
Defines functions create_processed_report create_report create_sce_by_dir

Documented in create_processed_report create_report create_sce_by_dir

#' create a SingleCellExperiment object from data folder generated by preprocessing step
#' after we run \code{sc_gene_counting} and finish the preprocessing step. \code{create_sce_by_dir}
#' can be used to generate the \link{SingleCellExperiment} object from the folder that contains gene count matrix and QC statistics.
#' it can also generate the html report based on the gene count and quality control statistics
#' @param datadir the directory that contains all the data and `stat` subfolder.
#' @param organism the organism of the data. List of possible names can be retrieved using the function
#' `listDatasets`from `biomaRt` package. (i.e `mmusculus_gene_ensembl` or `hsapiens_gene_ensembl`)
#' @param gene_id_type gene id type of the data A possible list of ids can be retrieved using the function `listAttributes` from `biomaRt` package.
#' the commonly used id types are `external_gene_name`, `ensembl_gene_id` or `entrezgene`
#' @param pheno_data the external phenotype data that linked to each single cell. This should be an \code{AnnotatedDataFrame} object
#' @param report whether to generate the html report in the data folder
#' @details after we run \code{sc_gene_counting} and finish the preprocessing step. \code{create_sce_by_dir}
#' can be used to generate the SingleCellExperiment object from the folder that contains gene count matrix and QC statistics.
#' @return a SingleCellExperiment object
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @import SingleCellExperiment
#' @importClassesFrom SingleCellExperiment SingleCellExperiment
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # the sce can be created fron the output folder of scPipe
#' # please refer to the vignettes
#' sce = create_sce_by_dir(datadir="output_dir_of_scPipe",
#'     organism="mmusculus_gene_ensembl",
#'     gene_id_type="ensembl_gene_id")
#' }
#' # or directly from the gene count and quality control matrix:
#' data("sc_sample_data")
#' data("sc_sample_qc")
#' sce = SingleCellExperiment(assays = list(counts = as.matrix(sc_sample_data)))
#' organism(sce) = "mmusculus_gene_ensembl"
#' gene_id_type(sce) = "ensembl_gene_id"
#' QC_metrics(sce) = sc_sample_qc
#' demultiplex_info(sce) = cell_barcode_matching
#' UMI_dup_info(sce) = UMI_duplication
#' dim(sce)

create_sce_by_dir <- function(datadir, organism=NULL, gene_id_type=NULL, pheno_data=NULL, report=FALSE) {
    gene_cnt <- read.csv(file.path(datadir, "gene_count.csv"), row.names=1)
    cell_stat <- read.csv(file.path(datadir, "stat", "cell_stat.csv"), row.names=1)
    demultiplex_stat <- read.csv(file.path(datadir, "stat", "overall_stat.csv"))
    UMI_dup_stat <- read.csv(file.path(datadir, "stat", "UMI_duplication_count.csv"))

    gene_cnt <- gene_cnt[, order(colnames(gene_cnt))]
    cell_stat <- cell_stat[order(rownames(cell_stat)), ]

    sce <- SingleCellExperiment(assays = list(counts =as.matrix(gene_cnt)))
    sce@metadata$scPipe$version <- packageVersion("scPipe")  # set version information
        organism(sce) <- organism
        gene_id_type(sce) <- gene_id_type
    QC_metrics(sce) <- cell_stat
        colData(sce) <- cbind(colData(sce), pheno_data[order(rownames(pheno_data)),])

    demultiplex_info(sce) <- demultiplex_stat
    UMI_dup_info(sce) <- UMI_dup_stat
    #if(any(grepl("^ERCC-", rownames(sce)))){
    #  isSpike(sce, "ERCC") <- grepl("^ERCC-", rownames(sce))



#' create_report
#' create an HTML report using data generated by proprocessing step.
#' @param sample_name sample name
#' @param outdir output folder
#' @param r1 file path of read1
#' @param r2 file path of read2 default to be NULL
#' @param outfq file path of the output of \code{sc_trim_barcode}
#' @param read_structure a list contains read structure configuration. For more help see `?sc_trim_barcode`
#' @param filter_settings a list contains read filter settings for more help see `?sc_trim_barcode`
#' @param align_bam the aligned bam file
#' @param genome_index genome index used for alignment
#' @param map_bam the mapped bam file
#' @param exon_anno the gff exon annotation used. Can have multiple files
#' @param stnd whether to perform strand specific mapping
#' @param fix_chr add `chr` to chromosome names, fix inconsistent names.
#' @param barcode_anno cell barcode annotation file path.
#' @param max_mis maximum mismatch allowed in barcode. Default to be 1
#' @param UMI_cor correct UMI sequence error: 0 means no correction, 1 means simple correction and merge UMI with distance 1.
#' @param gene_fl whether to remove low abundant gene count. Low abundant is defined as only one copy of one UMI for this gene
#' @param organism the organism of the data. List of possible names can be retrieved using the function
#' `listDatasets`from `biomaRt` package. (i.e `mmusculus_gene_ensembl` or `hsapiens_gene_ensembl`)
#' @param gene_id_type gene id type of the data A possible list of ids can be retrieved using the function `listAttributes` from `biomaRt` package.
#' the commonly used id types are `external_gene_name`, `ensembl_gene_id` or `entrezgene`
#' @return no return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' create_report(sample_name="sample_001",
#'        outdir="output_dir_of_scPipe",
#'        r1="read1.fq",
#'        r2="read2.fq",
#'        outfq="trim.fq",
#'        read_structure=list(bs1=-1, bl1=2, bs2=6, bl2=8, us=0, ul=6),
#'        filter_settings=list(rmlow=TRUE, rmN=TRUE, minq=20, numbq=2),
#'        align_bam="align.bam",
#'        genome_index="mouse.index",
#'        map_bam="aligned.mapped.bam",
#'        exon_anno="exon_anno.gff3",
#'        stnd=TRUE,
#'        fix_chr=FALSE,
#'        barcode_anno="cell_barcode.csv",
#'        max_mis=1,
#'        UMI_cor=1,
#'        gene_fl=FALSE,
#'        organism="mmusculus_gene_ensembl",
#'        gene_id_type="ensembl_gene_id")
#' }
create_report <- function(sample_name,
                            read_structure=list(bs1=0, bl1=0, bs2=0, bl2=0, us=0, ul=0),
                            filter_settings=list(rmlow = TRUE, rmN = TRUE, minq = 20, numbq = 2),
                            gene_id_type) {
    fn <- system.file("extdata", "report_template.Rmd", package = "scPipe")
    tx <- readLines(fn)

    tx <- gsub(pattern = "SAMPLE_NAME__", replacement = sample_name, x = tx)
    tx <- gsub(pattern = "FQ1__", replacement = r1, x = tx)
    if (!is.null(r2)) {
        tx <- gsub(pattern = "FQ2__", replacement = r2, x = tx)
    else {
        tx <- gsub(pattern = "FQ2__", replacement = "NA", x = tx)

    tx <- gsub(pattern = "FQOUT__", replacement = outfq, x = tx)
    if (read_structure$bs1<0) {
        tx <- gsub(pattern = "BC1_INFO__", replacement = "NA", x = tx)
    else {
        tx <- gsub(pattern = "BC1_INFO__", replacement =
                    paste0("start at position ", read_structure$bs1, ", length ", read_structure$bl1), x = tx)

    tx <- gsub(pattern = "BC2_INFO__", replacement =
                paste0("start at position ", read_structure$bs2, ", length ", read_structure$bl2), x = tx)
    tx <- gsub(pattern = "UMI_INFO__", replacement =
                paste0("start at position ", read_structure$us, ", length ", read_structure$ul), x = tx)

    tx <- gsub(pattern = "RM_N__", replacement = as.character(filter_settings$rmN), x = tx)
    tx <- gsub(pattern = "RM_LOW__", replacement = as.character(filter_settings$rmlow), x = tx)
    tx <- gsub(pattern = "MIN_Q__", replacement = filter_settings$minq, x = tx)
    tx <- gsub(pattern = "NUM_BQ__", replacement = filter_settings$numbq, x = tx)

    tx <- gsub(pattern = "BAM_ALIGN__", replacement = align_bam, x = tx)
    tx <- gsub(pattern = "G_INDEX__", replacement = genome_index, x = tx)
    tx <- gsub(pattern = "BAM_MAP__", replacement = map_bam, x = tx)

    tx <- gsub(pattern = "OUTDIR__", replacement = outdir, x = tx)
    tx <- gsub(pattern = "ANNO_GFF__", replacement = paste(exon_anno, collapse=", "), x = tx)

    tx <- gsub(pattern = "STND__", replacement = as.character(stnd), x = tx)
    tx <- gsub(pattern = "FIX_CHR__", replacement = as.character(fix_chr), x = tx)
    tx <- gsub(pattern = "BC_ANNO__", replacement = barcode_anno, x = tx)
    tx <- gsub(pattern = "MAX_MIS__", replacement = max_mis, x = tx)

    if (UMI_cor == 1) {
        tx <- gsub(pattern = "UMI_COR__", replacement = "simple correction and merge UMI with distance 1", x = tx)
    else if (UMI_cor == 0) {
        tx <- gsub(pattern = "UMI_COR__", replacement = "no correction", x = tx)
    else {
        tx <- gsub(pattern = "UMI_COR__", replacement = "unknown", x = tx)

    # If organism and gene id type are not provided, delete them from param list
    # of rmd. param$organism and param$gene_id_type will then return NULL when
    # when used in code.
    tx <- gsub(pattern = "GENE_FL__", replacement = as.character(gene_fl), x = tx)
    if(!missing(organism) && !is.null(organism)){
        tx <- gsub(pattern = "ORGANISM__", replacement = organism, x = tx)
        tx <- tx[!grepl(pattern = "ORGANISM__", x = tx)]

    if(!missing(gene_id_type) && !is.null(gene_id_type)){
        tx <- gsub(pattern = "GENE_ID_TYPE__", replacement = gene_id_type, x = tx)
        tx <- tx[!grepl(pattern = "GENE_ID_TYPE__", x = tx)]

    writeLines(tx, con=file.path(outdir, "report.Rmd"))
    knitr::wrap_rmd(file.path(outdir, "report.Rmd"), width = 120, backup = NULL)
    rmarkdown::render(file.path(outdir, "report.Rmd"), output_file = file.path(outdir, "report.html"), knit_root_dir = ".")

#' create_processed_report
#' Create an HTML report summarising pro-processed data. This is an alternative to the more verbose \code{create_report} that requires only the processed counts and stats folders.
#' @param outdir output folder.
#' @param organism the organism of the data. List of possible names can be retrieved using the function
#' `listDatasets`from `biomaRt` package. (e.g. `mmusculus_gene_ensembl` or `hsapiens_gene_ensembl`).
#' @param gene_id_type gene id type of the data A possible list of ids can be retrieved using the function `listAttributes` from `biomaRt` package.
#' the commonly used id types are `external_gene_name`, `ensembl_gene_id` or `entrezgene`.
#' @param report_name the name of the report .Rmd and .html files.
#' @returns file path of the created compiled document.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' create_report(
#'        outdir="output_dir_of_scPipe",
#'        organism="mmusculus_gene_ensembl",
#'        gene_id_type="ensembl_gene_id")
#' }
#' @export

create_processed_report <- function(
            outdir = ".",
            report_name = "report"
            ) {

    if (!requireNamespace("rmarkdown", quietly=TRUE)) {
        stop("Install 'rmarkdown' to use this function.")
    fn <-  system.file("extdata", "report_template_slim.Rmd", package = "scPipe")
    tx <- readLines(fn)
    fill_report_field <- function(field, value) {
        pattern <- paste0(field, "__")

        if (is.na(value)) {
        tx <- tx[-grep(pattern, tx)]
        } else {
        gsub(pattern, value, tx)

    if (!missing(organism) && !is.null(organism)) {
        tx <- fill_report_field("ORGANISM", organism)
    } else {
        tx <- fill_report_field("ORGANISM", NA)

    if (!missing(gene_id_type) && !is.null(gene_id_type)) {
        tx <- fill_report_field("GENE_ID_TYPE", gene_id_type)
    } else {
        tx <- fill_report_field("GENE_ID_TYPE", NA)

    report_path <- file.path(outdir, paste0(report_name, ".Rmd"))
    tx <- tx[!is.na(tx)]
    writeLines(tx, con = report_path)
        input = report_path,
        envir = new.env(),
        knit_root_dir = "."
LuyiTian/scPipe documentation built on Dec. 11, 2023, 8:21 p.m.