#' MR mode estimators
#' Perform simple, weighted, penalised modes, as well as versions that use the NOME assumption.
#' @param dat Output from [harmonise_data()].
#' @param parameters List of parameters. The default is `default_parameters()`.
#' @param mode_method The default is `"all"`. The other choices are `'Simple mode'`, `'Weighted mode'`, `'Penalised mode'`, `'Simple mode (NOME)'`, `'Weighted mode (NOME)'`.
#' @export
#' @return data frame
mr_mode <- function(dat, parameters=default_parameters(), mode_method="all")
if("mr_keep" %in% names(dat)) dat <- subset(dat, mr_keep)
if(nrow(dat) < 3)
warning("Need at least 3 SNPs")
b_exp <- dat$beta.exposure
b_out <- dat$beta.outcome
se_exp <- dat$se.exposure
se_out <- dat$se.outcome
#Function to compute the point estimate#
#BetaIV.in: ratio estimates
#seBetaIV.in: standard errors of ratio estimates
beta <- function(BetaIV.in, seBetaIV.in, phi)
#Bandwidth rule - modified Silverman's rule proposed by Bickel (2002)
s <- 0.9*(min(stats::sd(BetaIV.in), stats::mad(BetaIV.in)))/length(BetaIV.in)^(1/5)
#Standardised weights
weights <- seBetaIV.in^-2/sum(seBetaIV.in^-2)
beta <- NULL
for(cur_phi in phi)
#Define the actual bandwidth
h <- max(0.00000001, s*cur_phi)
#Compute the smoothed empirical density function
densityIV <- stats::density(BetaIV.in, weights=weights, bw=h)
#Extract the point with the highest density as the point estimate
beta[length(beta)+1] <- densityIV$x[densityIV$y==max(densityIV$y)]
#Function to estimate SEs through bootstrap#
#BetaIV.in: ratio estimates
#seBetaIV.in: standard errors of ratio estimates
#beta_Mode.in: point causal effect estimates
boot <- function(BetaIV.in, seBetaIV.in, beta_Mode.in, nboot)
#Set up a matrix to store the results from each bootstrap iteration
beta.boot <- matrix(nrow=nboot, ncol=length(beta_Mode.in))
for(i in 1:nboot)
#Re-sample each ratio estimate using SEs derived not assuming NOME
BetaIV.boot <- stats::rnorm(length(BetaIV.in), mean=BetaIV.in, sd=seBetaIV.in[,1])
#Re-sample each ratio estimate using SEs derived under NOME
BetaIV.boot_NOME <- stats::rnorm(length(BetaIV.in), mean=BetaIV.in, sd=seBetaIV.in[,2])
#Simple mode, not assuming NOME
beta.boot[i, seq_along(phi)] <- beta(BetaIV.in=BetaIV.boot, seBetaIV.in=rep(1, length(BetaIV)), phi=phi)
#Weighted mode, not assuming NOME
beta.boot[i,(length(phi)+1):(2*length(phi))] <- beta(BetaIV.in=BetaIV.boot, seBetaIV.in=seBetaIV.in[,1], phi=phi)
#Penalised mode, not assuming NOME
weights <- 1/seBetaIV.in[,1]^2
penalty <- stats::pchisq(weights * (BetaIV.boot-beta.boot[i,(length(phi)+1):(2*length(phi))])^2, df=1, lower.tail=FALSE)
pen.weights <- weights*pmin(1, penalty*parameters$penk)
beta.boot[i,(2*length(phi)+1):(3*length(phi))] <- beta(BetaIV.in=BetaIV.boot, seBetaIV.in=sqrt(1/pen.weights), phi=phi)
#Simple mode, assuming NOME
beta.boot[i,(3*length(phi)+1):(4*length(phi))] <- beta(BetaIV.in=BetaIV.boot_NOME, seBetaIV.in=rep(1, length(BetaIV)), phi=phi)
#Weighted mode, assuming NOME
beta.boot[i,(4*length(phi)+1):(5*length(phi))] <- beta(BetaIV.in=BetaIV.boot_NOME, seBetaIV.in=seBetaIV.in[,2], phi=phi)
# Parameters
phi <- parameters$phi
nboot <- parameters$nboot
alpha <- parameters$alpha
#Ratio estimates
BetaIV <- b_out/b_exp
#SEs of ratio estimates
seBetaIV <- cbind(sqrt((se_out^2)/(b_exp^2) + ((b_out^2)*(se_exp^2))/(b_exp^4)), #SEs NOT assuming NOME
se_out/abs(b_exp)) #SEs ASSUMING NOME
#Point causal effect estimate using the simple mode
beta_SimpleMode <- beta(BetaIV.in=BetaIV, seBetaIV.in=rep(1, length(BetaIV)), phi=phi)
#Point causal effect estimate using the weighted mode (not asusming NOME)
beta_WeightedMode <- beta(BetaIV.in=BetaIV, seBetaIV.in=seBetaIV[,1], phi=phi)
weights <- 1/seBetaIV[,1]^2
penalty <- stats::pchisq(weights * (BetaIV-beta_WeightedMode)^2, df=1, lower.tail=FALSE)
pen.weights <- weights*pmin(1, penalty*parameters$penk) # penalized
beta_PenalisedMode <- beta(BetaIV.in=BetaIV, seBetaIV.in=sqrt(1/pen.weights), phi=phi)
#Point causal effect estimate using the weighted mode (asusming NOME)
beta_WeightedMode_NOME <- beta(BetaIV.in=BetaIV, seBetaIV.in=seBetaIV[,2], phi=phi)
#Combine all point effect estimates in a single vector
beta_Mode <- rep(c(beta_SimpleMode, beta_WeightedMode, beta_PenalisedMode, beta_SimpleMode, beta_WeightedMode_NOME))
#Compute SEs, confidence intervals and P-value
beta_Mode.boot <- boot(BetaIV.in=BetaIV, seBetaIV.in=seBetaIV, beta_Mode.in=beta_Mode, nboot=nboot)
se_Mode <- apply(beta_Mode.boot, 2, stats::mad)
CIlow_Mode <- beta_Mode-stats::qnorm(1-alpha/2)*se_Mode
CIupp_Mode <- beta_Mode+stats::qnorm(1-alpha/2)*se_Mode
P_Mode <- stats::pt(abs(beta_Mode/se_Mode), df=length(b_exp)-1, lower.tail=FALSE)*2
#Vector to indicate the method referring to each row
Method <- rep(c('Simple mode', 'Weighted mode', 'Penalised mode', 'Simple mode (NOME)', 'Weighted mode (NOME)'), each=length(phi))
#Return a data frame containing the results
id.exposure <- ifelse("id.exposure" %in% names(dat), dat$id.exposure[1], "")
id.outcome <- ifelse("id.outcome" %in% names(dat), dat$id.outcome[1], "")
Results <- data.frame(
id.exposure = id.exposure,
id.outcome = id.outcome,
method = Method,
nsnp = length(b_exp),
b = beta_Mode,
se = se_Mode,
ci_low = CIlow_Mode,
ci_upp = CIupp_Mode,
pval = P_Mode,
if(mode_method == "all")
} else {
stopifnot(all(mode_method %in% Results$method))
i <- which(Results$method == mode_method)
return(list(b = Results$b[i], se = Results$se[i], pval=Results$pval[i], nsnp=length(b_exp)))
#' MR weighted mode estimator
#' @param b_exp Vector of genetic effects on exposure
#' @param b_out Vector of genetic effects on outcome
#' @param se_exp Standard errors of genetic effects on exposure
#' @param se_out Standard errors of genetic effects on outcome
#' @param parameters List containing `phi` - Bandwidth parameter, and `nboot` - number of bootstraps to calculate SE. `default_parameters()` sets `list(phi=1, nboot=1000)`.
#' @export
#' @return List with the following elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{b}{MR estimate}
#' \item{se}{Standard error}
#' \item{pval}{p-value}
#' }
mr_weighted_mode <- function(b_exp, b_out, se_exp, se_out, parameters=default_parameters())
index <- !is.na(b_exp) & !is.na(b_out) & !is.na(se_exp) & !is.na(se_out)
if(sum(index) < 3)
return(list(b=NA, se=NA, pval=NA, nsnp=NA))
b_exp <- b_exp[index]
b_out <- b_out[index]
se_exp <- se_exp[index]
se_out <- se_out[index]
return(mr_mode(data.frame(beta.exposure=b_exp, beta.outcome=b_out, se.exposure=se_exp, se.outcome=se_out), parameters=parameters, mode_method="Weighted mode"))
#' MR simple mode estimator
#' @param b_exp Vector of genetic effects on exposure
#' @param b_out Vector of genetic effects on outcome
#' @param se_exp Standard errors of genetic effects on exposure
#' @param se_out Standard errors of genetic effects on outcome
#' @param parameters List containing `phi` - Bandwidth parameter, and `nboot` - number of bootstraps to calculate SE. `default_parameters()` sets `list(phi=1, nboot=1000)`.
#' @export
#' @return List with the following elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{b}{MR estimate}
#' \item{se}{Standard error}
#' \item{pval}{p-value}
#' }
mr_simple_mode <- function(b_exp, b_out, se_exp, se_out, parameters=default_parameters())
index <- !is.na(b_exp) & !is.na(b_out) & !is.na(se_exp) & !is.na(se_out)
if(sum(index) < 3)
return(list(b=NA, se=NA, pval=NA, nsnp=NA))
b_exp <- b_exp[index]
b_out <- b_out[index]
se_exp <- se_exp[index]
se_out <- se_out[index]
return(mr_mode(data.frame(beta.exposure=b_exp, beta.outcome=b_out, se.exposure=se_exp, se.outcome=se_out), parameters=parameters, mode_method="Simple mode"))
#' MR weighted mode estimator (NOME)
#' Weighted mode estimator
#' @param b_exp Vector of genetic effects on exposure
#' @param b_out Vector of genetic effects on outcome
#' @param se_exp Standard errors of genetic effects on exposure
#' @param se_out Standard errors of genetic effects on outcome
#' @param parameters List containing `phi` - Bandwidth parameter, and `nboot` - number of bootstraps to calculate SE. `default_parameters()` sets `list(phi=1, nboot=1000)`.
#' @export
#' @return List with the following elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{b}{MR estimate}
#' \item{se}{Standard error}
#' \item{pval}{p-value}
#' }
mr_weighted_mode_nome <- function(b_exp, b_out, se_exp, se_out, parameters=default_parameters())
index <- !is.na(b_exp) & !is.na(b_out) & !is.na(se_exp) & !is.na(se_out)
if(sum(index) < 3)
return(list(b=NA, se=NA, pval=NA, nsnp=NA))
b_exp <- b_exp[index]
b_out <- b_out[index]
se_exp <- se_exp[index]
se_out <- se_out[index]
return(mr_mode(data.frame(beta.exposure=b_exp, beta.outcome=b_out, se.exposure=se_exp, se.outcome=se_out), parameters=parameters, mode_method="Weighted mode (NOME)"))
#' MR simple mode estimator (NOME)
#' MR simple mode estimator (NOME).
#' @param b_exp Vector of genetic effects on exposure
#' @param b_out Vector of genetic effects on outcome
#' @param se_exp Standard errors of genetic effects on exposure
#' @param se_out Standard errors of genetic effects on outcome
#' @param parameters List containing `phi` - Bandwidth parameter, and `nboot` - number of bootstraps to calculate SE. `default_parameters()` sets `list(phi=1, nboot=1000)`.
#' @export
#' @return List with the following elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{b}{MR estimate}
#' \item{se}{Standard error}
#' \item{pval}{p-value}
#' }
mr_simple_mode_nome <- function(b_exp, b_out, se_exp, se_out, parameters=default_parameters())
index <- !is.na(b_exp) & !is.na(b_out) & !is.na(se_exp) & !is.na(se_out)
if(sum(index) < 3)
return(list(b=NA, se=NA, pval=NA, nsnp=NA))
b_exp <- b_exp[index]
b_out <- b_out[index]
se_exp <- se_exp[index]
se_out <- se_out[index]
return(mr_mode(data.frame(beta.exposure=b_exp, beta.outcome=b_out, se.exposure=se_exp, se.outcome=se_out), parameters=parameters, mode_method="Simple mode (NOME)"))
mr_mode_broken <- function(dat, parameters=default_parameters(), mode_method="all")
res <- plyr::ddply(dat, c("id.exposure", "exposure", "id.outcome", "outcome"), function(x) mr_mode_internal(x, parameters, mode_method="all"))
if(mode_method != "all")
return(subset(res, method %in% mode_method))
} else {
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