# ---- GWAS ----
#' @title Create a gwaswloc object
#' @description Create a gwaswloc object by reading the file at
#' "http://www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/api/search/downloads/alternative"
#' or by reading a local gwas catalog (if "vargen_dir" specified as a parameter).
#' If "vargen_dir" contains more than one gwas catalog, the user will be prompted to
#' choose one. The function will use the filename to determine the extract date,
#' please have it in the format: \[filename\]_r**YYYYY**-**MM**-**DD**.tsv
#' eg: "gwas_catalog_v1.0.2-associations_e96_r2019-07-30.tsv"
#' @param vargen_dir (optional) a path to vargen data directory, created
#' during \code{\link{vargen_install}}. If not specified, the gwas object will
#' be created by reading the file at "http://www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/api/search/downloads/alternative".
#' If specified, this function will look for files that begin with "gwas_catalog".
#' If more than one is found, the user will have to choose one via a text menu
#' @param verbose if true, will print progress information (default: FALSE)
#' @param timeout the timeout set in options(), reading/downloading files online
#' might fail with the default timeout of 60 seconds.
#' @return a gwaswloc object containing the information from the gwas catalog.
#' @examples
#' gwas_cat <- create_gwas()
#' @export
create_gwas <- function(vargen_dir, verbose = FALSE, timeout = 1000){
# If useURL is TRUE (user choice or no local gwas file found, then we download
# the catalog from the URL)
original_timeout <- getOption("timeout")
options(timeout = timeout)
if(verbose) print(paste0("Setting the timeout to value '", timeout, "'"))
table.url <- "https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/api/search/downloads/alternative"
#table.url <- "ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/gwas/releases/latest/gwas-catalog-associations.tsv"
# If the vargen_dir is not specified, we use the url instead
useURL <- TRUE
} else{
# Listing the list of gwas catalogs in "vargen_dir"
gwasfiles <- list.files(path = vargen_dir, pattern = "gwas_catalog*",
full.names = TRUE, include.dirs = FALSE)
# If more than one catalog found, we let the user choose
if(length(gwasfiles) > 1){
print(paste0("More than 1 gwas catalog found in ", vargen_dir))
print(paste0("Please choose one of the file (type 0 to read the latest gwas catalog from: ", table.url))
# Choice can only get indexes belonging to the menu (no need to check out of array)
choice <- utils::menu(choices = gwasfiles)
if(choice == 0){
print(paste0("No correct choice made, reading the gwas catalog from: ", table.url))
useURL <- TRUE
} else {
gwascat_file <- gwasfiles[choice]
} else if(length(gwasfiles) == 1) {
# If there is only one gwas catalog in the directory, we use it directly
gwascat_file <- gwasfiles
} else {
# Any other option we get the gwas cat from the URL
if(verbose) print(paste0("No gwas catalogs detected in ", vargen_dir,
". Downloading the gwas catalog..."))
useURL <- TRUE
if(useURL == TRUE){
gwas_cat <- utils::read.delim(file = url(table.url), check.names = FALSE,
quote = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
extract_date <- as.character(Sys.Date())
} else {
# File from "https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/api/search/downloads/full"
# quote = "" is important to avoid error about EOF in quoted string.
gwas_cat <- utils::read.delim(file = gwascat_file, check.names = FALSE,
quote = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
# This suppose the file is under the format:
# gwas_catalog_v1.0.2-associations_e93_r2019-01-11.tsv
extract_date <- sub(".*_r", "", gwascat_file)
extract_date <- sub(".tsv", "", extract_date)
# We transform the gwas cat object into a GRanges object:
gwas_cat <- gwascat:::gwdf2GRanges(df = gwas_cat, extractDate = extract_date)
if(typeof(gwas_cat) == "list"){ gwas_cat <- gwas_cat$okrngs }
rtracklayer::genome(gwas_cat) <- "GRCh38"
options(timeout = original_timeout)
if(verbose) print(paste0("Resetting the timeout to previous value '", original_timeout, "'"))
#' @title List the available gwas traits
#' @description Return the gwas traits available in the gwas catalog, based on keywords.
#' The traits are found using \code{\link[base]{grep}} on the `DISEASE/TRAIT`
#' column from the gwas object produced by \code{\link{create_gwas}}.
#' Output can be used as parameter for \code{\link{vargen_pipeline}}
#' @param keywords a vector of keywords to grep the traits from the gwas catalog. (default: "")
#' @param gwas_cat output from \code{\link{create_gwas}}
#' @return a vector of traits
#' @examples
#' list_gwas_traits(keywords = c("type 1 diabetes", "Obesity"))
#' @export
list_gwas_traits <- function(keywords = "", gwas_cat) {
if(missing(gwas_cat) || class(gwas_cat) != 'gwaswloc'){
gwas_cat <- create_gwas()
warning("gwas_cat not provided (or not a gwaswloc object).",
"Created one with create_gwas().")
traits <- c()
# Collapsing the values with a "|" for "OR" in grep search
keys <- paste(keywords, collapse = "|")
traits <- unique(gwas_cat$`DISEASE/TRAIT`[grep(keys,
ignore.case = TRUE)])
if(length(traits) == 0) print(paste0("No gwas traits found for '", keys, "'"))
#' @title Get the variants from the gwas catalog associated to the traits of interest
#' @description uses \code{\link[gwascat]{subsetByTraits}} to get the variants.
#' @param gwas_traits a vector of gwas traits, can be obtained from
#' \code{\link{list_gwas_traits}}
#' @param gwas_cat output from \code{\link{create_gwas}}
#' @return a data.frame contaning the variants linked to the traits in the gwas catalog
#' The data.frame contains the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item chr (chromosome)
#' \item pos (position of the variant)
#' \item rsid (variant ID)
#' \item ensembl_gene_id ("gene id" of the gene associated with the variants)
#' \item hgnc_symbol ("hgnc symbol" of the gene associated with the variants)
#' \item source (here "gwas")
#' }
#' @examples
#' # if you need to get the list of gwas traits:
#' # list_gwas_traits(keywords = c("Obesity"))
#' obesity_gwas <- c("Obesity (extreme)", "Obesity-related traits", "Obesity")
#' gwas_cat <- create_gwas()
#' gwas_variants <- get_gwas_variants(obesity_gwas, gwas_cat)
#' @export
get_gwas_variants <- function(gwas_traits, gwas_cat){
if(missing(gwas_cat) || class(gwas_cat) != 'gwaswloc'){
gwas_cat <- create_gwas()
warning("gwas_cat not provided (or not a gwaswloc object).",
"Created one with create_gwas().")
gwas_variants <- gwascat::subsetByTraits(x = gwas_cat, tr = gwas_traits)
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(gwas_variants) <- "UCSC"
# "gwas_variants@ranges" contains "start" "stop" "width", we only take the start
gwas_variants_df <- unique(data.frame(chr = gwas_variants@seqnames,
pos = gwas_variants@ranges@start,
rsid = gwas_variants$SNPS,
ensembl_gene_id = gwas_variants$SNP_GENE_IDS,
hgnc_symbol = gwas_variants$MAPPED_GENE,
source = "gwas",
trait = gwas_variants$`DISEASE/TRAIT`))
#' @title Manhattan plot for variants found in GWAS
#' @description Display a manhattan plot. Only the variants related to the traits
#' given as parameter will be displayed. The two horizontal lines on the plot
#' correspond to the "suggestive" and "significant" thresholds in genome wide
#' studies.
#' @param traits a vector with the trait of interest (as characters). The list
#' of available traits can be obtained with \code{\link{list_gwas_traits}}
#' @param gwas_cat a gwaswloc object obtained from \code{\link{create_gwas}}
#' @param list_chr (optional) a list of chromosome to plot. (format: "chr{1-22-X-Y})
#' @return nothing (just display the plot)
#' @references
#' Lander E, Kruglyak L. Genetic dissection of complex traits: guidelines for
#' interpreting and reporting linkage results. Nat Genet. 1995;11(3):241-7.
#' @examples
#' gwas_cat <- create_gwas()
#' plot_manhattan_gwas(gwas_cat = gwas_cat, traits = c("Type 1 diabetes", "Type 2 diabetes"))
#' @export
plot_manhattan_gwas <- function(traits, gwas_cat, list_chr) {
if(missing(gwas_cat) || class(gwas_cat) != 'gwaswloc'){
gwas_cat <- create_gwas()
warning("gwas_cat not provided (or not a gwaswloc object).",
"Created one with create_gwas().")
# Check if the gwas traits are in the gwas catalog:
for(trait in traits){
if(!(trait %in% gwas_cat$`DISEASE/TRAIT`)) stop(paste0("gwas trait '", trait, "' not found in gwas catalog, stopping now."))
# Checking if the list of chromosomes has a valid format
valid_chr <- unique(gwas_cat@seqnames@values)
for(chr in list_chr){
if(!(chr %in% valid_chr)){
stop(paste0("Chromosome name: '", chr,
"' not found in gwas catalog, stopping now. ",
"Valid chromosome names are: ",
paste0(valid_chr, collapse = ", ")))
# Just select the variants related to the traits of interest
variants_traits <- gwascat::subsetByTraits(x = gwas_cat, tr = traits)
# Select the variants on the selected chromosomes
# We check if the chromsome has variants for the traits
if(length(list_chr[list_chr %in% variants_traits@seqnames@values]) > 0){
variants_traits <- gwascat::subsetByChromosome(x = variants_traits, ch = list_chr)
} else {
stop(paste0("No variants found on chromosomes: ", paste0(list_chr, collapse = ", "),
" for the traits: ", paste0(traits, collapse = ", ")))
# These are the two standard gwas thresholds, they will be plotted as lines
# on the manhattan plot.
suggestive <- 1*(10^-5)
significant <- 5*(10^-8)
# Chromosomes names and lengths to have correct lengths in the manhattan plot
chrNames <- c("chr1", "chr2", "chr3", "chr4", "chr5", "chr6", "chr7", "chr8",
"chr9", "chr10", "chr11", "chr12", "chr13", "chr14", "chr15",
"chr16", "chr17", "chr18", "chr19", "chr20", "chr21", "chr22",
"chrX", "chrY")
chrNames <- as.factor(chrNames)
chrLengths <- c(248956422, 242193529, 198295559, 190214555, 181538259, 170805979,
159345973, 145138636, 138394717, 133797422, 135086622, 133275309,
114364328, 107043718, 101991189, 90338345, 83257441, 80373285,
58617616, 64444167, 46709983, 50818468, 156040895, 57227415)
names(chrLengths) <- chrNames
GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(variants_traits) <- chrLengths[names(GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(variants_traits))]
# The next 9 commands below are from the traitsManh function from the gwascat package.
# I do not use the function directly because it throws an error if ggplot is
# required after ggbio. (because ggplot2::autoplot will be called instead of
# ggbio::autoplot, and ggplot2::autoplot does not handle gwaswloc objects).
# gwascat::traitsManh(gwr = variants_traits, selr = gwas_cat, traits = traits)
variants_traits <- variants_traits[which(IRanges::overlapsAny(variants_traits,
availtr <- as.character(variants_traits$`DISEASE/TRAIT`)
oth <- which(!(availtr %in% traits))
availtr[oth] <- "Other"
variants_traits$Trait <- availtr
pv <- variants_traits$PVALUE_MLOG
# Capping the values at 25
variants_traits$PVALUE_MLOG = ifelse(pv > 25, 25, pv)
# Generate the plot
ggbio::autoplot(object = variants_traits, geom = "point",
ggplot2::aes(y = variants_traits$PVALUE_MLOG,
color = variants_traits$Trait)) +
# To add the chromosome name on top
ggplot2::facet_grid(. ~factor(seqnames, levels = chrNames), scales = "free_x", switch="both") +
# genome-wide significant threshold (p-value < 1 x 10-8)
# because : -log10(5*10^-8) = 7.30
ggplot2::geom_hline(ggplot2::aes(yintercept = -log10(suggestive),
linetype = paste0("Suggestive: ", suggestive)),
color = "blue", size = 0.3) +
ggplot2::geom_hline(ggplot2::aes(yintercept = -log10(significant),
linetype = paste0("Significant: ", significant)),
color = "red", size = 0.3) +
ggplot2::xlab("Genomic Coordinates") + ggplot2::ylab("-log10(p-value)") +
ggplot2::theme(strip.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = 10),
axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.ticks.x = ggplot2::element_blank()) +
# Overriding the guide legend for the linetype to allow for geom_hline's legend
ggplot2::scale_linetype_manual(name = "Thresholds p-values\n", values = c(2,2),
guide = ggplot2::guide_legend(override.aes = list(color = c("red", "blue"))))
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