
Defines functions map2stan

Documented in map2stan

# map2stan2 - rewrite of compilation algorithm
# use templates this time
# build all parts of stan code at same time, as pass through formulas

# template design:
# templates map R density functions onto Stan functions

# to-do:
# (*) need to do p*theta and (1-p)*theta multiplication outside likelihood in betabinomial (similar story for gammapoisson) --- or is there an operator for pairwise vector multiplication?

# map2stan itself

map2stan <- function( flist , data , start , pars , constraints=list() , types=list() , sample=TRUE , iter=2000 , warmup=floor(iter/2) , chains=1 , debug=FALSE , verbose=FALSE , WAIC=TRUE , cores=1 , rng_seed , rawstanfit=FALSE , control=list(adapt_delta=0.95) , add_unique_tag=TRUE , code , log_lik=FALSE , DIC=FALSE , declare_all_data=TRUE , do_discrete_imputation=FALSE , ... ) {

    if ( missing(rng_seed) ) rng_seed <- sample( 1:1e5 , 1 )
    # empty Stan code
    m_data <- "" # data
    m_pars <- "" # parameters
    m_tpars1 <- "" # transformed parameters, declarations
    m_tpars2 <- "" # transformed parameters, transformation code
    m_model_declare <- "" # local declarations for linear models
    m_model_priors <- "" # all parameter sampling, incl. varying effects
    m_model_lm <- "" # linear model loops
    m_model_lik <- "" # likelihood statements at bottom
    m_model_txt <- "" # general order-trusting code
    m_gq <- "" # generated quantities, can build mostly from m_model pieces

    index_bank <- list() # holds master list of index "N_" variables, so we match them to variables as we go
    # inverse link list
    inverse_links <- list(
        log = 'exp',
        logit = 'inv_logit',
        logodds = 'inv_logit',
        cloglog = 'inv_cloglog'
    suffix_merge <- "_merge"
    suffix_margi <- "_mz" # discrete predictor to marginalize over when missing
    templates <- map2stan.templates
    # check arguments
    if ( missing(flist) ) stop( "Formula or previous fit required." )

    if ( class(flist) == "map" ) {
        # previous map fit, so pull out components
        if ( verbose==TRUE ) message( "Using formula from map fit" )
        ftemp <- flist@formula
        if ( missing(data) ) data <- flist@data
        flist <- ftemp

    previous_stanfit <- NULL
    if ( class(flist) == "map2stan" ) {
        # previous map2stan fit, so pull out components
        if ( verbose==TRUE ) message( "Using formula from map2stan fit" )
        ftemp <- flist@formula
        if ( missing(data) ) data <- flist@data
        previous_stanfit <- flist@stanfit
        flist <- ftemp

    if ( class(flist) != "list" ) {
        if ( class(flist)=="formula" ) {
            flist <- list(flist)
        } else {
            if ( class(flist)!="map2stan" )
                stop( "Formula or previous map2stan fit required." )
    if ( missing(data) ) stop( "'data' required." )
    if ( !inherits(data, c("list","data.frame")) ) {
        data <- try( as.list(data) , silent=TRUE )
        stop( "'data' must be a list, a data.frame, or coercable into a list." )
    flist.orig <- flist
    flist <- flist_untag(flist) # converts <- to ~ and evals to formulas
    if ( missing(start) ) start <- list()
    start.orig <- start
    transpars <- list() # holds transform parameter code
    pars_elect <- list() # holds transformed pars to return in samples
    pars_hide <- list() # holds pars to hide in samples
    if ( iter <= warmup ) {
        # user probably meant iter as number of samples
        # so warn and convert
        warning(concat("'iter' less than or equal to 'warmup'. Setting 'iter' to sum of 'iter' and 'warmup' instead (",iter+warmup,")."))
        iter <- iter + warmup
    # check data for scale attributes and remove
    for ( i in 1:length(data) ) {
        if ( !is.null( attr(data[[i]],"scaled:center") ) | !is.null( attr(data[[i]],"scaled:scale") ) ) {
            warning( concat("Stripping scale attributes from variable ",names(data)[i] ) )
            data[[i]] <- as.numeric(data[[i]])
    # private functions
    # this is now in rethinking namespace, so should prob remove
    concat <- function( ... ) {
        paste( ... , collapse="" , sep="" )
    # grep function for search-replace of linear model symbols
    # trick is that symbol needs to be preceded by [(=*+ ] so grep doesn't replace copies embedded inside other symbols
    # e.g. don't want to expand the "p" inside "ample"
    # target : string to search for (usually parameter name like "mu")
    # replacement : what to replace with (usually a linear model)
    # x : where to search, usually a formula as character
    # add.par : whether to enclose replacement in parentheses
    wildpatt <- "[()=*+/ ,\\^]"
    mygrep <- function( target , replacement , x , add.par=TRUE , fixed=FALSE , wild=wildpatt ) {
        #wild <- wildpatt
        pattern <- paste( wild , target , wild , sep="" , collapse="" )
        m <- gregexpr( pattern , x , fixed=fixed )
        if ( length(m[[1]])==1 )
            if ( m==-1 ) return( x )
        s <- regmatches( x=x , m=m )
        if ( add.par==TRUE ) replacement <- paste( "(" , replacement , ")" , collapse="" )
        if ( class(s)=="list" ) s <- s[[1]]
        w.start <- substr(s,1,1)
        w.end <- substr(s,nchar(s),nchar(s))
        for ( i in 1:length(s) ) {
            r <- paste( w.start[i] , replacement , w.end[i] , sep="" , collapse="" )
            x <- gsub( pattern=s[i] , replacement=r , x=x , fixed=TRUE )
    # mygrep( "[id]" , "id[i]" , "a + b[id]" , FALSE , fixed=TRUE , wild="" )
    mygrep_old <- function( target , replacement , x , add.par=TRUE ) {
        wild <- wildpatt
        pattern <- paste( wild , target , wild , sep="" , collapse="" )
        m <- regexpr( pattern , x )
        if ( m==-1 ) return( x )
        s <- regmatches( x=x , m=m )
        if ( add.par==TRUE ) replacement <- paste( "(" , replacement , ")" , collapse="" )
        w.start <- substr(s,1,1)
        w.end <- substr(s,nchar(s),nchar(s))
        r <- paste( w.start , replacement , w.end , sep="" , collapse="" )
        gsub( pattern=s , replacement=r , x=x , fixed=TRUE )
    # for converting characters not allowed by Stan
    undot <- function( astring ) {
        astring <- gsub( "." , "_" , astring , fixed=TRUE )
    # function for adding '[i]' to variables in linear models
    indicize <- function( target , index , x , replace=NULL ) {
        # add space to beginning and end as search buffer
        x <- paste( " " , x , " " , collapse="" , sep="" )
        y <- paste( target , "[" , index , "]" , collapse="" , sep="" )
        if ( !is.null(replace) ) {
            y <- paste( replace , "[" , index , "]" , collapse="" , sep="" )
        o <- mygrep( target , y , x , FALSE )
        # remove space buffer
        substr( o , start=2 , stop=nchar(o)-1 )
    # function for adding '[i]' to index variables already in brackets in linear models
    index_indicize <- function( target , index , x , replace=NULL ) {
        # add space to beginning and end as search buffer
        x <- paste( " " , x , " " , collapse="" , sep="" )
        target <- concat("[",target,"]")
        y <- paste( target , "[" , index , "]" , collapse="" , sep="" )
        if ( !is.null(replace) ) {
            y <- paste( replace , "[" , index , "]" , collapse="" , sep="" )
        o <- mygrep( target , y , x , FALSE , fixed=TRUE , wild="" )
        # remove space buffer
        substr( o , start=2 , stop=nchar(o)-1 )
    # index_indicize( "id" , "i" , "a + b[id] + g[id] + id" , replace="id" )
    detectvar <- function( target , x ) {
        wild <- wildpatt
        x2 <- paste( " " , x , " " , collapse="" , sep="" )
        pattern <- paste( wild , target , wild , sep="" , collapse="" )
        m <- regexpr( pattern , x2 )
    # for detecting index variables already in brackets '[id]'
    detectindexvar <- function( target , x ) {
        #wild <- wildpatt
        x2 <- paste( " " , x , " " , collapse="" , sep="" )
        pattern <- paste( "[" , target , "]" , sep="" , collapse="" )
        m <- regexpr( pattern , x2 , fixed=TRUE )
    # detectindexvar("id","a + b[id]")
    # parse formulas
    # function to sample from prior specified with density function
    sample_from_prior <- function( the_density , par_in ) {
        the_rdensity <- the_density
        substr( the_rdensity , 1 , 1 ) <- "r"
        pars <- vector(mode="list",length=length(par_in)+1)
        pars[[1]] <- 1
        for ( i in 1:(length(pars)-1) ) {
            pars[[i+1]] <- par_in[[i]]
        result <- do.call( the_rdensity , args=pars )
    # extract likelihood(s)
    extract_likelihood <- function( fl ) {
        # test for $ function in outcome name
        if ( class(fl[[2]])=="call" ) {
            if ( as.character(fl[[2]][[1]])=="$" ) {
                outcome <- as.character( fl[[2]][[3]] )
            } else {
                # deparse to include function --- hopefully user knows what they are doing
                outcome <- deparse( fl[[2]] )
        } else {
            outcome <- as.character( fl[[2]] )
        template <- get_template( as.character(fl[[3]][[1]]) )
        likelihood <- template$stan_name
        # check for special Stan distribution with bound link function
        nat_link <- FALSE
        if ( !is.null(template$nat_link) ) nat_link <- template$nat_link
        likelihood_pars <- list()
        for ( i in 1:(length(fl[[3]])-1) ) likelihood_pars[[i]] <- fl[[3]][[i+1]]
        N_cases <- length( d[[ outcome ]] )
        N_name <- "N"
        nliks <- length(fp[['likelihood']])
        if ( nliks>0 ) {
            N_name <- concat( N_name , "_" , outcome )
        # result
            outcome = undot(outcome) ,
            likelihood = likelihood ,
            template = template$name ,
            pars = likelihood_pars ,
            N_cases = N_cases ,
            N_name = N_name ,
            out_type = template$out_type ,
            nat_link = nat_link
    # extract linear model(s)
    # has to handle leading 'for' loop
    extract_linearmodel <- function( fl ) {
        # first convert 'for' loop form to standard form
        lm_loop <- NULL
        dims <- NULL
        if ( as.character(fl[[1]])=="for" ) {
            fltxt <- as.character(fl)
            lm_loop <- list(
                formatted=concat( "for (" , fltxt[2] , " in " , fltxt[3] , ")" )
            dims <- c(fltxt[3],"N")
            fl_orig <- fl
            fl <- fl[[4]] # sub in linear model portion
        # check for link function
        use_link <- TRUE
        if ( length(fl[[2]])==1 ) {
            parameter <- as.character( fl[[2]] )
            link <- "identity"
        } else {
            # link function or indexing bracket
            parameter <- as.character( fl[[2]][[2]] )
            link <- as.character( fl[[2]][[1]] )
            if ( link != "[" )
                use_link <- TRUE # later detect special Stan dist with built-in link
            else {
                # bracketing notation
                # either a loop or a single entry of vector assignment
                if ( !is.null(lm_loop) ) {
                    # for loop
                } else {
                    # single index
        RHS <- paste( deparse(fl[[3]]) , collapse=" " )
        # find likelihood that contains this lm
        N_name <- "N" # default
        if ( length(fp[['likelihood']]) > 0 ) {
            for ( i in 1:length(fp[['likelihood']]) ) {
                pars <- fp[['likelihood']][[i]][['pars']]
                # find par in likelihood that matches lhs of this lm
                for ( j in 1:length(pars) ) {
                    if ( parameter == pars[[j]] ) {
                        # match!
                        N_name <- fp[['likelihood']][[i]][['N_name']]
                        # check if link for this linear model matches 
                        #   nat_link for likelihood
                        if ( link != "identity" ) {
                            nat_link <- fp[['likelihood']][[i]][['nat_link']]
                            if ( nat_link != FALSE ) {
                                if ( nat_link == link ) {
                                    # use special Stan distribution
                                    # so replace likelihood name in likelihood entry
                                    lik <- fp[['likelihood']][[i]][['likelihood']]
                                    lik <- concat( lik , "_" , link )
                                    fp_new <- fp
                                    fp_new[['likelihood']][[i]][['likelihood']] <- lik
                                    assign( "fp" , fp_new , inherits=TRUE )
                                    # and erase explicit link
                                    use_link <- FALSE
                        }# not identity
        # result
            parameter = parameter ,
            dims = dims ,
            RHS = RHS ,
            link = link ,
            N_name = N_name ,
            use_link = use_link ,
            lm_loop = lm_loop
    # extract varying effect prior (2nd level likelihood)
    extract_vprior <- function( fl ) {
        group_var <- as.character( fl[[2]][[3]] )
        pars_raw <- fl[[2]][[2]]
        pars <- list()
        if ( length(pars_raw) > 1 ) {
            for ( i in 1:(length(pars_raw)-1) ) {
                pars[[i]] <- as.character( pars_raw[[i+1]] )
        } else {
            pars[[1]] <- as.character( pars_raw )
        tmplt <- get_template( as.character(fl[[3]][[1]]) )
        density <- tmplt$stan_name
        # input parameters
        pars_in <- list()
        for ( i in 2:length(fl[[3]]) ) pars_in[[i-1]] <- fl[[3]][[i]]
            pars_out = pars ,
            density = density ,
            pars_in = pars_in ,
            group = undot(group_var) ,
            template = tmplt$name
    # extract ordinary prior
    extract_prior <- function( fl ) {
        # apar <- as.character( fl[[2]] )
        if ( class(fl[[2]])=="call" ) {
            apar <- fl[[2]] # preserve c(a,b) call structure
        } else {
            apar <- deparse( fl[[2]] ) # deparse handles 'par[i]' correctly
        template <- get_template(as.character(fl[[3]][[1]]))
        adensity <- template$stan_name
        inpars <- list()
        n <- length( fl[[3]] ) - 1
        for ( i in 1:n ) {
            inpars[[i]] <- fl[[3]][[i+1]]
            par_out = apar ,
            density = adensity ,
            pars_in = inpars ,
            group = NA ,
            template = template$name
    # function to append entry to a list
    listappend <- function(x,entry) {
        n <- length(x)
        x[[n+1]] <- entry
    # function to scan distribution templates for a match in R_name or stan_name
    # returns NA if no match, name of entry otherwise
    # when there are multiple matches (for stan_name e.g.), returns first one
    scan_templates <- function( fname ) {
        the_match <- NA
        for ( i in 1:length(templates) ) {
            R_name <- templates[[i]][['R_name']]
            stan_name <- templates[[i]][['stan_name']]
            if ( fname %in% c(R_name,stan_name) ) {
                the_match <- names(templates)[i]
    get_template <- function( fname ) {
        tmpname <- scan_templates(fname)
        if ( is.na(tmpname) ) stop(concat("Distribution ",fname," not recognized."))
        return(templates[[ tmpname ]])
    # build parsed list
    fp <- list( 
        likelihood = list() ,
        lm = list() ,
        vprior = list(),
        prior = list(),
        used_predictors = list()
    fp_order <- list()
    impute_bank <- list() # holds info about continuous missing values to impute
    discrete_miss_bank <- list() # holds info about discrete missing values to average over
    d <- as.list(data)
    # flag variable names that contain dots
    for ( i in 1:length(d) ) {
        raw_name <- names(d)[i]
        new_name <- undot(raw_name)
        if ( raw_name != new_name )
            message( concat("Warning: Variable '",raw_name,"' contains dots '.'.\nWill attempt to remove dots internally.") )
        # names(d)[i] <- new_name
    # pass over formulas and extract into correct slots
    # we go from top to bottom, so can see where linear models plug in, when we find them
    # function to check for variable name in data,
    # and if found add to used_predictors list
    tag_var <- function( var , N_name="N" ) {
        var <- undot(concat(var))
        result <- NULL
        if ( var %in% names(d) ) {
            type <- "real"
            var_class <- class(d[[var]])
            if ( var_class=="integer" ) type <- "int"
            result <- list( var=var , N=N_name , type=type )
    # first pass to identify declared 'for' loops

    # scan formulas
    for ( i in 1:length(flist) ) {
        # first, scan for truncation operator T[,] on righthand side
        # marked for now by `&` function
        T_text <- ""
        RHS <- flist[[i]][[3]]
        if ( length(RHS)>1 ) {
            if ( class(RHS[[1]])=="name" ) {
                if( as.character(RHS[[1]])=="&" ) {
                    # test for T[,]
                    if ( class(RHS[[3]])=="call" ) {
                        if( length(RHS[[3]])==4 ) {
                            if( as.character(RHS[[3]][[2]])=="T" ) {
                                # got one, so deparse to text and remove from formula before parsing rest
                                T_text <- deparse( RHS[[3]] )
                                flist[[i]][[3]] <- flist[[i]][[3]][[2]] # just density part before `&`
        # test for likelihood
        # if has distribution function on RHS and LHS is variable, then likelihood
        # could also be distribution assumption for predictor variable, for imputation
        is_likelihood <- FALSE
        RHS <- flist[[i]][[3]]
        if ( length(RHS) > 1 ) {
            function_name <- as.character( RHS[[1]] )
            ftemplate <- scan_templates( function_name )
            if ( !is.na(ftemplate) ) {
                # a distribution, so check for outcome variable
                LHS <- flist[[i]][[2]]
                # have to check for function call
                if ( class(LHS)=="call" ) {
                    if ( as.character(LHS[[1]])=="$" ) {
                        # strip of data frame/list name
                        LHS <- LHS[[3]]
                    } else {
                        # another function...assume variable in second position
                        LHS <- LHS[[2]]
                if ( length(LHS)==1 ) {
                    # check if symbol is a variable
                    if ( (as.character(LHS)) %in% names(d) ) {
                        is_likelihood <- TRUE
        if ( is_likelihood==TRUE ) {
            lik <- extract_likelihood( flist[[i]] )
            lik$T_text <- T_text
            n <- length( fp[['likelihood']] )
            fp[['likelihood']][[n+1]] <- lik
            fp_order <- listappend( fp_order , list(type="likelihood",i=n+1) )
            # add outcome to used variables
            fp[['used_predictors']][[undot(lik$outcome)]] <- list( var=undot(lik$outcome) , N=lik$N_name , type=lik$out_type )
            # check for missing values
            # if found, indicates predictor variable for imputation
            # note that this is triggered for *predictors* because of defining a prior for them
            #   which shows up as a 'likelihood' in the parsing
            if ( any(is.na(d[[undot(lik$outcome)]])) ) {

                # must decide first whether discrete 0/1 or continuous
                xcopy <- d[[undot(lik$outcome)]]
                uxcopy <- unique(xcopy[!is.na(xcopy)])
                if ( length(uxcopy)==2 & all(c(0,1) %in% uxcopy) ) {
                    # is binary 0/1
                    # binary missing values tracked globally in a set, because must be averaged over jointly
                    idx <- which(is.na(xcopy))
                    d[[undot(lik$outcome)]][idx] <- (-1)

                    # add N var
                    d[[ lik$N_name ]] <- lik$N_cases
                    fp[['used_predictors']][[lik$N_name]] <- list( var=lik$N_name , type="index" )
                    #fp[['used_predictors']][[undot(lik$outcome)]] <- list( var=undot(lik$outcome) , N='N' , type=lik$out_type )

                    # make a copy of variable, with NAs omitted, to use in prior
                    new_x_name <- concat( undot(lik$outcome) , "_whole" )
                    d[[new_x_name]] <- d[[undot(lik$outcome)]][-idx]
                    # add variables
                    # new x
                    N_nomiss_name <- concat( "N_" , new_x_name )
                    fp[['used_predictors']][[new_x_name]] <- list( var=new_x_name , N=N_nomiss_name , type=lik$out_type )
                    # N variable for new x
                    d[[ N_nomiss_name ]] <- length(d[[new_x_name]])
                    fp[['used_predictors']][[N_nomiss_name]] <- list( var=N_nomiss_name , type="index" )

                    # change outcome name in parsed formula list
                    fp[['likelihood']][[n+1]]$outcome <- new_x_name

                    message(concat("Marginalizing over ",length(idx)," missing values (NA) in variable '",undot(lik$outcome),"'."))

                    # store it all for later reference
                    discrete_miss_bank[[ undot(lik$outcome) ]] <- list(
                        N_miss = length(idx),
                        whole = new_x_name,
                        missingness = idx,
                        model = as.character(lik$pars[[1]]),
                        init = mean( xcopy , na.rm=TRUE )

                } else {
                    # is continuous (hopefully)

                    # overwrite with top 'N' name
                    # did this bc unique N_ not added to data yet
                    # add it instead
                    d[[ lik$N_name ]] <- lik$N_cases
                    fp[['used_predictors']][[lik$N_name]] <- list( var=lik$N_name , type="index" )
                    #fp[['used_predictors']][[undot(lik$outcome)]] <- list( var=undot(lik$outcome) , N='N' , type=lik$out_type )
                    # build info needed to perform imputation
                    var_missingness <- which(is.na(d[[undot(lik$outcome)]]))
                    var_temp <- ifelse( is.na(d[[undot(lik$outcome)]]) , -999 , d[[undot(lik$outcome)]] )
                    # add to impute bank
                    impute_bank[[ undot(lik$outcome) ]] <- list(
                        N_miss = length(var_missingness),
                        missingness = var_missingness,
                        init = mean( d[[lik$outcome]] , na.rm=TRUE ),
                        merge_N = lik$N_name
                    # add missingness to data list
                    missingness_name <- concat(undot(lik$outcome),"_missingness")
                    N_missing_name <- concat(lik$N_name,"_missing")
                    d[[ missingness_name ]] <- var_missingness
                    # flag as used
                    fp[['used_predictors']][[missingness_name]] <- list( var=missingness_name , N=N_missing_name , type="int" )
                    # trap for only 1 missing value and vectorization issues
                    if ( length(var_missingness)==1 )
                        fp[['used_predictors']][[missingness_name]] <- list( var=missingness_name , type="index" )
                    # replace variable with missing values
                    d[[undot(lik$outcome)]] <- var_temp
                    # message to user
                    message(concat("Imputing ",length(var_missingness)," missing values (NA) in variable '",undot(lik$outcome),"'."))
                }#continuous missing values
            }# missing values
            # check for binomial size variable and mark used
            if ( lik$likelihood=='binomial' | lik$likelihood=='beta_binomial' ) {
                sizename <- as.character(lik$pars[[1]])
                if ( !is.null( d[[sizename]] ) ) {
                    fp[['used_predictors']][[undot(sizename)]] <- list( var=undot(sizename) , N=lik$N_name , type="int" )
            if ( lik$template=="ZeroInflatedBinomial" ) {
                # second paramter of zibinom is binomial size variable
                sizename <- as.character(lik$pars[[2]])
                if ( !is.null( d[[sizename]] ) ) {
                    fp[['used_predictors']][[undot(sizename)]] <- list( var=undot(sizename) , N=lik$N_name , type="int" )
        # test for linear model
        is_linearmodel <- FALSE
        if ( as.character(flist[[i]][[1]])=="for" )
            is_linearmodel <- TRUE # linear model with 'for' loop in front
        if ( length(flist[[i]][[3]]) > 1 ) {
            fname <- as.character( flist[[i]][[3]][[1]] )
            if ( fname=="[" | fname=="+" | fname=="(" | fname=="*" | fname=="-" | fname=="/" | fname=="%*%" | fname %in% c('exp','inv_logit') ) {
                is_linearmodel <- TRUE
        } else {
            # RHS is length 1, so can't be a prior or density statement
            # must be a linear model with a single symbol in it, like "p ~ a"
            is_linearmodel <- TRUE
        if ( is_linearmodel==TRUE ) {
            n <- length( fp[['lm']] )
            xlm <- extract_linearmodel( flist[[i]] )
            xlm$T_text <- T_text
            fp[['lm']][[n+1]] <- xlm
            fp_order <- listappend( fp_order , list(type="lm",i=n+1) )
        # test for varying effects prior
        # can use `|` or `[` to specify varying effects (vector of parameters)
        if ( length( flist[[i]][[2]] ) == 3 ) {
            flag_vprior <- FALSE
            fname <- as.character( flist[[i]][[2]][[1]] )
            if ( fname=="|" ) flag_vprior <- TRUE
            if ( fname=="[" ) {
                # test for hard-coded index
                if ( class(flist[[i]][[2]][[3]])=="name" ) {
                    # is a symbol/name, so not hard-coded index
                    flag_vprior <- TRUE
            if ( flag_vprior==TRUE ) {
                n <- length( fp[['vprior']] )
                xvp <- extract_vprior( flist[[i]] )
                xvp$T_text <- T_text
                fp[['vprior']][[n+1]] <- xvp
                fp_order <- listappend( fp_order , list(type="vprior",i=n+1) )
                # make sure index variabe is class 'integer'
                # if not, will be coerced and index automatically generated
                if ( !is.null(d[[ xvp$group ]]) )
                    if ( class(d[[ xvp$group ]])!="integer" )
                        d[[ xvp$group ]] <- coerce_index( d[[ xvp$group ]] )
                # next!
        # an ordinary prior?
        # check for vectorized LHS
        if ( length( flist[[i]][[2]] ) > 1 ) {
            fname <- as.character( flist[[i]][[2]][[1]] )
            if ( fname=="c" ) {
                # need to distinguish between 
                    # repeat a prior, e.g.: c(a,b) ~ dnorm(0,1)
                    # multivariate prior, e.g.: c(a,b) ~ dmvnorm(0,Sigma)
                flag_mvprior <- FALSE
                if ( length(RHS)>1 ) {
                    fname <- as.character( RHS[[1]] )
                    if ( fname %in% c("dmvnorm","dmvnorm2","multi_normal") )
                        flag_mvprior <- TRUE
                if ( flag_mvprior==FALSE ) {
                    # get list of parameters and add each as parsed prior
                    np <- length( flist[[i]][[2]] )
                    for ( j in 2:np ) {
                        fcopy <- flist[[i]]
                        fcopy[[2]] <- flist[[i]][[2]][[j]]
                        n <- length( fp[['prior']] )
                        xp <- extract_prior( fcopy )
                        xp$T_text <- T_text
                        fp[['prior']][[n+1]] <- xp
                        fp_order <- listappend( fp_order , list(type="prior",i=n+1) )
                    } #j
                } # not mvprior
                if ( flag_mvprior==TRUE ) {
                    # treat like ordinary prior
                    # template handles vector conversion in Stan code
                    # extract_prior() should preserve call structure
                    n <- length( fp[['prior']] )
                    xp <- extract_prior( flist[[i]] )
                    xp$T_text <- T_text
                    fp[['prior']][[n+1]] <- xp
                    fp_order <- listappend( fp_order , list(type="prior",i=n+1) )
                } # mvprior
            } # "c" call
            if ( fname=="[" ) {
                # hard-coded index
                n <- length( fp[['prior']] )
                xp <- extract_prior( flist[[i]] )
                xp$T_text <- T_text
                fp[['prior']][[n+1]] <- xp
                fp_order <- listappend( fp_order , list(type="prior",i=n+1) )
            } # "[" call
        } else {
            # ordinary simple prior
            n <- length( fp[['prior']] )
            xp <- extract_prior( flist[[i]] )
            xp$T_text <- T_text
            fp[['prior']][[n+1]] <- xp
            fp_order <- listappend( fp_order , list(type="prior",i=n+1) )
    # add index brackets in linear models
    # be careful to detect manual bracketing for parameter vectors -> only index the index variable itself
    # also need to replace names of variables 'x' with missing values for imputation with 'x_merge'
    # variables 'x' with discrete missingness (in discrete_miss_bank) should be marked with 'x_mz' --- later when Stan code built, these are embedded in loops that build vectors of terms for marginalization
    # go through linear models
    missmatrix_suffix <- "_missmatrix"
    n_lm <- length(fp[['lm']])
    if ( n_lm > 0 ) {
        for ( i in 1:n_lm ) {
            # for each variable in data, add index
            index <- "i"
            vnames <- names(d) # variables in data
            # add any linear model names, aside from this one
            if ( n_lm > 1 ) {
                for ( j in (1:n_lm)[-i] ) vnames <- c( vnames , fp[['lm']][[j]]$parameter )
            lm_rhs_copy <- fp[['lm']][[i]][['RHS']]
            discrete_miss_list <- list()
            for ( v in vnames ) {
                # tag if used
                used <- detectvar( v , fp[['lm']][[i]][['RHS']] )
                v_name <- v
                if ( used > -1 & v %in% names(d) ) {
                    # if variable (not lm), add to used predictors list
                    if ( is.null(fp[['used_predictors']][[undot(v)]]) ) 
                        fp[['used_predictors']][[undot(v)]] <- list( var=undot(v) , N=fp[['lm']][[i]][['N_name']] )
                    # check for imputation
                    if ( v %in% names(impute_bank) ) {
                        # use x_merge in linear model of imputed variable
                        v_name <- concat( v_name , suffix_merge )
                    # check for discrete missing values
                    if ( v %in% names(discrete_miss_bank) ) {
                        discrete_miss_list[[length(discrete_miss_list)+1]] <- v_name
                        #v_name <- concat( v_name , suffix_margi )
                    if ( any(is.na(d[[v]])) ) {
                        # MISSING VALUES
                        # imputation variables should be clear by now
                        # abort compilation
                        stop( concat( "Variable '", v , "' has missing values (NA) in:\n" , fp[['lm']][[i]][['RHS']] , "\nEither remove cases with NA or declare a distribution to use for imputation." ) )
                # add index and undot the name
                # do this outside the if-block above, so linear models get index too
                fp[['lm']][[i]][['RHS']] <- indicize( v , index , fp[['lm']][[i]][['RHS']] , replace=undot(v_name) )
                # check index variables in brackets
                used <- detectindexvar( v , fp[['lm']][[i]][['RHS']] )
                if ( used > -1 & v %in% names(d) ) {
                    # if variable (not lm), add to used predictors list
                    fp[['used_predictors']][[undot(v)]] <- list( var=undot(v) , N=fp[['lm']][[i]][['N_name']] )
                    # add index and undot the name
                    fp[['lm']][[i]][['RHS']] <- index_indicize( v , index , fp[['lm']][[i]][['RHS']] , replace=undot(v) )
            if ( length(discrete_miss_list)>0 ) {
                # add to lm entry
                fp[['lm']][[i]][['discrete_miss_list']] <- discrete_miss_list
                # and build the matrix of missingness combinations
                nvars <- length(discrete_miss_list)
                ncombinations <- 2^nvars
                dmm <- matrix(NA,nrow=ncombinations,ncol=nvars)
                for ( col_var in 1:nvars ) {
                    # fill rows with binary pattern
                    dmm[,col_var] <- rep( 0:1 , each=2^(col_var-1) , length.out=ncombinations )
                fp[['lm']][[i]][['discrete_miss_matrix']] <- dmm
                # add to data and used variables
                mmname <- concat( fp[['lm']][[i]][['parameter']] , missmatrix_suffix )
                d[[mmname]] <- dmm
                fp[['used_predictors']][[ mmname ]] <- list( var=mmname , type="matrix" )
            # for each varying effect parameter, add index with group
            # also rename parameter in linear model, so can use vector data type in Stan
            n <- length( fp[['vprior']] )
            if ( n > 0 ) {
                for ( j in 1:n ) {
                    vname <- paste( "vary_" , fp[['vprior']][[j]][['group']] , collapse="" , sep="" )
                    jindex <- paste( fp[['vprior']][[j]][['group']] , "[" , index , "]" , collapse="" , sep="" )
                    npars <- length(fp[['vprior']][[j]][['pars_out']])
                    for ( k in 1:npars ) {
                        var <- fp[['vprior']][[j]][['pars_out']][k]
                        # if only one parameter in cluster, don't need name change
                        if ( npars==1 ) {
                            fp[['lm']][[i]][['RHS']] <- indicize( var , jindex , fp[['lm']][[i]][['RHS']] )
                        } else {
                            # more than one parameter, so need vector name replacements
                            #jindexn <- paste( jindex , "," , k , collapse="" , sep="" ) 
                            jindexn <- jindex
                            #fp[['lm']][[i]][['RHS']] <- indicize( var , jindexn , fp[['lm']][[i]][['RHS']] , vname )
                            fp[['lm']][[i]][['RHS']] <- indicize( var , jindexn , fp[['lm']][[i]][['RHS']] )
    }# if n_lm > 0
    # undot all the variable names in d
    d.orig <- d
    for ( i in 1:length(d) ) {
        oldname <- names(d)[i]
        names(d)[i] <- undot(oldname)
    if ( debug==TRUE ) print(fp)
    # build Stan code
    indent <- "    " # 4 spaces
    inden <- function(x) paste( rep(indent,times=x) , collapse="" )
    # holds any start values sampled from priors
    # need as many lists as chains to sample from, 
    #   so chains have different inits
    start_prior <- vector(mode="list",length=chains)
    for ( i in 1:chains ) start_prior[[i]] <- list()
    # pass back through parsed formulas and build Stan code
    # parsing now goes in *reverse*
    for ( f_num in length(fp_order):1 ) {
        f_current <- fp_order[[f_num]]
        if ( f_current$type == "prior" ) {
            i <- f_current$i
            prior <- fp[['prior']][[i]]
            tmplt <- templates[[prior$template]]
            klist <- tmplt$par_map(prior$pars_in,environment())
            for ( j in 1:length(klist) ) {
                l <- tag_var(klist[[j]])
                if ( !is.null(l) ) {
                    fp[['used_predictors']][[l$var]] <- l
                    klist[[j]] <- l$var # handles undotting
            if ( class(prior$par_out)!="character" )
                prior$par_out <- deparse(prior$par_out)
            parstxt <- paste( klist , collapse=" , " )
            # check for special formatting of left hand side
            # also handle some constraints here
            lhstxt <- prior$par_out
            if ( !is.null(tmplt$out_map) ) {
                lhstxt <- tmplt$out_map( prior$par_out , prior$pars_in , environment() )
            # build text
            txt <- concat( indent , lhstxt , " ~ " , prior$density , "( " , parstxt , " )" , prior$T_text , ";" )
            #m_model_priors <- concat( m_model_priors , txt , "\n" )
            m_model_txt <- concat( m_model_txt , txt , "\n" )
            # check for explicit start value
            # need to clean any [] index on the parameter name
            # so use regular expression to split at '['
            par_out_clean <- strsplit( prior$par_out , "\\[" )[[1]][1]
            # now check if in start list
            # This code disabled so Stan can sample inits from priors
            if ( TRUE && !( par_out_clean %in% names(start) ) ) {
                # try to get dimension of parameter from any corresponding vprior
                ndims <- 0
                if ( length(fp[['vprior']]) > 0 ) {
                    for ( vpi in 1:length(fp[['vprior']]) ) {
                        # look for parameter name in input parameters to mvnorm
                        if ( par_out_clean %in% fp[['vprior']][[vpi]]$pars_in ) {
                            ndims <- length( fp[['vprior']][[vpi]]$pars_out )
                }#find ndims
                # lkj_corr?
                if ( tmplt$R_name=="dlkjcorr" ) {
                    # just use identity matrix as initial value
                    if ( ndims > 0 ) {
                        for ( ch in 1:chains ) 
                            start_prior[[ch]][[ prior$par_out ]] <- diag(ndims)
                        if ( verbose==TRUE )
                            message( paste(prior$par_out,": using identity matrix as start value [",ndims,"]") )
                    } else {
                        # no vpriors parsed, so not sure what to do about lkj_corr dims
                        stop( paste(prior$par_out,": no dimension found for this matrix. Use explicit start value to define its dimension.\nFor example:",prior$par_out,"= diag(2)") )
                } else {
                    # any old anonymous prior -- sample init from prior density
                    # but must check for dimension, in case is a vector
                    ndims <- max(ndims,1)
                    theta <- list()
                    for ( ch in 1:chains ) {
                        theta[[ch]] <- try(
                                ndims , 
                                sample_from_prior( tmplt$R_name , prior$pars_in ) ),
                    if ( class(theta)=="try-error" ) {
                        # something went wrong
                        msg <- attr(theta,"condition")$message
                        message(concat("Error trying to sample start value for parameter '",prior$par_out,"'.\nPrior malformed, or maybe you mistyped a variable name?"))
                    } else {
                        for ( ch in 1:chains )
                            start_prior[[ch]][[ prior$par_out ]] <- theta[[ch]]
                        if ( ndims==1 ) {
                            if ( verbose==TRUE )
                                message( paste(prior$par_out,": using prior to sample start value") )
                        } else {
                            if ( verbose==TRUE ) 
                                message( paste(prior$par_out,": using prior to sample start values [",ndims,"]") )
                    }#no error
            }#not in start list
        } # prior
        if ( f_current$type == "vprior" ) {
            i <- f_current$i
            vprior <- fp[['vprior']][[i]]
            tmplt <- templates[[vprior$template]]
            N_txt <- concat( "N_" , vprior$group )
            npars <- length(vprior$pars_out)
            # add N count to data
            # UNLESS already hard coded in passed data
            if ( is.null( d[[ N_txt ]] ) ) {
                N <- length( unique( d[[ vprior$group ]] ) )
                d[[ N_txt ]] <- N
            } else {
                N <- d[[ N_txt ]]
            # check for explicit start value
            # do this now, so out_map and pars_map functions can modify
            # DISABLED so Stan can sample inits
            # These zero inits were bad in high-dimension anyway
            # Concentration of measure made it hard to move away from them in warmup
            for ( k in vprior$pars_out )
                if ( TRUE && !( k %in% names(start) ) ) {
                    if ( verbose==TRUE )
                        message( paste(k,": start values set to zero [",N,"]") )
                    for ( ch in 1:chains )
                        start_prior[[ch]][[ k ]] <- rep(0,N)
            # lhs -- if vector, need transformed parameter of vector type
            lhstxt <- ""
            if ( length(vprior$pars_out) > 1 ) {
                # check for special formatting function for density
                if ( !is.null(tmplt$out_map) ) {
                    lhstxt <- tmplt$out_map( vprior$pars_out , vprior$pars_in , N , N_txt , environment() )
                } else {
                # automated conversion to vector
                    # parameter vector
                    lhstxt <- paste( vprior$pars_out , collapse="" )
                    lhstxt <- concat( "v_" , lhstxt )
                    # add declaration to transformed parameters
                    m_tpars1 <- concat( m_tpars1 , indent , "vector[" , npars , "] " , lhstxt , "[" , N_txt , "];\n" )
                    # add conversion for each true parameter
                    m_tpars2 <- concat( m_tpars2 , indent , "for ( j in 1:" , N_txt , " ) {\n" )
                    for ( j in 1:npars ) {
                        m_tpars2 <- concat( m_tpars2 , indent,indent , lhstxt , "[j," , j , "] <- " , vprior$pars_out[[j]] , "[j];\n" )
                    m_tpars2 <- concat( m_tpars2 , indent , "}\n" )
            } else {
                # single parameter
                lhstxt <- vprior$pars_out[[1]]
            # format parameter inputs
            # use par_map function in template, so ordering etc can change
            klist <- tmplt$par_map( vprior$pars_in , environment() , length(vprior$pars_out) , N_txt )
            for ( j in 1:length(klist) ) {
                l <- tag_var(klist[[j]])
                if ( !is.null(l) ) {
                    fp[['used_predictors']][[l$var]] <- l
                    klist[[j]] <- l$var # handles undotting
            rhstxt <- paste( klist , collapse=" , " )
            # add text to model code
            # new vectorized normal and multi_normal
            if ( vprior$density %in% c("multi_normal","normal") )
                m_model_txt <- concat( m_model_txt , indent , lhstxt , " ~ " , vprior$density , "( " , rhstxt , " )" , vprior$T_text , ";\n" )
            # old un-vectorized code
                m_model_txt <- concat( m_model_txt , indent , "for ( j in 1:" , N_txt , " ) " , lhstxt , "[j] ~ " , vprior$density , "( " , rhstxt , " )" , vprior$T_text , ";\n" )
            # declare each parameter with correct type from template
            outtype <- "vector"
            for ( j in 1:length(vprior$pars_out) ) {
                #m_pars <- concat( m_pars , indent , outtype , "[" , N_txt , "] " , vprior$pars_out[[j]] , ";\n" )
            # add data declaration for grouping variable number of unique values
            #m_data <- concat( m_data , indent , "int<lower=1> " , N_txt , ";\n" )
            fp[['used_predictors']][[N_txt]] <- list( var=N_txt , type="index" )
            # mark grouping variable used
            # check if already there
            if ( is.null(fp[['used_predictors']][[vprior$group]]) ) {
                # check likelihoods for matching length and use that N_name
                if ( length(fp[['likelihood']])>0 ) {
                    groupN <- length(d[[vprior$group]])
                    for ( j in 1:length(fp[['likelihood']]) ) {
                        if ( fp[['likelihood']][[j]]$N_cases == groupN ) {
                            fp[['used_predictors']][[vprior$group]] <- list( var=vprior$group , N=fp[['likelihood']][[j]]$N_name )
                } else {
                    # just add raw integer length
                    fp[['used_predictors']][[vprior$group]] <- list( var=vprior$group , N=length(d[[vprior$group]]) )
            }# is.null
        } # vprior
        # linear models
        if ( f_current$type == "lm" ) {
            i <- f_current$i
            linmod <- fp[['lm']][[i]]
            N_txt <- linmod$N_name
            # if linked outcome is imputated, fall back to basic 'N'
            N_stem <- substr(N_txt,3,nchar(N_txt))
            if ( N_stem %in% names(impute_bank) ) {
                N_txt <- 'N'
            # open the loop
            txt1 <- concat( indent , "for ( i in 1:" , N_txt , " ) {\n" )
            m_model_txt <- concat( m_model_txt , txt1 )
            m_gq <- concat( m_gq , txt1 )

            mixterms_lm_suffix <- "_mxtlm"
            mixterms_suffix <- "_mxt"
            mxtlm <- concat( linmod$parameter , mixterms_lm_suffix )
            mxt <- concat( linmod$parameter , mixterms_suffix )
            # are there any discrete missing variables here?
            if ( !is.null(linmod$discrete_miss_list) ) {
                # at least one discrete variable with missingness
                # need to build terms for later mixing with likelihood
                # this means going down rows in discrete_miss_matrix
                # for ( j in 1:nrow(miss_matrix) )
                #   for ( k in 1:ncol(miss_matrix) ) {
                #     lm_term[j] = replace x[k] in RHS with miss_matrix[j,k];
                #     if ( mm[j,k]==1 ) 
                #       term[j] = term[j] + log(x_mu[k]);
                #     else
                #       term[j] = term[j] + log1m(x_mu[k]);
                #   }
                # should end up with lm_term and term vectors that hold proper linear predictor and leading factors for later mixture likelihood

                nx <- length(linmod$discrete_miss_list)
                nr <- 2^nx

                # declare terms vectors
                m_model_declare <- concat( m_model_declare , indent , "matrix[" , linmod$N_name , "," , nr , "] " , mxt , ";\n" )
                m_model_declare <- concat( m_model_declare , indent , "matrix[" , linmod$N_name , "," , nr , "] " , mxtlm , ";\n" )

                # build Stan code

                misstestcode <- "if ( "
                misstests <- rep(NA,nx)
                for ( j in 1:nx ) {
                    # build joint test for any missingness for case i
                    misstestcode <- concat( misstestcode , linmod$discrete_miss_list[[j]] , "[i]<0" )
                    if ( nx > 1 && j < nx ) # add logical OR
                        misstestcode <- concat( misstestcode , " || " )
                    # individual test for variable j for case i
                    misstests[j] <- concat( "if ( " , linmod$discrete_miss_list[[j]] , "[i]<0 )" )
                misstestcode <- concat( misstestcode , " ) {" )
                # save for later --- we need this test again in likelihood loop
                fp[['lm']][[i]][['misstestcode']] <- misstestcode

                # make version of lm with x vars swapped out for values in row of miss matrix
                lm_aliased <- linmod$RHS
                lm_var_declare <- concat( inden(2) , "vector[" , nx , "] dimiproxy;" )
                lm_var_assignments <- inden(2)
                for ( j in 1:nx ) {
                    # assign local proxy variable for each variable with discrete missingness
                    # 1. test whether var j is missing for case i
                    # 2. if missing, assign dimiproxy[j] = missmatrix[mmrow,j]
                    # 3. if observed, assign dimiproxy[j] = var[i]
                    if ( j > 1 ) lm_var_assignments <- concat( lm_var_assignments , inden(4) )
                    lm_var_assignments <- concat( lm_var_assignments , 
                        "dimiproxy[",j,"] = " , linmod$discrete_miss_list[[j]] , "[i];\n" ,
                        inden(4) , misstests[j] , 
                        " dimiproxy[",j,"] = " , linmod$parameter,"_missmatrix[mmrow,",j,"];\n" )
                    lm_aliased <- gsub( 
                        concat(linmod$discrete_miss_list[[j]],"[i]") , 
                        #concat(linmod$parameter,"_missmatrix[mmrow,",j,"]") , 
                        concat("dimiproxy[",j,"]") , 
                        lm_aliased , fixed=TRUE )
                lm_replace_txt <- concat( inden(2) , mxtlm , "[i,mmrow] = " , lm_aliased , ";" )

                # link function
                if ( linmod$link != "identity" & linmod$use_link==TRUE ) {
                    # check for valid link function
                    if ( is.null( inverse_links[[linmod$link]] ) ) {
                        stop( paste("Link function '",linmod$link,"' not recognized in formula line:\n",deparse(flist[[f_num]]),sep="") )
                    } else {
                        # build it
                        lm_replace_txt <- concat(lm_replace_txt,"\n",inden(2),mxtlm,"[i,mmrow] = ",inverse_links[[linmod$link]],"(",mxtlm,"[i,mmrow]);")

                # build code to add log prob factors to terms
                # these terms handle the marginalization over unknown states
                terms_txt <- concat(inden(2),mxt,"[i,mmrow] = 0;\n")
                for ( j in 1:nx ) {
                    terms_txt <- concat(terms_txt,inden(4),"if ( ",linmod$parameter,"_missmatrix[mmrow,",j,"]==1 )\n")
                    par_name <- discrete_miss_bank[[ linmod$discrete_miss_list[[j]] ]]$model
                    terms_txt <- concat(terms_txt,inden(5),mxt,"[i,mmrow] = ",mxt,"[i,mmrow] + log(",par_name,");\n")
                    terms_txt <- concat(terms_txt,inden(4),"else\n")
                    terms_txt <- concat(terms_txt,inden(5),mxt,"[i,mmrow] = ",mxt,"[i,mmrow] + log1m(",par_name,");\n")

                code_lines <- c(
                concat(indent,"for ( mmrow in 1:rows(",linmod$parameter,"_missmatrix) ) {"),

                code_lines <- paste( inden(2) , code_lines )
                code_lines <- paste( code_lines , collapse="\n" )
                m_model_txt <- concat( m_model_txt , code_lines )
                m_gq <- concat( m_gq , code_lines )

            # assignment
            txt1 <- concat( inden(2) , linmod$parameter , "[i] <- " , linmod$RHS , ";\n" )
            m_model_txt <- concat( m_model_txt , txt1 )
            m_gq <- concat( m_gq , txt1 )
            # link function
            if ( linmod$link != "identity" & linmod$use_link==TRUE ) {
                # check for valid link function
                if ( is.null( inverse_links[[linmod$link]] ) ) {
                    stop( paste("Link function '",linmod$link,"' not recognized in formula line:\n",deparse(flist[[f_num]]),sep="") )
                } else {
                    # build it
                    txt1 <- concat( indent,indent , linmod$parameter , "[i] <- " , inverse_links[[linmod$link]] , "(" , linmod$parameter , "[i]);\n" )
                    m_model_txt <- concat( m_model_txt , txt1 )
                    m_gq <- concat( m_gq , txt1 )
            # close the loop
            m_model_txt <- concat( m_model_txt , indent , "}\n" )
            m_gq <- concat( m_gq , indent , "}\n" )
            # add declaration of linear model local variable
            # generated quantities reuse this later on in composition
            m_model_declare <- concat( m_model_declare , indent , "vector[" , N_txt , "] " , linmod$parameter , ";\n" )
        } # lm
        # likelihoods and gq
        if ( f_current$type == "likelihood" ) {
            i <- f_current$i

            lik <- fp[['likelihood']][[i]]
            tmplt <- templates[[lik$template]]
            parstxt_L <- tmplt$par_map( lik$pars , environment() )
            for ( j in 1:length(parstxt_L) ) {
                l <- tag_var(parstxt_L[[j]])
                if ( !is.null(l) ) {
                    fp[['used_predictors']][[l$var]] <- l
                    parstxt_L[[j]] <- l$var # handles undotting

            # check whether any symbols have variables with discrete missingness
            # if so, must use [symbol]_mxt and [symbol]_mxtlm terms to marginalize over missingness
            has_discrete_missingness <- FALSE
            lms_with_dm <- list()
            # loop over symbols
            if ( length(fp[['lm']])>0 ) {
                for ( asym in lik$pars ) {
                    # is there a linear model with this name?
                    s <- as.character(asym)
                    for ( jj in 1:length(fp[['lm']]) ) {
                        lmname <- fp[['lm']][[jj]]$parameter
                        if ( lmname == s ) {
                            # check for missingness
                            if ( !is.null(fp[['lm']][[jj]]$discrete_miss_list) ) {
                                # missingness in at least one variable
                                has_discrete_missingness <- TRUE
                                lms_with_dm[[lmname]] <- list(lmname,jj)

            # add sampling statement to model block
            outcome <- lik$outcome

            # flag for outcome being a variable with discrete missingness
            outcome_discrete_missing <- FALSE
            if ( outcome %in% paste(names(discrete_miss_bank),"_whole",sep="") )
                outcome_discrete_missing <- TRUE

            xindent <- "" # controls formatting
            # when function not vectorized OR a parameter has discrete missingness, must loop explicitly over [i] instead of vectorizing code
            if ( tmplt$vectorized==FALSE || has_discrete_missingness==TRUE ) {
                # add loop for non-vectorized distribution
                txt1 <- concat( indent , "for ( i in 1:" , lik$N_name , " ) {\n" )
                m_model_txt <- concat( m_model_txt , txt1 )
                if ( has_discrete_missingness==FALSE || do_discrete_imputation==TRUE )
                    m_gq <- concat( m_gq , txt1 )

                xindent <- indent
                # add [i] to outcome
                outcome <- concat( outcome , "[i]" )
                # check for linear model names as parameters and add [i] to each
                if ( length(fp[['lm']])>0 ) {
                    lm_names <- c()
                    for ( j in 1:length(fp[['lm']]) ) {
                        lm_names <- c( lm_names , fp[['lm']][[j]]$parameter )
                    for ( j in 1:length(parstxt_L) ) {
                        if ( as.character(parstxt_L[[j]]) %in% lm_names ) {
                            parstxt_L[[j]] <- concat( as.character(parstxt_L[[j]]) , "[i]" )

            # collapse pars list to a convenient string
            parstxt <- paste( parstxt_L , collapse=" , " )
            # add branching logic for case [i] with missingness
            if ( has_discrete_missingness==TRUE ) {
                txt1 <- fp[['lm']][[ lms_with_dm[[1]][[2]] ]]$misstestcode # assume just one for now
                txt1 <- concat( inden(2) , txt1 , "\n" )
                m_model_txt <- concat( m_model_txt , txt1 )
                if ( do_discrete_imputation==TRUE ) m_gq <- concat( m_gq , txt1 )
                xindent <- concat( xindent , indent )
            if ( lik$likelihood=="increment_log_prob" ) {
                # custom distribution using increment_log_prob
                code_model <- tmplt$stan_code
                code_gq <- tmplt$stan_dev
                # replace OUTCOME, PARx symbols with actual names
                code_model <- gsub( "OUTCOME" , outcome , code_model , fixed=TRUE )
                code_gq <- gsub( "OUTCOME" , outcome , code_gq , fixed=TRUE )
                for ( j in 1:length(parstxt_L) ) {
                    parname <- as.character(parstxt_L[[j]])
                    if ( parname %in% names(d) ) {
                        # add [i]
                        parname <- concat( parname , "[i]" )
                    parpat <- concat( "PAR" , j )
                    code_model <- gsub( parpat , parname , code_model , fixed=TRUE )
                    code_gq <- gsub( parpat , parname , code_gq , fixed=TRUE )
                # insert into Stan code
                m_model_txt <- concat( m_model_txt , indent , code_model , "\n" )
                if ( DIC==TRUE )
                    m_gq <- concat( m_gq , indent , code_gq , "\n" )
            } else {
                # regular distribution with ~
                # imputation stuff
                if ( outcome %in% names(impute_bank) ) {
                    N_miss <- impute_bank[[lik$outcome]]$N_miss
                    N_merge_name <- impute_bank[[lik$outcome]]$merge_N
                    # add _merge suffix
                    outcome <- concat(outcome,suffix_merge)
                    # build code in transformed parameters that constructs x_merge
                    m_tpars1 <- concat( m_tpars1 , indent , "real " , outcome , "[",N_merge_name,"];\n" )
                    m_tpars2 <- concat( m_tpars2 , indent , outcome , " <- " , lik$outcome , ";\n" )
                    # trap for single missing value and vectorization issues
                    if ( N_miss>1 )
                        m_tpars2 <- concat( m_tpars2 , indent , "for ( u in 1:" , lik$N_name , "_missing ) " , outcome , "[" , lik$outcome , "_missingness[u]] <- " , lik$outcome , "_impute[u]" , ";\n" )
                        m_tpars2 <- concat( m_tpars2 , indent , outcome , "[" , lik$outcome , "_missingness] <- " , lik$outcome , "_impute" , ";\n" )
                    # add x_impute to start list
                    imputer_name <- concat(lik$outcome,"_impute")
                    start[[ imputer_name ]] <- rep( impute_bank[[lik$outcome]]$init , impute_bank[[lik$outcome]]$N_miss )
                    if ( N_miss>1 )
                        types[[ imputer_name ]] <- c("vector", concat("[",lik$N_name,"_missing]") )
                        # only one missing value, so cannot use vector
                        types[[ imputer_name ]] <- "real"
                    # make sure x_impute is in pars
                    #pars[[ imputer_name ]] <- imputer_name
                # ordinary sampling statement
                if ( has_discrete_missingness==TRUE ) {
                    # loop over rows in missmatrix and build the loglik terms for each case
                    # edit pars string so it has [lm]_mxtlm in place of [lm]
                    sym <- lms_with_dm[[1]][[1]]
                    parstxt2 <- parstxt
                    parname <- concat( sym , "[i]" )
                    parreplace <- concat( sym , mixterms_lm_suffix ,"[i,mmrow]" )
                    parstxt2 <- gsub( parname , parreplace , parstxt2 , fixed=TRUE )
                    # build LL string
                    the_suffix <- templates[[lik$template]]$stan_suffix
                    LLtxt <- concat( lik$likelihood , the_suffix , "( " , outcome , " | " , parstxt2 , " )" , lik$T_text )
                    # add model text for each mixture term
                    m_model_txt <- concat( m_model_txt , inden(3) , "for ( mmrow in 1:rows(", sym , missmatrix_suffix ,") )\n" )
                    m_model_txt <- concat( m_model_txt , inden(4) , sym , mixterms_suffix , "[i,mmrow] = " , sym , mixterms_suffix , "[i,mmrow] + " , LLtxt , ";\n" )
                    # add mixture likelihood to target
                    m_model_txt <- concat( m_model_txt , inden(3) , "target += log_sum_exp(" , sym , mixterms_suffix , "[i]);\n" )
                    # close off discrete missing branch
                    m_model_txt <- concat( m_model_txt , inden(2) , "} else \n" )

                    if ( do_discrete_imputation==TRUE ) {
                        # for each variable in discrete_miss_bank,
                        #  need to compute posterior probability using log probabilities in mixture
                        m_gq <- concat( m_gq , inden(3) , "for ( mmrow in 1:rows(", sym , missmatrix_suffix ,") )\n" )
                        m_gq <- concat( m_gq , inden(4) , sym , mixterms_suffix , "[i,mmrow] = " , sym , mixterms_suffix , "[i,mmrow] + " , LLtxt , ";\n" )
                        ndmb <- length( discrete_miss_bank )
                        for ( ix in 1:ndmb ) {
                            var_name <- names(discrete_miss_bank)[ix]
                            # add vector of imputed values to start of generated quantities
                            m_gq <- concat( inden(1) , "vector[N] " , var_name , "_impute;\n" , m_gq )
                            # add to pars so the samples get returned!
                            pars_elect[[concat(var_name,"_impute")]] <- concat(var_name,"_impute")
                            # add calculation to body of generated quantities
                            # uses softmax to exp each term and normalize them
                            # dot product with missmatrix extracts terms that include variable ix
                            m_gq <- concat( m_gq , inden(3) , var_name , "_impute[i] = " , var_name , "[i];\n" )
                            m_gq <- concat( m_gq , inden(3) , misstests[[ix]] )
                            m_gq <- concat( m_gq , var_name , 
                                "_impute[i] = dot_product( softmax(to_vector(" , sym , mixterms_suffix , "[i])) , " , sym , missmatrix_suffix , "[:,",ix,"] )" , ";\n" )
                        # close off discrete missing branch
                        m_gq <- concat( m_gq , inden(2) , "} else {\n" )
                        # need to fill observed values in _impute vector, or will get sampling error for undefined values
                        for ( ix in 1:ndmb ) {
                            var_name <- names(discrete_miss_bank)[ix]
                            m_gq <- concat( m_gq , inden(3) , var_name , "_impute[i] = " , var_name , "[i];\n" )
                        m_gq <- concat( m_gq , inden(2) , "}\n" )
                m_model_txt <- concat( m_model_txt , indent , xindent , outcome , " ~ " , lik$likelihood , "( " , parstxt , " )" , lik$T_text , ";\n" )
                # don't add deviance/log_lik calc when imputed predictor
                if ( !(lik$outcome %in% names(impute_bank)) && (has_discrete_missingness==FALSE || log_lik==TRUE) ) {
                    # get stan suffix
                    the_suffix <- templates[[lik$template]]$stan_suffix
                    if ( DIC==TRUE )
                        m_gq <- concat( m_gq , indent , xindent , "dev <- dev + (-2)*" , lik$likelihood , the_suffix , "( " , outcome , " | " , parstxt , " )" , lik$T_text , ";\n" )
                    if ( log_lik==TRUE ) {
                        # check for linear model names as parameters and add [i] to each
                        if ( length(fp[['lm']])>0 ) {
                            lm_names <- c()
                            for ( j in 1:length(fp[['lm']]) ) {
                                lm_names <- c( lm_names , fp[['lm']][[j]]$parameter )
                            parstxt_i <- parstxt_L
                            for ( j in 1:length(parstxt_L) ) {
                                if ( as.character(parstxt_L[[j]]) %in% lm_names ) {
                                    parstxt_i[[j]] <- concat( as.character(parstxt_L[[j]]) , "[i]" )
                            parstxt_i <- paste( parstxt_i , collapse=" , " )
                        # if likelihood ordinarily vectorized, then add a loop here
                        if ( outcome_discrete_missing==FALSE ) {
                            if ( tmplt$vectorized==TRUE ) {
                                m_gq <- concat( m_gq , indent , xindent , "for ( i in 1:N ) log_lik[i] = " , lik$likelihood , the_suffix , "( " , outcome , "[i] | " , parstxt_i , " )" , lik$T_text , ";\n" )
                            } else {
                            # likelihood not vectorized, so should have a loop over i already in gq code
                            # this is the case for ordered logit for example
                                if ( do_discrete_imputation==TRUE ) {
                                    # add test for discrete missingness and only calc log_lik when none for this case
                                    txt1 <- fp[['lm']][[ lms_with_dm[[1]][[2]] ]]$misstestcode
                                    m_gq <- concat( m_gq , xindent , txt1 , "\n" )
                                    m_gq <- concat( m_gq , xindent, indent , "log_lik[i] = 0;\n" )
                                    m_gq <- concat( m_gq , xindent, "} else {\n" )
                                m_gq <- concat( m_gq , indent , xindent , "log_lik[i] = " , lik$likelihood , the_suffix , "( " , outcome , " | " , parstxt_i , " )" , lik$T_text , ";\n" )
                                if ( do_discrete_imputation==TRUE ) 
                                    m_gq <- concat( m_gq , xindent, "}\n" )
                        }#outcome not discrete missing
            # add N variable to data block
            the_N_name <- lik$N_name
            if ( i > 0 ) {
                if ( lik$outcome %in% names(impute_bank) ) {
                    the_N_name <- concat( the_N_name , "_missing" )
                    if ( i==1 ) {
                        warning(concat("Missing values in outcome variable ",lik$outcome," being imputed (predicted) through model. The model should fit fine. But helper functions like WAIC may not work."))
                #m_data <- concat( m_data , indent , "int<lower=1> " , the_N_name , ";\n" )
                fp[['used_predictors']][[the_N_name]] <- list( var=the_N_name , type="index" )
                # warn about imputation on top-level outcome

            # close discrete missing branch
            if ( has_discrete_missingness==TRUE ) {
                txt1 <- concat( inden(2) , "}//if \n" )
                #m_model_txt <- concat( m_model_txt , txt1 )
                #m_gq <- concat( m_gq , txt1 )

            # close i loop
            if ( tmplt$vectorized==FALSE || has_discrete_missingness==TRUE ) {
                txt1 <- concat( indent , "}//i \n" )
                m_model_txt <- concat( m_model_txt , txt1 )
                if ( has_discrete_missingness==FALSE || do_discrete_imputation==TRUE )
                    m_gq <- concat( m_gq , txt1 )
            # add number of cases to data list
            if ( lik$outcome %in% names(impute_bank) ) {
                d[[ the_N_name ]] <- as.integer( impute_bank[[ lik$outcome ]]$N_miss )
            } else {
                d[[ the_N_name ]] <- as.integer( lik$N_cases )
        } # likelihood
    } # loop over fp_order
    # add number of cases to data list, in case no likelihood found
    if ( is.null(d[["N"]]) )
        d[[ "N" ]] <- as.integer( length(d[[1]]) )
    # compose generated quantities
    if ( DIC==TRUE )
        m_gq <- concat( indent , "real dev;\n" , indent , "dev <- 0;\n" , m_gq )
    if ( log_lik==TRUE )
        m_gq <- concat( indent , "vector[N] log_lik;\n" , m_gq )
    m_gq <- concat( m_model_declare , m_gq )
    # general data length data declare
    #m_data <- concat( m_data , indent , "int<lower=1> " , "N" , ";\n" )
    fp[['used_predictors']][['N']] <- list( var="N" , type="index" )
    # data from used_predictors list
    n <- length( fp[['used_predictors']] )
    if ( n > 0 ) {
        for ( i in 1:n ) {
            var <- fp[['used_predictors']][[i]]
            type <- "real"
            # integer check
            if ( class(d[[var$var]])=="integer" ) type <- "int"
            if ( class(d[[var$var]])=="matrix" ) {
                type <- "matrix"
                if ( is.null(var$N) ) 
                    var$N <- dim(d[[var$var]])
                else if ( length(var$N)<2 )
                    var$N <- dim(d[[var$var]])
            # coerce outcome type
            if ( !is.null(var$type) ) type <- var$type
            # build
            if ( type=="matrix" ) {
                # rely on var$N being vector of matrix dimensions
                m_data <- concat( m_data , indent , type , "[",var$N[1],",",var$N[2],"] " , var$var , ";\n" )
            if ( type=="index" ) {
                # index variable go at top of m_data
                m_data <- concat( indent , "int<lower=1> " , var$var , ";\n" , m_data )
            if ( type!="index" & type!="matrix" ) {
                m_data <- concat( m_data , indent , type , " " , var$var , "[" , var$N , "];\n" )
    # declare parameters from start list
    # use any custom constraints in constraints list
    # first merge passed start with start built from priors
    if ( length(start_prior[[1]])>0 ) {
        start_p2 <- vector(mode="list",length=chains)
        for( ch in 1:chains ) start_p2[[ch]] <- list()
        n <- length(start_prior[[1]])
        # reverse index order, so parameters appear in same order as formula
        # need to do this, as we passed back-to-front when parsing formula
        for ( ki in n:1 ) {
            parname <- names(start_prior[[1]])[ki]
            for ( ch in 1:chains ) {
                start_p2[[ch]][[parname]] <- start_prior[[ch]][[parname]]
        } #ki
        # now merge start with start_p2
        # need to clone start first, then use unlist to merge each chain
        # start_p2 (inits sampled from priors) is unique to each chain at this point
        start_cloned <- vector(mode="list",length=chains)
        for ( ch in 1:chains ) start_cloned[[ch]] <- start
        start <- start_cloned
        for ( ch in 1:chains )
            start[[ch]] <- unlist( list( start_cloned[[ch]] , start_p2[[ch]] ) , recursive=FALSE )
    } else {
        # no inits sampled from priors
        # so just build the explicit start list
        start_cloned <- vector(mode="list",length=chains)
        for ( ch in 1:chains ) start_cloned[[ch]] <- start
        start <- start_cloned

    ################ ATTENTION ###################
    # from this point on, start is a list of lists

    n <- length( start[[1]] )
    if ( n > 0 ) {
        for ( i in 1:n ) {
            pname <- names(start[[1]])[i]
            type <- "real"
            type_dim <- ""
            constraint <- ""
            if ( class(start[[1]][[i]])=="matrix" ) {
                # check for square matrix? just use nrow for now.
                #type <- concat( "cov_matrix[" , nrow(start[[i]]) , "]" )
                type <- "cov_matrix"
                type_dim <- concat( "[" , nrow(start[[1]][[i]]) , "]" )
                # corr_matrix check by naming convention
                #Rho_check <- grep( "Rho" , pname )
                #if ( length(Rho_check)>0 ) type <- concat( "corr_matrix[" , nrow(start[[i]]) , "]" )
            # add correct length to numeric vectors (non-matrix)
            if ( type=="real" & length(start[[1]][[i]])>1 ) {
                #type <- concat( "vector[" , length(start[[i]]) , "]" )
                type <- "vector"
                type_dim <- concat( "[" , length(start[[1]][[i]]) , "]" )
                #if ( length(grep("sigma",pname))>0 )
                    #type <- concat( "vector<lower=0>[" , length(start[[i]]) , "]" )
                # check for varying effect vector by peeking at vprior list
                # we want symbolic length name here, if varying effect vector
                nvp <- length( fp[['vprior']] )
                if ( nvp > 0 ) {
                    for ( j in 1:nvp ) {
                        pars_out <- fp[['vprior']][[j]]$pars_out
                        for ( k in 1:length(pars_out) ) {
                            if ( pars_out[[k]]==pname ) {
                                #type <- concat( "vector[N_" , fp[['vprior']][[j]]$group , "]" )
                                type <- "vector"
                                type_dim <- concat( "[N_" , fp[['vprior']][[j]]$group , "]" )
            # add non-negative restriction to any parameter with 'sigma' in name
            #if ( length(grep("sigma",pname))>0 ) {
            #    if ( type=="real" ) constraint <- "<lower=0>"
            # any custom constraint?
            constrainttxt <- constraints[[pname]]
            if ( !is.null(constrainttxt) ) {
                constraint <- concat( "<" , constrainttxt , ">" )
                # check for positive constrain and validate start value
                # this is needed in case implicitly using half-distributions
                if ( constrainttxt == "lower=0" ) {
                    for ( ch in 1:chains )
                        start[[ch]][[pname]] <- abs( start[[ch]][[pname]] )
            # any custom type?
            mytype <- types[[pname]]
            if ( !is.null(mytype) ) {
                if ( length(mytype)==1 )
                    type <- mytype
                else {
                    # must have custom dims in [2]
                    type <- mytype[1]
                    type_dim <- mytype[2]
            # add to parameters block
            m_pars <- concat( m_pars , indent , type , constraint , type_dim , " " , pname , ";\n" )
    # compose any transformed parameters in transpars
    if ( length(transpars) > 0 ) {
        for ( i in 1:length(transpars) ) {
            if ( length(transpars[[i]])>1 ) {
                # declaration [1] and code [2]
                tptxt <- concat( indent , transpars[[i]][1] , ";\n" )
                m_tpars1 <- concat( m_tpars1 , tptxt )
                tptxt <- concat( indent , transpars[[i]][2] , ";\n" )
                m_tpars2 <- concat( m_tpars2 , tptxt )
            } else {
                # just code? --- not a used case yet
    }# transpars > 0

    # final step in building code, add in any custom user code passed via 'code' argument
    # code should be a list of lists
    # each element should have structure: [ code , block , section , pos ]
    # 'block','section','pos' must be named. index [[1]] assumed to be code.
    # block one of: functions, data, transformed data, parameters, transformed parameters, model, generated quantities
    # section one of: declare, body[default]
    # pos one of: top, bottom[default], pattern
    # when pos=="pattern", uses pattern slot for gsub replace in section
    m_funcs <- ""
    m_tdata1 <- ""
    m_tdata2 <- ""
    if ( !missing(code) ) {
        for ( i in 1:length(code) ) {
            chunk <- code[[i]]
            if ( !is.null(chunk$block) ) {

                # defaults
                if (is.null(chunk$section)) chunk$section <- "body"
                if (is.null(chunk$pos)) chunk$pos <- "top"

                if (chunk$block=="functions") {
                    m_funcs <- concat( indent , chunk[[1]] , "\n" , m_funcs )

                if (chunk$block=="data") {
                    if (chunk$pos=="top") # put at top
                        m_data <- concat( indent , chunk[[1]] , "\n" , m_data )
                    if (chunk$pos=="bottom") # put at bottom
                        m_data <- concat( m_data , indent , chunk[[1]] , "\n" )
                    if (chunk$pos=="pattern") # pattern replace
                        m_data <- gsub( chunk$pattern , chunk[[1]] , m_data , fixed=TRUE )

                if (chunk$block=="transformed data") {
                    if (chunk$section=="declare") {
                        if (chunk$pos=="top")
                            m_tdata1 <- concat( indent , chunk[[1]] , "\n" , m_tdata1 )
                        if (chunk$pos=="bottom")
                            m_tdata1 <- concat( m_tdata1 , indent , chunk[[1]] , "\n" )
                        if (chunk$pos=="pattern") # pattern replace
                            m_tdata1 <- gsub( chunk$pattern , chunk[[1]] , m_tdata1 , fixed=TRUE )
                    }# declare
                    if (chunk$section=="body") {
                        if (chunk$pos=="top")
                            m_tdata2 <- concat( indent , chunk[[1]] , "\n" , m_tdata2 )
                        if (chunk$pos=="bottom")
                            m_tdata2 <- concat( m_tdata2 , indent , chunk[[1]] , "\n" )
                        if (chunk$pos=="pattern") # pattern replace
                            m_tdata2 <- gsub( chunk$pattern , chunk[[1]] , m_tdata2 , fixed=TRUE )
                    }# declare
                }#transformed data

                if (chunk$block=="parameters") {
                    if (chunk$pos=="top")
                        m_pars <- concat( indent , chunk[[1]] , "\n" , m_pars )
                    if (chunk$pos=="bottom")
                        m_pars <- concat( m_pars , indent , chunk[[1]] , "\n" )
                    if (chunk$pos=="pattern") # pattern replace
                        m_pars <- gsub( chunk$pattern , chunk[[1]] , m_pars , fixed=TRUE )

                if (chunk$block=="transformed parameters") {
                    if (chunk$section=="declare") {
                        if (chunk$pos=="top")
                            m_tpars1 <- concat( indent , chunk[[1]] , "\n" , m_tpars1 )
                        if (chunk$pos=="bottom")
                            m_tpars1 <- concat( m_tpars1 , indent , chunk[[1]] , "\n" )
                        if (chunk$pos=="pattern") # pattern replace
                            m_tpars1 <- gsub( chunk$pattern , chunk[[1]] , m_tpars1 , fixed=TRUE )
                    }# declare
                    if (chunk$section=="body") {
                        if (chunk$pos=="top")
                            m_tpars2 <- concat( indent , chunk[[1]] , "\n" , m_tpars2 )
                        if (chunk$pos=="bottom")
                            m_tpars2 <- concat( m_tpars2 , indent , chunk[[1]] , "\n" )
                        if (chunk$pos=="pattern") # pattern replace
                            m_tpars2 <- gsub( chunk$pattern , chunk[[1]] , m_tpars2 , fixed=TRUE )
                    }# declare
                }#transformed parameters

                if (chunk$block=="model") {
                    if (chunk$section=="declare") {
                        if (chunk$pos=="top")
                            m_model_declare <- concat( indent , chunk[[1]] , "\n" , m_model_declare )
                        if (chunk$pos=="bottom")
                            m_model_declare <- concat( m_model_declare , indent , chunk[[1]] , "\n" )
                        if (chunk$pos=="pattern") # pattern replace
                            m_model_declare <- gsub( chunk$pattern , chunk[[1]] , m_model_declare , fixed=TRUE )
                    }# declare
                    if (chunk$section=="body") {
                        if (chunk$pos=="top")
                            m_model_txt <- concat( indent , chunk[[1]] , "\n" , m_model_txt )
                        if (chunk$pos=="bottom")
                            m_model_txt <- concat( m_model_txt , indent , chunk[[1]] , "\n" )
                        if (chunk$pos=="pattern") # pattern replace
                            m_model_txt <- gsub( chunk$pattern , chunk[[1]] , m_model_txt , fixed=TRUE )
                    }# declare

                if (chunk$block=="generated quantities") {
                    if (chunk$pos=="top")
                        m_gq <- concat( indent , chunk[[1]] , "\n" , m_gq )
                    if (chunk$pos=="bottom")
                        m_gq <- concat( m_gq , indent , chunk[[1]] , "\n" )
                    if (chunk$pos=="pattern") # pattern replace
                        m_gq <- gsub( chunk$pattern , chunk[[1]] , m_gq , fixed=TRUE )
                }#generated quantities

            }#has block
    }#user code
    # put it all together
    # function to add header/footer to each block in code
    # empty blocks remain empty
    blockify <- function(x,header,footer) {
        if ( x != "" ) x <- concat( header , x , footer )
    m_funcs <- blockify( m_funcs , "functions{\n" , "}\n" )
    m_data <- blockify( m_data , "data{\n" , "}\n" )
    m_tdata1 <- blockify( m_tdata1 , "transformed data{\n" , "" )
    m_tdata2 <- blockify( m_tdata2 , "" , "}\n" )
    m_pars <- blockify( m_pars , "parameters{\n" , "}\n" )
    m_tpars1 <- blockify( m_tpars1 , "transformed parameters{\n" , "" )
    m_tpars2 <- blockify( m_tpars2 , "" , "}\n" )
    m_gq <- blockify( m_gq , "generated quantities{\n" , "}\n" )
    model_code <- concat( 
        m_funcs ,
        m_data , 
        m_tdata1 , 
        m_tdata2 , 
        m_pars , 
        m_tpars1 , 
        m_tpars2 , 
        "model{\n" ,  
        m_model_declare , 
        m_model_txt , 
        "}\n" , 
        m_gq , 
        "\n" )

    # from rstan version 2.10.0: change all '<-' to '='
    model_code <- gsub( "<-" , "=" , model_code , fixed=TRUE )

    # add unique tag to model code text so that stan must recompile?
    if ( add_unique_tag==TRUE ) {
        model_code <- concat( "//" , Sys.time() , "\n" , model_code )
    if ( debug==TRUE ) cat(model_code)

# end of Stan code compilation
    # fit model
    # build pars vector
    # use ours, unless user provided one
    if ( missing(pars) ) {
        pars <- names(start[[1]])
        elected <- names(pars_elect)
        pars <- c( pars , elected )
        if ( DIC==TRUE ) pars <- c( pars , "dev" )
        if ( log_lik==TRUE ) pars <- c( pars , "log_lik" )
        if ( length(pars_hide)>0 ) {
            exclude_idx <- which( pars %in% names(pars_hide) )
            pars <- pars[ -exclude_idx ]

    # hack to roll back to using Stan's init strategy, unless user provided for specific parameter
    # used to need complex strat, before Stan allowed partial init lists
    if ( length(start.orig)==0 ) {
        start <- "random"
    } else {
        start_cloned <- vector(mode="list",length=chains)
        for ( ch in 1:chains ) start_cloned[[ch]] <- start.orig
        start <- start_cloned
    if ( sample==TRUE ) {
        #require(rstan) # don't need anymore
        # sample
        modname <- deparse( flist[[1]] )
        #initlist <- list()
        #for ( achain in 1:chains ) initlist[[achain]] <- start
        initlist <- start # should have one list for each chain

        if ( is.null(previous_stanfit) ) {
            #fit <- try(stan( model_code=model_code , model_name=modname , data=d , init=initlist , iter=iter , warmup=warmup , chains=chains , cores=cores , pars=pars , seed=rng_seed , ... ))
            fit <- try(stan( model_code=model_code , data=d , init=initlist , iter=iter , warmup=warmup , chains=chains , cores=cores , pars=pars , seed=rng_seed , control=control , ... ))
            fit <- try(stan( fit=previous_stanfit , model_name=modname , data=d , init=initlist , iter=iter , warmup=warmup , chains=chains , cores=cores , pars=pars , seed=rng_seed , control=control , ... ))

        if ( class(fit)=="try-error" ) {
                # something went wrong in at least one chain
                msg <- attr(fit,"condition")$message
                if ( cores > 1 )
                    stop(concat("Something went wrong in at least one chain. Debug your model while setting chains=1 and cores=1. Once the model is working with a single chain and core, try using multiple chains/cores again.\n",msg))
                    stop(concat("Something went wrong, when calling Stan. Check any debug messages for clues, detective.\n",msg))
        ###### PREVIOUS multicore code, before Stan added its own ########
        if ( FALSE ) {
        if ( chains==1 | cores==1 ) {
            # single core
            # so just run the model
            if ( missing(rng_seed) ) rng_seed <- sample( 1:1e5 , 1 )
            if ( is.null(previous_stanfit) )
                fit <- stan( model_code=model_code , model_name=modname , data=d , init=initlist , iter=iter , warmup=warmup , chains=chains , pars=pars , seed=rng_seed , ... )
                fit <- stan( fit=previous_stanfit , model_name=modname , data=d , init=initlist , iter=iter , warmup=warmup , chains=chains , pars=pars , seed=rng_seed , ... )
        } else {
            # multi-core, multi-chain
            # so pre-compile then run again
            # note use of chain number 1 inits only here
            # not sure inits are used at all, given chains=0
            if ( is.null(previous_stanfit) ) {
                message("Precompiling model...")
                fit_prep <- stan( model_code=model_code , model_name=modname , data=d , init=start[[1]] , iter=1 , chains=0 , pars=pars , test_grad=FALSE , refresh=-1 , ... )
            } else {
                # reuse compiled model
                fit_prep <- previous_stanfit
            # if no seed provided, make one
            if ( missing(rng_seed) ) rng_seed <- sample( 1:1e5 , 1 )
            message(concat("Dispatching ",chains," chains to ",cores," cores."))
            sys <- .Platform$OS.type
            if ( sys=='unix' ) {
                # Mac or Linux
                # hand off to mclapply
                sflist <- mclapply( 1:chains , mc.cores=cores ,
                        stan( fit=fit_prep , data=d , init=list(start[[chainid]]) , pars=pars , iter=iter , warmup=warmup , chains=1 , seed=rng_seed , chain_id=chainid , ... )
            } else {
                # Windows
                # so use parLapply instead
                CL = makeCluster(cores)
                #data <- object@data
                env0 <- list( fit_prep=fit_prep, d=d, pars=pars, rng_seed=rng_seed, iter=iter, warmup=warmup , start=start )
                clusterExport(cl = CL, 
                    c("fit_prep","d","pars","iter","warmup","rng_seed","start") , as.environment(env0) )
                sflist <- parLapply(CL, 1:chains, fun = function(cid) {
					require(rstan) # will CRAN tolerate this?
                    stan( fit=fit_prep , data = d, pars = pars, chains = 1, 
                      iter = iter, warmup = warmup, seed = rng_seed, 
                      chain_id = cid, init=list(start[[cid]]) )
            # merge result
            fit <- try( sflist2stanfit(sflist) )
            if ( class(fit)=="try-error" ) {
                # something went wrong in at least one chain
                stop("Something went wrong in at least one chain. Debug your model while setting chains=1. Once the model is working with a single chain, try using multiple chains again.")
        # END PREVIOUS multicore code
    } else {
        fit <- NULL
    # build result
    coef <- NULL
    varcov <- NULL
    fp$impute_bank <- impute_bank
    fp$discrete_miss_bank <- discrete_miss_bank
    if ( sample==TRUE ) {

        # compute expected values of parameters
        s <- summary(fit)$summary
        s <- s[ -which( rownames(s)=="lp__" ) , ]
        if ( DIC==TRUE ) s <- s[ -which( rownames(s)=="dev" ) , ]
        if ( log_lik==TRUE ) s <- s[ -which( rownames(s)=="log_lik" ) , ]
        if ( !is.null(dim(s)) ) {
            coef <- s[,1]
            # compute variance-covariance matrix
            #varcov <- matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(s),ncol=nrow(s))
            varcov <- matrix( s[,3]^2 , ncol=1 )
            rownames(varcov) <- rownames(s)
        } else {
            coef <- s[1]
            varcov <- matrix( s[3]^2 , ncol=1 )
            names(coef) <- names(start[[1]])

        if ( DIC==TRUE ) {
            # compute DIC
            dev.post <- extract(fit, "dev", permuted = TRUE, inc_warmup = FALSE)
            dbar <- mean( dev.post$dev )
            # to compute dhat, need to feed parameter averages back into compiled stan model
            post <- extract( fit )
            Epost <- list()
            for ( i in 1:length(post) ) {
                dims <- length( dim( post[[i]] ) )
                name <- names(post)[i]
                if ( name!="lp__" & name!="dev" ) {
                    if ( dims==1 ) {
                        Epost[[ name ]] <- mean( post[[i]] )
                    } else {
                        Epost[[ name ]] <- apply( post[[i]] , 2:dims , mean )
            if ( debug==TRUE ) print( Epost )
            # push expected values back through model and fetch deviance
            #message("Taking one more sample now, at expected values of parameters, in order to compute DIC")
            #fit2 <- stan( fit=fit , init=list(Epost) , data=d , pars="dev" , chains=1 , iter=2 , refresh=-1 , cores=1 )
            fit2 <- sampling( fit@stanmodel , init=list(Epost) , data=d , pars="dev" , chains=1 , iter=1 , cores=1 )
            dhat <- as.numeric( extract(fit2,"dev") )
            pD <- dbar - dhat
            dic <- dbar + pD

        # if (debug==TRUE) print(Epost)
        # build result
        result <- new( "map2stan" , 
            call = match.call(), 
            model = model_code,
            stanfit = fit,
            coef = coef,
            vcov = varcov,
            data = d,
            start = start.orig,
            pars = pars,
            formula = flist.orig,
            formula_parsed = fp )

        attr(result,"constraints") <- constraints
        attr(result,"df") = length(result@coef)
        if ( DIC==TRUE ) {
            attr(result,"DIC") = dic
            attr(result,"pD") = pD
            attr(result,"deviance") = dhat
            if (!missing(d)) attr(result,"nobs") = length(d[[ fp[['likelihood']][[1]][['outcome']] ]]) , 
        # compute WAIC?
        if ( WAIC==TRUE ) {
            message("Computing WAIC")
            waic <- try(WAIC( result , n=0 , pointwise=TRUE )) # n=0 to use all available samples
            attr(result,"WAIC") = waic
        # check divergent iterations
        nd <- divergent(fit)
        if ( nd > 0 ) {
            warning( concat("There were ",nd," divergent iterations during sampling.\nCheck the chains (trace plots, n_eff, Rhat) carefully to ensure they are valid.") )
    } else {
        # just return list
        result <- list(
            call = match.call(), 
            model = model_code,
            data = d,
            start = start.orig,
            pars = pars,
            formula = flist.orig,
            formula_parsed = fp )
    attr(result,"generation") <- "map2stan2018"

    if ( rawstanfit==TRUE ) return(fit)
    return( result )

if ( FALSE ) {


# simulate data
N <- 500 # 1000 cases
J <- 20 # 100 clusters
J2 <- 10
NperJ <- N/J
sigma <- 2 # top-level standard deviation
mu <- c(10,-0.5) # means of varying effects coefficients
x <- runif(N,min=-2,max=2) # predictor variable
x2 <- runif(N,min=-2,max=2)
id <- rep( 1:J , each=NperJ ) # cluster id's
id2 <- rep( 1:J2 , each=N/J2 )
Sigma <- matrix( 0 , nrow=2 , ncol=2 ) # var-cov matrix
Sigma[1,1] <- 2
Sigma[2,2] <- 0.2
Sigma[1,2] <- Sigma[2,1] <- -0.8 * sqrt( Sigma[1,1] * Sigma[2,2] )
beta <- mvrnorm( J , mu=mu , Sigma=Sigma )
y <- rnorm( N , mean=beta[id,1]+beta[id,2]*x , sd=sigma )
y2 <- rbinom( N , size=1 , prob=logistic( y-8 ) )

# fitting tests

# cross classified
f <- list(
    y ~ dnorm(mu,sigma),
    mu ~ a + aj1 + aj2 + b*x,
    aj1|id ~ dnorm( 0 , sigma_id ),
    aj2|id2 ~ dnorm( 0 , sigma_id2 ),
    a ~ dnorm(0,10),
    b ~ dnorm(0,1),
    sigma ~ dcauchy(0,1),
    sigma_id ~ dcauchy(0,1),
    sigma_id2 ~ dcauchy(0,1)
startlist <- list(a=10,b=0,sigma=2,sigma_id=1,sigma_id2=1,aj1=rep(0,J),aj2=rep(0,J2))
m <- map2stan( f , data=list(y=y,x=x,id=id,id2=id2) , start=startlist , sample=TRUE , debug=FALSE )

# random slopes with means inside multi_normal
f <- list(
    y ~ dnorm(mu,sigma),
    mu ~ aj + bj*x,
    c(aj,bj)|id ~ dmvnorm( c(a,b) , Sigma_id ),
    a ~ dnorm(0,10),
    b ~ dnorm(0,1),
    sigma ~ dcauchy(0,1),
    Sigma_id ~ inv_wishart(3,diag(2)) # or dinvwishart
startlist <- list(a=10,b=0,sigma=2,Sigma_id=diag(2),aj=rep(0,J),bj=rep(0,J))
m2 <- map2stan( f , data=list(y=y,x=x,id=id) , start=startlist , sample=TRUE , debug=FALSE )


f2 <- list(
    y ~ dnorm(mu,sigma),
    mu ~ a + aj + b*x,
    aj|id ~ dnorm( 0 , sigma_a ),
    a ~ dnorm(0,10),
    b ~ dnorm(0,1),
    sigma ~ dcauchy(0,1),
    sigma_a ~ dcauchy(0,1)
startlist <- list(a=10,b=0,sigma=3,sigma_a=1,aj=rep(0,J))
m <- map2stan( f2 , data=list(y=y,x=x,id=id) , start=startlist , sample=TRUE , debug=FALSE )

# now with fixed effect inside prior
f4 <- list(
    y ~ dnorm(mu,sigma),
    mu ~ aj + b*x,
    aj|id ~ dnorm( a , sigma_a ),
    a ~ dnorm(0,10),
    b ~ dnorm(0,1),
    sigma ~ dcauchy(0,1),
    sigma_a ~ dcauchy(0,1)
startlist <- list(a=10,b=0,sigma=2,sigma_a=1,aj=rep(0,J))
m2 <- map2stan( f4 , data=list(y=y,x=x,id=id) , start=startlist , sample=TRUE , debug=FALSE )

# random slopes
f <- list(
    y ~ dnorm(mu,sigma),
    mu ~ a + aj + (b+bj)*x,
    c(aj,bj)|id ~ dmvnorm( 0 , Sigma_id ),
    a ~ dnorm(0,10),
    b ~ dnorm(0,1),
    sigma ~ dcauchy(0,1),
    Sigma_id ~ inv_wishart(3,diag(2)) # or dinvwishart
startlist <- list(a=10,b=0,sigma=2,Sigma_id=diag(2),aj=rep(0,J),bj=rep(0,J))
m <- map2stan( f , data=list(y=y,x=x,id=id) , start=startlist , sample=TRUE , debug=FALSE )

f3 <- list(
    y ~ dbinom(1,theta),
    logit(theta) ~ a + aj + b*x,
    aj|id ~ dnorm( 0 , sigma_a ),
    a ~ dnorm(0,10),
    b ~ dnorm(0,1),
    sigma_a ~ dcauchy(0,1)

f5 <- list(
    y ~ dnorm(mu,sigma),
    mu ~ aj + bj*x,
    c(aj,bj)|id ~ dmvnorm( c(a,b) , Sigma_id ),
    a ~ dnorm(0,10),
    b ~ dnorm(0,1),
    sigma ~ dcauchy(0,1)

JimmyClowes/rethinking documentation built on Dec. 18, 2021, 1:36 a.m.