
Defines functions .mcmcusmwg .mcmcusamwg .mcmcuess .mcmctwalk .mcmcthmc .mcmcsmwg .mcmcslice .mcmcsgld .mcmcsamwg .mcmcrwm .mcmcrss .mcmcrj .mcmcrefractive .mcmcrdmh .mcmcram .mcmcpcn .mcmcohss .mcmcnuts .mcmcmwg .mcmcmtm .mcmcmcmcmc .mcmcmala .mcmcinca .mcmcim .mcmchmcda .mcmchmc .mcmcharm .mcmcggdpp .mcmcggdp .mcmcggcpp .mcmcggcp .mcmcgg .mcmcgibbs .mcmcess .mcmcdrm .mcmcdram .mcmcdemc .mcmccharm .mcmcamwg .mcmcamm.b .mcmcamm .mcmcam .mcmcaies .mcmcahmc .mcmcagg .mcmcafss .mcmcadmg LaplacesDemon

Documented in LaplacesDemon .mcmcadmg .mcmcafss .mcmcagg .mcmcahmc .mcmcaies .mcmcam .mcmcamm .mcmcamm.b .mcmcamwg .mcmccharm .mcmcdemc .mcmcdram .mcmcdrm .mcmcess .mcmcgg .mcmcggcp .mcmcggcpp .mcmcggdp .mcmcggdpp .mcmcgibbs .mcmcharm .mcmchmc .mcmchmcda .mcmcim .mcmcinca .mcmcmala .mcmcmcmcmc .mcmcmtm .mcmcmwg .mcmcnuts .mcmcohss .mcmcram .mcmcrdmh .mcmcrefractive .mcmcrj .mcmcrss .mcmcrwm .mcmcsamwg .mcmcsgld .mcmcslice .mcmcsmwg .mcmcthmc .mcmctwalk .mcmcuess .mcmcusamwg .mcmcusmwg

# LaplacesDemon                                                           #
#                                                                         #
# The purpose of the LaplacesDemon function is to use MCMC on the         #
# logarithm of the unnormalized joint posterior density of a Bayesian     #
# model.                                                                  #

LaplacesDemon <- function(Model, Data, Initial.Values, Covar=NULL,
     Iterations=10000, Status=100, Thinning=10, Algorithm="MWG",
     Specs=list(B=NULL), Debug=list(DB.chol=FALSE, DB.eigen=FALSE,
     DB.MCSE=FALSE, DB.Model=TRUE), LogFile="", ...)
     cat("\nLaplace's Demon was called on ", date(), "\n", sep="",
          file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
     time1 <- proc.time()
     LDcall <- match.call()
     ##########################  Initial Checks  ##########################
     cat("\nPerforming initial checks...\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          stop("A function must be entered for Model.", file=LogFile,
          stop("Model must be a function.", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          stop("A list containing data must be entered for Data.",
                file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          stop("In Data, mon.names is NULL.", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          stop("In Data, parm.names is NULL.", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
     for (i in 1:length(Data)) {
          if(is.matrix(Data[[i]])) {
               if(all(is.finite(Data[[i]]))) {
                    mat.rank <- qr(Data[[i]], tol=1e-10)$rank
                    if(mat.rank < ncol(Data[[i]])) {
                         cat("WARNING: Matrix", names(Data)[[i]],
                              "may be rank-deficient.\n", file=LogFile,
     if(missing(Initial.Values)) {
          cat("WARNING: Initial Values were not supplied.\n", file=LogFile,
          Initial.Values <- rep(0, length(Data[["parm.names"]]))}
     if(!identical(length(Initial.Values), length(Data[["parm.names"]]))) {
          cat("WARNING: The length of Initial Values differed from",
               "Data$parm.names.\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          Initial.Values <- rep(0, length(Data[["parm.names"]]))}
     if(any(!is.finite(Initial.Values))) {
          cat("WARNING: Initial Values contain non-finite values.\n",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          Initial.Values <- rep(0, length(Data[["parm.names"]]))}
     Iterations <- round(abs(Iterations))
     if(Iterations < 11) {
          Iterations <- 11
          cat("'Iterations' has been changed to ", Iterations, ".\n",
               sep="", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
     Status <- round(abs(Status))
     if({Status < 1} || {Status > Iterations}) {
          Status <- Iterations
          cat("'Status' has been changed to ", Status, ".\n",
               sep="", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
     Thinning <- round(abs(Thinning))
     if({Thinning < 1} || {Thinning > Iterations}) {
          Thinning <- 1
          cat("'Thinning' has been changed to ", Thinning, ".\n",
               sep="", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
     if(Algorithm %in% c("ADMG","AFSS","AGG","AHMC","AIES","AM","AMM",
          "USAMWG","USMWG")) {
          if(Algorithm == "ADMG") {
               Algorithm <- "Adaptive Directional Metropolis-within-Gibbs"
               if(missing(Specs) | is.null(Specs))
                    Specs <- list(n=0, Periodicity=1)
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("n","Periodicity") %in% names(Specs)))
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
               Specs[["n"]] <- abs(round(Specs[["n"]]))
               Specs[["Periodicity"]] <- max(abs(round(Specs[["Periodicity"]])),
          else if(Algorithm == "AFSS") {
               Algorithm <- "Automated Factor Slice Sampler"
               if(missing(Specs) | is.null(Specs))
                    Specs <- list(A=Inf, B=NULL, m=Inf, n=0, w=1)
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("A","B","m","n","w") %in% names(Specs)))
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
               Specs[["A"]] <- min(round(abs(Specs[["A"]])), Iterations)
               Specs[["m"]] <- abs(round(Specs[["m"]]))
               if(!identical(length(Specs[["m"]]), length(Initial.Values)))
                    Specs[["m"]] <- rep(Specs[["m"]],
               Specs[["n"]] <- abs(round(Specs[["n"]]))
               Specs[["w"]] <- abs(Specs[["w"]])
               if(!identical(length(Specs[["w"]]), length(Initial.Values)))
                    Specs[["w"]] <- rep(Specs[["w"]],
          else if(Algorithm == "AGG") {
               Algorithm <- "Adaptive Griddy-Gibbs"
                    stop("The Specs argument is required.", file=LogFile,
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
                    %in% names(Specs)))
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
               if(is.list(Specs[["Grid"]])) {
                    if(length(Specs[["Grid"]]) != length(Initial.Values)) {
                         Specs[["Grid"]] <- list(NULL)
                         for (i in 1:length(Initial.Values))
                              Specs[["Grid"]][[i]] <- GaussHermiteQuadRule(3)$nodes
                         cat("\nGrid was misspecified and changed to default.\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               else {
                    temp <- as.vector(Specs[["Grid"]])
                    Specs[["Grid"]] <- list(NULL)
                    for (i in 1:length(Initial.Values))
                         Specs[["Grid"]][[i]] <- temp}
               if(!is.null(Specs[["dparm"]])) {
                    Specs[["dparm"]] <- unique(interval(round(Specs[["dparm"]]), 1,
                    Specs[["dparm"]] <- Specs[["dparm"]][order(Specs[["dparm"]])]}
               else Specs[["dparm"]] <- 0
               Specs[["smax"]] <- abs(Specs[["smax"]])
               Specs[["CPUs"]] <- max(1, abs(round(Specs[["CPUs"]])))
          else if(Algorithm == "AHMC") {
               Algorithm <- "Adaptive Hamiltonian Monte Carlo"
               if(missing(Specs) | is.null(Specs))
                         length(Initial.Values)), L=2, m=rep(1,
                         length(Initial.Values)), Periodicity=1)
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("epsilon","L","m","Periodicity") %in% names(Specs)))
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
                    Specs[["epsilon"]] <- rep(1/length(Initial.Values),
               Specs[["epsilon"]] <- as.vector(abs(Specs[["epsilon"]]))
               if(length(Specs[["epsilon"]]) != length(Initial.Values)) {
                    cat("\nLength of epsilon is incorrect.\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    Specs[["epsilon"]] <- rep(Specs[["epsilon"]][1],
               Specs[["L"]] <- abs(round(Specs[["L"]]))
               if(Specs[["L"]] < 1) {
                    cat("\nL has been increased to its minimum: 1.\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    Specs[["L"]] <- 1}
                    Specs[["m"]] <- diag(length(Initial.Values))
          else if(Algorithm == "AIES") {
               Algorithm <- "Affine-Invariant Ensemble Sampler"
                    stop("The Specs argument is required.", file=LogFile,
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("Nc","Z","beta","CPUs","Packages","Dyn.libs") %in%
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
               Specs[["Nc"]] <- max(abs(round(Specs[["Nc"]])), 3)
               if(!is.null(Specs[["Z"]])) {
                    if(is.matrix(Specs[["Z"]])) {
                         if(ncol(Specs[["Z"]]) != length(Initial.Values))
                              stop("Z has the wrong number of columns.",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         if(nrow(Specs[["Z"]]) != Specs[["Nc"]])
                              stop("Z has the wrong number of rows.",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}}
               if(length(Specs[["beta"]]) != 1) {
                    cat("\nLength of beta is wrong. Changed to 1.\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    Specs[["beta"]] <- as.vector(Specs[["beta"]])[1]}
               if(Specs[["beta"]] <= 1) {
                    cat("\nbeta must be > 1. Changed to 2.\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         Specs[["beta"]] <- 2}
               Specs[["CPUs"]] <- max(1, abs(round(Specs[["CPUs"]])))
               if(Specs[["CPUs"]] > 1 & Specs[["Nc"]] %% 2 != 0)
                    stop("For CPUs > 1, Nc must be even.", file=LogFile,
          else if(Algorithm == "AM") {
               Algorithm <- "Adaptive Metropolis"
               if(missing(Specs) | is.null(Specs))
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("Adaptive","Periodicity") %in% names(Specs)))
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
          else if(Algorithm == "AMM") {
               Algorithm <- "Adaptive-Mixture Metropolis"
               if(missing(Specs) | is.null(Specs))
                    Specs=list(Adaptive=floor(Iterations/2), B=NULL,
                         n=0, Periodicity=1, w=0.05)
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("Adaptive","B","n","Periodicity","w") %in%
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
               if(!is.null(Specs[["B"]])) {
                    if(is.null(Covar)) {
                         Covar <- list(NULL)
                         for (b in 1:length(Specs[["B"]])) {
                              Covar[[b]] <- diag(length(Specs[["B"]][[b]]))}}}
               Specs[["n"]] <- round(abs(Specs[["n"]]))
               Specs[["w"]] <- abs(Specs[["w"]])
               if(Specs[["w"]] <= 0 || Specs[["w"]] >= 1) {
                    Specs[["w"]] <- 0.05
                    cat("\nw was misspecified and changed to 0.05.\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
          else if(Algorithm == "AMWG") {
               Algorithm <- "Adaptive Metropolis-within-Gibbs"
               if(missing(Specs) | is.null(Specs))
                    Specs=list(B=NULL, n=0, Periodicity=50)
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("B","n","Periodicity") %in% names(Specs)))
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
          else if(Algorithm == "CHARM") {
               Algorithm <- "Componentwise Hit-And-Run Metropolis"
               if(missing(Specs) | is.null(Specs))
                    Specs <- list(alpha.star=NA)
               else {
                         stop("The Specs argument is not a list.",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    if(!all(c("alpha.star") %in% names(Specs)))
                         stop("The Specs argument is incorrect",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    Specs[["alpha.star"]] <- abs(as.vector(Specs[["alpha.star"]])[1])
                    if(Specs[["alpha.star"]] <= 0 | Specs[["alpha.star"]] >= 1) {
                         cat("\nalpha.star not in (0,1), set to 0.44.\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         alpha.star <- 0.44}}
          else if(Algorithm == "DEMC") {
               Algorithm <- "Differential Evolution Markov Chain"
                    stop("The Specs argument is required.", file=LogFile,
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("Nc","Z","gamma","w") %in% names(Specs)))
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
               Specs[["Nc"]] <- max(abs(round(Specs[["Nc"]])), 3)
               if(!is.null(Specs[["Z"]])) {
                    if(is.matrix(Specs[["Z"]])) {
                         if(ncol(Specs[["Z"]]) != length(Initial.Values))
                              stop("Z has the wrong number of columns.",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         if(nrow(Specs[["Z"]]) != (floor(Iterations/Thinning)+1)) {
                              Z.temp <- Specs[["Z"]][nrow(Specs[["Z"]]),]
                              if(nrow(Specs[["Z"]]) < (floor(Iterations/Thinning)+1)) {
                                   Specs[["Z"]] <- rbind(Specs[["Z"]],
                              else if(nrow(Specs[["Z"]]) > (floor(Iterations/Thinning)+1))
                                   Specs[["Z"]] <- Specs[["Z"]][1:(floor(Iterations/Thinning)+1),]
                              Specs[["Z"]][1,] <- Z.temp
                         Specs[["Z"]] <- array(Specs[["Z"]], dim=c(floor(Iterations/Thinning)+1,
                              length(Initial.Values), Specs[["Nc"]]))}
                    if(dim(Specs[["Z"]])[1] != floor(Iterations/Thinning)+1)
                         stop("The first dimension of Z is incorrect.",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    if(dim(Specs[["Z"]])[2] != length(Initial.Values))
                         stop("The second dimension of Z is incorrect.",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    if(dim(Specs[["Z"]])[3] != Specs[["Nc"]])
                         stop("The third dimension of Z is incorrect.",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Specs[["gamma"]] <- 2.381204 /
               else Specs[["gamma"]] <- abs(Specs[["gamma"]])
               Specs[["w"]] <- interval(Specs[["w"]], 0, 1)
          else if(Algorithm == "DRAM") {
               Algorithm <- "Delayed Rejection Adaptive Metropolis"
               if(missing(Specs) | is.null(Specs))
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("Adaptive","Periodicity") %in% names(Specs)))
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
          else if(Algorithm == "DRM") {
               Algorithm <- "Delayed Rejection Metropolis"
               Specs <- NULL
          else if(Algorithm == "ESS") {
               Algorithm <- "Elliptical Slice Sampler"
               if(missing(Specs) | is.null(Specs))
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("B") %in% names(Specs)))
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
               if(is.null(Specs[["B"]])) Specs[["B"]] <- list()
          else if(Algorithm == "Experimental") {
          else if(Algorithm == "GG") {
               Algorithm <- "Griddy-Gibbs"
                    stop("The Specs argument is required.", file=LogFile,
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("Grid","dparm","CPUs","Packages","Dyn.libs") %in%
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
               if(is.list(Specs[["Grid"]])) {
                    if(length(Specs[["Grid"]]) != length(Initial.Values)) {
                         Specs[["Grid"]] <- list(NULL)
                         for (i in 1:length(Initial.Values))
                              Specs[["Grid"]][[i]] <- seq(from=-0.1, to=0.1, len=5)
                         cat("\nGrid was misspecified and changed to default.\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               else {
                    temp <- as.vector(Specs[["Grid"]])
                    Specs[["Grid"]] <- list(NULL)
                    for (i in 1:length(Initial.Values))
                         Specs[["Grid"]][[i]] <- temp}
               if(!is.null(Specs[["dparm"]])) {
                    Specs[["dparm"]] <- unique(interval(round(Specs[["dparm"]]), 1,
                    Specs[["dparm"]] <- Specs[["dparm"]][order(Specs[["dparm"]])]}
               else Specs[["dparm"]] <- 0
               Specs[["CPUs"]] <- max(1, abs(round(Specs[["CPUs"]])))
          else if(Algorithm == "Gibbs") {
               Algorithm <- "Gibbs Sampler"
               if(missing(Specs) | is.null(Specs)) {
                    cat("\nSpecs missing or null, Algorithm changed to MWG.\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)                         
                    Algorithm == "MWG"
                    Specs <- NULL
               else {
                         stop("The Specs argument is not a list.",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    if(!all(c("FC","MWG") %in% names(Specs)))
                         stop("The Specs argument is incorrect",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         stop("FC must be a function.", file=LogFile,
                    FCtest <- try(Specs[["FC"]](Initial.Values, Data),
                    if(inherits(FCtest, "try-error"))
                         stop("Error in FC.", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         stop("FC must return a vector.", file=LogFile,
                    if(length(FCtest) != length(Initial.Values))
                         stop("Length of parameters to/from FC differs.",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    if(!is.null(Specs[["MWG"]]) &
                         !is.vector(Specs[["MWG"]]) &
                         stop("MWG must be a numeric vector.",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}               
          else if(Algorithm == "HARM") {
               Algorithm <- "Hit-And-Run Metropolis"
               if(missing(Specs) | is.null(Specs))
                    Specs <- list(alpha.star=NA, B=NULL)
               else {
                         stop("The Specs argument is not a list.",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    if(!all(c("alpha.star","B") %in% names(Specs)))
                         stop("The Specs argument is incorrect",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    Specs[["alpha.star"]] <- abs(as.vector(Specs[["alpha.star"]])[1])
                    if(Specs[["alpha.star"]] <= 0 | Specs[["alpha.star"]] >= 1) {
                         cat("\nalpha.star not in (0,1), set to 0.234.\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         alpha.star <- 0.234}
                    if(is.na(Specs[["alpha.star"]]) & !is.null(Specs[["B"]]))
                         alpha.star <- 0.234}
               if(is.null(Specs[["B"]])) Specs[["B"]] <- list()
          else if(Algorithm == "HMC") {
               Algorithm <- "Hamiltonian Monte Carlo"
               if(missing(Specs) | is.null(Specs))
                         length(Initial.Values)), L=2, m=rep(1,
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("epsilon","L","m") %in% names(Specs)))
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
               Specs[["epsilon"]] <- abs(Specs[["epsilon"]])
               if(length(Specs[["epsilon"]]) != length(Initial.Values)) {
                    Specs[["epsilon"]] <- rep(Specs[["epsilon"]][1],
               Specs[["L"]] <- abs(round(Specs[["L"]]))
               if(Specs[["L"]] < 1) {
                    cat("\nL has been increased to its minimum: 1.\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    L <- 1}
                    Specs[["m"]] <- diag(length(Initial.Values))
          else if(Algorithm == "HMCDA") {
               Algorithm <- "Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with Dual-Averaging"
                    stop("The Specs argument is required.", file=LogFile,
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("A","delta","epsilon","Lmax","lambda") %in%
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
               Specs[["A"]] <- min(round(abs(Specs[["A"]])), Iterations)
               Specs[["delta"]] <- max(min(abs(Specs[["delta"]]), 1),
                    Specs[["epsilon"]] <- abs(Specs[["epsilon"]][1])
               Specs[["Lmax"]] <- abs(round(Specs[["Lmax"]]))
               Specs[["lambda"]] <- abs(Specs[["lambda"]])
                    if(Specs[["lambda"]] < Specs[["epsilon"]])
                         Specs[["lambda"]] <- Specs[["epsilon"]]
          else if(Algorithm == "IM") {
               Algorithm <- "Independence Metropolis"
                    stop("The Specs argument is required.", file=LogFile,
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("mu") %in% names(Specs)))
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
               Specs[["mu"]] <- as.vector(Specs[["mu"]])
               if(length(Specs[["mu"]]) != length(Initial.Values))
                    stop("length(mu) != length(Initial.Values).",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          else if(Algorithm == "INCA") {
               Algorithm <- "Interchain Adaptation"
               if(missing(Specs) | is.null(Specs))
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("Adaptive","Periodicity") %in% names(Specs)))
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
          else if(Algorithm == "MALA") {
               Algorithm <- "Metropolis-Adjusted Langevin Algorithm"
               if(missing(Specs) | is.null(Specs))
                    Specs=list(A=1e7, alpha.star=0.574, delta=1,
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("A","alpha.star","gamma","delta","epsilon") %in%
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
               Specs[["A"]] <- abs(Specs[["A"]][1])
               Specs[["gamma"]] <- min(max(Specs[["gamma"]][1], 0),
               Specs[["delta"]] <- min(max(Specs[["delta"]][1], 1e-10),
               Specs[["epsilon"]] <- abs(Specs[["epsilon"]][1:2])
          else if(Algorithm == "MCMCMC") {
               Algorithm <- "Metropolis-Coupled Markov Chain Monte Carlo"
               if(missing(Specs) | is.null(Specs))
                    Specs <- list(lambda=1, CPUs=1, Packages=NULL,
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("lambda","CPUs","Packages","Dyn.libs") %in%
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
               Specs[["lambda"]] <- abs(Specs[["lambda"]])
               if(Specs[["CPUs"]] <= 1)
                    cat("\nCPUs must be at least 2. Attempting 2 CPUs...\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               Specs[["CPUs"]] <- max(2, abs(round(Specs[["CPUs"]])))
          else if(Algorithm == "MTM") {
               Algorithm <- "Multiple-Try Metropolis"
               if(missing(Specs) | is.null(Specs))
                    Specs <- list(K=4, CPUs=1, Packages=NULL, Dyn.libs=NULL)
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("K","CPUs","Packages","Dyn.libs") %in%
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
               Specs[["K"]] <- abs(round(Specs[["K"]]))
               if(Specs[["CPUs"]] < 1)
                    cat("\nCPUs must be at least 1.\n", file=LogFile,
               Specs[["CPUs"]] <- max(1, abs(round(Specs[["CPUs"]])))
          else if(Algorithm == "MWG") {
               Algorithm <- "Metropolis-within-Gibbs"
               if(missing(Specs) | is.null(Specs))
                    Specs <- list(B=NULL)
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("B") %in% names(Specs)))
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
          else if(Algorithm == "NUTS") {
               Algorithm <- "No-U-Turn Sampler"
                    stop("The Specs argument is required.", file=LogFile,
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("A","delta","epsilon","Lmax") %in% names(Specs)))
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
               Specs[["A"]] <- max(min(round(abs(Specs[["A"]])),
               Specs[["delta"]] <- max(min(abs(Specs[["delta"]]),
                    1), 1/Iterations)
                    Specs[["epsilon"]] <- abs(Specs[["epsilon"]][1])
               Specs[["Lmax"]] <- round(abs(Specs[["Lmax"]]))
          else if(Algorithm == "OHSS") {
               Algorithm <- "Oblique Hyperrectangle Slice Sampler"
               if(missing(Specs) | is.null(Specs))
                    Specs <- list(A=Iterations+1, n=0)
               else {
                         stop("The Specs argument is not a list.",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    if(!all(c("A", "n") %in% names(Specs)))
                          stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.",
                               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    Specs[["A"]] <- round(abs(Specs[["A"]]))
                    Specs[["n"]] <- round(abs(Specs[["n"]]))}
          else if(Algorithm == "pCN") {
               Algorithm <- "Preconditioned Crank-Nicolson"
               if(missing(Specs) | is.null(Specs))
                    Specs <- list(beta=0.01)
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("beta") %in% names(Specs)))
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
               Specs[["beta"]] <- max(min(Specs[["beta"]], 1), 0)
          else if(Algorithm == "RAM") {
               Algorithm <- "Robust Adaptive Metropolis"
               if(missing(Specs) | is.null(Specs))
                    Specs=list(alpha.star=0.234, B=NULL, Dist="N",
                         gamma=0.66, n=0)
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("alpha.star","B","Dist","gamma","n") %in%
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
               Specs[["alpha.star"]] <- Specs[["alpha.star"]][1]
               if(Specs[["alpha.star"]] <= 0 ||
                    Specs[["alpha.star"]] >= 1) {
                    cat("\nalpha.star not in (0,1). Changed to 0.234.\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    Specs[["alpha.star"]] <- 0.234}
               if(!is.null(Specs[["B"]])) {
                    if(is.null(Covar)) {
                         Covar <- list(NULL)
                         for (b in 1:length(Specs[["B"]])) {
                              Covar[[b]] <- diag(length(Specs[["B"]][[b]]))}}}
               if(Specs[["Dist"]] != "t" & Specs[["Dist"]] != "N") {
                    cat("\nDist was not t or N, and changed to N.\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    Specs[["Dist"]] <- "N"}
               Specs[["gamma"]] <- Specs[["gamma"]][1]
               if(Specs[["gamma"]] <= 0.5 || Specs[["gamma"]] > 1) {
                    cat("\ngamma not in (0.5,1]. Changed to 0.66.\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    Specs[["gamma"]] <- 0.66}
               Specs[["n"]] <- abs(Specs[["n"]][1])
          else if(Algorithm == "RDMH") {
               Algorithm <- "Random Dive Metropolis-Hastings"
               Specs <- NULL
          else if(Algorithm == "Refractive") {
               Algorithm <- "Refractive Sampler"
               if(missing(Specs) | is.null(Specs))
                    Specs=list(Adaptive=1, m=2, w=0.1, r=1.3)
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("Adaptive","m","w","r") %in% names(Specs)))
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
               Specs[["m"]] <- abs(round(Specs[["m"]]))
               if(length(Specs[["m"]]) != 1)
                    Specs[["m"]] <- Specs[["m"]][1]
               if(Specs[["m"]] < 2) {
                    cat("\nm was misspecified, and is replaced with 2.\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    Specs[["m"]] <- 2}
               Specs[["w"]] <- abs(Specs[["w"]])
               if(length(Specs[["w"]]) != 1)
                    Specs[["w"]] <- Specs[["w"]][1]
               Specs[["r"]] <- abs(Specs[["r"]])
               if(length(Specs[["r"]]) != 1)
                    Specs[["r"]] <- Specs[["r"]][1]
          else if(Algorithm == "RJ") {
               Algorithm <- "Reversible-Jump"
                    stop("The Specs argument is required.", file=LogFile,
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("bin.n","bin.p","parm.p","selectable","selected") %in%
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
               Specs[["bin.n"]] <- round(Specs[["bin.n"]])
               if(Specs[["bin.n"]] > length(Initial.Values))
                    Specs[["bin.n"]] <- length(Initial.Values)
               if(Specs[["bin.n"]] < 1) Specs[["bin.n"]] <- 1
               if(Specs[["bin.p"]] < 0 | Specs[["bin.p"]] > 1) {
                    Specs[["bin.p"]] <- interval(Specs[["bin.p"]],
                         0, 1, reflect=FALSE)
                    cat("\nbin.p must be in [0,1]. It's now",
                         round(Specs[["bin.p"]],5), "\n", file=LogFile,
               Specs[["parm.p"]] <- as.vector(Specs[["parm.p"]])
               if(length(Specs[["parm.p"]]) != length(Initial.Values)) {
                    Specs[["parm.p"]] <- rep(Specs[["parm.p"]][1],
                    cat("\nparm.p now has the correct length, all equal to parm.p[1].\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               Specs[["selectable"]] <- as.vector(Specs[["selectable"]])
               if(length(Specs[["selectable"]]) != length(Initial.Values)) {
                    Specs[["selectable"]] <- rep(1, length(Initial.Values))
                    cat("\nselectable now has the correct length, all set to 1.\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               Specs[["selected"]] <- as.vector(Specs[["selected"]])
               if(length(Specs[["selected"]]) != length(Initial.Values)) {
                    Specs[["selected"]] <- rep(1, length(Initial.Values))
                    cat("\nselected now has the correct length, all set to 1.\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
          else if(Algorithm == "RSS") {
               Algorithm <- "Reflective Slice Sampler"
                    stop("The Specs argument is required.", file=LogFile,
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("m","w") %in% names(Specs)))
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
               Specs[["m"]] <- abs(round(Specs[["m"]]))
               if(length(Specs[["m"]]) != 1)
                    Specs[["m"]] <- Specs[["m"]][1]
               if(Specs[["m"]] < 1) {
                    cat("\nm was misspecified, and is replaced with 1.\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    Specs[["m"]] <- 1}
               Specs[["w"]] <- abs(Specs[["w"]])
               if(length(Specs[["w"]]) != length(Initial.Values))
                    Specs[["w"]] <- rep(Specs[["w"]],
               if(any(Specs[["w"]] <= 0)) {
                    cat("\nw was misspecified, and is replaced with 1.\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    Specs[["w"]][which(Specs[["w"]] <= 0)] <- 1}
          else if(Algorithm == "RWM") {
               Algorithm <- "Random-Walk Metropolis"
               if(missing(Specs) | is.null(Specs))
                    Specs <- list(B=list())
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("B") %in% names(Specs)))
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
          else if(Algorithm == "SAMWG") {
               Algorithm <- "Sequential Adaptive Metropolis-within-Gibbs"
                    stop("The Specs argument is required.", file=LogFile,
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("Dyn","Periodicity") %in% names(Specs)))
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
                    Specs[["Dyn"]] <- as.matrix(Specs[["Dyn"]])
          else if(Algorithm == "SGLD") {
               Algorithm <- "Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics"
                    stop("The Specs argument is required.", file=LogFile,
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("epsilon","file","Nr","Nc","size") %in% names(Specs)))
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
               Specs[["Nr"]]  <- abs(round(Specs[["Nr"]]))
               Specs[["Nc"]] <- abs(round(Specs[["Nc"]]))
               Specs[["size"]] <- abs(round(Specs[["size"]]))
               if(Specs[["size"]] >= Specs[["Nr"]])
                    stop("size must be less than nr.")
                    Specs[["epsilon"]] <- 1 / Specs[["Nr"]]
               if(length(Specs[["epsilon"]]) == 1)
                    Specs[["epsilon"]] <- rep(Specs[["epsilon"]],
               if(length(Specs[["epsilon"]]) > Iterations)
                    Specs[["epsilon"]] <- Specs[["epsilon"]][1:Iterations]
          else if(Algorithm == "Slice") {
               Algorithm <- "Slice Sampler"
               if(missing(Specs) | is.null(Specs))
                    Specs <- list(B=NULL, Bounds=c(-Inf,Inf), m=Inf,
                         Type="Continuous", w=1)
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("B","Bounds","m","Type","w") %in% names(Specs)))
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
               if(is.null(Specs[["B"]])) {
                    B <- list()
                    B[[1]] <- 1:length(Initial.Values)
                    Bounds <- list()
                    Bounds[[1]] <- Specs[["Bounds"]]
                    m <- list()
                    m[[1]] <- Specs[["m"]]
                    Type <- list()
                    Type[[1]] <- Specs[["Type"]]
                    w <- list()
                    w[[1]] <- Specs[["w"]]
                    Specs[["B"]] <- B
                    Specs[["Bounds"]] <- Bounds
                    Specs[["m"]] <- m
                    Specs[["Type"]] <- Type
                    Specs[["w"]] <- w}
                    stop("B must be a list.", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               if(!is.list(Specs[["Bounds"]])) {
                    Bounds <- list()
                    for (i in 1:length(Initial.Values))
                         Bounds[[i]] <- Specs[["Bounds"]]
                    Specs[["Bounds"]] <- Bounds}
               if(!is.list(Specs[["m"]])) {
                    Specs[["m"]] <- abs(Specs[["m"]][1])
                    m <- list()
                    for (i in 1:length(Initial.Values))
                         m[[i]] <- Specs[["m"]]
                    Specs[["m"]] <- m}
               if(!is.list(Specs[["Type"]])) {
                    Specs[["Type"]] <- Specs[["Type"]][1]
                    if(!Specs[["Type"]] %in% c("Continuous", "Nominal",
                         Specs[["Type"]] <- "Continuous"
                    Type <- list()
                    for (i in 1:length(Initial.Values))
                         Type[[i]] <- Specs[["Type"]]
                    Specs[["Type"]] <- Type}
               if(!is.list(Specs[["w"]])) {
                    Specs[["w"]] <- abs(Specs[["w"]][1])
                    w <- list()
                    for (i in 1:length(Initial.Values))
                         w[[i]] <- Specs[["w"]]
                    Specs[["w"]] <- w}
          else if(Algorithm == "SMWG") {
               Algorithm <- "Sequential Metropolis-within-Gibbs"
                    stop("The Specs argument is required.", file=LogFile,
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("Dyn") %in% names(Specs)))
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
                    Specs[["Dyn"]] <- as.matrix(Specs[["Dyn"]])
          else if(Algorithm == "THMC") {
               Algorithm <- "Tempered Hamiltonian Monte Carlo"
                    stop("The Specs argument is required.", file=LogFile,
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("epsilon","L","m", "Temperature") %in%
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
               Specs[["epsilon"]] <- as.vector(abs(Specs[["epsilon"]]))
               if(length(Specs[["epsilon"]]) != length(Initial.Values)) {
                    cat("\nLength of epsilon is incorrect.\n", file=LogFile,
                    Specs[["epsilon"]] <- rep(Specs[["epsilon"]][1],
               Specs[["L"]] <- abs(round(Specs[["L"]]))
               if(Specs[["L"]] < 2) {
                    cat("\nL has been increased to its minimum: 2.\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    Specs[["L"]] <- 2}
                    Specs[["m"]] <- diag(length(Initial.Values))
               if(Specs[["Temperature"]] <= 0) {
                    cat("\nTemperature is incorrect, changed to 1.\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    Specs[["Temperature"]] <- 1}
          else if(Algorithm == "twalk") {
               Algorithm <- "t-walk"
               if(missing(Specs) | is.null(Specs))
                    Specs=list(SIV=NULL, n1=4, at=6, aw=1.5)
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("SIV","n1","at","aw") %in% names(Specs)))
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
               if(is.null(Specs[["SIV"]])) {
                    cat("\nGenerating SIV...\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         Specs[["SIV"]] <- GIV(Model, Data, PGF=TRUE)
                    else Specs[["SIV"]] <- GIV(Model, Data)}
                    length(Initial.Values))) {
                    cat("\nGenerating SIV due to length mismatch.\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         Specs[["SIV"]] <- GIV(Model, Data, PGF=TRUE)
                    else Specs[["SIV"]] <- GIV(Model, Data)}
               Mo2 <- Model(Specs[["SIV"]], Data)
                    stop("SIV results in a non-finite posterior.",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    stop("SIV results in a non-finite deviance.",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               Specs[["SIV"]] <- Mo2[["parm"]]
               if(Specs[["n1"]] < 1) {
                    cat("\nn1 must be at least 1. Changed to 4.\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    Specs[["n1"]] <- 4}
               if(Specs[["at"]] <= 0) {
                    cat("\nat must be positive. Changed to 6.\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    Specs[["at"]] <- 6}
               if(Specs[["aw"]] <= 0) {
                    cat("\naw must be positive. Changed to 1.5.\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    Specs[["aw"]] <- 1.5}
          else if(Algorithm == "UESS") {
               Algorithm = "Univariate Eigenvector Slice Sampler"
               if(missing(Specs) | is.null(Specs))
                    Specs=list(A=Inf, B=NULL, m=100, n=0)
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("A","B","m","n") %in% names(Specs)))
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
               Specs[["A"]] <- abs(round(Specs[["A"]]))
               if(!is.null(Specs[["B"]])) {
                    if(is.null(Covar)) {
                         Covar <- list(NULL)
                         for (b in 1:length(Specs[["B"]])) {
                              Covar[[b]] <- diag(length(Specs[["B"]][[b]]))}}}
               Specs[["m"]] <- abs(round(Specs[["m"]]))
               Specs[["n"]] <- abs(round(Specs[["n"]]))
          else if(Algorithm == "USAMWG") {
               Algorithm <- "Updating Sequential Adaptive Metropolis-within-Gibbs"
                    stop("The Specs argument is required.", file=LogFile,
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("Dyn","Periodicity","Fit","Begin") %in% names(Specs)))
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
                    Specs[["Dyn"]] <- as.matrix(Specs[["Dyn"]])
          else if(Algorithm == "USMWG") {
               Algorithm <- "Updating Sequential Metropolis-within-Gibbs"
                    stop("The Specs argument is required.", file=LogFile,
                    stop("The Specs argument is not a list.", file=LogFile,
               if(!all(c("Dyn","Fit","Begin") %in% names(Specs)))
                    stop("The Specs argument is incorrect.", file=LogFile,
                    Specs[["Dyn"]] <- as.matrix(Specs[["Dyn"]])
     else {cat("Unknown algorithm has been changed to Metropolis-within-Gibbs.\n",
                file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          Algorithm <- "Metropolis-within-Gibbs"
          Specs <- NULL}
     if(!is.null(Specs[["Adaptive"]])) {
          Specs[["Adaptive"]] <- abs(Specs[["Adaptive"]])
          if({Specs[["Adaptive"]] < 1} |
               {Specs[["Adaptive"]] > Iterations})
               Specs[["Adaptive"]] <- Iterations + 1}
     if(!is.null(Specs[["B"]])) {
          if(length(Specs[["B"]]) > 0) {
                    stop("Non-finite values in specification B.",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    stop("Specification B must have only positive integers.",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    stop("Non-integer values in specification B.",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}}
     if(!is.null(Specs[["Periodicity"]])) {
          Specs[["Periodicity"]] <- abs(Specs[["Periodicity"]])
          if({Specs[["Periodicity"]] < 1} |
               {Specs[["Periodicity"]] > Iterations})
               Specs[["Periodicity"]] <- Iterations + 1}
     Mo0 <- Model(Initial.Values, Data)
          stop("Model must return a list.", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
     if(length(Mo0) != 5)
          stop("Model must return five components.", file=LogFile,
     if(any(names(Mo0) != c("LP","Dev","Monitor","yhat","parm")))
          stop("Name mismatch in returned list of Model function.",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
     if(length(Mo0[["LP"]]) > 1)
          stop("Multiple joint posteriors exist!", file=LogFile,
     if(!identical(length(Mo0[["Monitor"]]), length(Data[["mon.names"]])))
          stop("Length of mon.names differs from length of monitors.",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
     as.character.function <- function(x, ... )
          fname <- deparse(substitute(x))
          f <- match.fun(x)
          out <- c(sprintf('"%s" <- ', fname), capture.output(f))
          if(grepl("^[<]", tail(out, 1))) out <- head(out, -1)
     acount <- length(grep("apply", as.character.function(Model)))
     if(acount > 0) {
          cat("Suggestion:", acount, "possible instance(s) of apply functions\n",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          cat("     were found in the Model specification. Iteration speed will\n",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          cat("     increase if apply functions are vectorized in R or coded\n",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          cat("     in a faster language such as C++ via the Rcpp package.\n",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
     acount <- length(grep("for", as.character.function(Model)))
     if(acount > 0) {
          cat("Suggestion:", acount, "possible instance(s) of for loops\n",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          cat("     were found in the Model specification. Iteration speed will\n",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          cat("     increase if for loops are vectorized in R or coded in a\n",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          cat("     faster language such as C++ via the Rcpp package.\n",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
     if(!identical(Model(Mo0[["parm"]], Data)[["LP"]], Mo0[["LP"]])) {
          cat("WARNING: LP differs when initial values are held constant.\n",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          cat("     Derivatives may be problematic if used.\n",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
     #########################  Initial Settings  #########################
     Acceptance <- 0
     if(!is.finite(Mo0[["LP"]])) {
          cat("Generating initial values due to a non-finite posterior.\n",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               Initial.Values <- GIV(Model, Data, PGF=TRUE)
          else Initial.Values <- GIV(Model, Data)
          Mo0 <- Model(Initial.Values, Data)
          stop("The posterior is infinite!", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          stop("The posterior is not a number!", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          stop("The deviance is a missing value!", file=LogFile,
          stop("The deviance is infinite!", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          stop("The deviance is not a number!", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          stop("Monitored variable(s) have a missing value!",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          stop("Monitored variable(s) have an infinite value!",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          stop("Monitored variable(s) include a value that is not a number!",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
     if(Algorithm == "t-walk") {
          Mo0 <- Model(Initial.Values, Data)
          if(any(Mo0[["parm"]] == Specs[["SIV"]]))
              stop("Initial.Values and SIV not unique after model update.",
                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
     ######################  Laplace Approximation  #######################
     ### Sample Size of Data
     if(!is.null(Data[["n"]])) if(length(Data[["n"]]) == 1) N <- Data[["n"]]
     if(!is.null(Data[["N"]])) if(length(Data[["N"]]) == 1) N <- Data[["N"]]
     if(!is.null(Data[["y"]])) N <- nrow(matrix(Data[["y"]]))
     if(!is.null(Data[["Y"]])) N <- nrow(matrix(Data[["Y"]]))
          stop("Sample size of Data not found in n, N, y, or Y.",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
     if({all(Initial.Values == 0)} & {N >= 5*length(Initial.Values)}) {
          cat("\nLaplace Approximation will be used on initial values.\n",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          LIV <- length(Initial.Values)
          Fit.LA <- LaplaceApproximation(Model, Initial.Values, Data,
               Method="SPG", CovEst="Identity", sir=FALSE)
          Covar <- 2.381204 * 2.381204 / length(Initial.Values) *
          Initial.Values <- Fit.LA$Summary1[1:length(Initial.Values),1]
          cat("The covariance matrix from Laplace Approximation has been scaled\n",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          cat("for Laplace's Demon, and the posterior modes are now the initial\n",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          cat("values for Laplace's Demon.\n\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
     #########################  Prepare for MCMC  #########################
     Mo0 <- Model(Initial.Values, Data)
     Dev <- matrix(Mo0[["Dev"]], floor(Iterations/Thinning)+1, 1)
     Mon <- matrix(Mo0[["Monitor"]], floor(Iterations/Thinning)+1,
          length(Mo0[["Monitor"]]), byrow=TRUE)
     LIV <- length(Initial.Values)
     thinned <- matrix(Initial.Values, floor(Iterations/Thinning)+1,
          length(Initial.Values), byrow=TRUE)
     ScaleF <- 2.381204 * 2.381204 / LIV
     if(Algorithm %in% c("Adaptive Metropolis",
          "Adaptive-Mixture Metropolis",
          "Delayed Rejection Adaptive Metropolis",
          "Delayed Rejection Metropolis", "Interchain Adaptation",
          "Metropolis-Coupled Markov Chain Monte Carlo",
          "Random-Walk Metropolis")) {
          ### Algorithms that require both VarCov and tuning
          if(is.list(Covar) & Algorithm != "Adaptive-Mixture Metropolis" &
               Algorithm != "Random-Walk Metropolis") {
               Covar <- NULL}
          else if(is.matrix(Covar) & !is.list(Covar)) {
               diag(Covar)[which(diag(Covar) < 1e-100)] <- 1e-100
               tuning <- sqrt(diag(Covar))
               VarCov <- Covar
          else if(is.vector(Covar) & !is.list(Covar)) {
               tuning <- abs(as.vector(Covar))
               if(length(tuning) != LIV) tuning <- rep(ScaleF, LIV)
               tuning[which(tuning < 1e-100)] <- 1e-100
               VarCov <- matrix(0, LIV, LIV)
               diag(VarCov) <- tuning
          else if(is.null(Covar)) {
               tuning <- rep(ScaleF, LIV)
               VarCov <- matrix(0, LIV, LIV)
               diag(VarCov) <- tuning
          else if(is.list(Covar)) {
               tuning <- Covar
               for (i in 1:length(tuning)) {
                    tuning[[i]] <- sqrt(diag(tuning[[i]]))}
               VarCov <- Covar}
          if(is.matrix(VarCov) & !is.list(VarCov)) {
               DiagCovar <- matrix(diag(VarCov), 1, LIV)}
          else if(is.list(VarCov)) {
               DiagCovar <- matrix(1, 1, LIV)
               for (b in 1:length(Specs[["B"]])) {
                    DiagCovar[Specs[["B"]][[b]]] <- diag(VarCov[[b]])}}
     else if(Algorithm %in% c("Adaptive Directional Metropolis-within-Gibbs",
          "Automated Factor Slice Sampler",
          "Elliptical Slice Sampler",
          "Independence Metropolis",
          "Metropolis-Adjusted Langevin Algorithm",
          "Oblique Hyperrectangle Slice Sampler",
          "Preconditioned Crank-Nicolson",
          "Robust Adaptive Metropolis",
          "Univariate Eigenvector Slice Sampler")) {
          ### Algorithms that require VarCov, but not tuning
          if(is.list(Covar)) VarCov <- Covar
          else if(is.matrix(Covar) & !is.list(Covar)) VarCov <- Covar
          else if(is.vector(Covar) & !is.list(Covar)) {
               VarCov <- matrix(0, LIV, LIV)
               diag(VarCov) <- abs(as.vector(Covar))
               diag(VarCov)[which(diag(VarCov) < 1e-100)] <- 1e-100
          else if(is.null(Covar)) {
               VarCov <- matrix(0, LIV, LIV)
               diag(VarCov) <- rep(ScaleF, LIV)
          else if(is.list(Covar)) VarCov <- Covar
          if(is.matrix(VarCov) & !is.list(VarCov))
               DiagCovar <- matrix(diag(VarCov), 1, LIV)
          else if(is.list(VarCov)) {
               DiagCovar <- matrix(1, 1, LIV)
               for (b in 1:length(Specs[["B"]])) {
                    DiagCovar[Specs[["B"]][[b]]] <- diag(VarCov[[b]])}}
     else if(Algorithm %in% c("Adaptive Griddy-Gibbs",
          "Adaptive Metropolis-within-Gibbs",
          "Gibbs Sampler",
          "Multiple-Try Metropolis",
          "Sequential Adaptive Metropolis-within-Gibbs",
          "Sequential Metropolis-within-Gibbs",
          "Updating Sequential Adaptive Metropolis-within-Gibbs",
          "Updating Sequential Metropolis-within-Gibbs")) {
          ### Algorithms that do not require VarCov, but require tuning
          if(is.list(Covar)) Covar <- NULL
          else if(is.matrix(Covar) & !is.list(Covar)) {
               tuning <- sqrt(diag(Covar))
               tuning[which(tuning < 1e-100)] <- 1e-100
          else if(is.vector(Covar) & !is.list(Covar)) {
               tuning <- abs(as.vector(Covar))
               if(length(tuning) != length(Initial.Values))
                    tuning <- rep(ScaleF, LIV)
               tuning[which(tuning < 1e-100)] <- 1e-100
          else if(is.null(Covar)) {
               tuning <- rep(ScaleF, LIV)}
          VarCov <- NULL
          DiagCovar <- matrix(tuning, 1, LIV)
     else {
          ### Algorithms that do not require VarCov or tuning
          VarCov <- NULL
          DiagCovar <- matrix(1, 1, LIV)
     ############################  Begin MCMC  ############################
     cat("Algorithm:", Algorithm, "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
     cat("\nLaplace's Demon is beginning to update...\n", file=LogFile,
     if(Algorithm == "Adaptive Directional Metropolis-within-Gibbs") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcadmg(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, VarCov, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Adaptive Griddy-Gibbs") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcagg(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, tuning, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Adaptive Hamiltonian Monte Carlo") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcahmc(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Affine-Invariant Ensemble Sampler") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcaies(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Adaptive Metropolis") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcam(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, tuning, VarCov, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Adaptive-Mixture Metropolis" & !is.list(VarCov)) {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcamm(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, tuning, VarCov, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Adaptive-Mixture Metropolis" & is.list(VarCov)) {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcamm.b(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, tuning, VarCov, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Adaptive Metropolis-within-Gibbs") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcamwg(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, tuning, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Automated Factor Slice Sampler") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcafss(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, VarCov, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Componentwise Hit-And-Run Metropolis") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmccharm(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Delayed Rejection Adaptive Metropolis") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcdram(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, tuning, VarCov, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Delayed Rejection Metropolis") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcdrm(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, tuning, VarCov, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Differential Evolution Markov Chain") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcdemc(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Elliptical Slice Sampler") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcess(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, VarCov, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Experimental") {
#          mcmc.out <- .mcmcexperimental(Model, Data, Iterations, Status,
#               Thinning, Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0,
#               ScaleF, thinned, Debug, LogFile)}
          stop("Experimental function not found.", file=LogFile,
     else if(Algorithm == "Gibbs Sampler") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcgibbs(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, tuning, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Griddy-Gibbs") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcgg(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Hamiltonian Monte Carlo") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmchmc(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, VarCov, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with Dual-Averaging") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmchmcda(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Hit-And-Run Metropolis") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcharm(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Independence Metropolis") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcim(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, VarCov, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Interchain Adaptation") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcinca(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, tuning, VarCov, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Metropolis-Adjusted Langevin Algorithm") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcmala(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, VarCov, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Metropolis-Coupled Markov Chain Monte Carlo") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcmcmcmc(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, tuning, VarCov, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Multiple-Try Metropolis") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcmtm(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, thinned,
               tuning, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Metropolis-within-Gibbs") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcmwg(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, tuning, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "No-U-Turn Sampler") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcnuts(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Oblique Hyperrectangle Slice Sampler") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcohss(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, VarCov, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Preconditioned Crank-Nicolson") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcpcn(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, VarCov, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Random Dive Metropolis-Hastings") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcrdmh(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Random-Walk Metropolis") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcrwm(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, tuning, VarCov, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Refractive Sampler") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcrefractive(Model, Data, Iterations, Status,
               Thinning, Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0,
               thinned, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Reflective Slice Sampler") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcrss(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, thinned,
               Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Reversible-Jump") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcrj(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Robust Adaptive Metropolis") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcram(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, VarCov, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Sequential Adaptive Metropolis-within-Gibbs") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcsamwg(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, tuning, parm.names=Data[["parm.names"]], Debug,
     else if(Algorithm == "Sequential Metropolis-within-Gibbs") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcsmwg(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, tuning, parm.names=Data[["parm.names"]], Debug,
     else if(Algorithm == "Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcsgld(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Slice Sampler") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcslice(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Tempered Hamiltonian Monte Carlo") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcthmc(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "t-walk") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmctwalk(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Univariate Eigenvector Slice Sampler") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcuess(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, VarCov, Debug, LogFile)}
     else if(Algorithm == "Updating Sequential Adaptive Metropolis-within-Gibbs") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcusamwg(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, tuning, parm.names=Data[["parm.names"]], Debug,
     else if(Algorithm == "Updating Sequential Metropolis-within-Gibbs") {
          mcmc.out <- .mcmcusmwg(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
               Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF,
               thinned, tuning, parm.names=Data[["parm.names"]], Debug,
     else stop("The algorithm is unrecognized.", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
     #########################  MCMC is Finished  #########################
     Acceptance <- mcmc.out$Acceptance
     Dev <- mcmc.out$Dev
     DiagCovar <- mcmc.out$DiagCovar
     Mon <- mcmc.out$Mon
     thinned <- mcmc.out$thinned
     VarCov <- mcmc.out$VarCov
     rownames(DiagCovar) <- NULL
     colnames(DiagCovar) <- Data[["parm.names"]]
     thinned <- matrix(thinned[-1,], nrow(thinned)-1, ncol(thinned))
     Dev <- matrix(Dev[-1,], nrow(Dev)-1, 1)
     Mon <- matrix(Mon[-1,], nrow(Mon)-1, ncol(Mon))
     if(is.matrix(VarCov) & !is.list(VarCov)) {
          colnames(VarCov) <- rownames(VarCov) <- Data[["parm.names"]]}
     else if(is.vector(VarCov) & !is.list(VarCov)) {
          names(VarCov) <- Data[["parm.names"]]}
     thinned.rows <- nrow(thinned)
     ### Warnings (After Updating)
     if(any(Acceptance == 0))
          cat("\nWARNING: All proposals were rejected.\n", file=LogFile,
     ### Real Values
     thinned[which(!is.finite(thinned))] <- 0
     Dev[which(!is.finite(Dev))] <- 0
     Mon[which(!is.finite(Mon))] <- 0
     ### Assess Stationarity
     cat("\nAssessing Stationarity\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
     if(thinned.rows %% 10 == 0) thinned2 <- thinned
     if(thinned.rows %% 10 != 0) thinned2 <- thinned[1:(10*trunc(thinned.rows/10)),]
     HD <- BMK.Diagnostic(thinned2, batches=10)
     Ind <- 1 * (HD > 0.5)
     BurnIn <- thinned.rows
     batch.list <- seq(from=1, to=nrow(thinned2), by=floor(nrow(thinned2)/10))
     for (i in 1:9) {
          if(sum(Ind[,i:9]) == 0) {
               BurnIn <- batch.list[i] - 1
     Stat.at <- BurnIn + 1
     rm(batch.list, HD, Ind, thinned2)
     ### Assess Thinning and ESS Size for all parameter samples
     cat("Assessing Thinning and ESS\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
     acf.rows <- trunc(10*log10(thinned.rows))
     acf.temp <- matrix(1, acf.rows, LIV)
     ESS1 <- Rec.Thin <- rep(1, LIV)
     for (j in 1:LIV) {
          temp0 <- acf(thinned[,j], lag.max=acf.rows, plot=FALSE)
          if(length(temp0$acf[-1,1,1]) == acf.rows)
               acf.temp[,j] <- abs(temp0$acf[-1,1,1])
          ESS1[j] <- ESS(thinned[,j])
          Rec.Thin[j] <- which(acf.temp[,j] <= 0.1)[1]*Thinning}
     Rec.Thin[which(is.na(Rec.Thin))] <- nrow(acf.temp)
     ESS3 <- ESS(Mon)
     ### Posterior Summary Table 1: All Thinned Samples
     cat("Creating Summaries\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
     Num.Mon <- ncol(Mon)
     Summ1 <- matrix(NA, LIV, 7, dimnames=list(Data[["parm.names"]],
     Summ1[,1] <- colMeans(thinned)
     Summ1[,2] <- sqrt(.colVars(thinned))
     Summ1[,3] <- 0
     Summ1[,4] <- ESS1
     Summ1[,5] <- apply(thinned, 2, quantile, c(0.025), na.rm=TRUE)
     Summ1[,6] <- apply(thinned, 2, quantile, c(0.500), na.rm=TRUE)
     Summ1[,7] <- apply(thinned, 2, quantile, c(0.975), na.rm=TRUE)
     for (i in 1:ncol(thinned)) {
          temp <- try(MCSE(thinned[,i]), silent=!Debug[["DB.MCSE"]])
          if(!inherits(temp, "try-error")) Summ1[i,3] <- temp
          else {
               if(Debug[["DB.MCSE"]] == TRUE)
                    cat("MCSE of", Data[["parm.names"]][i],
                         "failed in Summary1\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               Summ1[i,3] <- MCSE(thinned[,i], method="sample.variance")}}
     Deviance <- rep(NA,7)
     Deviance[1] <- mean(Dev)
     Deviance[2] <- sd(as.vector(Dev))
     temp <- try(MCSE(as.vector(Dev)), silent=!Debug[["DB.MCSE"]])
     if(inherits(temp, "try-error")) {
          if(Debug[["DB.MCSE"]] == TRUE)
               cat("MCSE of deviance failed in Summary1\n", file=LogFile,
          temp <- MCSE(as.vector(Dev), method="sample.variance")}
     Deviance[3] <- temp
     Deviance[4] <- ESS(Dev)
     Deviance[5] <- as.numeric(quantile(Dev, probs=0.025, na.rm=TRUE))
     Deviance[6] <- as.numeric(quantile(Dev, probs=0.500, na.rm=TRUE))
     Deviance[7] <- as.numeric(quantile(Dev, probs=0.975, na.rm=TRUE))
     Summ1 <- rbind(Summ1, Deviance)
     for (j in 1:Num.Mon) {
          Monitor <- rep(NA,7)
          Monitor[1] <- mean(Mon[,j])
          Monitor[2] <- sd(as.vector(Mon[,j]))
          temp <- try(MCSE(as.vector(Mon[,j])), silent=!Debug[["DB.MCSE"]])
          if(inherits(temp, "try-error")) {
               if(Debug[["DB.MCSE"]] == TRUE)
                    cat("MCSE of", Data[["mon.names"]][j],
                         "failed in Summary1\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               temp <- MCSE(Mon[,j], method="sample.variance")}
          Monitor[3] <- temp
          Monitor[4] <- ESS3[j]
          Monitor[5] <- as.numeric(quantile(Mon[,j], probs=0.025,
          Monitor[6] <- as.numeric(quantile(Mon[,j], probs=0.500,
          Monitor[7] <- as.numeric(quantile(Mon[,j], probs=0.975,
          Summ1 <- rbind(Summ1, Monitor)
          rownames(Summ1)[nrow(Summ1)] <- Data[["mon.names"]][j]}
     ### Posterior Summary Table 2: Stationary Samples
     Summ2 <- matrix(NA, LIV, 7, dimnames=list(Data[["parm.names"]],
     if(Stat.at < thinned.rows) {
          ESS6 <- ESS(Mon[Stat.at:thinned.rows,])
          thinned2 <- matrix(thinned[Stat.at:thinned.rows,],
               thinned.rows-Stat.at+1, ncol(thinned))
          Dev2 <- matrix(Dev[Stat.at:thinned.rows,],
               thinned.rows-Stat.at+1, ncol(Dev))
          Mon2 <- matrix(Mon[Stat.at:thinned.rows,],
               thinned.rows-Stat.at+1, ncol(Mon))
          Summ2[,1] <- colMeans(thinned2)
          Summ2[,2] <- sqrt(.colVars(thinned2))
          Summ2[,3] <- 0
          Summ2[,4] <- ESS(thinned[Stat.at:thinned.rows,])
          Summ2[,5] <- apply(thinned2, 2, quantile, c(0.025), na.rm=TRUE)
          Summ2[,6] <- apply(thinned2, 2, quantile, c(0.500), na.rm=TRUE)
          Summ2[,7] <- apply(thinned2, 2, quantile, c(0.975), na.rm=TRUE)
          for (i in 1:ncol(thinned2)) {
               temp <- try(MCSE(thinned2[,i]), silent=!Debug[["DB.MCSE"]])
               if(!inherits(temp, "try-error")) Summ2[i,3] <- temp
               else {
                    if(Debug[["DB.MCSE"]] == TRUE)
                         cat("MCSE of", Data[["parm.names"]][i],
                              "failed in Summary2\n", file=LogFile,
                    Summ2[i,3] <- MCSE(thinned2[,i],
          Deviance <- rep(NA,7)
          Deviance[1] <- mean(Dev2)
          Deviance[2] <- sd(as.vector(Dev2))
          temp <- try(MCSE(as.vector(Dev2)), silent=!Debug[["DB.MCSE"]])
          if(inherits(temp, "try-error")) {
               if(Debug[["DB.MCSE"]] == TRUE)
                    cat("MCSE of deviance failed in Summary2\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               temp <- MCSE(as.vector(Dev2), method="sample.variance")}
          Deviance[3] <- temp
          Deviance[4] <- ESS(Dev[Stat.at:thinned.rows,])
          Deviance[5] <- as.numeric(quantile(Dev2, probs=0.025,
          Deviance[6] <- as.numeric(quantile(Dev2, probs=0.500,
          Deviance[7] <- as.numeric(quantile(Dev2, probs=0.975,
          Summ2 <- rbind(Summ2, Deviance)
          for (j in 1:Num.Mon) {
               Monitor <- rep(NA,7)
               Monitor[1] <- mean(Mon2[,j])
               Monitor[2] <- sd(as.vector(Mon2[,j]))
               temp <- try(MCSE(as.vector(Mon2[,j])),
               if(inherits(temp, "try-error")) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.MCSE"]] == TRUE)
                         cat("MCSE of", Data[["mon.names"]][j],
                              "failed in Summary2\n", file=LogFile,
                    temp <- MCSE(Mon2[,j], method="sample.variance")}
               Monitor[3] <- temp
               Monitor[4] <- ESS6[j]
               Monitor[5] <- as.numeric(quantile(Mon2[,j],
                    probs=0.025, na.rm=TRUE))
               Monitor[6] <- as.numeric(quantile(Mon2[,j],
                    probs=0.500, na.rm=TRUE))
               Monitor[7] <- as.numeric(quantile(Mon2[,j],
                    probs=0.975, na.rm=TRUE))
               Summ2 <- rbind(Summ2, Monitor)
               rownames(Summ2)[nrow(Summ2)] <- Data[["mon.names"]][j]}
     ### Column names to samples
     if(identical(ncol(Mon), length(Data[["mon.names"]])))
          colnames(Mon) <- Data[["mon.names"]]
     if(identical(ncol(thinned), length(Data[["parm.names"]]))) {
          colnames(thinned) <- Data[["parm.names"]]}
     ### Logarithm of the Marginal Likelihood
     LML <- list(LML=NA, VarCov=NA)
     if(Algorithm %in% c("Adaptive Griddy-Gibbs",
          "Affine-Invariant Ensemble Sampler",
          "Automated Factor Slice Sampler",
          "Componentwise Hit-And-Run Metropolis",
          "Delayed Rejection Metropolis",
          "Elliptical Slice Sampler",
          "Gibbs Sampler",
          "Hamiltonian Monte Carlo",
          "Hit-And-Run Metropolis",
          "Independence Metropolis",
          "Metropolis-Adjusted Langevin Algorithm",
          "Metropolis-Coupled Markov Chain Monte Carlo",
          "Multiple-Try Metropolis",
          "No-U-Turn Sampler",
          "Oblique Hyperrectangle Slice Sampler",
          "Preconditioned Crank-Nicolson",
          "Random Dive Metropolis-Hastings",
          "Random-Walk Metropolis",
          "Reflective Slice Sampler",
          "Refractive Sampler",
          "Sequential Metropolis-within-Gibbs",
          "Slice Sampler",
          "Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics",
          "Tempered Hamiltonian Monte Carlo",
          "Univariate Eigenvector Slice Sampler") &
          {Stat.at < thinned.rows}) {
          cat("Estimating Log of the Marginal Likelihood\n", file=LogFile,
          LML <- LML(theta=thinned2, LL=as.vector(Dev2)*(-1/2),
     time2 <- proc.time()
     ### Compile Output
     cat("Creating Output\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
     LaplacesDemon.out <- list(Acceptance.Rate=round(Acceptance/Iterations,7),
               mean(as.vector(Dev)) + var(as.vector(Dev))/2),
          DIC2=if(Stat.at < thinned.rows) {
               mean(as.vector(Dev2)) +
               else rep(NA,3),
          Minutes=round(as.vector(time2[3] - time1[3]) / 60,2),
          Posterior2=if(Stat.at < thinned.rows) {
               else thinned[thinned.rows,],
          Rec.Thinning=min(1000, max(Rec.Thin)),
     class(LaplacesDemon.out) <- "demonoid"
     cat("\nLaplace's Demon has finished.\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
.mcmcadmg <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, VarCov,
     Debug, LogFile)
     n <- Specs[["n"]]
     Periodicity <- Specs[["Periodicity"]]
     Acceptance <- matrix(0, 1, LIV)
     AccRate <- rep(0, LIV)
     obs.sum <- matrix(Mo0[["parm"]]*n, LIV, 1)
     obs.scatter <- tcrossprod(Mo0[["parm"]])*n
     s <- svd(VarCov)
     U <- diag(s$u)
     tol <- LIV*max(s$d)*.Machine$double.eps
     problem <- any(s$d <= tol)
     DiagCovar <- matrix(diag(VarCov), floor(Iterations/Thinning)+1, LIV,
     for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
          ### Print Status
          if(iter %% Status == 0)
               cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                    ",   Proposal: Componentwise,   LP: ",
                    round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          ### Random-Scan Componentwise Estimation
          if(iter > 10) AccRate <- Acceptance / {iter - 1}
          if(problem == FALSE) lambda <- U*rnorm(LIV, 0,
               sqrt(0.01 + s$d*exp(2*s$d*(AccRate - 0.3))))
          else lambda <- rnorm(LIV, 0, sqrt(diag(VarCov)))
          for (j in sample.int(LIV)) {
               ### Propose new parameter values
               prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               prop[j] <- prop[j] + lambda[j]
               ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
               Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
               if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed for",
                              Data[["parm.names"]][j], ".\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                              "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                              "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0
               else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                    Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal for",
                              "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                              "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                              "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0
               else {
                    ### Accept/Reject
                    u <- log(runif(1)) < (Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]])
                    if(u == TRUE) {
                         Mo0 <- Mo1
                         Acceptance[j] <- Acceptance[j] + 1}}}
          ### Update Sample and Scatter Sum
          obs.sum <- obs.sum + Mo0[["parm"]]
          obs.scatter <- obs.scatter + tcrossprod(Mo0[["parm"]])
          ### Adaptation
          if(iter %% Periodicity == 0) {
               VarCov <- obs.scatter/{n + iter} -
                    tcrossprod(obs.sum/{n + iter})
               diag(VarCov) <- diag(VarCov) + 1e-05
               s <- svd(VarCov)
               U <- diag(s$u)
               tol <- LIV*max(s$d)*.Machine$double.eps
               problem <- any(s$d <= tol)}
          ### Save Thinned Samples
          if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
               t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
               thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
               Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]
               DiagCovar[t.iter,] <- diag(VarCov)}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=mean(as.vector(Acceptance)),
.mcmcafss <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, VarCov,
     Debug, LogFile)
     A <- Specs[["A"]]
     Block <- Specs[["B"]]
     m <- Specs[["m"]]
     n <- Specs[["n"]]
     w <- Specs[["w"]]
     B <- length(Block)
     targetRatio <- 0.5
     if(B == 0) {
          if(!is.symmetric.matrix(VarCov)) {
               cat("\nAsymmetric Covar, correcting now...\n", file=LogFile,
               VarCov <- as.symmetric.matrix(VarCov)}
          if(!is.positive.definite(VarCov)) {
               cat("\nNon-Positive-Definite Covar, correcting now...\n",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               VarCov <- as.positive.definite(VarCov)}
          decomp.freq <- max(LIV * floor(Iterations / Thinning / 100), 10)
          cat("\nEigendecomposition will occur every", decomp.freq,
               "iterations.\n\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          factors <- eigen(VarCov)$vectors
          obs.sum <- matrix(Mo0[["parm"]]*n, LIV, 1)
          obs.scatter <- tcrossprod(Mo0[["parm"]])*n
          DiagCovar <- matrix(w, floor(Iterations/Thinning)+1, LIV,
          nExpands <- nShrinks <- rep(0, LIV)
          IterPerAdapt <- 1
          nProposals <- 0
          for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
               ### Print Status
               if(iter %% Status == 0)
                    cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                         ",   Proposal: Multivariate,   LP: ",
                         round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               ### Random-Scan Componentwise Estimation
               for (j in sample.int(LIV)) {
                    y.slice <- Mo0[["LP"]] - rexp(1)
                    upper <- runif(1,0,w[j])
                    lower <- upper - w[j]
                    ### Step Out
                    count <- 0
                    while (count <= m[j]) {
                         Mo1 <- try(Model(Mo0[["parm"]] +
                              lower*factors[,j], Data),
                         if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                              if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                                   cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out the lower",
                                        "bound failed for",
                                        "in step", count+1, ".\n",
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              lower <- lower + w[j]
                         else if(!is.finite(Mo1[["LP"]])) {
                              if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                                   cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out the lower",
                                        "bound for", Data[["parm.names"]][j],
                                        "resulted in a non-finite LP",
                                        "in step", count+1, ".\n",
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              lower <- lower + w[j]
                         nExpands[j] <- nExpands[j] + 1
                         if(Mo1[["LP"]] <= y.slice) break
                         lower <- lower - w[j]
                         count <- count + 1
                    count <- 0
                    while (count <= m[j]) {
                         Mo1 <- try(Model(Mo0[["parm"]] +
                              upper*factors[,j], Data),
                         if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                              if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                                   cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out the upper",
                                        "bound failed for",
                                        "in step", count+1, ".\n",
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              upper <- upper - w[j]
                         else if(!is.finite(Mo1[["LP"]])) {
                              if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                                   cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out the upper",
                                        "bound for", Data[["parm.names"]][j],
                                        "resulted in a non-finite LP",
                                        "in step", count+1, ".\n",
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              upper <- upper - w[j]
                         nExpands[j] <- nExpands[j] + 1
                         if(Mo1[["LP"]] <= y.slice) break
                         upper <- upper + w[j]
                         count <- count + 1
                    ### Rejection Sampling
                    repeat {
                         lower <- -abs(min(lower, upper))
                         upper <- abs(max(lower, upper))
                         prop <- runif(1, lower, upper)
                         Mo1 <- try(Model(Mo0[["parm"]] + prop *
                              factors[,j], Data),
                         if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                              if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                                   cat("\nWARNING: Rejection sampling",
                                        "failed for",
                                        Data[["parm.names"]][j], "\n",
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              Mo1 <- Mo0
                         else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                              Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                              if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                                   cat("\nWARNING: Rejection sampling for",
                                        "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              Mo1 <- Mo0}
                         if(Mo1[["LP"]] >= y.slice) break
                         else if(abs(prop) < 1e-100) break
                         nShrinks[j] <- nShrinks[j] + 1
                         if(prop < 0) lower <- prop
                         else upper <- prop
                    Mo0 <- Mo1
               nProposals <- nProposals + 1
               obs.sum <- obs.sum + Mo0[["parm"]]
               obs.scatter <- obs.scatter + tcrossprod(Mo0[["parm"]])
               ### Adaptation
               if({iter <= A} & {A - iter >= decomp.freq}) {
                    ### Tune Interval Widths
                    if(nProposals %% IterPerAdapt == 0) {
                         denom <- nExpands + nShrinks
                         for (j in 1:LIV) {
                              if(denom[j] > 0) {
                                   ratio <- nExpands[j] / denom[j]
                                   if(ratio == 0) ratio <- 1 / denom[j]
                                   multiplier <- ratio / targetRatio
                                   w[j] <- w[j]*multiplier
                         nExpands <- nShrinks <- rep(0,LIV)
                         nProposals <- 0
                         IterPerAdapt <- IterPerAdapt * 2}
                    ### Tune Sampling Factors
                    if(iter %% decomp.freq == 0) {
                         VarCov <- obs.scatter/{n + iter} -
                              tcrossprod(obs.sum/{n + iter})
                         factors <- eigen(VarCov)$vectors
                         nExpands <- nShrinks <- rep(0,LIV)
                         IterPerAdapt <- 1
                         nProposals <- 0}
               ### Save Thinned Samples
               if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                    t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
                    thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
                    Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]
                    DiagCovar[t.iter,] <- w}
     else {
          if(!identical(length(VarCov), B))
               stop("Number of components in Covar differs from number ",
                    "of blocks.", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          factors <- obs.sum <- obs.scatter <- list()
          decomp.freq <- rep(0, length(B))
          for (b in 1:B) {
               if(length(Block[[b]]) == 1)
                    stop("Single-parameter blocks are not allowed in AFSS.",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               if(!identical(length(Block[[b]]), length(diag(VarCov[[b]]))))
                    stop("Diagonal of Covar[[",b,"]] differs from block length.")
               if(!is.symmetric.matrix(VarCov[[b]])) {
                    cat("\nAsymmetric Covar block, correcting now...\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    VarCov[[b]] <- as.symmetric.matrix(VarCov[[b]])}
               if(!is.positive.definite(VarCov[[b]])) {
                    cat("\nNon-Positive-Definite Covar block,",
                         "correcting now...\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    VarCov[[b]] <- as.positive.definite(VarCov[[b]])}
               decomp.freq[b] <- max(length(Block[[b]]) *
                    floor(Iterations / Thinning / 100), 10)
               factors[[b]] <-try(eigen(VarCov[[b]])$vectors,
               if(inherits(factors[[b]], "try-error")) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.eigen"]] == TRUE)
                         cat("\nWARNING: Eigendecomposition of covariance",
                              "matrix failed for block", b, ".\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Eigendecomposition of an identity matrix",
                              "occurs instead.\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    factors[[b]] <- diag(length(Block[[b]]))}
               obs.sum[[b]] <- matrix(Mo0[["parm"]][Block[[b]]]*n,
                    length(Block[[b]]), 1)
               obs.scatter[[b]] <- tcrossprod(Mo0[["parm"]][Block[[b]]])*n}
          if(all(decomp.freq == decomp.freq[1]))
               cat("\nEigendecomposition will occur every", decomp.freq[1],
                    "iterations.\n\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          else cat("\nEigendecomposition frequency varies by block,",
                    "and will occur between\n",
                    min(decomp.freq), "and", max(decomp.freq),
                    "iterations.\n\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          DiagCovar <- matrix(w, floor(Iterations/Thinning)+1, LIV,
          nExpands <- nShrinks <- rep(0, LIV)
          IterPerAdapt <- rep(1, B)
          nProposals <- rep(0, B)
          for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
               ### Print Status
               if(iter %% Status == 0)
                    cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                         ",   Proposal: Blockwise,   LP: ",
                         round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               ### Proceed by Block
               for (b in 1:B) {
                    ### Random-Scan Componentwise Estimation
                    for (j in sample(Block[[b]])) {
                         bj <- which(Block[[b]] == j)
                         y.slice <- Mo0[["LP"]] - rexp(1)
                         upper <- runif(1,0,w[j])
                         lower <- upper - w[j]
                         ### Step Out
                         count <- 0
                         while (count <= m[j]) {
                              prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                              prop[Block[[b]]] <- prop[Block[[b]]] +
                              Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data),
                              if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                                   if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                                   cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out the lower",
                                        "bound failed for",
                                        "in step", count+1, ".\n",
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                   lower <- lower + w[j]
                              else if(!is.finite(Mo1[["LP"]])) {
                                   if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                                   cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out the lower",
                                        "bound for", Data[["parm.names"]][j],
                                        "resulted in a non-finite LP",
                                        "in step", count+1, ".\n",
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                   lower <- lower + w[j]
                              nExpands[j] <- nExpands[j] + 1
                              if(Mo1[["LP"]] <= y.slice) break
                              lower <- lower - w[j]
                              count <- count + 1
                         count <- 0
                         while (count <= m[j]) {
                              prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                              prop[Block[[b]]] <- prop[Block[[b]]] +
                              Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data),
                              if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                                   if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                                   cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out the upper",
                                        "bound failed for",
                                        "in step", count+1, ".\n",
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                   upper <- upper - w[j]
                              else if(!is.finite(Mo1[["LP"]])) {
                                   if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                                   cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out the upper",
                                        "bound for", Data[["parm.names"]][j],
                                        "resulted in a non-finite LP",
                                        "in step", count+1, ".\n",
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                   upper <- upper - w[j]
                              nExpands[j] <- nExpands[j] + 1
                              if(Mo1[["LP"]] <= y.slice) break
                              upper <- upper + w[j]
                              count <- count + 1
                         ### Rejection Sampling
                         repeat {
                              prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                              lower <- -abs(min(lower, upper))
                              upper <- abs(max(lower, upper))
                              u <- runif(1, lower, upper)
                              prop[Block[[b]]] <- prop[Block[[b]]] +
                              Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data),
                              if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                                   if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                                        cat("\nWARNING: Rejection sampling",
                                             "failed for",
                                             Data[["parm.names"]][j], "\n",
                                             file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                   Mo1 <- Mo0
                              else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                                   Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                                   if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                                        cat("\nWARNING: Rejection sampling for",
                                             "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                                             file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                   Mo1 <- Mo0}
                              if(Mo1[["LP"]] >= y.slice) break
                              else if(abs(u) < 1e-100) break
                              nShrinks[j] <- nShrinks[j] + 1
                              if(u < 0) lower <- u
                              else upper <- u
                         Mo0 <- Mo1
                    nProposals[b] <- nProposals[b] + 1
                    obs.sum[[b]] <- obs.sum[[b]] + Mo0[["parm"]][Block[[b]]]
                    obs.scatter[[b]] <- obs.scatter[[b]] +
                    ### Adaptation
                    if({iter <= A} & {A - iter >= decomp.freq[b]}) {
                         ### Tune Interval Widths
                         if(nProposals[b] %% IterPerAdapt[b] == 0) {
                              for (j in Block[[b]]) {
                                   denom <- nExpands[j] + nShrinks[j]
                                   if(denom > 0) {
                                        ratio <- nExpands[j] / denom
                                        if(ratio == 0) ratio <- 1 / denom
                                        multiplier <- ratio / targetRatio
                                        w[j] <- w[j]*multiplier
                              nExpands[Block[[b]]] <- rep(0,length(Block[[b]]))
                              nShrinks[Block[[b]]] <- rep(0,length(Block[[b]]))
                              nProposals[b] <- 0
                              IterPerAdapt[b] <- IterPerAdapt[b] * 2}
                         ### Tune Sampling Factors
                         if(iter %% decomp.freq[b] == 0) {
                              VarCov[[b]] <- obs.scatter[[b]]/{n + iter} -
                                   tcrossprod(obs.sum[[b]]/{n + iter})
                              factors[[b]] <- eigen(VarCov[[b]])$vectors
                              nExpands[Block[[b]]] <- rep(0,length(Block[[b]]))
                              nShrinks[Block[[b]]] <- rep(0,length(Block[[b]]))
                              IterPerAdapt[b] <- 1
                              nProposals[b] <- 0}
                    ### Save Thinned Samples
                    if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                         t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
                         thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                         Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
                         Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]
                         DiagCovar[t.iter,] <- w}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=Iterations,
.mcmcagg <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, tuning,
     Debug, LogFile)
     Grid <- Specs[["Grid"]]
     dparm <- Specs[["dparm"]]
     smax <- Specs[["smax"]]
     CPUs <- Specs[["CPUs"]]
     Packages <- Specs[["Packages"]]
     Dyn.libs <- Specs[["Dyn.libs"]]
     AGGCP <- function(Model, Data, j, Mo0, Grid, tuning, smax, Debug,
          G <- length(Grid[[j]])
          x <- Grid[[j]] * sqrt(2) * tuning[j]
          LP.grid <- rep(0, G)
          prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
          theta <- prop[j] + x
          for (g in 1:G) {
               prop[j] <- theta[g]
               Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
               if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                         cat("\nWARNING: Evaluating",
                              Data[["parm.names"]][j], "at",
                              round(prop[j],5), "failed.\n", file=LogFile,
                    Mo1 <- Mo0}
               LP.grid[g] <- Mo1[["LP"]]
               theta[g] <- Mo1[["parm"]][j]}
          if(all(!is.finite(LP.grid))) LP.grid <- rep(0, G)
          LP.grid[which(!is.finite(LP.grid))] <- min(LP.grid[which(is.finite(LP.grid))])
          LP.grid <- exp(LP.grid - logadd(LP.grid))
          LP.grid <- LP.grid / sum(LP.grid)
          s <- spline(theta, LP.grid, n=1000)
          s$y <- interval(s$y, 0, Inf, reflect=FALSE)
          if(length(which(s$y > 0)) == 0)
               prop[j] <- theta[which.max(LP.grid)[1]]
          else prop[j] <- sample(s$x, 1, prob=s$y)
          Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
          if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                    cat("\nWARNING: Evaluating", Data[["parm.names"]][j],
                         "at", round(prop[j],5), "failed.\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               Mo1 <- Mo0
          else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
               Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                    cat("\nWARNING: Evaluating", Data[["parm.names"]][j],
                         "at", round(prop[j],5),
                         "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               Mo1 <- Mo0
          else tuning[j] <- min(max(sqrt(sum(LP.grid * x^2)),
                    1e-10), smax)
          Mo0 <- Mo1
          return(list(Mo0=Mo0, tuning=tuning))
     AGGCPP <- function(Model, Data, j, Mo0, Grid, tuning, smax, Debug,
          LogFile, cl)
          G <- length(Grid[[j]])
          x <- Grid[[j]] * sqrt(2) * tuning[j]
          LP.grid <- rep(0, G)
          LIV <- length(Mo0[["parm"]])
          prop <- matrix(Mo0[["parm"]], G, LIV, byrow=TRUE)
          prop[, j] <- prop[, j] + x
          Mo1 <- parLapply(cl, 1:G,
               function(x) Model(prop[x,], Data))
          LP.grid <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(Mo1,
               function(x) x[["LP"]])))
          prop <- matrix(as.vector(unlist(lapply(Mo1,
               function(x) x[["parm"]]))), G, LIV, byrow=TRUE)
          theta <- prop[, j]
          if(all(!is.finite(LP.grid))) LP.grid <- rep(0, G)
          LP.grid[which(!is.finite(LP.grid))] <- min(LP.grid[which(is.finite(LP.grid))])
          LP.grid <- exp(LP.grid - logadd(LP.grid))
          LP.grid <- LP.grid / sum(LP.grid)
          s <- spline(theta, LP.grid, n=1000)
          s$y <- interval(s$y, 0, Inf, reflect=FALSE)
          prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
          if(length(which(s$y > 0)) == 0)
               prop[j] <- theta[which.max(LP.grid)[1]]
          else prop[j] <- sample(s$x, 1, prob=s$y)
          Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
          if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                    cat("\nWARNING: Evaluating", Data[["parm.names"]][j],
                         "at", round(prop[j],5), "failed.\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               Mo1 <- Mo0
          else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
               Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                    cat("\nWARNING: Evaluating", Data[["parm.names"]][j],
                         "at", round(prop[j],5),
                         "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               Mo1 <- Mo0
          else tuning[j] <- min(max(sqrt(sum(LP.grid * x^2)),
                    1e-10), smax)
          Mo0 <- Mo1
          return(list(Mo0=Mo0, tuning=tuning))
     Acceptance <- matrix(0, 1, LIV)
     Grid.orig <- Grid
     post <- matrix(Mo0[["parm"]], Iterations, LIV, byrow=TRUE)
     if(CPUs == 1) {
          for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
               if(iter %% Status == 0)
                    cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                         ",   Proposal: Componentwise,   LP: ",
                         round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               for (j in sample.int(LIV)) {
                    if(j %in% dparm)
                         Mo0 <- .mcmcggdp(Model, Data, j, Mo0, Grid, Debug,
                    else {
                         agg <- AGGCP(Model, Data, j, Mo0, Grid, tuning,
                              smax, Debug, LogFile)
                         Mo0 <- agg$Mo0
                         tuning[j] <- agg$tuning[j]}}
               if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                    t.iter <- floor(iter/Thinning) + 1
                    thinned[t.iter, ] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
                    Mon[t.iter, ] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]
                    DiagCovar <- rbind(DiagCovar, tuning)}}
     else {
          detectedCores <- detectCores()
          cat("\n\nCPUs Detected:", detectedCores, "\n", file=LogFile,
          if(CPUs > detectedCores) {
               cat("\nOnly", detectedCores, "will be used.\n",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               CPUs <- detectedCores}
          cat("\nLaplace's Demon is preparing environments for CPUs...",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          cl <- makeCluster(CPUs)
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          varlist <- unique(c(ls(), ls(envir=.GlobalEnv),
          clusterExport(cl, varlist=varlist, envir=environment())
          wd <- getwd()
          clusterExport(cl, varlist=c("Packages", "Dyn.libs", "wd"),
          for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
               if(iter %% Status == 0)
                    cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                         ",   Proposal: Componentwise,   LP: ",
                         round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               for (j in sample.int(LIV)) {
                    if(j %in% dparm)
                         Mo0 <- .mcmcggdpp(Model, Data, j, Mo0, Grid,
                              Debug, LogFile, cl)
                    else {
                         agg <- AGGCPP(Model, Data, j, Mo0, Grid,
                              tuning, smax, Debug, LogFile, cl)
                         Mo0 <- agg$Mo0
                         tuning[j] <- agg$tuning[j]}
               if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                    t.iter <- floor(iter/Thinning) + 1
                    thinned[t.iter, ] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
                    Mon[t.iter, ] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]
                    DiagCovar <- rbind(DiagCovar, tuning)}}}
     DiagCovar <- DiagCovar[-1,]
     out <- list(Acceptance=Iterations, Dev=Dev, DiagCovar=DiagCovar,
          Mon=Mon, thinned=thinned, VarCov=.colVars(thinned))
.mcmcahmc <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, Debug,
     epsilon <- Specs[["epsilon"]]
     L <- Specs[["L"]]
     m <- Specs[["m"]]
     invm <- as.inverse(m)
     U <- chol(m)
     Periodicity <- Specs[["Periodicity"]]
     post <- matrix(Mo0[["parm"]], Iterations, LIV, byrow=TRUE)
     DiagCovar <- matrix(epsilon, floor(Iterations/Periodicity), LIV,
     gr0 <- partial(Model, post[1,], Data)
     for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
          ### Print Status
          if(iter %% Status == 0)
               cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                    ",   Proposal: Multivariate,   LP: ",
                    round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          ### Propose new parameter values
          prop <- post[iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
          momentum0 <- as.vector(rnorm(LIV) %*% U)
          kinetic0 <- t(momentum0) %*% invm %*% momentum0 / 2
          momentum1 <- momentum0 + (epsilon / 2) * gr0
          Mo0.1 <- Mo0
          for (l in 1:L) {
               prop <- prop + as.vector(epsilon %*% invm) * momentum1
               Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
               if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed in leapfrog", l,
                              ".\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                              sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0.1
               else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                    Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal in leapfrog", l,
                              "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                              sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0.1}
               if(any(Mo0.1[["parm"]] == Mo1[["parm"]])) {
                    nomove <- which(Mo0.1[["parm"]] == Mo1[["parm"]])
                    momentum1[nomove] <- -momentum1[nomove]
                    prop[nomove] <- prop[nomove] + momentum1[nomove]
                    Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data),
                    if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed in leapfrog",
                                   l, ".\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                   paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),
                                   ")",sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile,
                         Mo1 <- Mo0.1
                    else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                         Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Proposal in leapfrog",
                                   l, "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                   paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),
                                   ")", sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile,
                         Mo1 <- Mo0.1}}
               Mo0.1 <- Mo1
               prop <- Mo1[["parm"]]
               gr1 <- partial(Model, prop, Data)
               if(l < L) momentum1 <- momentum1 + epsilon * gr1}
          momentum1 <- momentum1 + (epsilon / 2) * gr1
          momentum1 <- -momentum1
          kinetic1 <- t(momentum1) %*% invm %*% momentum1 / 2
          ### Accept/Reject
          H0 <- -Mo0[["LP"]] + kinetic0
          H1 <- -Mo1[["LP"]] + kinetic1
          delta <- H1 - H0
          alpha <- min(1, exp(-delta))
          if(!is.finite(alpha)) alpha <- 0
          if(runif(1) < alpha) {
               Mo0 <- Mo1
               post[iter,] <- Mo1[["parm"]]
               kinetic0 <- kinetic1
               gr0 <- gr1
               Acceptance <- Acceptance + 1
          ### Adaptation
          if(iter %% Periodicity == 0) {
               if(iter > 10) {
                    acceptances <- length(unique(post[(iter-9):iter,1]))
                    if(acceptances <= 1) epsilon <- epsilon * 0.8
                    else if(acceptances > 7) epsilon <- epsilon * 1.2}
               a.iter <- floor(iter / Periodicity)
               DiagCovar[a.iter,] <- epsilon}
          ### Save Thinned Samples
          if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
               t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
               thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
               Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=Acceptance,
.mcmcaies <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, Debug,
     Nc <- Specs[["Nc"]]
     Z <- Specs[["Z"]]
     beta <- Specs[["beta"]]
     CPUs <- Specs[["CPUs"]]
     Packages <- Specs[["Packages"]]
     Dyn.libs <- Specs[["Dyn.libs"]]
     Mo0 <- list(Mo0=Mo0)
     if(is.null(Z)) {
          Z <- matrix(Mo0[[1]][["parm"]], Nc, LIV, byrow=TRUE)
          for (i in 2:Nc) {
               if(!is.null(Data[["PGF"]])) {
                    Z[i,] <- GIV(Model, Data, PGF=TRUE)
               else Z[i,] <- GIV(Model, Data)
     for (i in 2:Nc) Mo0[[i]] <- Model(Z[i,], Data)
     if(CPUs == 1) {
          for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
               ### Print Status
               if(iter %% Status == 0)
                    cat("Iteration: ", iter, sep="", file=LogFile,
               ### Save Thinned Samples
               if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                    t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
                    thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[[1]][["parm"]]
                    Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[[1]][["Dev"]]
                    Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[[1]][["Monitor"]]}
               for (i in 1:Nc) {
                    ### Propose new parameter values with stretch move
                    z <- 1 / sqrt(runif(1, 1 / beta, beta))
                    s <- sample(c(1:Nc)[-i], 1)
                    prop <- Mo0[[s]][["parm"]] +
                         z*(Mo0[[i]][["parm"]] - Mo0[[s]][["parm"]])
                    if(i == 1 & iter %% Status == 0) 
                         cat(",   Proposal: Multivariate,   LP: ",
                              round(Mo0[[1]][["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
                    Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data),
                    if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed in walker",
                                   i, ".\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                   paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),
                                   ")",sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile,
                         Mo1 <- Mo0[[i]]
                    else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                         Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Proposal in walker", i,
                                   "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                   paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),
                                   ")",sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile,
                         Mo1 <- Mo0[[i]]}
                    ### Accept/Reject
                    log.u <- log(runif(1))
                    log.alpha <- (LIV-1)*log(z) + Mo1[["LP"]] -
                    if(!is.finite(log.alpha)) log.alpha <- 0
                    else if(log.u < log.alpha) {
                         Mo0[[i]] <- Mo1
                         if(i == 1) {
                              Acceptance <- Acceptance + 1
                              if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                                   thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo1[["parm"]]
                                   Dev[t.iter] <- Mo1[["Dev"]]
                                   Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo1[["Monitor"]]}
     else {
          detectedCores <- detectCores()
          cat("\n\nCPUs Detected:", detectedCores, "\n", file=LogFile,
          if(CPUs > detectedCores) {
               cat("\nOnly", detectedCores, "will be used.\n", file=LogFile,
               CPUs <- detectedCores}
          cat("\nLaplace's Demon is preparing environments for CPUs...",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          cl <- makeCluster(CPUs)
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          varlist <- unique(c(ls(), ls(envir=.GlobalEnv),
          clusterExport(cl, varlist=varlist, envir=environment())
          wd <- getwd()
          clusterExport(cl, varlist=c("Packages", "Dyn.libs", "wd"),
          model.wrapper <- function(x, ...)
               if(!is.null(Packages)) {
                         function(x) library(x, character.only=TRUE,
               if(!is.null(Dyn.libs)) {
                         function(x) dyn.load(paste(wd, x, sep = "/")))
                         function(x) dyn.unload(paste(wd, x, sep = "/"))))}
               Model(prop[x,], Data)
          prop <- Z
          batch1 <- 1:(Nc/2)
          batch2 <- batch1 + (Nc/2)
          for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
               ### Print Status
               if(iter %% Status == 0)
                    cat("Iteration: ", iter, sep="", file=LogFile,
               ### Save Thinned Samples
               if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                    t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
                    thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[[1]][["parm"]]
                    Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[[1]][["Dev"]]
                    Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[[1]][["Monitor"]]}
               for (i in 1:Nc) {
                    ### Propose new parameter values with stretch move
                    z <- 1 / sqrt(runif(1, 1 / beta, beta))
                    if(i <= (Nc/2)) s <- sample(batch2, 1)
                    else s <- sample(batch1, 1)
                    prop[i,] <- Mo0[[s]][["parm"]] +
                         z*(Mo0[[i]][["parm"]] - Mo0[[s]][["parm"]])
                    if(i == 1 & iter %% Status == 0) 
                         cat(",   Proposal: Multivariate\n", file=LogFile,
               ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
               Mo1 <- clusterApply(cl, 1:Nc, model.wrapper,
                    Model, Data, prop)
               for (i in 1:Nc) {
                         Mo1[[i]][["Dev"]], Mo1[[i]][["Monitor"]])))) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Proposal in walker", i,
                                   "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                   collapse=","),")",sep=""), "\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         Mo1[[i]] <- Mo0[[i]]}
                    ### Accept/Reject
                    log.u <- log(runif(1))
                    log.alpha <- (LIV-1)*log(z) + Mo1[[i]][["LP"]] -
                    if(!is.finite(log.alpha)) log.alpha <- 0
                    else if(log.u < log.alpha) {
                         Mo0[[i]] <- Mo1[[i]]
                         if(i == 1) {
                              Acceptance <- Acceptance + 1
                              if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                                   thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo1[[i]][["parm"]]
                                   Dev[t.iter] <- Mo1[[i]][["Dev"]]
                                   Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo1[[i]][["Monitor"]]}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=Acceptance,
.mcmcam <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, tuning,
     VarCov, Debug, LogFile)
     Adaptive <- Specs[["Adaptive"]]
     Periodicity <- Specs[["Periodicity"]]
     post <- matrix(Mo0[["parm"]], Iterations, LIV, byrow=TRUE)
     Iden.Mat <- diag(LIV)
     DiagCovar <- matrix(diag(VarCov), floor(Iterations/Periodicity), LIV,
     for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
          ### Print Status
          if(iter %% Status == 0)
               cat("Iteration: ", iter, sep="", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          ### Current Posterior
          if(iter > 1) post[iter,] <- post[iter-1,]
          ### Save Thinned Samples
          if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
               t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
               thinned[t.iter,] <- post[iter,]
               Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
               Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
          ### Propose new parameter values
          MVNz <- try(rbind(rnorm(LIV)) %*% chol(VarCov),
          if(!inherits(MVNz, "try-error") &
               ((Acceptance / iter) >= 0.05)) {
               if(iter %% Status == 0) 
                    cat(",   Proposal: Multivariate,   LP: ",
                         round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               MVNz <- as.vector(MVNz)
               prop <- t(post[iter,] + t(MVNz))}
          else {
               if(iter %% Status == 0) 
                    cat(",   Proposal: Single-Component,   LP: ",
                         round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               if(Debug[["DB.chol"]] == TRUE)
                    cat("\nWARNING: Cholesky decomposition failed for",
                         "proposal in iteration", iter, ".\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               prop <- post[iter,]
               j <- ceiling(runif(1,0,LIV))
               prop[j] <- rnorm(1, post[iter,j], tuning[j])}
          ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
          Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
          if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                    cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed.\n", file=LogFile,
                    cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                         paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",sep=""),
                         "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               Mo1 <- Mo0
          else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
               Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                    cat("\nWARNING: Proposal resulted in non-finite",
                         "value(s).\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                         paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",sep=""),
                         "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               Mo1 <- Mo0}
          ### Accept/Reject
          log.u <- log(runif(1))
          log.alpha <- Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]]
          if(!is.finite(log.alpha)) log.alpha <- 0
          else if(log.u < log.alpha) {
               Mo0 <- Mo1
               post[iter,] <- Mo1[["parm"]]
               Acceptance <- Acceptance + 1
               if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                    thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo1[["parm"]]
                    Dev[t.iter] <- Mo1[["Dev"]]
                    Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo1[["Monitor"]]}}
          ### Shrinkage of Adaptive Proposal Variance
          if({Adaptive < Iterations} & {Acceptance > 5} &
               {Acceptance / iter < 0.05}) {
               VarCov <- VarCov * {1 - {1 / Iterations}}
               tuning <- tuning * {1 - {1 / Iterations}}}
          ### Adapt the Proposal Variance
          if({iter >= Adaptive} & {iter %% Periodicity == 0}) {
               ### Covariance Matrix (Preferred if it works)
               VarCov <- {ScaleF * cov(post[1:iter,])} +
                    {ScaleF * 1.0E-5 * Iden.Mat}
               a.iter <- floor(iter / Periodicity)
               DiagCovar[a.iter,] <- diag(VarCov)
               ### Univariate Standard Deviations
               tuning <- sqrt(ScaleF * .colVars(post[1:iter,]) +
                    ScaleF * 1.0E-5)
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=Acceptance,
.mcmcamm <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, tuning,
     VarCov, Debug, LogFile)
     Adaptive <- Specs[["Adaptive"]]
     Block <- Specs[["B"]]
     n <- Specs[["n"]]
     Periodicity <- Specs[["Periodicity"]]
     w <- Specs[["w"]]
     obs.sum <- matrix(Mo0[["parm"]]*n, LIV, 1)
     obs.scatter <- tcrossprod(Mo0[["parm"]])*n
     if(all(upper.triangle(VarCov) == 0)) prop.R <- NULL
     else prop.R <- ScaleF * chol(VarCov)
     tuning <- sqrt(0.0001 * ScaleF)
     DiagCovar <- matrix(diag(VarCov), floor(Iterations/Periodicity), LIV,
     for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
          ### Print Status
          if(iter %% Status == 0)
               cat("Iteration: ", iter, sep="", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          ### Propose new parameter values from a mixture
          if(is.null(prop.R) || runif(1) < w) {
               prop <- rnorm(LIV, Mo0[["parm"]], tuning)
               if(iter %% Status == 0) 
                    cat(",   Proposal: Non-Adaptive Component,   LP: ",
                         round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
          else {
               prop <- Mo0[["parm"]] +
                    as.vector(rbind(rnorm(LIV)) %*% prop.R)
               if(iter %% Status == 0) 
                    cat(",   Proposal: Adaptive Component,   LP: ",
                         round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
          ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
          Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
          if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                    cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed.\n", file=LogFile,
                    cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                         paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",sep=""),
                         "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               Mo1 <- Mo0
          else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
               Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                    cat("\nWARNING: Proposal resulted in non-finite",
                         "value(s).\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                         paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",sep=""),
                         "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               Mo1 <- Mo0
          else {
               ### Accept/Reject
               log.u <- log(runif(1))
               log.alpha <- Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]]
               if(!is.finite(log.alpha)) log.alpha <- 0
               if(log.u < log.alpha) {
                    Mo0 <- Mo1
                    Acceptance <- Acceptance + 1}}
          ### Update Sample and Scatter Sum
          obs.sum <- obs.sum + Mo0[["parm"]]
          obs.scatter <- obs.scatter + tcrossprod(Mo0[["parm"]])
          ### Adapt the Proposal Variance
          if({iter >= Adaptive} & {iter %% Periodicity == 0}) {
               VarCov <- obs.scatter/{n + iter} -
                    tcrossprod(obs.sum/{n + iter})
               diag(VarCov) <- diag(VarCov) + 1e-05
               a.iter <- floor(iter / Periodicity)
               DiagCovar[a.iter,] <- diag(VarCov)
               prop.R <- try(ScaleF * chol(VarCov),
               if(Debug[["DB.chol"]] == TRUE)
                    cat("\nWARNING: Cholesky decomposition failed for",
                         "proposal covariance in iteration", iter, ".\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               if(!is.matrix(prop.R)) prop.R <- NULL}
          ### Save Thinned Samples
          if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
               t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
               thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
               Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=Acceptance,
.mcmcamm.b <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, tuning,
     VarCov, Debug, LogFile)
     Adaptive <- Specs[["Adaptive"]]
     Block <- Specs[["B"]]
     n <- Specs[["n"]]
     Periodicity <- Specs[["Periodicity"]]
     w <- Specs[["w"]]
     B <- length(Block)
     if(!identical(length(VarCov), B))
          stop("Number of components in Covar differs from ",
               "number of blocks.", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
     obs.scatter <- obs.sum <- prop.R <- list()
     for (b in 1:B) {
          if(!identical(length(Block[[b]]), length(diag(VarCov[[b]]))))
               stop("Diagonal of Covar[[",b,"]] differs from ",
                    "block length.", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          obs.sum[[b]] <- matrix(Mo0[["parm"]][Block[[b]]]*n,
               length(Block[[b]]), 1)
          obs.scatter[[b]] <- matrix(tcrossprod(Mo0[["parm"]][Block[[b]]])*n,
               length(Block[[b]]), length(Block[[b]]))
          if(all(upper.triangle(VarCov[[b]]) == 0)) prop.R[[b]] <- NA
          else prop.R[[b]] <- ScaleF * chol(VarCov[[b]])}
     tuning <- sqrt(0.0001 * ScaleF)
     for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
          ### Print Status
          if(iter %% Status == 0)
               cat("Iteration: ", iter, sep="", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          ### Proceed by Block
          for (b in 1:B) {
               ### Propose new parameter values from a mixture
               prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               if(any(is.na(prop.R[[b]])) || runif(1) < w) {
                    prop[Block[[b]]] <- rnorm(length(Block[[b]]),
                         Mo0[["parm"]][Block[[b]]], tuning)
                    if(b == 1 & iter %% Status == 0) 
                         cat(",   Proposal: Blockwise,   LP: ",
                              round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               else {
                    prop[Block[[b]]] <- Mo0[["parm"]][Block[[b]]] +
                         as.vector(rbind(rnorm(length(Block[[b]]))) %*%
                    if(b == 1 & iter %% Status == 0) 
                         cat(",   Proposal: Blockwise,   LP: ",
                              round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
               Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
               if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed.\n", file=LogFile,
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              collapse=","),")",sep=""), "\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0
               else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                    Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal resulted in non-finite",
                              "value(s).\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              collapse=","),")",sep=""), "\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0
               else {
                    ### Accept/Reject
                    log.u <- log(runif(1))
                    log.alpha <- Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]]
                    if(!is.finite(log.alpha)) log.alpha <- 0
                    if(log.u < log.alpha) {
                         Mo0 <- Mo1
                         Acceptance <- Acceptance +
                              length(Block[[b]]) / LIV}}
               ### Update Sample and Scatter Sum
               obs.sum[[b]] <- obs.sum[[b]] + Mo0[["parm"]][Block[[b]]]
               obs.scatter[[b]] <- obs.scatter[[b]] +
               ### Adapt the Proposal Variance
               if({iter >= Adaptive} & {iter %% Periodicity == 0}) {
                    VarCov[[b]] <- obs.scatter[[b]]/{n + iter} -
                         tcrossprod(obs.sum[[b]]/{n + iter})
                    diag(VarCov[[b]]) <- diag(VarCov[[b]]) + 1e-05
                    if(b == 1) DiagCovar <- rbind(DiagCovar, rep(0,LIV))
                    DiagCovar[nrow(DiagCovar),Block[[b]]] <- diag(VarCov[[b]])
                    prop.R[[b]] <- try(ScaleF * chol(VarCov[[b]]),
                    if(Debug[["DB.chol"]] == TRUE)
                         cat("\nWARNING: Cholesky decomposition failed for",
                              "proposal covariance in iteration", iter,
                              ".\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    if(!is.matrix(prop.R[[b]])) prop.R[[b]] <- NA}
          ### Save Thinned Samples
          if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
               t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
               thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
               Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=Acceptance,
.mcmcamwg <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, tuning,
     Debug, LogFile)
     Block <- Specs[["B"]]
     n <- Specs[["n"]]
     Periodicity <- Specs[["Periodicity"]]
     Acceptance <- rep(0, LIV)
     B <- length(Block)
     DiagCovar <- matrix(tuning, floor(Iterations/Periodicity), LIV,
     if(B == 0) {
          for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
               ### Print Status
               if(iter %% Status == 0)
                    cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                         ",   Proposal: Componentwise,   LP: ",
                         round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               ### Random-Scan Componentwise Estimation
               propdraw <- rnorm(LIV,0,tuning)
               for (j in sample.int(LIV)) {
                    ### Propose new parameter values
                    prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    prop[j] <- prop[j] + propdraw[j]
                    ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
                    Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data),
                    if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed for",
                                   Data[["parm.names"]][j], ".\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                                   "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                                   "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         Mo1 <- Mo0
                    else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                         Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Proposal for",
                                   "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                                   "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                                   "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         Mo1 <- Mo0
                    else {
                         ### Accept/Reject
                         u <- log(runif(1)) < {Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]]}
                         if(u == TRUE) {
                              Mo0 <- Mo1
                              Acceptance[j] <- Acceptance[j] + 1}}}
               ### Adapt the Proposal Variance
               if(iter %% Periodicity == 0) {
                    size <- 1 / min(100, sqrt(n + iter))
                    Acceptance.Rate <- Acceptance / iter
                    log.tuning <- log(tuning)
                    tuning.num <- which(Acceptance.Rate > 0.44)
                    log.tuning[tuning.num] <- log.tuning[tuning.num] + size
                    tuning.num <- which(Acceptance.Rate <= 0.44)
                    log.tuning[tuning.num] <- log.tuning[tuning.num] - size
                    tuning <- exp(log.tuning)
                    a.iter <- floor(iter / Periodicity)
                    DiagCovar[a.iter,] <- tuning}
               ### Save Thinned Samples
               if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                    t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
                    thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
                    Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
     else {
          for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
               ### Print Status
               if(iter %% Status == 0)
                    cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                         ",   Proposal: Componentwise,   LP: ",
                         round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               ### Random-Scan Componentwise Estimation
               propdraw <- rnorm(LIV,0,tuning)
               for (b in 1:B) {
                    for (j in sample(Block[[b]])) {
                         ### Propose new parameter values
                         prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                         prop[j] <- prop[j] + propdraw[j]
                         ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
                         Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data),
                         if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                              if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                   cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed for",
                                        Data[["parm.names"]][j], ".\n",
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                   cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                                        "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                                        "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                              Mo1 <- Mo0
                         else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                              Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                              if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                   cat("\nWARNING: Proposal for",
                                        "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                   cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                                        "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                                        "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                              Mo1 <- Mo0
                         else {
                              ### Accept/Reject
                              u <- log(runif(1)) < {Mo1[["LP"]] -
                              if(u == TRUE) {
                                   Mo0 <- Mo1
                                   Acceptance[j] <- Acceptance[j] + 1}}}}
               ### Adapt the Proposal Variance
               if(iter %% Periodicity == 0) {
                    size <- 1 / min(100, sqrt(n + iter))
                    Acceptance.Rate <- Acceptance / iter
                    log.tuning <- log(tuning)
                    tuning.num <- which(Acceptance.Rate > 0.44)
                    log.tuning[tuning.num] <- log.tuning[tuning.num] + size
                    tuning.num <- which(Acceptance.Rate <= 0.44)
                    log.tuning[tuning.num] <- log.tuning[tuning.num] - size
                    tuning <- exp(log.tuning)
                    a.iter <- floor(iter / Periodicity)
                    DiagCovar[a.iter,] <- tuning}
               ### Save Thinned Samples
               if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                    t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
                    thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
                    Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=mean(Acceptance),
.mcmccharm <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, Debug,
     alpha.star <- Specs[["alpha.star"]]
     if(is.na(alpha.star)) {
          Acceptance <- matrix(0, 1, LIV)
          for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
               ### Print Status
               if(iter %% Status == 0)
                    cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                    ",   Proposal: Componentwise,   LP: ",
                    round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               ### Random-Scan Componentwise Estimation
               theta <- rnorm(LIV)
               theta <- theta / sqrt(sum(theta*theta))
               lambda <- runif(1)
               for (j in sample.int(LIV)) {
                    ### Propose new parameter values
                    prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    prop[j] <- prop[j] + lambda*theta[j]
                    ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
                    Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data),
                    if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed for",
                                   Data[["parm.names"]][j], ".\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                                   "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                                   "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         Mo1 <- Mo0
                    else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                         Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Proposal for",
                                   "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                                   "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                                   "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         Mo1 <- Mo0
                    else {
                         ### Accept/Reject
                         u <- log(runif(1)) < (Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]])
                         if(u == TRUE) {
                              Mo0 <- Mo1
                              Acceptance[j] <- Acceptance[j] + 1}}}
               ### Save Thinned Samples
               if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                    t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
                    thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
                    Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
          ### Output
          out <- list(Acceptance=mean(as.vector(Acceptance)),
     else {
          tau <- rep(1, LIV)
          Acceptance <- matrix(0, 1, LIV)
          DiagCovar <- matrix(tau, nrow(thinned), LIV)
          for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
               ### Print Status
               if(iter %% Status == 0)
                    cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                    ",   Proposal: Componentwise,   LP: ",
                    round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               ### Random-Scan Componentwise Estimation
               theta <- rnorm(LIV)
               theta <- theta / sqrt(sum(theta*theta))
               lambda <- runif(1)
               for (j in sample.int(LIV)) {
                    ### Propose new parameter values
                    prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    prop[j] <- prop[j] + tau[j]*lambda*theta[j]
                    ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
                    Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data),
                    if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed for",
                                   Data[["parm.names"]][j], ".\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                                   "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                                   "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         Mo1 <- Mo0
                    else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                         Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Proposal for",
                                   "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                                   "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                                   "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         Mo1 <- Mo0
                    else {
                         ### Accept/Reject
                         u <- log(runif(1)) < (Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]])
                         if(u == TRUE) {
                              Mo0 <- Mo1
                              Acceptance[j] <- Acceptance[j] + 1
                              tau[j] <- tau[j] + (tau[j] / (alpha.star *
                              (1 - alpha.star))) * (1 - alpha.star) / iter
                         else {
                              tau[j] <- abs(tau[j] - (tau[j] / (alpha.star *
                              (1 - alpha.star))) * alpha.star / iter)}}}
               ### Save Thinned Samples
               if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                    t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
                    thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
                    Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]
                    DiagCovar[t.iter,] <- tau}
          ### Output
          out <- list(Acceptance=mean(as.vector(Acceptance)),
.mcmcdemc <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, Debug,
     Nc <- Specs[["Nc"]]
     Z <- Specs[["Z"]]
     gamma <- Specs[["gamma"]]
     w <- Specs[["w"]]
     const <- 2.381204 / sqrt(2)
     Mo0 <- list(Mo0=Mo0)
     if(is.null(Z)) {
          cat("\nGenerating Z...\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          Z <- array(0, dim=c(floor(Iterations/Thinning)+1, LIV, Nc))
          for (t in 1:dim(Z)[1]) {
               for (i in 1:Nc) {
                    if(t == 1 & i == 1) {
                         Z[t,,i] <- Mo0[[1]][["parm"]]
                    else {
                         if(!is.null(Data[["PGF"]])) {
                              Z[t,,i] <- GIV(Model, Data, PGF=TRUE)}
                         else Z[t,,i] <- GIV(Model, Data)
     else Z[1,,1] <- Mo0[[1]][["parm"]]
     for (i in 2:Nc) Mo0[[i]] <- Model(Z[1,,i], Data)
     for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
          ### Thinned Iteration
          t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
          ### Print Status
          if(iter %% Status == 0)
               cat("Iteration: ", iter, sep="", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          ### Save Thinned Samples
          if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
               Z[t.iter,,] <- Z[t.iter-1,,]
               thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[[1]][["parm"]]
               Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[[1]][["Dev"]]
               Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[[1]][["Monitor"]]}
          omega <- runif(1)
          for (i in 1:Nc) {
               r <- sample(dim(Z)[1], 2)
               s <- sample(c(1:Nc)[-i], 2)
               if(omega > w) {
                    ### Parallel Direction Move
                    prop <- Mo0[[i]][["parm"]] +
                         gamma*(Z[r[1],,s[1]] - Z[r[2],,s[2]]) +
                         runif(LIV, -0.001, 0.001)^LIV
               else {
                    ### Snooker Move
                    si <- sample(c(1:Nc)[-i], 1)
                    prop <- Mo0[[i]][["parm"]] + const*
                         ({Mo0[[si]][["parm"]] - Z[r[1],,s[1]]} -
                          {Mo0[[si]][["parm"]] - Z[r[2],,s[2]]})}
               if(i == 1 & iter %% Status == 0) 
                    cat(",   Proposal: Multivariate,   LP: ",
                         round(Mo0[[1]][["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
               Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
               if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed in chain", i,
                              ".\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                              sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0[[i]]
               else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                    Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal in chain", i,
                              "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                              sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0[[i]]
               else {
                    ### Accept/Reject
                    log.u <- log(runif(1))
                    log.alpha <- Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[[i]][["LP"]]
                    if(!is.finite(log.alpha)) log.alpha <- 0
                    if(log.u < log.alpha) {
                         Mo0[[i]] <- Mo1
                         Z[t.iter,,i] <- Mo1[["parm"]]
                         if(i == 1) {
                              Acceptance <- Acceptance + 1
                              if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                                   thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo1[["parm"]]
                                   Dev[t.iter] <- Mo1[["Dev"]]
                                   Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo1[["Monitor"]]}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=Acceptance,
.mcmcdram <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, tuning,
     VarCov, Debug, LogFile)
     Adaptive <- Specs[["Adaptive"]]
     DR <- 1
     Periodicity <- Specs[["Periodicity"]]
     post <- matrix(Mo0[["parm"]], Iterations, LIV, byrow=TRUE)
     Iden.Mat <- diag(LIV)
     DiagCovar <- matrix(diag(VarCov), floor(Iterations/Periodicity), LIV,
     for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
          ### Print Status
          if(iter %% Status == 0)
               cat("Iteration: ", iter, sep="", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          ### Current Posterior
          if(iter > 1) post[iter,] <- post[iter-1,]
          ### Save Thinned Samples
          if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
               t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
               thinned[t.iter,] <- post[iter,]
               Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
               Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
          ### Propose new parameter values
          MVNz <- try(rbind(rnorm(LIV)) %*% chol(VarCov),
          if(!inherits(MVNz, "try-error") &
               ((Acceptance / iter) >= 0.05)) {
               if(iter %% Status == 0) 
                    cat(",   Proposal: Multivariate,   LP: ",
                         round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               MVNz <- as.vector(MVNz)
               prop <- t(post[iter,] + t(MVNz))}
          else {
               if(iter %% Status == 0) 
                    cat(",   Proposal: Single-Component,   LP: ",
                         round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               if(Debug[["DB.chol"]] == TRUE)
                    cat("\nWARNING: Cholesky decomposition failed for",
                         "proposal 1 in iteration", iter, ".\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               prop <- post[iter,]
               j <- ceiling(runif(1,0,LIV))
               prop[j] <- rnorm(1, post[iter,j], tuning[j])}
          ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
          Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
          if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                    cat("\nWARNING: Proposal 1 failed.\n", file=LogFile,
                    cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                         paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",sep=""),
                         "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               Mo1 <- Mo0
          else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
               Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                    cat("\nWARNING: Proposal 1 resulted in non-finite",
                         "value(s).\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                         paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",sep=""),
                         "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               Mo1 <- Mo0}
          ### Accept/Reject
          log.u <- log(runif(1))
          log.alpha <- Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]]
          if(!is.finite(log.alpha)) log.alpha <- 0
          if(log.u < log.alpha) {
               Mo0 <- Mo1
               post[iter,] <- Mo1[["parm"]]
               Acceptance <- Acceptance + 1
               if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                    thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo1[["parm"]]
                    Dev[t.iter] <- Mo1[["Dev"]]
                    Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo1[["Monitor"]]}
          ### Delayed Rejection: Second Stage Proposals
          else if(log.u >= log.alpha) {
               MVNz <- try(rbind(rnorm(LIV)) %*%
                    chol(VarCov * 0.5), silent=!Debug[["DB.chol"]])
               if(!inherits(MVNz, "try-error") &
                    ((Acceptance / iter) >= 0.05)) {
                    MVNz <- as.vector(MVNz)
                    prop <- t(post[iter,] + t(MVNz))}
               else {
                    if(Debug[["DB.chol"]] == TRUE)
                         cat("\nWARNING: Cholesky decomposition failed for",
                              "proposal 2 in iteration", iter, ".\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    prop <- post[iter,]
                    j <- ceiling(runif(1,0,LIV))
                    prop[j] <- rnorm(1, post[iter,j], tuning[j])}
               ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
               Mo2 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
               if(inherits(Mo2, "try-error")) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal 2 failed.\n", file=LogFile,
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                              sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo2 <- Mo0
               else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo2[["LP"]], Mo2[["Dev"]],
                    Mo2[["Monitor"]])))) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal 2 resulted in non-finite",
                              "value(s).\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                              sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo2 <- Mo0
               else {
                    ### Accept/Reject
                    log.u <- log(runif(1))
                    log.alpha.comp <- log(1 - exp(Mo1[["LP"]] -
                    if(!is.finite(log.alpha.comp)) log.alpha.comp <- 0
                    log.alpha <- Mo2[["LP"]] + log.alpha.comp  -
                         {Mo0[["LP"]] + log(1 - exp(Mo1[["LP"]] -
                    if(!is.finite(log.alpha)) log.alpha <- 0
                    if(log.u < log.alpha) {
                         Mo0 <- Mo2
                         post[iter,] <- Mo2[["parm"]]
                         Acceptance <- Acceptance + 1
                         if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                              thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo1[["parm"]]
                              Dev[t.iter] <- Mo1[["Dev"]]
                              Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo1[["Monitor"]]}
          ### Shrinkage of Adaptive Proposal Variance
          if({Adaptive < Iterations} & {Acceptance > 5} &
               {Acceptance / iter < 0.05}) {
               VarCov <- VarCov * {1 - {1 / Iterations}}
               tuning <- tuning * {1 - {1 / Iterations}}}
          ### Adapt the Proposal Variance
          if({iter >= Adaptive} & {iter %% Periodicity == 0}) {
               ### Covariance Matrix (Preferred if it works)
               VarCov <- {ScaleF * cov(post[1:iter,])} +
                    {ScaleF * 1.0E-5 * Iden.Mat}
               a.iter <- floor(iter / Periodicity)
               DiagCovar[a.iter,] <- diag(VarCov)
               ### Univariate Standard Deviations
               tuning <- sqrt(ScaleF * .colVars(post[1:iter,]) +
                    ScaleF * 1.0E-5)
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=Acceptance,
.mcmcdrm <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, tuning,
     VarCov, Debug, LogFile)
     DR <- 1
     U <- chol(VarCov)
     for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
          ### Print Status
          if(iter %% Status == 0)
               cat("Iteration: ", iter, sep="", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          ### Propose new parameter values
          MVNz <- try(rbind(rnorm(LIV)) %*% U, silent=TRUE)
          if(!inherits(MVNz, "try-error") &
               ((Acceptance / iter) >= 0.05)) {
               if(iter %% Status == 0) 
                    cat(",   Proposal: Multivariate,   LP: ",
                         round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               MVNz <- as.vector(MVNz)
               prop <- t(as.vector(Mo0[["parm"]]) + t(MVNz))}
          else {
               if(iter %% Status == 0) 
                    cat(",   Proposal: Single-Component,   LP: ",
                         round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               j <- ceiling(runif(1,0,LIV))
               prop[j] <- rnorm(1, Mo0[["parm"]][j], tuning[j])}
          ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
          Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
          if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                    cat("\nWARNING: Proposal 1 failed.\n", file=LogFile,
                    cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                         paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",sep=""),
                         "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               Mo1 <- Mo0
          else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
               Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                    cat("\nWARNING: Proposal 1 resulted in non-finite",
                         "value(s).\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                         paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",sep=""),
                         "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               Mo1 <- Mo0}
          ### Accept/Reject
          log.u <- log(runif(1))
          log.alpha <- Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]]
          if(!is.finite(log.alpha)) log.alpha <- 0
          if(log.u < log.alpha) {
               Mo0 <- Mo1
               Acceptance <- Acceptance + 1}
          ### Delayed Rejection: Second Stage Proposals
          else if(log.u >= log.alpha) {
               MVNz <- try(rbind(rnorm(LIV)) %*%
                    chol(VarCov * 0.5), silent=!Debug[["DB.chol"]])
               if(!inherits(MVNz, "try-error") &
                    ((Acceptance / iter) >= 0.05)) {
                    MVNz <- as.vector(MVNz)
                    prop <- t(as.vector(Mo0[["parm"]]) + t(MVNz))}
               else {
                    if(Debug[["DB.chol"]] == TRUE)
                         cat("\nWARNING: Cholesky decomposition failed for",
                              "proposal 2 in iteration", iter, ".\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    j <- ceiling(runif(1,0,LIV))
                    prop[j] <- rnorm(1, Mo0[["parm"]][j], tuning[j])}
               ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
               Mo2 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
               if(inherits(Mo2, "try-error")) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal 2 failed.\n", file=LogFile,
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                              sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo2 <- Mo0
               else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo2[["LP"]], Mo2[["Dev"]],
                    Mo2[["Monitor"]])))) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal 2 resulted in non-finite",
                              "value(s).\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                              sep=""),"\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo2 <- Mo0
               else {
                    ### Accept/Reject
                    log.u <- log(runif(1))
                    log.alpha.comp <- log(1 - exp(Mo1[["LP"]] -
                    if(!is.finite(log.alpha.comp)) log.alpha.comp <- 0
                    log.alpha <- Mo2[["LP"]] + log.alpha.comp  -
                         {Mo0[["LP"]] + log(1 - exp(Mo1[["LP"]] -
                    if(!is.finite(log.alpha)) log.alpha <- 0
                    if(log.u < log.alpha) {
                         Mo0 <- Mo2
                         Acceptance <- Acceptance + 1}}
          ### Save Thinned Samples
          if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
               t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
               thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
               Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=Acceptance,
.mcmcess <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, VarCov,
     Debug, LogFile)
     Block <- Specs[["B"]]
     if(length(Block) == 0) {
          if(!is.symmetric.matrix(VarCov)) {
               cat("\nAsymmetric Covar, correcting now...\n", file=LogFile,
               VarCov <- as.symmetric.matrix(VarCov)}
          if(!is.positive.definite(VarCov)) {
               cat("\nNon-Positive-Definite Covar, correcting now...\n",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               VarCov <- as.positive.definite(VarCov)}
          nu <- rnorm(LIV, 0, diag(VarCov))
          U <- chol(VarCov)
          for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
               ### Print Status
               if(iter %% Status == 0)
                    cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                         ",   Proposal: Multivariate,   LP: ",
                         round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               ### Propose new parameter values
               nu <- as.vector(rbind(rnorm(LIV)) %*% U)
               theta <- theta.max <- runif(1, 0, 2*pi)
               theta.min <- theta - 2*pi
               shrink <- TRUE
               log.u <- log(runif(1))
               ### Rejection Sampling
               while (shrink == TRUE) {
                    prop <- Mo0[["parm"]] * cos(theta) + nu*sin(theta)
                    ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
                    Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data),
                    if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Rejection sampling failed.\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                   paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                                   sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         Mo1 <- Mo0
                    else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                         Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Rejection sampling resulted",
                                   "in non-finite value(s).\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                   paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                                   sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         Mo1 <- Mo0}
                    ### Accept/Reject
                    log.alpha <- Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]]
                    if(!is.finite(log.alpha)) log.alpha <- 0
                    if(log.u < log.alpha) {
                         Mo0 <- Mo1
                         shrink <- FALSE
                    else {
                         if(theta < 0) theta.min <- theta
                         else theta.max <- theta
                         theta <- runif(1, theta.min, theta.max)}}
               ### Save Thinned Samples
               if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                    t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
                    thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
                    Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
     else {
          B <- length(Block)
          if(!identical(length(VarCov), B))
               stop("Number of components in Covar differs from ",
                    "number of blocks.", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          nu <- rep(NA, LIV)
          for (b in 1:B) {
               if(!identical(length(Block[[b]]), length(diag(VarCov[[b]]))))
                    stop("Diagonal of Covar[[",b,"]] differs from ",
                         "block length.", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               if(!is.symmetric.matrix(VarCov[[b]])) {
                    cat("\nAsymmetric Covar block, correcting now...\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    VarCov[[b]] <- as.symmetric.matrix(VarCov[[b]])}
               if(!is.positive.definite(VarCov[[b]])) {
                    cat("\nNon-Positive-Definite Covar block,",
                         "correcting now...\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    VarCov[[b]] <- as.positive.definite(VarCov[[b]])}
               nu[Block[[b]]] <- rnorm(length(Block[[b]]), 0,
          for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
               ### Print Status
               if(iter %% Status == 0)
                    cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                         ",   Proposal: Blockwise,   LP: ",
                         round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               ### Proceed by Block
               for (b in 1:B) {
                    ### Propose new parameter values
                    blen <- length(Block[[b]])
                    nu[Block[[b]]] <- as.vector(rbind(rnorm(blen)) %*%
                    theta <- theta.max <- runif(1, 0, 2*pi)
                    theta.min <- theta - 2*pi
                    shrink <- TRUE
                    log.u <- log(runif(1))
                    ### Rejection Sampling
                    while (shrink == TRUE) {
                         prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                         prop[Block[[b]]] <- Mo0[["parm"]][Block[[b]]] *
                              cos(theta) + nu[Block[[b]]]*sin(theta)
                         ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
                         Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data),
                         if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                              if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                   cat("\nWARNING: Rejection sampling failed.\n",
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                   cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                        collapse=","),")",sep=""), "\n",
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                              Mo1 <- Mo0
                         else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                              Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                              if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                   cat("\nWARNING: Rejection sampling resulted",
                                        "in non-finite value(s).\n",
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                   cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                        collapse=","),")",sep=""), "\n",
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                              Mo1 <- Mo0}
                         ### Accept/Reject
                         log.alpha <- Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]]
                         if(!is.finite(log.alpha)) log.alpha <- 0
                         if(log.u < log.alpha) {
                              Mo0 <- Mo1
                              shrink <- FALSE
                         else {
                              if(theta < 0) theta.min <- theta
                              else theta.max <- theta
                              theta <- runif(1, theta.min, theta.max)}}
               ### Save Thinned Samples
               if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                    t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
                    thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
                    Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=Iterations,
.mcmcgibbs <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, tuning,
     Debug, LogFile)
     FC <- Specs[["FC"]]
     MWG <- Specs[["MWG"]]
     if(is.null(MWG)) {
          Acceptance <- Iterations
          MWGlen <- 0}
     else {
          MWGlen <- length(MWG)
          Acceptance <- matrix(0, 1, LIV)}
     for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
          ### Print Status
          if(iter %% Status == 0)
               cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                    ",   Proposal: Componentwise,   LP: ",
                    round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          ### Gibbs Sampling of Full Conditionals
          prop <- try(FC(Mo0[["parm"]], Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
          if(inherits(prop, "try-error")) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                    cat("\nWARNING: Gibbs proposal for full conditionals",
                         "failed.\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                         paste("c(",paste(Mo0[["parm"]], collapse=","),")",
                         sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]}
          Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
          if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                    cat("\nWARNING: Gibbs proposal failed.\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                         paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",sep=""),
                         "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               Mo1 <- Mo0}
          Mo0 <- Mo1
          ### Metropolis-within-Gibbs
          if(MWGlen > 0) {
               ### Random-Scan Componentwise Estimation
               for (j in sample(MWG)) {
                    ### Propose new parameter values
                    prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    prop[j] <- rnorm(1, prop[j], tuning[j])
                    ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
                    Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data),
                    if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: MWG proposal failed for",
                                   Data[["parm.names"]][j], ".\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                                   "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                                   "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         Mo1 <- Mo0
                    else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                         Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: MWG proposal for",
                                   "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                                   "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                                   "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         Mo1 <- Mo0
                    else {
                         ### Accept/Reject
                         u <- log(runif(1)) < (Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]])
                         if(u == TRUE) {
                              Mo0 <- Mo1
                              Acceptance[j] <- Acceptance[j] + 1}}}
          ### Save Thinned Samples
          if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
               t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
               thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
               Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
     if(MWGlen > 0) Acceptance <- mean(as.vector(Acceptance[,MWG]))
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=Acceptance,
.mcmcgg <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, Debug,
     Grid <- Specs[["Grid"]]
     dparm <- Specs[["dparm"]]
     CPUs <- Specs[["CPUs"]]
     Packages <- Specs[["Packages"]]
     Dyn.libs <- Specs[["Dyn.libs"]]
     if(CPUs == 1) {
          for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
               if(iter %% Status == 0)
                    cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                         ",   Proposal: Componentwise,   LP: ",
                         round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               for (j in sample.int(LIV)) {
                    if(j %in% dparm)
                         Mo0 <- .mcmcggdp(Model, Data, j, Mo0, Grid, Debug,
                    else Mo0 <- .mcmcggcp(Model, Data, j, Mo0, Grid, Debug,
               if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                    t.iter <- floor(iter/Thinning) + 1
                    thinned[t.iter, ] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
                    Mon[t.iter, ] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}}
     else {
          detectedCores <- detectCores()
          cat("\n\nCPUs Detected:", detectedCores, "\n", file=LogFile,
          if(CPUs > detectedCores) {
               cat("\nOnly", detectedCores, "will be used.\n",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               CPUs <- detectedCores}
          cat("\nLaplace's Demon is preparing environments for CPUs...",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          cl <- makeCluster(CPUs)
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          varlist <- unique(c(ls(), ls(envir=.GlobalEnv),
          clusterExport(cl, varlist=varlist, envir=environment())
          wd <- getwd()
          clusterExport(cl, varlist=c("Packages", "Dyn.libs", "wd"),
          for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
               if(iter %% Status == 0)
                    cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                         ",   Proposal: Componentwise,   LP: ",
                         round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               for (j in sample.int(LIV)) {
                    if(j %in% dparm)
                         Mo0 <- .mcmcggdpp(Model, Data, j, Mo0, Grid,
                              Debug, LogFile, cl)
                    else Mo0 <- .mcmcggcpp(Model, Data, j, Mo0, Grid,
                              Debug, LogFile, cl)
               if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                    t.iter <- floor(iter/Thinning) + 1
                    thinned[t.iter, ] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
                    Mon[t.iter, ] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}}}
     out <- list(Acceptance=Iterations, Dev=Dev, DiagCovar=DiagCovar,
          Mon=Mon, thinned=thinned, VarCov=.colVars(thinned))
### Griddy-Gibbs Continuous Parameter (Non-Parallelized)
.mcmcggcp <- function(Model, Data, j, Mo0, Grid, Debug, LogFile)
     G <- length(Grid[[j]])
     LP.grid <- rep(0, G)
     prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
     theta <- prop[j] + Grid[[j]]
     for (g in 1:G) {
          prop[j] <- theta[g]
          Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
          if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                    cat("\nWARNING: Evaluating",
                         Data[["parm.names"]][j], "at",
                         round(prop[j],5), "failed.\n", file=LogFile,
               Mo1 <- Mo0}
          LP.grid[g] <- Mo1[["LP"]]
          theta[g] <- Mo1[["parm"]][j]}
     if(all(!is.finite(LP.grid))) LP.grid <- rep(0, G)
     LP.grid[which(!is.finite(LP.grid))] <- min(LP.grid[which(is.finite(LP.grid))])
     LP.grid <- exp(LP.grid - logadd(LP.grid))
     LP.grid <- LP.grid / sum(LP.grid)
     s <- spline(theta, LP.grid, n=1000)
     s$y <- interval(s$y, 0, Inf, reflect=FALSE)
     if(length(which(s$y > 0)) == 0)
          prop[j] <- theta[which.max(LP.grid)[1]]
     else prop[j] <- sample(s$x, 1, prob=s$y)
     Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
     if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
          if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
               cat("\nWARNING: Evaluating", Data[["parm.names"]][j],
                    "at", round(prop[j],5), "failed.\n",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          Mo1 <- Mo0
     else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
          Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
          if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
               cat("\nWARNING: Evaluating", Data[["parm.names"]][j],
                    "at", round(prop[j],5),
                    "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          Mo1 <- Mo0}
     Mo0 <- Mo1
### Griddy-Gibbs Continuous Parameter (Parallelized)
.mcmcggcpp <- function(Model, Data, j, Mo0, Grid, Debug, LogFile, cl)
     G <- length(Grid[[j]])
     LP.grid <- rep(0, G)
     LIV <- length(Mo0[["parm"]])
     prop <- matrix(Mo0[["parm"]], G, LIV, byrow=TRUE)
     prop[, j] <- prop[, j] + Grid[[j]]
     Mo1 <- parLapply(cl, 1:G,
          function(x) Model(prop[x,], Data))
     LP.grid <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(Mo1,
          function(x) x[["LP"]])))
     prop <- matrix(as.vector(unlist(lapply(Mo1,
          function(x) x[["parm"]]))), G, LIV, byrow=TRUE)
     theta <- prop[, j]
     if(all(!is.finite(LP.grid))) LP.grid <- rep(0, G)
     LP.grid[which(!is.finite(LP.grid))] <- min(LP.grid[which(is.finite(LP.grid))])
     LP.grid <- exp(LP.grid - logadd(LP.grid))
     LP.grid <- LP.grid / sum(LP.grid)
     s <- spline(theta, LP.grid, n=1000)
     s$y <- interval(s$y, 0, Inf, reflect=FALSE)
     prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
     if(length(which(s$y > 0)) == 0)
          prop[j] <- theta[which.max(LP.grid)[1]]
     else prop[j] <- sample(s$x, 1, prob=s$y)
     Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
     if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
          if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
               cat("\nWARNING: Evaluating", Data[["parm.names"]][j],
                    "at", round(prop[j],5), "failed.\n",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          Mo1 <- Mo0
     else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
          Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
          if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
               cat("\nWARNING: Evaluating", Data[["parm.names"]][j],
                    "at", round(prop[j],5),
                    "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          Mo1 <- Mo0}
     Mo0 <- Mo1
### Griddy-Gibbs Discrete Parameter (Non-Parallelized)
#where j is which parameter, and Grid are discrete values
.mcmcggdp <- function(Model, Data, j, Mo0, Grid, Debug, LogFile)
     G <- length(Grid[[j]])
     LP.grid <- rep(0, G)
     prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
     theta <- Grid[[j]]
     for (g in 1:G) {
          prop[j] <- theta[g]
          Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
          if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                    cat("\nWARNING: Evaluating",
                         Data[["parm.names"]][j], "at",
                         round(prop[j],5), "failed.\n", file=LogFile,
               Mo1 <- Mo0}
          LP.grid[g] <- Mo1[["LP"]]
          theta[g] <- Mo1[["parm"]][j]}
     if(all(!is.finite(LP.grid))) LP.grid <- rep(0, G)
     LP.grid[which(!is.finite(LP.grid))] <- min(LP.grid[which(is.finite(LP.grid))])
     LP.grid <- exp(LP.grid - logadd(LP.grid))
     LP.grid <- LP.grid / sum(LP.grid)
     prop[j] <- sample(theta, 1, prob=LP.grid)
     Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
     if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
          if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
               cat("\nWARNING: Evaluating", Data[["parm.names"]][j],
                    "at", round(prop[j],5), "failed.\n",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          Mo1 <- Mo0
     else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
          Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
          if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
               cat("\nWARNING: Evaluating", Data[["parm.names"]][j],
                    "at", round(prop[j],5),
                    "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          Mo1 <- Mo0}
     Mo0 <- Mo1
### Griddy-Gibbs Discrete Parameter (Parallelized)
.mcmcggdpp <- function(Model, Data, j, Mo0, Grid, Debug, LogFile, cl)
     G <- length(Grid[[j]])
     LP.grid <- rep(0, G)
     LIV <- length(Mo0[["parm"]])
     prop <- matrix(Mo0[["parm"]], G, LIV, byrow=TRUE)
     prop[, j] <- prop[, j] + Grid[[j]]
     Mo1 <- parLapply(cl, 1:G,
          function(x) Model(prop[x,], Data))
     LP.grid <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(Mo1,
          function(x) x[["LP"]])))
     prop <- matrix(as.vector(unlist(lapply(Mo1,
          function(x) x[["parm"]]))), G, LIV, byrow=TRUE)
     theta <- prop[, j]
     prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
     if(all(!is.finite(LP.grid))) LP.grid <- rep(0, G)
     LP.grid[which(!is.finite(LP.grid))] <- min(LP.grid[which(is.finite(LP.grid))])
     LP.grid <- exp(LP.grid - logadd(LP.grid))
     LP.grid <- LP.grid / sum(LP.grid)
     prop[j] <- sample(theta, 1, prob=LP.grid)
     Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
     if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
          if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
               cat("\nWARNING: Evaluating", Data[["parm.names"]][j],
                    "at", round(prop[j],5), "failed.\n",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          Mo1 <- Mo0
     else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
          Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
          if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
               cat("\nWARNING: Evaluating", Data[["parm.names"]][j],
                    "at", round(prop[j],5),
                    "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          Mo1 <- Mo0}
     Mo0 <- Mo1
.mcmcharm <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned,
     Debug, LogFile)
     alpha.star <- Specs[["alpha.star"]]
     Block <- Specs[["B"]]
     if(is.na(alpha.star) & {length(Block) == 0}) {
          for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
               ### Print Status
               if(iter %% Status == 0)
                    cat("Iteration: ", iter, sep="", file=LogFile,
               ### Propose new parameter values
               theta <- rnorm(LIV)
               d <- theta / sqrt(sum(theta*theta))
               prop <- Mo0[["parm"]] + runif(1) * d
               if(iter %% Status == 0)
                    cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                         ",   Proposal: Multivariate,   LP: ",
                         round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
               Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
               if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed.\n", file=LogFile,
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                              sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0
               else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                    Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal resulted in non-finite",
                              "value(s).\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                              sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0
               else {
                    ### Accept/Reject
                    log.u <- log(runif(1))
                    log.alpha <- Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]]
                    if(!is.finite(log.alpha)) log.alpha <- 0
                    if(log.u < log.alpha) {
                         Mo0 <- Mo1
                         Acceptance <- Acceptance + 1}}
               ### Save Thinned Samples
               if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                    t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
                    thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
                    Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
          ### Output
          out <- list(Acceptance=Acceptance,
     else if(is.na(alpha.star) & {length(Block) > 0}) {
          B <- length(Block)
          for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
               ### Print Status
               if(iter %% Status == 0)
                    cat("Iteration: ", iter, sep="", file=LogFile,
               ### Proceed by Block
               for (b in 1:B) {
                    ### Propose new parameter values
                    theta <- rnorm(length(Block[[b]]))
                    d <- theta / sqrt(sum(theta*theta))
                    prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    prop[Block[[b]]] <- prop[Block[[b]]] + runif(1) * d
                    if({b == 1} & {iter %% Status == 0}) 
                         cat(",   Proposal: Blockwise,   LP: ",
                              round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
                    Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data),
                    if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed.\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                   collapse=","),")",sep=""), "\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         Mo1 <- Mo0
                    else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                         Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Proposal resulted in",
                                   "non-finite value(s).\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                   collapse=","),")",sep=""), "\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         Mo1 <- Mo0
                    else {
                         ### Accept/Reject
                         log.u <- log(runif(1))
                         log.alpha <- Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]]
                         if(!is.finite(log.alpha)) log.alpha <- 0
                         if(log.u < log.alpha) {
                              Mo0 <- Mo1
                              Acceptance <- Acceptance +
                                   length(Block[[b]]) / LIV}}
               ### Save Thinned Samples
               if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                    t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
                    thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
                    Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
          ### Output
          out <- list(Acceptance=Acceptance,
     else if(length(Block) == 0) {
          tau <- 1
          DiagCovar <- matrix(tau, nrow(thinned), LIV)
          for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
               ### Print Status
               if(iter %% Status == 0)
                    cat("Iteration: ", iter, sep="", file=LogFile,
               ### Propose new parameter values
               theta <- rnorm(LIV)
               d <- theta / sqrt(sum(theta*theta))
               prop <- Mo0[["parm"]] + runif(1,0,tau) * d
               if(iter %% Status == 0) 
                    cat(",   Proposal: Multivariate,   LP: ",
                         round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
               Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
               if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed.\n", file=LogFile,
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                              sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0
               else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                    Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal resulted in non-finite",
                              "value(s).\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                              sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0
               else {
                    ### Accept/Reject
                    log.u <- log(runif(1))
                    log.alpha <- Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]]
                    if(!is.finite(log.alpha)) log.alpha <- 0
                    if(log.u < log.alpha) {
                         Mo0 <- Mo1
                         Acceptance <- Acceptance + 1
                         tau <- tau + (tau / (alpha.star *
                              (1 - alpha.star))) * (1 - alpha.star) / iter
                    else {
                         tau <- abs(tau - (tau / (alpha.star *
                              (1 - alpha.star))) * alpha.star / iter)}}
               ### Save Thinned Samples
               if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                    t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
                    thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
                    Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]
                    DiagCovar[t.iter,] <- tau}
          ### Output
          out <- list(Acceptance=Acceptance,
     else {
          B <- length(Block)
          tau <- rep(1,B)
          DiagCovar <- matrix(1, nrow(thinned), LIV)
          for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
               ### Print Status
               if(iter %% Status == 0)
                    cat("Iteration: ", iter, sep="", file=LogFile,
               ### Save Thinned Samples
               if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                    t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
                    thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
                    Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
               ### Proceed by Block
               for (b in 1:B) {
                    ### Propose new parameter values
                    theta <- rnorm(length(Block[[b]]))
                    d <- theta / sqrt(sum(theta*theta))
                    prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    prop[Block[[b]]] <- prop[Block[[b]]] +
                         runif(1,0,tau[b]) * d
                    if({b == 1} & {iter %% Status == 0}) 
                         cat(",   Proposal: Blockwise,   LP: ",
                              round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
                    Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data),
                    if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed.\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                   collapse=","),")",sep=""), "\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         Mo1 <- Mo0
                    else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                         Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Proposal resulted in",
                                   "non-finite value(s).\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                   collapse=","),")",sep=""), "\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         Mo1 <- Mo0
                    else {
                         ### Accept/Reject
                         log.u <- log(runif(1))
                         log.alpha <- Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]]
                         if(!is.finite(log.alpha)) log.alpha <- 0
                         if(log.u < log.alpha) {
                              Mo0 <- Mo1
                              Acceptance <- Acceptance +
                                   length(Block[[b]]) / LIV
                              tau[b] <- tau[b] + (tau[b] / (alpha.star *
                                   (1 - alpha.star))) * (1 - alpha.star) / iter
                              if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                                   thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo1[["parm"]]
                                   Dev[t.iter] <- Mo1[["Dev"]]
                                   Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo1[["Monitor"]]
                                   DiagCovar[t.iter, Block[[b]]] <- tau[b]}
                         else {
                              tau[b] <- abs(tau[b] - (tau[b] / (alpha.star *
                                   (1 - alpha.star))) * alpha.star / iter)
                              if(iter %% Thinning == 0)
                                   DiagCovar[t.iter, Block[[b]]] <- tau[b]}
          ### Output
          out <- list(Acceptance=Acceptance,
.mcmchmc <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, VarCov,
     Debug, LogFile)
     epsilon <- Specs[["epsilon"]]
     L <- Specs[["L"]]
     m <- Specs[["m"]]
     invm <- as.inverse(m)
     U <- chol(m)
     gr0 <- partial(Model, Mo0[["parm"]], Data)
     for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
          ### Print Status
          if(iter %% Status == 0)
               cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                    ",   Proposal: Multivariate,   LP: ",
                    round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          ### Propose new parameter values
          prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
          momentum0 <- as.vector(rnorm(LIV) %*% U)
          kinetic0 <- t(momentum0) %*% invm %*% momentum0 / 2
          momentum1 <- momentum0 + (epsilon/2) * gr0
          Mo0.1 <- Mo0
          for (l in 1:L) {
               prop <- prop + as.vector(epsilon %*% invm) * momentum1
               Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
               if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed in leapfrog", l,
                              ".\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                              sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0.1
               else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                    Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal in leapfrog", l,
                              "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                              sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0.1}
               if(any(Mo0.1[["parm"]] == Mo1[["parm"]])) {
                    nomove <- which(Mo0.1[["parm"]] == Mo1[["parm"]])
                    momentum1[nomove] <- -momentum1[nomove]
                    prop[nomove] <- prop[nomove] + momentum1[nomove]
                    Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data),
                    if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed in leapfrog",
                                   l, ".\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                   paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                                   sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         Mo1 <- Mo0.1
                    else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                         Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Proposal in leapfrog",
                                   l, "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                   paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                                   sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         Mo1 <- Mo0.1}}
               Mo0.1 <- Mo1
               prop <- Mo1[["parm"]]
               gr1 <- partial(Model, prop, Data)
               if(l < L) momentum1 <- momentum1 + epsilon * gr1}
          momentum1 <- momentum1 + (epsilon/2) * gr1
          momentum1 <- -momentum1
          kinetic1 <- t(momentum1) %*% invm %*% momentum1 / 2
          ### Accept/Reject
          H0 <- -Mo0[["LP"]] + kinetic0
          H1 <- -Mo1[["LP"]] + kinetic1
          delta <- H1 - H0
          alpha <- min(1, exp(-delta))
          if(!is.finite(alpha)) alpha <- 0
          if(runif(1) < alpha) {
               Mo0 <- Mo1
               kinetic0 <- kinetic1
               gr0 <- gr1
               Acceptance <- Acceptance + 1}
          ### Save Thinned Samples
          if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
               t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
               thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
               Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=Acceptance,
          DiagCovar=matrix(epsilon, 1, LIV),
.mcmchmcda <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, Debug,
     A <- Specs[["A"]]
     delta <- Specs[["delta"]]
     epsilon <- Specs[["epsilon"]]
     Lmax <- Specs[["Lmax"]]
     lambda <- Specs[["lambda"]]
     leapfrog <- function(theta, r, grad, epsilon, Model, Data, Mo0, Debug)
          rprime <- r + 0.5 * epsilon * grad
          thetaprime <-  theta + epsilon * rprime
          Mo1 <- try(Model(thetaprime, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
          if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                    cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed in leapfrog.\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                         paste("c(",paste(thetaprime, collapse=","),")",
                         sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               Mo1 <- Mo0
          else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
               Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                    cat("\nWARNING: Proposal in leapfrog", 
                         "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                         paste("c(",paste(thetaprime, collapse=","),")",
                         sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               Mo1 <- Mo0}
          thetaprime <- Mo1[["parm"]]
          gradprime <- partial(Model, thetaprime, Data)
          rprime <- rprime + 0.5 * epsilon * gradprime
          out <- list(thetaprime=thetaprime,
     find.reasonable.epsilon <- function(theta0, grad0, Mo0, Model, Data,
          cat("\nFinding a reasonable initial value for epsilon...",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          epsilon <- 0.001
          r0 <- runif(length(theta0))
          ### Figure out which direction to move epsilon
          leap <- leapfrog(theta0, r0, grad0, epsilon, Model, Data, Mo0,
               stop("LP is not finite in find.reasonable.epsilon().",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          acceptprob <- exp(leap$Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]] - 0.5 *
               (as.vector(leap$rprime %*% leap$rprime) -
               as.vector(r0 %*% r0)))
          a <- 2 * (acceptprob > 0.5) - 1
          ### Keep moving epsilon in that direction until acceptprob
          ### crosses 0.5
          while (acceptprob^a > 2^(-a)) {
               epsilon <- epsilon * 2^a
               leap <- leapfrog(theta0, r0, grad0, epsilon, Model, Data,
                    Mo0, Debug)
                    stop("LP is not finite in find.reasonable.epsilon().",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               acceptprob <- exp(leap$Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]] - 0.5 *
                    (as.vector(leap$rprime %*% leap$rprime) -
                    as.vector(r0 %*% r0)))
          cat("\nepsilon: ", round(max(epsilon,0.001),5), "\n\n", sep="",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
     gr0 <- partial(Model, Mo0[["parm"]], Data)
          epsilon <- find.reasonable.epsilon(Mo0[["parm"]], gr0, Mo0, Model,
               Data, LogFile)
     DiagCovar[1,] <- epsilon
     L <- max(1, round(lambda / epsilon))
     L <- min(L, Lmax)
     ### Dual-Averaging Parameters
     epsilonbar <- 1
     gamma <- 0.05
     Hbar <- 0
     kappa <- 0.75
     mu <- log(10*epsilon)
     t0 <- 10
     ### Begin HMCDA
     for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
          ### Print Status
          if(iter %% Status == 0)
               cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                    ",   Proposal: Multivariate,   LP: ",
                    round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          ### Propose new parameter values
          prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
          momentum1 <- momentum0 <- runif(LIV)
          joint <- Mo0[["LP"]] - 0.5 * as.vector(momentum0 %*% momentum0)
          L <- max(1, round(lambda / epsilon))
          L <- min(L, Lmax)
          gr1 <- gr0
          Mo0.1 <- Mo0
          ### Leapfrog Function
          for (l in 1:L) {
               momentum1 <- momentum1 + 0.5 * epsilon * gr1
               prop <- prop + epsilon * momentum1
               Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
               if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed in leapfrog", l,
                              ".\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                              sep=""),"\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0.1
               else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                    Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal in leapfrog", l, 
                              "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                              sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0.1}
               if(any(Mo0.1[["parm"]] == Mo1[["parm"]])) {
                    nomove <- which(Mo0.1[["parm"]] == Mo1[["parm"]])
                    momentum1[nomove] <- -momentum1[nomove]
                    prop[nomove] <- prop[nomove] + momentum1[nomove]
                    Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data),
                    if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed in leapfrog",
                                   l, ".\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                   paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                                   sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         Mo1 <- Mo0.1
                    else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                         Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Proposal in leapfrog", l, 
                                   "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                   paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                                   sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         Mo1 <- Mo0.1}}
               Mo0.1 <- Mo1
               prop <- Mo1[["parm"]]
               gr1 <- partial(Model, prop, Data)
               momentum1 <- momentum1 + epsilon * gr1}
          ### Accept/Reject
          alpha <- min(1,
               exp(prop - 0.5 * as.vector(momentum1 %*% momentum1) - joint))
          if(!is.finite(alpha)) alpha <- 0
          if(runif(1) < alpha) {
               Mo0 <- Mo1
               gr0 <- gr1
               Acceptance <- Acceptance + 1}
          ### Adaptation
          if(iter > 1) {
               eta <- 1 / (iter - 1 + t0)
               Hbar <- (1 - eta) * Hbar + eta * (delta - alpha)
               if(iter <= A) {
                    epsilon <- exp(mu - sqrt(iter-1)/gamma * Hbar)
                    eta <- (iter-1)^-kappa
                    epsilonbar <- exp((1 - eta) * log(epsilonbar) +
                         eta * log(epsilon))
                    DiagCovar <- rbind(DiagCovar, epsilon)}
               else epsilon <- epsilonbar}
          ### Save Thinned Samples
          if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
               t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
               thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
               Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=Acceptance,
.mcmcim <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, VarCov,
     Debug, LogFile)
     mu <- Specs[["mu"]]
     VarCov <- as.positive.definite(as.symmetric.matrix(VarCov * 1.1))
     Omega <- as.inverse(VarCov)
     U <- chol(VarCov)
     d <- eigen(VarCov, symmetric=TRUE)$values
     for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
          ### Print Status
          if(iter %% Status == 0)
               cat("Iteration: ", iter, sep="", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          ### Propose new parameter values
          MVNz <- try(rbind(rnorm(LIV)) %*% U, silent=TRUE)
          if(!inherits(MVNz, "try-error")) {
               if(iter %% Status == 0) 
                   cat(",   Proposal: Multivariate,   LP: ",
                        round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               prop <- as.vector(mu) + as.vector(MVNz)}
          else {prop <- as.vector(Mo0[["parm"]])}
          ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
          Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
          if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                    cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed.\n", file=LogFile,
                    cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                         paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                         sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               Mo1 <- Mo0
          else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
               Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                    cat("\nWARNING: Proposal resulted in non-finite",
                         "value(s).\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                         paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                         sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               Mo1 <- Mo0
          ### Importance Densities (dmvn)
          ss <- prop - mu
          z <- rowSums({ss %*% Omega} * ss)
          d1 <- sum(-0.5 * (LIV * log(2*pi) + sum(log(d))) - (0.5*z))
          ss <- Mo0[["parm"]] - mu
          z <- rowSums({ss %*% Omega} * ss)
          d0 <- sum(-0.5 * (LIV * log(2*pi) + sum(log(d))) - (0.5*z))
          ### Accept/Reject
          log.u <- log(runif(1))
          log.alpha <- Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]] + d1 - d0
          if(!is.finite(log.alpha)) log.alpha <- 0
          if(log.u < log.alpha) {
               Mo0 <- Mo1
               Acceptance <- Acceptance + 1}
          ### Save Thinned Samples
          if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
               t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
               thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
               Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=Acceptance,
.mcmcinca <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, tuning,
     VarCov, Debug, LogFile)
     Adaptive <- Specs[["Adaptive"]]
     Periodicity <- Specs[["Periodicity"]]
     post <- matrix(Mo0[["parm"]], Iterations, LIV, byrow=TRUE)
     Iden.Mat <- diag(LIV)
     con <- get("con")
     Chains <- get("Chains")
     DiagCovar <- matrix(0, floor(Iterations/Periodicity), LIV)
     ### Store all posteriors
     INCA_iter <- 1
     INCA_first <- TRUE
     tmpMean <- numeric(LIV)
     tmpCov <- matrix(0, LIV, LIV)
     tmpAlpha <- numeric(Periodicity)
     lambda <- ScaleF
     for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
          ### Print Status
          if(iter %% Status == 0)
               cat("Iteration: ", iter, sep="", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          ### Current Posterior
          if(iter > 1) post[iter,] <- post[iter-1,]
          ### Propose new parameter values
          MVNz <- try(rbind(rnorm(LIV)) %*% chol(VarCov),
          if(!inherits(MVNz, "try-error") &
               ((Acceptance / iter) >= 0.05)) {
               if(iter %% Status == 0) 
                    cat(",   Proposal: Multivariate,   LP: ",
                         round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               prop <- as.vector(post[iter,]) + as.vector(MVNz)}
          else {
               if(iter %% Status == 0) 
                    cat(",   Proposal: Single-Component,   LP: ",
                         round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               if(Debug[["DB.chol"]] == TRUE)
                    cat("\nWARNING: Cholesky decomposition failed for",
                         "proposal in iteration", iter, ".\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               prop <- post[iter,]
               j <- ceiling(runif(1,0,LIV))
               prop[j] <- rnorm(1, post[iter,j], tuning[j])}
          ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
          Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
          if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                    cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed.\n", file=LogFile,
                    cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                         paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                         sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               Mo1 <- Mo0
          else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
               Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                    cat("\nWARNING: Proposal resulted in non-finite",
                         "value(s).\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                         paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                         sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               Mo1 <- Mo0
          else {
               ### Accept/Reject
               log.u <- log(runif(1))
               log.alpha <- Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]]
               if(!is.finite(log.alpha)) log.alpha <- 0
               if(log.u < log.alpha) {
                    Mo0 <- Mo1
                    post[iter,] <- Mo1[["parm"]]
                    Acceptance <- Acceptance + 1}}
          ### Save Thinned Samples
          if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
               t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
               thinned[t.iter,] <- post[iter,]
               Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
               Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
          ### Save log.alpha
          if({iter %% Periodicity} == 0)
               tmpAlpha[Periodicity] <- min(1, exp(log.alpha))
          else tmpAlpha[(iter %% Periodicity)] <- min(1, exp(log.alpha))
          ### Shrinkage of Adaptive Proposal Variance
          if({iter < Adaptive} & {Acceptance > 5} &
               {Acceptance / iter < 0.05}) {
               VarCov <- VarCov * {1 - {1 / Iterations}}
               tuning <- tuning * {1 - {1 / Iterations}}}
          ### Adapt the Proposal Variance
          if({iter >= Adaptive} & {iter %% Periodicity == 0}) {
               select_post <- cbind(post[(iter-Periodicity+1):iter,],
               ### Ask for last posteriors to hpc_server
               tmp <- unserialize(con)
               ### Send new posteriors matrix to hpc_server      
               serialize(select_post, con)               
               if(is.matrix(tmp) && INCA_first == FALSE) {
                    for (i in 1:nrow(select_post)) {
                         tmpMean <- tmpMean + 1/(INCA_iter+1) *
                              (select_post[i, 1:LIV]-tmpMean)
                         tmpCov <- (INCA_iter-1)/INCA_iter * tmpCov +
                              1/INCA_iter *
                              tcrossprod(select_post[i, 1:LIV]-tmpMean)
                         INCA_iter <- INCA_iter + 1}
                    for (i in 1:nrow(tmp)) {
                         tmpMean <- tmpMean + 1/(INCA_iter+1) *
                              (tmp[i, 1:LIV]-tmpMean)
                         tmpCov <- (INCA_iter-1)/INCA_iter * tmpCov +
                              1/INCA_iter * 
                              tcrossprod(tmp[i, 1:LIV]-tmpMean)
                         INCA_iter <- INCA_iter + 1}
                    eta <- INCA_iter^-0.6
                    m1 <- median(select_post[, LIV+1])
                    m2 <- median(tmp[, LIV+1])
                    lambda <- exp(log(lambda) + eta * (m1 - 0.234))
                    lambda <- exp(log(lambda) + eta * (m2 - 0.234))}
               if(INCA_first == TRUE) {
                    for (i in 1:iter) {
                         tmpMean <- tmpMean + 1/(INCA_iter+1) *
                              (post[i, ]-tmpMean)
                         tmpCov <- (INCA_iter-1)/INCA_iter * tmpCov +
                              1/INCA_iter * 
                              tcrossprod(post[i, ] - tmpMean)
                         INCA_iter <- INCA_iter + 1}
                    INCA_first <- FALSE}
               VarCov <- lambda * (tmpCov + 1e-9 * Iden.Mat)
               a.iter <- floor(iter / Periodicity)
               DiagCovar[a.iter,] <- diag(VarCov)
               ### Univariate Standard Deviations
               tuning <- sqrt(diag(VarCov))}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=Acceptance,
.mcmcmala <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned,
     VarCov, Debug, LogFile)
     A <- Specs[["A"]]
     alpha.star <- Specs[["alpha.star"]]
     delta <- Specs[["delta"]]
     gamma.const <- Specs[["gamma"]]
     epsilon <- Specs[["epsilon"]]
     Gamm <- as.positive.definite(VarCov)
     mu <- Mo0[["parm"]]
     sigma2 <- 1 / (LIV*LIV)
     DiagCovar <- matrix(diag(Gamm), nrow(thinned), LIV)
     Iden <- diag(LIV)
     for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
          ### Print Status
          if(iter %% Status == 0)
               cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                    ",   Proposal: Multivariate,   LP: ",
                    round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          ### Propose new parameter values
          gr <- partial(Model, Mo0[["parm"]], Data)
          Dx <- {delta/max(delta, abs(gr))}*gr
          gamm <- min(gamma.const/iter, 1)
          Lambda <- Gamm + epsilon[2]*Iden
          U <- try(chol(sigma2*Lambda), silent=!Debug[["DB.chol"]])
          if(inherits(U, "try-error")) {
               if(Debug[["DB.chol"]] == TRUE)
                    cat("\nWARNING: Cholesky decomposition failed for",
                         "proposal in iteration", iter, ".\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               U <- chol(as.positive.definite(sigma2*Lambda))}
          prop <- as.vector((Mo0[["parm"]] +
               {sigma2/2}*as.vector(Lambda %*% Dx)*Dx) +
               rbind(rnorm(LIV)) %*% U)
          ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
          Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
          if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                    cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed.\n", file=LogFile,
                    cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                         paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                         sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               Mo1 <- Mo0
          else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
               Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                    cat("\nWARNING: Proposal resulted in non-finite",
                         "value(s).\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                         paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                         sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               Mo1 <- Mo0
          else {
               ### Accept/Reject
               log.u <- log(runif(1))
               log.alpha <- Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]]
               if(!is.finite(log.alpha)) log.alpha <- 0
               if(log.u < log.alpha) {
                    Mo0 <- Mo1
                    Acceptance <- Acceptance + 1}}
          ### Adapt Gamma (first, since it uses mu[t] not [t+1])
          xmu <- Mo0[["parm"]] - mu
          Gamm.prop <- Gamm + gamm*{xmu %*% t(xmu) - Gamm}
          norm.Gamm <- norm(Gamm.prop, type="F")
          if(norm.Gamm <= A) Gamm <- Gamm.prop
          else if(!is.finite(norm.Gamm)) Gamm <- sigma2*Iden
          else Gamm <- {A/norm.Gamm}*Gamm.prop
          ### Adapt mu
          mu.prop <- mu + gamm*(Mo0[["parm"]] - mu)
          norm.mu <- sqrt(sum(mu.prop*mu.prop))
          if(norm.mu <= A) mu <- mu.prop
          else mu <- {A/norm.mu}*mu.prop
          ### Adapt sigma
          sigma2 <- interval(sqrt(sigma2) +
               gamm*(min(exp(log.alpha),1) - alpha.star),
               epsilon[1], A, reflect=FALSE)^2
          ### Save Thinned Samples
          if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
               t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
               thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
               Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]
               DiagCovar[t.iter,] <- diag(Lambda)}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=Acceptance,
.mcmcmcmcmc <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, tuning,
     VarCov, Debug, LogFile)
     lambda <- Specs[["lambda"]]
     CPUs <- Specs[["CPUs"]]
     Packages <- Specs[["Packages"]]
     Dyn.libs <- Specs[["Dyn.libs"]]
     detectedCores <- detectCores()
     cat("\n\nCPUs Detected:", detectedCores, "\n", file=LogFile,
     if(CPUs > detectedCores) {
          cat("\nOnly", detectedCores, "will be used.\n",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          CPUs <- detectedCores}
     cat("\nLaplace's Demon is preparing environments for CPUs...",
          file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
     cl <- makeCluster(CPUs)
          file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
     varlist <- unique(c(ls(), ls(envir=.GlobalEnv),
     clusterExport(cl, varlist=varlist, envir=environment())
     wd <- getwd()
     clusterExport(cl, varlist=c("Packages", "Dyn.libs", "wd"),
     if(length(lambda) == 1) Temperature <- 1/(1 + lambda*(c(1:CPUs) - 1))
     else if(length(lambda) == LIV) Temperature <- lambda
     else Temperature <- 1/(1 + lambda[1]*(c(1:CPUs) - 1))
     coolest <- which.max(Temperature)[1]
     temp <- Mo0
     Mo0 <- list()
     for (i in 1:CPUs) Mo0[[i]] <- temp
     prop <- matrix(Mo0[[1]][["parm"]], CPUs, LIV, byrow=TRUE)
     Acceptance.swap <- 0
     U <- chol(VarCov)
     for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
          ### Print Status
          if(iter %% Status == 0)
               cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                    ",   Proposal: Multivariate,   LP: ",
                    round(Mo0[[coolest]][["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          ### Save Thinned Samples
          if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
               t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
               thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[[coolest]][["parm"]]
               Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[[coolest]][["Dev"]]
               Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[[coolest]][["Monitor"]]}
          ### Propose new parameter values
          for (i in 1:CPUs)
               prop[i,] <- Mo0[[i]][["parm"]] + rbind(rnorm(LIV)) %*% U
          ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
          Mo1 <- parLapply(cl, 1:CPUs, function(x)
               try(Model(prop[x,], Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]]))
          for (i in 1:CPUs) {
               if(inherits(Mo1[[i]], "try-error")) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed in chain", i,
                              ".\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              paste("c(",paste(prop[i,], collapse=","),")",
                              sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1[[i]] <- Mo0[[i]]
               else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[[i]][["LP"]], Mo1[[i]][["Dev"]],
                    Mo1[[i]][["Monitor"]])))) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal in chain", i,
                              "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              paste("c(",paste(prop[i,], collapse=","),")",
                              sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1[[i]] <- Mo0[[i]]
          ### Accept/Reject
          for (i in 1:CPUs) {
               log.u <- log(runif(1))
               log.alpha <- (Mo1[[i]][["LP"]] - Mo0[[i]][["LP"]]) /
               if(!is.finite(log.alpha)) log.alpha <- 0
               if(log.u < log.alpha) {
                    Mo0[[i]] <- Mo1[[i]]
                    if(i == coolest) {
                         Acceptance <- Acceptance + 1
                         if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                              thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo1[[i]][["parm"]]
                              Dev[t.iter] <- Mo1[[i]][["Dev"]]
                              Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo1[[i]][["Monitor"]]}}}}
          ### Swap
          swap <- sample.int(CPUs, 2)
          log.u <- log(runif(1))
          log.alpha <- {(Mo0[[swap[1]]][["LP"]] - Mo0[[swap[2]]][["LP"]]) /
               Temperature[swap[2]]} +
               {(Mo0[[swap[2]]][["LP"]] - Mo0[[swap[1]]][["LP"]]) /
          if(!is.finite(log.alpha)) log.alpha <- 0
          if(log.u < log.alpha) {
               Acceptance.swap <- Acceptance.swap + 1
               temp <- Mo0[[swap[2]]]
               Mo0[[swap[2]]] <- Mo0[[swap[1]]]
               Mo0[[swap[1]]] <- temp
               if({swap[1] == coolest} & {iter %% Thinning == 0}) {
                    thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[[swap[1]]][["parm"]]
                    Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[[swap[1]]][["Dev"]]
                    Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[[swap[1]]][["Monitor"]]}}
     cat("\nSwap Acceptance Rate:",
          round(Acceptance.swap / Iterations, 5), "\n", file=LogFile,
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=Acceptance,
.mcmcmtm <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, thinned, tuning, Debug,
     K <- Specs[["K"]]
     CPUs <- Specs[["CPUs"]]
     Packages <- Specs[["Packages"]]
     Dyn.libs <- Specs[["Dyn.libs"]]
     if(CPUs > 1) {
          detectedCores <- detectCores()
          cat("\n\nCPUs Detected:", detectedCores, "\n", file=LogFile,
          if(CPUs > detectedCores) {
               cat("\nOnly", detectedCores, "will be used.\n",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               CPUs <- detectedCores}
          cat("\nLaplace's Demon is preparing environments for CPUs...",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          cl <- makeCluster(CPUs)
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          varlist <- unique(c(ls(), ls(envir=.GlobalEnv),
          clusterExport(cl, varlist=varlist, envir=environment())
          wd <- getwd()
          clusterExport(cl, varlist=c("Packages", "Dyn.libs", "wd"),
     Acceptance <- matrix(0, 1, LIV)
     Mo1 <- list()
     for (k in 1:K) Mo1[[k]] <- Mo0
     LW <- LP <- rep(0, K)
     for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
          ### Print Status
          if(iter %% Status == 0)
               cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                    ",   Proposal: Componentwise,   LP: ",
                    round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          ### Random-Scan Componentwise Estimation
          for (j in sample.int(LIV)) {
               ### Propose new parameter values
               prop1 <- matrix(Mo0[["parm"]], K, LIV, byrow=TRUE)
               prop1[,j] <- rnorm(K, prop1[,j], tuning[j])
               ### Log-Posterior of the proposed states
               if(CPUs == 1) {
                    ### Non-parallel
                    for (k in 1:K) {
                         Mo1[[k]] <- try(Model(prop1[k,], Data),
                         if(inherits(Mo1[[k]], "try-error")) {
                              if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                   cat("\nWARNING: Proposal ", k,
                                        "failed.\n", file=LogFile,
                                   cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                                        "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                                        "Proposed:", round(prop1[k,j],5),
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                              Mo1[[k]] <- Mo0
                         else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[[k]][["LP"]],
                              Mo1[[k]][["Monitor"]])))) {
                              if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                   cat("\nWARNING: Proposal ", k,
                                        "resulted in non-finite",
                                        "value(s).\n", file=LogFile,
                                   cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                                        "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                                        "Proposed:", round(prop1[k,j],5),
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                              Mo1[[k]] <- Mo0}
                         LP[k] <- LW[k] <- Mo1[[k]][["LP"]]
                         prop1[k,] <- Mo1[[k]][["parm"]]}
               else {
                    ### Parallel
                    Mo1 <- parLapply(cl, 1:K, function(x)
                         try(Model(prop1[x,], Data),
                    for (k in 1:K) {
                         if(inherits(Mo1[[k]], "try-error")) {
                              if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                   cat("\nWARNING: Proposal ", k,
                                        "failed.\n", file=LogFile,
                                   cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                                        "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                                        "Proposed:", round(prop1[k,j],5),
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                              Mo1[[k]] <- Mo0
                         else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[[k]][["LP"]],
                              Mo1[[k]][["Monitor"]])))) {
                              if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                   cat("\nWARNING: Proposal ", k,
                                        "resulted in non-finite",
                                        "value(s).\n", file=LogFile,
                                   cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                                        "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                                        "Proposed:", round(prop1[k,j],5),
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                              Mo1[[k]] <- Mo0}
                         LP[k] <- LW[k] <- Mo1[[k]][["LP"]]
                         prop1[k,] <- Mo1[[k]][["parm"]]}
               ### Normalize Weights
               w <- exp(LW - logadd(LW))
               if(all(w == 0)) w <- rep(1/K, K)
               ### Sample a Proposal
               prop5 <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               prop2 <- sample(prop1[,j], size=1, prob=w)
               prop5[j] <- prop2
               ### Create Reference Set
               Mo2 <- try(Model(prop5, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
               if(inherits(Mo2, "try-error")) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed.\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                              "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                              "Proposed:", round(prop5[j],5),
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo2 <- Mo0}
               prop3 <- c(rnorm(K-1, Mo2[["parm"]][j], tuning[j]),
               prop4 <- prop1
               prop4[,j] <- prop3
               ### Calculate Acceptance Probability
               numerator <- logadd(LP)
               denom <- rep(0, K)
               if(CPUs == 1) {
                    ### Non-parallel
                    for (k in 1:K) {
                         Mo1[[k]] <- try(Model(prop4[k,], Data),
                         if(inherits(Mo1[[k]], "try-error")) {
                              if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                   cat("\nWARNING: Proposal ", k,
                                        "failed.\n", file=LogFile,
                                   cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                                        "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                                        "Proposed:", round(prop4[k,j],5),
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                              Mo1[[k]] <- Mo0
                         else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[[k]][["LP"]],
                              Mo1[[k]][["Monitor"]])))) {
                              if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                   cat("\nWARNING: Proposal ", k,
                                        "resulted in non-finite",
                                        "value(s).\n", file=LogFile,
                                   cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                                        "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                                        "Proposed:", round(prop4[k,j],5),
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                              Mo1[[k]] <- Mo0}
                         denom[k] <- Mo1[[k]][["LP"]]}
               else {
                    ### Parallel
                    Mo1 <- parLapply(cl, 1:K, function(x)
                         try(Model(prop4[x,], Data),
                    for (k in 1:K) {
                         if(inherits(Mo1[[k]], "try-error")) {
                              if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                   cat("\nWARNING: Proposal ", k,
                                        "failed.\n", file=LogFile,
                                   cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                                        "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                                        "Proposed:", round(prop4[k,j],5),
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                              Mo1[[k]] <- Mo0
                         else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[[k]][["LP"]],
                              Mo1[[k]][["Monitor"]])))) {
                              if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                   cat("\nWARNING: Proposal ", k,
                                        "resulted in non-finite",
                                        "value(s).\n", file=LogFile,
                                   cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                                        "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                                        "Proposed:", round(prop4[k,j],5),
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                              Mo1[[k]] <- Mo0}
                         denom[k] <- Mo1[[k]][["LP"]]}}
               denom <- logadd(denom)
               ### Accept/Reject
               u <- log(runif(1)) < (numerator - denom)
               if(u == TRUE) {
                    Mo0 <- Mo2
                    Acceptance[j] <- Acceptance[j] + 1}}
          if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
               t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
               thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
               Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=mean(as.vector(Acceptance)),
.mcmcmwg <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, tuning,
     Debug, LogFile)
     Block <- Specs[["B"]]
     B <- length(Block)
     Acceptance <- matrix(0, 1, LIV)
     if(B == 0) {
          for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
               ### Print Status
               if(iter %% Status == 0)
                    cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                         ",   Proposal: Componentwise,   LP: ",
                         round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               ### Random-Scan Componentwise Estimation
               propdraw <- rnorm(LIV,0,tuning)
               for (j in sample.int(LIV)) {
                    ### Propose new parameter values
                    prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    prop[j] <- prop[j] + propdraw[j]
                    ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
                    Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data),
                    if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed for",
                                   Data[["parm.names"]][j], ".\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                                   "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                                   "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         Mo1 <- Mo0
                    else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                         Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Proposal for",
                                   "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                                   "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                                   "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         Mo1 <- Mo0
                    else {
                         ### Accept/Reject
                         u <- log(runif(1)) < {Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]]}
                         if(u == TRUE) {
                              Mo0 <- Mo1
                              Acceptance[j] <- Acceptance[j] + 1}}}
               ### Save Thinned Samples
               if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                    t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
                    thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
                    Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
     else {
          for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
               ### Print Status
               if(iter %% Status == 0)
                    cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                         ",   Proposal: Componentwise,   LP: ",
                         round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               ### Random-Scan Componentwise Estimation
               propdraw <- rnorm(LIV,0,tuning)
               ### Proceed by Block
               for (b in 1:B) {
                    for (j in sample(Block[[b]])) {
                         ### Propose new parameter values
                         prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                         prop[j] <- prop[j] + propdraw[j]
                         ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
                         Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data),
                         if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                              if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                   cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed for",
                                        Data[["parm.names"]][j], ".\n",
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                   cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                                        "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                                        "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                              Mo1 <- Mo0
                         else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                              Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                              if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                   cat("\nWARNING: Proposal for",
                                        "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                   cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                                        "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                                        "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                              Mo1 <- Mo0
                         else {
                              ### Accept/Reject
                              u <- log(runif(1)) < {Mo1[["LP"]] -
                              if(u == TRUE) {
                                   Mo0 <- Mo1
                                   Acceptance[j] <- Acceptance[j] + 1}}}}
               ### Save Thinned Samples
               if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                    t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
                    thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
                    Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=mean(as.vector(Acceptance)),
.mcmcnuts <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, Debug,
     A <- Specs[["A"]]
     delta <- Specs[["delta"]]
     epsilon <- Specs[["epsilon"]]
     Lmax <- Specs[["Lmax"]]
     post <- matrix(Mo0[["parm"]], Iterations, LIV, byrow=TRUE)
     leapfrog <- function(theta, r, grad, epsilon, Model, Data, Mo0, Debug)
          rprime <- r + 0.5 * epsilon * grad
          thetaprime <-  theta + epsilon * rprime
          Mo1 <- try(Model(thetaprime, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
          if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                    cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed in leapfrog.\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                         paste("c(",paste(thetaprime, collapse=","),")",
                         sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               Mo1 <- Mo0
          else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
               Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                    cat("\nWARNING: Proposal in leapfrog", 
                         "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                         paste("c(",paste(thetaprime, collapse=","),")",
                         sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               Mo1 <- Mo0}
          thetaprime <- Mo1[["parm"]]
          gradprime <- partial(Model, thetaprime, Data)
          rprime <- rprime + 0.5 * epsilon * gradprime
          out <- list(thetaprime=thetaprime,
     stop.criterion <- function(thetaminus, thetaplus, rminus, rplus)
          thetavec <- thetaplus - thetaminus
          criterion <- (thetavec %*% rminus >= 0) &&
               (thetavec %*% rplus >= 0)
     build.tree <- function(theta, r, grad, logu, v, j, epsilon, joint0, Mo0)
          if(j == 0) {
               ### Base case: Take a single leapfrog step in direction v
               leap <- leapfrog(theta=theta, r=r, grad=grad,
                    epsilon=v*epsilon, Model=Model, Data=Data, Mo0=Mo0,
               rprime <- leap$rprime
               thetaprime <- leap$thetaprime
               Mo1 <- leap$Mo1
               gradprime <- leap$gradprime
               joint <- Mo1[["LP"]] - 0.5 * as.vector(rprime %*% rprime)
               ### Is the new point in the slice?
               nprime <- logu < joint
               ### Is the simulation wildly inaccurate?
               sprime <- logu - 1000 < joint
               # Set the return values---minus=plus for all things here,
               # since the "tree" is of depth 0.
               thetaminus <- thetaprime
               thetaplus <- thetaprime
               rminus <- rprime
               rplus <- rprime
               gradminus <- gradprime
               gradplus <- gradprime
               ### Compute the acceptance probability
               alphaprime <- min(1, exp(Mo1[["LP"]] - 0.5 *
                    as.vector(rprime %*% rprime) - joint0))
               nalphaprime <- 1}
          else {
               # Recursion: Implicitly build the height j-1 left and
               # right subtrees
               tree <- build.tree(theta=theta, r=r, grad=grad, logu=logu,
                    v=v, j=j-1, epsilon=epsilon, joint=joint0, Mo0=Mo0)
               thetaminus <- tree$thetaminus
               rminus <- tree$rminus
               gradminus <- tree$gradminus
               thetaplus <- tree$thetaplus
               rplus <- tree$rplus
               gradplus <- tree$gradplus
               thetaprime <- tree$thetaprime
               gradprime <- tree$gradprime
               Mo1 <- tree$Mo1
               nprime <- tree$nprime
               sprime <- tree$sprime
               alphaprime <- tree$alphaprime
               nalphaprime <- tree$nalphaprime
               ### If the first subtree stopping criterion is met, then stop
               if(sprime == 1) {
                    if(v == -1) {
                         tree <- build.tree(theta=thetaminus, r=rminus,
                              grad=gradminus, logu=logu, v=v, j=j-1,
                              epsilon=epsilon, joint0=joint0, Mo0=Mo0)
                         thetaminus <- tree$thetaminus
                         rminus <- tree$rminus
                         gradminus <- tree$gradminus
                         thetaprime2 <- tree$thetaprime
                         gradprime2 <- tree$gradprime
                         Mo12 <- tree$Mo1
                         nprime2 <- tree$nprime
                         sprime2 <- tree$sprime
                         alphaprime2 <- tree$alphaprime
                         nalphaprime2 <- tree$nalphaprime
                    else {
                         tree <- build.tree(theta=thetaplus, r=rplus,
                              grad=gradplus, logu=logu, v=v, j=j-1,
                              epsilon=epsilon, joint0=joint0, Mo0=Mo0)
                         thetaplus <- tree$thetaplus
                         rplus <- tree$rplus
                         gradplus <- tree$gradplus
                         thetaprime2 <- tree$thetaprime
                         gradprime2 <- tree$gradprime
                         Mo12 <- tree$Mo1
                         nprime2 <- tree$nprime
                         sprime2 <- tree$sprime
                         alphaprime2 <- tree$alphaprime
                         nalphaprime2 <- tree$nalphaprime
                    ### Choose a subtree to propagate a sample up from
                    temp <- nprime2 / (nprime + nprime2)
                    if(!is.finite(temp)) temp <- 0
                    if(runif(1) < temp) {
                         thetaprime <- thetaprime2
                         gradprime <- gradprime2
                         Mo1 <- Mo12}
                    ### Update the number of valid points
                    nprime <- nprime + nprime2
                    ### Update the stopping criterion
                    sprime <- sprime && sprime2 &&
                         stop.criterion(thetaminus, thetaplus, rminus,
                    ### Update acceptance probability statistics
                    alphaprime <- alphaprime + alphaprime2
                    nalphaprime <- nalphaprime + nalphaprime2}}
          out <- list(thetaminus=thetaminus,
     find.reasonable.epsilon <- function(theta0, grad0, Mo0, Model, Data,
          cat("\nFinding a reasonable initial value for epsilon...",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          epsilon <- 0.001
          r0 <- runif(length(theta0))
          ### Figure out which direction to move epsilon
          leap <- leapfrog(theta=theta0, r=r0, grad=grad0,
               epsilon=epsilon, Model=Model, Data=Data, Mo0=Mo0,
               stop("LP is not finite in find.reasonable.epsilon().",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          acceptprob <- exp(leap$Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]] - 0.5 *
               (as.vector(leap$rprime %*% leap$rprime) -
               as.vector(r0 %*% r0)))
          a <- 2 * (acceptprob > 0.5) - 1
          ### Keep moving epsilon in that direction until acceptprob
          ### crosses 0.5
          while (acceptprob^a > 2^(-a)) {
               epsilon <- epsilon * 2^a
               leap <- leapfrog(theta=theta0, r=r0, grad=grad0,
                    epsilon=epsilon, Model=Model, Data=Data, Mo0=Mo0,
                    stop("LP is not finite in find.reasonable.epsilon().",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               acceptprob <- exp(leap$Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]] - 0.5 *
                    (as.vector(leap$rprime %*% leap$rprime) -
                    as.vector(r0 %*% r0)))
          cat("\nepsilon: ", round(max(epsilon,0.001),5), "\n\n", sep="",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
     Count <- 0
     evals <- 0
     grad <- partial(Model, post[1,], Data)
          epsilon <- find.reasonable.epsilon(theta0=post[1,], grad0=grad,
               Mo0=Mo0, Model=Model, Data=Data, LogFile=LogFile)
     DiagCovar[1,] <- epsilon
     ### Dual-Averaging Parameters
     epsilonbar <- 1
     gamma <- 0.05
     Hbar <- 0
     kappa <- 0.75
     mu <- log(10*epsilon)
     t0 <- 10
     ### Reset Dev, Mon, and thinned
     if(A < Iterations) {
          Dev <- matrix(Dev[1:(floor((Iterations-A)/Thinning)+1),])
          Mon <- matrix(Mo0[["Monitor"]], floor((Iterations-A)/Thinning)+1,
               length(Mo0[["Monitor"]]), byrow=TRUE)
          thinned <- matrix(0, floor((Iterations-A)/Thinning)+1, LIV)}
     ### Begin NUTS
     for (iter in 2:Iterations) {
          ### Print Status
          if(iter %% Status == 0)
               cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                    ",   Proposal: Multivariate,   LP: ",
                    round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          ### Current Posterior
          if(iter > 1) post[iter,] <- post[iter-1,]
          ### Save Thinned Samples
          if(iter > A) {
               if((iter-A) %% Thinning == 0) {
                    thinned[((iter-A)/Thinning+1),] <- post[iter,]
                    Dev[((iter-A)/Thinning+1)] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
                    Mon[((iter-A)/Thinning+1),] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}}
          else if(A >= Iterations) {
               if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                    t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
                    thinned[t.iter,] <- post[iter,]
                    Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
                    Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}}
          prop <- post[iter,]
          r0 <- runif(LIV) ### r0 is momenta
          ### Joint log-probability of theta and momenta r
          joint <- Mo0[["LP"]] - 0.5 * as.vector(r0 %*% r0)
          ### Resample u ~ U([0, exp(joint)])
          logu <- joint - rexp(1)
          ### Initialize Tree
          thetaminus <- prop
          thetaplus <- prop
          rminus <- r0
          rplus <- r0
          gradminus <- grad
          gradplus <- grad
          j <- 0 ### Initial height j=0
          n <- 1 ### Initially, the only valid point is the initial point
          s <- 1 ### Loop until s == 0
          while (s == 1) {
               ### Choose a direction: -1=backward, 1=forward.
               v <- 2*(runif(1) < 0.5) - 1
               ### Double the size of the tree.
               if(v == -1) {
                    tree <- build.tree(theta=thetaminus, r=rminus,
                         grad=gradminus, logu=logu, v=v, j=j,
                         epsilon=epsilon, joint0=joint, Mo0=Mo0)
                    thetaminus <- tree$thetaminus
                    rminus <- tree$rminus
                    gradminus <- tree$gradminus
                    thetaprime <- tree$thetaprime
                    gradprime <- tree$gradprime
                    Mo1 <- tree$Mo1
                    nprime <- tree$nprime
                    sprime <- tree$sprime
                    alpha <- tree$alphaprime
                    nalpha <- tree$nalphaprime}
               else {
                    tree <- build.tree(theta=thetaplus, r=rplus,
                         grad=gradplus, logu, v=v, j=j, epsilon=epsilon,
                         joint0=joint, Mo0=Mo0)
                    thetaplus <- tree$thetaplus
                    rplus <- tree$rplus
                    gradplus <- tree$gradplus
                    thetaprime <- tree$thetaprime
                    gradprime <- tree$gradprime
                    Mo1 <- tree$Mo1
                    nprime <- tree$nprime
                    sprime <- tree$sprime
                    alpha <- tree$alphaprime
                    nalpha <- tree$nalphaprime}
               ### Accept/Reject
               Count <- Count + 1
               if((sprime == 1) && (runif(1) < nprime/n)) {
                    post[iter,] <- thetaprime
                    Mo0 <- Mo1
                    grad <- gradprime
                    Acceptance <- Acceptance + 1
                    if(iter > A) {
                         if((iter-A) %% Thinning == 0) {
                              thinned[((iter-A)/Thinning+1),] <- Mo1[["parm"]]
                              Dev[((iter-A)/Thinning+1)] <- Mo1[["Dev"]]
                              Mon[((iter-A)/Thinning+1),] <- Mo1[["Monitor"]]}}
                    else if(A >= Iterations) {
                         if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                              thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo1[["parm"]]
                              Dev[t.iter] <- Mo1[["Dev"]]
                              Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo1[["Monitor"]]}}}
               ### Update number of observed valid points
               n <- n + nprime
               ### Decide if it is time to stop
               s <- sprime &&
                    stop.criterion(thetaminus, thetaplus, rminus, rplus)
               ### Increment depth
               j <- j + 1
               if(j*j >= Lmax) s <- 0}
          ### Adaptation of epsilon
          eta <- 1 / (iter - 1 + t0)
          Hbar <- (1 - eta) * Hbar + eta * (delta - alpha / nalpha)
          if(iter <= A) {
               epsilon <- exp(mu - sqrt(iter-1)/gamma * Hbar)
               eta <- (iter-1)^-kappa
               epsilonbar <- exp((1 - eta) * log(epsilonbar) +
                    eta * log(epsilon))
               DiagCovar <- rbind(DiagCovar, epsilon)}
          else epsilon <- epsilonbar
     Acceptance <- round(Acceptance / Count * Iterations)
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=Acceptance,
.mcmcohss <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned,
     VarCov, Debug, LogFile)
     A <- Specs[["A"]]
     n <- Specs[["n"]]
     w <- 0.05 # as with Roberts & Rosenthal
     if(!is.symmetric.matrix(VarCov)) {
               cat("\nAsymmetric Covar, correcting now...\n", file=LogFile,
               VarCov <- as.symmetric.matrix(VarCov)}
          if(!is.positive.definite(VarCov)) {
               cat("\nNon-Positive-Definite Covar, correcting now...\n",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               VarCov <- as.positive.definite(VarCov)}
     decomp.freq <- max(floor(Iterations / Thinning / 100), 10)
     cat("\nEigendecomposition will occur every", decomp.freq,
          "iterations.\n\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
     S.eig <-try(eigen(VarCov), silent=!Debug[["DB.eigen"]])
     if(inherits(S.eig, "try-error")) {
          if(Debug[["DB.eigen"]] == TRUE)
               cat("\nWARNING: Eigendecomposition failed.\n",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          S.eig <- NULL
          DiagCovar <- matrix(0, floor(Iterations/Thinning)+1, LIV)
     else DiagCovar <- matrix(diag(S.eig$vectors),
               floor(Iterations/Thinning)+1, LIV, byrow=TRUE)
     tuning <- 1 #Tuning
     edge.scale <- 5 #Tuning
     if(A > Iterations)
          post <- matrix(Mo0[["parm"]], Iterations, LIV, byrow=TRUE)
     else post <- matrix(Mo0[["parm"]], A, LIV, byrow=TRUE)
     for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
          ### Print Status
          if(iter %% Status == 0)
               cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                    ",   Proposal: Multivariate,   LP: ",
                    round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          ### Eigenvectors of the Sample Covariance Matrix
          if({iter %% decomp.freq == 0} & {iter > 2} & {iter <= A}) {
               VarCov2 <- try({VarCov*n +
               if(inherits(VarCov2, "try-error")) VarCov2 <- VarCov
                    VarCov2 <- as.symmetric.matrix(VarCov2)
                    VarCov2 <- as.positive.definite(VarCov2)
               S.eig <- try(eigen(VarCov2), silent=!Debug[["DB.eigen"]])
               if(inherits(S.eig, "try-error")) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.eigen"]] == TRUE)
                         cat("\nWARNING: Eigendecomposition failed in",
                              "iteration", iter, ".\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    S.eig <- eigen(VarCov)}}
          ### Hypercube or Eigenvector
          if(runif(1) < w || is.null(S.eig)) {
               vals <- rep(tuning, LIV)
               vecs <- diag(1, nrow=LIV)
          else {
               vals <- S.eig$values
               vecs <- S.eig$vectors}
          ### Slice Interval
          Mo0.1 <- try(Model(Mo0[["parm"]], Data),
          if(inherits(Mo0.1, "try-error")) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                    cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed.\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                         paste("c(",paste(Mo0[["parm"]], collapse=","),")",
                         sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               Mo0.1 <- Mo0}
          Mo0 <- Mo0.1
          y.slice <- Mo0[["LP"]] - rexp(1)
          L <- -1 * runif(LIV)
          U <- L + 1
          ### Rejection Sampling
          repeat {
               wt <- runif(LIV, min=L, max=U)
               v <- as.numeric(vecs %*% {edge.scale * wt * vals})
               prop <- Mo0[["parm"]] + v
               Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
               if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Rejection sampling failed.\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                              sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0
               else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                    Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Rejection sampling resulted",
                              "in non-finite value(s).\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                              sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0}
               if(Mo1[["LP"]] >= y.slice) break
               else if(all(abs(wt) < 1e-100)) {
                    Mo1 <- Mo0
               L[wt < 0] <- wt[wt < 0]
               U[wt > 0] <- wt[wt > 0]}
          Mo0 <- Mo1
          if(iter <= A) post[iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
          ### Save Thinned Samples
          if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
               t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
               thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
               Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]
               DiagCovar[t.iter,] <- diag(S.eig$vectors)}
     if(A > 0) VarCov <- VarCov2
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=Iterations,
.mcmcpcn <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, VarCov,
     Debug, LogFile)
     beta <- Specs[["beta"]]
     U <- chol(VarCov)
     for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
          ### Print Status
          if(iter %% Status == 0)
               cat("Iteration: ", iter,
               ",   Proposal: Multivariate,   LP: ",
               round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          ### Propose new parameter values
          prop <- as.vector(sqrt(1 - beta*beta)*Mo0[["parm"]] +
               beta*(rbind(rnorm(LIV)) %*% U))
          ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
          Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
          if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                    cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed.\n", file=LogFile,
                    cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                         paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                         sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               Mo1 <- Mo0
          else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
               Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                    cat("\nWARNING: Proposal resulted in non-finite",
                         "value(s).\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                         paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                         sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               Mo1 <- Mo0
          else {
               ### Accept/Reject
               log.u <- log(runif(1))
               log.alpha <- Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]]
               if(!is.finite(log.alpha)) log.alpha <- 0
               if(log.u < log.alpha) {
                    Mo0 <- Mo1
                    Acceptance <- Acceptance + 1}}
          ### Save Thinned Samples
          if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
               t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
               thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
               Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=Acceptance,
.mcmcram <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, VarCov,
     Debug, LogFile)
     alpha.star <- Specs[["alpha.star"]]
     Block <- Specs[["B"]]
     Dist <- Specs[["Dist"]]
     gamma <- Specs[["gamma"]]
     n <- Specs[["n"]]
     B <- length(Block)
     if(B == 0) {
          if(!is.symmetric.matrix(VarCov)) {
               cat("\nAsymmetric Covar, correcting now...\n", file=LogFile,
               VarCov <- as.symmetric.matrix(VarCov)}
          if(!is.positive.definite(VarCov)) {
               cat("\nNon-Positive-Definite Covar, correcting now...\n",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               VarCov <- as.positive.definite(VarCov)}
          Iden.Mat <- diag(LIV)
          S.z <- try(t(chol(VarCov)), silent=!Debug[["DB.chol"]])
          if(!inherits(S.z, "try-error")) {
               if(Debug[["DB.chol"]] == TRUE)
                    cat("\nWARNING: Cholesky decomposition failed for",
                         "proposal.\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               S <- S.z}
          else S <- Iden.Mat
          DiagCovar <- matrix(diag(VarCov), floor(Iterations/Thinning)+1,
               LIV, byrow=TRUE)
          for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
               ### Print Status
               if(iter %% Status == 0)
                    cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                         ",   Proposal: Multivariate,   LP: ",
                         round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               ### Propose New Parameter Values
               if(Dist == "t") U <- rt(LIV, df=5)
               else U <- rnorm(LIV)
               prop <- Mo0[["parm"]] + rbind(U) %*% S
               ### Log-Posterior
               Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
               if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed.\n", file=LogFile,
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                              sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0
               else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                    Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal resulted in non-finite",
                              "value(s).\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                              sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0
               else {
                    ### Accept/Reject
                    log.u <- log(runif(1))
                    log.alpha <- Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]]
                    if(!is.finite(log.alpha)) log.alpha <- 0
                    if(log.u < log.alpha) {
                         Mo0 <- Mo1
                         Acceptance <- Acceptance + 1}}
               ### Adaptation
               eta <- min(1, LIV*{n + iter}^(-gamma))
               VarCov.test <- S %*% {Iden.Mat +
                    eta*(min(1, exp(log.alpha)) - alpha.star) *
                    U %*% t(U) / sum(U*U)} %*% t(S)
               if(missing(VarCov.test) || !all(is.finite(VarCov.test)) ||
                    !is.matrix(VarCov.test)) {VarCov.test <- VarCov}
                    VarCov.test <- as.symmetric.matrix(VarCov.test)
               if(is.positive.definite(VarCov.test)) {
                    S.z <- try(t(chol(VarCov)), silent=!Debug[["DB.chol"]])
                    if(!inherits(S.z, "try-error")) {
                         VarCov <- VarCov.test
                         S <- S.z
                    else if(Debug[["DB.chol"]] == TRUE)
                         cat("\nWARNING: Cholesky decomposition failed for",
                              "proposal in iteration", iter, ".\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               ### Save Thinned Samples
               if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                    t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
                    thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
                    Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]
                    DiagCovar[t.iter,] <- diag(VarCov)}
     else {
          if(!identical(length(VarCov), B))
               stop("Number of components in Covar differs from ",
                    "number of blocks.", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          DiagCovar <- rep(0, LIV)
          Iden.Mat <- S <- S.z <- list()
          for (b in 1:B) {
               if(!identical(length(Block[[b]]), length(diag(VarCov[[b]]))))
                    stop("Diagonal of Covar[[",b,"]] differs from ",
                         "block length.", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               if(!is.symmetric.matrix(VarCov[[b]])) {
                    cat("\nAsymmetric Covar block, correcting now...\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    VarCov[[b]] <- as.symmetric.matrix(VarCov[[b]])}
               if(!is.positive.definite(VarCov[[b]])) {
                    cat("\nNon-Positive-Definite Covar block,",
                         "correcting now...\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    VarCov[[b]] <- as.positive.definite(VarCov[[b]])}
               Iden.Mat[[b]] <- diag(length(diag(VarCov[[b]])))
               S.z[[b]] <- try(t(chol(VarCov[[b]])),
               if(!inherits(S.z[[b]], "try-error")) S[[b]] <- S.z[[b]]
               else {
                    if(Debug[["DB.chol"]] == TRUE)
                         cat("\nWARNING: Cholesky decomposition failed for",
                              "proposal in block", b, ".\n", file=LogFile,
                    S[[b]] <- Iden.Mat[[b]]}
               DiagCovar[Block[[b]]] <- diag(VarCov[[b]])
          DiagCovar <- matrix(DiagCovar, floor(Iterations/Thinning)+1,
               LIV, byrow=TRUE)
          for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
               ### Print Status
               if(iter %% Status == 0)
                    cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                         ",   Proposal: Blockwise,   LP: ",
                         round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               ### Proceed by Block
               for (b in 1:B) {
                    ### Propose New Parameter Values
                    if(Dist == "t") U <- rt(length(Block[[b]]), df=5)
                    else U <- rnorm(length(Block[[b]]))
                    prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    prop[Block[[b]]] <- prop[Block[[b]]] +
                         rbind(U) %*% S[[b]]
                    ### Log-Posterior
                    Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data),
                    if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed in block",
                                   b, ".\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                   collapse=","),")",sep=""), "\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         Mo1 <- Mo0
                    else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                         Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Proposal in block", b,
                                   "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                   collapse=","),")",sep=""), "\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         Mo1 <- Mo0
                    else {
                         ### Accept/Reject
                         log.u <- log(runif(1))
                         log.alpha <- Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]]
                         if(!is.finite(log.alpha)) log.alpha <- 0
                         if(log.u < log.alpha) {
                              Mo0 <- Mo1
                              Acceptance <- Acceptance +
                                   length(Block[[b]]) / LIV}}
                    ### Adaptation
                    eta <- min(1, length(Block[[b]])*{n + iter}^(-gamma))
                    VarCov.test <- S[[b]] %*% {Iden.Mat[[b]] +
                         eta*(min(1, exp(log.alpha)) - alpha.star) *
                         U %*% t(U) / sum(U*U)} %*% t(S[[b]])
                    if(missing(VarCov.test) || !all(is.finite(VarCov.test)) ||
                         !is.matrix(VarCov.test)) {VarCov.test <- VarCov[[b]]}
                         VarCov.test <- as.symmetric.matrix(VarCov.test)
                    if(is.positive.definite(VarCov.test)) {
                         S.z[[b]] <- try(t(chol(VarCov[[b]])),
                         if(!inherits(S.z[[b]], "try-error")) {
                              VarCov[[b]] <- VarCov.test
                              S[[b]] <- S.z[[b]]}
                         else if(Debug[["DB.chol"]] == TRUE)
                              cat("\nWARNING: Cholesky decomposition",
                                   "failed for proposal in block", b,
                                   "in iteration", iter, ".\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    DiagCovar[floor(iter / Thinning)+1,Block[[b]]] <- diag(VarCov[[b]])
               ### Save Thinned Samples
               if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                    t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
                    thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
                    Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=Acceptance,
.mcmcrdmh <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned,
     Debug, LogFile)
     Acceptance <- matrix(0, 1, LIV)
     for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
          ### Print Status
          if(iter %% Status == 0)
               cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                    ",   Proposal: Componentwise,   LP: ",
                    round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          s <- sample(c(-1,1), LIV, replace=TRUE)
          u1 <- runif(LIV, -1, 1)
          epsilon1 <- u1^s
          ### Random-Scan Componentwise Estimation
          for (j in sample.int(LIV)) {
               ### Propose new parameter values
               prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               prop[j] <- prop[j]*epsilon1[j]
               ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
               Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
               if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed for",
                              Data[["parm.names"]][j], ".\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                              "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                              "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0
               else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                    Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal for",
                              "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                              "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                              "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0
               else {
                    epsilon2 <- log(abs(Mo1[["parm"]][j] /
                    if(!is.finite(epsilon2)) epsilon2 <- 0
                    ### Accept/Reject
                    u2 <- log(runif(1)) < (epsilon2 + Mo1[["LP"]] -
                    if(u2 == TRUE) {
                         Mo0 <- Mo1
                         Acceptance[j] <- Acceptance[j] + 1}}}
          ### Save Thinned Samples
          if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
               t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
               thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
               Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=mean(as.vector(Acceptance)),
.mcmcrefractive <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning,
     Specs, Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, thinned, Debug,
     Adaptive <- Specs[["Adaptive"]]
     m <- Specs[["m"]]
     w <- Specs[["w"]]
     r <- Specs[["r"]]
     alpha.star <- 0.65
     if(Adaptive < Iterations) DiagCovar <- matrix(w, nrow(thinned), LIV)
     for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
          ### Print Status
          if(iter %% Status == 0)
               cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                    ",   Proposal: Multivariate,   LP: ",
                    round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
          p <- rnorm(LIV)
          a <- 1
          g <- partial(Model, prop, Data)
          for (i in 1:m) {
               if(t(p) %*% g > 0) {
                    u <- g / sqrt(sum(g*g))
                    r1 <- 1
                    r2 <- r
               else {
                    u <- -g / sqrt(sum(g*g))
                    r1 <- r
                    r2 <- 1}
               cos.theta.1 <- (t(p) %*% u) / sqrt(sum(p*p))
               cos.2.theta.1 <- cos.theta.1 * cos.theta.1
               cos.2.theta.2 <- 1 - (r1^2 / r2^2)*(1 - cos.2.theta.1)
               if(cos.2.theta.2 > 0) cos.theta.2 <- sqrt(cos.2.theta.2)
               else cos.theta.2 <- -sqrt(abs(cos.2.theta.2))
               if(cos.2.theta.2 < 0) p <- as.vector(p - 2*(t(p) %*% u) %*% u)
               else {
                    p <- (r1 / r2)*p -
                         sqrt(sum(p*p))*((r1 / r2)*cos.theta.1 -
                    a <- (r1 / r2)^(LIV-1)*(cos.theta.1 / cos.theta.2)*a}
               prop <- prop + w*p
               Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
               if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed.\n", file=LogFile,
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                              sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0
               else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                    Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal resulted in non-finite",
                              "value(s).\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                              sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0
               prop <- Mo1[["parm"]]}
          ### Accept/Reject
          log.alpha <- Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]] + exp(a)
          if(!is.finite(log.alpha)) log.alpha <- 0
          if(log(runif(1)) < log.alpha) {
               Mo0 <- Mo1
               Acceptance <- Acceptance + 1
               if(Adaptive < Iterations)
                    w <- w + (w / (alpha.star * (1 - alpha.star))) *
                         (1 - alpha.star) / iter
          else if(Adaptive < Iterations)
               w <- abs(w - (w / (alpha.star * (1 - alpha.star))) *
                    alpha.star / iter)
          ### Save Thinned Samples
          if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
               t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
               thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
               Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]
               if(Adaptive < Iterations) DiagCovar[t.iter,] <- w}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=Acceptance,
.mcmcrj <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, Debug,
     bin.n <- Specs[["bin.n"]]
     bin.p <- Specs[["bin.p"]]
     parm.p <- Specs[["parm.p"]]
     selectable <- Specs[["selectable"]]
     selected <- Specs[["selected"]]
     cur.parm <- cur.sel <- selected
     cur.parm[which(selectable == 0)] <- 1
     nonzero.post <- rep(0, LIV)
     p <- parm.p
     for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
          ### Print Status
          if(iter %% Status == 0)
               cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                    ",   Proposal: Componentwise,   LP: ",
                    round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          ### Propose a variable to include/exclude
          v.change <- sample(LIV, 1, prob=selectable)
          prop.sel <- cur.sel
          prop.parm <- cur.parm
          ### Change proposed size, but not above bin.n
          if(sum(cur.sel) < bin.n) {
               prop.sel[v.change] <- 1 - prop.sel[v.change]
               prop.parm[v.change] <- 1 - prop.parm[v.change]}
          else if(prop.sel[v.change] == 1) 
               prop.parm[v.change] <- prop.sel[v.change] <- 0
          ### Priors
          prior.cur <- sum(dbern(cur.sel, p[which(selectable == 1)], log=TRUE),
               dbinom(sum(cur.sel), bin.n, bin.p, log=TRUE))
          prior.prop <- sum(dbern(prop.sel, p[which(selectable == 1)], log=TRUE),
               dbinom(sum(prop.sel), bin.n, bin.p, log=TRUE))
          ### Hit-And-Run Proposal Parameters
          theta <- rnorm(LIV)
          theta <- theta / sqrt(sum(theta*theta))
          lambda <- runif(1)
          ### Random-Scan Componentwise Estimation (Within-Model)
          for (j in sample(which(cur.parm == 1))) {
               ### Propose new parameter values
               temp.post <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               temp.post[which(temp.post == 0)] <- nonzero.post[which(temp.post == 0)]
               temp.post[which(cur.parm == 0)] <- 0
               prop <- Mo0[["parm"]] <- temp.post
               prop[j] <- prop[j] + lambda*theta[j]
               ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
               Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
               if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Within-model proposal failed for",
                              Data[["parm.names"]][j], ".\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                              "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                              "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0
               else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                    Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Within-model proposal for",
                              "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                              "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                              "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0
               ### Accept/Reject (Within-Model Move)
               u <- log(runif(1)) < (Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]])
               if(u == TRUE) Mo0 <- Mo1
               if(Mo0[["parm"]][j] != 0) nonzero.post[j] <- Mo0[["parm"]][j]
               Acceptance <- Acceptance + (u * (1 / sum(cur.parm)))}
          ### Random-Scan Componentwise Estimation (Between-Models)
          prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
          prop[v.change] <- prop.sel[v.change]*(prop[v.change] +
          ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
          Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
          if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                    cat("\nWARNING: Between-models proposal failed for",
                         Data[["parm.names"]][j], ".\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                         "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                         "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               Mo1 <- Mo0
          else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
               Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                    cat("\nWARNING: Between-models proposal for",
                         "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                         "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                         "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               Mo1 <- Mo0
          ### Accept/Reject (Between-Models Move)
          u <- log(runif(1)) < (Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]] + prior.prop -
          if(u == TRUE) {
               Mo0 <- Mo1
               cur.sel <- prop.sel
               cur.parm <- prop.parm}
          if(Mo0[["parm"]][v.change] != 0)
               nonzero.post[v.change] <- Mo0[["parm"]][v.change]
          Acceptance <- Acceptance + (u * (1 / sum(prop.parm)))
          ### Save Thinned Samples
          if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
               t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
               thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
               Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=Acceptance,
.mcmcrss <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, thinned, Debug, LogFile)
     m <- Specs[["m"]]
     w <- Specs[["w"]]
     reflections <- 0
     Norm <- function(x) return(sqrt(sum(x*x)))
     for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
          ### Print Status
          if(iter %% Status == 0)
               cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                    ",   Proposal: Multivariate,   LP: ",
                    round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          ### Save Thinned Samples
          if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
               t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
               thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
               Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
          prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
          y.slice <- Mo0[["LP"]] - rexp(1)
          g <- partial(Model, prop, Data)
          p <- rnorm(LIV)
          reflections <- 0
          ### Take m Steps
          for (i in 1:m) {
               prop0 <- prop
               prop <- prop + w*p
               Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
               if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out proposal failed",
                              "in step", i, ".\n", file=LogFile,
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                              sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0
               else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                    Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out proposal resulted",
                              "in non-finite value(s) in step", i, ".\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                              sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0}
               prop <- Mo1[["parm"]]
               ### Reflect at boundary
               if(y.slice > Mo1[["LP"]]) {
                    reflections <- reflections + 1
                    prop <- prop0
                    g <- partial(Model, prop, Data)
                    p <- p - 2*g*{(t(p) %*% g) / Norm(g)^2}}}
          Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
          if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                    cat("\nWARNING: Final proposal failed.\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                         paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                         sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               Mo1 <- Mo0
          else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
               Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                    cat("\nWARNING: Final proposal resulted",
                         "in non-finite value(s).\n", file=LogFile,
                    cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                         paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                         sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               Mo1 <- Mo0
          Mo0 <- Mo1
          ### Save Thinned Samples
          if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
               t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
               thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
               Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=Iterations,
.mcmcrwm <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, tuning,
     VarCov, Debug, LogFile)
     Block <- Specs[["B"]]
     if(length(Block) == 0) {
          if(!is.symmetric.matrix(VarCov)) {
               cat("\nAsymmetric Covar, correcting now...\n", file=LogFile,
               VarCov <- as.symmetric.matrix(VarCov)}
          if(!is.positive.definite(VarCov)) {
               cat("\nNon-Positive-Definite Covar, correcting now...\n",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               VarCov <- as.positive.definite(VarCov)}
          U <- chol(VarCov)
          for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
               ### Print Status
               if(iter %% Status == 0)
                    cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                    ",   Proposal: Multivariate,   LP: ",
                    round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               ### Propose new parameter values
               prop <- as.vector(Mo0[["parm"]] +
                    rbind(rnorm(LIV)) %*% U)
               ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
               Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
               if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                   if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed.\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                              sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0
               else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                    Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal resulted",
                              "in non-finite value(s).\n", file=LogFile,
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                              sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0
               else {
                    ### Accept/Reject
                    log.u <- log(runif(1))
                    log.alpha <- Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]]
                    if(!is.finite(log.alpha)) log.alpha <- 0
                    if(log.u < log.alpha) {
                        Mo0 <- Mo1
                        Acceptance <- Acceptance + 1}}
               ### Save Thinned Samples
               if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                    t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
                    thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
                    Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
     else {
          B <- length(Block)
          if(!identical(length(VarCov), B))
               stop("Number of components in Covar differs from ",
                    "number of blocks.", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          for (b in 1:B) {
               if(!identical(length(Block[[b]]), length(diag(VarCov[[b]]))))
                    stop("Diagonal of Covar[[",b,"]] differs from ",
                         "block length.", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               if(!is.symmetric.matrix(VarCov[[b]])) {
                    cat("\nAsymmetric Covar block, correcting now...\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    VarCov[[b]] <- as.symmetric.matrix(VarCov[[b]])}
               if(!is.positive.definite(VarCov[[b]])) {
                    cat("\nNon-Positive-Definite Covar block,",
                         "correcting now...\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    VarCov[[b]] <- as.positive.definite(VarCov[[b]])}}
          for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
               ### Print Status
               if(iter %% Status == 0)
                    cat("Iteration: ", iter, sep="", file=LogFile,
               ### Proceed by Block
               for (b in 1:B) {
                    ### Propose new parameter values
                    prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    prop[Block[[b]]] <- Mo0[["parm"]][Block[[b]]] +
                         rbind(rnorm(length(Block[[b]]))) %*%
                    if({b == 1} & {iter %% Status == 0})
                         cat(",   Proposal: Blockwise,   LP: ",
                              round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
                    Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data),
                    if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Proposal in block", b,
                                   "failed.\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                   collapse=","),")",sep=""), "\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         Mo1 <- Mo0
                    else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                         Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Proposal in block", b,
                                   "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                   collapse=","),")",sep=""), "\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         Mo1 <- Mo0
                    else {
                         ### Accept/Reject
                         log.u <- log(runif(1))
                         log.alpha <- Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]]
                         if(!is.finite(log.alpha)) log.alpha <- 0
                         if(log.u < log.alpha) {
                              Mo0 <- Mo1
                              Acceptance <- Acceptance +
                                   length(Block[[b]]) / LIV}}
               ### Save Thinned Samples
               if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                    t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
                    thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
                    Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=Acceptance,
.mcmcsamwg <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, tuning,
     parm.names, Debug, LogFile)
     Dyn <- Specs[["Dyn"]]
     Periodicity <- Specs[["Periodicity"]]
     Acceptance <- matrix(0, 1, LIV)
     for (k in 1:ncol(Dyn)) {for (t in 1:nrow(Dyn)) {
          Dyn[t,k] <- which(parm.names == Dyn[t,k])}}
     Dyn <- matrix(as.numeric(Dyn), nrow(Dyn), ncol(Dyn))
     staticparms <- c(1:LIV)[-as.vector(Dyn)]
     DiagCovar <- matrix(tuning, floor(Iterations/Periodicity), LIV,
     for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
          ### Print Status
          if(iter %% Status == 0)
               cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                    ",   Proposal: Componentwise,   LP: ",
                    round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          ### Select Order of Parameters
          if(length(staticparms) == 1) staticsample <- staticparms
          else staticsample <- sample(staticparms)
          if(ncol(Dyn) == 1) dynsample <- sample(Dyn)
          else dynsample <- as.vector(apply(Dyn, 1, sample))
          totsample <- c(staticsample, dynsample)
          ### Componentwise Estimation
          for (j in totsample) {
               ### Propose new parameter values
               prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               prop[j] <- rnorm(1, prop[j], tuning[j])
               ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
               Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
               if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed for",
                              Data[["parm.names"]][j], ".\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                              "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                              "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0
               else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                    Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal for",
                              "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                              "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                              "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0
               else {
                    ### Accept/Reject
                    u <- log(runif(1)) < (Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]])
                    if(u == TRUE) {
                         Mo0 <- Mo1
                         Acceptance[j] <- Acceptance[j] + 1}}}
          ### Adapt the Proposal Variance
          if(iter %% Periodicity == 0) {
               size <- 1 / min(100, sqrt(iter))
               Acceptance.Rate <- Acceptance / iter
               log.tuning <- log(tuning)
               tuning.num <- which(Acceptance.Rate > 0.44)
               log.tuning[tuning.num] <- log.tuning[tuning.num] + size
               log.tuning[-tuning.num] <- log.tuning[-tuning.num] - size
               tuning <- exp(log.tuning)
               a.iter <- floor(iter / Periodicity)
               DiagCovar[a.iter,] <- tuning}
          ### Save Thinned Samples
          if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
               t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
               thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
               Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=mean(as.vector(Acceptance)),
.mcmcsgld <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, Debug,
     epsilon <- Specs[["epsilon"]]
     file <- Specs[["file"]]
     Nr <- Specs[["Nr"]]
     Nc <- Specs[["Nc"]]
     size <- Specs[["size"]]
     Acceptance <- matrix(Iterations, 1, LIV)
     con <- file(file, open="r")
     for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
          ### Print Status
          if(iter %% Status == 0)
               cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                    ",   Proposal: Multivariate,   LP: ",
                    round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          ### Sample Data
          seek(con, 0)
          skip.rows <- sample.int(Nr - size, size=1)
          Data[["X"]] <- matrix(scan(file=con, sep=",", skip=skip.rows,
               nlines=size, quiet=TRUE), size, Nc, byrow=TRUE)
          ### Propose new parameter values
          g <- partial(Model, Mo0[["parm"]], Data)
          eta <- rnorm(LIV, 0, epsilon[iter])
          prop <- Mo0[["parm"]] + {epsilon[iter]/2}*g + eta
          ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
          Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
          if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                    cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed.\n", file=LogFile,
                    cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                         paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                         sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               Mo1 <- Mo0
          else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
               Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
               if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                    cat("\nWARNING: Proposal resulted in non-finite",
                         "value(s).\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                         paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                         sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
               Mo1 <- Mo0
          Mo0 <- Mo1
          ### Save Thinned Samples
          if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
               t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
               thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
               Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=Acceptance,
.mcmcslice <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, Debug,
     Block <- Specs[["B"]]
     B <- length(Block)
     Bounds <- Specs[["Bounds"]]
     m <- Specs[["m"]]
     Type <- Specs[["Type"]]
     w <- Specs[["w"]]
     for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
          ### Print Status
          if(iter %% Status == 0)
               cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                    ",   Proposal: Componentwise,   LP: ",
                    round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          ### Proceed by Block
          for (b in 1:B) {
               ### Random-Scan Componentwise Estimation
               if(Type[[b]] == "Continuous") {
                    for (j in sample(Block[[b]])) {
                         y.slice <- Mo0[["LP"]] - rexp(1)
                         u <- runif(1,0,w[[b]])
                         intL <- intR <- prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                         L <- intL[j] - u
                         R <- intR[j] + (w[[b]] - u)
                         ### Unlimited number of steps
                         if(is.infinite(m[[b]])) {
                              repeat {
                                   if(L <= Bounds[[b]][1]) break
                                   intL[j] <- L
                                   MoL <- try(Model(intL, Data),
                                   if(inherits(MoL, "try-error")) {
                                        if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                                             cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out",
                                                  "the lower bound failed for",
                                                  file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                        L <- L + w[[b]]
                                   else if(!is.finite(MoL[["LP"]])) {
                                        if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                                             cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out",
                                                  "the lower bound for",
                                                  "resulted in a non-finite",
                                                  file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                        L <- L + w[[b]]
                                   if(MoL[["LP"]] <= y.slice) break
                                   L <- L - w[[b]]}
                              repeat {
                                   if(R >= Bounds[[b]][2]) break
                                   intR[j] <- R
                                   MoR <- try(Model(intR, Data),
                                   if(inherits(MoR, "try-error")) {
                                        if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                                             cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out",
                                                  "the upper bound failed for",
                                                  file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                        R <- R - w[[b]]
                                   else if(!is.finite(MoR[["LP"]])) {
                                        if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                                             cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out",
                                                  "the upper bound for",
                                                  "resulted in a non-finite",
                                                  file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                        R <- R - w[[b]]
                                   if(MoR[["LP"]] <= y.slice) break
                                   R <- R + w[[b]]}
                         else if(m[[b]] > 1) {
                              ### Limited number of steps
                              J <- floor(runif(1,0,m[[b]]))
                              K <- (m[[b]] - 1) - J
                              while (J > 0) {
                                   if(L <= Bounds[[b]][1]) break
                                   intL[j] <- L
                                   MoL <- try(Model(intL, Data),
                                   if(inherits(MoL, "try-error")) {
                                        if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                                             cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out",
                                                  "the lower bound failed for",
                                                  file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                        L <- L + w[[b]]
                                   else if(!is.finite(MoL[["LP"]])) {
                                        if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                                             cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out",
                                                  "the lower bound for",
                                                  "resulted in a non-finite",
                                                  file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                        L <- L + w[[b]]
                                   if(MoL[["LP"]] <= y.slice) break
                                   L <- L - w[[b]]
                                   J <- J - 1}
                              while (K > 0) {
                                   if(R >= Bounds[[b]][2]) break
                                   intR[j] <- R
                                   MoR <- try(Model(intR, Data),
                                   if(inherits(MoR, "try-error")) {
                                        if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                                             cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out",
                                                  "the upper bound failed for",
                                                  file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                        R <- R - w[[b]]
                                   else if(!is.finite(MoR[["LP"]])) {
                                        if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                                             cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out",
                                                  "the lower bound for",
                                                  "resulted in a non-finite",
                                                  file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                        R <- R - w[[b]]
                                   R <- R + w[[b]]
                                   K <- K - 1}
                         ### Shrink the interval to lower and upper bounds
                         if(L < Bounds[[b]][1]) L <- Bounds[[b]][1]
                         if(R > Bounds[[b]][2]) R <- Bounds[[b]][2]
                         ### Rejection Sampling
                         repeat {
                              L <- min(L,R)
                              R <- max(L,R)
                              prop[j] <- runif(1,L,R)
                              Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data),
                              if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                                   if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                        cat("\nWARNING: Rejection sampling",
                                             "failed for",
                                             Data[["parm.names"]][j], "\n",
                                             file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                        cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                                             "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                                             "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                                             "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                                   Mo1 <- Mo0
                              else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                                   Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                                   if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                        cat("\nWARNING: Rejection sampling for",
                                             "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                                             file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                        cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                                             "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                                             "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                                             "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                                   Mo1 <- Mo0}
                              if(Mo1[["LP"]] >= y.slice) break
                              else if(abs(R-L) < 1e-100) break
                              if(Mo1[["parm"]][j] > Mo0[["parm"]][j])
                                   R <- Mo1[["parm"]][j]
                              else L <- Mo1[["parm"]][j]}
                         Mo0 <- Mo1
               else if(Type[[b]] == "Nominal") {
                    for (j in sample(Block[[b]])) {
                         y.slice <- Mo0[["LP"]] - rexp(1)
                         LP.grid <- theta <- Bounds[[b]][1]:Bounds[[b]][2]
                         for (i in 1:length(LP.grid)) {
                              prop[j] <- theta[i]
                              Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data),
                              if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                                   if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                                        cat("\nWARNING: Evaluating",
                                             Data[["parm.names"]][j], "at",
                                             round(prop[j],5), "failed.\n",
                                             file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                   LP.grid[i] <- 0
                              else if(!is.finite(Mo1[["LP"]])) {
                                   if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                                        cat("\nWARNING: Evaluating",
                                             Data[["parm.names"]][j], "at",
                                             round(prop[j],5), "resulted",
                                             "in non-finite value(s).\n",
                                             file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                   LP.grid[i] <- 0
                              else if(Mo1[["LP"]] < y.slice)
                                   LP.grid[i] <- 0
                              else LP.grid[i] <- exp(Mo1[["LP"]])}
                         if(sum(LP.grid) > 0)
                              LP.grid <- LP.grid / sum(LP.grid)
                         else LP.grid <- rep(1/length(LP.grid),
                         ### Rejection Sampling
                         repeat {
                              prop[j] <- theta[sample(1:length(LP.grid),1,
                              Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data),
                              if(is.finite(Mo1[["LP"]])) {
                                   if(Mo1[["LP"]] >= y.slice) break}}
                         Mo0 <- Mo1
               else { ### Ordinal
                    for (j in sample(Block[[b]])) {
                         y.slice <- Mo0[["LP"]] - rexp(1)
                         intL <- intR <- prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                         L <- intL[j] - w[[b]]
                         R <- intR[j] + w[[b]]
                         ### Unlimited number of steps
                         if(is.infinite(m[[b]])) {
                              repeat {
                                   if(L <= Bounds[[b]][1]) break
                                   intL[j] <- L
                                   MoL <- try(Model(intL, Data),
                                   if(inherits(MoL, "try-error")) {
                                        if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                                             cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out",
                                                  "the lower bound failed for",
                                                  ".\n", file=LogFile,
                                        L <- L + w[[b]]
                                   else if(!is.finite(MoL[["LP"]])) {
                                        if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                                             cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out",
                                                  "the lower bound for",
                                                  "resulted in a non-finite",
                                                  "LP.\n", file=LogFile,
                                        L <- L + w[[b]]
                                   if(MoL[["LP"]] <= y.slice) break
                                   L <- L - w[[b]]}
                              repeat {
                                   if(R >= Bounds[[b]][2]) break
                                   intR[j] <- R
                                   MoR <- try(Model(intR, Data),
                                   if(inherits(MoR, "try-error")) {
                                        if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                                             cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out",
                                                  "the upper bound failed for",
                                                  ".\n", file=LogFile,
                                        R <- R - w[[b]]
                                   else if(!is.finite(MoR[["LP"]])) {
                                        if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                                             cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out",
                                                  "the upper bound for",
                                                  "resulted in a non-finite",
                                                  "LP.\n", file=LogFile,
                                        R <- R - w[[b]]
                                   if(MoR[["LP"]] <= y.slice) break
                                   R <- R + w[[b]]}
                         else if(m[[b]] > 1) {
                              ### Limited number of steps
                              J <- floor(runif(1,0,m[[b]]))
                              K <- (m[[b]] - 1) - J
                              while (J > 0) {
                                   if(L <= Bounds[[b]][1]) break
                                   intL[j] <- L
                                   MoL <- try(Model(intL, Data),
                                   if(inherits(MoL, "try-error")) {
                                        if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                                             cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out",
                                                  "the lower bound failed for",
                                                  ".\n", file=LogFile,
                                        L <- L + w[[b]]
                                   else if(!is.finite(MoL[["LP"]])) {
                                        if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                                             cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out",
                                                  "the lower bound for",
                                                  "resulted in a non-finite",
                                                  "LP.\n", file=LogFile,
                                        L <- L + w[[b]]
                                   if(MoL[["LP"]] <= y.slice) break
                                   L <- L - w[[b]]
                                   J <- J - 1}
                              while (K > 0) {
                                   if(R >= Bounds[[b]][2]) break
                                   intR[j] <- R
                                   MoR <- try(Model(intR, Data),
                                   if(inherits(MoR, "try-error")) {
                                        if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                                             cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out",
                                                  "the upper bound failed for",
                                                  ".\n", file=LogFile,
                                        R <- R - w[[b]]
                                   if(!is.finite(MoR[["LP"]])) {
                                        if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE)
                                             cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out",
                                                  "the lower bound for",
                                                  "resulted in a non-finite",
                                                  "LP.\n", file=LogFile,
                                        R <- R - w[[b]]
                                   R <- R + w[[b]]
                                   K <- K - 1}
                         ### Shrink the interval to lower and upper bounds
                         if(L < Bounds[[b]][1]) L <- Bounds[[b]][1] 
                         if(R > Bounds[[b]][2]) R <- Bounds[[b]][2]
                         ### Rejection Sampling
                         repeat {
                              prop[j] <- sample(L:R,1)
                              Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data),
                              if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                                   if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                        cat("\nWARNING: Rejection sampling",
                                             "failed for",
                                             Data[["parm.names"]][j], "\n",
                                             file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                        cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                                             "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                                             "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                                             "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                                   Mo1 <- Mo0
                              else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                                   Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                                   if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                        cat("\nWARNING: Rejection sampling for",
                                             "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                                             file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                        cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                                             "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                                             "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                                             "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                                   Mo1 <- Mo0}
                              if(Mo1[["LP"]] >= y.slice) break
                              else if(abs(R-L) < 1e-100) break
                              if(Mo1[["parm"]][j] > Mo0[["parm"]][j])
                                   R <- Mo1[["parm"]][j]
                              else L <- Mo1[["parm"]][j]}
                         Mo0 <- Mo1
               if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                    t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
                    thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                    Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
                    Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=Iterations,
.mcmcsmwg <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, tuning,
     parm.names, Debug, LogFile)
     Dyn <- Specs[["Dyn"]]
     Acceptance <- matrix(0, 1, LIV)
     for (k in 1:ncol(Dyn)) {for (t in 1:nrow(Dyn)) {
          Dyn[t,k] <- which(parm.names == Dyn[t,k])}}
     Dyn <- matrix(as.numeric(Dyn), nrow(Dyn), ncol(Dyn))
     staticparms <- c(1:LIV)[-as.vector(Dyn)]
     for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
          ### Print Status
          if(iter %% Status == 0)
               cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                    ",   Proposal: Componentwise,   LP: ",
                    round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          ### Select Order of Parameters
          if(length(staticparms) == 1) staticsample <- staticparms
          else staticsample <- sample(staticparms)
          if(ncol(Dyn) == 1) dynsample <- sample(Dyn)
          else dynsample <- as.vector(apply(Dyn, 1, sample))
          totsample <- c(staticsample, dynsample)
          ### Componentwise Estimation
          for (j in totsample) {
               ### Propose new parameter values
               prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               prop[j] <- rnorm(1, prop[j], tuning[j])
               ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
               Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
               if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed for",
                              Data[["parm.names"]][j], ".\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                              "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                              "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0
               else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                    Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal for",
                              "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                              "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                              "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0
               else {
                    ### Accept/Reject
                    u <- log(runif(1)) < (Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]])
                    if(u == TRUE) {
                         Mo0 <- Mo1
                         Acceptance[j] <- Acceptance[j] + 1}}}
          ### Save Thinned Samples
          if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
               t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
               thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
               Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=mean(as.vector(Acceptance)),
.mcmcthmc <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, Debug,
     epsilon <- Specs[["epsilon"]]
     L <- Specs[["L"]]
     m <- Specs[["m"]]
     invm <- as.inverse(m)
     U <- chol(m)
     Temperature <- Specs[["Temperature"]]
     gr <- partial(Model, Mo0[["parm"]], Data)
     sqrt.Temp <- sqrt(Temperature)
     for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
          ### Print Status
          if(iter %% Status == 0)
               cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                    ",   Proposal: Multivariate,   LP: ",
                    round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          ### Propose new parameter values
          prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
          momentum1 <- momentum0 <- as.vector(rnorm(LIV) %*% U)
          kinetic0 <- t(momentum0) %*% invm %*% momentum0 / 2
          Mo0.1 <- Mo0
          for (l in 1:L) {
               if(2*(l-1) < L) momentum1 <- momentum1 * sqrt.Temp
               else momentum1 <- momentum1 / sqrt.Temp
               momentum1 <- momentum1 + (epsilon/2) * gr
               prop <- prop + as.vector(epsilon %*% invm) * momentum1
               Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
               if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed in leapfrog", l,
                              ".\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                              sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0.1
               else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                    Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal in leapfrog", l,
                              "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                              sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0.1}
               if(any(Mo0.1[["parm"]] == Mo1[["parm"]])) {
                    nomove <- which(Mo0.1[["parm"]] == Mo1[["parm"]])
                    momentum1[nomove] <- -momentum1[nomove]
                    prop[nomove] <- prop[nomove] + momentum1[nomove]
                    Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data),
                    if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed in leapfrog",
                                   l, ".\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                   paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                                   sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         Mo1 <- Mo0.1
                    else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                         Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Proposal in leapfrog",
                                   l, "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                   paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                                   sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         Mo1 <- Mo0.1}}
               Mo0.1 <- Mo1
               prop <- Mo1[["parm"]]
               gr <- partial(Model, prop, Data)
               momentum1 <- momentum1 + (epsilon/2) * gr
               if(2*l > L) momentum1 <- momentum1 / sqrt.Temp
               else momentum1 <- momentum1 * sqrt.Temp}
          momentum1 <- -momentum1
          kinetic1 <- t(momentum1) %*% invm %*% momentum1 / 2
          ### Accept/Reject
          H0 <- -Mo0[["LP"]] + kinetic0
          H1 <- -Mo1[["LP"]] + kinetic1
          delta <- H1 - H0
          alpha <- min(1, exp(-delta))
          if(!is.finite(alpha)) alpha <- 0
          if(runif(1) < alpha) {
               Mo0 <- Mo1
               kinetic0 <- kinetic1
               Acceptance <- Acceptance + 1}
          ### Save Thinned Samples
          if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
               t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
               thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
               Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=Acceptance,
          DiagCovar=matrix(epsilon, 1, LIV),
.mcmctwalk <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, Debug,
     xp0 <- SIV <- Specs[["SIV"]]
     n1 <- Specs[["n1"]]
     at <- Specs[["at"]]
     aw <- Specs[["aw"]]
     IntProd <- function(x) {return(sum(x*x))}
     DotProd <- function(x, y) {return(sum(x*y))}
     Simh1 <- function(dim, pphi, x, xp, beta)
          phi <- runif(dim) < pphi
          rt <- NULL
          for (i in 1:dim)
                    rt <- append(rt, xp[i] + beta*(xp[i] - x[i]))
                    rt <- append(rt, x[i])
          return(list(rt=rt, nphi=sum(phi)))
     Simfbeta <- function(at)
          if(runif(1) < (at-1)/(2*at))
               return(exp(1/(at + 1)*log(runif(1))))
               return(exp(1/(1 - at)*log(runif(1))))
     Simh2 <- function(dim, pphi, aw, x, xp)
          u <- runif(dim)
          phi <- runif(dim) < pphi
          z <- (aw/(1+aw))*(aw*u^2 + 2*u -1)
          z <- z*phi
          return(list(rt=x + (x - xp)*z, nphi=sum(phi)))
     Simh3 <- function(dim, pphi, x, xp)
          phi <- runif(dim) < pphi
          sigma <- max(phi*abs(xp - x))
          x + sigma*rnorm(dim)*phi
          return(list(rt=x + sigma*rnorm(dim)*phi, nphi=sum(phi),
     G3U <- function(nphi, sigma, h, x, xp)
          if(nphi > 0)
               return((nphi/2)*log(2*pi) + nphi*log(sigma) +
                    0.5*IntProd(h - xp)/(sigma^2))
     Simh4 <- function(dim, pphi, x, xp)
          phi <- runif(dim) < pphi
          sigma <- max(phi*abs(xp - x))/3
          rt <- NULL
          for (i in 1:dim)
                    rt <- append(rt, xp[i] + sigma*rnorm(1))
                    rt <- append(rt, x[i])
          return(list(rt=rt, nphi=sum(phi), sigma=sigma))
     G4U <- function(nphi, sigma, h, x, xp)
          if(nphi > 0)
               return((nphi/2)*log(2*pi) + nphi*log(sigma) +
                    0.5*IntProd((h - x))/(sigma^2))
     OneMove <- function(dim, Model, Data, x, U, xp, Up, at=at, aw=aw,
          pphi=pphi, F1=0.4918, F2=0.9836, F3=0.9918, Mo0.1, Mo0.2)
          dir <- runif(1) ### Determine which set of points
          ker <- runif(1) ### Choose a kernel
          if(ker < F1) {
               ### Kernel h1: Traverse
               funh <- 1
               if(dir < 0.5) {
                    beta <- Simfbeta(at)
                    tmp <- Simh1(dim, pphi, xp, x, beta)
                    yp <- tmp$rt
                    nphi <- tmp$nphi
                    y  <- x
                    propU <- U
                    Mo1.2 <- try(Model(yp, Data),
                    check1 <- check2 <- FALSE
                    if(!inherits(Mo1.2, "try-error")) {
                         check1 <- TRUE
                         if(is.finite(Mo1.2[["LP"]]) &
                              identical(yp, as.vector(Mo1.2[["LP"]])))
                              check2 <- TRUE}
                    if(check1 & check2) {
                         propUp <- Mo1.2[["LP"]] * -1 ### Symmetric Proposal
                         if(nphi == 0)
                              A <- 1 ### Nothing moved
                              A <- exp((U - propU) + (Up - propUp) +
                    else {
                         propUp <- NULL
                         A <- 0  ### Out of support, not accepted
               else {
                    beta <- Simfbeta(at)
                    tmp <- Simh1(dim, pphi, x, xp, beta)
                    y <- tmp$rt
                    nphi <- tmp$nphi
                    yp  <- xp
                    propUp <- Up
                    Mo1.1 <- try(Model(y, Data),
                    check1 <- check2 <- FALSE
                    if(!inherits(Mo1.1, "try-error")) {
                         check1 <- TRUE
                         if(is.finite(Mo1.1[["LP"]]) &
                              identical(y, as.vector(Mo1.1[["parm"]])))
                              check2 <- TRUE}
                    if(check1 & check2) {
                         propU <- Mo1.1[["LP"]] * -1 ### Symmetric Proposal
                         if(nphi == 0)
                              A <- 1 ### Nothing moved
                              A <- exp((U - propU) + (Up - propUp) +
                    else {
                         propU <- NULL
                         A <- 0  ### Out of support, not accepted
          else if(ker < F2) {
               ### Kernel h2: Walk
               funh <- 2
               if(dir < 0.5) {
                    ### x as pivot
                    tmp <- Simh2(dim, pphi, aw, xp, x)
                    yp <- tmp$rt
                    nphi <- tmp$nphi
                    y  <- x
                    propU <- U
                    Mo1.2 <- try(Model(yp, Data),
                    check1 <- check2 <- FALSE
                    if(!inherits(Mo1.2, "try-error")) {
                         check1 <- TRUE
                         if(is.finite(Mo1.2[["LP"]]) &
                              identical(yp, as.vector(Mo1.2[["parm"]])))
                              check2 <- TRUE}
                    if(check1 & check2 & !identical(yp, y)) {
                         propUp <- Mo1.2[["LP"]] * -1
                         A <- exp((U - propU) + (Up - propUp))}
                    else {
                         propUp <- NULL
                         A <- 0  ### Out of support, not accepted
               else {
                    ### xp as pivot
                    tmp <- Simh2(dim, pphi, aw, x, xp)
                    y <- tmp$rt
                    nphi <- tmp$nphi
                    yp  <- xp
                    propUp <- Up
                    Mo1.1 <- try(Model(y, Data),
                    check1 <- check2 <- FALSE
                    if(!inherits(Mo1.1, "try-error")) {
                         check1 <- TRUE
                         if(is.finite(Mo1.1[["LP"]]) &
                              identical(y, as.vector(Mo1.1[["parm"]])))
                              check2 <- TRUE}
                    if(check1 & check2 & !identical(yp, y)) {
                         propU <- Mo1.1[["LP"]] * -1
                         A <- exp((U - propU) + (Up - propUp))}
                    else {
                         propU <- NULL
                         A <- 0  ### Out of support, not accepted
          else if(ker < F3) {
               ### Kernel h3: Blow
               funh <- 3
               if(dir < 0.5) {
                    ### x as pivot
                    tmp <- Simh3(dim, pphi, xp, x)
                    yp <- tmp$rt
                    nphi <- tmp$nphi
                    sigma <- tmp$sigma
                    y  <- x
                    propU <- U
                    Mo1.2 <- try(Model(yp, Data),
                    check1 <- check2 <- FALSE
                    if(!inherits(Mo1.2, "try-error")) {
                         check1 <- TRUE
                         if(is.finite(Mo1.2[["LP"]]) &
                              identical(yp, as.vector(Mo1.2[["parm"]])))
                              check2 <- TRUE}
                    if(check1 & check2 & !identical(yp, x)) {
                         propUp <- Mo1.2[["LP"]] * -1
                         W1 <- G3U(nphi, sigma,  yp, xp,  x)
                         W2 <- G3U(nphi, sigma,  xp, yp,  x)
                         A <- exp((U - propU) + (Up - propUp) + (W1 - W2))}
                    else {
                         propUp <- NULL
                         A <- 0  ### Out of support, not accepted
               else {
                    ### xp as pivot
                    tmp <- Simh3(dim, pphi, x, xp)
                    y <- tmp$rt
                    nphi <- tmp$nphi
                    sigma <- tmp$sigma
                    yp  <- xp
                    propUp <- Up
                    Mo1.1 <- try(Model(y, Data),
                    check1 <- check2 <- FALSE
                    if(!inherits(Mo1.1, "try-error")) {
                         check1 <- TRUE
                         if(is.finite(Mo1.1[["LP"]]) &
                              identical(y, as.vector(Mo1.1[["parm"]])))
                              check2 <- TRUE}
                    if(check1 & check2 & !identical(y, xp)) {
                         propU <- Mo1.1[["LP"]] * -1
                         W1 <- G3U(nphi, sigma, y, x, xp)
                         W2 <- G3U(nphi, sigma, x, y, xp)
                         A <- exp((U - propU) + (Up - propUp) + (W1 - W2))}
                    else {
                         propU <- NULL
                         A <- 0  ### Out of support, not accepted
          else {
               ## Kernel h4: Hop
               funh <- 4
               if(dir < 0.5) {
                    ### x as pivot
                    tmp <- Simh4(dim, pphi, xp, x)
                    yp <- tmp$rt
                    nphi <- tmp$nphi
                    sigma <- tmp$sigma
                    y  <- x
                    propU <- U
                    Mo1.2 <- try(Model(yp, Data),
                    check1 <- check2 <- FALSE
                    if(!inherits(Mo1.2, "try-error")) {
                         check1 <- TRUE
                         if(is.finite(Mo1.2[["LP"]]) &
                              identical(yp, as.vector(Mo1.2[["parm"]])))
                              check2 <- TRUE}
                    if(check1 & check2 & !identical(yp, x)) {
                         propUp <- Mo1.2[["LP"]] * -1
                         W1 <- G4U(nphi, sigma, yp, xp, x)
                         W2 <- G4U(nphi, sigma, xp, yp, x)
                         A <- exp((U - propU) + (Up - propUp) + (W1 - W2))}
                    else {
                         propUp <- NULL
                         A <- 0  ### Out of support, not accepted
               else {
                    ### xp as pivot
                    tmp <- Simh4(dim, pphi, x, xp)
                    y <- tmp$rt
                    nphi <- tmp$nphi
                    sigma <- tmp$sigma
                    yp  <- xp
                    propUp <- Up
                    Mo1.1 <- try(Model(y, Data),
                    check1 <- check2 <- FALSE
                    if(!inherits(Mo1.1, "try-error")) {
                         check1 <- TRUE
                         if(is.finite(Mo1.1[["LP"]]) &
                              identical(y, as.vector(Mo1.1[["parm"]])))
                              check2 <- TRUE}
                    if(check1 & check2 & !identical(y, xp)) {
                         propU <- Mo1.1[["LP"]] * -1
                         W1 <- G4U(nphi, sigma, y, x, xp)
                         W2 <- G4U(nphi, sigma, x, y, xp)
                         A <- exp((U - propU) + (Up - propUp) + (W1 - W2))}
                    else {
                         propU <- NULL
                         A <- 0  ### Out of support, not accepted
          if(check1 & check2 & is.finite(A) & (dir < 0.5))
               Mo0.2 <- Mo1.2
          else if(check1 & check2 & is.finite(A) & (dir >= 0.5))
               Mo0.1 <- Mo1.1
          else if(!is.finite(A)) A <- 0
          return(list(y=y, propU=propU, yp=yp, propUp=propUp, A=A,
               funh=funh, nphi=nphi, Mo0.1=Mo0.1, Mo0.2=Mo0.2))
     Runtwalk <- function(Iterations, dim, x0, xp0, pphi, at, aw,
          F1=0.4918, F2=F1+0.4918, F3=F2+0.0082, Model, Data, Status,
          Thinning, Acceptance, Dev, Mon, Mo0, thinned, Debug, LogFile)
          x <- x0 ### Primary vector of initial values
          xp <- xp0 ### Secondary vector of initial values
          Mo0.1 <- try(Model(x, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
          Mo0.2 <- try(Model(xp, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
          if(inherits(Mo0.1, "try-error") | inherits(Mo0.2, "try-error"))
               stop("Error in estimating the log-posterior.",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo0.1[["LP"]], Mo0.2[["LP"]]))))
               stop("The log-posterior is non-finite.", file=LogFile,
          if(identical(x, as.vector(Mo0.1[["parm"]])) &
               identical(xp, as.vector(Mo0.2[["parm"]]))) {
               U <- Mo0.1[["LP"]] * -1
               Up <- Mo0.2[["LP"]] * -1}
          else {
               cat("\nInitial values are out of support.", file=LogFile,
               cat("\n  Initial.Values=", x, file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               cat("\n SIV=", xp, file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               stop("Try re-specifying initial values.", file=LogFile,
          if(any(abs(x - xp) <= 0))
               stop("\nBoth vectors of initial values are not unique.",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          Acceptance <- 0
          for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
               ### Print Status
               if(iter %% Status == 0)
                    cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                         ",   Proposal: Multivariate Subset,   LP: ",
                         round(Mo0.1[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               ### Assign x and xp
               x <- as.vector(Mo0.1[["parm"]])
               xp <- as.vector(Mo0.2[["parm"]])
               ### Propose New Parameter Values
               move <- OneMove(dim=dim, Model, Data, x, U, xp, Up,
                    at=at, aw=aw, pphi=pphi, F1=F1, F2=F2, F3=F3,
                    Mo0.1=Mo0.1, Mo0.2=Mo0.2)
               ### Accept/Reject
               if(runif(1) < move$A) {
                    Mo0.1 <- move$Mo0.1
                    Mo0.2 <- move$Mo0.2
                    Acceptance <- Acceptance + 1 #move$nphi/dim
                    x <- move$y
                    U <- move$propU
                    xp <- move$yp
                    Up <- move$propUp
               ### Save Thinned Samples
               if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                    t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
                    thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0.1[["parm"]]
                    Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0.1[["Dev"]]
                    Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0.1[["Monitor"]]}
          out <- list(Acceptance=Acceptance,
     out <- Runtwalk(Iterations=Iterations, dim=LIV, x0=Mo0[["parm"]],
          xp0=xp0, pphi=min(LIV, n1)/LIV, at=6, aw=1.5, Model=Model,
          Data=Data, Status=Status, Thinning=Thinning,
          Acceptance=Acceptance, Dev=Dev, Mon=Mon, Mo0=Mo0,
          thinned=thinned, Debug=Debug, LogFile=LogFile)
     ### Output
.mcmcuess <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned,
     VarCov, Debug, LogFile)
     A <- Specs[["A"]]
     Block <- Specs[["B"]]
     m <- Specs[["m"]]
     n <- Specs[["n"]]
     w <- 0.05
     B <- length(Block)
     if(B == 0) {
          if(!is.symmetric.matrix(VarCov)) {
               cat("\nAsymmetric Covar, correcting now...\n", file=LogFile,
               VarCov <- as.symmetric.matrix(VarCov)}
          if(!is.positive.definite(VarCov)) {
               cat("\nNon-Positive-Definite Covar, correcting now...\n",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               VarCov <- as.positive.definite(VarCov)}
          decomp.freq <- max(LIV * floor(Iterations / Thinning / 100), 10)
          cat("\nEigendecomposition will occur every", decomp.freq,
               "iterations.\n\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          S.eig <-try(eigen(VarCov), silent=!Debug[["DB.eigen"]])
          if(inherits(S.eig, "try-error")) S.eig <- NULL
          obs.sum <- matrix(Mo0[["parm"]]*n, LIV, 1)
          obs.scatter <- tcrossprod(Mo0[["parm"]])*n
          DiagCovar <- matrix(diag(VarCov), floor(Iterations/Thinning)+1,
               LIV, byrow=TRUE)
          for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
               ### Print Status
               if(iter %% Status == 0)
                    cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                         ",   Proposal: Multivariate,   LP: ",
                         round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               ### Eigenvectors of the Sample Covariance Matrix
               if({iter %% decomp.freq == 0} & {iter > 1} & {iter < A}) {
                    VarCov <- obs.scatter/{n + iter} -
                         tcrossprod(obs.sum/{n + iter})
                    S.eig <- eigen(VarCov)}
               ### Non-Adaptive or Adaptive
               if(runif(1) < w || is.null(S.eig)) {
                    v <- rnorm(LIV)
                    v <- v / sqrt(sum(v*v))
               else {
                    which.eig <- floor(1 + LIV * runif(1))
                    v <- S.eig$vectors[,which.eig] *
               ### Slice Interval
               Mo0.1 <- try(Model(Mo0[["parm"]], Data),
               if(inherits(Mo0.1, "try-error")) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed.\n", file=LogFile,
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                              collapse=","),")",sep=""), "\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo0.1 <- Mo0}
               Mo0 <- Mo0.1
               y.slice <- Mo0[["LP"]] - rexp(1)
               L <- -runif(1)
               U <- L + 1
               if(m > 0) {
                    L.y <- try(Model(Mo0[["parm"]] + v*L, Data)[["LP"]],
                    if(inherits(L.y, "try-error")) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out the lower",
                                   "bound failed.\n", file=LogFile,
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                   paste("c(",paste(Mo0[["parm"]] + v*L,
                                   collapse=","),")",sep=""), "\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         L.y <- Mo0[["LP"]]
                    else if(!is.finite(L.y)) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out the lower",
                                   "bound resulted in non-finite LP.\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                   paste("c(",paste(Mo0[["parm"]] + v*L,
                                   collapse=","),")",sep=""), "\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         L.y <- Mo0[["LP"]]}
                    U.y <- try(Model(Mo0[["parm"]] + v*U, Data)[["LP"]],
                    if(inherits(U.y, "try-error")) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out the upper",
                                   "bound failed.\n", file=LogFile,
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                   paste("c(",paste(Mo0[["parm"]] + v*U,
                                   collapse=","),")",sep=""), "\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         U.y <- Mo0[["LP"]]
                    else if(!is.finite(U.y)) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out the upper",
                                   "bound resulted in non-finite LP.\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                   paste("c(",paste(Mo0[["parm"]] + v*U,
                                   collapse=","),")",sep=""), "\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         U.y <- Mo0[["LP"]]}
                    step <- 0
                    while({L.y > y.slice || U.y > y.slice} && step < m) {
                         step <- step + 1
                         if(runif(1) < 0.5) {
                              L <- L - 1
                              L.y <- try(Model(Mo0[["parm"]] + v*L,
                                   Data)[["LP"]], silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
                              if(inherits(L.y, "try-error")) {
                                   if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                        cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out the lower",
                                             "bound failed.\n", file=LogFile,
                                        cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                             paste("c(",paste(Mo0[["parm"]] +
                                             v*L, collapse=","),")",sep=""),
                                             "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                                   L.y <- Mo0[["LP"]]
                              else if(!is.finite(L.y)) {
                                   if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                        cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out the lower",
                                             "bound resulted in non-finite LP.\n",
                                             file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                        cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                             paste("c(",paste(Mo0[["parm"]] +
                                             v*L, collapse=","),")",sep=""),
                                             "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                                   L.y <- Mo0[["LP"]]
                         else {
                              U <- U + 1
                              U.y <- try(Model(Mo0[["parm"]] + v*U,
                                   Data)[["LP"]], silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
                              if(inherits(U.y, "try-error")) {
                                   if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                        cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out the upper",
                                             "bound failed.\n", file=LogFile,
                                        cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                             paste("c(",paste(Mo0[["parm"]] +
                                             v*U, collapse=","),")",sep=""),
                                             "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                                   U.y <- Mo0[["LP"]]
                              else if(!is.finite(U.y)) {
                                   if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                        cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out the upper",
                                             "bound resulted in non-finite LP.\n",
                                             file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                        cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                             paste("c(",paste(Mo0[["parm"]] +
                                             v*U, collapse=","),")",sep=""),
                                             "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                                   U.y <- Mo0[["LP"]]}}}}
               ### Rejection Sampling
               repeat {
                    prop.offset <- runif(1, min=L, max=U)
                    prop <- Mo0[["parm"]] + prop.offset * v
                    Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data),
                    if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Rejection sampling failed.\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                   paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                                   sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         Mo1 <- Mo0
                    else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                         Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Rejection sampling resulted",
                                   "in non-finite value(s).\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                   paste("c(",paste(prop, collapse=","),")",
                                   sep=""), "\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         Mo1 <- Mo0}
                    prop <- Mo1[["parm"]]
                    if(Mo1[["LP"]] >= y.slice) break
                    else if(abs(prop.offset < 1e-100)) {
                         Mo1 <- Mo0
                    if(prop.offset < 0) L <- prop.offset
                    else U <- prop.offset}
               ### Save Thinned Samples
               if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                    t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
                    thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo1[["parm"]]
                    Dev[t.iter] <- Mo1[["Dev"]]
                    Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo1[["Monitor"]]
                    DiagCovar[t.iter,] <- diag(S.eig$vectors)}
               obs.sum <- obs.sum + Mo1[["parm"]]
               obs.scatter <- obs.scatter + tcrossprod(Mo1[["parm"]])
               Mo0 <- Mo1}
     else {
          if(!identical(length(VarCov), B))
               stop("Number of components in Covar differs from ",
                    "number of blocks.", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          S.eig <- obs.sum <- obs.scatter <- list()
          decomp.freq <- rep(0, length(B))
          DiagCovar <- rep(0, LIV)
          for (b in 1:B) {
               if(!identical(length(Block[[b]]), length(diag(VarCov[[b]]))))
                    stop("Diagonal of Covar[[",b,"]] differs from block ",
                         "length.", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               if(!is.symmetric.matrix(VarCov[[b]])) {
                    cat("\nAsymmetric Covar block, correcting now...\n",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    VarCov[[b]] <- as.symmetric.matrix(VarCov[[b]])}
               if(!is.positive.definite(VarCov[[b]])) {
                    cat("\nNon-Positive-Definite Covar block,",
                         "correcting now...\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                    VarCov[[b]] <- as.positive.definite(VarCov[[b]])}
               decomp.freq[b] <- max(length(Block[[b]]) *
                    floor(Iterations / Thinning / 100), 10)
               S.eig[[b]] <-try(eigen(VarCov[[b]]),
               if(inherits(S.eig[[b]], "try-error")) S.eig[[b]] <- NULL
               obs.sum[[b]] <- matrix(Mo0[["parm"]][Block[[b]]]*n,
                    length(Block[[b]]), 1)
               obs.scatter[[b]] <- tcrossprod(Mo0[["parm"]][Block[[b]]])*n
               DiagCovar[Block[[b]]] <- diag(VarCov[[b]])}
          if(all(decomp.freq == decomp.freq[1]))
               cat("\nEigendecomposition will occur every", decomp.freq[1],
                    "iterations.\n\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          else cat("\nEigendecomposition frequency varies by block,",
                    "and will occur between\n",
                    min(decomp.freq), "and", max(decomp.freq),
                    "iterations.\n\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          DiagCovar <- matrix(DiagCovar, floor(Iterations / Thinning)+1,
               LIV, byrow=TRUE)
          for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
               ### Print Status
               if(iter %% Status == 0)
                    cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                         ",   Proposal: Blockwise,   LP: ",
                         round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                         file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
               ### Proceed by Block
               for (b in 1:B) {
                    ### Eigenvectors of the Sample Covariance Matrix
                    if({iter %% decomp.freq[b] == 0} & {iter > 1} &
                         {iter < A}) {
                         VarCov[[b]] <- obs.scatter[[b]]/{n + iter} -
                              tcrossprod(obs.sum[[b]]/{n + iter})
                         S.eig[[b]] <- eigen(VarCov[[b]])}
                    ### Non-Adaptive or Adaptive
                    if(runif(1) < w || is.null(S.eig[[b]])) {
                         v <- rnorm(length(Block[[b]]))
                         v <- v / sqrt(sum(v*v))
                    else {
                         which.eig <- floor(1 + length(Block[[b]]) * runif(1))
                         v <- S.eig[[b]]$vectors[,which.eig] *
                    ### Slice Interval
                    Mo0.1 <- try(Model(Mo0[["parm"]][Block[[b]]], Data),
                    if(inherits(Mo0.1, "try-error")) {
                         if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                              cat("\nWARNING: Proposal for block", b,
                                   "failed.\n", file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                              cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                   collapse=","),")",sep=""), "\n",
                                   file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                         Mo0.1 <- Mo0}
                    Mo0 <- Mo0.1
                    y.slice <- Mo0[["LP"]] - rexp(1)
                    L <- -runif(1)
                    U <- L + 1
                    if(m > 0) {
                         prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                         prop[Block[[b]]] <- prop[Block[[b]]] + v*L
                         L.y <- try(Model(prop, Data)[["LP"]],
                         if(inherits(L.y, "try-error")) {
                              if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                   cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out the lower",
                                        "bound failed for block", b, ".\n",
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                   cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                        collapse=","),")",sep=""), "\n",
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                              L.y <- Mo0[["LP"]]
                         else if(!is.finite(L.y)) {
                              if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                   cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out the lower",
                                        "bound resulted in non-finite LP",
                                        "for block", b, ".\n",
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                   cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                        collapse=","),")",sep=""), "\n",
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                              L.y <- Mo0[["LP"]]}
                         prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                         prop[Block[[b]]] <- prop[Block[[b]]] + v*U
                         U.y <- try(Model(prop, Data)[["LP"]],
                         if(inherits(U.y, "try-error")) {
                              if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                   cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out the upper",
                                        "bound failed for block", b, ".\n",
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                   cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                        collapse=","),")",sep=""), "\n",
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                              U.y <- Mo0[["LP"]]
                         else if(!is.finite(U.y)) {
                              if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                   cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out the upper",
                                        "bound resulted in non-finite LP",
                                        "for block", b, ".\n",
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                   cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                        collapse=","),")",sep=""), "\n",
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                              U.y <- Mo0[["LP"]]}
                         step <- 0
                         while({L.y > y.slice || U.y > y.slice} && step < m) {
                              step <- step + 1
                              if(runif(1) < 0.5) {
                                   L <- L - 1
                                   prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                                   prop[Block[[b]]] <- prop[Block[[b]]] + v*L
                                   L.y <- try(Model(prop, Data)[["LP"]],
                                   if(inherits(L.y, "try-error")) {
                                        if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                             cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out the",
                                                  "lower bound failed for",
                                                  "block", b, ".\n",
                                                  file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                             cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                                                  "Proposal:\n", paste("c(",
                                                  "\n", file=LogFile,
                                        L.y <- Mo0[["LP"]]
                                   else if(!is.finite(L.y)) {
                                        if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                             cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out the",
                                                  "lower bound resulted in ",
                                                  "non-finite LP for block",
                                                  b, ".\n", file=LogFile,
                                             cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                                                  "Proposal:\n", paste("c(",
                                                  "\n", file=LogFile,
                                        L.y <- Mo0[["LP"]]
                              else {
                                   U <- U + 1
                                   prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                                   prop[Block[[b]]] <- prop[Block[[b]]] + v*U
                                   U.y <- try(Model(prop, Data)[["LP"]],
                                   if(inherits(U.y, "try-error")) {
                                        if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                             cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out the",
                                                  "upper bound failed for",
                                                  "block", b, ".\n",
                                                  file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                             cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                                                  "Proposal:\n", paste("c(",
                                                  "\n", file=LogFile,
                                        U.y <- Mo0[["LP"]]
                                   else if(!is.finite(U.y)) {
                                        if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                             cat("\nWARNING: Stepping out the",
                                                  "upper bound resulted in",
                                                  "non-finite LP for block",
                                                  b, ".\n", file=LogFile,
                                             cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                                                  "Proposal:\n", paste("c(",
                                                  "\n", file=LogFile,
                                        U.y <- Mo0[["LP"]]}}}}
                    ### Rejection Sampling
                    repeat {
                         prop.offset <- runif(1, min=L, max=U)
                         prop <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                         prop[Block[[b]]] <- prop[Block[[b]]] + prop.offset*v
                         Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data),
                         if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                              if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                   cat("\nWARNING: Rejection sampling",
                                        "failed for block", b, ".\n",
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                   cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                        collapse=","),")",sep=""), "\n",
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                              Mo1 <- Mo0
                         else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                              Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                              if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                                   cat("\nWARNING: Rejection sampling",
                                        "resulted in non-finite",
                                        "value(s) for block", b, ".\n",
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                                   cat("  Iteration:", iter, "Proposal:\n",
                                        collapse=","),")",sep=""), "\n",
                                        file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                              Mo1 <- Mo0}
                         prop <- Mo1[["parm"]]
                         if(Mo1[["LP"]] >= y.slice) break
                         else if(abs(prop.offset < 1e-100)) {
                              Mo1 <- Mo0
                         if(prop.offset < 0) L <- prop.offset
                         else U <- prop.offset}
                    ### Save Thinned Samples
                    if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
                         t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
                         thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo1[["parm"]]
                         Dev[t.iter] <- Mo1[["Dev"]]
                         Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo1[["Monitor"]]
                         DiagCovar[t.iter,Block[[b]]] <- diag(S.eig[[b]]$vectors)}
                    obs.sum[[b]] <- obs.sum[[b]] + Mo1[["parm"]][Block[[b]]]
                    obs.scatter[[b]] <- obs.scatter[[b]] +
                    Mo0 <- Mo1}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=Iterations,
.mcmcusamwg <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, tuning,
     parm.names, Debug, LogFile)
     Dyn <- Specs[["Dyn"]]
     Periodicity <- Specs[["Periodicity"]]
     Fit <- Specs[["Fit"]]
     Begin <- Specs[["Begin"]]
     Acceptance <- matrix(0, 1, LIV)
     for (k in 1:ncol(Dyn)) {for (t in 1:nrow(Dyn)) {
          Dyn[t,k] <- which(parm.names == Dyn[t,k])}}
     Dyn <- matrix(as.numeric(Dyn), nrow(Dyn), ncol(Dyn))
     Dyn <- matrix(Dyn[-c(1:(Begin-1)),], nrow(Dyn)-Begin+1, ncol(Dyn))
     n.samples <- nrow(Fit$Posterior1)
     mults <- Iterations / n.samples
     samps <- rep(1:n.samples, each=mults)
     if(Iterations != length(samps))
          stop("Iterations not a multiple of posterior samples.",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
     ivs <- Mo0[["parm"]]
     post <- Fit$Posterior1[samps,]
     post[1,as.vector(Dyn)] <- ivs[as.vector(Dyn)]
     DiagCovar <- matrix(tuning, floor(Iterations/Periodicity), LIV,
     for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
          ### Print Status
          if(iter %% Status == 0)
               cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                    ",   Proposal: Componentwise,   LP: ",
                    round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          ### Store Current Posterior
          if(iter > 1) post[iter,as.vector(Dyn)] <- post[iter-1,as.vector(Dyn)]
          ### Select Order of Parameters
          if(ncol(Dyn) == 1) dynsample <- sample(Dyn)
          else dynsample <- as.vector(apply(Dyn, 1, sample))
          ### Componentwise Estimation
          for (j in dynsample) {
               ### Propose new parameter values
               prop <- post[iter,]
               prop[j] <- rnorm(1, prop[j], tuning[j])
               ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
               Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
               if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed for",
                              Data[["parm.names"]][j], ".\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                              "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                              "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0
               else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                    Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal for",
                              "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                              "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                              "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0
               else {
                    ### Accept/Reject
                    u <- log(runif(1)) < (Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]])
                    if(u == TRUE) {
                         Mo0 <- Mo1
                         post[iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                         Acceptance[j] <- Acceptance[j] + 1}}}
          ### Adapt the Proposal Variance
          if(iter %% Periodicity == 0) {
               size <- 1 / min(100, sqrt(iter))
               Acceptance.Rate <- Acceptance / iter
               log.tuning <- log(tuning)
               tuning.num <- which(Acceptance.Rate > 0.44)
               log.tuning[tuning.num] <- log.tuning[tuning.num] + size
               log.tuning[-tuning.num] <- log.tuning[-tuning.num] - size
               tuning <- exp(log.tuning)
               a.iter <- floor(iter / Periodicity)
               DiagCovar[a.iter,] <- tuning}
          ### Save Thinned Samples
          if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
               t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
               thinned[t.iter,] <- post[iter,]
               Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
               Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=mean(as.vector(Acceptance[dynsample])),
.mcmcusmwg <- function(Model, Data, Iterations, Status, Thinning, Specs,
     Acceptance, Dev, DiagCovar, LIV, Mon, Mo0, ScaleF, thinned, tuning,
     parm.names, Debug, LogFile)
     Dyn <- Specs[["Dyn"]]
     Fit <- Specs[["Fit"]]
     Begin <- Specs[["Begin"]]
     Acceptance <- matrix(0, 1, LIV)
     for (k in 1:ncol(Dyn)) {for (t in 1:nrow(Dyn)) {
          Dyn[t,k] <- which(parm.names == Dyn[t,k])}}
     Dyn <- matrix(as.numeric(Dyn), nrow(Dyn), ncol(Dyn))
     Dyn <- matrix(Dyn[-c(1:(Begin-1)),], nrow(Dyn)-Begin+1, ncol(Dyn))
     n.samples <- nrow(Fit$Posterior1)
     mults <- Iterations / n.samples
     samps <- rep(1:n.samples, each=mults)
     if(Iterations != length(samps))
          stop("Iterations not a multiple of posterior samples.",
               file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
     ivs <- Mo0[["parm"]]
     post <- Fit$Posterior1[samps,]
     post[1,as.vector(Dyn)] <- ivs[as.vector(Dyn)]
     for (iter in 1:Iterations) {
          ### Print Status
          if(iter %% Status == 0)
               cat("Iteration: ", iter,
                    ",   Proposal: Componentwise,   LP: ",
                    round(Mo0[["LP"]],1), "\n", sep="",
                    file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
          ### Store Current Posterior
          if(iter > 1) post[iter,as.vector(Dyn)] <- post[iter-1,as.vector(Dyn)]
          ### Save Thinned Samples
          if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
               t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
               thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
               Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
          ### Select Order of Parameters
          if(ncol(Dyn) == 1) dynsample <- sample(Dyn)
          else dynsample <- as.vector(apply(Dyn, 1, sample))
          ### Componentwise Estimation
          for (j in dynsample) {
               ### Propose new parameter values
               prop <- post[iter,]
               prop[j] <- rnorm(1, prop[j], tuning[j])
               ### Log-Posterior of the proposed state
               Mo1 <- try(Model(prop, Data), silent=!Debug[["DB.Model"]])
               if(inherits(Mo1, "try-error")) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal failed for",
                              Data[["parm.names"]][j], ".\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                              "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                              "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0
               else if(any(!is.finite(c(Mo1[["LP"]], Mo1[["Dev"]],
                    Mo1[["Monitor"]])))) {
                    if(Debug[["DB.Model"]] == TRUE) {
                         cat("\nWARNING: Proposal for",
                              "resulted in non-finite value(s).\n",
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)
                         cat("  Iteration:", iter,
                              "Current:", round(Mo0[["parm"]][j]),
                              "Proposed:", round(prop[j],5),
                              file=LogFile, append=TRUE)}
                    Mo1 <- Mo0
               else {
                    ### Accept/Reject
                    u <- log(runif(1)) < (Mo1[["LP"]] - Mo0[["LP"]])
                    if(u == TRUE) {
                         Mo0 <- Mo1
                         post[iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
                         Acceptance[j] <- Acceptance[j] + 1}}}
           ### Save Thinned Samples
          if(iter %% Thinning == 0) {
               t.iter <- floor(iter / Thinning) + 1
               thinned[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["parm"]]
               Dev[t.iter] <- Mo0[["Dev"]]
               Mon[t.iter,] <- Mo0[["Monitor"]]}
     ### Output
     out <- list(Acceptance=mean(as.vector(Acceptance[dynsample])),

LaplacesDemonR/LaplacesDemon documentation built on April 1, 2024, 7:22 a.m.