLabel2="classLabel2",classPalette2="classPalette2") %>%
          dplyr::select(-origValue)# Subset Transport Sector
        tblFinalNrgIntlAvShipMod <- tblFinalNrgIntlAvShip %>%
                        class1=paste(class1,"oil",sep=" "),
          dplyr::select(-origValue)# Prepare in intl. transport in correct format
        # Separate out Intl. Shipping and Aviation
        tblSepPrimaryIntlAvShip <- tblPrimaryOil %>%
          dplyr::bind_rows(tblFinalNrgIntlAvShipMod) %>%
          tidyr::spread(key="class1",value="value") %>%
          dplyr::mutate(`a oil`=`a oil` -`International Aviation oil`-`International Ship oil`)%>%
          dplyr::rename(`oil intl av`=`International Aviation oil`,
                        `oil intl shp`=`International Ship oil`)%>%
                        -scenario, -region, -subRegion, -param, -sources, -class2, -x, -xLabel, -vintage, -units, -aggregate,
                        -classLabel1, -classPalette1, -classLabel2, -classPalette2,
          dplyr::mutate(origValue=value); tblSepPrimaryIntlAvShip%>%as.data.frame()
        # Rbind Transport, Intl. Shipping and Aviation back to all other Final Energy types
        tblMod<-tbl%>%dplyr::filter(class1!="a oil") %>%
          dplyr::bind_rows(tblSepPrimaryIntlAvShip) # Remove Transport sector from Original tbl

      } else {
        print(paste("tblFinalNrgIntlAvShip does not exist so skipping subset of final energy to remove intl. shipping and aviation."))
        tblMod <- tbl

      tblMod <- tblMod %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%

      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tblMod)

    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  paramx <- "elecByTechTWh"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){

    # For GCAM USA no cogen
    queryx <- "elec gen by gen tech USA"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>%
          dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      if (nrow(tbl)>0) {
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(region %in% metis.assumptions("US52"))%>%
        dplyr::filter(!sector %in% "industrial energy use")
      tblUSA <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "elecByTechTWh",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      value = value * metis.assumptions("convEJ2TWh"),
                      units = "Electricity Generation by Fuel (TWh)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = subsector,
                      classLabel1 = "Fuel",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      class2 = paste(technology,sector,sep=" "),
                      classLabel2 = "Technology",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_metis")
    # For GCAM USA cogen
    # queryx <- "elec gen by gen tech cogen USA"
    # if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
    #   tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
    #   if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
    #     tbl <- tbl %>%
    #       dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
    #   }
    #   if (nrow(tbl)>0) {
    #     tbl <- tbl %>%
    #       dplyr::filter(region %in% metis.assumptions("US52"))
    #   }
    #   tblUSACogen <- tbl %>%
    #     dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
    #     dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
    #     dplyr::mutate(param = "elecByTechTWh",
    #                   sources = "Sources",
    #                   origScen = scenario,
    #                   origQuery = queryx,
    #                   origValue = value,
    #                   origUnits = Units,
    #                   origX = year, subRegion=region,
    #                   scenario = scenNewNames,
    #                   value = value * metis.assumptions("convEJ2TWh"),
    #                   units = "Electricity Generation by Fuel (TWh)",
    #                   vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
    #                   x = year,
    #                   xLabel = "Year",
    #                   aggregate = "sum",
    #                   class1 = subsector,
    #                   classLabel1 = "Fuel",
    #                   classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
    #                   class2 = technology,
    #                   classLabel2 = "Technology",
    #                   classPalette2 = "pal_metis")
    # }
    tblUSACogen <- tibble::tibble()
      # GCAM other Regions
      queryx <- "elec gen by gen tech and cooling tech"
      if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
        tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
        if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
          tbl <- tbl %>%
            dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect) %>%
            dplyr::filter(!region %in% metis.assumptions("US52"))
        tblGCAMReg <- tbl %>%
          dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
          dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
          dplyr::mutate(param = "elecByTechTWh",
                        sources = "Sources",
                        origScen = scenario,
                        origQuery = queryx,
                        origValue = value,
                        origUnits = Units,
                        origX = year, subRegion=region,
                        scenario = scenNewNames,
                        value = value * metis.assumptions("convEJ2TWh"),
                        units = "Electricity Generation by Fuel (TWh)",
                        vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                        x = year,
                        xLabel = "Year",
                        aggregate = "sum",
                        class1 = subsector,
                        classLabel1 = "Fuel",
                        classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                        class2 = technology,
                        classLabel2 = "Technology",
                        classPalette2 = "pal_metis")
      }else {
        # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

    if(nrow(tblUSA)>0 | nrow(tblUSACogen)>0 | nrow(tblGCAMReg)>0){
      # Combine USA with others
      commonNames = c(names(tblUSA),names(tblUSACogen),names(tblGCAMReg))%>%unique()

      tbl <- tibble::tibble()
      if(nrow(tblUSA)>0){tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::bind_rows(tblUSA %>%
                                                           dplyr::select(commonNames[commonNames %in% names(tblUSA)]))}
      if(nrow(tblUSACogen)>0){tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::bind_rows(tblUSACogen %>%
                                                                dplyr::select(commonNames[commonNames %in% names(tblUSACogen)]))}
      if(nrow(tblGCAMReg)>0){tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::bind_rows(tblGCAMReg %>%
                                                               dplyr::select(commonNames[commonNames %in% names(tblGCAMReg)]))}
    } # Check different tblUSA, tblUSACogen and tblGCAMReg

      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::mutate(origQuery="origQuery") %>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources,class1,class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX) %>%
       dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)

  # Capacity Calculation based on exogenous cap factors
  # Total final energy by aggregate end-use sector
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    capfactors <- metis::data_capfactors
        tbl <- tblelecByTechTWh  # Tibble
        if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
          tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
        tbl <- tbl %>%
          dplyr::full_join(capfactors, by="class1")%>%
          dplyr::mutate(param = "elecCapByFuel",
                        value = value*1000/(8760*gcamCapacityFactor),
                        origValue = value,
                        units = "Electricity Capacity by Fuel (GW)",
                        origUnits = units) %>%
          dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)

        datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)

  } else {
  if("elec gen by gen tech and cooling tech" %in% queriesSelectx){
    #print(paste("elecByTechTWh did not run so skipping param elecCapByFuel."))

  # metis.chart(tbl,xData="x",yData="value",useNewLabels = 0)

   paramx <- "watConsumBySec"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # water consumption by sector
    queryx <- "water consumption by state, sector, basin (includes desal)"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
        # If GCAM USA then remove "USA" region and use states
        # if(any(metis.assumptions("US52") %in% unique(tbl$region))){
        #   tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region!="USA") # Remove region USA and use states instead
        # }
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
          TRUE~sector)) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "watConsumBySec",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      value = value,
                      units = "Water Consumption by Sector (km3)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = sector,
                      classLabel1 = "Sector",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      class2 = subsector,
                      classLabel2 = "basin",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_metis")%>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  paramx<- "watWithdrawBySec"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # water consumption by sector
    queryx <- "water withdrawals by state, sector, basin (includes desal)"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      # if(nrow(tbl)>0){
      #   # If GCAM USA then remove "USA" region and use states
      #   if(any(metis.assumptions("US52") %in% unique(tbl$region))){
      #     tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region!="USA") # Remove region USA and use states instead
      #   }
      # }
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
          TRUE~sector)) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "watWithdrawBySec",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      value = value,
                      units = "Water Withdrawal by Sector (km3)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = sector,
                      classLabel1 = "Sector",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_wet",
                      class2 = subsector,
                      classLabel2 = "basin",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_metis")%>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  paramx <- "watWithdrawByCrop"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # water withdrawals by sector
    queryx <- "water withdrawals by crop"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      # Need to add in conveyance losses for USA when running GCAM USA
      # gcamusa.CONVEYANCE_LOSSES <- 0.829937455747218 from constants.R
        if(any(unique(tbl$region) %in% metis.assumptions("US52"))){
          tbl <- tbl %>%
            dplyr::mutate(value = dplyr::case_when(region=="USA"~value/0.829937455747218,
                                            TRUE~value)) %>%
            dplyr::filter(!region %in% metis.assumptions("US52"))
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        if(any(regionsSelect %in% metis.assumptions("US52"))){
          tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% c(regionsSelect,"USA"))
        } else {
          tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% c(regionsSelect))
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(sector!="industry", sector!="mining" , sector!="municipal"
                      , sector!="electricity" , sector!="livestock", !grepl("water_td_",sector))%>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "watWithdrawByCrop",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      value = value,
                      units = "Water Withdrawals by Crop (km3)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = sector,
                      classLabel1 = "Crop",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      class2 = "class2",
                      classLabel2 = "classLabel2",
                      classPalette2 = "classPalette2")%>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  paramx <- "watBioPhysCons"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # biophysical water demand by crop type and land region
    queryx <- "biophysical water demand by crop type and land region"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "watBioPhysCons",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      value = value,
                      units = "Biophysical Water Consumption (km3)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = sector,
                      classLabel1 = "Crop",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_16",
                      class2 = "class2",
                      classLabel2 = "classLabel2",
                      classPalette2 = "classPalette2") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  paramx <- "watIrrWithdrawBasin"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # water withdrawals by water mapping source
    queryx <- "water withdrawals by water mapping source"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "watIrrWithdrawBasin",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      value = value,
                      units = "Irrigation Water Withdrawal (km3)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = input,
                      classLabel1 = "Basin",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_16",
                      class2 = "class2",
                      classLabel2 = "classLabel2",
                      classPalette2 = "classPalette2") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  paramx <- "watIrrConsBasin"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # water consumption by water mapping source
    queryx <- "water consumption by water mapping source"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "watIrrConsBasin",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      value = value,
                      units = "Irrigation Water Consumption (km3)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = input,
                      classLabel1 = "Basin",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_16",
                      class2 = "class2",
                      classLabel2 = "classLabel2",
                      classPalette2 = "classPalette2") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  paramx <- "watSupRunoffBasin"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # water consumption by water mapping source
    queryx <- "Basin level available runoff"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::mutate(subRegion=gsub(" ","_",gsub("\\_.*","",basin)))%>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "watSupRunoffBasin",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      value = value,
                      units = "Runoff (km3)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      classLabel1 = "runoff",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_wet",
                      class2 = "class2",
                      classLabel2 = "classLabel2",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_wet") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  paramx <- "waterWithdrawROGW"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # water consumption by water mapping source
    queryx <- "Water withdrawals by water source (runoff vs. groundwater)"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        if(any(regionsSelect %in% metis.assumptions("US52"))){
          tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% c(regionsSelect,"USA"))
        } else {
          tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% c(regionsSelect))
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::mutate(subRegion=gsub(" ","_",gsub("\\_.*","",resource)))%>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "waterWithdrawROGW",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      value = value,
                      units = "km3",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      classLabel1 = "source",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      class2 = "class2",
                      classLabel2 = "classLabel2",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_metis") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  paramx <- "gdpPerCapita"
  if(paramx  %in% paramsSelectx){
    # GDP MER per Capita MER by region
    queryx <- "GDP per capita MER by region"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "gdpPerCapita",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      value = value,
                      units = "GDP per Capita (Thousand 1990 USD per Person)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = "class1",
                      classLabel1 = "GDP Per Capita",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_16",
                      class2 = "class2",
                      classLabel2 = "classLabel2",
                      classPalette2 = "classPalette2") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  paramx <- "gdp"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # GDP MER by region
    queryx <- "GDP MER by region"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "gdp",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      value = value/1000,
                      units = "GDP (Billion 1990 USD)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = "class1",
                      classLabel1 = "GDP",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_16",
                      class2 = "class2",
                      classLabel2 = "classLabel2",
                      classPalette2 = "classPalette2") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  paramx <- "gdpGrowthRate"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # GDP Growth Rate by region
    queryx <- "GDP Growth Rate (Percent)"
    if ("GDP MER by region" %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- tblgdp  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario,region) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "gdpGrowthRate",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      value = ((value/dplyr::lag(value,order_by=x))^(1/5)-1)*100,
                      units = "GDP Growth Rate (Percent)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", x, sep = ""),
                      classLabel1 = "GDP growth rate",
                      origQuery = "Calculated",
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = units,
                      origX = x) %>%
        dplyr::ungroup() %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
     # print(paste("Paramater 'GDP MER by region' not found in database, so cannot calculate" ,queryx, sep = ""))

  paramx <- "livestock_MeatDairybyTechMixed"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # Population
    queryx <- "meat and dairy production by tech"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::filter(subsector=="Mixed")%>% # "Mixed"    "Pastoral" "Imports"
        dplyr::mutate(param = "livestock_MeatDairybyTechMixed",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      value = value,
                      units = "Livestock Production Mixed Feed (Mt)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = sector,
                      classLabel1 = "sector",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      class2 = technology,
                      classLabel2 = "technology",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_metis") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  paramx <- "livestock_MeatDairybySubsector"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # Population
    queryx <- "meat and dairy production by tech"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "livestock_MeatDairybySubsector",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      value = value,
                      units = "Livestock Production (Mt)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = sector,
                      classLabel1 = "sector",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      class2 = subsector,
                      classLabel2 = "subsector",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_metis") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  paramx <- "livestock_MeatDairybyTechPastoral"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # Population
    queryx <- "meat and dairy production by tech"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::filter(subsector=="Pastoral")%>% # "Mixed"    "Pastoral" "Imports"
        dplyr::mutate(param = "livestock_MeatDairybyTechPastoral",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      value = value,
                      units = "Livestock Production Pastoral (Mt)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = sector,
                      classLabel1 = "sector",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      class2 = technology,
                      classLabel2 = "technology",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_metis") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  paramx <- "livestock_MeatDairybyTechImports"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # Population
    queryx <- "meat and dairy production by tech"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::filter(subsector=="Imports")%>% # "Mixed"    "Pastoral" "Imports"
        dplyr::mutate(param = "livestock_MeatDairybyTechImports",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      value = value,
                      units = "Livestock Production Imported Feed (Mt)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = sector,
                      classLabel1 = "sector",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      class2 = technology,
                      classLabel2 = "technology",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_metis") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  paramx <- "pop"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # Population
    queryx <- "Population by region"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "pop",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      value = value/1000,
                      units = "Population (Millions)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = "class1",
                      classLabel1 = "Population",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_16",
                      class2 = "class2",
                      classLabel2 = "classLabel2",
                      classPalette2 = "classPalette2") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  paramx <- "agProdbyIrrRfd"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # Ag production by tech
    queryx <- "ag production by tech"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        if(any(regionsSelect %in% metis.assumptions("US52"))){
          tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% c(regionsSelect,"USA"))
        } else {
          tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% c(regionsSelect))
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "agProdbyIrrRfd",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year,
                      origValue = value,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      value = value,
                      units = "Ag Production (Mt)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = dplyr::case_when(grepl("IRR",technology)~"irrigation",
                      classLabel1 = "Water Source",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_16",
                      class2 = "class2",
                      classLabel2 = "classLabel2",
                      classPalette2 = "classPalette2") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  paramx <- "agProdBiomass"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # Ag Production by Crop Type Biomass EJ
    queryx <- "ag production by tech"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        if(any(regionsSelect %in% metis.assumptions("US52"))){
          tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% c(regionsSelect,"USA"))
        } else {
          tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% c(regionsSelect))
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "agProdBiomass",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      units = "Biomass Production (EJ)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = sector,
                      classLabel1 = "Crop",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      class2 = gsub("_.*RFD","_RFD",technology),
                      class2 = gsub("_.*IRR","_IRR",class2),
                      classLabel2 = "Detail",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_metis")%>%
        dplyr::select(origScen,origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX, region, subRegion,    param, scenario,
                      value, units, vintage, x, xLabel, aggregate, class1, classLabel1, classPalette1,
                      class2, classLabel2, classPalette2)%>%dplyr::filter(!is.na(value))
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  paramx <- "agProdForest"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # Ag Production by Crop Type Forest
    queryx <- "ag production by tech"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        if(any(regionsSelect %in% metis.assumptions("US52"))){
          tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% c(regionsSelect,"USA"))
        } else {
          tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% c(regionsSelect))
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(Units=="billion m3",sector==output)%>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "agProdForest",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      value = value,
                      units = "Ag Production (billion m3)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = sector,
                      classLabel1 = "Forest",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      class2 = "class2",
                      classLabel2 = "classLabel2",
                      classPalette2 = "classPalette2")%>%
        dplyr::select(origScen,origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX, region, subRegion,    param, scenario,
                      value, units, vintage, x, xLabel, aggregate, class1, classLabel1, classPalette1,
                      class2, classLabel2, classPalette2)%>%dplyr::filter(!is.na(value))
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  paramx <- "agProdByCrop"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # Ag Production by Crop Type
    queryx <- "ag production by tech"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        if(any(regionsSelect %in% metis.assumptions("US52"))){
          tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% c(regionsSelect,"USA"))
        } else {
          tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% c(regionsSelect))
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(Units=="Mt",sector==output, sector!="Pasture")%>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "agProdByCrop",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      value = value,
                      units = "Ag Production (Mt)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = sector,
                      classLabel1 = "Crop",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      class2 = gsub("_.*RFD","_RFD",technology),
                      class2 = gsub("_.*IRR","_IRR",class2),
                      classLabel2 = "Detail",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_metis")%>%
        dplyr::select(origScen,origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX, region, subRegion,    param, scenario,
                      value, units, vintage, x, xLabel, aggregate, class1, classLabel1, classPalette1,
                      class2, classLabel2, classPalette2)%>%dplyr::filter(!is.na(value))
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  paramx <- "landIrrRfd"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # land allocation by crop and water source
    queryx <- "land allocation by crop and water source"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "landIrrRfd",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      value = value,
                      units = "Irr vs Rfd Land (1000 km2)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = water,
                      classLabel1 = "Water Source",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      class2 = crop,
                      classLabel2 = "crop",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_metis") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  paramx <- "landIrrCrop"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # land allocation by crop and water source
    queryx <- "land allocation by crop and water source"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "landIrrCrop",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      value = value,
                      units = "Irr Crop Land (1000 km2)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = crop,
                      classLabel1 = "crop",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      class2 = "class2",
                      classLabel2 = "class2",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_metis") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  paramx <- "landRfdCrop"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # land allocation by crop and water source
    queryx <- "land allocation by crop and water source"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "landRfdCrop",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      value = value,
                      units = "Rainfed Crop Land (1000 km2)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = crop,
                      classLabel1 = "crop",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      class2 = "class2",
                      classLabel2 = "class2",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_metis") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  paramx <- "landAlloc"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # aggregated land allocation
    queryx <- "aggregated land allocation"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "landAlloc",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      value = value,
                      units = "Land Allocation (1000 km2)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = landleaf,
                      classLabel1 = "Land Type",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      classLabel2 = "classLabel2",
                      classPalette2 = "classPalette2") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  paramx <- "inputs"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    queryx <- "inputs by tech"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "inputs",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      value = value,
                      units = Units,
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      classLabel1 = "input",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      classLabel2 = "sector",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_metis") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  paramx <- "outputs"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    queryx <- "outputs by tech"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "outputs",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      value = value,
                      units = Units,
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      classLabel1 = "output",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      classLabel2 = "sector",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_metis") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  paramx <- "landAllocDetail"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # aggregated land allocation
    queryx <- "detailed land allocation"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "landAllocDetail",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      value = value,
                      units = "Land Allocation (1000 km2)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      classLabel1 = "Land Type",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      classLabel2 = "Source",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_metis") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  paramx <- "landAllocByCrop"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # aggregated land allocation
    queryx <- "land allocation by crop"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
          landleaf=gsub("UrbanLand","Delete",landleaf)) %>%
        dplyr::filter(!landleaf %in% c('Delete')) %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "landAllocByCrop",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      value = value,
                      units = "Crop Land (1000 km2)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = landleaf,
                      classLabel1 = "Land Type",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      classLabel2 = "classLabel2",
                      classPalette2 = "classPalette2") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  paramx <- "emissLUC"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # Land Use Change Emission (future)
    queryx <- "Land Use Change Emission (future)"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::left_join(metis.assumptions("convertGgTgMTC"),by="Units") %>%
                      origUnits=Units,units="Emissions LUC - (MTCO2eq)")%>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "emissLUC",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      value = value,
                      origValue = origValue,
                      units = "LUC CO2 Emissions (MTCO2eq)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = "class1",
                      classLabel1 = "Land Type",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      class2 = "class2",
                      classLabel2 = "classLabel2",
                      classPalette2 = "classPalette2") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
        dplyr::filter(!is.na(value)) %>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

paramx <- "emissCO2BySectorNoBio"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    queryx <- "CO2 emissions by sector (no bio)"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
    #emiss_sector_mapping <- read.csv(CO2mappingFile, skip=1)
    tbl <- tbl %>%
      dplyr::left_join(metis.assumptions("convertGgTgMTC"),by="Units") %>%
                    origUnits=Units,units="CO2 Emissions by Sector (MTCO2eq)")%>%
        class2=sector) %>%
      #dplyr::left_join(emiss_sector_mapping, by=c('class1')) %>%
      #dplyr::mutate(class1=agg_sector) %>%
      #dplyr::select(-agg_sector) %>%
          grepl("regional biomass|regional biomassOil|regional corn for ethanol|biomass" ,class1,ignore.case=T)~"biomass",
          grepl("comm |resid ",class1,ignore.case=T)~"building",
          grepl("electricity|elec_|electricity |csp_backup",class1,ignore.case=T)~"electricity",
          grepl("cement|N fertilizer|industrial|ind ",class1,ignore.case=T)~"industry",
          grepl("gas pipeline|gas processing|unconventional oil production|gas to liquids",class1,ignore.case=T)~"industry",
      dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(param = "emissCO2BySectorNoBio",
                    sources = "Sources",
                    origScen = scenario,
                    origQuery = queryx,
                    origX = year, subRegion=region,
                    scenario = scenNewNames,
                    vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                    x = year,
                    xLabel = "Year",
                    aggregate = "sum",
                    classLabel1 = "sector",
                    classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                    classLabel2 = "sectorDetail",
                    classPalette2 = "pal_metis") %>%
      dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                    aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                    origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
      dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
    datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)}

  paramx <- "emissNonCO2BySectorGWPAR5"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){

    # GHG emissions (non CO2) by subsector, using AR5 GWP values
    queryx <- "nonCO2 emissions by sector"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      #emiss_sector_mapping <- read.csv(CO2mappingFile, skip=1)
      tblCore <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(class1=ghg, class2=sector) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(class1 = dplyr::case_when ((grepl("HFC", class1)) ~ "HFCs",
                                                 (grepl("SF6", class1)) ~ "SF6",
                                                 (grepl("CO2", class1)) ~ "CO2",
                                                 (grepl("N2O", class1)) ~ "N2O",
                                                 (grepl("CH4", class1)) ~ "CH4",
                                                 (grepl("SO2", class1)) ~ "SO2",
                                                 (grepl("NH3", class1)) ~ "NH3",
                                                 (grepl("CF4", class1)) ~ "CF4",
                                                 (grepl("C2F6", class1)) ~ "C2F6",
                                                 TRUE ~ "Other"))%>%
        dplyr::filter(!class1 %in% c('SO2', 'NH3', 'Other')) %>%
        #dplyr::left_join(emiss_sector_mapping, by=c('class2' = 'class1')) %>%
        #dplyr::mutate(class2=agg_sector) %>%
        #dplyr::select(-agg_sector) %>%
            grepl("regional biomass|regional biomassOil|regional corn for ethanol|biomass" ,class2,ignore.case=T)~"biomass",
            grepl("comm |resid ",class2,ignore.case=T)~"building",
            grepl("electricity|elec_|electricity |csp_backup",class2,ignore.case=T)~"electricity",
            grepl("cement|N fertilizer|industrial|ind ",class2,ignore.case=T)~"industry",
            grepl("gas pipeline|gas processing|unconventional oil production|gas to liquids",class2,ignore.case=T)~"industry",
        dplyr::left_join(metis.assumptions("convertGgTgMTC"),by="Units") %>%
        #dplyr::filter(!class1=='CO2') %>%
                      origUnits = dplyr::case_when(class1=="Other"~"Units",TRUE~origUnits),
                      units="GHG Emissions GWPAR5 (MTCO2eq)")%>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "emissNonCO2BySectorGWPAR5",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      classLabel1 = "GHG",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      classLabel2 = "sector",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_metis") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
    } else {
      tblCore <- tibble::tibble()
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

    # GHG emissions (non CO2) by subsector, using AR5 GWP values USA
    queryx <- "nonCO2 emissions by sector USA"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      #emiss_sector_mapping <- read.csv(CO2mappingFile, skip=1)
      tblUSA <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(class1=ghg, class2=sector) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(class1 = dplyr::case_when ((grepl("HFC", class1)) ~ "HFCs",
                                                 (grepl("SF6", class1)) ~ "SF6",
                                                 (grepl("CO2", class1)) ~ "CO2",
                                                 (grepl("N2O", class1)) ~ "N2O",
                                                 (grepl("CH4", class1)) ~ "CH4",
                                                 (grepl("SO2", class1)) ~ "SO2",
                                                 (grepl("NH3", class1)) ~ "NH3",
                                                 (grepl("CF4", class1)) ~ "CF4",
                                                 (grepl("C2F6", class1)) ~ "C2F6",
                                                 TRUE ~ "Other"))%>%
        dplyr::filter(!class1 %in% c('SO2', 'NH3', 'Other'),
                      !(class1 == "SF6" & grepl("grid",region,ignore.case = T)),
                      !(class1 %in% c("CH4","HFCs","N2O") & region=="USA")) %>%
        #dplyr::left_join(emiss_sector_mapping, by=c('class2' = 'class1')) %>%
        #dplyr::mutate(class2=agg_sector) %>%
        #dplyr::select(-agg_sector) %>%
            grepl("regional biomass|regional biomassOil|regional corn for ethanol|biomass" ,class2,ignore.case=T)~"biomass",
            grepl("comm |resid ",class2,ignore.case=T)~"building",
            grepl("electricity|elec_|electricity |csp_backup",class2,ignore.case=T)~"electricity",
            grepl("cement|N fertilizer|industrial|ind ",class2,ignore.case=T)~"industry",
            grepl("gas pipeline|gas processing|unconventional oil production|gas to liquids",class2,ignore.case=T)~"industry",
        dplyr::left_join(metis.assumptions("convertGgTgMTC"),by="Units") %>%
        #dplyr::filter(!class1=='CO2') %>%
                      origUnits = dplyr::case_when(class1=="Other"~"Units",TRUE~origUnits),
                      units="GHG Emissions GWPAR5 (MTCO2eq)")%>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "emissNonCO2BySectorGWPAR5",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      classLabel1 = "GHG",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      classLabel2 = "sector",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_metis") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
    } else {
      tblUSA <- tibble::tibble()
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

    # Combine Core and USA
    if(nrow(tblCore)>0){scenariosCore <- unique(tblCore$scenario)}else{
      scenariosCore <- NULL

    tblUSA <- tblUSA %>%
      dplyr::filter(!scenario %in% scenariosCore)

    datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tblCore, tblUSA)


  paramx <- "emissNonCO2BySector"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){

    # GHG emissions (non CO2) by subsector values
    queryx <- "nonCO2 emissions by sector"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      tblCore <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(class1=ghg, class2=sector) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "emissNonCO2BySector",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      classLabel1 = "GHG",
                      class1 = paste0(class1," (",units,")"),
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      classLabel2 = "sector",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_metis") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
    } else {
      tblCore <- tibble::tibble()
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

    # GHG emissions (non CO2) by subsector values USA
    queryx <- "nonCO2 emissions by sector USA"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      tblUSA <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(class1=ghg, class2=sector) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "emissNonCO2BySector",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      classLabel1 = "GHG",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      classLabel2 = "sector",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_metis",
                      class1 = paste0(class1," (",units,")")) %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
    } else {
      tblUSA <- tibble::tibble()
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

    # GHG emissions (non CO2) by subsector values USA
    queryx <- "nonCO2 emissions by sector USA nonUS"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      tblUSAnonUS <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(class1=ghg, class2=sector) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "emissNonCO2BySector",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      classLabel1 = "GHG",
                      class1 = paste0(class1," (",units,")"),
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      classLabel2 = "sector",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_metis") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
    } else {
      tblUSAnonUS <- tibble::tibble()
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

    # Combine Core and USA
    if(nrow(tblCore)>0){scenariosCore <- unique(tblCore$scenario)}else{
      scenariosCore <- NULL

    tblUSA <- tblUSA %>%
      dplyr::filter(!scenario %in% scenariosCore)

    tblUSAnonUS <- tblUSAnonUS %>%
      dplyr::filter(!scenario %in% scenariosCore)

    datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tblCore, tblUSA, tblUSAnonUS)


  if(any(c("emissCO2BySector","emissCO2CumGlobal2010to2100","emissCO2CumGlobal2010to2100RCP") %in% paramsSelectx)){

    paramx <- "emissCO2BySector"
    # GHG emissions (non CO2) by subsector, using AR5 GWP values
    queryx <- "CO2 emissions by sector"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      # if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
      #   tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      # }
      #emiss_sector_mapping <- read.csv(CO2mappingFile, skip=1)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(class1=sector, class2="class2") %>%
                      units="CO2 (MTC)")%>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "emissCO2BySector",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      classLabel1 = "sector",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      classLabel2 = "classLabel2",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_metis") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)

      # Add Global Emissions
      tblGlobal <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::mutate(region="Global", subRegion="Global") %>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      # For selected region
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tblSelect <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)  %>%
          dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                          aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                          origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      } else {
        tblSelect <- tbl %>%
          dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                          aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                          origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%

      tblx <- tblGlobal %>%

      # Cumulative Global Emissions
      # Expand data to include years
      tblxexpand <- tblx %>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario,region,subRegion,units,x) %>% dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%
        tidyr::complete(x=seq(max(2010,min(tblx$x)),max(tblx$x),1),tidyr::nesting(scenario,region,subRegion,units)) %>% dplyr::ungroup()%>%
        dplyr::mutate(value=zoo::na.approx(value,na.rm =FALSE)) %>%
        dplyr::arrange(x) %>%
        dplyr::filter(!is.na(value));  tblxexpand

      tblxexpandcum2010to2100 <- tblxexpand %>%
        filter(x > 2005) %>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario,region,subRegion,units) %>%
                      units = gsub("MTC","GTC",units),
                      param = "emissCO2CumGlobal2010to2100",
                      sources = "sources",
                      class1 = "class1",
                      class2 = "class2",
                      xLabel = "year",
                      vintage = paste0("vint_",x),
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      classLabel1 = "classLabel1",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_hot",
                      classLabel2 = "classLabel2",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_hot",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origUnits = units,
                      origX = x,
                      origValue = value); tblxexpandcum2010to2100

      # Comapre CO2 Emissions between core and GCAM-USA Global and the RCP ranges
      # CMIP5 Table SPM.3, pg 27 https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/2018/02/WG1AR5_SPM_FINAL.pdf

      replen <- length(unique(tblxexpand$x))

      rcpranges <- data.frame(scenario=rep("rcpGlobalCumEmissions",replen),
                              class1 = rep("rcp8.5",replen),
                              class2 = rep("max",replen),
                              x = unique(tblxexpand$x),
                              value = rep(1910,replen)) %>%
                                    class1 = rep("rcp8.5",replen),
                                    class2 = rep("min",replen),
                                    x = unique(tblxexpand$x),
                                    value = rep(1415,replen))) %>%
                                    class1 = rep("rcp6.0",replen),
                                    class2 = rep("max",replen),
                                    x = unique(tblxexpand$x),
                                    value = rep(1250,replen))) %>%
                                    class1 = rep("rcp6.0",replen),
                                    class2 = rep("min",replen),
                                    x = unique(tblxexpand$x),
                                    value = rep(840,replen))) %>%
                                    class1 = rep("rcp4.5",replen),
                                    class2 = rep("max",replen),
                                    x = unique(tblxexpand$x),
                                    value = rep(1005,replen))) %>%
                                    class1 = rep("rcp4.5",replen),
                                    class2 = rep("min",replen),
                                    x = unique(tblxexpand$x),
                                    value = rep(595,replen))) %>%
                                  class1 = rep("rcp2.6",replen),
                                  class2 = rep("max",replen),
                                  x = unique(tblxexpand$x),
                                  value = rep(410,replen))) %>%
                                    class1 = rep("rcp2.6",replen),
                                    class2 = rep("min",replen),
                                    x = unique(tblxexpand$x),
                                    value = rep(140,replen))) %>%
        tibble::as_tibble(); rcpranges

      rcpranges <- rcpranges %>%
        dplyr::mutate(units = "CO2 (GTC)",
                      param = "emissCO2CumGlobal2010to2100RCPs",
                      sources = "sources",
                      xLabel = "year",
                      vintage = paste0("vint_",x),
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      classLabel1 = "rcp",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_hot",
                      classLabel2 = "minmax",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_hot",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origUnits = units,
                      origX = x,
                      origValue = value,
                      subRegion="Global") %>%
        unique(); rcpranges

      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tblx, tblxexpandcum2010to2100, rcpranges)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}


 paramx <- "emissMethaneBySourceGWPAR5"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # GHG emissions (non CO2) by subsector, using AR5 GWP values
    queryx <- "nonCO2 emissions by sector"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      #emiss_sector_mapping <- read.csv(CO2mappingFile, skip=1)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(class1=sector, class2=ghg) %>%
        dplyr::filter(class2 %in% c('CH4', 'CH4_AGR', 'CH4_AWB')) %>%
            grepl("regional biomass|regional biomassOil|regional corn for ethanol|biomass" ,class1,ignore.case=T)~"biomass",
            grepl("comm |resid ",class1,ignore.case=T)~"building",
            grepl("electricity|elec_|electricity |csp_backup",class1,ignore.case=T)~"electricity",
            grepl("cement|N fertilizer|industrial|ind ",class1,ignore.case=T)~"industry",
            grepl("gas pipeline|gas processing|unconventional oil production|gas to liquids",class1,ignore.case=T)~"industry",
        dplyr::left_join(metis.assumptions("convertGgTgMTC"),by="Units") %>%
                      origUnits = dplyr::case_when(class2=="Other"~"Units",TRUE~origUnits),
                      units="Methane Emissions GWPAR5 (MTCO2eq)")%>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "emissMethaneBySourceGWPAR5",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      classLabel1 = "sector",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      classLabel2 = "GHG",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_metis") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  paramx <- "emissNonCO2ByResProdGWPAR5"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # GHG emissions by resource production, using AR5 GWP values
    queryx <- "nonCO2 emissions by resource production"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      #emiss_sector_mapping <- read.csv(CO2mappingFile, skip=1)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(class1 = ghg, class2 = resource) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(class1 = dplyr::case_when ((grepl("HFC", class1)) ~ "HFCs",
                                                 (grepl("SF6", class1)) ~ "SF6",
                                                 (grepl("CO2", class1)) ~ "CO2",
                                                 (grepl("N2O", class1)) ~ "N2O",
                                                 (grepl("CH4", class1)) ~ "CH4",
                                                 (grepl("SO2", class1)) ~ "SO2",
                                                 (grepl("NH3", class1)) ~ "NH3",
                                                 (grepl("CF4", class1)) ~ "CF4",
                                                 (grepl("C2F6", class1)) ~ "C2F6",
                                                 TRUE ~ "Other"))%>%
        dplyr::filter(!class1 %in% c('SO2', 'NH3', 'Other')) %>%
        #dplyr::left_join(emiss_sector_mapping, by=c('class2' = 'class1')) %>%
        #dplyr::mutate(class2=agg_sector) %>%
        #dplyr::select(-agg_sector) %>%
          grepl("regional biomass|regional biomassOil|regional corn for ethanol|biomass" ,class2,ignore.case=T)~"biomass",
          grepl("comm |resid ",class2,ignore.case=T)~"building",
          grepl("electricity|elec_|electricity |csp_backup",class2,ignore.case=T)~"electricity",
          grepl("cement|N fertilizer|industrial|ind ",class2,ignore.case=T)~"industry",
          grepl("gas pipeline|gas processing|unconventional oil production|gas to liquids",class2,ignore.case=T)~"industry",
        dplyr::left_join(metis.assumptions("convertGgTgMTC"),by="Units") %>%
        dplyr::filter(!class1=='CO2') %>%
                      origUnits = dplyr::case_when(class1=="Other"~"Units",TRUE~origUnits),
                      units="Non-CO2 Emissions by Resource GWPAR5 (MTCO2eq)")%>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "emissNonCO2ByResProdGWPAR5",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      classLabel1 = "GHG",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      classLabel2 = "sector",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_metis") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

# Emissions Fossil FUels and Industry (FFI) basically everything but LUC GWP AR5
  if(any(c("emissNonCO2ByResProdGWPAR5", "emissNonCO2BySectorGWPAR5") %in% unique(datax$param))){
paramx <- "emissBySectorGWPAR5FFI"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # GHG emissions by resource production, using AR5 GWP values
    totalFFINonCO2 <- datax %>% dplyr::filter(param %in% c("emissNonCO2ByResProdGWPAR5", "emissNonCO2BySectorGWPAR5")) %>%
    # dplyr::rename so that the nonCO2 classes 1 and 2 are consistent with the CO2 classes 1 and 2
    totalFFINonCO2 <- totalFFINonCO2 %>%
      dplyr::mutate(class_temp = class2) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(class2 = class1) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(class1=class_temp) %>%
    totalFFICO2 <- datax %>% dplyr::filter(param %in% c("emissCO2BySectorNoBio")) %>% dplyr::mutate(class2 = "CO2")
    totalFFICO2Eq <- rbind(totalFFICO2, totalFFINonCO2)
    totalFFICO2Eq$param <- 'emissBySectorGWPAR5FFI'
    totalFFICO2Eq <- totalFFICO2Eq %>%
                    units="GHG Emissions GWPAR5 (MTCO2eq)",
                    classLabel1 = "sector",
                    classLabel2 = "subSector",
                    classPalette1 = 'pal_metis')%>%
      dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                    aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                    origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
      dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
    # Take this new parameter and put it in datax (main dataframe for ready-to-plot results)
    datax <- rbind(datax, totalFFICO2Eq)
  }} else {
    if(any(c("nonCO2 emissions by resource production","nonCO2 emissions by sector") %in% queriesSelectx)){
      #print(paste("totalFFINonCO2 did not run so skipping param emissBySectorGWPAR5FFI",sep=""))

# Emissions with LUC GWP AR5
  if(any(c("emissNonCO2ByResProdGWPAR5", "emissNonCO2BySectorGWPAR5") %in% unique(datax$param))){
  paramx <- "emissBySectorGWPAR5LUC"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # Same as FFI Emiss by Sec, except we are now adding LUC. So really it is the whole emissions picture (or close to it)
    totalFFINonCO2 <- datax %>% dplyr::filter(param %in% c("emissNonCO2ByResProdGWPAR5", "emissNonCO2BySectorGWPAR5")) %>%
    # dplyr::rename so that the nonCO2 classes 1 and 2 are consistent with the CO2 classes 1 and 2
    totalFFINonCO2 <- totalFFINonCO2 %>%
      dplyr::mutate(class_temp = class2) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(class2 = class1) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(class1=class_temp) %>%
    totalFFICO2 <- datax %>% dplyr::filter(param %in% c("emissCO2BySectorNoBio", "emissLUC")) %>% dplyr::mutate(class2 = "CO2")
    totalFFICO2Eq <- rbind(totalFFICO2, totalFFINonCO2)
    totalFFICO2Eq$param <- 'emissBySectorGWPAR5LUC'
    totalFFICO2Eq$Class1Palette <- 'pal_metis'
    totalFFICO2Eq <- totalFFICO2Eq %>%
                    units="GHG Emissions GWPAR5 (MTCO2eq)",
                    classLabel1 = "sector",
                    classLabel2 = "subSector",
                    classPalette1 = 'pal_metis')%>%
      dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                    aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                    origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
      dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
    # Take this new parameter and put it in datax (main dataframe for ready-to-plot results)
    datax <- rbind(datax, totalFFICO2Eq)
  }} else {
    if(any(c("nonCO2 emissions by resource production","nonCO2 emissions by sector") %in% queriesSelectx)){
    #print(paste("totalFFINonCO2 did not run so skipping param emissBySectorGWPAR5LUC",sep=""))

# Total Emissions without LUC GWP Summarized
  if(any(c("emissNonCO2ByResProdGWPAR5", "emissNonCO2BySectorGWPAR5") %in% unique(datax$param))){
    paramx <- "emissByGasGWPAR5FFI"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # GHG emissions by resource production, using AR5 GWP values
    totalFFINonCO2 <- datax %>% dplyr::filter(param %in% c("emissNonCO2ByResProdGWPAR5", "emissNonCO2BySectorGWPAR5")) %>%
    # dplyr::rename so that the nonCO2 classes 1 and 2 are consistent with the CO2 classes 1 and 2
    totalFFICO2 <- datax %>% dplyr::filter(param %in% c("emissCO2BySectorNoBio")) %>% dplyr::mutate(class1 = "CO2")
    totalFFICO2Eq <- rbind(totalFFICO2, totalFFINonCO2)
    totalFFICO2Eq$param <- 'emissByGasGWPAR5FFI'
    totalFFICO2Eq <- totalFFICO2Eq %>%
                    units="GHG Emissions GWPAR5 (MTCO2eq)",
                    classLabel1 = "sector",
                    classLabel2 = "subSector",
                    classPalette1 = 'pal_metis')%>%
      dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                    aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                    origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
      dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
    # Take this new parameter and put it in datax (main dataframe for ready-to-plot results)
    datax <- rbind(datax, totalFFICO2Eq)
    } else {
    if(any(c("nonCO2 emissions by resource production","nonCO2 emissions by sector") %in% queriesSelectx)){
    #print(paste("totalFFINonCO2 did not run so skipping param emissByGasGWPAR5FFI",sep=""))

# Total Emissions with LUC GWP Summarized

  if(any(c("emissNonCO2ByResProdGWPAR5", "emissNonCO2BySectorGWPAR5",
           "emissLUC","emissCO2BySectorNoBio") %in% unique(datax$param))){
    paramx <- "emissByGasGWPAR5LUC"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){

    totalFFICO2 <- datax %>% dplyr::filter(param %in% c("emissCO2BySectorNoBio")) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(class1=dplyr::if_else(class1=="LUC", "CO2 LUC", "CO2"))
    # GHG emissions by resource production, using AR5 GWP values
    NonCo2_LUC <- datax %>% dplyr::filter(param %in% c("emissNonCO2ByResProdGWPAR5", "emissNonCO2BySectorGWPAR5",
                                                "emissLUC")) %>%
      dplyr::filter(!class1=='CO2') %>%
      dplyr::mutate(class1=dplyr::if_else(class1=="LUC", "CO2 LUC", class1))
    totalCO2Eq <- rbind(totalFFICO2, NonCo2_LUC)

    # dplyr::rename so that the nonCO2 classes 1 and 2 are consistent with the CO2 classes 1 and 2
    totalCO2Eq$param <- 'emissByGasGWPAR5LUC'
    totalCO2Eq <- totalCO2Eq %>%
                    units="GHG Emissions GWPAR5 (MTCO2eq)",
                    classLabel1 = "sector",
                    classLabel2 = "subSector",
                    classPalette1 = 'pal_metis')%>%
      dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                    aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                    origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
      dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
    # Take this new parameter and put it in datax (main dataframe for ready-to-plot results)
    datax <- rbind(datax, totalCO2Eq)

  } else {
    if(any(c("nonCO2 emissions by resource production","nonCO2 emissions by sector") %in% queriesSelectx)){
      #print(paste("totalFFINonCO2 did not run so skipping param emissByGasGWPAR5LUC",sep=""))


  paramx <- "emissNonCO2BySectorGTPAR5"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # GHG emissions by subsector
    queryx <- "nonCO2 emissions by sector"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(class1=ghg, class2=sector) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(class1 = dplyr::case_when ((grepl("HFC", class1)) ~ "HFCs",
                                                 (grepl("SF6", class1)) ~ "SF6",
                                                 (grepl("CO2", class1)) ~ "CO2",
                                                 (grepl("N2O", class1)) ~ "N2O",
                                                 (grepl("CH4", class1)) ~ "CH4",
                                                 (grepl("SO2", class1)) ~ "SO2",
                                                 (grepl("NH3", class1)) ~ "NH3",
                                                 (grepl("CF4", class1)) ~ "CF4",
                                                 (grepl("C2F6", class1)) ~ "C2F6",
                                                 TRUE ~ "Other"))%>%
        dplyr::filter(!class1 %in% c('SO2', 'NH3', 'Other')) %>%
          grepl("regional biomass|regional biomassOil|biomass" ,class2,ignore.case=T)~"biomass",
          grepl("regional corn for ethanol" ,class2,ignore.case=T)~"corn for ethanol",
          grepl("comm |resid ",class2,ignore.case=T)~"building",
          grepl("electricity|elec_|electricity |csp_backup",class2,ignore.case=T)~"electricity",
          grepl("cement|N fertilizer|industrial|ind ",class2,ignore.case=T)~"industry",
          grepl("gas pipeline|gas processing|unconventional oil production|gas to liquids",class2,ignore.case=T)~"industry",
        dplyr::left_join(metis.assumptions("convertGgTgMTC"),by="Units") %>%
                      value=dplyr::case_when(!is.na(GTPAR5) ~ value*GTPAR5*Convert,
                                             TRUE ~  value*GWPAR5*Convert),
                      origUnits = dplyr::case_when(class1=="Other"~"Units",TRUE~origUnits),
                      units="GHG Emissions GTPAR5 (MTCO2eq)")%>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "emissNonCO2BySectorGTPAR5",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      classLabel1 = "GHG",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      classLabel2 = "sector",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_metis") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  paramx <- "emissMethaneBySourceGTPAR5"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # GHG emissions (non CO2) by subsector, using AR5 GTP values
    queryx <- "nonCO2 emissions by sector"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      #emiss_sector_mapping <- read.csv(CO2mappingFile, skip=1)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(class1=sector, class2=ghg) %>%
        dplyr::filter(class2 %in% c('CH4', 'CH4_AGR', 'CH4_AWB')) %>%
            grepl("regional biomass|regional biomassOil|biomass" ,class1,ignore.case=T)~"biomass",
            grepl("regional corn for ethanol" ,class1,ignore.case=T)~"corn for ethanol",
            grepl("comm |resid ",class1,ignore.case=T)~"building",
            grepl("electricity|elec_|electricity |csp_backup",class1,ignore.case=T)~"electricity",
            grepl("cement|N fertilizer|industrial|ind ",class1,ignore.case=T)~"industry",
            grepl("gas pipeline|gas processing|unconventional oil production|gas to liquids",class1,ignore.case=T)~"industry",
        dplyr::left_join(metis.assumptions("convertGgTgMTC"),by="Units") %>%
                      value=dplyr::case_when(!is.na(GTPAR5) ~ value*GTPAR5*Convert,
                                             TRUE ~  value*GWPAR5*Convert),
                      origUnits = dplyr::case_when(class2=="Other"~"Units",TRUE~origUnits),
                      units="Methane Emissions GTPAR5 (MTCO2eq)")%>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "emissMethaneBySourceGTPAR5",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      classLabel1 = "sector",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      classLabel2 = "GHG",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_metis") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  paramx <- "emissNonCO2ByResProdGTPAR5"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # GHG emissions by resource production, using AR5 GTP values
    queryx <- "nonCO2 emissions by resource production"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      #emiss_sector_mapping <- read.csv(CO2mappingFile, skip=1)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(class1 = ghg, class2 = resource) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(class1 = dplyr::case_when ((grepl("HFC", class1)) ~ "HFCs",
                                                 (grepl("SF6", class1)) ~ "SF6",
                                                 (grepl("CO2", class1)) ~ "CO2",
                                                 (grepl("N2O", class1)) ~ "N2O",
                                                 (grepl("CH4", class1)) ~ "CH4",
                                                 (grepl("SO2", class1)) ~ "SO2",
                                                 (grepl("NH3", class1)) ~ "NH3",
                                                 (grepl("CF4", class1)) ~ "CF4",
                                                 (grepl("C2F6", class1)) ~ "C2F6",
                                                 TRUE ~ "Other"))%>%
        dplyr::filter(!class1 %in% c('SO2', 'NH3', 'Other')) %>%
        #dplyr::left_join(emiss_sector_mapping, by=c('class2' = 'class1')) %>%
        #dplyr::mutate(class2=agg_sector) %>%
        #dplyr::select(-agg_sector) %>%
          grepl("regional biomass|regional biomassOil|biomass" ,class2,ignore.case=T)~"biomass",
          grepl("regional corn for ethanol" ,class2,ignore.case=T)~"corn for ethanol",
          grepl("comm |resid ",class2,ignore.case=T)~"building",
          grepl("electricity|elec_|electricity |csp_backup",class2,ignore.case=T)~"electricity",
          grepl("cement|N fertilizer|industrial|ind ",class2,ignore.case=T)~"industry",
          grepl("gas pipeline|gas processing|unconventional oil production|gas to liquids",class2,ignore.case=T)~"industry",
        dplyr::left_join(metis.assumptions("convertGgTgMTC"),by="Units") %>%
        dplyr::filter(!class1=='CO2') %>%
                      value=dplyr::case_when(!is.na(GTPAR5) ~ value*GTPAR5*Convert,
                                             TRUE ~  value*GWPAR5*Convert),
                      origUnits = dplyr::case_when(class1=="Other"~"Units",TRUE~origUnits),
                      units="Non-CO2 Emissions by Resource GTPAR5 (MTCO2eq)")%>%
        dplyr::mutate(param = "emissNonCO2ByResProdGTPAR5",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      classLabel1 = "GHG",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      classLabel2 = "sector",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_metis") %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  # Emissions Fossil FUels and Industry (FFI) basically everything but LUC GTP AR5
  if(any(c("emissNonCO2ByResProdGTPAR5", "emissNonCO2BySectorGTPAR5") %in% unique(datax$param))){
    paramx <- "emissBySectorGTPAR5FFI"
    if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
      # GHG emissions by resource production, using AR5 GTP values
      totalFFINonCO2 <- datax %>% dplyr::filter(param %in% c("emissNonCO2ByResProdGTPAR5", "emissNonCO2BySectorGTPAR5")) %>%
      # dplyr::rename so that the nonCO2 classes 1 and 2 are consistent with the CO2 classes 1 and 2
      totalFFINonCO2 <- totalFFINonCO2 %>%
        dplyr::mutate(class_temp = class2) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(class2 = class1) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(class1=class_temp) %>%
      totalFFICO2 <- datax %>% dplyr::filter(param %in% c("emissCO2BySectorNoBio"))%>%dplyr::mutate(class2="CO2")
      totalFFICO2Eq <- rbind(totalFFICO2, totalFFINonCO2)
      totalFFICO2Eq$param <- 'emissBySectorGTPAR5FFI'
      totalFFICO2Eq <- totalFFICO2Eq %>%
                      units="GHG Emissions GTPAR5 (MTCO2eq)",
                      classLabel1 = "sector",
                      classLabel2 = "subSector",
                      classPalette1 = 'pal_metis')%>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      # Take this new parameter and put it in datax (main dataframe for ready-to-plot results)
      datax <- rbind(datax, totalFFICO2Eq)
    }} else {
      if(any(c("nonCO2 emissions by resource production","nonCO2 emissions by sector") %in% queriesSelectx)){
        #print(paste("totalFFINonCO2 did not run so skipping paramemissBySectorGTPAR5FFI",sep=""))

  # Emissions LUC basically GTP AR5
  if(any(c("emissNonCO2ByResProdGTPAR5", "emissNonCO2BySectorGTPAR5") %in% unique(datax$param))){
    paramx <- "emissBySectorGTPAR5LUC"
    if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
      # Same as FFI Emiss by Sec, except we are now adding LUC. So really it is the whole emissions picture (or close to it)
      totalFFINonCO2 <- datax %>% dplyr::filter(param %in% c("emissNonCO2ByResProdGTPAR5", "emissNonCO2BySectorGTPAR5")) %>%
      # dplyr::rename so that the nonCO2 classes 1 and 2 are consistent with the CO2 classes 1 and 2
      totalFFINonCO2 <- totalFFINonCO2 %>%
        dplyr::mutate(class_temp = class2) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(class2 = class1) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(class1=class_temp) %>%
      totalFFICO2 <- datax %>% dplyr::filter(param %in% c("emissCO2BySectorNoBio", "emissLUC"))%>%dplyr::mutate(class2="CO2")
      totalFFICO2Eq <- rbind(totalFFICO2, totalFFINonCO2)
      totalFFICO2Eq$param <- 'emissBySectorGTPAR5LUC'
      totalFFICO2Eq$Class1Palette <- 'pal_metis'
      totalFFICO2Eq <- totalFFICO2Eq %>%
                      units="GHG Emissions GTPAR5 (MTCO2eq)",
                      classLabel1 = "sector",
                      classLabel2 = "subSector",
                      classPalette1 = 'pal_metis')%>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      # Take this new parameter and put it in datax (main dataframe for ready-to-plot results)
      datax <- rbind(datax, totalFFICO2Eq)
    }} else {
      if(any(c("nonCO2 emissions by resource production","nonCO2 emissions by sector") %in% queriesSelectx)){
        #print(paste("totalFFINonCO2 did not run so skipping param emissBySectorGTPAR5LUC",sep=""))

  # Total Emissions without LUC GTP Summarized
  if(any(c("emissNonCO2ByResProdGTPAR5", "emissNonCO2BySectorGTPAR5") %in% unique(datax$param))){
    paramx <- "emissByGasGTPAR5FFI"
    if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
      # GHG emissions by resource production, using AR5 GTP values
      totalFFINonCO2 <- datax %>% dplyr::filter(param %in% c("emissNonCO2ByResProdGTPAR5", "emissNonCO2BySectorGTPAR5")) %>%
      # dplyr::rename so that the nonCO2 classes 1 and 2 are consistent with the CO2 classes 1 and 2
      totalFFICO2 <- datax %>% dplyr::filter(param %in% c("emissCO2BySectorNoBio")) %>%dplyr::mutate(class1="CO2")
      totalFFICO2Eq <- rbind(totalFFICO2, totalFFINonCO2)
      totalFFICO2Eq$param <- 'emissByGasGTPAR5FFI'
      totalFFICO2Eq <- totalFFICO2Eq %>%
                      units="GHG Emissions GTPAR5 (MTCO2eq)",
                      classLabel1 = "sector",
                      classLabel2 = "subSector",
                      classPalette1 = 'pal_metis')%>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      # Take this new parameter and put it in datax (main dataframe for ready-to-plot results)
      datax <- rbind(datax, totalFFICO2Eq)
  } else {
    if(any(c("nonCO2 emissions by resource production","nonCO2 emissions by sector") %in% queriesSelectx)){
      #print(paste("totalFFINonCO2 did not run so skipping param emissByGasGTPAR5FFI",sep=""))

  # Total Emissions with LUC GTP Summarized

  if(any(c("emissNonCO2ByResProdGTPAR5", "emissNonCO2BySectorGTPAR5",
           "emissLUC","emissCO2BySectorNoBio") %in% unique(datax$param))){
    paramx <- "emissByGasGTPAR5LUC"
    if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){

      totalFFICO2 <- datax %>% dplyr::filter(param %in% c("emissCO2BySectorNoBio"))%>%dplyr::mutate(class1="CO2")
      # GHG emissions by resource production, using AR5 GTP values
      NonCo2_LUC <- datax %>% dplyr::filter(param %in% c("emissNonCO2ByResProdGTPAR5", "emissNonCO2BySectorGTPAR5",
                                                         "emissLUC")) %>%
        dplyr::filter(!class1=='CO2')%>%dplyr::mutate(class1=dplyr::if_else(class1=="LUC", "CO2 LUC", class1))
      totalCO2Eq <- rbind(totalFFICO2, NonCo2_LUC)

      # dplyr::rename so that the nonCO2 classes 1 and 2 are consistent with the CO2 classes 1 and 2
      totalCO2Eq$param <- 'emissByGasGTPAR5LUC'
      totalCO2Eq <- totalCO2Eq %>%
                      units="GHG Emissions GTPAR5 (MTCO2eq)",
                      classLabel1 = "sector",
                      classLabel2 = "subSector",
                      classPalette1 = 'pal_metis')%>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      # Take this new parameter and put it in datax (main dataframe for ready-to-plot results)
      datax <- rbind(datax, totalCO2Eq)

  } else {
    if(any(c("nonCO2 emissions by resource production","nonCO2 emissions by sector") %in% queriesSelectx)){
      #print(paste("totalFFINonCO2 did not run so skipping param emissByGasGTPAR5LUC",sep=""))

  paramx <- "emissNonCO2BySectorOrigUnits"
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    # GHG emissions by subsector
    queryx <- "nonCO2 emissions by sector"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
                      units="Variable Units")%>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(class1=ghg, class2=sector) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(class1 = dplyr::case_when ((grepl("HFC", class1)) ~ paste("HFCs",units,sep="_"),
                                                 (grepl("SF6", class1)) ~ paste("SF6",units,sep="_"),
                                                 (grepl("CO2", class1)) ~ paste("CO2",units,sep="_"),
                                                 (grepl("N2O", class1)) ~ paste("N2O",units,sep="_"),
                                                 (grepl("CH4", class1)) ~ paste("CH4",units,sep="_"),
                                                 (grepl("NH3", class1)) ~ paste("NH3",units,sep="_"),
                                                 (grepl("NOx", class1)) ~ paste("NOx",units,sep="_"),
                                                 (grepl("VOC", class1)) ~ paste("VOC",units,sep="_"),
                                                 (grepl("SO2", class1)) ~ paste("SO2",units,sep="_"),
                                                 (grepl("CF4", class1)) ~ "CF4",
                                                 (grepl("C2F6", class1)) ~ "C2F6",
                                                 TRUE ~ "Other"))%>%
        dplyr::filter(!class1 %in% c('SO2', 'NH3', 'Other')) %>%
          grepl("regional biomass|regional biomassOil|biomass" ,class2,ignore.case=T)~"biomass",
          grepl("regional corn for ethanol" ,class2,ignore.case=T)~"corn for ethanol",
          grepl("comm |resid ",class2,ignore.case=T)~"building",
          grepl("electricity|elec_|electricity |csp_backup",class2,ignore.case=T)~"electricity",
          grepl("cement|N fertilizer|industrial|ind ",class2,ignore.case=T)~"industry",
          grepl("gas pipeline|gas processing|unconventional oil production|gas to liquids",class2,ignore.case=T)~"industry",
        dplyr::mutate(param = "emissNonCO2BySectorOrigUnits",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      classLabel1 = "GHG",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      classLabel2 = "sector",
                      classPalette2 = "pal_metis",
                      origUnits = dplyr::case_when(class1=="Other"~"Units",TRUE~origUnits)) %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  # Total final energy by aggregate end-use sector
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    queryx <- "transport service output by mode"
    vmt_array <- c("trn_aviation_intl", "trn_pass", "trn_pass_road", "trn_pass_road_LDV",
                   "trn_pass_road_LDV_2W", "trn_pass_road_LDV_4W")
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::filter(sector %in% vmt_array, !mode %in% c('Cycle', 'Walk', '2W', '4W', 'LDV', 'road')) %>%
                      param = "transportPassengerVMTByMode",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      units = "Pasenger (million pass-km)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = mode,
                      classLabel1 = "Mode",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      class2 = sector,
                      classLabel2 = "classLabel2",
                      classPalette2 = "classPalette2")%>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  # Total final energy by aggregate end-use sector
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    queryx <- "transport service output by mode"
    vmt_array <- c("trn_freight", "trn_freight_road")
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::filter(sector %in% vmt_array, !mode %in% c('road')) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(mode=dplyr::if_else(mode=="Domestic Ship","Ship",mode),
                      mode=dplyr::if_else(mode=="Freight Rail","Rail",mode),
                      #mode=dplyr::if_else(mode=="International Ship","Ship",mode),
                      mode=dplyr::if_else(mode=="Truck (6-15t)","Truck",mode),
                      mode=dplyr::if_else(mode=="Truck (0-1t)","Truck",mode),
                      mode=dplyr::if_else(mode=="Truck (>15t)","Truck",mode),
                      param = "transportFreightVMTByMode",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      units = "Freight (million ton-km)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = mode,
                      classLabel1 = "Mode",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      class2 = sector,
                      classLabel2 = "classLabel2",
                      classPalette2 = "classPalette2")%>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  # Freight VMT (services) by fuel
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    queryx <- "refined liquids production by subsector"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(subsector=dplyr::if_else(subsector=="biomass liquids","biomass liquids", subsector),
                      subsector=dplyr::if_else(subsector=="coal to liquids","coal to liquids", subsector),
                      subsector=dplyr::if_else(subsector=="gas to liquids","gas to liquids", subsector),
                      subsector=dplyr::if_else(subsector=="oil refining","oil refining", subsector),
                      param = "energyPrimaryRefLiqProdEJ",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      units = "Refined Liquids Production (EJ)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = subsector,
                      classLabel1 = "Liquid",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      class2 = sector,
                      classLabel2 = "Refining",
                      classPalette2 = "classPalette2")%>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%

      # Create table that stores total liquids production in refining
      QueryTbl <- tbl
      TotalLiquidsProdTbl <- QueryTbl %>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    x) %>%
      # Return to original table, and calculate fraction of total liquids production that is biofuels. QueryTbl can now
      # be applied to VMT by fuel categories (passenger and freight) below.
      FracBioFuel_tbl <- QueryTbl %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    class1, x, value) %>%
        dplyr::left_join(TotalLiquidsProdTbl, by=c('x', 'scenario','subRegion', 'region')) %>%
        dplyr::filter(class1=='biomass liquids') %>%
        dplyr::mutate(FracBioFuel=value/TotalLiquids) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(FracFossilFuel=1-FracBioFuel) %>%
        dplyr::select(-value, -TotalLiquids) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(class1 = 'liquids')  #only apply fraction to liquids

      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  # Passenger VMT (services) by fuel
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    queryx <- "transport service output by tech (new)"
    vmt_array <- c("trn_aviation_intl", "trn_pass", "trn_pass_road", "trn_pass_road_LDV",
                   "trn_pass_road_LDV_2W", "trn_pass_road_LDV_4W")
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::filter(sector %in% vmt_array, !technology %in% c('Cycle', 'Walk', '2W', '4W', 'LDV', 'road')) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(technology=gsub("NG","gas", technology),
                      technology=gsub("FCEV","hydrogen", technology),
                      technology=gsub("BEV","electricity", technology),
                      technology=gsub("Electric","electricity", technology),
                      technology=gsub("Liquids","liquids", technology),
                      technology=gsub("Hybrid Liquids","liquids", technology),
                      technology=gsub("Hybrid liquids","liquids", technology),
                      param = "transportPassengerVMTByFuel",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      units = "Passenger (million pass-km)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = technology,
                      classLabel1 = "Fuel",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      class2 = subsector,
                      classLabel2 = "subsector",
                      classPalette2 = "classPalette2")
      if("energyPrimaryRefLiqProdEJ" %in% paramsSelectx){
        # Break out biofuels
        tbl <- tbl %>%
          dplyr::left_join(FracBioFuel_tbl, by=c('scenario', 'region','subRegion', 'x', 'class1')) %>%
          dplyr::mutate(value = dplyr::if_else(class1=='liquids', value*FracBioFuel, value)) %>%
          dplyr::select(-FracBioFuel, -FracFossilFuel) %>%
          dplyr::mutate(class1=dplyr::if_else(class1=='liquids', 'biofuel', class1))
        tbl2 <- tbl %>%
          dplyr::left_join(FracBioFuel_tbl %>% dplyr::mutate(class1='biofuel'), by=c('scenario', 'region', 'subRegion','x', 'class1')) %>%
          dplyr::filter(class1=='biofuel') %>%
          dplyr::mutate(class1='fossil fuel') %>%
          dplyr::mutate(value=dplyr::if_else(class1=='fossil fuel', (value/FracBioFuel)*(1-FracBioFuel), value)) %>%
          dplyr::select(-FracBioFuel, -FracFossilFuel)
        tbl <- rbind(tbl, tbl2)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  # Freight VMT (services) by fuel
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    queryx <- "transport service output by tech (new)"
    vmt_array <- c("trn_freight", "trn_freight_road")
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
        dplyr::filter(sector %in% vmt_array, !technology %in% c('road')) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(technology=gsub("NG","gas", technology),
                      technology=gsub("Liquids","liquids", technology),
                      technology=gsub("Electric","electricity", technology),
                      technology=gsub("Coal","coal", technology),
                      param = "transportFreightVMTByFuel",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      units = "Freight (million ton-km)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = technology,
                      classLabel1 = "Fuel",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      class2 = subsector,
                      classLabel2 = "subsector",
                      classPalette2 = "classPalette2")
      if("energyPrimaryRefLiqProdEJ" %in% paramsSelectx){
        # Break out biofuels
        tbl <- tbl %>%
          dplyr::left_join(FracBioFuel_tbl, by=c('scenario', 'region','subRegion', 'x', 'class1')) %>%
          dplyr::mutate(value = dplyr::if_else(class1=='liquids', value*FracBioFuel, value)) %>%
          dplyr::select(-FracBioFuel, -FracFossilFuel) %>%
          dplyr::mutate(class1=dplyr::if_else(class1=='liquids', 'biofuel', class1))
        tbl2 <- tbl %>%
          dplyr::left_join(FracBioFuel_tbl %>% dplyr::mutate(class1='biofuel'), by=c('scenario', 'region','subRegion', 'x', 'class1')) %>%
          dplyr::filter(class1=='biofuel') %>%
          dplyr::mutate(class1='fossil fuel') %>%
          dplyr::mutate(value=dplyr::if_else(class1=='fossil fuel', (value/FracBioFuel)*(1-FracBioFuel), value)) %>%
          dplyr::select(-FracBioFuel, -FracFossilFuel)
        tbl <- rbind(tbl, tbl2)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%
      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tbl)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  # Total final energy by aggregate end-use sector
  if(paramx %in% paramsSelectx){
    queryx <- "transport final energy by fuel"
    if (queryx %in% queriesx) {
      tbl <- rgcam::getQuery(dataProjLoaded, queryx)  # Tibble
      if (!is.null(regionsSelect)) {
        tbl <- tbl %>% dplyr::filter(region %in% regionsSelect)
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::rename(sector=input) %>%
        dplyr::filter(scenario %in% scenOrigNames)%>%
        dplyr::left_join(tibble::tibble(scenOrigNames, scenNewNames), by = c(scenario = "scenOrigNames")) %>%
                      sector=gsub("delivered gas","gas",sector),
                      sector=gsub("refined liquids enduse","liquids",sector),
                      sector=gsub("H2 enduse","hydrogen",sector),
                      sector=gsub("delivered coal","coal",sector),
                      param = "energyFinalSubsecByFuelTranspEJ",
                      sources = "Sources",
                      origScen = scenario,
                      origQuery = queryx,
                      origValue = value,
                      origUnits = Units,
                      origX = year, subRegion=region,
                      scenario = scenNewNames,
                      units = "Transport Final Energy by Fuel (EJ)",
                      vintage = paste("Vint_", year, sep = ""),
                      x = year,
                      xLabel = "Year",
                      aggregate = "sum",
                      class1 = sector,
                      classLabel1 = "Fuel",
                      classPalette1 = "pal_metis",
                      class2 = "class2",
                      classLabel2 = "classLabel2",
                      classPalette2 = "classPalette2")
      # if("energyPrimaryRefLiqProdEJ" %in% unique(datax$param)){
      #   # Break out biofuels
      #   tbl <- tbl %>%
      #     dplyr::left_join(FracBioFuel_tbl, by=c('scenario', 'region', 'x', 'class1')) %>%
      #     dplyr::mutate(value = dplyr::if_else(class1=='liquids', value*FracBioFuel, value)) %>%
      #     dplyr::select(-FracBioFuel, -FracFossilFuel) %>%
      #     dplyr::mutate(class1=dplyr::if_else(class1=='liquids', 'biofuel', class1))
      #   tbl2 <- tbl %>%
      #     dplyr::left_join(FracBioFuel_tbl %>% dplyr::mutate(class1='biofuel'), by=c('scenario', 'region', 'x', 'class1')) %>%
      #     dplyr::filter(class1=='biofuel') %>%
      #     dplyr::mutate(class1='fossil fuel liquids') %>%
      #     dplyr::mutate(value=dplyr::if_else(class1=='fossil fuel liquids', (value/FracBioFuel)*(1-FracBioFuel), value)) %>%
      #     dplyr::select(-FracBioFuel, -FracFossilFuel)
      #   tbl <- rbind(tbl, tbl2)
      # }
      tbl <- tbl %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%

        # Separat out Intl. Shipping and Aviation refined liquids from Primary Energy Oil
        tblTransportFinalOil <- tbl%>%dplyr::filter(class1=="liquids") %>%
          dplyr::mutate(class2="class2",classLabel2="classLabel2",classPalette2="classPalette2") %>%
          dplyr::select(-origValue)# Subset Transport Sector
        tblFinalNrgIntlAvShipMod <- tblFinalNrgIntlAvShip %>%
                        class1=paste(class1,"liquids",sep=" "),
          dplyr::select(-origValue)# Prepare in intl. transport in correct format
        # Separate out Intl. Shipping and Aviation
        tblSepTransportFinalIntlAvShip <- tblTransportFinalOil %>%
          dplyr::bind_rows(tblFinalNrgIntlAvShipMod) %>%
          tidyr::spread(key="class1",value="value") %>%
          dplyr::mutate(`liquids`=`liquids` -`International Aviation liquids`-`International Ship liquids`)%>%
          dplyr::rename(`liquids intl av`=`International Aviation liquids`,
                        `liquids intl shp`=`International Ship liquids`) %>%
                        -scenario, -region, -subRegion, -param, -sources, -class2, -x, -xLabel, -vintage, -units, -aggregate,
                        -classLabel1, -classPalette1, -classLabel2, -classPalette2,
          dplyr::mutate(origValue=value); tblSepTransportFinalIntlAvShip%>%as.data.frame()
        # Rbind Transport, Intl. Shipping and Aviation back to all other Final Energy types
        tblMod<-tbl%>%dplyr::filter(class1!="liquids") %>%
          dplyr::bind_rows(tblSepTransportFinalIntlAvShip) # Remove Transport sector from Original tbl

      } else {
        print(paste("tblFinalNrgIntlAvShip does not exist so skipping subset of final energy to remove intl. shipping and aviation."))
        tblMod <- tbl

      tblMod <- tblMod %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units, value,
                      aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                      origScen, origQuery, origValue, origUnits, origX)%>%
        dplyr::group_by(scenario, region, subRegion,    param, sources, class1, class2, x, xLabel, vintage, units,
                        aggregate, classLabel1, classPalette1,classLabel2, classPalette2,
                        origScen, origQuery, origUnits, origX)%>%dplyr::summarize_at(dplyr::vars("value","origValue"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))%>%dplyr::ungroup()%>%

      datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax, tblMod)
    } else {
      # if(queryx %in% queriesSelectx){print(paste("Query '", queryx, "' not found in database", sep = ""))}

  } # Close datax assignments



  # -----------
  # unit Conversions
  # -----------
  dataxEJtoMTOE <- datax %>% dplyr::filter(grepl("\\(EJ\\)",units)) %>%
                  units = gsub("\\(EJ\\)","(Mtoe)",units),
                  param = gsub("EJ","MTOE",param)); dataxEJtoMTOE

  dataxEJtoTWh <- datax %>% dplyr::filter(grepl("\\(EJ\\)",units)) %>%
                  units = gsub("\\(EJ\\)","(TWh)",units),
                  param = gsub("EJ","TWh",param))

  datax <- dplyr::bind_rows(datax,dataxEJtoMTOE,dataxEJtoTWh)
  # datax<-datax %>%
  #   dplyr::mutate(region=gsub("-","_",region), # To make consistent with maps (see ./metis/extras/metis.saveDataFile.R)
  #                 subRegion=gsub("-","_",subRegion))%>% # To make consistent with maps (see ./metis/extras/metis.saveDataFile.R)
  #   dplyr::filter(param %in% paramsSelectx) %>%
  #   unique()

  # Remove repeated USA regions
  for(scenario_i in unique(datax$scenario)){
  for(param_i in unique(datax$param)){

    regions_i <-(datax %>% dplyr::filter(param==param_i,scenario==scenario_i))$region%>%unique(); regions_i

    if(any(grepl("USA",regions_i)) & length(regions_i[regions_i %in% metis::metis.assumptions("US52")])>1){
      datax <- datax %>%
        dplyr::mutate(region = dplyr::case_when(param==param_i &
                                           scenario==scenario_i &
                                           (region=="USA" & !param %in% c("emissNonCO2BySectorGWPAR5",
                                                                          "emissCO2CumGlobal2010to2100RCP"))~ "RegionRemove",
                                         TRUE ~ region)) %>%
        dplyr::filter(region != "RegionRemove")

    subRegions_i <-(datax %>% dplyr::filter(param==param_i,scenario==scenario_i))$subRegion%>%unique(); subRegions_i

    if(any(grepl("USA",subRegions_i)) & length(subRegions_i[subRegions_i %in% metis::metis.assumptions("US52")])>1){
      datax <- datax %>%
        dplyr::mutate(subRegion = dplyr::case_when(param==param_i &
                                           scenario==scenario_i &
                                           (subRegion=="USA" & !param %in% c("emissNonCO2BySectorGWPAR5",
                                                                             "emissCO2CumGlobal2010to2100RCP"))~ "subRegionRemove",
                                         TRUE ~ subRegion)) %>%
                        dplyr::filter(region != "RegionRemove")

  # datax$scenario%>%unique()
  # datax$param%>%unique()

  # metis.chart(tbl,xData="x",yData="value",useNewLabels = 0)

  # Check
  # unique(datax$param)%>%sort();unique(datax$scenario)%>%sort()
  # datax%>%as.data.frame()%>%dplyr::select(scenario,class1,class2,x,param,value)%>%
  # dplyr::filter(x %in% c(2010:2050),param=="elecNewCapGW",scenario=="GCAMRef")%>%
  # dplyr::group_by(scenario,x)%>%dplyr::summarize(sum=sum(value))

  # Save Data in CSV

  datax <- datax  %>% unique()

  if(!all(regionsSelect %in% unique(datax$region))){
    print(paste("Regions not available in data: ", paste(regionsSelect[!(regionsSelect %in% unique(datax$region))],collapse=", "), sep=""))
    print(paste("Running remaining regions: ",  paste(regionsSelect[(regionsSelect %in% unique(datax$region))],collapse=", "), sep=""))

     # All Data
    utils::write.csv(datax, file = paste(dirOutputs, "/", folderName, "/readGCAM/Tables_gcam/gcamDataTable",nameAppend, ".csv", sep = ""), row.names = F)
    print(paste("GCAM data table saved to: ",
                gsub("//","/",paste(dirOutputs, "/", folderName, "/readGCAM/Tables_gcam/gcamDataTable",nameAppend,".csv", sep = ""))))

    # Aggregate across Class 2
      dplyr::summarize_at(c("value"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))
      dplyr::summarize_at(c("value"),list(~mean(.,na.rm = T)))

    dataAggClass2 = dataxAggClass %>% dplyr::rename(class=class2,classLabel=classLabel2,classPalette=classPalette2) %>% unique()

    utils::write.csv(dataxAggClass %>% dplyr::rename(class=class2,classLabel=classLabel2,classPalette=classPalette2),
                     file = gsub("//","/",paste(dirOutputs, "/", folderName,
                                                nameAppend,".csv", sep = "")),row.names = F)

    print(paste("GCAM data aggregated to class 2 saved to: ",gsub("//","/",paste(dirOutputs, "/", folderName,
                              nameAppend,".csv", sep = "")),sep=""))


    # Aggregate across Class 1
      dplyr::summarize_at(c("value"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))
      dplyr::summarize_at(c("value"),list(~mean(.,na.rm = T)))

    dataAggClass1 = dataxAggClass  %>% dplyr::rename(class=class1,classLabel=classLabel1,classPalette=classPalette1) %>% unique()


    utils::write.csv(dataxAggClass  %>% dplyr::rename(class=class1,classLabel=classLabel1,classPalette=classPalette1),
                     file = gsub("//","/",paste(dirOutputs, "/", folderName,
                                                nameAppend,".csv", sep = "")),row.names = F)

    print(paste("GCAM data aggregated to class 1 saved to: ",gsub("//","/",paste(dirOutputs, "/", folderName,
                                                                                   nameAppend,".csv", sep = "")),sep=""))


    # Aggregate across Param
      dplyr::summarize_at(c("value"),list(~sum(.,na.rm = T)))
      dplyr::summarize_at(c("value"),list(~mean(.,na.rm = T)))

    dataAggParam = dataxAggClass %>% dplyr::rename(classPalette=classPalette1) %>% unique()

    utils::write.csv(dataxAggClass %>% dplyr::rename(classPalette=classPalette1),
                     file = gsub("//","/",paste(dirOutputs, "/", folderName,
                                                nameAppend,".csv", sep = "")),row.names = F)

    print(paste("GCAM data aggregated to param saved to: ",gsub("//","/",paste(dirOutputs, "/", folderName,
                                                                                   nameAppend,".csv", sep = "")),sep=""))

  }else{print("No data for any of the regions, params or queries selected")} # Close datax nrow check

  }else{ # CLose Param Check
    print(paste("None of the parameters in paramsSelect: ", paste(paramsSelect,collapse=",")," are available."))}

  print("Outputs returned as list containing data, scenarios and queries.")
  print("For example if df <- metis.readgcam(dataProjFile = metis::exampleGCAMproj)")
  print("Then you can view the outputs as df$data, df$dataAggClass1, df$dataAggClass2, df$dataAggParam, df$scenarios, df$queries.")
  print(gsub("//","/",paste("All outputs in : ",dirOutputs, "/", folderName, "/readGCAM/",sep="")))
  print("metis.readgcam run completed.")

  return(list(data = datax,
              dataAggClass1 = dataAggClass1,
              dataAggClass2 = dataAggClass2,
              dataAggParam = dataAggParam,
              scenarios = scenarios,
              queries = queries))

JGCRI/metis documentation built on April 12, 2021, 12:07 a.m.